stuckylibrary · 3 years
Hello, thank you so much for this amazing library. I come here often to find new fics. Maybe you can help me find another one. I’m looking for CACW rewrites where they actually fight against the 5 other super soldiers. Are there any like this out there? Thanks in advance! <3
This post is for you!
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@reijamira said in reply to: 
@amarriageoftrueminds, when I read your first sentence I couldn’t believe my eyes! It was always one of the most nagging questions for me why Bucky is deemed weaker than Steve in fanon. And then you come along and tell me you’ve already written meta on that matter. That was just too good to be true. And what satisfying and conclusive meta it is! It was such a delight to suck it all up. Thank you!
I 100 percent agree with you. We have no evidence whether Bucky is weaker than Steve or not. You can’t just draw that conclusion from what we’re given in the movies. (By the way, I loved your little commentaries in the Fights section like what a bitch, the fools, and Bucky you useless bisexual. Lol)
And you are right. It would make absolutely no sense that a mastermind and genius like Zola was not able to recreate a perfectly working serum. Absolutely no sense at all.
Your explanation why Bucky is often a target for Wimpification is also conclusive. I haven’t thought about how Bucky’s character combines all of three reasons why he can’t be stronger than the male hero.
So feminine + sidekick + villain = that’s a triple dose of ‘he can’t be as strong  as the male hero, he just can’t!’ If you put it like that the guy just stands no chance at all.
Thanks again for this insightful meta! It was a delightful read!
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Thank you for such detailed feedback!
(Since then I’ve added even more because I had an epiphany about the Erskine dates; also, I realised that dislike of Nazis is another reason on top of why fanon doesn’t ‘want’ Bucky’s serum to be a success. So it’s actually a quadruple whammy!) 
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lost-shoe · 3 years
Tag a quality blog, You’re it! Quality doesn’t mean that you have a lot of followers, or a lot of messages. It means that you’re nice to other people, and you deserve to be happy. If you get this message, someone is telling you that they love you as you are, and they don’t care how many followers you have. Send this to 15 blogs who deserve it. If you break the chain, nothing will happen. But it’s just good to let someone know that you love them. 🧡💛🧡
Oh my word, thank you so much for thinking of me!! You know one of these is headed right back at you right?? 😘 xx
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luna-rainbow · 3 years
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GIF credit @lost-shoe @namieamuuro
I should’ve rewatched the whole scene before I wrote the meta. That look on Steve’s face afterwards. This was not supposed to happen. Why does it feel like something that’s happened before?
He looks up and the sniper is gone. He’s trying to recall every detail he saw, “Fast, strong, has a metal arm.”
His heart sinks a little when he hears Nat say that the Winter Soldier has been credited with assassinations that span decades. He thought his past had dropped in for a visit, but the Winter Soldier had been active through the half century that he had been asleep in ice. Maybe the familiarity came only from the strength and speed that was characteristic of super soldiers.
He thought he saw his past, but he only saw another version of himself.
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Then he sees the Winter Soldier on the Causeway, strutting striding calmly through the crowd, dark silhouette materialising from the haze like a familiar ghost from the past.
And he was so, so familiar.
The way he rests the rifle against his shoulder. The way his weight shifts as he takes aim. The way his hands wrap around the grip to steady his shot. The way he holds the shield as though he’s held it on his arm a hundred times before. The way his foot slides back a step and the way his torso tilts as he prepares to toss.
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“Catch!” He could almost hear the voice. He could almost hear the smile in that voice, calling across the void of 70 years.
But overlying that familiarity was also something starkly foreign. It was the stare of a predator, the efficiency of a machine, the relentlessness of a robot. Not only was there no recognition or emotion in those eyes, but every fluid movement was calculated to maximise injury and lethality.
So different from the man he resembled, who always gave Steve a place of solace and shelter.
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He grabs the assassin and throws him over his shoulder.
Why does even the weight and height feel so familiar? The breadth of his shoulders, the curve of his ribs, the heave of his back, and the way he twists nimbly back onto his feet.
(*cough* Even if you take the non-sexualised reading of their relationship there’s enough physical intimacy in their shared youth scenes to suggest they would have had frequent close physical contact with each other, whether affectionately or during training.)
Steve could feel his own agitation. He wanted to know. He needed to know. The answer was surging to the surface but he was almost afraid of what it would show.
He never knew urgency could ache so much.
He pulls off the mask, and his world goes silent.
The uncharacteristic ruthlessness, the unrecognisable aloofness, the unusual prosthesis…the unlikely alliance with Hydra.
It was impossible. Inconceivable.
But indisputable.
It was Bucky.
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(Thanks @reijamira for the tag. Here’s an identity meta 😉)
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ifandomus · 3 years
tag nine people you’d like to catch up with or get to know better
Thank you for tagging me @reijamira !!
favorite color: Green maybe. I mostly like natural and jewel colors if that makes sense.
currently reading: A bunch of fanfictions and the Grishaverse books by Leigh Bardugo
last song: All eyes on me by Bo Burnham
last movie: Captain America: the winter soldier
last series: Loki, Im also planning on watching the Shadow and Bone series as soon as I finish the books.
currently working on: A few different things. My mental health is one, I have found a good therapist finally. Unfortunately because the vaccinations in my country is moving so slowly (unless you live in the big cities) I havent been able to get vaccinated yet, so that limits things a lot still. And because I like to live by the ‘better safe than sorry’ way, Im still planning on being careful after getting vaccinated.
I’m tagging (no pressure to do, though):
@hufflepuff58 @luna-rainbow @anarcoqueer1994 @slytherclaw2005 @annebaneriddle @bethnottingham013 @vincnette @lisbeibeth @sambucky-saves-lives
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silverofthunder · 3 years
tag nine people you’d like to catch up with or get to know better
thank you for tagging me, @lindir 💕
favorite color: black, blue, gray currently reading: not any books, some fanfics in my native language
last song: Silver End - The Valley
last movie: Playing with Fire (2019)
last series: Loki and Stranger Things
coffee or tea: both
currently working on: my microfiction collections
i'm tagging (no pressure to do, though): @lcufeysons, @achillestiel, @smiledean, @buckywilsonbarnes, @wikiangela & @reijamira
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tag nine people you’d like to catch up with or get to know better
I was tagged by @reijamira. Thank you! (❁´◡`❁)
favorite color: purple (for now, it has changed, may change again)
currently reading: Novacene: The Coming Age of Hyperintelligence by James Lovelock
last song: 1x1 from Bring Me The Horizon
last movie: Thor: Ragnarok (2017) (a re-watch due to Loki reasons xD)
last series: TFATWS, Loki and Good Omens (a re-watch for S2 announcement reasons xD)
coffee or tea: both
currently working on: on a second fic that follows Sam and Bucky right after the events for my first fic ^_^
I'm tagging: (no pressure! and if anyone outside of my tags wants to jump in, please do!)
@nokarmaisnotreading, @awkward-freaks-soul, @proudcasgirl, @spnjohnlocked, @waitedforgarridebs, @mishavacado, @sv926​, @immortalecstasy-blog​, @fellshish​
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luna-rainbow · 3 years
Thanks for the tag, @gunshou
(Gah this one really killed my inner INTJ because I need context! And justifications! And exceptions! LOL)
painting or photography // dusk or dawn // spring or autumn // movies or tv shows // chocolate or nutella // audiobooks or podcasts reading // card games or board games (neither) // fiction or nonfiction // cookies or brownies // dragon or unicorns // cake or pie // bath or shower // blue or yellow // rollercoasters or bumper cars // iced tea or hot tea  // left side of bed or right side of bed // zip-up hoodie or pullover hoodie // straight hair or curly hair // gummy worms or gummy bears // rain or snow // rings or necklaces // comfort or style // sneakers or flip-flops // bowling or mini-golf // pasta or pizza
Tagging: @reijamira @humoristhefirstcasualty @anniethelen @mochajay-jay and anyone else who wants to do it 😊
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