#remember when he ran to California and put on his 'cool clothes' and sunglasses so that he could stare into the middle distance at sun set
Ace, standing on a beach with sunglasses on: I'm going to stoically stare off into the middle distance while the sun sets because that's what cool people in cool movies do
Ace: I'm going to get an A in being cool
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unabashegirl · 4 years
Could you do one where reader and David grew up together and are now together and there doing a mukbang with Josh and he asks them questions??
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Author’s note: I can! Sorry, it took so long! I hope you enjoy it! Let me know what you think! 
“Holy shit. This is a shit ton of food” David chuckles as he moves toward the table where Josh has begun setting out the different dishes that he had picked up. Josh had arrived only ten minutes ago. David was just ending a conference call about an upcoming show when he strolled in with the numerous, brown paper bags from Chick-Fil-A. 
“I just couldn’t hold myself back. This video will be legendary” People have been begging for this particular video since Josh’s first upload and the time was just right. Everything had fallen into place with the announcement of the couple’s engagement. 
“It smells ready good,” He glances at the different boxes as he settles on one of the stools. “Did you get any drinks?”. 
“I did. I got us milkshakes and a soda. You know — just in case” Josh shrugs as he throws the bag on the floor beside the table. “Now— where is your queen?” David chuckles as he looks down at his phone. 
“She should be about to —” Her sudden appearance interrupts his words. They watch Y/N make an entrance from the viewfinder. She takes her sunglasses off her head, tosses them in the purse, and plops her purse on the bench by the entrance of the house. 
“Hi, guys! I am sorry I am late” She bends down to slip out of her high heels. 
“There she is! Please look at her! How do you manage to look so majestic every day?” Josh compliments her, turning his head to get a full view of her attire. She wears a white suit, with an oversized jacket and a grey spaghetti strap crop top under. At a simple glance, she doesn’t look like the fiance of famous Youtuber star — David Dobrik. She looks sharp, professional, elegant. The type of woman that only dates billionaires and travels to Paris on the weekends just to shop. 
As David gawks at Y/N through the viewfinder, he thanks the universe for putting her on his path. After three years, she still manages to knock the air out of him with a simple look. He even gets butterflies in his stomach to this day and he hopes it never changes. 
“It’s my job” Y/N works in the high fashion industry, rubbing elbows with fashion icons like Olivier Rousteing, Virgil Abloh, Donatella, and many more. “Do I have time to change?” She wraps her arms around Josh and gives him a warm squeeze. 
“Why? You look great!” Josh argues as he hugs her back while facing the camera.  
“White suits and greasy food don’t mix”  Y/N explains as she bends over and kisses David’s cheek. “Hi, babe” David clasps her hands as they slip down his shoulders and onto his upper chest. He turns around on his chair to face her, wanting to get a good look of her. 
“How was your day?” He asks after he has pulled her down to a quick kiss. His thumbs gently stroke the front of her hands. His fingers run across the oval diamond-cut engagement ring that he has given her recently. A smile grows on his face as memories from that night swamp his mind. 
“Busy. Let me go change. I won’t take long” She reassures the boys before ripping herself away from David and running back to change into a comfier outfit. 
“How does it feel to be engaged?” David and Y/N had announced it to the public only a few days ago. Their social media platforms had exploded with speculation, opinions, and excitement. People had already started making assumptions about the date and the location of the wedding. 
“It’s nice. It’s exciting. Well, you know” Josh nods as he remembers when he had just popped the question to Paige. Before Josh can add anything else to the conversation, Y/N quietly walks back into the living room, wearing a sweater that David can recognize as his and some biker shorts. 
“The future Mrs. Dobrik, guys” Y/N’s cheeks flush as she jokingly bows and Josh claps loudly. She takes the vacant seat between the two men. 
“Chick- Fil- A” She gasps at the sight of the mouth-watering food. “Great choice, Josh” Y/N says so, gently patting his shoulder.
“A little birdy told me it is your favorite” Josh winks at David as he starts opening the little boxes. “Now—I have a bunch of questions for you two while we eat this meal” 
“Okay,” David nods as he doesn’t waste any time in digging in. 
“You guys met back in high school right? Tell us about that” Y/N is in the middle of dipping her first nugget into a sauce whilst David has already taken three bites out his sandwich. “Y/N, I got you a vanilla milkshake”
“Thank you” She beams, reaching out for the cup. 
“Y/N hated me in high school” David blurts seconds later. 
“Babe!” She gasps, playfully slapping his chest. “That is not true and you know that!” David laughs lightly, his hand casually slipping under the table, giving her thigh a gentle squeeze. 
“We met during our junior year of high school. Natalie introduced her to us” Y/N spent her days studying and taking part in extracurricular activities that mattered. Meanwhile, David spent his time fooling around with his friends. 
“Oh, so Natalie was sort of your matchmaker?” 
“Yeah. She wouldn’t have spoken to me otherwise” Y/N pouts at David, “and I don’t mean it in a bad way” He rectifies, “She was just really focused on her school work. She was way more mature than I was. Although I had a huge crush on her” 
“That’s sweet” Y/N pecks his cheek making his face flareup. “We grew close, up until senior year when I went off to college”
“I moved here and we sadly drifted apart”  David even asked Y/N to move to California with him, and for a second she had considered it. That was until her parents found out about her plans and threaten to stop talking to her if she didn’t attend college. 
“At least everything worked out at the end. David, when did you know that Y/N was the one?” David wipes the corners of his mouth, finishing to chew down his food, taking the time to answer. 
“This is going to sound corny, but for me, it was when we ran into reach other after so long” David had traveled to New York for work and had run into Y/N. She had just started working and was fresh out of college.
“That makes sense. It was kind of a meant to be sorta thing” David nods along as he steals Y/N’s milkshake. “How about you Y/N?” Josh settles down his phone on the table after scrolling through his last Youtube video where people had asked questions for them. 
“We had started calling and texting each other almost every day.  I got sick while I was in New York. I just felt like there was something seriously wrong with my health and I had no one around. I called him that night and told him I was considering going to the hospital. He took the next flight out and took care of me” She would never forget the feeling of relief and instant comfort he brought her the moment he turned up on her doorstep. She ended up having pneumonia and was confined to her apartment for almost three weeks. Having David around made it much more bearable. 
“Why haven’t we heard this story before?” Josh questions, he had known about them casually running into one another in New York, but never about this. “it’s so romantic” he giggles. 
“I don’t know” Y/N smiles. She can only guess why David hasn’t told the boys. It made him seem like a big softy. “I am so full” Y/N pats her tummy as her shorts had started feeling tighter. 
“Amateur,” Josh says to the camera with a smile. 
“ She is tiny. What do you expect?” David jokes earning a playful shove from Y/N. “She can barely reach the top cabinets with her heels on”  He always finds it incredibly cute when he catches her standing on her tiptoes with her arms fully extended over her head. 
“You are very short Y/N” Josh laughs along with David. 
“I know! You don’t have to point it out!” She pouts, reaching out for a water bottle. David drapes his arm around her waist from behind, kissing her shoulder to hide the goofy smile that she has managed to put on his face. 
“What is something that David does that bothers you, Y/N?” David smirks at her as he waits for her response. 
“I hate he won’t let me buy him clothes or style him” He throws his head back as he laughs heavily. ”he is already so handsome think about how good he would look?”
“I knew you were going to say that!” Y/N giggles, shaking her head at her fiance and his stubbornness. 
“Why don’t you? Don’t you think our beautiful queen knows enough about fashion?” Josh frowns, teasing his close friend. 
“It’s not that! I just don’t know if I can pull it off!” David loves how she always looks impeccable and out of a runway, but he isn’t confident enough to dress any differently. Comfort is also another thing he values in his wardrobe and most of the attires don’t look like you can nap with them on. 
“David, what about you?” 
“The AC” The couple exhales loudly, rolling their eyes at others causing Josh to laugh. “She is always turning the temperature lower. It feels like the north pole in here” 
“That’s what is for, babe! To COOL the house” Y/N turns to look at Josh, “Sometimes is hotter in here than outside. I am not kidding” 
“I believe you” Josh nods knowing from experience that David hates feeling slightly cold. 
“Why are you always taking her side?” David points out as the three of them laugh at the way the conversation is going. 
The teasing continues until both men are stuffed with food and Josh finishes asking all essential questions. Josh says his goodbyes, hugs each, and congratulates them one more time before departing. 
It’s late at night when David strides into their bedroom after finishing some work with Natalie. The lights of their bedroom are off, she is tucked in bed with the comforter up to her chin. Y/N wears her glasses as she holds her iPhone close while typing an outgoing email to her assistant— reminding her to pick up a birthday gift for a photographer friend. 
“I’ll never get tired of seeing that ring on your finger,” He remarks cheekily, closing the door behind him. She smiles, looking up from her screen to get a good glimpse of him. 
“Good because I am never taking it off” His indecisive ass had taken five months to pick the ring. He had taken Natalie, Erin, Corina, Suzy, Carly, his mom, and sisters, on multiple occasions to look for rings. They were starting to grow tired when he finally found the perfect one. 
“Good because you are mine” He jumps in bed, in search of a good cuddle. His arms wrap around her pulling her towards his side of the bed. 
“I can’t wait” She mumbles as she nuzzles her face into his chest. 
“Me neither” They had decided to wait for a little while before tying the knot. They want to take their time and properly plan their wedding. Y/N already has so many ideas including the design of her wedding dress. “Are you excited to start planning it?” David tugs his other arm behind his head. 
“I am. We have to plan what you will wear too” 
“Black suit. No doubt” He immediately answers without any hesitation. 
“Thought so” She rolls her eyes, imagining how handsome he would look in an all-black suit. 
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moonbythecabstan · 3 years
We're Up Against The Wall (Know I Like It Like That) - Part 1
Rated: M
Pairing: M/M
Fandom: World Wrestling Entertainment
Relationship: The Miz/Dolph Ziggler
Summary: A surprise visit from Mike's good friend takes a surprising turn.
Mike flicked his thumb over the screen, skimming the posts scrolling past with vague interest. He wasn't one for mindless social media perusing, but waiting on his wife usually took quite a while. Especially when she had her girls with her. Their giggles heard every time he peeked into the room to check on how much longer he'd be waiting. Left with nothing else to do, he took to looking through Instagram. Tossing a double tap out here and there, smiling at the many pictures of his friends doing interesting things in their lives.
He glanced at the time at the top of the screen when his restlessness got the better of him, groaning when he found only three minutes passed by. How was it time moved so slow when you desperately wanted things to hurry up? Waiting on your wife and suffering through workouts being the times when you wanted the minutes to fly by. Yet they merely crawled. Dragged.
There was a knock at the door that startled him out of his silent griping. He furrowed his brows at the door like maybe he imagined the sound, but it came again. A rhythmic knocking he recognized with a grin. Pushing up off the couch to greet his friend as he pulled the door open wide.
"Hey, man! Didn't expect you to drop by today." Dolph Ziggler, in classic shades and red Motley Crue shirt (sleeves cut off because of course), nodded to him. Ponytail flicking jauntily back and forth as he shifted weight from the left to the right, a hint of teasing to the 'apologetic' smile he offered.
"Yeah, well. I was in town and... I mean, you know how it is. Better to drop in on a friend than go out to some expensive establishment in town." He paused, head tilted and lips pursed for a moment. "It's cool that I'm here, right?" He leaned over to one side and then the other, seemingly checking behind Mike. Probably wondering if they were going out or if his wife had something planned for them.
After all, Mike was dressed in a casual but still nice outfit. Jeans, blazer, clean white t-shirt. His nicest boots. He figured there was still about twenty minutes before he'd even be close to leaving the house anyway, so he nodded and invited Dolph inside. It was better than sitting bored in the living room, something playing on the television and staring at the wall while his thoughts ran away with him.
Not possible to be bored when Dolph was around. That anyone knew.
"So, judging by your nice clothes and pretty face I assume you're going out soon." Mike dropped back onto the couch, though Dolph remained standing. Glancing from where Mike sat to somewhere down the hall. With a hum, he got into a more comfortable position. Effectively rumpling his shirt and blazer, something he was surely going to be nagged about when it was time to go.
"Yeah we've got some business stuff to attend to. And then dinner at this new steakhouse. I'm just waiting on wifey to be done with her thing so we can go." He checked his watch, grimacing. "Should be in the next twenty minutes."
"Ah. Hence the letting me come in. Better than talking to the wall. Probably anyway." Mike snorted, nearly running a hand through his hair before remembering he'd styled it already. He dropped his hand listlessly into his lap, puffing air out of his mouth up at the ceiling.
"Trust me. It's a much better alternative. What are you doing in town anyway? I thought you'd be up in New York by now?" If he remembered correctly, Dolph had some... thing or other scheduled soon in New York. Of course, he could barely keep up with his schedule, never mind a friend's.
"I do, but that's not for a few days. Well, technically two, but I figured it would be fun to visit my brother for a bit. Except he's apparently busy. Then I thought, 'Hey, Mike probably wouldn't mind a buddy' and here I came." He certainly appreciated it. It had been a little while since they really got to hang out. Usually one of them was busy doing something else or they were hanging out with their group of friends at a party or some formal event.
It wasn't the same as just chilling out. Shooting the shit. Catching up.
"Glad you did. You don't know how long a minute can stretch until you're waiting for someone to get ready to go." Dolph laughed, sunglasses now hanging on his shirt collar and his smile reaching his eyes. Blue as the California sky outside his window.
"Brutal." Then he took a step back, glancing down the hall again and smiling in apology. "Mind if I use the bathroom real quick?"
"Sure. Go ahead. You know where everything is, right?" Dolph nodded, already heading out of the room. Something about him a bit more...highstrung than usual. Mike wasn't sure what it was about him, but he let the musing go in favor of heading for the kitchen. Seeking one of his healthy snacks since it would be a good while before he'd be eating anything.
Not even five minutes later, his phone buzzed on the counter. Curiosity piqued, he set aside the mustard bottle he'd been examining for an expiration date and plucked the device up. Brows furrowing when he found Dolph's message notification there. An amused thought crossed his mind of Dolph stuck in the bathroom without toilet paper or something, though that disintegrated quickly into curiosity when he unlocked his phone and read the actual text.
"Hey, you gotta come check this thing out in your guest room. What is he talking about- guest room?" He tried to think of what in the world Dolph could have found in the guest room, shuddering at the thought of a rat or something being in there. His phone buzzed again, a 'hurry up miz' making him roll his eyes as he pushed away from the counter and walked quickly to where Dolph was waiting for him.
"Alright, what is i- mmph?" The moment he was through the door, it shut quietly behind him. Dolph crowding him up against it. A dangerous and enticing gleam in his eyes. He nearly spoke again, his thoughts shooting off in a hundred directions as he scrambled to understand what was happening, what he'd walked into, but Dolph shushed him. Tilting his head once towards the adjacent wall.
And then he heard it. Talking. It was muffled through the wall, but he recognized the higher frequency of women chattering together. Giggling and speaking in shrill voices that carried into the next room. That being the one he was in currently, Dolph watching him carefully. Heat in his gaze that made Mike swallow. His throat suddenly very dry.
"I believe I remember you once mentioning something about how you've fantasized about this. About us going at it in the room next to the one she's in while getting ready." Oh God. He remembered that? Mike vaguely remembered one of the times they hooked up while out of town, he'd been completely blissed out and barely able to put coherent thoughts together. Rambling on about something while kissing along the throat that tasted of salt and smelled of thick musk. Dolph's fingers trailing along the skin of his back and chest, sending little shivers through his body.
Afterwards, when he had his bearings, he remembered saying something along the lines of what Dolph said to him just now. Cringing in embarrassment and praying Dolph either hadn't heard him or wasn't able to pay attention any better than Mike was. Not that it wasn't truem he was ashamed to say, but he preferred to keep such fantasies to himself. Not wanting anyone, not even Dolph, to know some of the things he really wouldn't mind doing.
Apparently he'd hoped in vain, because the man heard and remembered. Obvious in the smirk he wore as he looked him over.
"Um, I was kind of hoping maybe you didn't hear me when I said any of that." Curiosity sparked in darkened eyes, Dolph humming lightly as he considered him for a moment.
"Why? I mean, it's not the best idea you could have in terms of keeping people from finding out. But apparently that gets you hot, and who am I to deny someone something like that? I'm game if you are." It hit him rather suddenly what exactly Dolph was proposing. What was on the table here. He really wished it didn't have him flushing head to toe. Didn't have his heart hammering at the mere thought.
He wished he didn't want to do this. It was wrong on so many levels.
But damn it he did.
Still, he found himself hesitating. "I don't know..."
Dolph leaned in close, their bodies just nearly brushing, and lightly slid his nose against the underside of Mike's jaw. Pulling a sigh out of him and making his eyes flutter closed. It had also been a while since they got to be together like this, rarely ever alone or somewhere they could feasibly be alone.
He didn't like to admit it, but he missed this. There was something insanely addicting to it. The adrenaline coursing through his veins. The knowledge he was doing something he shouldn't. Their natural chemistry snapping and crackling between them when they touched. Kissed. Their passion burned so hot, so bright, and together it was absolutely blinding. Threatening to burn them to ashes.
Every time they got together left Mike wanting more. He couldn't, really shouldn't, but still he craved. Still found himself thinking about it. Once or twice even dreaming of it, an awkward situation he felt immense shame over while sitting on the closed toilet seat. Head in his hands. Drying sweat leaving his skin sticky. Grimy.
"It's up to you. Whatever you want." In his opinion, though Dolph was trying to make it like the final decision was Mike's to make (and, he supposed, in a way it was since he could technically walk away), Dolph also wasn't playing very fair. Ambushing him in the guest room. Leaning in close, keeping him trapped against the door with his body. Teasing him. Smelling as good as he did. Looking like he did.
Looking at him like that.
Really it wasn't fair at all. Because whether he wanted to or not (he totally did) they were definitely doing this. He had no possible way to fight Dolph, or ignore the hum of energy under his skin. And Dolph knew that. Knew just how to push Mike's buttons to get what he wanted. A reaction. A favor.
And behind closed doors, whatever he wanted in bed.
Not that Mike was, like, complaining. He loved making people happy. Would do anything to do so. What they wanted to do he would do delightedly. Diligently. That applied about ten-fold in the bedroom.
"You know I want." He spoke lowly and with slight irritation because they both knew Dolph knew this. Far too smug for his taste, knowing Mike would play right into his hand. Dolph, grinning, tugged him off the door. Letting out a quiet yelp when Mike suddenly charged him, taking the control right out of his stupidly smug hands. He licked heated kisses into Dolph's mouth while curling around him. Absorbing the pleased moan Dolph let out and kissing back harder. With earnest fervor.
Hands squeezed at his shoulders, fingers then trailing along the back of his neck. Bodies pressed firmly together. His ears picked up loud laughter from the next room and he broke the kiss with a gasp to trail lips along the stubbled jaw. Squeezing his fingers into Dolph's waist, a low sound next to his ear making his hair stand on end.
Muffled conversation continued from the other side of the wall his back thumped into, Dolph whispering against his throat. He grasped tightly to whatever parts of the man he could, taking a shape inhale when fingers picked at where his shirt was neatly tucked into his pants. A shiver running up his spine when quick tugs freed it, hand slipping underneath and nails biting into his sensitive skin.
He wasn't sure how much teasing he could really take like this, praying Dolph took mercy on him but knowing the chances were slim. It was rare they got this, even rarer in the situation they were in, and Dolph wasn't known to squander an opportunity laid so perfectly for him. Trust him on that one.
Fingers plucked at buttons, getting through three before Dolph invaded his space again. A heady scent bulldozing his senses and making him dizzy. Dolph always smelled good, but this was something else. He'd happily drown in whatever bottle this stuff came in, that's how good it was.
"Gonna have to be extra quiet, you know that? They could hear you." Another button undone, his shirt looser across his chest. Falling just a centimeter more open. He felt himself arching, trying to break free or maybe draw closer to the other man. To melt completely into him. "Can you actually do that? Can you keep quiet?"
He swallowed thickly.
"Yeah. Yeah I'll- I'll manage." Another button, Dolph leaning back and shooting him a twisted smile he felt deep in his gut. Leaving him to question just how well he'd be able to manage not alerting anyone in the next room what was transpiring.
"We'll see about that." And then, without warning, he dropped to his knees. Fingers making quick work of Mike's belt, the leather snapping as it was tugged from around his waist and tossed onto the (thankfully carpeted) floor. Dolph glancing back at it and making a face.
"Next time, we'll try the laundry room. I remember it has a hard floor." His response dried on his tongue as eager hands wasted little time with buttons and zips. Mike wheezing, clenching his jaw to keep from making any other sounds, when Dolph's left hand slid across his skin. Pressing firmly but gently into his stomach while eyes watched him with open curiosity.
"Hmmm. Usually can get at least a squeak out of you with that one. Going to have to work harder, aren't I?" Squeezing his eyes closed, he counted to five in his head and let out a steady breath. Trying to center himself and ignore the delicious tingling all over his body.
"You're trying to break me...on purpose?" Dolph hummed, smiling sweetly while tugging down snug dress slacks and briefs a few inches. Cool air skating across his skin and making bumps rise up his arms. A tremor in his thighs. Damn him.
"It makes this a little more interesting, don't you think? Just like that time you did something really similar when I was on that conference call with those really important people I told you about? Remember that?" He did, and that had been pretty entertaining. Dolph's strained voice and broken sentences delighting him to no end.
He was quickly coming to realize it was not nearly as fun on the opposite end. Especially when he liked being vocal. Noisy. Sharing his...appreciation.
"If we're caught-" A pointed look.
"Don't get us caught. Simple." If only it were. He had a feeling this was not going to be anything near easy or simple for him.
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phebia · 4 years
Making Family, Prologue
So, I can’t really write for shit but I love to do it. Normally, I just write for myself and don’t publish any of my fics but I figured posting a few couldn’t hurt. I’m almost done watching On My Block (I know I’m late to the party ya’ll) and I’ve had this fic idea bouncing around my head for a while now. If you read it, I hope you enjoy it hehe.
People like to pretend that family is all about blood. The DNA in your core is what decides who your family is, and that's just how it is. Few people know the truth behind that rule. Know that it's a blatant lie. Blood doesn't mean shit. The people I shared my blood line with were far from what family should be. My parents were never physically abusive. A hand never struck me and I never had a bruise courtesy of them. That didn't mean that they were good, though. Words can hit just as hard as fists. Every syllable knocked me to the ground and it got harder to get to my feet each time. Neglect wasn't a word I liked to use, but it was exactly what the lawyer explained it as in court. My parents were mean when they were present but most of the time they were gone. Their presence in my life wasn't strong or positive. I wasn't quite sure how it started. If I had to guess, I'd say that Ruth and Arthur Connelly- the elderly couple next door, finally decided to speak up. They didn't know anything for certain. Not that they had to. It wasn't hard to notice the empty driveway and hear the screaming echoes. It had been a Thursday when she showed up. Caroline Jennings was a fresh-out-of-college social worker. I would eventually learn that I was just her third case. She had blown into my life like a storm, her blonde hair looking more like sunshine. The first thing I noticed about her were her straight teeth, shining as she smiled sweetly at me. I didn't know that taking a few minutes to talk to her would change my life. Dragging an almost 18 year old from a group home to court and back again was harder than Caroline had thought it would be. Her past two cases had been a 5 year old and 2 year old respectively. They hadn't known what was going on. I did. I knew exactly what was happening at every point in time. Caroline had shown up in late April and the judges gavel slammed down for the last time in the end of August. I spent my 18th birthday in a group home full of strangers. Katrina was a kind hearted Latina woman with stern eyes who ran a relatively recent group home all on her own. She didn't ask for help from anyone and she surely didn't need it. I had been there for months but that didn't mean living in a home that wasn't really yours was easy. I wasn't close to the other girls that called the old farm house home. Teenagers were filled with mean comments that would leave a mark if they chose to say them out loud, and they always chose to say them out loud. Apparently mean things were okay as long as it wasn't your parents saying them. I kept out of their way. Minded my own business. Tried to make my plush form as small as possible no matter how fruitless my efforts were, all in an attempt to be ignored. It was funny that after so many years of being alone, I became comfortable in the isolation. In the months it took for the lawyers and social workers in charge of my case to find someone willing to take me in I had legally become an adult, but Caroline had kept my case open as a favour to me. I may have been legal, but it would've been nearly impossible for me to survive on the streets of Waterdown alone. I didn't know much about my extended family and it was impossible to blame anyone for not wanting to take in an 18 year old stranger, but that didn't make the ache of being unwanted any less painful. It was on a late May day that I first heard the name Geny Martinez. Caroline had sat me down and did her best to explain how exactly we were related but all I caught was that it was through my mom's side and she could be referred to as a distant aunt of mine. That also seemed to be the only Caroline understood herself. The tremor of surprise that first hit me when I learned I had family in California looking to take me in lingered for days on end. It still clung to my nerves during the first week of summer when I first met Geny and her husband Ruben. Caroline had told me they were being flown out but it didn't make looking into her brown eyes any easier. Behind her beautiful face there was stress and concern, Ruben on the other hand seemed much more relaxed. Leading them through town was awkward, but sitting down in the local Starbucks and actually having a conversation was much worse. Geny had confessed she didn't know who my mother was or how we were related (a trend that seemed popular) but she was still willing to take me in. I couldn't help but laugh when she had warned me about Freeridge and told me she wouldn't blame if I refused their offer. The thought of living with strangers pulled my stomach into knots of anxiety but it was a much better option than fending for myself on the streets of Waterdown, which I undoubtedly knew I'd have to do soon if the Martinez family didn't work. The next day the couple was gone, but they had taken my phone number with them. I didn't hear from Ruben very often, Geny on the other hand texted me multiple times a day and slowly filled me in on her family and Freeridge. The first time I visited Freeridge was in the early days of June and I visited once more over the summer. My last visit had ended in the early weeks of July and I left feeling decently comfortable with my new... I wasn't sure what to call them, but family seemed to be the easiest word to use. I was set to return in a month, this time for good.
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My first introduction to California had been a blast of hot air to the face. A part of me had been hoping that Los Angeles would've cooled down in the time that I was away, but Ruby had drilled the weather patterns of Freeridge into my head and I should've listened to him. He even suggested I get my hands on an entirely new wardrobe if possible. According to the young Latino all of Canada was frigid year round and no clothing suitable for my hometown would be fitting for my new one. I had laughed at the harebrained boy but my tie dye hoodie and black leggings earned me some looks from strangers in the airport and I quickly decided I probably should've listened to him. My slight familiarity of LAX made grabbing my luggage a less anxious process than it was the first time I had done it, despite the fact that I now had a few more bags with me. My life may not have been grand, but I needed more than a single suitcase to move it to a new country. With a small grunt I heaved my final suitcase off of the baggage claim belt, and after a brief scan of my belongings I turned, starting to look around for Geny or Ruben. However, I quickly froze in place when my eyes landed on a small familiar form marching towards me. My sunglasses gave Ruby a green tint but he and his scowl were unmistakable. "Hey..." My hopeful greeting faded off as my distant cousin stopped before me and gave me a judgemental once over, then turned his attention to my luggage without a word. "I told you not to wear your cold weather clothes. No one listens to me!" All I could do was stare as he shook his head to himself and struggled to get a good grip on a couple of my bags. "I knew that you'd mess up. You're lucky I brought these for you." With a large flounce of his arms he had dropped the bags and turned to hold a pair of simple, two strap, white sandals in my face. I quickly snatched the shoes from him with an unimpressed grimace and uncomfortable slouch in my shoulders due to the attention he had gained us. Ruby ignored my displeasure and went back to my belongings with a dramatic roll of his eyes, now muttering to himself in Spanish. "Easy on the Spanish, bro. She's a gringo, remember?" A new voice took my attention off of Ruby and it only took me a second to recognise Mario, who had wandered up to us at some point during his brother's rambling. A relieved smile pulled at my lips at the sight of him. Mario was my age and his laid back demeanour had made him much more approachable than his younger brother, or anyone else in Freeridge really. His mom had coerced him into showing me around Freeridge during my first visit and our time spent together had turned us into surprisingly close companions. He was undeniably my first, and best, friend in town, and he'd be damned if anyone tried to take the title from him. And although his words were true, I couldn't help but scowl at the term while I moved to embrace him. "Teach me Spanish, then." It was a discussion we had often, ever since I had expressed a desire to learn the language after quickly feeling out of place in the Martinez household. Mario had always laughed at that and claimed that I would be a terrible student, whomst he would never waste his precious time on. "I have no time." He shook his head and smiled at me as we both pulled away from the hug. This time though, his words were true. He was headed off to Berkeley tomorrow and although it was a huge accomplishment, a part of me couldn't help but wish he wouldn't go. With Mario gone I'd likely be stuck hanging out with Ruby and his friends. There was nothing wrong with the soon to be freshman's, other than the fact that I was a good four years older than them. But that was something I'd have to get over. Ruby was mature for his age and I was in no position to be selfish. Mario already put off his departure by a full day just so he could take a few hours to help me unpack and, in his words give me, "A real welcoming home." I rolled my eyes at his ever persistent refusal, shaking my head and turning away so that he wouldn't be able to see the smile on my face. "I'll teach you Spanish, Selina." Ruby had joined my side, looking up at me with my black and white backpack slung over his shoulders, seemingly over his earlier fashion fury. "You already have the name for it. Selina." The thick Spanish accent he accentuated my name with and tilt of his head brought a loud burst of laughter out of me. "Ah, so you're over my wardrobe." I placed a hand on his head and gestured at my hoodie, managing to grind my knuckles against his head and mess his hair up before he escaped my reach. "You know what? You can find a new teacher." He sassed, spinning around and marching way without hesitation, leaving me to grab a suitcase and catch up with him, both of us leaving Mario behind to take care of the rest of the bags. In a few long strides I caught up to his short form, wrapping my arm around his neck from behind and pressing my cheek firmly against his temple. "I missed you, Ruby." I smiled softly, tilting my head to press a swift kiss to his forehead, remaining quiet about the goofy smile I spotted forming on his face. Together we walked in silence, the constant noise of the airport drowning out the way my black vans scuffed against the linoleum floors. "Hey, do you think we should help your brother?" My sudden remembrance of Mario caused me to stop and glance back. My brown eyes scanned the crowds around us, the younger boy also turning to look for his brother. Eventually Mario walked into our sights, scowling harshly and dragging more bags behind him than both Ruby and I both had combined. "Nah." Ruby decided, shaking his head and beginning to walk once more, dragging my plush form along with him. "I still can't believe your mom let you two come pick me up, alone." I had been talking about my surprise airport escorts for the majority of the ride back to Freeridge, and I was sure both boys were overly irritated with me. But, knowing Geny meant knowing how protective she was of her children, even if one of them was an adult about to move away. Things just weren't making sense. Ruby had interrupted my constant musing with stories about what had went down while I was gone, but the distraction didn't last nearly as long as he had hoped. After his brother's failed attempt at silencing me, Mario resorted to steadily cranking the radio up until it drowned out my voice. But all that did was give us all a slight headache and I was still talking as we pulled up to the house. "What? Why? I'm responsible." My eyebrows raised at Mario's offended voice crack, choosing to share a silent look with Ruby instead of doing my teasing aloud. Despite my effort, the older Latino caught the exchange and scoffed loudly, practically shoving me out of the car. "Get out of my sight." I lingered, watching him and Ruby move to the trunk, hesitant to leave the brothers to lug all my things inside themselves. "We got this." Mario caught me looking and waved his hands at me, shooing me away from them once more. "Let the muscle handle it, Selina." Ruby nodded at me and flexed his arms, and that was all the encouragement I needed to leave them be. With a grin and shake of my head I shuffled up the walkway, and debated knocking on the door for a moment but Geny had scolded me whenever I did that so I ending up opting to walk in unannounced. "Surprise!" Confetti was popped in my face and a loud gasp burst out of me at the sudden shock. My heart raced in my chest as my shoulders heaved with uneven breath, my eyes wide and looking over the group of people smiling widely at me. I recognised most of them within a second prompting a laugh of relief to spill past my lips, my laughter causing everyone else to cheer once more. "Welcome home, mija." Geny was the first person to move, rushing towards me with her arms open wide and a glowing smile on her face. "Hi, Aunt Geny." I groaned into the hug but forced a grin onto my face, nearly sighing in relief when she released me from her iron grip. She continued to coo over me, her hands holding my face and squishing my cheeks together until Ruben arrived to greet and save me. I watched the couple walk away with soft eyes until the sound of someone tsking reached my ears. Turning my head to the right revealed Ruby's friend Jamal shaking his head at me, his lanky arms crossed over his chest. "A hoodie? Girl, in this weather? You must be crazy." I sighed and looked to the popcorn ceiling, pushing the sleeves of my sweater to my elbows. Maybe I was starting to sweat a bit, but I'd never admit it to any of the California natives who were just waiting for my admission of defeat with baited breath. "Save it. I already got the lecture from, Ruby." I held my hand out to silence him before he could get another word out, a tiny grin warming my features. "I bet you did." He shook his head but a moment later he was smiling back at me. "Welcome to Freeridge, Selina. Permanently this time!" I thanked him sweetly and promised to come back later with my review of his dad's barbecue. I weaved my way through the house, greeting neighbours with varying levels of enthusiasm depending on my familiarity with them. At some point the twins had stolen me away to play with them, but I was sent right back into the fray when Geny walked in on me being forced to help build a block castle. Not long after leaving the youngest Martinez's behind I collapsed onto the couch next to the oldest one. My head lazily rested against the back of the couch, tilting so that I could look at the woman beside me. Her brown eyes were already fixed on me and she reached out to squeeze my cheek, much like her daughter had. The two of us looked at each other in silence for a minute, Abuelita eventually breaking it. "You want a hit? My stuff's in the basement." I laughed at her offer, nodding my head and promising her that we were on for tonight. The silence between us was a welcome break from the surprise party and there was no need to interrupt it. We were both more than content to watch the people milling about, her hand gently resting over my own which was sat in my lap. I had been focused on watching Ruby and Jamal do their best to ditch one of the neighbourhood girls around their age, who was very obviously invading their personal bubble, when I was distracted by the woman to my right once again. "I think you're going to like it here, mija." Abuelita's voice was quiet and soft but it rang out in my head clearly, a reminder that there was no more going back to my old life. "I hope so."
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cruecifymesixx · 4 years
Love and Leather /Part Seventy/
Word Count: 9.6k
A/N: sorry it took so long, I’ve been sick plus I also have a part time job on top of my full time job now cause I like money and have a lot of trips this year. Anyways, holy shit! 70 chapters! It’s gone by super fast! Enjoy! Let me know what you think!
Warnings: Language
Taglist: @brideofdraculana , @xstarryeyesx , @aryssav , @miserablecunt  @dangerous-like-a-loaded-pistol , @fandomshit6000, @anntheboneless @venus-calum, @justjodeye, @supernaturalvikingwhore, @hi-my-name-is-riley, @extremesadnerding, @thatbandchick39, @awkwrdcait, @countrygirlswonderland, @awesomealmostdopestudent, @romanticvengeance , @tashy-bear, @krazykatkay456, @terror-triplet, @shouttatthedevill @beachystars, @rodriguez025, @kickstart-myheart-sixx, @s-outhie, @anxious-diabetic, @awkwardblackgirls, @rockersbox, @brooklyn-antiques, @shamelessobsessions, @jerseytaint, @lilytalebi, @criminalyetminimal, @motley-queen, @trapt-in-a-dream, @lunamadhatter99, @broke-n-bitchy, @thanks2pete, @slowandangry, @lovesick-heart0, @keepcalm-and-beyou, @miriampraez, @teenwolflover28, @lilyhw1, @motherloovebone, @random-internet-user-4471, @falcon-arrows, @talranocchia2001, @wheresmyvodkabitch, @waywardprincess666,  @iluvmesomemarvelndc, @zoenicoles,@vamprlestat, @supersoldierballerina, @primal-screamer @electradestiny, @marshbev, @n0-sh0rtage-0f-faults, @cruebaby, @ggorehorror, @valentines-in-london, @miss2001babe, @nassauartist  @cmft-jr-winchester, @bokkie92, @notworthyofyou1120 @xrosegoldwolfx @lauravic, @mgkobsessed, @chaoticvybe,  @kellysimagines @thoughtsoftheantagonist @marvelismylifffe, @sleepyjunhong  @meetthesixxter @sparxx27 @gingerspicetalks @kaitieskidmore1 @unknownoblivion @nevergoodenuffbutokaaayyy @kylieinwonderland @haileynicoleseavey17 @lavendersoundbarrier @ijustwanttokiss70srogertaylor @duffshairdye, @xxisxxisxxis, @findingmyth, @xpoisonousrosesx, @m0rnlngstar, @cranberrirolls, @oskea93, @love-struck-aries, @idumpyourgrass, @minxtruck, @i-want-to-shoot-myself, @cruesixxlover1991, @arianareirg, @fentitrbl, @dogmom2014, @sinningsixx​, @motleycrueprincess
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-October 1995-
“Are we there yet?”
I closed my eyes, bringing sunglasses over my face as i ignored Arianna’s persistency. I looked out the window, seeing all the mansions and perfectly green grass that was all too familiar. Arianna and I arrived in Los Angeles about an hour ago, with a trunkful of luggage as most of our stuff had already been shipped to the house.
“Mom, are we there yet?”
I looked over at her, noticing she was staring out the window, “Yeah, just a couple more minutes.” I assured her. Nikki had a driver pick us up from the airport as he was busy running around getting stuff and making sure the house was ready for when we arrived. He had left New York two weeks prior once I told him I wanted to come back home. Nikki was over the moon.
Arianna seemed to take us telling her we were moving okay? She was upset the first few days as she didn’t want to leave her little friends but then Nikki started telling her all the cool things in California and she was no longer upset.
My heart began to race as we parked in front of black gates before the chauffeur punched in the code and they opened up, “Mom! There’s daddy!” I smiled as Arianna pointed to Nikki who was sitting on the front steps with a bouquet of flowers in his hands. The car came to a stop as I helped Arianna get unbuckled before she opened up the car door herself and ran into Nikki’s arms.
I got out of the car, examining the house before Arianna’s fit of laughter and excited screams pierced through the air as Nikki scooped her up and covered her face in kisses, “I’ve missed you so much pumpkin! Did you have fun on the plane?”
“Yes! Mommy let me sit by the window! It was the coolest thing ever!” I forced a smile when she looked at me. I noticed there was now a water fountain in the middle of the driveway, I wonder if that was Brandi’s doing? Concrete planters by the steps were a new addition as dark red roses were planted, beginning to wilt in the autumn air
I heard a jingle plus the patter of paws run out the front door, “Anarchy!” I yelled her name before getting low and sticking my hand out. She approached me, tail between her legs as she growled a bit before sniffing my hand. She soon pounced on me, smothering me in slobbery kisses, “Oh baby, I’ve missed you so much! Look at you! You’re so big now!” My smile was wide as I scratched between her ears.
Arianna walked up behind me, “Be gentle with her, okay?” I muttered, showing Ari how to pet her softly. I stood up, dusting off my jeans as Nikki caught me off guard by picking me up.
“I’m so happy you’re home.” He sighed as I rubbed the back of his shoulders and kissed his cheek, “These are for you.” His grin was contagious as he handed over a bouquet of yellow sunflowers.
“Did you get her bedroom set up?”
He rolled his eyes, “Of course I did. Did you think I would slack off and not do anything until last minute?” I nodded, smiling at his words, “Well I didn’t! I’ve been busy getting the house ready for yours and hers arrival. Still cleaning out the downstairs guest room for your friend however she’s not important to me so I’m not rushing it” I smacked his sternum lightly, giving him a warning glare as he smirked and kissed my hand.
“Don’t start. Is my bedroom ready?” I asked, turning my cheek to see Arianna running around with Anarchy.
“Yeah, yeah. It’s the old guest room upstairs and her room is next to it.” He grumbled, “and I had the closet extended so you can have more room for all your clothes.”
My eyebrows raised in surprise, “Oh, well thank you. You didn’t have to do that. We have some luggage in the trunk. The rest of our stuff will be shipped out later this week and mom already has a buyer interested in the apartment.”
“Good. No more New York. Guy, you mind bringing their stuff in?” Nikki ordered the chauffeur as he nodded and began doing so, “Angel, you wanna go see your room? Check out the house?” Nikki spoke to Arianna as both her and the dog ran up to him.
“Mommy says you have a pool.” She cheered as Nikki grabbed her hand and they walked inside.
Anarchy stayed by my side as I patted her head, “I can do this.” I mumbled as I walked through the front door after them. My eyes immediately went to a crystal chandelier that was resting against the wall, looking up at the high ceiling and seeing a gigantic hole with wires sticking out. Patches of white paint were on the wall, that was no longer the off grey shade I remember it being. The floors were marble, shiny, sparkly marble but I noticed boxes of laminate wood off to the side. The couches I loved so much were replaced with sleek black leather ones, the coffee tables and rug were still the ones I had picked out years ago. He had let Brandi change everything in my house.
I stopped at the entry way table, putting the flowers down and looking into the mirror. I sighed heavily, feeling my gut wrench into a tight knot.
“We are over.” I said quietly, eyes full of tears as I couldn’t bring myself to look at him. I tugged my face away from his hands as I stared down at the engagement ring around my finger before sliding it off and leaving it on the entry way table.
“Here.” Nikki pulled me from the deep corners of my brain as he walked over and placed a glass vase full of water down. He gently took the flowers, unwrapping the from the sheer pink cling wrap and placed them in the vase.
“They’re pretty.” I mumbled, feeling the soft petals as he chuckled, “Not as pretty as you.” I looked at him as his smile went away, “What?” I shook my head as I looked over at the boxes of wood and chandelier, motioning to them as he sighed.
“Having some remodeling done to get it back to how it was. Brandi changed a lot of things...as I’m sure you can tell.” Nikki explained as he looked around the living room, “I’m trying to figure out what shade the walls were but I can’t really remember. Thought maybe you would. Or we can pick a different color if you wanted.”
“The walls were a pearl white. There’s cans of them in the garage...or there was.” I shrugged, as I continued looking around the house. I felt Nikki following after me slowly, taking hesitant steps.
I stopped at the stairs, looking up them and then down the wall as basses we’re hanging, at least he finally found a place for them.
“Vanity! Stop! You aren’t leaving!” Nikki roughly grabbed my hand as he pulled me to him, “Please, Van. I didn’t mean it. I love you, you know I love you.”
“Do you love me?” I asked softly, turning around to look at him as he became confused.
“What?” He laughed, “Of course I love you. You know I love you.” He reached for my hand and pulled me to him before wrapping his arms around my waist, “Why’d you ask that?” He peppered kisses on my cheek and across my jaw.
“Just making sure...” I mumbled as he pulled away from me, but kept his hands on my hips.
As if he knew what I was thinking, “Look, I understand this is going to be difficult for you to adjust to but you have no idea how happy I am for you to be here with me, Arianna too. We’ll take it one day at a time, okay?”
I nodded as I stepped on my tip toes and kissed his lips, “Okay.”
“Ew! Cooties!” Arianna stepped between us and pushed us away from one another, “Where’s Auntie Clem?” She peered up at us as Nikki quickly picked her up and held her close to him.
“You moved here to be with daddy. I’m sure uncle Tommy is keeping her company. Go upstairs and check out your room sweet pea.” Nikki retorted as I brushed my knuckle over her cheek.
“She’ll be here in a few days. Tommy’s helping Clem finish packing up her things and then she’ll be here.” I assured Arianna as she nodded before Nikki put her down, “Come on archery.” She giggles as Anarchy followed her up the stairs.
“She’ll learn her name.” Nikki laughed, “So I was thinking, maybe this weekend we can have the guys come over? They wanted to come today but I told them you’d probably want to relax and unpack a few things before seeing everyone.”
I rubbed the back of my neck, “Yeah I’m kinda tired. I just want to shower and go to bed...” I looked around at some of the pictures on the wall , “Is all of Brandi’s stuff out of the house?”
Nikki nodded, “Yeah, yeah. She just has a few things to come get but they’re out in the garage. She keeps saying she’ll get around to coming over and getting it, but I’ll make sure you two aren’t home when she does in case she starts her shit.”
I smirked, “I don’t mind. Would love to see her actually.” I plopped down on the couch, they were uncomfortable and I hated the fabric. The leather felt fake.
Nikki chuckles as he came over and sat next to me, “No, no. The last thing I want is Arianna seeing your explosiveness.” He stretched out and rested his head on my thighs, “We also have a meeting on Monday to go see Arianna’s new school. I think you’ll like it. I looked and asked around to see which private school was the best.”
I nodded, running my nails through his hair as he closed his eyes and let out a soft breath of relaxation, “Home sweet home.”
After dinner I had gotten Arianna showered and to bed after her demands of digging through boxes so I can find a book to read to her. I dragged the remaining suitcases up to my bedroom. Anarchy ran in front of me as she jumped up on the bed and laid down.
“You know, that doesn’t sound like a bad idea.” I spoke to her as she wagged her tail and I crawled in beside her. I closed my eyes and ran my hand down her back, “I hope you bit her a few times.” I chuckled to myself, “...or at least growled at her.”
“Van come here!” I sighed as Nikki yelled for me, “Vanity!” I rolled my eyes as I pushed myself off the bed.
“Yeah?” I called out for him, rubbing my face as I walked out my bedroom door, “I’m in the bedroom!”
“Baby, just please let me explain.” I watched as Nikki grabbed a towel, almost slipping on the linoleum floor as he walked out of the bathroom and towards me, but I turned away from him, “Van, babe, I...I’m so sorry.” Nikki spoke softly as he wrapped a warm hand around my arm.
“What’s up?” I asked him as I stood at the bedroom door, seeing his back turned towards me as he was looking through his dresser for something. I cleared my throat and crossed the threshold. Black curtains hanged still but the walls were now a red shade.
“Sorry? You’re sorry!?” I rolled my eyes at him as I went opened the closet it door, causing it to slam against the wall. I grabbed a suitcase, throwing it on the bed before I started grabbing handfuls of clothing.
“I’m...I’m trying to find it. Where the fuck did it go?” Nikki mumbled to himself as he threw black shirts and black jeans on the floor.
“Find what?” I questioned as I looked at the disheveled bed sheets and the white bass that was laying on top of it.
“Babe, baby no. No, come on.” Nikki begged, “Fuck! Vanity!” I heard his voice crack, as it took everything in my being not to stop packing my stuff, “Van, please. Do-don’t leave.”
“Ah! Found it!” Nikki said as he pulled out a small satin red satchel. I crossed my arm over my sternum, holding onto my other arm as I took a deep breath in and exhaled slowly.
“Here. Um...here. It’s...just take it.” He smiled at me as he held the satchel by the string on the tip of his finger.
I reached out for it and held it in my hands, “Thanks..” I mumbled, “I’m gonna go to bed.”
He chuckled, “Aren’t you gonna open it?” Nikki’s hand reached for mine as he pulled me over to his bed, forcing me to sit down with him, “Here. I’ll just-“ he took it out of my hand before untying the knot and outcome that charm bracelet in the palm of his hand.
“Don’t leave?!? What am I suppose to do!!” I screamed at him, tears finally hitting me as I saw him jump at the loudness of my voice.
I watched as he clasped it around my wrist, “There.” His grin was huge as I looked down at it, before taking it off again and holding it.
I could tell that hurt his feelings by the way he shifted on the bed, “I’ll uh...I’ll wear it tomorrow or something. You know I don’t wear jewelry to bed.”
“Yeah, no, of course.” He spoke fast as he scratched the back of his head, “Just thought you’d want it back. Look...I added uh another charm.” His hand engulfed mine as I saw a emerald gem, “Arianna’s birthstone, i thought it would be a nice addition...”
I nodded as I got off his bed, feeling his eyes watch my every move, “Thank you. But uh I’m tired and I’ll see you in the morning.” He reached for my arm and pulled me back to him, “Nik-“ he cut me off by forcing his lips on mine.
“Just sleep in my bed tonight.” He spoke through the kiss, placing his hands on my ass as he pulled me on top of him and he lowered himself on the bed.
“It-it was an accident, okay? She was flirting with me and I just-“ I quickly picked up my studded belt and threw it at his head, watching him duck it as I then threw a single combat boot, seeing him wince as it hit his side. Stuffing your cock into someone’s mouth isn’t a fucking accident.
I put my hands on his shoulders and pushed myself away from him, but he wrapped long fingers around the base of my neck and pulled me back into a heated kiss, feeling his tongue find it’s way to mine. He rolled us over as I was underneath him in an instant, “Please baby?”
Nikki stared at me as I shook my head, trying to blink away tears as I was choking on a breath of air. His face softened as he got off of me, “Van...”
I brushed him off as I climbed out of his bed and started walking to my bedroom, but he was following me, “Vanity, I’m sorry.” He pleaded as I wiped my face. I couldn’t close my door fast enough as he blocked me from doing so.
I held the bracelet tightly, feeling the charms poke my skin as my back was turned towards him. I couldn’t control the loud sob that pushed past my lips, “I want...I want to go to bed.” I told him, not bothering to look at him or get undressed for that matter as I pulled the blankets back and got underneath them.
“I know it’s hard being here again.” He spoke softly, “I mean..I don’t know, but I’m assuming it isn’t easy being back here...with everything that’s happened. I’m sure it’s overwhelming for you, but doll, you don’t have a clue how happy I am. I know I’m just repeating myself but I truly am so fucking ecstatic you’re here again.”
I didn’t say anything in return as I buried my face in the pillow. I heard him sigh heavily, “I’ll see you in the morning. I love you.” I knew he was waiting for me to say it back but I just couldn’t right now. I was feeling way to many god damn emotions. Nikki leaned over the bed and kissed the back of my head before the lights turned out and my bedroom door was closed shut.
*A few days later*
Arianna screamed as she ran to the front door, “How fo you even know it’s Auntie?!” I yelled after her as she tried reaching for the door handle but couldn’t. I opened up the door for her and she immediately collided with Clementines legs, almost making her fall backwards, “Auntie! You’re here!!”
Clem stumbled back a bit before smiling, “What are you doing up? You should be sleeping cupcake!” Clem dropped her bags and picked her up, “I have missed you! Have you been having fun without me?” I rested against the door frame, seeing Tommy get out of the car and start getting luggage out.
“Mommy let me stay up! And I went to the zoo today and saw monkeys and the hippos!” Clementine smiled at Arianna as she yawned a bit, it was an hour or so past her bedtime.
“Oh the zoo? I am jealous. You’ll have to tell me more tomorrow after you wake up.” She put her down and walked over to me.
“Go tell daddy you’re ready for bed. He’s upstairs.” I nudged her inside as she went up them, waving bye to us from the top of the stairs. I turned to look at Clementine as she sighed deeply, “I have missed you.” I hugged her tightly as she squeezed me even tighter, “How was the flight?”
She rolled her eyes with an added groan, “Made me realize how much I actually hate flying. First class snobs are the worse, I should’ve just flew coach. But it was fine, tolerable.” I chuckled as Tommy came over with both hands full of suitcases and a duffle bag hanging off his shoulder.
“Uh her room is down the hall and past the living room and kitchen then the third door on the right.” I told Tommy as he nodded, not saying a single word or giving me a smile as he quickly brought them inside.
“What’s that about?” I asked Clementine as she smirked, “A very short leash.” I raised my eyebrows in surprise. I guess the whole ‘you’re still married’ conversation didn’t go too well.
“I got a bottle of your favorite wine.” I told Clem as she followed me in the house, “Are you hungry? We went out to dinner but I brought home leftovers.”
Clem shook her head, “No, I’m okay. We grabbed a bite to eat at the airport. Has he been good?”
“Nikki?” I chuckled as I grabbed the bottle of wine and glasses, seeing her smile and nod, “Yeah, he’s been good. Still trying to get use to everything and him again.” I pulled out the cork, making it pop, “He’s been nice, sweet. Too nice actually.” I poured the white wine into our glasses before handing one over to her.
“No shit talking? Wow, surprising.” Clementine retorted as I brought the glass to my lips.
“He hasn’t talked shit.” I mumbled, “That much.” I shook my head as Clementine rolled her eyes at me and sat down at the island bar in the middle of the kitchen.
“I won’t start. But Nikki talks shit more than he plays that bass.” Clementine spat out as I chuckled.
“That bass also paid for you to fly out here, for this house, oh and that bottle of wine.” My eyes went wide as Nikki walked into the kitchen at the wrong time, glaring solely at Clem. I glanced between the two before taking another drink.
“Should I throw money at you in thanks?” Clementine quickly fired back as Nikki rolled his eyes and took my glass from my hand and took a sip, “Thank you very much Nikki for allowing me to stay here. It’s very nice of you.”
I nudged Nikki’s side, motioning to Clem as he sighed, “You’re welcome.” Nikki murmured as he turned to face her and forced a smile.
“Nikki, I think Clementine has a lot of luggage. You should help Tommy bring it in.” I spoke as he looked over at me, closing his eyes before taking a deep breath in before opening them.
“Of course, princess.” He spoke through gritted teeth, griping as he stormed out the door.
“Short leash.”
After a while, Clementine and I were sitting outside around the fire pit Nikki had turned on for us as we finished off the bottle of wine, “Whoops.” Clementine chuckled as she accidentally kicked the glass bottle over.
“So, did you talk to Tommy about the whole Heather situation?” I asked as I leaned back into the chair and kicked my feet up on the ring concrete block ring around the fire pit.
Clementine looked over at me, “Yeah, he tried denying it at first but then eventually did tell me they were still legally married and said it’s just the lawyers bickering over who gets what or who deserves this. So now he’s been a total kiss ass ever since then.”
I smiled a bit, bringing the glass up to my lips when the boys came out, laughing as they walked over to us, “I’m sure it will smooth over.” I told Clementine as she nodded. I scooted over when Nikki came and sat by me, taking the glass of wine out of my hands and taking a sip before giving it back.
“Everything’s in your room and the rest of your stuff will be out here in the next few days, at least that’s what the moving company said.” Tommy explained as Clementine smiled at him.
“Thank you babe.” Clem smiled as she gave him a quick peck on the lips.
I smacked the back of Nikki’s head lightly when he pretended to gag, “Quit it.” He grinned at me before kissing the side of my arm.
“So, Nikki was telling me about having a party to celebrate you being back?” Tommy spoke as I chuckled, but nodded anyways.
“That’s what he wants. I don’t mind. Nothing too big just a few people. I wouldn’t want it to overwhelm Arianna.” I explained to him but looked at Nikki.
“I think a party would be nice. Gives you a chance to see all your old friends.” Clementine added as I smiled.
“Yeah, you could finally meet Lucia and Tonya.” I responded, seeing Nikki and Tommy exchange looks with one another but I brushed it off.
“I could pick up some burgers and hot dogs, if you wanted Nikki?” Clementine suggested as he looked at her.
“Uh okay? Yeah, sure that would be great...” Nikki muttered as made myself comfortable and rested my body against his chest and draped his arm over my torso.
“Thank you Clemmy. That’s very nice of you.” I added with a smirk as Clementine returned it back to me.
“Of course, but I’m beat. I’ll see you guys in the morning. Tommy? You staying the night?” I saw his eyes light up as he nodded his head feverishly.
“I mean...uh if it’s okay with you two.” Tommy looked at me and Nikki as I nodded.
“We don’t mind.” I smiled, “I’m not washing the sheets though.” Clem’s face turned red under the light from the fire as she grabbed Tommy’s hand and dragged him inside.
I closed my eyes and relaxed as Nikki’s knuckles ran over my thigh, “I haven’t seen or talked to Lucia and Tonya in forever. Are they still at the diner?”
I felt Nikki’s body become tense as I sat up and looked at him, “What’s wrong?” I questioned, poking his cheek to make him smile.
“Van, when was the last time you talked to Tonya?” Nikki asked but I shrugged.
“I-I don’t know? Maybe before I left? I uh I can’t remember? Does that make me a bad friend?” I frowned a bit as he sighed, “Nikki, what’s wrong?” I scooted away from him a bit as I tried to figure out what he was thinking but he was difficult to read. Nikki looked at me, his hazel eyes filled with sorrow.
“Babe, Tonya died.”
I tilted my head to the side, chewing on my bottom lip as I looked at him, “Nikki, that’s not funny…”
He exhaled deeply as he ran his hand over his face, “Vanity, Tonya died in ‘91, September to be exact. She got sucked into the junkie life and ended up overdosing on smack.”
I looked at him through teary vision as he reached over and held my hand, “She wouldn’t do that..she…she barely did coke with me. Nikki this isn’t fucking funny.”
“Baby, I wish I was joking, but I’m not. She started dating this guy. I met him once at the diner, I went there time to time after you left and one day I went and she was so fucked up. I offered to help her get clean but she didn’t want it. I’m sorry Vanity.” Nikki murmured as he brought my hand to his lips.
I sucked in a deep breath of air as I grabbed my glass of wine and chugged the rest of it, “And Lucia?”
Nikki smiled, “She got married in ‘93 I want to say? Popped out a kid in ‘92 then again last year. She just moved up to Washington right before I came to New York. Leo is a cool dude. Some car mechanic or whatever. Met him a few times.”
I stared into the fire, wiping my eyes as I shook my head, “Why didn’t anyone tell me?”
Nikki looked at me like I had grown three heads, “Van? Really? You left. No one knew where you were. Thank god Tommy was stubborn enough to annoy Greyson enough into telling him where you were.”
I leaned back onto the loveseat, looking up at the stars, ”Tonya’s dead.” I muttered to myself as Nikki kissed my forehead.
“I’m so sorry Van. She has a nice little headstone, I Uh…her family couldn’t afford a funeral so I paid for it, anonymously though. She was a bit mad at me, she dumped a milkshake in my lap after me cheating got out into the tabloids.” Nikki explained to me as I laughed.
“Well, wherever she might be…” I looked up to the stars again, “I hope she’s alright….and I’m happy she dumped a milkshake on you.”
Nikki rested his head against the seat, looking up at the stars too, “I deserved it. Shit, Lucia came to a show and threw a cup of beer that was aimed for me and ended up hitting Brandi.”
I chuckled a bit, “That’s Orion’s Belt.” I said, pointing to the three stars in a line, “It consists of Zeta, Epsilon and Delta. And then you have the Canis Major and Minor which represents his dogs.” I explained, glancing over to see Nikki squinting up at the stars.
“And all the way at the bottom is a constellation called Scorpius which is for the scorpion that killed Orion and the Little Dipper is his arrow while the Big Dipper is his bow.” I looked over at Nikki as his smile was huge.
“God, I love you. You always surprise me.” Nikki muttered as he kissed me sweetly.
“Daddy taught me that when he’d make Greyson and I go camping. Every time he’d ask me what stars they were until it was drilled into my brain.” I smiled weakly, feeling a twinge of pain as Nikki played with my hair.
“I found my dad.”
I smiled, turning to look at him, “Nikki! That’s-that’s wonderful! What is he like? Where does he live? Do you talk him a lot?”
Niki chuckled, shaking his head a bit “He died back in the late seventies. A heart attack on Christmas Day, so my half brother says.”
My heart broke for him. Knowing that he spent his whole life chasing the ghosts of parents that were never there for him, to only find out one of them was already passed.
“Oh….I’m sorry Nik.” I mumbled quietly as he continued running his fingers through my hair, “At least you found out you have a brother. I thought it was just sisters. Have you seen Deanna again?”
He brushed it off, “Ah don’t worry about it. He was already pretty much dead to me.” He laughed, but I knew better than that. I curled up against his chest and wrapped my arm around his waist snuggly, “As for my half brother…he was more thrilled to find out his sibling was Nikki Sixx. Dude told me he lost his virginity to ‘Home Sweet Home’ as we were standing on our fathers grave.”
I laughed a bit but reached up and kissed his stubbly chin, “As for Deanna, no. Haven’t seen her since you threw that birthday party for me. No call, no letter, nothing.”
My head rises with the deep in take of breath he took before he exhaled, “You’re a good parent Sixx. I’d choose you in every life time to be my baby daddy.”
A rumble of a laughter vibrates through his chest as he smooths his hand over my hair, “Well, I’d choose you in every lifetime regardless if we were able to have children or not.”
“You’re just kissing my ass now.” I giggled, pressing my lips to the tattoo on his sternum.
“Well, I can really kiss it if you want me too.”
*Saturday afternoon*
“You know, I think this party is a good thing. Two birds one stone. You can see everyone all at once and won’t have to repeat yourself over and over.” Clementine muttered as she stood behind me, zipping up the dress I had put on, “And maybe you should’ve worn something more comfortable. You’re at home, not an award show.”
I rolled my eyes, staring at her through the mirror, “This is comfortable and I can’t have anyone thinking just because I’m a mom now I can’t look hot, I mean, not like it’s hard or whatever.”
Clementine laughed, “Yes my majesty, you will outshine everyone as usual.” I nodded at words and grabbed onto her shoulder as I put my heels on.
“Do you think they’ll be nosy? Or judgmental? I know the band will be okay, or I hope. Vince can be mean sometimes and I don’t want to deal with it but I’m sure Nikki will tell him to fuck off if he does or if anyone does, or I hope he does. You think he will? Right? Nikki wouldn’t let anyone give me a hard time especially in our home? Right?”
Clementine looked at me with raised eyebrows as I sucked in a deep breath of air, “I’m going to throw up.” I mumbled, resting my hand on my stomach as I sat on my bed.
“Van, just relax okay? I think some might be a bit nosy but who are they to judge? They’re a bunch of LA snobs at least from what I could tell. I’m sure Nikki would tell someone off if they become a hassle and Vince, well, who gives a shit about him….just breathe, you’re getting worked up for nothing. You’ll have fun.”
I nodded as I combed my fingers through my hair, “But, I was sent up here to get you so…let’s go.”
We walked down the stairs as I heard the chatter of our guests as well as some rock music, “Where’s Arianna?”
Clem glanced back at me, “Shes running around with Skylar and some other kids, she wasn’t even shy like she usually is.”
“That’s great.” I mumbled, stopping by the kitchen as a platinum blonde who I’ve never met ran up to me.
“Oh my gosh! Vanity it is so good to see you!!” She was over zealous as she pulled me into a tight squeeze. I stiffened like a board as she gripped my shoulders and gently shook me around, “Gosh! Look at you! As stunning as ever!”
I stared at her, “Uh…yeah…thanks for um coming.” I cleared my throat as I tried remembering who she was.
“Well! I got to go! We will definitely have to get together for lunch some time! Talk to you later!” The blonde left as quick as she came, grabbing hands with a brunette and walking out my front door.
“I have no idea who she was. Who did Tommy invite?” I expressed as Clementine shrug it off.
“Maybe all your coke use as seeped into the memory area of your brain.” I glared at her as she chuckled in return.
“It’s called the hippocampus actually.”
She rolled her eyes at me, “I like you better when you’re not being a smart ass.”
I stepped outside, squinting as the sun was blinding me, “There you are!” Nikki came over, pulling me into his side as we started walking in the direction of the band, “The guys have been waiting for you. Worry about everyone else later, they don’t matter.”
Our backyard was half of people I couldn’t recognize and half being me thinking I knew who they were, I knew them but couldn’t put a name with it…so really, who was this party even for?
Nikki’s hand stayed on my lower back as he guided me over to the guys, who in return stopped laughing and ogled.
“Well, don’t be shy now princess!” Vince said, nudging Sharise off his lap as he got up and walked over to me. Vince shoved Nikki away playfully as he wrapped me up in a big hug and kissed my cheek.
“Nice to see you too Vinny…” I patted his shoulder as he pulled away from me and examined me in typical Vince fashion, “Still hot as ever.” He whispered before Sharise came over and gave me a hug.
“It’s been such a drag since Heather divorced Tommy and Brandi was such a bitch.” I smiled at her embrace as her doused in hairspray locks tickled my nose.
“So I’ve heard.” I chuckled as she smiled at me before going to sit with Vince again.
Mick looked at me, pushing his sunglasses up as I tried forcing a smile, “Hey…” I spoke softly as his tough exterior diminished as he pulled himself up slowly from the chair. I noticed he was slouched over a bit more then what I remember.
“What’s so special about Tommy? You let him know where you are but not me?” My smile faded away as I stared at him, “You just run across the country? Give birth to a beautiful little girl and you don’t even call me?”
Nikki stepped over to me, draping his arm over my shoulder, “Mick..” Nikki attempted to warn him, but even he knew better then to do so.
“Shut it.” Mick said roughly, “I’m talking to her, not you.”
I frowned a bit, “Mick, it was just-“
I swallowed the lump in my throat, forcing my head to nod at his words, “I missed you?” I said unsure of myself as he shook his head.
“Do you know how much of his bullshit I had to deal with the last few years?” Mick finally broke into a smile, “Had to keep his ass from doing anything stupid, all three of them actually.”
Nikki scoffed, “Hey! I was fine!”
I chuckled, moving away from Nikki and to Mick as I put my arm over his shoulder, “I would’ve called eventually. I still stayed in the loop of everything because of Tommy but thank you for making sure Nikki was alright, even if he was being an idiot.” Mick grinned, looking past me and at Nikki.
“Well, he’s always going to be a dumbass regardless. I’m happy you’re back Vanity. Hasn’t been the same without you.” Mick engulfed me in a hug as I rubbed his back gently.
“Have you met her yet? Arianna?” I asked Mick as he shook his head.
“No, but she’s busy being a kid so it’s fine. Sit, tell me all about New York.”
I chuckled as Nikki handed me a beer and sat down next to me, “Uh…it was okay. I lived at the top of an apartment building in Brooklyn and worked at a strip club as a bartender. Met Tommy’s girl, Clementine a few months after I moved to the city, had Arianna, raised her and now I’m here.”
“And tell Mick what else you did.” Nikki butted in, smirking as I flipped him off, he reached over and kissed my finger.
“Nikki’s just jealous because I also had a boyfriend.” I stared in a matter of fact type tone as he chuckled.
“A boyfriend? And then I’m guessing Nikki scared him away when he found you?” Vince questioned as I rolled my eyes.
“Yeah, something like that. But anyways, what’s new with the band? Anything going on? Any tour? Album?” I questioned, looking at all of them as they looked at each other.
“Yeah, Sixx. What’s going on?” Vince quirked an eyebrow as Nikki chuckled bitterly.
“Well, can’t make any new songs if our singer doesn’t show up to rehearsals, now can we?” Nikki barked back as I watched the two bicker. Clearly nothing had change.
“Well, can’t sing any songs if our primary songwriter has been preoccupied the last little while.” Vince retorted, cocking his head to the side and smirking as Nikki stared at him.
“Whatever. I’m not doing this with you right now. We’ll save it for tomorrow.”
I sipped on my beer, eyes flickering between the two as they glared at one another, “Uh…Skylar has gotten big. I don’t even think she was walking yet.” I cut the tension as Vince’s eyes locked on mine.
Vince snorted in laughter, “What? Did you expect the world to stop spinning just because miss Blackwood got off the ride? Miss Blackwood since you two didn’t…well never mind.”
My eyebrows furrowed as I watched Sharise attempt to simmer him down. I grabbed Nikki’s hand, shaking my head as a way to tell him not to buy into his bullshit. Nikki instead let go of my hand and went over to a table full of snacks.
“Don’t be a dickhead, Vince. You’re in my house and if you can’t act right you can go.” I stated, pointing to the door as he smirked.
“Oh relax, Vanity. I meant no harm by it, just trying to ruffle Nikki’s feathers. It was just a joke.” Vince explained himself as Sharise looked pissed off for me.
I simmered down when Arianna walked over to me, hands behind her back as she rocked on the ball of her heel, “Well, hello pumpkin.” I smiled at her, wiping vanilla frosting off her cheeks, “Was the cake good?”
She giggled, “Yes! Uncle Tommy let me have two-“ she held up her fingers, “Pieces of cake!”
“Isn’t Tommy the nicest? Baby, I have some people that want to meet you too.” I patted my lap as she climbed up, her back facing me as she looked at the guys.
“That’s Mick and that’s Vince. Those are daddy’s other brothers and that’s Vince’s wife, Sharise. They are Skylars mom and dad.”
Arianna became shy as she laid back against my chest and started covering her face with my hair, “Oh, don’t even start right now.” I tickled her sides as she yelled and squirmed off my lap as she ran straight to Nikki who picked her up.
“Well, looks to me you’ve done a mighty fine job raising her, kid.” Mick spoke as I looked over at him, a wide smile on my face due to his words.
“I’ve tried my best. I think she’s adjusting to the move and being around Nikki all the time pretty well. I really hope she’s happy here.” I expressed as Mick nodded.
“I’m sure she’s happy having both of you and I’m sure it’s a good thing for her to see you two be together as well.”
I cocked my head to the side, “Together? Nikki and I aren’t together.” I laughed at his statement, “Did he-he told you that?”
Mick shrugged but Vince spoke up, “Hasn’t shut up about it.”
I looked over at Nikki who was running around the yard with Arianna and Skylar, “Yeah, no. Me and Sixx aren’t together. We aren’t even sharing the same bedroom.”
Vince and Mick both started laughing as Sharise rolled her eyes, “Well, I think it’s a good thing that you two are taking it slow due to the history and what not. I’m sure things will work out.” She looked on the bright side of things as I shrugged.
“Yeah I guess. I’m in no rush to be with him, and I’ve told him that. We’re just co-parenting, I haven’t slept with him since New York.” I finished off my beer as I nodded my head to the music that was playing.
“Short leash.” Sharise giggled as I glanced over at her, smirking.
*a few hours later*
“…Just make Clementine clean it all.”
I looked at Nikki who held a beer bottle in his hand as he watched me pick up trash from the party, “She’s not our maid Nikki. It was your idea to have the party you should be cleaning up too.” I stated, taking the bottle out of his hand and trading it with the trash bag I was holding.
I hopped up on the counter taking a sip of his drink, “So uh…what was that about between you and Vince earlier?”
Nikki ignored my question as he stuffed paper plates and empty soda cans into the trash bag, “Okay then…” I whispered to myself.
“Is it because of what he said? Because I wasn’t even really that upset about it so you shouldn’t be either.” I tried guessing as he shook his head.
“Don’t worry about it, okay?” Nikki gave me a stern look as I rolled my eyes.
“Is it the music? Did you guys have a fight before I came?” Nikki threw the garbage bag down after tying it closed, “Well that was dramatic…”
He leaned against the counter, taking the bottle away from me as he looked deep in thought, “Vince is acting like a little bitch and it’s pissing me off. He hates everything we’re trying to do. Blows off rehearsals and then complains he doesn’t like the material but how is he suppose to like the material if he ain’t helping us make it? He’s acting like he’s fucking better than us.” Nikki’s voice was riddled with disdain as I looked at him.
“I’m sure it’s not like that Nikki.” I said, pushing strands of onyx hair out of his eyes as he moved his head away from me.
“How would you know? You haven’t even been here Vanity.” Nikki snapped quickly as I quirked an eyebrow in surprise. He exhaled deeply as he put the bottle down and placed both hands on either side of me, “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean that.” Nikki placed a soft kiss on the side of my neck before looking at me.
“It’s okay. You’re right, I haven’t been here. But I’m sure if you’re forcing the music to happen it’s not going to be good….” I trailed off as he rests his hand on the side of my thighs.
“The music is good. The lyrics are great, it’s just him that’s holding everything up. Anyways, I’m tired of talking about Vince. Do you wanna watch a movie upstairs in my room?”
Code word for ‘let’s see how long it takes for you to get bored of the movie and let me stick my hand down your pants’
I shook my head and patted his cheek “No, Maybe tomorrow we can wa-“ Nikki cupped my face and planted his lips on mine, “Sixx..”
He stepped away from me, resting his forehead against my shoulder, “You’re torturing me.” Nikki murmured as he wrapped his arms around my body and pulled me closer to his.
“Torturing?” I laughed, “How am I torturing you? I’m not doing anything.”
He groaned, “That’s exactly how you’re torturing me. You aren’t doing anything or giving me anything.”
I scoffed at his words and shoved on his shoulders, “You sound like a real jackass right now, Nikki.”
His laugh vibrated through me. Nikki stepped away from me but still kept his arms raveled around my waist, “No, no I don’t mean it like that. I mean here I am being all nice and loving and affectionate and you aren’t doing the same.”
I rolled my eyes, “Nikki, you’re being dramatic.” I hopped off the counter, caught between it and him, “You and I aren’t together. I don’t have to be affectionate towards you anyways.” He tilted his head up, standing straight as he took his arms away from me.
“Yeah. You’re right.” Nikki looked away from me as he bent down to pick up the trash bag. He said nothing else as he walked out back, slamming the glass door as I rolled my eyes at his outburst.
Hope he didn’t wake up Arianna.
*Monday morning*
I wish Nikki and I were a normal duo, that way we wouldn’t get looked at in a strange way every time we stepped out into public. We had arrived at Arianna’s school, the Hidden Hills academy. A teacher had already stopped walking and waited by the wall as we passed them and I highly doubt she was star struck from seeing Nikki Sixx. Other parents that were dropping off their kids judged with silenced looks too.
It didn’t help that Nikki was wearing a half buttoned leopard print shirt with all of his tattoos out on display with tight dark denim jeans and a bulky chain hanging out of his back pocket. I sighed quietly and pulled up the low cut shirt I was wearing as we walked into the main office.
“Hi, we have an appointment with the dean for Arianna Blackwood?” I spoke softly as Arianna tried peering over the counter to reach her hand into the candy bowl.
The older woman with square glasses hugging her face and fake pearls wrapped around her neck. I knew they were all fake by the same shade of white they were, real pearls aren’t. I saw as her eyes flickered to Arianna and Nikki who already made himself comfortable in the chairs, “Very so, the dean will be with you shortly.”
Arianna followed me over to Nikki as I sat down next to him and she crawled up on his lap, “I don’t like this school already.” I mumbled to Nikki as I tried taming Arianna’s hair and then his.
Nikki chuckled before scrunching up his nose when Arianna grabbed his hand and spit the candy into it, “I don’t like their candy.” He shook his head before grabbing a tissue and wiping off his hand before throwing it away next to him.
“I wasn’t expecting it to be so fancy…I heard good things about the school. Maybe I should have worn a tie or something.” I watched as Nikki buttoned his shirt up a bit and ran his ringed fingers through his hair, “Maybe put the tits away too..” He whispered to me as I lightly swatted his arm, but pulled my shirt up again.
“You look fine. We look fine. You’re just a rockstar and I’m a heiress and you’re my ex fiancé who knocked me up and I hid our child for five years only to move back into your gothic castle. Yeah, it’s fine. We’re gonna be fine.” I breathed out as Nikki rubbed the back of my neck softly.
“Why are you freaking out? You fit in here.” He laughed a bit as he kissed the back of Arianna’s head.
“I do not fit in here. Los Angeles snobs are completely different than Texas snobs.” I retorted as he nodded.
“I mean, we could leave if you want? Look for another school? I’m sure there is others in the area. I just want her to have the best education she can. If I gotta bake cookies and go to car washing fundraisers I will. I’m not coaching little league though, that’s where I draw the line.”
I chuckled a bit, “I’m not being friends with the other moms. They were annoying in New York and they’re probably annoying here too. Especially if they’re a ditzy housewife married to a retired basketball or football star.”
Nikki grinned, “What about you? When you’re married to a retired rockstar?” I looked over at him, eyes rolling as I shook my head.
“I think I want a normal husband. Marry a doctor or a teacher, someone boring.” I smiled as he tugged my hair a bit.
Nikki took his hand away from me when a older gentleman wearing shiny black dress shoes, a khaki suit and a red tie walked up to us, “Hello, are you two Mr and Mrs. Blackwood?”
It took everything in my body not to start laughing, especially as Nikki glared at me, “No, I’m Blackwood and he’s Sixx. I’m Vanity.” I said kindly, seeing his unamused expression but he stuck out his hand anyway for me to shake.
“Gregory Davis. I’m the dean of students here.” He extended his arm out to him, “Nikki.”
“Poison?” Gregory motioned to Nikki’s hair as he glared at him.
“No, Motley Crue.”
Gregory nodded, “Hello Arianna. How are you doing today?” He spoke to her as Ari became shy and hid her face in Nikki’s neck. “Please come into my office.”
“Maybe marry him. He’s boring and he has money.” I whispered to Nikki as he elbowed my side.
A dark wooden desk with fancy burgundy leather chairs sat on either side, his name was engraved in a gold plate followed by black pens and papers sprawled over his desk. We sat down in the chairs as Nikki put Arianna on his lap as she played with one of his bracelets he was wearing.
“Thank you for letting us come in and see the school on such a short notice.” Nikki explained as I noticed the dead plants hanging around the window.
“You’re very welcome, the pleasure is all mine. We are a very relaxed school but we also make sure the curriculum comes first before anything else. We offer many different programs for our students to exceed in. In kindergarten, we focus on building the structure for the years to come while your child will be here. We tend to lean to more books, shapes and math rather than irrelevant puzzles and play time or story time.” Gregory explained as he started flipping through paper work.
I cleared my throat, “She was at a private school in New York. She went through pre-K and her reading levels are immaculate, she also has a interest in music and art.”
He nodded, “Yeah, Nikki had brought in paperwork from her old school to give to us. She’s very smart for being so young. We have a lovely music program but we don’t offer that until first grade due to the lack of patience and attention span a kindergartener could have, but we will pay close attention to see how she does in her class.”
“Auntie won’t be here?” Arianna asked as she looked up at Nikki.
“No angel, Clementine won’t be with you at school, you’ll be okay.” He spoke softly as he brushed his hand over her hair.
“Her aunt was an assistant in her class back home, I mean back in New York. She’s been a tremendous help. I mean, so has nik- I mean her dad has helped too.” I explained, adding a nervous chuckle as Gregory stared at me.
“But Auntie knows art and my favorite stories…” Arianna began pouting, “It’s okay princess. I’m sure your new teacher will know the same things.”
Gregory looked at her, “Arianna, we don’t pout when we don’t get our way.” He scolded her as I stared at him and then glanced at Nikki who was already clenching his jaw.
“Now, it may not be finger paint and noodle art but we will be sure she can express herself. I see that you made sure she got the best education despite being away from her father. It’s good to see you two taking responsibility and working together.”
Nikki shifted Arianna on his lap as I stared at this fucking asshole, “I’m sorry? I don’t think our personal business concerns you.” I snapped as Nikki quickly reached for my hand and held it tight.
“Doll, I’m sure he didn’t mean it like that.” Nikki attempted to calm me down as his thumb brushed over my hand, I interlaced our fingers together and held his hand in my lap.
“I’m not trying to ruffle your feathers, Vanity. It’s just a proven fact that young children need both parents, even more so in the first few years of their life.” Gregory explained to me as I continued to glare at him, “And I’m sure with Nikki being a rockstar, him leaving all the time wouldn’t be much help.”
Nikki’s eyes narrowed to Gregory, “Arianna has plenty of people in her life to help her grow and me being a rockstar has nothing to do with how she’s going to be here.”
Gregory loosened his tie as he sat back in his chair, “I’ve been the dean of students for over twenty years. We have had plenty of rockstars children come through here and we, the school, end up having to teach them manners and practically raise them.”
“And my kid isn’t every rockstars typical child.” Nikki snapped hastily, “The only people raising my daughter is her mother and I. She has manners of a saint already so thank you for your concern but we don’t need it.”
“Nik, lets just go.” I mumbled to him as he nodded, “Thank you for your time.”
Nikki put Arianna on the ground as he stood up, “Yeah, thanks for nothing.” I sighed as he reached for Arianna’s hand and we walked out of of the office.
“People like him are the reason what’s wrong with the education system.” Nikki complained as we walked down the hallways and out of the school.
“Maybe we can look at public school?” I suggested as he scoffed and dug our the keys to the car.
“I mean, would public school even be that bad? I know you went, but you also didn’t finish…” I mumbled as I watched him help Arianna into the car and buckle her up.
He glared at me before walking to the drivers side and getting in, “You wanted her to have a good education. I spent weeks looking for a good school. I gotta try again for a good public one then.” He explained as he started the car and we began driving, Arianna mumbling incoherently to the radio station.
“Well how hard could that be? It’s just public school.” I shrugged it off as he chuckled.
“Because I don’t want her being in a shit one or in a rough area of Los Angeles. I’ll just look again, it’s not a big deal.” Nikki breathed out as he took a sip out of his water bottle.
“Nikki, I want to give her the most normal life we possibly can. I don’t care if it’s public or private school. I just want her to be happy.” I explained as he squeezed my thigh, “I know normal isn’t in our vocabulary, but still, I want her to have a good childhood.”
“She will, Vanity. I promise. I’ll give her whatever she needs, alright? Don’t worry, just let me take care of it.” Nikki said as he grasped my chin between his fingers for a moment.
“So now that Clementine is here…” I rolled my eyes under my sunglasses and leaned my head against the seat, “Is she gonna be getting a job?” Nikki asked as I leaned my head and looked over at him.
Shrugging, “I don’t know? I’m not Clem. Art is her job, just like music is your job.”
Nikki chuckled a bit, “Well she’s also staying at the house my job paid for her with all of her art stuff.”
With an exasperated sigh, “Okay, so what? You want her to pay rent? Do I have to pay rent too?” I argued back as I saw him roll his eyes.
“I just don’t want a mess, Van. That’s all.”
I brushed aside his comment, “You have a five year old daughter who is always messy and sticky and playing with glitter. You’re going to have a mess regardless.”
Nikki eyeballed me, “Well, Clementines an adult. I don’t want to be picking up after her too.”
I rolled my eyes again, “Yes sir, I’ll make sure the house is pristine. Do you want me to get on my hands and knees and scrub the floors with a tooth brush as well?”
 “Only if you’re naked and wearing the highest heels you have.”
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philanddanxreader · 7 years
Beach Day
Hello, Love bugs.
Dan X Reader
Warnings- smut.
YOOOOOOOOO ok so I was on IG and I saw a pic of dan and phil in swim shorts and thought of this: reader and one of the boys (doesn’t matter) go to the beach, and when reader takes off their clothes so they’re in their bathing suit, one of the boys gets really turned on and they start to not-so-subtly check the reader out/flirt with them, then eventually smut (if you want!!) thank - Anon
California became your happy place with Dan. It had become a little tradition for the two of you to go on a little beach excursion after VidCon was over. Once the boys did all the collab’s they wanted to do with other YouTubers Phil would fly home to London while yourself and Dan rented a beach house on the water for a couple of days as a treat for just the two of you. A little get away to recharge after the craziness of meeting a ton of people and talking YouTube non-stop for four days straight. You were pulled from your thoughts as the car came to a halt in front of a cute little blue house. Getting out of the car you met the driver at the trunk to retrieve your suitcase from him. He gave you a smile and a little wave as you turned and headed towards the front door.  You followed behind Dan as he had drug his suitcase behind him to your new home for the next couple of days.
Once inside you closed the door then turned to find Dan behind you reaching his hands to grab at your waist. You gave a giggle as he pulled you towards him. “Well, hello Mr.Howell.”
“Hello, Y/N. We are officially alone.” Dan Said as you rested your arms on his shoulders.
“It would appear we are all alone. After the last few days, it’s nice for it to just be you and me. You know there is something I have been waiting to do with you since we landed.” Dan raised an eyebrow as he leaned in close to you leaving only an inch between your lips and his.
“Are you thinking what I am thinking?” Dan said giving you a little smile.
“Let’s go to the beach!” You gave a few hops up and down as Dan rolled his eyes at you. “Oh, were you thinking of something else? Something we haven’t been able to do together in a while.” Dan shook his head as he gave your lips a quick peck.
“Well, what are we waiting for. Let’s go down to the beach and get our tan on.” You smiled as you scrunched up your nose before leaning into Dan to give him another quick kiss before finding your suitcase to head to the bedroom to change.
Once changed the two of you went out the back patio door to find your own little private piece of beach waiting for you. The neighbours beside you were gone for the week and the other house was for sale so no one was going to be coming around from there. It was a little piece of heaven for just the two of you. As Dan took in the sight of the never ending ocean you took off the shirt of Dan’s that you had put on as a quick cover up. Handing the sunscreen over to Dan you gave him big puppy dog eyes as you asked him to spray you up. Dan obliged spraying your limbs, back and face with the pina colada scented spray. Once protected from the sun rays you headed out into the sand. Unfortunately, the moment you strutted your way onto the beach your feet instantly started to burn making you look less of a sexy beach goddess and more or a gazelle who is just learning how to walk. You ran to the water to stand in the bits of sand that had been cooled off from the waves crashing in and out. Now that your feet were no longer on fire you turned back to Dan to see him taking a photo of you on his phone trying to be sneaky.
“You better not be taking photos of me in my bathing suit!” Dan laughed as he tossed his phone on the table before starting his little sprint in the sand to where you were in the cool ocean. Dan grabbed at your hand when he reached you only to pull it up to his lips to give your knuckles a sweet kiss.
“Wouldn’t dream of it. But if I were to have taken a few photos I would say that you look ravishing.” Dan gave you a please forgive me smile as you pretend to roll your eyes and be more upset than in actuality.
“Hmm, what on earth am I going to do with you?” Dan had re-wrapped his arms around your waist like earlier as he pulled the two of you together.
“I think you should probably do the only sensible thing. Which is kiss me and forget I even took sneaky photos of my girl.” Dan said as he pressed his lips into yours. As the two of you increased the lust and pure need for each other into the kiss you let your hands find their way to Dan’s hair to be able to play with the little curls as you became more and more intoxicated with kissing Dan. When the two of you pulled away from each other Dan immediately started to continue the kisses down your jaw to your neck where he decided you needed a new love bite. He wasn’t allowed to give you hickeys before or during VidCon as the two of you were seeing too many important people who wouldn’t find the little bruises the same as the two of you did. For Dan, it was a subtle way to let the world know you were his girlfriend and one of his best friends. He loved to catch a glimpse of you marked up when you would be changing or if you shifted and let the little marks be seen.
As Dan continued you pulled away from him grabbing at his face to make him stop. “I love how enthusiastic you are today but I really want to go for a little swim. Think we can hold off for a little bit?” Dan nodded as he closed his eyes for a moment and took a deep breath.
“Sorry. It’s just you look so beautiful and it’s been awhile since we have been able to fool around. Sometimes I can’t control myself around you.” You gave Dan’s face a little pat before grabbing his hand to pull him into the water with you. As the two of you walked further into the water the waves started to crash into you making sure to cool you off from the heat. It was nice to splash around in the water as Dan tapped into his water baby side and swam circles around you.
“Better watch out. I hear there are sharks in this water who circle beautiful woman. Here comes one now.” As Dan started to make his circles faster he decided to add to everything by singing the Jaws music as loud as possible. When Dan came around your front you gave him a good shove to make him stop circling you like his next meal.
“Stop it you spork! There could be real monsters in the ocean right now waiting to eat us and here you are teasing them.” You gave Dan a look of displeasure as he swam up to you kissing your pretend grumpy face.
“Don’t worry. What your boyfriend lacks in strength he makes up for in random facts Phil has told him over the years. I can take on any sea creature that tries to steal ya.” As Dan looked smug with himself you ran your hands over your face and through your hair before looking up at him.
“I have seen you freak out over a spider crawling on your laptop.” Dan splashed you as he gave you the look.
“Who did that spider think he was? Walking around on my laptop like he owned the place.” you gave Dan a laugh. He was such a cute dork. The two of you continued to swim around before a shiver went through your body. The water had gone from a nice way to cool off to feeling like you were in an involuntary polar bear dip. Dan saw the goosebumps raise on your arms before pulling you in for a hug. It was a nice hug but still didn’t do anything to actually help with the chill.
“Shall we go hang out on the beach for a little bit?” Dan Said wrapping his arms around you tighter. You nodded into Dan’s chest before following him out of the water and back onto the little deck to dry off. Dan pulled the two of you out some lounge chairs to get a little bit of sun. You thanked him before laying down on the chair wrapped up like a burrito. As the sun warmed you up Dan went inside to find a couple of drinks for the two of you. By the time he came back with some snacks and drinks you no longer needed to be wrapped up. As Dan walked back to his spot he took his time to soak in the view. He would be a liar if he said it was the beach he was looking so intently at.
The California sun was warming you up when you remembered you hadn’t put any sunscreen on since it probably all washed off in the ocean. Turning to look over at Dan you tilted your sunglasses down to look over the shades to see Dan of course playing on his phone. Even on your mini vacation, he couldn’t put his phone down for even a moment.
“Which filter have you decided for your atheistic as fuck post you are making?” You said cheekily as he continued to scroll on his phone.
“I went with Valencia. A classic if you ask me.” Dan flashed you a smile before looking up at you.
“Well, I’m glad someone is keeping the Instagram game high. But if I could interrupt for just a moment. I could really use some sunscreen before I turn into one giant red burn.” Dan tossed his phone over to his little table before grabbing the cream from the beach bag you insisted on bringing outside with you even if you were only feet away from the house.
“You are the neediest girlfriend on this entire beach.” Dan squirted the cream directly on your back to let the cold give you goose bumps all over.
“You are such an ass!” Dan was content with his bugging you and started to rub the white into your skin.
“You’re right. This shit is cold.” You ignored Dan as he rubbed from your shoulders down to where your suit hit the mid part of your back. “I’m no expert but I think you are going to have some major tan lines with your suit like this. Maybe you should go topless. For the tan lines.” Peeking up from your spot you looked to Dan to see his dimple filled smile looking back at you.
“You think I should go topless?”  Dan nodded his head as he stood back up waiting for you to take off your top. “Well, I suppose that tan lines would be the worst thing in the world. And you said it yourself that it’s like we have this entire beach to ourselves with these big walls separating each place.” You didn’t need much convincing to go topless. The beach was empty and with the walls around your little piece of beach and deck right out front of the house, no one would ever see. It gave you a few butterflies as you shed your top and tossed it down beside your chair. Dan was back at your side to continue rubbing in the sunscreen as you laid back down on the plush beach chair.
“There. Now when I take you out I won’t be embarrassed to be seen with you for your unsightly tan lines.” You were about to mouth off to Dan before he gave your bum a quick slap. “You don’t always need to have a sassy remark. Especially when I am being so kind to you.” Dan gave you a wink as he finished rubbing in everything all the way down to your ankles. “Just like a pancake, it’s time to flip.” You did as Dan said rolling over on your back.
“Thanks for being a good boyfriend.” You leaned up to kiss Dan as he met you half way. It was an innocent peck. Well, at least it was only meant to be a quick kiss. Dan had other ideas however as he deepens the kiss, letting his hands wrap around your lower back to hold you up. You didn’t fight the kiss as your own hands went around the back of his neck to be able to play with the little curls at the back of his hair. The salt water always seemed to make his hair even curlier than when he normally let it do its own thing. As the two of you kissed the sunscreen was quickly forgotten as it hit the floor when Dan joined you on the chair pulling you up to be able to sit in his lap and wrap your legs around his hips.
As you kissed and nibbled your way at each other Dan had started to slowly rock the two of you back and forth to get some sort of friction to relieve some of the pressure off the both of you. As hard as Dan tried it didn’t seem to be working to help do anything for you but make you in need of his touch more than before. Dan’s fingertips were running up and down your spine when you let out a low moan of need mixed with frustration. Dan couldn’t help himself as he pulled away from the kiss with a smirk playing across his lips.
“Need something pet?” You nodded as words were lost to you the second Dan started to let himself lick and nibble at your neck and collar bones. You were going to need to purchase a scarf the next time you go out so if any fans saw you the hickeys you were receiving would be covered. “Hmm, think it’s about time I thank you for how much help you were at Vid Con.” You gave a little squeak before Dan pushed you against the chair so you were flat on your back. Dan had started to make his way to pull at your bottoms as he kissed his way down before your little voice stopped him.
“Wait. I want to watch.” Dan stood and moved over to the back of the chair where he made it so you could still lay comfortably but have a bit of a vantage point. Once situated Dan made his way back to what he was doing before. Letting himself take as much time as he wanted to slowly kiss his way back down from your forehead down to just under your belly button.
“Do you want this love?” You nodded looking down at him. “Say it. Say what you want.” You let out a deep breath before running one of your hands through his already dry hair.
“Please. I need your mouth on me.” Dan didn’t need much more instructions as he gave a final tug at the bottoms, letting them drop in the same place as your top on the wooden deck.
“That’s my girl.” You didn’t have much of a moment to respond as Dan was already licking and kissing at your thighs before being where you needed him the most. Dan changed his tempo of slow and thoughtful to ravaging. His tongue was swirling over your clit as two of his fingers found their way to your entrance. You would be a liar if you didn’t say that you weren’t already soaking wet. Dan always had a way to take over your body and make you want to melt to his touch. Dan slowly pushed his fingers in and out of you letting you get used to the feeling before he hastened his pace. With every stroke, he made sure to curl his finger slightly so he would be hitting your G-Spot. Any worries you ever had, any stresses about everything involving this trip seemed to melt away. You had the complete attention of Dan and nothing was better than this moment. As your hands tugged at Dan’s hair the familiar build up started deep inside of you. You were trying your hardest to keep your moans quiet just in-case someone decided to wonder to your side of the beach. As you got closer to your impending orgasm, however, the worry of someone catching the two of you was pushed back as the waves of pleasure ran over you. Leaving you with goosebumps Dan continued to pump in out of you and lick as he let you ride your orgasm through. Once the waves were done Dan let a trail of kisses down your thighs and then up to give you a quick kiss where you could taste yourself on him. Dan’s smile said it all as he gets nearly as much pleasure from giving you oral as much as you do from him.
“Thank you.” You said pulling Dan in for another kiss.
“Shall we go inside and get out of the sun to see if we can get another one out of you?” You nodded shyly as Dan got up from the chair and stretched a hand out to you. “I just ate you out on the beach and your acting all shy now?” You nodded taking his hand.
“I can’t help that you still give me butterflies sometimes.” Dan pulled you into his chest giving you a kiss on your head.
“You spork. Come. Wouldn’t want you to get a burn. Those are even more unsightly than tan lines.”
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