#rein is good
atinyprincesss · 2 months
sometimes i watch videos and tiktoks of ateez and in sitting there giggling and kicking my feet and i have to remind myself, for my own sanity, that they are literally just men and i need to calm tf down
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dannydoteggg · 2 months
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Emil and my MC Myr from the lovely @fallenlightsif
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The fact that Taylor has released the same amount of albums under Universal/Republic in less than half the time when she was with Big Machine, really makes me wonder about all of the potential things she could’ve done if instead of having to fight tooth and nail for everything, they had granted her more creative freedom and trusted her.
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badassindistress · 17 days
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I had a lot of fun frolicking around a museum in my silly little dress today~
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skyberia · 7 months
the further i get into my astarion origin run the less sense the concept of playing as him makes. Why in the world is the evil gay elf OF ALL PEOPLE the one calling the shots. why is everyone just standing by and letting this happen. Guys
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itskittenss · 8 months
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alynnl · 1 year
I find it interesting how Phoenix and Edgeworth decide to be responsible adults to the younger people around them even though they don't have everything in their lives figured out yet.
Edgeworth acts as a mentor figure to Kay and Sebastian even as he goes through every crisis imaginable in Investigations 1 & 2.
Phoenix helps Maya take care of Pearl in the aftermath of Morgan's arrest. And later on, he adopts Trucy when he finds out she has no (known) next of kin - despite going through his own hardships at the time.
They step up when it counts. They're both not perfect, but Phoenix and Edgeworth have their hearts in the right place and I admire that about them.
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uniquezombiedestiny · 7 months
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I'd like to know why you are all alone while I'm lost at sea /
Maybe we'll be there when you want
#bella#fc!bella#lc ocs#art#this is from reinhardt's (branch-wdk53) pov! you cant escape him in my art. i cant escape him#link leads to stranded lullaby - the lyrics are also from there :3#this is around rein's fears about bella being like ryn but is also about the extraction interaction (still love that name)#honestly every piece of this has. so many meanings like. god#let me just redo all this and go through them one by one lmao#the sea: this one's about them being in the same situation. also their issues (the sea will slowly rise; obscuring and drowning them)#it's also about guilt - it can be a blood ocean! the blood of those they let die...#OOOH I JUST NOTICED THIS: bloodbath! since it's a blood sea :3#the halos: the inner one is halfway just for composition half bc rein sees bella as a good person. the outer (hard to see but) tear-shaped#halo is both a drop in the sea (me when the blood sea! when we've let so many die it no longer matters.) and a noose's opening -#like foos's but metaphorically(? lmao) bella's own suicide by distancing herself from her friends and therefore her help/support system#the black spots: represents rein losing her in a way. he knows what's happening but has no idea how to help. also tied in with his#amnesia/memory loss (totally covered; lost info; yknow). could even be from pain or drowning in the sea! who knows! :3c#...........yeah im normal about these two. you can trust me.#i need to make a bella/ritz piece istg... ive been sleeping on them!!!!!!!!#but. i love these two so much. total of 2 interactions and i made the MOST out of them <3#also since im naming all these now since i gotta save them to post em: this one is called lost
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I’m not here to yuck on anyone’s yum* but some of y’all are using speculating on David Tennant’s sexuality as an excuse for thinly veiled biphobia, yet again. Cut it out.
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wp100 · 6 months
wonder where khadgar's been :p
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nonbinaryphantom · 1 year
am probably like the only person who has this hc but like i love the idea that half ghosts dont have obsessions (in the traditional sense) like ghosts dont have that choice its like something theyre compelled to do regardless of rational but also because without an obsession there’s nothing anchoring them down to the physical realm.
but half ghosts are already anchored via human body so no need for an obsession. something about the humanity of half ghosts giving them a choice, like thats why they aren’t as focused on a theme like say the lunch lady or the box ghost or ember. like they have the agency to be whatever the hell they want do whatever they want.
plus the theme of choice with vlad and danny as foils bc theyre similar but vlad chose to be an absolute dipshit while danny ultimately chose to save others its just more satisfying than when both are effectively forced to act out the hero villain role
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liquidstar · 7 months
A lot of you guys in the replies had really good/funny things to say about the concept of a "subaru being technically under house arrest in the felt camp route" tags and I'd love to talk about it w you too but I feel kinda bad taking over ops post 😭
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crow-n-tell · 1 year
Reading manwha and seeing that someone is riding a horse in the worst possible way sends me over the edge everytime
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notyourastarion · 8 months
"You can bite me, I trust you."
Starter for @reining-disaster
Out of their merry little band, Astarion had singled out a potential member to feed from straight away: Rein. Rein who was understanding and patient with people. Rein who wouldn't get as angry as the request for blood as say, the Githyanki. Rein who was inviting any old lost soul to join the camp like he was collecting shells at the beach. Helpful Rein. Kind Rein. Friendly Rein.
The little half-elf was simply exhausting sometimes. How on earth were they supposed to save themselves when he felt the need to help every poor sap who crossed their path?
"You trust me? How delightfully naive of you." He smirked, as he often did, and shifted his weight from one foot to another. He wouldn't get what he wanted if he didn't at least act civil. "A bite has lasting effects, you know. Are you sure about this, darling?"
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1dont-really-know · 2 months
A sort-of continuation to this! Set in the same day, about 8 hours apart :3
Tagging : @kitwasnothere @kdjmybeloved (feel free to tell me if you wanna be tagged :3)
Feat: Malva Draconia, Lilia Vanrouge, mentioned Malleus Draconia and Maleanor Draconia
Still nothing.
Lilia sighs. He has been standing in front of the princess’s door for a while now. Maybe ten, twenty minutes? Yet still, despite his efforts, not even a whisper has been heard in response. “Look, I know what I said was harsh, but can you please just come out here and talk to me? You're being incredibly childish.” Even worse yet, the door’s locked. Not just physically, but with an extra layer of magic as well. It’s flimsy, yes, but at the same time just so incredibly petty. 
He can’t believe he’s getting the silent treatment of all things. Lilia is used to temper tantrums; he’s used to Maleanor throwing her magic around to intimidate people into getting what she wants, and even though Malva had never been quite as bad as her sister was (as in, she refused to actually hurt people on purpose), she had had her fair share of tantrums as well.
That, Lilia suspects, is why it feels so foreboding.
Draconias know what they want and are not afraid to do what it takes to get it, often by destructive measures.
They are prideful.
They are demanding.
They are powerful. 
They are not silent. 
"Perhaps had you only used your Unique Magic, Maleanor wouldn't have died and neither of us would have had to go through this.” 
Guilt gnaws at Lilia, pushed down to the bottom of his heart by his pride. He knows what he says wasn’t true; that Malva would not have been able to stop Maleanor from sacrificing herself even if she had foreseen it happening. Yet still, she could have done more. 
He could have done more.
But the only thing they could do now is make the best out of what they have.
And… they have each other, don't they? 
She had stood up for him when the Senate had tried to take Malleus away from them, even if it changed little in the end. Even if their opinions differ on what they think is best for the little hatchling. Even if he’s pretty sure that she would have immediately ran off and left everything behind had Malleus not been a factor.
Lilia shook his head to rid himself of the thought. Malva has been nothing but a good aunt for Malleus. It was no use thinking of what could have been had he not been in the picture. He’s the only thing left that both Lilia and Malva have to protect together .
But it’s been getting to her. Even Lilia himself can tell. He’s noticed that the grief in Malva’s eyes has yet to fade even the slightest bit since the night Maleanor had died. He’s noticed the way she stares off into the distance when she thinks no one is looking. He’s noticed the way she’s been spending less and less time at the castle as Malleus ages.
He realized too late that the grief in her eyes that day was fresh.
It's part of what triggered their argument, really. With her demanding that he spend more time with Malleus while he actively watches her spend less and less time with him, Lilia had felt that Malva was nothing short of a hypocrite. Besides, he had a valid reason as to why he can't spend more time with him, as opposed to her, who's starting to distance herself out of her own free will.
Could he have stopped it? Was there a world where he could have saved her?
"Perhaps had you only used your Unique Magic, Maleanor wouldn't have died and neither of us would have had to go through this.” 
“I'm giving you until the count of three.”
Even if so, Lilia knew that he'd be lying to himself if he said that his words didn't cross a line.
And he saw firsthand how much Maleanor's death affected her.
He shouldn't have said what he did. That's why he's here now; to apologize to her. He just needs her to open the door and talk to him. Just that one tiny thing. 
No response.
Lilia pushes down the feeling of disappointment in his chest. He should have known that wouldn't work. 
“You're really not making it easy for either of us, are you?”
It only took a second; a mere moment for him to unlock the door and step inside.
He should've known something was wrong.
Malva’s room is dark when he enters. Lilia wonders briefly how the plants that reside inside could ever get the sunlight they needed with Malva’s schedule, but the said plants looked just fine. The vines that crawl around her windows are a vibrant green, and so are the ferns and bushes she keeps in pots near her bed. Well cared for, even with the things she apparently has to go through.
For a moment, there doesn't seem to be anyone inside, but then Lilia notices a shape on the floor. He rolls his eyes, approaching Malva where she lays on her side next to her desk. The remains of what must be her latest experiment lays on top of the oaken furniture, branches from a bush with some shiny black berries still attached, a piece of paper with her handwriting on it next to them. The leaves are gone, presumably to make a potion or another. Perhaps a stealth potion, to help her sneak out more? He can't really feel her magic right now, even from this distance. She's probably sulking because she wanted it to do more than just hide her magic.
Once he reaches her, Lilia kneels down and places his hand on her arm, mildly annoyed, “Malva, come on now. You can't just keep–”
Lilia freezes. The moment his hand made contact with hers, it felt like the air was being sucked right out of his lungs. A horrifying realization dawns upon him, creeping up his spine and suffocating him with dread.
Malva’s cold. Unnaturally cold.
This… this can't be real, right? It's probably just a side effect of whatever it was she was making. Yes, that has to be it. Lilia grabs Malva’s wrist and tries not to think too much about how hard it is to move it from its position, checking (searching) for a heartbeat, and when that doesn't work, he presses his fingers against her neck’s pulse point and hopes desperately to feel something there instead.
He doesn’t. It takes him a second to realize that. His hands are trembling so badly that he gave himself false hope more than once in the span of a single minute.
He squeezes her hand, using his other one to carefully try to shake her awake, his efforts quickly becoming more panicked and desperate as second after second passes by without a single shred of response. “Malva.” He calls her name, the tremble of his hands making its way to his voice, “Malva, this isn't funny. I know you're angry at me, but this isn't how to resolve this. Come on.”
Her eyes, half open and glazed over, just continue to stare forwards at nothing at all. There was no hint of life to be seen there. No emotion, no reaction; nothing. 
Lilia looks frantically around the room from where he kneels, trying to find something– anything that could help. Malva’s a healer, so she'd have things that would help in situations like these, right? But what had caused this? She couldn't have just dropped like this; there had to be a reason. She was fine just a few hours ago. She was fine before their argument. She was fine before…
The plant with the shiny black berries on the table. The missing leaves and bits of dug-up roots.
The note in her handwriting.
It felt like ice was coursing through Lilia’s veins. 
He can hear footsteps rapidly approaching, and with his vision starting to blur, Lilia looks down at Malva and gives her hand another squeeze, trying to sound as reassuring as possible, “just hold on, alright? Just hold on. Help is on their way, and you'll be–” alright? Fine? Safe? What word is there in any language that could make sense with her current condition?
He can't even get himself to finish his sentence.
He just needs her to be alright.
He never got a chance to apologize to her.
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ninawolv3rina · 1 year
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Not proud, not ashamed, but a third, secret thing
OCs: Kennet (he/him), Isak (he/him)
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