#reka cadash
jennserr · 5 years
6, 7, 9, 10 for reka?
thanks for the ask!
6. Do they follow a religion or school of philosophy?
.Reka Cadash is about as religious as any other non-surfacer dwarf, which is to say, not Andrastian, and follows the Stone (honestly I have no idea what all dwarves have as far as religion & how the Stone plays into that but yeah). Her school of philosophy is fairly straightforward, like the rest of her: Do No Harm But Take No Shit. She lets the people she’s interacting with dictate how the interaction goes -- if they’re courteous to her, she responds in kind. If they’re rude, she responds with a sharp tongue and sometimes a sharper blade. 
7. What about political factions? Do they support a certain sovereign or movement?
She doesn’t particularly lean one way or the other, but she supports the monarch of Orzammar in the loose sense of “They’re the one on the throne, they seem like they know what they’re doing, and that doesn’t affect me too much.” 
9. Does your character have an ideal?
Her ideals are whatever she’s paid to have. If she has to smuggle something of questionable morality, she does it, because that’s what she’s paid to do. She’s basically the True Neutral alignment.
10. Do they have a major goal or an agenda in their life?
.Not really. She takes things one day at a time, keeps her head down, does what she’s paid to do. The future is a vague, nebulous thing to her, something she doesn’t worry about. She has no agenda, and her only real goal is to keep doing what she’s doing for as long as she can.
send me some Dragon Age character asks!
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jennserr · 6 years
J5 with all the OCs you listed! (I’m a recent follower so I didn’t even know you had OCs :o)
hey, welcome! and thank you for the ask ^w^ i’ve actually only somewhat recently started to reveal them (well, as of a couple months ago). i’m even currently working on a sideblog dedicated to them and the rest of my writing, but it’s still under construction (css is a bitch). when it’s done though, it’ll have detailed character pages and profiles (which i may or may not copy some of onto my main blog like the gremlin multi-fandom blogger i am)
J 5. what brings them the most joy in the world?
marie kondo would be proud of this ask
Valentina Ledoux: seeing the people she cares about be happy
Adrianna Hawke: being truly seen as herself, as just a person
Lucas Trevelyan: being accepted
Ashawyn Lavellan: sticking it to the chantry sunsets and sunrises that paint the clouds in gorgeous palettes
Yasena Adaar: breathtaking views
Reka Cadash: compliments on her beard
Kirsa Runadotten: learning new things about magic
Serena Amell: seeing everything the world outside Kinloch Hold has to offer
Athenna Surana: cloudless nights and starry skies
Elizabeth Peterson: finally feeling like she fits in her body
Leah Riley: riding a motorcycle on a sunny day (with her gf pressed against her back with her arms around her)
Kate Ryder: throwing herself into working on a new project
ask me questions about my OCs!
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jennserr · 6 years
2, 7, 28 and J for both reka and valentina, maybe? 💞
Of course!
2. How easy is it for your character to laugh?
Reka: A lot easier than people think, given her gruff exterior. Also, she’s incredibly ticklish.
Val: She’s a sucker for a good pun or play-on-words. She and Varric will go back and forth with them sometimes when the mood strikes them, and if anyone tries to stop them, it only gets worse.
7. What triggers nostalgia for them, most often? Do they enjoy that feeling?
Reka: Tevene wine triggers warm feelings of camaraderie, of happy nights spent with friends and family.
Val: Tbh, seeing anything that makes her think of Earth in any way, which happens a lot in her first years in Kirkwall especially while she’s still getting used to everything. It’s always bittersweet for her, because she’s basically stuck in Thedas.
After that, it becomes things that trigger memories of better times in Kirkwall.
28. Would they prefer a lie over an unpleasant truth?
Reka: Reka tells it like it is, and prefers to be treated the same. 
Val: When it comes to being told one? She prefers the truth, however unpleasant. Telling it herself though? She will, and does, lie. She’s as much of a liar as Varric, maybe even more so. 
J) Did you have to manipulate or exclude canon factors to allow them to create their character?
Seeing as Reka is the Cadash of that universe, no manipulation was required to create her character. As for Val, who is from Earth and was unceremoniously dropped into Thedas one day, canon factors weren’t really manipulated, they were just kind of, overlooked for long enough to get Val into a previously-presumed-fictional universe.
more Uncommon Questions can be found here :D 
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