#religious allusions
Sometimes I see Doby and Toby as Adam and Eve.
Standing in the garden beneath the moonlit trees. Both in the buff, raw, exposed. Doby speaks first, "I came from you." He states simply, hands twitching as he eyes Toby's scarred side.
Toby takes a step towards him. They share their breath once again. Man and his mirror, inches from one another. He reaches his arm past his companion.
Doby shuts his eyes in anticipation. What would Toby deliver unto him? Love? Anger? Sorrow? He opens his eyes once again.
An apple. Black and dull, ripe in appearance, but rotten in smell. A contradiction.That's what Toby delivers to him.
Dobys eyes search Toby's face for any trace of intention. But as usual his predecessor is silent. But some dangerous part of Doby- his heart- tells him to trust. Trust that Toby held only good will towards him. Trust that the scars they shared were proof of something. Something more than their echoing creation.
He takes the apple. A sudden hunger racking his body. In mere moments he loses all feeling of fulfillment. All inclination of fullness. All traces of satisfaction.
Clean white teeth tear apart the black flesh. It tastes of copper and decay. It tastes foul. It sets his body on fire.
But the pain barely registers to him. He's starving.
All he can do is eat the forsaken fruit. All he can do is fill his mouth with its satisfying ichor. All he can do is burn.
Then the fruit is gone. But the ichor remains, flowing through his body as if it were his own blood.
He coughs painfully. Is he ill? Has Toby poisoned him?
His green eyes meet Toby's face. The man seems… remorseful. His own mouth flooded by ichor. He grabs Doby's hand. A pain lingering between them.
Toby leans closer. His face is no longer pristine. His cheeks are hollow. His eyes are rimmed in black. His skin hugs his bones. His missing rib is now marked by a brand, black and horrid.
Yet he was still handsome. His messy brown hair hugged his face. His skin practically glowed under their gods eye. He was the apple. A contradiction. Toby had delivered himself to Doby.
Silence. Then their lips meet. Ichor slips between their mouths. Their hands desperately searching for purchase on the other. They find hold.
Toby's tongue slips between Doby's lips. And Doby rots.
His own chest scars turn black. Skin hangs closer to his muscles. The fire explodes within his lungs. A brand on his taken rib.
Doby was rotting. And Doby was alive.
This was his true Eden. Between Toby's lips.
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tsururoach · 2 months
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Miseternea for my oneshot "For Mercy Has Arrived." on ao3.
Between unfinished rituals and broken names, Misericorde finds Eternea again on a plane that's not quite reality. AU
There is no value in a name, after all.
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sunoovamp · 25 days
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how can we grow any closer..
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momentomori24 · 1 month
I like to headcanon Shin as a hardcore atheist (complete opposite of Hiyori who's a very religious person). He can't see himself believing in a higher power, not when his plights and tragedies and suffering were always met with indifference by whatever higher power may exist. But not by Sou Hiyori-- his guardian angel all throughout high school. His protector and his tormentor. His saviour and his captor. Someone he devoutly followed for years after having found him. Someone he looks up to; someone superior (always "Hiyori" while he's still "Shin", never his equal). Someone whose teachings he takes to heart and lives by. Someone he seeks out instinctively in his hour of desperation and need. Someone whose hand-me-down he wears dutifully around his neck to keep him close at all times. Someone who will praise him for his obedience and dependency and punish him for his defiance and independence. Someone he loves and respects and fears all at once. The moon can't shine without the sun, and Hiyori all but shone upon him when he couldn't find the light within himself. Shin doesn't believe in God, but loving Hiyori is the closest he's ever gotten to religion. I think it's poetic, in a way.
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moonmoonthecrabking · 11 months
*slaps hood of jagertitty* this bad boy can fit so much christian symbolism into it
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deer-daughterx · 6 months
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The lovers
He is half of my soul as the poets say-
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emblazons · 1 year
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"We could reshape the world—remake it however we see fit."
One (Henry) & El(even) + Revelation 22:13 Inspired by Jamie Campbell Bower (x)
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bobcat-pie · 11 months
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noncompliantcyborg · 11 months
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Original Poem in HAD
Art Print
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bnesszai · 4 months
Bokuaka and event horizon
Nikonathan and h a n d s
hi Rohini<3 i think i will need to better understand event horizon and come back to that particular prompt at another date but i really wanna do the nikonathan one so
nikonathan + hands
Nathaniel has always prayed to sacred things.
God, for one, has received many of Nathaniel's pleas and moans. God has been his guide for as long as he can remember and Nathaniel was always ready to help others find God, too. God and Christ and the Angels above. Those were the things Nathaniel got down on his knees for, that he prayed too.
He has prayed to hands that have held his gently, guiding him to light, showing him that he can be more than God's slave.
Now, his sinful mind is wondering if God can be found on Nikolai's tongue, if his prayers can be heard from inside of Nikolai's mouth.
Nathaniel wonders when his body became a temple. He wonders when Nikolai's hands became the sole worshippers.
A finger trails up his arm and Nathaniel shivers. A had grips the back of his head, moves to his jaw, covers his eyes as lips whisper sins into his skin.
Nathaniel has always prayed to sacred things, but he has a closet full of confessions to spill.
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vampyretaemin · 9 months
that post actually got me thinking about how similar taemin and hozier’s lyrics and themes are… explains a lot for me tbh
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it's literally so fucking crazy how pete is equated to eve thegardenofeden in ybc. like. lol. lmao even.
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cowgremlin11 · 9 months
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Mary, did you know?
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annelidist · 2 years
jadis definitely has the funniest name origin out of the demiurges
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derangedthots · 2 years
@no1fangirl2000 is my unknowing savior bc i've been thinking abt how hozier's 'from eden' (told from the pov of lucifer as the snake that tempts eve to eat the fruit, who also covets her and hates adam) would be excellent for aemond and jace and what did i find in the jacemond tag on ao3 today? a sweet sweet fic that perfectly matches the song/dynamic. AH-mazing. i love jacemond week could u tell
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So I named my Tav Isaac for experimenting-with-names-and-gender reasons
And now that we're starting to get into the Everyone's Religious Trauma reveals part of the game, it's kind of become unintentionally poetic and an accidental character detail.
Like Yeah. The person who named themselves Isaac is going to have some strong feelings about sacrificing yourself/being sacrificed for a god.
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