readingtherooms · 4 years
Summary: After a long day, you just want to lay down on the couch. Unfortunately, our resident genius got there first. 
Pairings: spencer reid x fem!reader
Requested: nope!! just me being in love w baby spence
Warnings: fluff, so much fluff. 
Word Count: 1568
A/N: hey guys! sorry this is a little all over the place, but i thought it was cute. I wrote this with season 1 in mind, but it’s really up for interpretation. I don't currently have a taglist but I think i'm going to start one so let me know if you want to me on it! The moodboard below was made by me however the images are not mine!
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It’s almost midnight, and the team is flying back to DC from Seattle. The case had ended well. (Y/n) should be relieved. She wasn’t. She had fought with her brother right before she left, and going home means she’s going to have to talk about it.
 “I’ve never been good at that. Talking. I much rather just hug it out, I've always been tactile”, she explains to JJ as she gets out of the car. 
Boarding the jet, everyone is welcomed by fluorescent lighting and the overwhelming essence of day old coffee. Spencer quickly makes himself at home on the couch, as Hotch and Gideon settle into a game of cards. (Y/n) tries to read, but after twenty minutes of staring at the same page, lost in her own head, she debates giving sleep a shot. She glances over at Spencer. He’s awake. 
“Is there any hope of me convincing you to give up the couch”, she mumbles as she sits down across from her best friend
“Is there any hope of me convincing you to come to the Jacques Delille convention with me on Saturday?” He quickly responded. (Y/n) sighed - her and Spencer had been friends at CalTech, long before she got the job with the BAU. Over the years, she grew quite fond of the eclectic conventions he would drag her to. She loved listening to Spencer go on his signature tangents, it gave her a chance to just listen. Not worry about being awkward or saying the wrong thing, like she did around most people. With Spencer, all she had to do was listen, and she loved it. Unfortunately, she was going to be spending her Saturday in a much less pleasant manner. 
“I already told you, I have to go to brunch with my brother” she groaned. 
He chuckled, “Well then I’m not moving”. 
“You know what, screw it” she thought to herself. She was tired, she kept getting caught up in her thoughts, and if she was being completely honest with herself, she was in desperate need of physical affection. 
“You don’t need to move” she stated bluntly.
“Wait, what?” Spencer responded, not even attempting to hide the surprise in his voice. He didn’t know (y/n) to go down without a fight.
“But you can’t stop me from laying on the couch” she countered. He responded only with a slight tilt of his head, and a look of confusion. (Y/n) stood up and walked over to where he had propped himself up. 
“Can I lay on you?” she half-whispered, her confidence starting to falter. 
“W-What?” he looked up at her with bewilderment in his eyes.
“Nevermind, it was a stupid idea.” She said, barely loud enough for him to hear. The fleeting confidence she had only moments ago, had completely drained out of her. She turned to walk towards the bathroom, attempting to escape the situation.
“Wait” he stopped her, despite still being perplexed by what she had just asked. “You can, uh, lay on me - if that's, uh, what you want.”  He clears his throat. 
“Are you sure?” (Y/n) responds, equally as flustered. He nods in response. 
After an uncomfortably long pause, she begins to lower herself onto the tan leather, leaning back as she does so. 
The next three minutes were chaotic to say the least, with neither of them not knowing exactly what to do. However, after those three, awkward, giggle filled minutes, (y/n) found herself lying between Spencer's legs, her head gently resting on his chest. She knew he wasn't always great with physical affection, she kept asking him if he was comfortable. He, in return, continued to reaffirm that he was, in fact, comfortable. 
A few more minutes went by, and soon (y/n) felt herself drift asleep, lulled by the soft fabric of his cardigan, and the gentle movements of his breath. 
Spencer, in contrast, was anything but peaceful. 
This just isn't the kind of thing that happened to him. Pretty girls don't just want to lay on him. His mind was a whirlwind of thoughts. He had just about convinced himself that this was a dream, when (y/n) shifted slightly, snapping him back into reality. 
He was suddenly very conscious of his arms. He had them resting lightly over her shoulder blades, in a position which he originally thought to feel natural. Doubt started to wash over him, he had never really done this before. Despite Derek's mocking, he wasn't actually a virgin, but it was in that moment that he realized he had never actually cuddled before. What if his arms were in the wrong place? What if (y/n) is judging him? Wishing she had never asked to lay on him? 
He lifted his right arm off of (y/n), and managed to pull his cell phone out of his pocket without too much movement. He really didn't want to do this, but he honestly couldn't think of a better alternative. He cursed himself internally, and reluctantly opened his phone, tapping on his second contact - “Derek Morgan”
Spencer : Derek, please turn around. Do not make a scene. 
Spencer sees Derek's head whip around as he reads the message, eyes widening when he notices (y/n). Despite being fairly certain that she was asleep, Spencer shifts his arm so that his phone was out of her line of sight. 
Derek : MY MAN!!!!!
Spencer : Don’t be dramatic, I need help. 
Derek : Dramatic?! Help?! Man you’ve liked this girl since COLLEGE 
Spencer : Trust me, I know. However, what I don't know is how to do this.
Derek : Do what? Cuddle?
Spencer : Yes, where do I put my arms?
Derek : Dude, you just gotta be natural
Spencer : That is completely unhelpful. Are you aware who you are talking to? Yesterday you watched me walk into a door. 
Derek : Yes, and I got it on video. Alright I guess I’m going to have to coach you through this. 
Spencer : Yes please. 
Derek : You owe me
Derek : Okay, take your right hand, and set it right above her waist
Spencer : My right or your right?
Derek : The hand with your phone in it
Derek : Now, your left hand, set it parallel to your right hand
Spencer : Does this look right? 
Derek : You’re doing great loverboy, are you finally gonna ask her out? 
Spencer : Maybe. 
Derek leaned over the back of his seat, clearly taking a photo. Spencer furrowed his brow. 
Spencer : Why did you take a photo of us?
Derek : Penelope. 
Spencer chuckled to himself lightly. He felt much more at ease than he had five minutes ago. Scanning the jet, he noticed that Derek had gone back to staring out the window. Everything seemed at ease. Hotch was facing away from Spencer, with a passed out Gideon across from him. JJ and Elle were both sleeping across from Derek, JJ lying on the brunette’s shoulder. 
Then there was (y/n). She was so peaceful as she slept, Spencer found himself entranced by her. He tucked back a strand of hair that fell onto her nose, and he felt her hum lightly with contentment. She smelt like vanilla, she always has. It was more than just perfume though, she must use vanilla body wash, shampoo as well. Is it possible she’s been using the same body wash since college? 
That is how Spencer Reid fell asleep that night, with (y/n) in his arms, thinking about the smell of vanilla.
Two hours later, Spencer’s eyes slowly started to crack open. (Y/n) was awake, nestled into the crook of his neck. 
“Hey sleepyhead” she teased. She received only an incomprehensible mumble in return. She looked at her watch, 4 AM. 
“We’re going to land in about a half hour, so I’m going to untangle myself and hopefully avoid a disapproving look from Hotch” she whispered in his ear. She placed a kiss on his forehead, before leaving the couch and returning to her original chair. 
The kiss was so soft, so light, that Spencer wasn’t even sure that it was real. The morning light was just beginning to spill through the small jet windows, and he waited for his eyes to adjust, before escaping to the bathroom. He was desperately trying to process what had occured in the past few hours. His mind was flooded with questions. 
Does this mean she likes me like I like her? 
Did she just need the comfort of a friend?
Is Derek going to make a big deal out of this?
IS THIS a big deal?
Hotch was awake, was he watching us? Does he care?
How does she always smell like Vanilla?
He finally realized that he would never find answers to all these questions standing in the jet bathroom. He fixes his hair, and steps back outside. 
“Hey (y/n)?”
“What’s up Spence?” 
“How do you always smell like vanilla?”
(Y/n)'s face lit up, giggling at his question. Suddenly, all the questions in Spencer’s brain felt like they were melting away. 
“Everything’s going to be okay” he thought to himself.
Everything is going to be okay because (y/n) is sitting in front of me
She’s smiling 
That smile could grow roses in the desert. 
Everything is going to be okay because she’s sitting in front of me
She’s smiling 
She’s smiling and she smells like vanilla
Oh, how I love vanilla. 
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This fic is a special one for another fic swap I participated in! This one is for @lexieshuntingsstuff ✨💕
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“Crying Over a Dead Man”
Spencer Reid x Reader
Warnings - mention of shooting, killing and criminals but with a fluffy ending? 💞
My heart was pounding as 3 shots from my gun fired true.
The sound of the each one echoed in my ears and a shiver ran down my spine.
My legs turned to jelly and I felt the world slow around me.
The man who stood straight ahead of me, now lay flat on the pavement.
A gasp left my mouth as I hit the cobblestone, time resuming.
“I’ve just killed a man”
I did my best to focus on my breathing but to no avail, I couldn’t stop the tears either.
I was crying. No, I was hyperventilating... over a criminal?
The team surround me but I only look for one face.
His face, Spencer’s face.
I feel his arms hook around my body and I’m raised from the ground.
He holds me close but I couldn’t focus. The tears fell but my face was vacant. I was numb.
Every time I tried to wipe the tears, more would fall and every time I tried to speak my throat would close up.
So, I remained silent. Silent on the plane ride back, and silent on the ride back to my apartment.
Spencer would glance in my direction every once in awhile but didn’t question me, I’d smile every now and then to reassure him but that was the best I could give him.
That night, I lay in bed replaying the events over and over again in my head. I couldn’t rid the sounds of the shots I fired.
I shivered and pulled the duvet over my body, trying to feel a sense of safety.
“Y/n? Are you okay?” Spencer whispers.
I reach for his hand and he moves across the bed towards me.
I curl into him as the sobs escape from me once again.
Spencer cradles me and whispers sweet nothings into my as an attempt to calm me.
“It’s okay, let it out. Let it all out”
I don’t know how long I laid there in his arms but when the tears finally cease I look towards my boyfriend.
“Why am I crying over a dead man Spencer? He was a criminal. A dangerous person. He doesn’t deserve my tears.”
Spence looks down at me with his big brown eyes before pressing a kiss on my forehead.
“Crying for a man, no matter if he’s good or bad isn’t wrong. It shows you are human and capable of emotion. Emotions like empathy and above all mercy”
His voice was gentle, calm but I felt the weight of his words.
I was not a bad person for showing emotion even to someone who may not deserve it.
I love my job, I love Spencer and I love the life I have now and I won’t let one person ruin that.
Tag List -
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readingtherooms · 4 years
reiding the room’s masterlist :)
One Day He’ll Notice - spencer reid x fem!reader
Reader wonders if Spencer will ever notice her feelings towards him.
one shots 
Vanilla - spencer reid x fem!reader
After a long day, you just want to lay down on the couch. Unfortunately, our resident genius got there first.
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