#rejuv fanfiction
artifices09 · 1 month
If the world was ending (I'd wanna be next to you) - Artifices - Pocket Monsters | Pokemon - All Media Types [Archive of Our Own]
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leafiion · 5 months
chapter 1 is up. everyone go look at my pokemon reborn fic or ill cry
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djdiamond18803 · 9 months
Rejuv Oc Lore: Diamond and Emerald
A small fanfic I wrote about the backstory of Diamond and Emerald and the life they used to live before they became Interceptors.
My dear friends… …Everyone.
I… We would like to tell you a story.
A story that has never been told to anyone.
A story that has been forgotten by many.
A story… of our origin.
Once in a world that has been long forgotten, there lived a young couple. They lived in a small village where the people around them had always been so kind and the pokemons were ever so friendly. They loved and cherished each other very much.
 As years went by, they eventually wished to have a child of their own, a child where they can share their love with. They were blessed with a baby boy and soon a few years later, they were once again blessed with a baby girl.
The family lived a peaceful and happy life. They were surrounded by kind and friendly people and pokemon. Everything was perfect for them.
Until it isn’t.
Winter suddenly came that lasted for so many years. Food and supplies slowly dwindled. The people grew fearful and agitated. The once peaceful lives of the family came to an end, and soon misery followed them.
One day, the village was attacked by a group of bandits who wished to steal their supplies. Many were injured and many were killed during the attack. However, the couple were not spared from this fate. Wishing to protect their children, the couple hid their beloved son and daughter before sacrificing themselves. The bandits soon left the house, not knowing of the two children that had suddenly lost their beloved parents right in front of their eyes.
Their home that was once filled with happy memories, full of smiles and laughter, was now filled with fear and tragedy. The siblings only had each other now, as they tried to survive in this frozen world. 
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As years went by, the siblings came to find some new friends in their journey of survival. Each of their friends had lost someone close to them, but now the group had become like a little family to them. They even met a woman who took them in as if they were her own children, and her daughter soon came to see them as her own siblings.
Everything was perfect…
However, while the siblings were out scouting for supplies, they were cornered by a group of bandits. They had nowhere else to run. They could only protect each other for now. As they laid there on the frozen road, their blood pooling underneath their body, a woman approached them in their dream.
A woman named Variya.
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She explained that the siblings had the potential she needed, and she struck a deal. A deal that would evolve the protection and survival for the siblings, something that they desperately needed. So, on that winter day, the siblings were chosen to become what they are called, Interceptors. A being that acts as a judge of this world. A being that can intercept fate. A being that has the ability to bring the world to peace… or destruction. However, they didn’t know that it also came with a price.
A price of immortality.
A price of loosing your loved ones.
A price of shouldering the weight of the world in your hands.
The siblings never told this turn of events to their friends and family. How could they explain that they had almost died and that they are no longer a normal human being? So, they decided to keep it a secret, and hoped that one day there would come a time when they would tell them everything.
When the siblings learned of a machine that can reset the world, The Core, they didn’t know what to do with that information.
However, as they watched their world slowly succumbed to itself. As war and chaos spread throughout the entire region. As life was slowly being sucked from every living being. They watched as their friends and found family slowly disappear… One. By. One.
At that moment as they stood in front of the many graves, each carved lovingly with the names of their loved ones, they knew what must be done. They have finally decided the fate of this everlasting frozen world.
Amelia… Victoria- Vicky…
Ruby, our sister…
Tessa…our dear Mother…
We had promised each other to find a way to save our world, to find a way to end this forever winter.
This world was on the brink of destruction, it had already begun to wilt. We had no choice.
…We are sorry, for making this decision.
But we judge this world as a failure, it has to be reset.
May your souls find each other in a new world.
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tlozypaka-tina · 1 year
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So, after getting a mutual friend of @misecinn and I into Rejuv, we ended up developing our own fanfiction-y triple protag AU, where our chosen protags met up in different points in the story and travel together.
And then it spiraled into "If they had gone to the gala after their match, what would they have worn?"
And I took it personally to illustrate it.
This artwork was made before Zumi's redesigns were revealed!
Outfit references:
Aevia - Here (Sadly couldn't find the original source...)
Alain (Lumi) - Here! (Your design is gorgeous!)
Aero (Ven) - Here, here and here!
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torment-deviser · 11 months
Good news! I decided to participate in NaNoWriMo to finally push myself to write my fucking Reborn and Rejuv fanfictions!
Bad News! That means I now have to actually write instead of just daydream about it!
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owlhead650 · 5 months
Pokemon Rejuvenation - Interceptor Asopo
This is a Pokemon Rejuvenation fanfiction that's roughly 2850 words long. This story will be like Asopo is writing diary entries about what he experiences. I don't make any alterations to the plot but I instead share my interpretation of what the main character would have been thinking at different parts of the early game. The protagonist in Rejuv goes through a lot and I wanted to explore that.
Day 1
I’m overwhelmed. My mother, Nancy, got kidnapped by this group called Team Xen. I was nearly captured too but mom tried really hard to save me. She held off the purple haired woman long enough for me to escape to the deck, but I was cornered there anyway. I thought it was over for me, but then a large flying Pokemon named Talonflame grabbed me and carried me all the way to land. It has a human partner named Tesla. She said she was doing her best to save people from the sinking boat. She left to go help more people after asking me who I was. She seems very nice, I hope I see her again soon. 
I honestly felt so lost, walking into Gearen city this morning, but the sound of the rainfall felt calming. I like rain. I also think the ocean looks beautiful. That’s why when I reached the lab in the city centre, the first Pokemon I chose was a water type called Mudkip. It looks adorable and I bet it’s really good at swimming. It also has these orange things on its cheek which remind me of the hoodie Mom bought me when we visited a shopping centre together. The professor who gave me my Mudkip friend is named Professor Jenner. He seems okay, but overall I don’t know what to make of him. He was talking to this red haired woman on his TV when me and the league scout Amanda walked into the room. He acted a bit suspicious and suddenly turned the TV off.
Me and Mudkip explored the city and battled many trainers. We came across some dirty puddles and Mudkip really enjoyed splashing around in them. He got my legs dirty when he splashed about but I was still happy to see him having lots of fun. I checked the pokedex that Professor Jenner gave me and apparently Mudkip’s later evolutions can live easily in muddy water. That’s when it dawned on me that there are thousands of Mudkip all around the world, and that everybody just calls all of them Mudkip. My Mudkip feels special to me so I think I should call it something different. I then named my Mudkip ‘Mud Splash’. Mud Splash the Mudkip. Me and Mud Splash seem to make a good team. I came across this place called ‘The Help Centre’ where you can help other people with their problems. I really want me and Mud Splash to get strong enough to help my Mom escape Team Xen, so hopefully if I practise helping people at the help centre then I’ll be able to do it. There was this girl I met called Sasha who was missing her own mother. I decided to help because I knew how scared she must have been feeling. I hope that because I helped her then that means I’ll find mine someday soon too. 
After we found her mother, they offered to give me a free haircut because Sasha’s mum is a barber. I asked to have my long hair cut a lot shorter. They were upset at first because they thought my long hair looked really nice, which I appreciate, but I explained to them that my whole appearance feels wrong to me. I told them that I feel like my body wasn’t really made for me, if that makes any sense. I’m not against having long hair but I think I want to try to make myself look as different as I can for now.
After doing lots of different help requests, I took a break and rested at the Pokemon centre. Pokemon centres are a good idea, anyone can go there to have their Pokemon friends given medical treatment or physical maintenance after battling. At that point Mud Splash wasn’t my only friend, I found Chrpy the black fletching. I used the pokedex so I know that the Talonflame bird that helped Tesla save people was once a fletching. I even learnt that the reason Chrpy is black is because it’s shiny! I also met Wake the Buizel who was being neglected by this other mean trainer who abandoned it. One of the help requests was from a travelling girl called Novae who gave me a Pichu when I defeated her. I named the Pichu Thunder Tail and it turns out she was another shiny! There’s Paddle the Psyduck and Captain the Nidoran. Nidoran was the third shiny that day, and I thought the pokedex said they were rare.
By evening time I walked past a house with loud music blaring out the window. Two people seemed to be arguing inside, until one of them was literally thrown through the roof! A girl my age with long purple hair, a black tank top and a short white skirt landed in the yard in front of the house right in front of me. I checked to see if she was okay, but she told me she was dying. I got really upset, all she did was play music too loud but now her own mother threw her out of the house and fatally wounded her! Of course, I learnt later that it was just a prank. The girl was taking advantage of my desperation to trick me into bringing her a free berry. Turns out she does this a lot and the berry salesperson was getting sick of her. This girl was called Veronica by her mother but says that she would rather be called Venam. Despite the fact that she gave me a fright, I actually quite like her. She introduced me to her two friends Melia and Ren who I had coincidentally met earlier before Venam. I think… I’m friends with them? We had an adventure in the sewers together and Venam was impressed by my battling skills so she challenged me to fight for her Gym badge. She’s a gym leader, I know the Aevium league has eighteen strong trainers called Gym leaders and Venam is the first. It was getting late so after our adventure in the sewers I told my three new friends that I was going to wait until tomorrow to challenge Venam. 
I guess you could say that I had a good day? My first day in Aevium was scary and lonely, but also fun and welcoming. Everything started looking up once I got my first Pokemon, I was able to help lots of other people and make new friends. Pokemon are beautiful, awesome creatures. Lot’s of other trainers are nice too, but not all of them. This world uses the power of Pokemon to create a strong and comfortable society for humans to live in. This benefits Pokemon too, but not every human is grateful to Pokemon. The boy who had Wake before me said that Pokemon are only for fighting. I know he’s wrong, but it’s sad to think that there are normal people like him who think that way and it’s sad to think that there are scary people like Team Xen who use the power of Pokemon for evil. Overall I’m finding the world to be a place of mixed emotions and concepts, it’s not simply one thing or another. My Mom, before she was taken away, told me to find new love and happiness. She wants me to be happy, but that might not always be easy. I’ll do my best regardless.
Day 2
I’m overwhelmed, again. My best friend Melia died today. My second day in Aevium started off good. I had some nice breakfast in the pokemon centre and started to prepare for my gym battle against Venam. I went to the library for the first time because I wanted to see if I could find a book about how to beat gym leaders, instead I found Ren. Ren knew lots about pokemon attacks and he gave me some tips about how to counter Venam’s battle style. When I went to the gym it had a really unique atmosphere. It was dark inside but also well lit up with these flashing, colourful lights. I think it was meant to be a sort of disco club place, which is fun because I’d never been anywhere like that before. While I was exploring the gym I found a secret room that led to a junkyard. Venam explained that the junkyard is where she keeps all her scrapped gym ideas, one based on Seviper, another on Whirlipede and even this abandoned factory gym. Seeing that really helped me realise something important, nothing lasts forever. Change is inevitable and even if you really like something, such as a building, you’ll need to leave it behind or change it one day. After seeing all that, I battled Venam and won. Even though Venam was clearly super strong, I actually didn’t allow more than one of my pokemon to faint during the battle. Venam, Melia and Ren were all very impressed. That made me happy. I think the win was partly thanks to the training me and Ren did. Ren actually challenged me to a battle afterwards and I won that as well. 
Melia had invited me to Goldenleaf Forest for a trip with her and I accepted. That was when I met Tesla again, she gave me a lifetime free pass for the train ride and checked in on how I was feeling. I was reminded again of how kind she is, after that me and Melia had a really fun time exploring the forest. We went through this cave and stumbled upon some ancient ruins. After we got through the ruins we found a place that wasn’t on the map and Melia named it the Silent Grove. I thought it was a nice name, but what was nicer was the picnic we shared. We sat down eating sandwiches, surrounded by these beautiful Vivillion with translucent wings. Melia told me they were known as ‘The Butterflies of Fate’ which is very dramatic for some bugs but I guess their rarity makes them deserving of it. During that picnic, I think I realised what Melia was to me, she was my best friend. I know that only knowing somebody for two days might not be long enough to really be able to call them a best friend, but that’s just how I felt. Being with her put me at ease, I was able to talk about all the really hard things that had been weighing on me. I told her about my Mom, about Team Xen and about how I generally felt lost. Melia was a good listener and she challenged me to a pokemon battle afterwards. My winning streak continued, despite the fact that Melia herself was preparing to become a gym leader like Venam. Yet no winning streak could save me from the awful loss I was about to experience. Team Xen attacked. A man named Zetta brought loads of Xen grunts to help him capture Melia. He even transformed lots of poor small Magikarp into a big monster to attack me, fighting the so called ‘Rift Gyarados’ took everything I had. I was barely able to push it back. After that me and Melia were able to escape the forest and get back to the city. I thought we were going to be safe but Melia’s adoptive father, Professor Jenner, had dealings with Team Xen this whole time. I don’t think it’s as simple as Jenner betraying Melia because he desperately asked me and Melia to help, but Melia was super angry at him. A red haired woman from Team Xen was there, I think her name was Madelis, she fought Melia to capture her. Melia did a really good job fighting back and managed to knock out her Houndoom but my own pokemon were too tired from fighting the Gyrados. The final time I ever saw Melia was when she tried to escape Madelis by getting her Togepi to use teleport. She asked me to grab onto her but I was too slow. What would have happened if I were faster? Would Melia still be alive? I’ll never know, me Ren and Venam all ran to Amethyst Cave because we believed we could save Melia if we caught up with her. We were too slow. Just like the woman with the Gothitelle said, Melia was dead before we stepped inside that cave.
As I write this I’m at Venam’s house, staying the night. It was nice of her mother to let me and Ren stay because I really didn’t want to be alone. I also didn’t want to talk, most of the time I don’t want to anyway, but especially not then. Convenient then that Neither Ren or Venam had anything to say. Is this how life will be for me? Mom, Melia… I formed a strong bond with both of them in a short time, yet soon after both of them were lost. I don’t want my whole life to be like this, I don’t want to keep gaining things that are precious to me only for them to be ripped away soon after. My Mom and Tesla would both say I need to hold onto hope, but how can I do that…?
Day 4
I’m still at Venam’s house. We say little and do little. That’s all.
Day 7
I’m done mourning. So are Ren and Venam. Ren encouraged me to continue with the gym challenge and I think he has the right idea. I need to get stronger, strong enough to save my Mom and stop Team Xen. I don’t know what the future holds for me, but that’s okay. I know that wherever I go I’ll do my very best to find hope and make a difference. I’ll start by doing some more help requests. It's fulfilling to help others so maybe when I help other people I’ll also help myself.
Day 14
After spending enough time off course I went through Amethyst Cave and befriended a strange girl named Nim. Apparently she’s known about me for a little while and wanted to be my friend. That sounds innocent enough, but she’s been watching from afar for the past couple of days and she was rather pushy about the whole becoming friends thing. I appreciate her lively spirit but she comes on very strong. She also claimed she was my ‘guardian angel’ which was probably a joke but it’s still very sweet of her to say something like that. Overall I find Nim to be a very pleasant individual but her eccentric behaviour might take some getting used to. Right after finishing things with her I arrived in Sheridan Village and met another girl called Aelita. She wants my help getting the gym leader to return to his senses and stop locking himself away. The way he hides himself away reminds me of how I was just after Melia died. Maybe this sensei is going through something similar to what I did? Either way I know that it’s important for me and Aelita to help him.
Day 15
We helped Keta open up to his people again and stop hiding himself away. But guess what? He died right after! Why do I keep watching people die?! Is this normal?! Better yet, I was forced to murder a pokemon today, just like how I had to murder the rift pokemon the day Melia died. Team Xen had set up this big underground lab because Keta had dealings with them. He sacrificed himself to stop a shadow Mewtwo from attacking me and Aelita, he said he was doing it to atone for his sins but honestly I wish he could’ve atoned by surviving instead. Honestly the idea of someone needing to die for a cause or hurt themselves for ‘atonement’ or whatever is sickening to me. Why does the world demand sacrifices from people? Why is there always such a devastating cost? After we escaped Team Xen, Crescent’s Gothitelle teleported me to another Xen base. I was terrified because I was suddenly surrounded by a bunch of strong enemies. I was worried that maybe that was going to be the end, but the Gothitelle teleported me back to Sheridan. I wasn’t able to catch the shadow Mewtwo because the Xen Admin Madelis activated a machine that broke my snag arm I got from Melia. Me and Aelita are going to Akuwa town to find an engineer called Saki Blakeory who might be able to fix it. At this point. I’m going to stop numbering my diary entries with the number of days I’ve been here because inexplicably I disappeared for a whole week. I honestly cannot tell you why I was gone for a week or what I was doing for that time, but according to Aelita that’s how long I had disappeared for. My life is insane, Aevium is insane and I just wish people would stop dying every time I start to understand them a little bit.
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janichroma · 2 years
I have a very important question,,,
Who in rejuv writes fanfiction?
Lavender writes, huey reads.
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silverbolt01 · 10 months
Hi I just wanted to say I saw hou Rejuv headcanons and I love them sosososo much and also if I can kick my executive dysfunction in the butt I want to write a Rejuv fanfiction and I wanted to ask if it'd be okay if I use your characterization of the protag as inspiration?
Hi hi! That's completely okay! Go right ahead!
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cresvalkyrie · 2 years
Chapters: 2/? Fandom: Pokemon Rejuvenation Category: Gen, F/F, F/M Rating: Teens and Up Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Characters: Hauyne (Interceptor OC), Original Characters, Nancy, Crescent, Alain, Aelita Royer, Melia, and etc. Relationships: so far Crescent/Alain, but more will be added eventually Additional Tag(s): Isekai, Fix-it of sorts, Self-indulgent, Usage of Aura, MC is built different, Other Additional Tags to be added
Summary: What will you do if you were given the chance to make things better for everyone? Except, by "everyone", they meant the fictional friends that you've made in a game, through an avatar with as much personality as a movie prop. For one avid player of the popular fangame Pokemon Rejuvenation, the answer is obvious: throw the entire world onto its side with her metaknowledge as she attempts to gives everyone the ending they deserve!
Guys, the latest chapter for Providence is out! Please do check it out. 
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rozetheeuwu · 3 years
Forgot to post it here, but uh some rejuv fanfiction that is Melia and Zetta centered
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actualalligator · 3 years
TW: spanking
Also this is not really about plagiarism, but maybe credit??? Idk.
So, if you grew up in the 2000s with any major interest in spanking (spanking specific because it is one of those things that can lie a little outside of other BDSM), and access to the internet, you probably at some point came across Lurking Dragon's Rejuve Universe. It's one of those things that lives in a gray space for me because it goes past what I'm comfortable with, but also is technically adults. It doesn't mean that it wasn't somehow formative even if I won't read it now as an adult (it was absolutely part of my figuring this shit out at 13-16ish journey). And I'm sure it was for many other people.
Other people have written in this universe over the years because it is big and had a lot of content. But they were very clear about the fact that they were writing in Lurking Dragon's universe.
I found the first chapter of a fic today that is really borrowing heavily from this universe. It's not exactly the same, but uses Rejuve and Penny communities (both terms from that universe) as well as some other concepts without attributing any of that to Lurking Dragon. And it makes me feel weird. Because it's so obviously borrowing from this previous thing. Which happens so frequently in fiction that maybe we don't care so much. Everything comes from something else. But to post something on ao3 that is coming from an earlier work and categorize it as original without attributing any inspiration to this other work feels weird. I can't really explain why because I don't know that anything hinky is even happening.
I won't comment on the fic. I considered it, but I don't really post anything but positive responses in comments because I'm not in a critical writing setting. I'm reading free fanfiction written by people who also enjoy the same things I do, so I don't see the point in being upsetting, but something about this makes me so UNCOMFY, and maybe it's the same reason I won't read the original stories anymore. I'm dreading it coming up often in my regular searches of those tags, though. And I DO NOT know why.
Honestly, don't know why I wrote this at all, but here are my thoughts.
Anyway, this is untagged because I don't tag most of my opinions because I don't have the emotional energy to argue 90% of the time.
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leafiion · 7 months
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@perifreakies’ pokemon sideblog. Mostly for the pokemon rebornverse!
My name is Aphy, or Wes! :] I will be tagging spoilers as ‘rejuv/reborn/deso spoilers’.
Find my pokemon reborn fanfiction here!
Playthroughs are or will be RBP, RJVP, and DSP. Casual tags are ⦻ PKRB, ¤ PKRJV and PKDS. WIPs are ⦻ RebornSP. Regular pokemon is just ‘pokemon’, and general talking tag is westalk. Regular reblogs will be ‘reposting’.
RBP Playthrough posts will likely not be tagged as Reborn Spoilers! Because I forget. ^_^//
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cresvalkyrie · 2 years
First Draft
Okay, so I finally mustered up the motivation to finally write my Pokemon Rejuvenation fanfic, and the first draft of my prologue is done! I’ll be editing it over time, but I’ll post it up here so people can enjoy it as well. I also like hearing from you guys, so if you liked it please do provide some constructive feedback on how I can do better. So, without further ado, here’s the beta prologue chapter :D Words: 1,415 words C/W: None so far
Phantasmal Arboret was a strange land, many would say.
It is not a place that you can find on any map, nor is it somewhere that can be reached by mundane means. Only those permitted by its sole inhabitant could hope to enter the mystical realm. And the process of gaining her approval was not an easy feat, for it is only once in a blue moon would she willingly appear before humans. Even then, she does not and will not hand over this privilege lightly, for she is highly particular about the people she lets into her beloved abode.
It is, for this reason, that Phantasmal Arboret had been untouched for centuries. Millennia, even. Until tonight, that is.
For tonight, beneath the watchful gaze of the dazzling full moon, Phantasmal Arboret welcomes its first visitor in a very long time. A girl of sixteen years, all but dead to the realm atop a bed of flowers in a mist-filled clearing.
She stirred, roused by the gentle caresses of a soft breeze, yet did not wake. Only when her ears caught what sounded like a voice did she arise, dazed, eyes still bleary with sleep. She glanced around, silently taking in the tranquillity of her surroundings, until something - several, actually - dawned upon her.
One, she’s in a forest.
Two, she lived nowhere near a forest. Nothing significant, except for the fact that she called a tropical region home. And there are no forests in such climes - only jungles and rainforests.
And three, there was not a soul in sight. So whose voice did she hear?
Jolted awake by shock and urgency, she hurriedly rose to her feet, almost stumbling over in her haste to get up. There was a faint giggle in the air.
“My, did I startle you?” teased the Voice, though she could detect a hint of sheepishness in her words. “Apologies. That is not my intention.”
The girl said nothing, opting to simply shake her head.
“Do you know your name?” asked the Voice politely.
Her brows furrowed at the innocent question, but it isn’t clear whether it was done out of deep contemplation or a genuine distress borne from not knowing the answer. Perhaps it had been somewhere between the two possibilities. Either way, she did not respond immediately, letting the question roll around in her mind for a while before she spoke.
“...Hauyne,” she said, hesitantly. “That’s my name.”
“Good,” the Voice breathed a sigh of relief, though she wasn’t exactly sure why. “I had feared that your time in the chasm had worn your mind away to the point of no return. I’m glad to see that this isn’t the case.”
Chasm? What chasm? Why had she been in this chasm, whatever it is?
Countless questions swirled within Hauyne’s mind, though she made no attempt to voice it out despite her confusion. She was certain that she hadn’t been any chasms; after all, the last thing she remembered was settling in for the night, still buzzing from the victory of finishing her latest challenge run of her favourite game: Pokémon Rejuvenation.
How could she not, when the run would’ve ended in failure if it weren’t for a timely critical hit from her Togekiss’s Dazzling Gleam? It was still a spectacular win, even if it was sheer dumb luck that saved the run in the end.
…The point is, she definitely did not recall leaving her house. And she was pretty sure that she didn’t have a history of sleepwalking.
“...Ah, but where are my manners?” rambled the Voice, startling her back to reality. She had almost forgotten that she was in the middle of a conversation with a disembodied Voice.
Without warning, the whole world was engulfed in an endless sea of white. Then, just as quickly as it appeared, everything returned to normal. Or, at least, as normal as it gets for someone stunned by the abrupt change in brightness and still blinking stars out of her eyes. By the time she recovered from the unexpected flashbang, there was now a woman standing in her midst, her hands folded in front of her.
“My name is Variya,” the woman introduced herself with a genial smile, acting as if she hadn’t just given her guest vertigo with her flashy entrance. “And I have a proposal to ask of you.”
“Variya?” she repeated, a glint of recognition in her eyes. “You’re…”
“I see that you’ve heard of me,” mused Variya, a thoughtful look crossing her face. Then, she smiled. “Well. That makes things easier. You are fully aware of what I am about to request of you, yes?”
Hauyne nodded. “To assume the role of the Interceptor and save your world, right?”
“Indeed,” Variya inclined her head slightly, her countenance taking on a serious demeanour. “Soon, a great Calamity shall befall my beloved home, and only the Interceptor may deliver it from its fate. You are our best candidate for the role.”
“Why?” asked Hauyne, frowning. “I have no stake in this.”
“Quite the contrary, my dear,” Variya countered with an odd, enigmatic smile. “You have something we don’t. Something that could very well turn the tides of this conflict. Do you know what it is?”
Hauyne’s eyes widened, a sense of understanding dawning upon her. Then, she frowned. “But that doesn’t explain why I should accept your proposal. Nor does it tell me why of all the players out there, you chose me.”  
“Let’s say you accepted my proposal and became the Interceptor,” began Variya. “With your metaknowledge and the ability to defy fate without suffering the consequences, what’s stopping you from altering the fates of those you care about? Perhaps you could have given them the life they never could have.”  
She would never admit it, but the offer was starting to get tempting. Call it foolish sentimentality, but she had gotten attached to those little pixels representing the main cast on her screen as she travelled Aevium. The notion that she could help them secure a better future than what was previously plausible had been planted in her head, and there was no way Hauyne could have shaken it off now. It was simply too tantalising for her to dismiss it.
“As for your second inquiry,” continued Variya, either oblivious to or ignoring Hauyne’s contemplative state. “I called for you, simply because you were the only one who heard my pleas for help.”
Hauyne said nothing, only offering a quiet nod in understanding.
“So what will be your answer?” proposed Variya, looking at Hauyne with anticipation. “Do you accept, or will you refuse?”
“Let’s say I refuse,” said Hauyne, crossing her arms across her chest. “What will you do?”
Variya seemed taken aback at the hypothetical she suggested, if the sudden flinching was of any indication. Her verdant eyes gleamed with some emotion she couldn’t identify, or perhaps emotions, and for a moment Hauyne feared that she had somehow gotten ahead of herself. Before she could even spit out a hasty apology, Variya spoke.
“...I will return you from whence you came from,” the woman said carefully, speaking with a measured pace as though afraid that she would lose her composure if she were to go any faster. “And I shall select from the remaining candidates in the hopes that one will accept their role. You may wash your hands clean of this affair and carry on with your life, whatever it may be.”
Hauyne said nothing, but one could plainly see the turmoil of conflicting emotions raging within her eyes.
“I will ask again: will you become the saviour that my world needs?”
“...Yes,” Hauyne replied, after a moment of hesitation. “I have nothing to return to, so might as well.”
Variya beamed, this time a genuine expression of joy and gratitude. “Thank you.”
A familiar sigil illuminated from beneath Hauyne’s feet, bathing the entire clearing in holy light. She jumped back, surprised, yet she couldn’t help but stare at the sigil underneath her in awe. It was the sigil of the Core: the source of the Interceptor’s powers, and also the heart of the planet that  Pokémon call home. With it, she could…
“Interceptor, oh great Interceptor,” Variya said, reverence in her tone as she bowed imploringly at Hauyne. “Please deliver the world from its fate.”
Brilliant light erupted from the sigil, engulfing everything into a sea of white. Then, darkness, and the sensation of falling… falling… falling…
Until Hauyne felt herself hit solid ground.
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rozetheeuwu · 3 years
Rejuv Fancomic Masterlist
A Pokemon Rejuvenation Fancomic
The comic is discontinued, but the story won’t be! I’ll either continue it via either fanfiction or a visual novel!
Ao3 link (recommended to read on here)
Prologue/Chapter 0:
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Pages 24 + 25
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