#reinhard michl
hoerbahnblog · 1 year
Reportage: Buchmesse Litera Bavarica 2023 – Teil 7
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Reportage: Buchmesse Litera Bavarica 2023 – Teil 7 Martin Arz: Ghosting Giesing – Krimi (Hirschkäfer Verlag) (Hördauer 17 Minuten) https://literaturradiohoerbahn.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/Reportage-bavarica-Teil-7-M-Arz-Giesing-upload.mp3 Thomas Michael Glaw: Siegmunds Rache – Benedict Schönheits fünfter Fall (Mediathoughts Verlag) (Hördauer 19…
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antiqueanimals · 2 years
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From The Foundling Fox (Der Findefuchs), written by Irina Korschunow, and illustrated by Reinhard Michl. 1982.
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doubtspirit · 3 years
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"The cat as a doctor ..." by Reinhard Michl, watercolor with colored pencil. | "Der Kater als Arzt..." von Reinhard Michl, Aquarell mit Buntstift.
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sammlungeichhorn · 8 years
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Reinhard Michl “Die Weihnachtsmäuse”
© Carl Hanser Verlag München, 2009
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sugarplum-senpai · 7 years
10 writerly questions tag
The lovely @sweetsoursugarcube tagged me in this. Thank you so much! <3
1. How many WIPs (Works in Progress) do you have?
Including Sparrow (Revised), I have 1 with some writing exercises in-between. I write best when I have only one piece to dive into to the full. 
2. Do/Would you write fanfiction?
Yes. All to be read here. 
3. Do you prefer paper books or e-books?
I want to quote @sweetsoursugarcube here: “I love paper books. The weight of a “real” book is comforting, the pages are smooth, and they often smell nice (I’m not weird for sniffing books, you’re weird for sniffing books).“
I still read more stories on a screen these days. Fanfic makes it happen so easily. Plus: Audiobooks/podfics! They are amazing and will be my one true love forever. 
4. When did you start writing?
Little culinary stories for my food blog I started writing around 6 years ago, I think. Fic writing started 2 years ago with this one.
5. Do you have someone you trust that you share your work with?
Yes. @kurahieiritrjio has been doing amazing beta work on my Nuthatch and  Sparrow (Revised). And with my Secret Santa fic I had the best support I could I wished for by @omglevixeren and @fluffymusketeer . Thank you, you guys. You are amazing! 
(And @raindrop-rouge will always have a place in my heart as my lovely beta-angel.)
6. Where is your favorite place to write?
It differs since I like to switch places to not end in some weird rut. Recently I prefer a cosy place on the couch or at the dinner table, next to the record player. 
7. Favourite book as a child?
What does “child” mean here? Age 2-6 years: Es klopft bei Wanja in der Nacht by Reinhard Michl. 6-10 years: Jim Knopf und Lukas der Lokomotivführer by Michael Ende and the whole Bullerbü series by Astrid Lindgren. >10 years: Der satanarchäolügenialkohällische Wunschpunsch by Michael Ende. My Grandma also gifted me a book when I was 12 called Der Schönste von allen by Dagmar Chidolue. It was young teenage romance and the book that got me to love reading books in general (and not just mostly books with pictures in them). It had amazing sensorial descriptions and now that I think about it, it might have influenced me a lot. I also have a pair of Grimm’s Fairy Tail books that look like they’ve been loved my more than one enthusiastic child (though yes, it was all me). 
8. Writing for fun or publication?
Fun as for now. I have written some culinary articles for paid online publication, though, if that counts.
9. Have you taken any writing classes?
Nope. I’m a learning by doing kind of person and self-teaching helps me most. 
10. What inspired you to write?
I read a few fics that had some character portrayals I didn’t enjoy at all. And so I thought: Hey, why not try it myself?
I’m tagging: @appleapplepeach , @kurahieiritrjio , @omglevixeren , @fluffymusketeer , @ittybittyteapot , @mongoose-bite , @monsoondownpour   Only if you guys want to, of course. 
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bspolink1348 · 5 years
A lire dès aujourd’hui en BSPO (27/05/19)
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À la une : The state between interdependence and power in the contemporary world : a reassessment / Elena Aoun, Pierre Vercauteren (eds)
Cote de rangement : JZ 1308 S 257469 / Domaine : Sciences politiques
« For decades, the discipline of International Relations (IR) has been defined by the centrality of the state as the international actor par excellence and most debates on this key actor have developed from the perspective of ��power’ as a defining notion. Later, IR analysts awoke to a new context that appeared to be the consequence of multiple evolutions and trends which began decades earlier but remained mostly unnoticed or underestimated. None of these trends that underpin today’s global context leaves the state and traditional notions of power unaffected. There is therefore a need to reassess the place of the state as it faces all the challenges of this more complex international reality. One part of a pluriannual research project undertaken in the framework of the Research Network on International Governance, Globalization and the Transformations of the State (REGIMEN), this book seeks to address these core issues from various perspectives, allowing for broad and detailed analyses alike.
The first part of the volume offers new theoretical insights on power in the contemporary international system. The second part offers a collection of chapters equally interested in developed middle powers and emerging ones, with a focus on state practices in a period characterized by multiple crises and shifting power distribution. Finally, the last section tackles the hollowing out of state power from very different perspectives, in quite different configurations of interdependence, and in various countries or regions.
Elena Aoun holds a PhD from Science Po Paris and is currently assistant professor in International Relations at the Université catholique de Louvain. Her research interests revolve around EU foreign policy, the conflicts and crises in the Middle East and international involvement in the region.
Pierre Vercauteren is professor in International Relations at the Université catholique de Louvain and visiting professor at the Université Paris Est, and at the Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brasil. He is also secretary general of the international research network REGIMEN. » - Quatrième de couverture
Archaeogaming : an introduction to archaeology in and of video games / Andrew Reinhard
Cote de rangement : CC 79 R 257466
Qualitative data analysis with NVivo / Pat Bazeley, Kristi Jackson
Cote de rangement : H 61 .3 B 257464
Making is connecting : the social power of creativity, from craft and knitting to digital everything / David Gauntlett
Cote de rangement : HM 741 M 257465
Les communautés / Max Weber
Cote de rangement : HM 756 W 257451
Enquête sur les bourgeois : aux marges des beaux quartiers / Kevin Geay
Cote de rangement : HT 653 G 257453
Youtube : online video and participatory culture / Jean Burgess and Joshua Green
Cote de rangement : HM 851 B 257463
Sémiotique et critique de la culture : espace, nourriture, nature, objets / Gianfranco Marrone
Cote de rangement : P 99 .3 M 257457
Fox populism : branding conservatism as working class / Reece Peck
Cote de rangement : PN 4888 P 257470
Économétrie appliquée aux variables de durée sous SAS et R / Emmanuel Duguet
Cote de rangement : HB 141 D 257452
Growth and distribution / Duncan K. Foley, Thomas R. Michl, Daniele Tavani
Cote de rangement : HD 75 F 257461
S'engager pour accompagner : valeurs des métiers de la formation / Mireille Cifali
Cote de rangement : LB 1051 C 257456
Visual culture / Richard Howells, Joaquim Negreiros
Cote de rangement : LB 1068 H 257471
Esthétique du détail : peinture-photographie / Jean-Claude Chirollet
Cote de rangement : BH 39 C 257460
Une sociologie des musiques populaires / Simon Frith
Cote de rangement : ML 3470 F 257450
Entreprise et responsabilité sociale en questions : savoirs et controverses / sous la direction de Jean-Pierre Chanteau, Kathia Martin-Chenut et Michel Capron
Cote de rangement : HD 60 E 257455
Human resource management and digitalization / edited by Franca Cantoni, Gianluigi Mangia
Cote de rangement : HF 5549 .5.T33 H 257468
Sciences politiques
Rapport de la Mission d'étude en France sur la recherche et l'enseignement des génocides et des crimes de masse / rédigée et éditée par Vincent Duclert
Cote de rangement : HV 6322 .7 R 257459
Temporalité(s) politique(s) : le temps dans l'action politique collective / sous la direction de Renaud Payre et Guillaume Marrel
Cote de rangement : JA 78 T 257458
International relations and the European Union / edited by Christopher Hill, Michael Smith and Sophie Vanhoonacker
Cote de rangement : JZ 1570 I 257467
Militer pour la science : les mouvements rationalistes en France (1930-2005) / Sylvain Laurens
Cote de rangement : B 833 L 257454
Symbols that stand for themselves / Roy Wagner
Cote de rangement : GN 452 .5 W 257462
Tous ces ouvrages sont exposés sur le présentoir des nouveautés de la BSPO. Ceux-ci pourront être empruntés à domicile à partir du 11 juin 2019.
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lecitare · 7 years
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Irina Korschunow erzählt in ihrer Geschichte “Findefuchs” das Schicksal eines verlassenen kleinen Fuchses, der von einer fremden Füchsin adoptiert wird. Das Buch wurde von Reinhard Michl einfühlsam illustriert. Die Kinder haben gespannt zugehört und mitgefiebert.
Im Wald liegt ein einsames Fuchsjunges, denn seine Mutter wurde vom Jäger erschossen. Eine fremde Füchsin kommt vorbei, wärmt es und gibt ihm zu trinken. Doch sie muss heim zu ihren eigenen Kindern. Sie zögert, packt dann das Kleine vorsichtig und trägt es mit ihrer Schnauze durch den Wald. Plötzlich hört sie das Bellen des Jagdhundes, kann aber entkommen. Auch der Dachs stellt sich ihr in den Weg, sie muss mit ihm kämpfen. Schafft sie es, das Füchslein gesund in den Bau zu bringen...?
Unsere gebastelten Füchse schauen vergnügt aus dem Moos hervor.
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"Lummerland era uma ilha minúscula, tão minúscula que nela só cabiam quatro pessoas e uma locomotiva. Um belo dia, chega um pacote pelo correio - e dentro do pacote, um menino." Livro: Jim Knopf e Lucas, o maquinista Autor: Michael Ende Ilustração: Reinhard Michl #inspiracao #jimknopf #michaelende #martinsfontes #livro #fantasia #ficção #fantastico #idolo #book #dragao #dragon #inspiration #trezepiratas #lummerland #locomotiva #fantastic #reinhardmichl #literatura #livros #bookstagram #editora #historiasemfim #neverendingstory #fantasy #infantojuvenil #brainstorm
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BFT Book Photo Challenge | February 24th: cuteness overload
This children’s book is about a mouse who falls in love with a cat. It’s a bit sad and beautifully illustrated!
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hoerbahnblog · 1 year
Reportage: Buchmesse Litera Bavarica 2023 – Teil 6
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Reportage: Buchmesse Litera Bavarica 2023 – Teil 6 Uwe Neumahr: Das Schloss der Schriftsteller – Nürnberg ʼ46 (Verlag C.H.Beck), SPIEGEL-Bestseller (Hördauer 20 Minuten) https://literaturradiohoerbahn.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/Reportage-bavarica-Teil-6-Uwe-Neumahr-upload.mp3 ©Histonauten Norbert Göttler/Elisabeth Tworek: Kriegerdenkmäler in Oberbayern…
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antiqueanimals · 2 years
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From The Foundling Fox (Der Findefuchs), written by Irina Korschunow, and illustrated by Reinhard Michl. 1982.
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sammlungeichhorn · 8 years
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Reinhard Michl “Die Weihnachtsmäuse”
© Carl Hanser Verlag München, 2009
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sugarplum-senpai · 7 years
1,2,3,6,20/21,30,39/40 (you can pick and choose if that's too many :p)
Thank you so much for your questions! Of course, I’ll answer them all.
1: What book did you last finish? When was that?
“Tooth and Claw” by Jo Walton. Um…1-2 months ago, I think? I loved it! 
2: What are you currently reading?
“On Stranger Tides” by Tim Powers. :) 
3: What book are you planning to read next?
There’s the second part of Skargat by Daniel Illger (a German author) on my nightstand. It has been there for over a year now, and I don’t know. I loved the first book like crazy, but reading German is (sadly) hard for me lately. So it keeps getting put on hold. 
6: Which book was the last one you really, really loved?
Rose Daughter by Robin McKinley. I’m still swooning over that one!
20: Best summer read?
I love to read the “Kate Daniels” books by Ilona Andrews in summer. A good pinch of humour, a bad-arse heroine, magic, adventure, danger…what’d not to love?!
21: Best winter read?
Fanfic. :P Snuggling up on the cosy couch, tea, and reading “All Life is Yours to Miss” by Saras_Girl for the umpteenth time for extra cosiness and fuzzy feelings. 
Books? Hm…grand romantic stories, I guess. You know, the Jane Austen, Georgette Heyer, and fairytale kind of novels that coddle you up and make you happy from the inside out. 
30: Who’s your favorite author?
I don’t really have one at the moment, not only due to the fact that narrowing favourites down always has been hard for me. It’s also because it depends on my mood and what I’m currently “looking for” in a book. Plus fanfic truly does make it hard! There are amazing authors out there. ;) To narrow it down to books though:
It’s been Tad Williams for a long while, due to his humour and characterisation, plus of his way of writing action scenes (battles) that even I enjoy(ed) and didn’t have to skim read. Patrick Rothfuss stands right next to him and still does, for the same reasons, but he’s also got some symbolism in his books that I adore. 
Murakami has a wonderful, powerful writing, though I must admit I haven’t read too much by him yet to declare him as favourite. Neil Gaiman as well for the same reasons. 
39: Name one of your favorite childhood books
“Es klopft bei Wanja in der Nacht” by Reinhard Michl. (The English translation is called “Who’s That Knocking at My Door?”)
40: Name one of your favorite books from your teenage years
“Son of the Shadows” by Juliet Marillier, though it constantly battled with its predecessor “Daughter of the Forest”. 
Oh, yes. And Harry Potter, of course. Books 4-6 were my favourites.
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hoerbahnblog · 1 year
Reportage: Buchmesse Litera Bavarica 2023 – Teil 5
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Reportage: Buchmesse Litera Bavarica 2023 – Teil 5 Markus Richter: Königsherz – Neuschwanstein- Thriller zum Ende Ludwigs II. (edition tingeltangel) (Hördauer 18 Minuten) https://literaturradiohoerbahn.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/Reportage-bavarica-Teil-5-Richter-upload.mp3 Uschi und Klaus Pfaffeneder: Die Schwester des Ketzers – Historischer Roman…
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hoerbahnblog · 1 year
Reportage: Buchmesse Litera Bavarica 2023 – Teil 4
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Reportage: Buchmesse Litera Bavarica 2023 – Teil 4 Lea Hermann: Hirnweh – Romandebüt (Morisken Verlag), „herrlich komisch und tiefgründig“ (BR) (Hördauer 15 Minuten) https://literaturradiohoerbahn.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/Reportage-bavarica-Teil-4-Lea-Hermann-upload.mp3 Alfred Schmidt: Gröttrup und das Universum der erfinderischen Zwerge –…
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hoerbahnblog · 1 year
Reportage: Buchmesse Litera Bavarica 2023 – Teil 3
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Reportage: Buchmesse Litera Bavarica 2023 – Teil 3 Ulrike Hofmann: TRUE CRIME Starnberger See – Mord im Hause Adlon (Allitera Verlag) (Hördauer 20 Minuten) https://literaturradiohoerbahn.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/Reportage-bavarica-Teil-3-Hofmann-upload.mp3 Evi Lemberger (Hg.): 15 Gipfel – Reportagen und Touren zum Wandern im Bayerischen Wald (lichtung…
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