#ashawyn lavellan
jennserr · 6 years
J5 with all the OCs you listed! (I’m a recent follower so I didn’t even know you had OCs :o)
hey, welcome! and thank you for the ask ^w^ i’ve actually only somewhat recently started to reveal them (well, as of a couple months ago). i’m even currently working on a sideblog dedicated to them and the rest of my writing, but it’s still under construction (css is a bitch). when it’s done though, it’ll have detailed character pages and profiles (which i may or may not copy some of onto my main blog like the gremlin multi-fandom blogger i am)
J 5. what brings them the most joy in the world?
marie kondo would be proud of this ask
Valentina Ledoux: seeing the people she cares about be happy
Adrianna Hawke: being truly seen as herself, as just a person
Lucas Trevelyan: being accepted
Ashawyn Lavellan: sticking it to the chantry sunsets and sunrises that paint the clouds in gorgeous palettes
Yasena Adaar: breathtaking views
Reka Cadash: compliments on her beard
Kirsa Runadotten: learning new things about magic
Serena Amell: seeing everything the world outside Kinloch Hold has to offer
Athenna Surana: cloudless nights and starry skies
Elizabeth Peterson: finally feeling like she fits in her body
Leah Riley: riding a motorcycle on a sunny day (with her gf pressed against her back with her arms around her)
Kate Ryder: throwing herself into working on a new project
ask me questions about my OCs!
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Imma prompt you. For Ashawyn, Sarsas, and Kaya all together as siblings!!! "Why would you even do that?" Include any/all/none of the following: a black dress, three pebbles, and sibling rivalry!
“You were always dad’s favorite,” Inquisitor Ashawyn Lavellan murmured over her nightly brew, tea with some honey to soothe her throat. She had recently had a cold and her sister, Kaya, had insisted she drink it. She was sure that the honey was there to mask some medicine, but said nothing of it.
The three siblings of clan Lavellan were sitting in the Inquisitor’s quarters that cold summer evening. It was always cold in the mountains that separated Fereldan and Orlais. Every other Tuesday the three would meet in Ashawyn’s quarters just to catch up and try to remind one another that they were real, that they were family. The hearth was warm, but not quite as heated as the tension in the room was that night.
“Excuse me, Ashawyn? What was that? I couldn’t quite hear you?” Kaya replied coyly, dipping a biscuit into her own tea. She brewed it to relieve stress, but she had a feeling that would not help on this cloudy night. 
Sarsas sighed deeply, “Please, you two. Not tonight, of all nights.”
“I wish to hear what our beloved Herald has to say has to say.”
Ashawyn’s cheeks turned bright red in rage. She did not believe in the Maker, and being called the Herald of Andraste was like a stab in the gut. She had asked countless times not to be called such, and for it to be thrown around in such a mocking tone. “Father preferred you always, both of you always having your nose stuck in some ancient elven tone or dusting away at some ruin! Not aiding the clan in any way at all! Then claiming that you can walk with spirits in your dreams even having no talent for magic whatsoever! You attention-seeking little-”
“As if mother did not dote on you for looking exactly like her and tending to the halla with her! What with your raven hair, darker tone, and emerald eyes. But who was it that went to Rivain when they were exiled to search for the remnants of her clan? It was I! And all she could say to me when she found me was that her dearest babe had been made into the most powerful figure in southern Thedas and that you required my aid! Not a word of how she missed me after nearly five years of me travelling abroad! At least father and Sarsas wrote!” Kaya slammed her drink down, some of it splashing onto the cobblestone at their feet. She rose abruptly, glaring down at her elder sister with her blue eyes hard like ice.
“Do not bring me into this nonsense. Father and mother loved us all for different reasons. You and I got to work with mother more often than not because we would hunt for meat and sell it so we could take care of the clan and provide for the halla mother raised. Kaya worked with father on their interests and the only time either of us got involved in that was when they needed protection or to get past some shems.” Sarsas took a swig of his ale and looked at the two hot-heads. “Sister, sit.”
Kaya sat and slumped in her chair, refusing to look at her sister. Ashawyn simply stared into her tea. “You are correct, as always, brother. Thank you.”
“Oh, don’t go all Inquisitor on me now. Let us speak of finer things, such as this one time the Keeper sent me to a small party filled with nobles dressed in a glittering black dress.” Sarsas grinned, always glad to see the two of them diffuse so quickly.
“Wasn’t Kaya’s foot sprained then?” Ashawyn piped up.
“And you never did have the grace for the shems,” Kaya laughed cheerfully.
“Yes, Josephine chastises me for it often. I am not thrilled for the ball coming up at Halamshiral.”
“Regardless, I was walking the halls of some small chateau in these garish heels. I still have them and-”
“Have you shown them to Dorian yet?” Kaya interrupted.
“No, dear sister, he would burn them. That is how hideous they are. As I was saying, many were surprised this boyish looking elven woman was hanging off of a young noble’s arm. We had paid him handsomely in furs and I promised him a ballad, which is quite epic.
“My ankles were quite wobbly, and another lady dared me to toss pebbles at the lord of the chateau’s window, as he had been gone longer than acceptable. So, I daintily tossed one pebble and no reply. Another, and still nothing. Finally, I hitched up my skirts and threw the last pebble at the window. As the small rock flew, the lord opened the window in nothing but his knickers with a young woman trying to do up her bodice behind him. The projectile sailed past him and hit the woman’s cheek, causing her to throw her hands in the air and drop her clothing. She turned and struck the lord hard enough that he toppled out of the window and into a fountain below. Even better, some water struck the nearby bird keeper, the man had purchased some doves. He released the latch in his confusion and the doves were released. Only one of the mages at the event had cursed them to have excessive bowel movements and they promptly shit all over the guests. It was the most wonder time I have had and I even managed to nab a purse of gold for the clan.”
Both sisters were in fits of giggles. Their brother always had fanatical tales to tell them of his sneaky adventures.
“Why would you even do that in the first place?” Kaya laughed heartily.
“You tell tales just as well as Varric, dear brother!” Ashawyn grasped her brother’s empty hand tightly, thanking him for easing the tension.
The rest of the night went just as well as the three reminisced about the adventures they took as children and the tales their mother had told them of Rivain.
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jennserr-writes · 5 years
About the Character: Valentina Ledoux
tagged by: @red-wardens (thanks for the tag!)
tagging: @kadaransmuggler @rievu @n0rmandysr1 @jt-boi-n7 @inquartata30, @beckily, and you! no pressure of course, for anyone
― your muse’s name:
Valentina Amelia Kristina Martinez Ledoux
―  a favorite picture / faceclaim of your muse:
Tumblr media
(still working on getting her in-game appearance down, but i’ve officially settled on Maisie Richardson-Sellers as her face-claim, and it’s an almost exact match)
― two headcannons you have for your muse:
(i mean, how much of it is headcanons when they can all just be canon for an OC?)
Val was never meant to be a self-insert (and still isn’t), yet she’s somehow ended up with almost the exact same clothing style as me, aka butch as hell with a predilection for tank tops, along with a fair number of personality traits. Which makes things interesting for when she’s in Kirkwall, because for a while there she only really has dresses, and few at that
She can hold her liquor surprisingly well. She and Isabela (and Hawke, bc that woman can’t say no to a challenge) have probably gotten into more than their fair share of drinking competitions (which Varric and/or Aveline has had to pull them out of afterwards), and it only gets better (worse) from there. By Inquisition, she can drink The Iron Bull under the table.
― three things that your muse likes doing in their free time:
Hawke lol Spending time with friends. Val is very close with Varric and Hawke, as well as other members of the Kirkwall crew 
Strategy games. Any game that really makes her think, really, requires her to plan out her moves. Chess is a favourite of Val’s for that reason. She’s also partial to a good game of cards, like Wicked Grace, as it combines strategy with reading people, and cheating
Stargazing. She’s spent her whole life living in cities, but on clear nights, she would always take a moment or two to look up with eyes filled with wonder. When she needs to calm down, she’ll go somewhere she can see the sky and just look up at the stars she can see.
― seven people your muse loves / likes:
(in no particular order or timeline,) Adrianna Hawke, Varric, Sera, Yasena Adaar (oc), Ashawyn Lavellan (oc), Bethany, and Carver (yes they both live in her worldstate)
― a phobia your muse has:
I wouldn’t quite call it a phobia, but stormy nights really get to her. They trigger memories of when she got in a car wreck and busted her hip pretty badly.
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Prompt for Kaya as a healer! One of her siblings gets hurt just because they're a clutz, nothing big just a clumsy accident. Please include any/all/none of the following: the color purple, "How did you get up there?", "I'm telling [insert parental figure here]!"
It was just another peaceful day in the garden for Kaya Lavellan. Both siblings were out in the field, which was the norm anyway. Ashawyn had offered to bring Kaya out into the field, but Kaya was trying to avoid field work. She had become absolutely useless with a sword in the past couple months, but ever since she had to cleave off a red templar’s head trying to make it to Skyhold, she just wasn’t really interested. She shuddered at the memory and continued to get rid of the weeds around the royal elfroot she had been harvesting moments before. Suddenly there were multiple agents running about and commotion could be heard from outside the garden. Kaya stood, brushing off her breeches as a young gentleman ran up to her. “My lady, you are required to go to the healer’s hut as quickly as possible!”
“What for?” She looked up, mildly annoyed that she was referred as a lady, but she knew that as the Inquisitor’s sister she would never truly fade into the background again. 
“It is the Inquisitor! You must hurry.” The man was ghost white, there were flecks of blood on his uniform, and he was shaking. This was quite serious.
Kaya bolted from the gardens and up the ramparts of Skyhold. Was Solas not with her in the field? She was sure that he had left with her a week ago. She remembered mostly because they were off to save one of his spirit friends. Kaya slid down the railing for the stairs, several people crying out in alarm as she flew past them. She burst into the healer’s hut to see her sister lying on a cot with her leg bent in an unnatural direction. Nothing was poking out, but there was blood pouring everywhere at the moment. The leg was entirely bruised, black and purple, broken. Dorian was there with the surgeon doing his best to lessen her pain. They quickly managed to stifle the bleeding.
“Creator’s bless, Dorian. Where is Solas?” Kaya gently moved him out of the way to get to the herb cabinet and begin creating a poultice.
Ashawyn screamed as someone bumped into her foot. Kaya whirled around and thrust the mixture to her companion mage, Natasha. An apostate mage from the Fereldan Circle that had an affinity for enchanting potions, but no gift for gardening or mixing potions. There were far too many people in the small hut, concerned for their Inquisitor.
“Out, all of you! She will not heal with all of you staring at her!” Dorian shouted at the crowd to be heard over the idle chatter. “Bull?”
The Iron Bull ushered the crowd out and slammed the door behind him. Cole sat on the floor beside the cot shaking his head with a small smile on his face. “Glittering, sparkling in the sun. Just one more and we can open the next door. The drop isn’t so far. Falling, crunching, pain, success. No potions, rush me to my sister. She can help.”
Kaya stared blankly at Cole, processing what he had said. Dorian sighed and Natasha stood by Ashawyn’s leg. 
“You have to set it, now stop staring at it like it’s a dragon!” Ashawyn growled.
“Solas left soon after we helped his friend. The spirit died after we released it from the bond of some mages.” Dorian said plainly.
Kaya shook her head and grabbed her sisters leg and straightened it out, with many loud screams coming from Ashawyn. She then placed two planks of wood on either side of her sister’s legs and coated it in the poultice before wrapping it with linen. She then shooed everyone else out and sat by her sister in a wooden chair that Blackwall had helped craft for Kaya, as she spent many nights standing in this small building. Kaya rubbed a hand absently over her face and moved her braided hair so it would not tickle her sister’s arm.
“So you were trying to get another shard for that damned temple?” Kaya muttered.
“I was atop the Ruined Arches in the Exalted Plains, Kaya. It was at the base of a wolf statue. I thought I could reach it by jumping from the top of an arch. I-”
“How did you even get up there?” Kaya sat back hard and looked impatiently at her elder sister. Her skin was pale, even for her darker skin from their mother. Her vallaslin stood out more now than they usually did. Some assistance Andruil lent to her.
“I had Bull boost me up. He is quite tall, and he owed me a favor. As I was saying, I didn’t quite make the landing,” she yawned. Kaya’s healing always made her tired, as they worked more quickly than even Solas’ healing.
“I am telling mother.” Kaya stood and went to leave her sister to her ridiculousness.
“No! Please sister, do not! She would send me letters for months and I would be the latest tale she told to the children.” Ashawyn begged. “I did reach the landing perfectly fine and the shard.”
“Then how did you break your leg?” Kaya turned, tired suddenly.
Ashawyn suddenly looked quite sheepish. “I was jumping around because those damn shards were hard to find and I tripped over the foot of the wolf.”
Kaya blinked. She had tripped. She started to giggle. It grew into a laugh, and finally she was bent over in tears laughing at the leader of the Inquisition. Ashawyn turned red in the face and giggled a little too, realizing how silly the whole situation was herself.
“Please don’t tell mother.”
“I’m telling Sarsas at the very least.” Kaya wiped her eyes and sat back down by her sister.
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jennserr · 4 years
first line game
Rules: List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less than 20, just list them all!). See if there are any patterns. Choose your favourite opening line. Then tag 10 of your favourite authors!
thanks for the tag @cassandra-pentughasst! i'm pretty sure i don’t quite have 20 stories, and most of what i do have is unpublished and unfinished, but i’ll give this a shot ^^
-Well, Shit
Had anyone been passing by this one particular Lowtown alley on this one particular day at this one particular moment, they would have received quite the shock—people appearing from thin air in a flash of light without so much as a “how do you do” was simply not by any means a common occurrence, even in Kirkwall. As it was, Valentina Ledoux was herself more than surprised enough for everyone when she fell from the air and onto the dirty ground of the Lowtown alley. 
-The Tempest - Initiation
Getting ready for a mission was generally fairly straightforward, Leah mused. As was going to see your doctor. Hell, really anything was when you got down to it. So why was it any different here?
-Where Your Heart Is
She liked to be warm.
There were so many things that Ashawyn Lavellan had learned, without even meaning to, about the elven dancer. She knew Elaine liked it when the sun was on her skin and there was warmth in the air. She knew she liked to be as close to the fire as she could get, and didn’t care about the smoke. There weren’t many people that she had been so transfixed by, not in her journeys across Thedas, and there wasn’t much she could do about it. Not really. Because for all of the ways the two had grown close…
-A Tempest of Ink and Scars
The first thing Leah felt when she woke up was an overwhelming and all-consuming sense of contentment—the most at peace she had ever felt in her 24 (824, but that’s just a technicality) years of life.
-A Better Beginning
It’s like a blink; a ponderously slow blink. One second, I’m looking at my family as I’m being sealed into a pod. The next, when I open my eyes, I’m staring up at my older sister’s face, a face clouded by rare concern. I gasp and take a deep, shuddering breath, sitting up quickly, and everything comes rushing back to me. The stasis pods. The Andromeda Initiative. The Pathfinder mission.
-Misery Loves Company
Cora Harper was between jobs.
She was always “between jobs” now, it seemed. Ever since Nisira T’Kosh had dismissed her from Talein’s Daughters and sent her to Alec Ryder, and then the disaster that that was, Cora had been bouncing around the Milky Way with whatever merc group she could join up with for a job or two; she never seemed to be able to stay for longer.
Nobody would deny that Leliana was a devout woman, not then and not now. She rose earlier than the other sisters, said her prayers more fervently than they, and threw herself into her duties as a lay sister. The newest Lothering chantry sister was quite vocal about her belief in the Maker’s Will, that nothing happened without reason.
-Mirror, Mirror
One good thing about being in the city, Val thought to herself, was that nobody really bothered you for wearing something out of the ordinary. Sure, they would sometimes give you odd looks, but other than that they left you alone. Something Val was more than glad for as she stepped onto the bus, still wearing her travel clothes that were a much better fit for Thedas than for modern Earth, along with the bow and arrows she carried. The driver gave the arrows a wary look, but she gave him a warm smile that she hoped would convince him she wouldn’t use them while on his bus, and he reluctantly nodded, and Val stepped past him into the passenger area.
-Mermaid AU
Had anyone been passing by this one particular stretch of the Waking Sea on this one particular day at this one particular moment, they would have received quite the shock—people appearing from thin air in a flash of light without so much as a “how do you do” was simply not by any means a common occurrence. As it was, Valentina Ledoux was herself more than surprised enough for everyone when she fell from the air and into the cold waters of the sea off the southern coast of the Free Marches.
-Witcher AU
Smoke, ash, and the stench of death filled the air, and between that and the massive wooden beam crushing her chest and pinning her to the ground, Valentina was finding it incredibly difficult to breathe.
-[Self-Insert Exercise]
I don’t know for certain when I first regained awareness, just that the first thing I remember being aware of was that my legs were sore, particularly my knees. Those felt tender, like they’d been bearing my weight for a while on a hard floor.
-[Inquisitor Liz]
And slowly, gradually, the world around her faded away; the moons and stars in the night sky, the lifeless body of the Archdemon, her friends, until the last thing she saw in this life was the face of her love staring down at her with watery eyes. Then she, too, was gone from her sight, and Eliza allowed herself to succumb to the darkness at last.
i have. so many wips that will almost never see the light of day as finished products. but damn if i didn’t find some things i’d long forgotten when i was doing this lol. 
definitely see a pattern with some of Val’s stories, which was actually pretty intentional on my part when writing each of them (not pictured: a similar first line for the Witcher AU, but since it's not Technically the first line i didn’t count it). as for my favourite first line, i’d probably have to go with Misery Loves Company’s
tagging forward to @cartadwarfwithaheartofgold @charlatron @lostinfantasies38 @dalish-rogue @elveny @kunstpause @jkit45 @jt-boi-n7 @heroofshield @inquartata30 and anyone else who wants to! no pressure on anyone to do it ^^
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Sarsas on a job for Leliana, undercover and spying somewhere, can't help flirting and it almost blows his cover!
“Find the singing lark and end her song. -Leliana
Peacefully, dear brother -Inquisitor Ashawyn”
A small patch of parchment, but more than enough information for him. He remembered the rumor he heard of a singer taking a ballad he had written for his sister’s accomplishments in Crestwood and twisting it. Someone who was evidently not a fan of wardens or rifts being sealed. Possibly someone working for Corypheus. He was to find out and right this injustice. He was a bit offended that it was his ballad that was changed, but he had to protect his sister. He had left Skyhold in the dead of night, sorry that he would miss a meeting with his siblings. He would have to bring them back gifts to appease them. Possibly a scented soap for Kaya. She loved to experiment with soap, trying to match the scent with herbs from her own garden. Ashawyn would love a new fur rug for her room. He knew that she loved to be cozy and also admire the art of the hunt. 
He mused over these things as he ate a small bowl of stew made by the innkeeper’s wife. The inn was large and filled with light, music, and people. Many were dancing to the band’s song. Of course Salle, Antivia would be so lively at this time of evening. The bard was due to be out in short time. He scanned the lively crowd and his ears twitched slightly with anticipation. 
“What are you so excited about, my elven friend?” A deep voice asked behind him.
Sarsas turned cautiously and saw a towering Qunari male before him dressed in a loose green shirt with the sleeves rolled up, brown breeches, and boots. His horns were curled almost like a halla’s and he had scars all over his hands and arms. Obviously Tal-Vashoth. Maybe a Saarebas by the looks of the scars around his wrists. “I have heard that a beautiful ballad is sung here by a wonderful singer. I was passing through town and I thought I might have a chance to hear it.”
The Qunari sat before him, “My name is Asaara, pleasure to meet you. Which ballad do you speak of?”
Sarsas was taken aback. “You are the singer?”
Asaara laughed heartily, “Is it because I am Tal-Vashoth? Some of us do decide to follow different paths. Besides, the Qun has little use for creativity and singing voices. Am I less wonderful now?”
“Not at all. Even more so than before, if I may say so.” Sarsas smirked slightly.
Again, Asaara laughed. A warm, deep rumbling that seemed to make the whole room happier. “Well, you are quite the flatterer. Perhaps I may see you after my set, hm?”
“Perhaps. How would you like to see me? I am envisioning a bouquet being tossed at your feet. Possibly with some bluebells or baby’s breath?”
“If you can procure one at this hour and in such little time, I would be mightily impressed. Where did you say you can from?”
“South, actually. Wonderful weather down there. Especially this time of year.” I really need to shut up, I am revealing far too much.
“Indeed, well, I must go to the stage now. I trust you will still be here after I am done?” Asaara rose from the table, as he had learned enough.
“Yes, I believe I will be.” Sarsas ate another bite of his stew and watched the Qunari depart. Hopefully the trap would still be enough. He had paid a maid to set it for him so that it could not easily be traced to him, but now he was not so sure. 
He watched as Asaara stood, elevated to the room, and the band stopped playing so that everyone could turn their attention to him. He bowed to the crowd and opened his mouth to sing and- suddenly, screams filled the room. The singer had toppled onto the floor, scraping frantically at his mouth. Hot vomit had spewed across the room and at this very moment, small parasites devoured his tongue. Every time Asaara sang, he had a very particular drink from the bar. Sarsas had convinced the maid he paid off that it would soothe the throat, as he had learned that as of late, Asaara had been able to sing less frequently due to rough throat. The concoction took a couple minutes to take effect, but it made the victim vomit and parasites that had a particular taste for tongue to hatch. In a moment, the maid would bring him a drink with an elixir that would kill all the parasites. Needless to say, he would not be singing again any time soon.
A shame that I never heard you sing, wind.
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