probablyacerpgideas · 3 years
(suntouchedgreatsword) 4 and 12!
4  Describe the first game you ever ran or played in
hmm. thinking back, my first ever ttrpg game was actually a Vampire: The Masquerade one. i can’t remember that much about it, except it was meant to be a campaign, but we only played one session and i didn’t particularly like the system much. we just kinda walked around a town a whole bunch confused as all hell cause we were meant to have been newly turned
it was not fun, let’s put it that way.
12  Your favorite character
i have lots of fun characters i can’t just choose one! i’ll do top three instead lol. they ain’t in any particular order
Kinisk was great, answered a different question about him here and saves me typing out a bunch about him again
Havoc. she was just an absolutely batshit wild magic sorcerer, who was obsessed with spoons. if the party got told to hand over their weapons, she’d hand over a spoon. if she was trying to make friends with someone, she’d give them a spoon. she’d go looking for fancy spoons and try and pocket them in basically every inn, house and castle she was allowed into.
Raiku, the spore druid. he’s the druid that got involved because he’s the party’s weed dealer. strong sense of duty, and would probably do just about anything for food. he’s also died twice and been brought back to life, the first resurrection being done by who has become the BBEG of the campaign, and that’s caused a whole bunch of issues. its great, i love it
thanks for the ask!
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folkshroom · 4 years
12 for the spotify playlist!
Chinese Sattellite by Phoebe Bridgers!
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tartts · 4 years
Any fantasy recs in the vein of Chronicles of Narnia/The Hobbit? Just like... Wholesome Fantasy I’m burnt out on the dark, gritty stuff
idk about CoN or LOTR buttttt i can rec fantasies that are wholesome or happy!
Suggested by coworkers:
Howl’s Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones (and other books by her)
The Dark is Rising by Susan Cooper
Patricia McKillip books like The Forgotten Beasts of Eld
my recs (this was actually hard bc i mostly read intense dark stuff apparently)
An Enchantment of Ravens by Margaret Rogerson
The Darkest Part of the Forest by Holly Black
Uprooted by Naomi Novik
Spinning Silver by Naomi Novik
The Ten Thousand Doors of January by Alix E Harrow (it ends happy)
The Starless Sea by Erin Morgenstern
Circe by Madeline Miller
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renegadepack · 4 years
jupiter and quasar!
Jupiter: Do you have any siblings?
yes i have an older sister. she’s way cooler than me.
Quasar: If you could spend the rest of your life with only one person, who would it be?
ALSO a loaded question and i truly do not know??????? maybe... nope i got no one.
some spacey questions
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saintvellum · 4 years
10 & 13!
10 is over here.
13.  What complements best a cup of tea?
I usually prefer to take my tea by itself, but fresh-baked cookies are lovely.
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ayliffe · 4 years
10 & 20!
10) do you have a creed?
not an official one, but i do try to treat others as i’d like to be treated
20) would you rather be in Middle Earth, Narnia, Hogwarts, or somewhere else?
cringe hours but hogwarts would be sexy, don’t @ me. though so would ankh-morpork, or whatever was going on in to say nothing of the dog!
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breakingisabella · 5 years
1, 12, 29
1. coffee mugs, teacups, wine glasses, water bottles, or soda cans?
coffee mugs (i’m gross and there’s always at least one dirty one on my desk !!) plus i like to describe my characters and drinking from coffee mugs bc it feels cosier than tea to me for some reason (tho i love tea too i promise !!)
12. name of your favorite playlist?
writing gloria. it’s a spotify playlist that i made with songs that remind me of a script i’m writing
29. best way to bond with you?
talk to me about books !!
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edwardsvirginity · 5 years
1, 25, 48!
1: Do you have a crush at the moment?
No, sadly not. I don’t get crushes very often and everyone who lives near me is terrible. 
25: Do you believe love can conquer all things?
Honestly, in terms of relationship obstacles? Yeah. I think if you love someone enough you can make it work, no matter what. It’s a question of priorities. I’m definitely not a “give everything up for your s/o” kinda person– I would probably never move somewhere I didn’t wanna live for a S/O, or pass up a great job so I didn’t have to move away from them. I WOULD, however, put a ton of effort into making long distance work, talk lots, rearrange other things in my life so I can stay connected to them. I feel like most relationships end because a- people fall out of love (valid, and the relationship SHOULD end at that point, I hate when ppl stay in relationships out of convenience), or b- people start prioritizing other things over the relationship. You can make a poly relationship work. You can make a long distance relationship work. You can make an open relationship work. You can make a relationship with someone who’s personally struggling with life/mental health work. You can make a relationship where you’ve hurt each other in the past work. To me it really comes down to: do you love them enough to put in the effort? You either do or you don’t. 
In terms of non-romantic love… I do believe love, in a general sense can conquer all things. Social change is really just loving people enough to try and make the world better for them. I really believe all types of love come down to: do you love this person more than you love xyz? Like… in a social change sense, do you love black people more than you love the benefits you get for being white? Do you love poor people more than you love having money? In a familial sense… do you love your kid more than you love being right? Do you love your sibling more than you love feeling better than other people? 
Like, I think there are parts of your identity you shouldn’t give up for other people. If there’s something that makes you you (personally: my love of travel and the intense personal importance I place on living in a place I enjoy) you shouldn’t have to give that up for someone else. (See, women shouldn’t have to give up their hobbies/identities to be considered good moms). But I think there’s a lot of stuff that ISNT intrinsic to ppl’s identities that they insist on prioritizing over love… like pride, anger, being right all the time, feeling superior, unfair privileges, etc, whatever. 
But if you’re willing to prioritize love over all that? Yeah. You can accomplish anything. 
48: What’s your favorite love song?
Oh man. It’s a tie between “Jenny and I Know” by My Favorite Highway and “Kiss Me Slowly” by Parachute. Edited to add: a third tie with “Strange & Beautiful” by Aqualung. Sorry I’m so incapable of decision making. 
Thanks for the ask!!!
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laudna · 5 years
1 & 44 !!
1: Do you have a crush at the moment?- Yeah!!! She’s this really really cute butch girl I met on tinder!!!! I posted about her like the other day calling her the butch of my dreams.
44: Would you consider yourself “romantic”?- I go buck wild for romance so yeah, I’d consider myself romantic!
send me some valentines day asks!
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rose-lily-hale · 5 years
3, 9, 11, 12! (1953swan)
3. if you could stay one age forever, what age and why?
Definitely not anything younger than twenty... I like my emotions kind of mellowed out lol Maybe 25 or 26 because I’ve come to a point where I feel good about most things about myself.
9. retro or modern?
Modern all the way!!!!!
11. favorite book quote, and why?
Twilight Saga:“I’ve chosen my life, now I want to start living it.” - Bella, Eclipse
General: “You don’t forget the face of the person who was your last hope.” Katniss Everdeen
12. describe your favorite color without stating explicitly what color it is
The calmness you feel from the first cool breeze after summer has ended. Not quite bone chilling but a promise of colder days to come and save you from the blanketing heat of summer.
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jennserr · 5 years
J5 with all the OCs you listed! (I’m a recent follower so I didn’t even know you had OCs :o)
hey, welcome! and thank you for the ask ^w^ i’ve actually only somewhat recently started to reveal them (well, as of a couple months ago). i’m even currently working on a sideblog dedicated to them and the rest of my writing, but it’s still under construction (css is a bitch). when it’s done though, it’ll have detailed character pages and profiles (which i may or may not copy some of onto my main blog like the gremlin multi-fandom blogger i am)
J 5. what brings them the most joy in the world?
marie kondo would be proud of this ask
Valentina Ledoux: seeing the people she cares about be happy
Adrianna Hawke: being truly seen as herself, as just a person
Lucas Trevelyan: being accepted
Ashawyn Lavellan: sticking it to the chantry sunsets and sunrises that paint the clouds in gorgeous palettes
Yasena Adaar: breathtaking views
Reka Cadash: compliments on her beard
Kirsa Runadotten: learning new things about magic
Serena Amell: seeing everything the world outside Kinloch Hold has to offer
Athenna Surana: cloudless nights and starry skies
Elizabeth Peterson: finally feeling like she fits in her body
Leah Riley: riding a motorcycle on a sunny day (with her gf pressed against her back with her arms around her)
Kate Ryder: throwing herself into working on a new project
ask me questions about my OCs!
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pathokinessis · 5 years
∞ -1953swan!
jejhhfgadlkhg You got one of my all time favorite songs! I went on a date with a guy and he played the music video [wouldn’t let me look at the screen] and had me guess who it was. I will forever love this band but dude if Noodle went solo I’d follow!
Dare by The Gorillaz
You’ve got to press it on youYou just think itThat’s what you do, babyHold it down, DARE
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maryaliceswan · 6 years
palace by hayley kiyoko!!
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renegadepack · 5 years
1 & 12!
1: A song you like with a color in the title
red by taylor swift
12: A song from your preteen years
sugar we’re going down by fall out boy (thanks sis!)
music asks!!
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saintvellum · 4 years
10, 17, 24 for the bookish asks!
10: Sci-Fi or fantasy? Why?
fantasy, probably because I’ve never really read much sci-fi? if anyone has any recs feel free to send them my way though🤍
17: If you owned a bookshop what would you call it?
ohh, this one. it’s so sweet.
maybe I’ll call it St. Vellum’s ;)
24: Do you prefer to buy books online or in a bookshop?
at a bookstore, if there was any decent one in my city. currently I order most of my books online (but from the same stores) that I visit whenever I go out of station.
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alinastarvko · 5 years
chinchilla, cookies, halley’s comet (— virginia, also i hope u feel better lina bean)
thank you so much, V 💗💗
chinchilla - night owl or early bird? or both?
definitely a night owl, i do my best work when everyone is asleep and quiet that’s how i managed to make over 25 gifsets during summer
cookies: chocolate chip or blueberry?
chocolate chip, i love chocolate so much
halley’s comet: what’s your opinion on fate?
huh this is interesting, i feel like your fate/destiny is already mapped out however you can change it, i don’t know if that makes sense but yeah 
send me pet nostalgia or celestial asks
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