#relink dailies
sieg-archive · 8 months
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Relink Dailies 8: Game On!
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mythfanite · 7 months
Sometime self care is buying a 90 hour JRPG and disappearing off the face of the planet for 2 to 3 weeks
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the-au-collector · 3 months
I've got to ask, what is the unusual/unique (in a good way) au you've come across (or cooked up yourself)?
Thanks for the ask!
I realize now you asked for one fic but uh--I kinda compiled a list of some of my favorite AUs instead. I've read a lot of fics, but to save your sanity I'll stick with my 3 main fandoms: Linked Universe, Kingdom Hearts, and Tales of the Abyss. I'll tag authors where I can, but some I just couldn't find anywhere 😭
This definitely isn't all of them but if I tried to compile every single AU I've loved, we'll be here all day.
Kingdom Hearts:
Familiars by @kutikue @letoasai- all the characters are witches and/or familiars. I've just started reading it but it seems good so far! Definitely one of a kind!
Runaway Wind by Pred1059 - Ven wakes up early. It gets very off the rails very quickly.
Vulpes to Dandelions by YumeTakato (deviantart profile)- An Ava is Sora's Mom AU as well as a Master of Master's Arc speculation series. This one also goes into alternate universes and other things that make it unique.
Linked Universe:
Links Assemble by @vicmillen (Victor_Millen on AO3)- Marvel fusion AU featuring Warriors as Captain America. It's in-the-works so seriously, go over to Vic's blog and check it out!
Townhouse AU by st0rmy - a really fun AU where all the Links end up living in the same townhouse together. Chaos ensues. Time is tired.
Tales of Courage from Across the Galaxy by @wizard-finix (CubanCracker62 on AO3) - Star Wars fusion. I'm currently reading it, but it's good so far! There's also some art for it too!
Linked Nexus AU by @zarvasace- Space AU. I've just started reading it but I can't wait to see where it goes.
Wing Bois AU by @breannasfluff - probbaly one of the most unique AUs in the fandom. The Links have wings and bird traits. It's also very fluffy!
Hero's Aspect AU by @tashacee - Wild gets stuck in the Hero's Aspect outfit. I'm currently trying to catch up on all 45 parts, but it's definitely one of the biggest AUs for Linked Universe.
Opera House AU by @bokettochild (FlamingIdiot on AO3) - modern AU but all the Links work in an opera house. It a very different and interesting setting for a modern AU. I also can't reccomend Ketto's fics enough to be honest.
Fierce Hero 9 by @crazylittlejester (Can_Opener on AO3)- Big Hero 6 but it's Linked Universe. It loosely follows the plot of the movie, but there are some huge, interesting differences between this and the movie.
Tales of the Abyss:
Bladework by @starcrossed-sky - probably the best "Asch joins the group" series out there. Lots of political intrigue. The characters are so well-written and the 2nd person POV is so unique! Definitely made me obsessed with 2nd person POV lol. Follows the plot of the game initially
Reflections by @darkangelmya - an AU where Asch decides to return to the manor instead of running away with Van. Asch is an overprotective brother and it's awesome! Also follows the plot of the game, probably the most religiously of all my other fic recs for this game
Troth by @daily-rayless (Rayless_Night on AO3) - A post-game Asch comes back too AU focused on Asch and Natalia's relationship. Very beautiful, Rayless is an amazing author!
As for stuff I've written... I have to say the more unique ones boil down to [obscure media I read when I was 13] fused with either Linked Universe or Kingdom Hearts 😅 So like, my Lockwood and Co Fusion or the Stravaganza fusion I'm thinking of making lol. I also have a lot of unfinished Kingdom Hearts fics from years ago, like a "Eraqus gets brought back to life but he's 16 again and has amnesia" fic and a "Brain ends up in the time of Days and changes things" fic.
As for serious fics... I can't not plug my passion projects, the Reconnect the Chain AU and Relinked AU. They're both Linked Universe fics where the Links reunite (though I'm planning Relinked to be a comic). They're AUs of each other, with Reconnect the Chain being an AU that boils down to "what if Relinked happend 10 years earlier minus all the kidnapping?" (AKA, it's my fluff outlet lol).
I yet again managed to write an essay but uh--enjoy the fic recs!
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yourwosogirly · 1 year
snippet of hidden desires - Leah Williamson and Lia walti
“Alright times up guys, you can come out now”Keira shouted making me jump slightly as she kept banging on the door.
“We’re coming”Leah shouted back with a smile taking my hand as Lia did the same on the other side, opening the door walking back out to where all of our friends were .
Once they all saw us they all stopped, but not in a bad or negative way.They smiled at us and Keira’s was the brightest.
From that moment I realised that Keira would be out bigger supporter through everything no matter what .
We all separated as things calmed down and Lia and Leah walked to their seats but not before dragging mine over to where they were sat since earlier we were on the opposite side of the table .
I relinked our hands together after I had took a sip of my cocktail leaning into their touch finally feeling happy enough if that made sense .
“So how did it happen?”Keira asked taking a sip of her own drink with a cheesy smile .
What do we think? @daly-daily ?
But I do have any other version of this wanna see that one aswell ? Comparison?
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I can't figure out this spacing thing and I'm not about to find out. So hey! I'm Allul (They/Them, trying to figure that thing out)! I'm that fucking creature that's flooding your dash with posts about a boat girl and whatever other shenanigans my mind decides to get up to. I'd say I should apologize but really the longer you know me the more you realize this is just how I live my life
I'm 26 (Not for long) and a terrible chronic gacha addict that probably should've stopped a long time ago. But since i haven't I now have adopted boats (as this blog shows) along with....
horse girls
very bisexual prisoners
food personifications
cinnamon rolls
and plenty of other random things that go in and out of my mind on the daily. This may come at a surprise to plenty of people but I literally haven't even been here a year yet (shocking I know). Most of my writing career has been either super bad fanfics, skype rp (yes this sadly was part of my life), and forums of recently. Only after being dragged here by a few friends did I realize what I was missing out on and I'm glad I joined! I promise you I'm not intimidating as I may seem (If I even come off as intimidating) and really I'm a DM away from blowing your eardrums off about whatever you want. Like lets be real my first blog here was a goddamn pokemon. I think that says everything you need to know.
Anyway next is checks notes about myself and that's problematic. Because I have no idea how to do that :3. According to my friends this meme explains it best
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But as expected writing is my hobby (go figure) and beyond that is probably video games. A lot and a ALOT of RPGS, Fighting Games, and whatever is out there to get my serotonin running. Currently I'm down in the mines playing Granblue Fantasy Relink, Granblue Fantasy Versus Rising (are you noticing the trend), and dabbling in some other ventures (Gundam Versus if you want to know how niche my tastes get. I also collect plushes!
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in line with my crippling Granblue addiction music CD's!
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But yeah if it wasn't obvious I love talking about literally anything. My interests are kinda all over the place but most people can vouch that I'm a damn good listener. And that includes plotting even if my mentality usually is just a "fuck it we ball one" rather than really planning it out (I do love planning too! But sometimes you really just gotta go off and never stop). If you don't find me here on NJ's Blog well don't worry I have like 11 more as well. Featuring...
Morgan le Fay (Fate) (@talesofrainandstars_
Melusine (Also from Fate) (@robustdragonheart)
Nian (Arknights) (@unfetteredfreedom)
Mika ("Archive that may be Blue") (@witchoftrinity)
Architect (Girls' Frontline) (@explosivedesire)
Fenie (Granblue Fantasy) (@sourceoftheflame)
Miyoi Okunoda (Touhou) (@geidonteispostergirl)
"Sparkle" (Honkai Stars Rails) @sparklingsplendor
Hiroi Kikuri (Bocchi the Rock) (@sickhackbassist)
My OC Protag from Armored Core 6 "Raven" (@echoesofcoral)
Beyond that I'm always in Discord if you just want to chat or anything else. You can also find me on twitter where I rant about the most craziest things and cry when my favorites in gachas actually get content (it doesn't happen often). Other then that I have no idea how to end this so here's a picture of my dog
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anyway I think I've ranted long enough. Looking forward to talking with everyone more and anyone else who is willing to put up with my muses!"
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redeyeswatcher · 9 days
Hello 👋, I hope you're doing well..
My name is Mahmoud, and I'm a 17-year-old from Gaza. The ongoing war has devastated my city, destroyed my school, and made daily life incredibly challenging.
Despite these hardships, I'm determined to continue my education and build a better future. I've been given a chance to study abroad, but I need help to cover the costs of leaving Gaza, as well as living expenses and other essentials abroad once the crossing opens.. 🙏
If you can, please consider donating or sharing, your kindness can truly make a difference, and thanks for your time. ❤🍉
https://gofund.me/bd3ccf0b 🔗
relinked cause i know links on asks can be iffy
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ruakichan · 6 months
Roo State of Gaming:
Console: Finished FF7: Minigame Compilation. My opinions are mostly not positive, so I'll leave it at that. Started Paranormasight. Waiting for Siete release in Relink.
Gacha: Dropped Aether Gazer. Skipping Fire Tyr was the last straw, especially after I realized I just didn't care about most of the cast and thus most of the story. Hard to take characters and story seriously when it's all filtered through a more and more horny lens.
Slowed down with Onmyoji. Seems like a dead period after the conclusion of TKMGHR. I was hoping they'd go into the missing mysterious fourth clan they've been teasing in lore since forever, but the stories released so far have been very mid for me. Events are lackluster too. Still my main game, but I only log on once a day now for dailies...
GBF anniversary is over so back to mostly seasonal, though Light GW is coming up.
Still playing R1999. The events go on for long and updates are slow, so it's a good side game to slot in between the others. I really do love the characters in this game. I was a bit sad I couldn't roll for 37 cause she seemed so cute (her commentary when you turned in event currency for mats was so charming!), but my next 6* roll was a banner guarantee, and I wanted 6 more.
Life Makeover has taken up a lot of my attention, though I've finally reached the time gating for continuing the story that always happens with these type of games. Makes me sad cause I love how bonkers dressup game plots get. Otherwise I'm having a lot of fun with the community in the game, though it always feels awkward to find someone cooking in your kitchen... I'm not good at socializing, so I just stand there replying with emotes... orz Also, I can't get over the terrible dub, and why would you name one of the boys Larry? That is so deeply unsexy (Leisure Suit Larry...)... I think his original name is Lan Shu? the other guys are ok with their anglicized names, but fr why Larry
I'll probably look into Wuthering Waves and Duet Night Abyss when they release to see if they fill that action gap Aether left.
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Short story: A once great civilization fled their sinking home island on a massive, massive armada. All kinds of seafaring vessels, from the largest cruise ships housing thousands to basket boats that sit one, which were used for coastal fshing. The massive armada headed east toward the sun where new land was promised, should the winds stay behind their sails.
It was difficult at first. Smaller vessels chained themselves with ropes to the bigger ones, and everyone took their turns rowing and fishing and washing and drying clothes and hunting seagulls. People's lives must go on. They threw parties at night, sang along their daily chores, wrote books and poems about this great journey they were on. And research was constant, in hope of making the journey and shorter and slightly more comfortable one.
Then it got more difficult. Rations began to run out. Songs faded, making rooms for groans. Then there were calls for help from the smaller vessels. Something were slowing them down. It took more people to row those boats to travel the same distance. They sent divers to check for anything below the hull to find nothing. The sails worked fine and the boat didn't look any different. Whatever was slowing them down were invisible to them.
Bigger boat people began to bemoan delays. "We're gonna run out of food before we ever saw land", they whispered to each other. Something must be done. Some tried to start farming on seafaring vessels. Most favored research into speed, devising steam engine to install on the bigger, leading boat. "As long as we get to the new land, we can return and help those straggling behind," they told themselves.
They called it the Fog for what was to come. One morning, the clear sky turned grey fog, and people couldn't see beyond their boat. The only thing they could see was the chains linking them to the boat ahead and behind them. It was even hard to discern if they were moving at all at times. People started coughing more and stayed below deck more often. People started getting sick and thin.
Then one day the chains in front of them disappeared. The smaller boat behind them almost rammed into them. Fear entrapped the seafarers, debating if some accidents had took place, or worse, they'd been cut. Now, they were the leading boat, to all the however and how many boats that were chained to them. "They will slow us down. We need to catch up with the boat ahead and warn them so that we can relink and come back for the others". So they thought and cut loose, they did.
Now, left alone, wandering in this Fog, the boat kept floating forward...
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amphiptere-art · 1 year
I'm opening cruel copy AU for asks.
Make sure you include either CC or cruel copy in your ask or I will assume you're talking to Blue Moon.
Now I was planning on doing the refs first but I don't know when this computer is getting fixed so I'm opening this up. Plus it will help me get the characters down more.
This AU approximately takes place sometime after the Eclipse and Lunar reunite VR chat episode. Where Moon was able to leave via magic not losing his memories and retaining kill code.
But due to the time it took to relink his magic many events already happened outside. Eclipse was able to kill Lunar, Monty and Earth. So when he reentered it was just him and Sun. Sun dies while trying to stop eclipse and Moon is able to kill eclipse in retribution.
Due to losing all of his family though he decides to use the star to resurrect them. Trying to go back to a time of simplicity. (The era where it was just him eclipse sun and Monty doing daily episodes. But with the other characters involved.) Unfortunately they are only resurrected based on what he remembers of them. Also due to the star not being attuned to him. All of them Gain phantom pains.
Blood Moon is it resurrected and will sometimes freeze and zone out.
Lunar is resurrected being slightly blind.
Monty is resurrected with a jaw that will lock up.
Sun is resurrected with a right arm that is partially paralyzed.
Eclipse is resurrected with a painful cough and chest pain.
Earth's resurrected not being able to walk.
All the characters are resurrected with false ideas of the characters.
Sun is chipper but has anxiety and doesn't understand why. He also was good at a lot of things that he wasn't before.
Lunar is also a happy good luck kid. But fears eclipse for a reason he cannot fathom. he doesn't understand why he's friends with Monty.
Montys really good natured, terrible with money, good with business and building. But also doesn't understand why he's friends with lunar.
Blood Moon is a good ally to eclipse despite that not being true. And no longer craves blood but only chaos.
Eclipse is still evil but does not understand why he hates Sun and Moon specifically. He also still makes plans but they always fail And he often has no backups despite that not true.
Earth acts as a sister but not a therapist. Often better at activities in daycare.
Moon is now mute and recluse. Triggered by trauma. It is often that kill code takes over for talking. Otherwise he is relatively unchanged.
That is all the basic information have fun asking these characters. Do not there will be no art pieces accompanying them.
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asterisque-arch · 1 year
//question, is it okay if i keep writing my gacha muses when i don't even play their games anymore? i mean, feh is starting to tire me, i barely remember to log in daily for the rewards bc the story just isn't for me anymore (story, who am i kidding, i'm just tired of the boobs LOL).
i'm not playing gbf much anymore either, but tbh i just played it for vane to begin with, so i'd like to continue writing him, he'd just be stuck in his own story and not the whole of gbf??? (or at least until i can play relink!!)
same with my genshin muses, i didn't play that much before stopping, the grinding was too much for me, i don't have that kinda motivation anymore, but i'd like for them to pop up once in a while, but i feel like an imposter bc, except for the beginning, i'm not up to date now...
by that i mean, i'd love to continue writing them, but i feel like people would just not want to interact bc i'm obviously not up to date to their stories and all, idk...
it's a strange feeling.
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grave-bride · 8 months
Gonna be casually switching between Relink and Reload on a daily basis cuz I wanna keep playing Relink online when the community is super active but I also got Reload for free but for a limited time
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preciousjoke · 1 year
Daily Linux Infodump(2 of 2, Static libraries)
Static Libraries sometimes know as Archives, these were the only type of library on early UNIX systems. A static library is essentially a structured bundle of compiled object modules. To use functions from a static library, we specify that library in the link command used to build a program. after resolving the various function-references from the main program, to the modules in the static library, the linker extracts copies of the required object modules from the library and copies these into the resulting executable file. We say that such a program is statically linked. The fact that each statically linked program includes it's own copy of the object modules required from the library creates a number of disadvantages. One is that the duplication of object code in different executables inherently wastes disk space. A corresponding waste of memory occurs when statically linked programs using the same library function are executed at the same time; since each program requires it's own copy of the function to reside in memory. Additionally, if a library function requires modification then, after recompiling that function and adding it to the static library, all applications that use the updated function must be relinked against the library.
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mckennacayden · 6 months
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Daily Deals: Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown, Razer BlackShark V2, Granblue Fantasy: Relink https://www.ign.com/articles/daily-deals-prince-of-persia-the-lost-crown-razer-blackshark-v2-granblue-fantasy-relink
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icharchivist · 6 months
You'll laugh but yesterday (idk how time works) when you posted that Relink mod of Bahamut in a swimsuit and someone asked if we've been misgendering him I thought "Well, maybe Baha goes by male pronouns and the Astral god goes by female pronouns now, who knows"
But that was just one silly thought. I have lots more of those on the daily
right! it's still a binary in a sense though and i refuse this but that's like, one way it could have happened for sure.
thanks Granblue for the gender thoughts i guess???
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offlineswiss · 2 years
3d max animate
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What is ProxSi? The ProxSi 3ds Max plugin is a proxy format that locks 3D assets with password protection.
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Sometimes you want a quicker and easier way of doing a specific task in 3ds Max, it is a big chance that you will find a tool for that using SiNi.” - Britta Wikholm, Visulent SiNi offers great plugins in that regard. “If we can cheat and find shortcuts we do it in our daily work. It includes selective colour variation and camera clipping. Any geometry, proxy, point cache or light can be added to SiClone, including animated geometry.
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SiClone texture mapping has been coded to accurately follow a spline, including correct mapping to bends and corners, an issue experienced with mapping on the sweep modifier. We recommend using It to make repetitive designs, such as handrails and fences, or laying out street entourage, or hedges and climbers, or bunting and fairy lights.and much more. Because SiClone is parametric it will update and rebuild in real-time to follow the new layout, even if you make spline adjustments. It’s parametric, meaning that once you’ve made a design you like, you can apply it to any spline shape, single or multiple. Think of the 3ds Max plugin SiClone as combining the array and sweep features of 3ds Max, then adding transforms and extra features into the mix. To achieve this I rely on SiNi Ignite.” - Csaba Banati This way I can swiftly follow my mind wherever it takes me without getting slowed down on repetitive or tedious procedures. “Since image-making is a highly creative process I like to keep my workflow and tools simple, fast and effective. Please note - Everyone must create an account to download and log in (in 3ds Max) to use SiNi 3ds Max plugins. Plugins include IgNite (Springboard) - productivity tools, Scribe - spline tools, Sculpt - geometry tools, Jumble - random transforms, Unite - relinking, archiving, and re-pathing, Illumi - HDRI wizard, Preflight - prep scenes for game engines, SiNiScript - MAXScript functions, Forensic - 3D scene inspector.ģ0-day trial available from your Account User Dashboard It's our flagship product, designed as a collection of nine 3ds Max plugins, which we believe is the go-to toolset for 3D artists who wish to ignite their workflow! IgNite is the name of our utility collection (and original productivity tool - IgNite Springboard).
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cocomains · 2 years
Free video filters for final cut pro x torrent
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Final Cut Pro X 2022 Crack With Full Torrent For Windows & Macįinal Cut full Cracked 2022 app gives you a platform to edit videos. Batch Export helps distribute these files in multiple formats very quickly. Contains pre-configured files for Apple Paul devices, YouTube discs, and Blu-ray discs. You don’t have to be an expert filmmaker to work with them. Final Cut Pro X Torrent download video mixing software gives you easy editing time. Using color labels, you can identify different types of existing types. Then, you can link the video to other audio formats via the linked images. It has integrated graphics that integrate video clips and sound effects separately. The software gives you access to a multimedia CPU as well as a large GPU for work. In addition, the final cut pro 10.6.4 Crack freeload mac application provides you with the best tools for making background noise. You can also create green and blue accents by using its built-in chroma key functions. Also, you can use new filters and can edit your filters on your video. Furthermore, you will be provided with the best navigation tools available on the video editing platform. With this, you can easily edit the video and trim the clip. The latest version of this application fully supports the iPhone 12 Pro Max and other Apple devices. This is a great video editor for Apple devices and iPhones.
How to Activate Final Cut Pro with the License Key?įinal Cut Pro X 10.6.4 Crack + Torrent freeloadįinal Cut Pro X 10.6.4 Crack full download is an ideal software for mixing and editing videos with high-quality graphics with excellent design.Final Cut Pro X 2022 Crack With Full Torrent For Windows & Mac.Final Cut Pro X 10.6.4 Crack + Torrent freeload.You can take a glance at all features without any pop of trial expired or any other. But don’t worry, you can download crack for final cut pro x which provides all the premium features in no time. Unfortunately, this is paid software and provides a trial version after that you have to buy it. So, this is the only application that helps you take your idea to the real world. Use the given serial keys and put them in the activation box.Go to the download folder and double click on the serial number.txt file.Install trial Setup.exe and run it normally.Now, Download Final Cut Pro Crack and trial version setup.Now, goto to the bellowed area and click on the download button.Firstly, uninstall the previous version (if you install the trial version).The graphics card should be AMD Radeon RX 580.It requires macOS 10.13 or later versions.The Final Cut Pro Crack Windows freeload also has a lot of video modifying tools like video wheeling, sliders, Latest frames, curves management, and so on. It is fully upgraded and has all the latest capabilities like filters, sample audio videos, and everything that you require for stunning and attractive video projects.
By using this Final Cut Pro License Key you can activate the full version instantly from this site. How to Activate Using The Final Cut Pro License Key?įinal Cut Pro X Crack Key’s latest version empowers the daily user to make all types of desired videos that are fully compatible with the latest smartphones and all Android devices. Plus, another problem fix which relinked media appear in some time with black thumbnails in the timeline and browser.Increases reliability while sharing the different formats of video to YouTube.Fixes the minor issue in which frames saved to the frame browser within the Comparison Viewer.Resolved workflow extension button to the problem that disappears when a user tries to resize the interface.Fixes a difficulty that could cause share locations to disappear from the share menu when users exit this program.What’s New in Final Cut Pro X 10.4.8 Crack?
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