#remus also is the one who encourages harry to be okay with killing death eaters in DH. thinking about that rn!
seriousbrat · 6 months
Hi! I'm interested in your thoughts about Sirius from the tags of your Lily post... What makes you think he didn't understand the consequences of the prank?
ty for asking! I mean mostly the fact that he never shows any real remorse for it. I'm not saying that he didn't feel guilty for hurting Remus, I think he did-- and I also think that academically, intellectually, he understood it was wrong. But in SWM we see it doesn't really change anything about his behaviour. And why would it? There weren't any real consequences for what amounts to attempted murder. He still makes a flip comment about being bored and wishing it were full moon, he's still pretty disdainful towards Remus. Even as an adult, in the confrontation between Snape and Sirius in grimmauld place he behaves extremely threateningly towards Snape, and speaks pretty negatively/unremorsefully about him unlike Remus who tries (likely out of guilt) to maintain civility.
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James doesn't really display any remorse in SWM either, but well first of all it wasn't his fault and he actually did the right thing in his situation, and second-- both James and Sirius are a product of their circumstances. James grew up in a loving household with at least a father who had very Gryffindor-ish ideals. That's why I think James saving Snape wasn't just about protecting Remus like many people do, I think it was simply that the moral code instilled in him from childhood wouldn't have allowed him to let Snape die even if Remus hadn't been involved. Yeah this is an inherent contradiction considering James is also willing to torment and bully Snape, but those sorts of contradictions exist in people. Furthermore, I also think in a twisted way it was his "moral code" that justified his bullying in his mind. Snape=Slytherin=Dark Arts=Bad, therefore attacking him=good. This is a very black and white form of thinking common in teenagers.
On the other hand, Sirius grew up in a house where dead house-elves were mounted and stuffed on the walls. There are several murderers in his family tree, and his parents are proud when Regulus becomes a Death Eater. I think his ideas of right and wrong are much more confused. Cruelty is what he's grown up with. I'm not saying Sirius is an inherently cruel person either, just that it's been much more normalised in his life than it has for James. We see him being pretty casually cruel to his friends in SWM, and you'd think that if he felt guilt for what he did to Snape he'd be at least a bit nicer to/about him as an adult. 'we were idiots' is kind of an understatement given Sirius nearly killed him. Unlike James, Sirius (and Remus interestingly enough) isn't above cold-blooded murder if there's motive enough, as evidenced by his attempted murder of Peter. Which is very arguably justified, but Harry's right imo that James wouldn't do it.
See also: this post about Sirius being mean, and this one on why I think SWM coming after the prank makes sense
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Always There - Twenty - S.Snape
Summary: Y/N Potter was left with a baby to care for after her brother and sister-in-law were murdered by Voldemort. One person was there for her, a person she didn’t expect but soon became her comfort person, Severus Snape. During Harry’s third year at Hogwarts and her third year as Herbology professor, a few old friends come around again. Y/N has to handle the feelings of these old friends being around again as well as handle her feelings for a certain potions master all while she tries to hide these things from her godson.
Series Masterlist
My full Masterlist
Pairings: Severus Snape x Female Professor Reader, Potter!Reader x friend!Remus, Sister!Reader x James Potter, Potter!Reader x Friend!Sirius
Chapter Warnings: Female Reader, Potter Reader(No physical description of reader) probably shitty writing, Harry growing up in a loving home, Voldemort, not proofread, Death Eater talk,
Series Warnings: Female Reader, Potter Reader (No physical description of reader) probably shitty writing, OOC Snape, Harry grows up in a loving environment, mentions of death and murder, poorly written angst, Remus is a shitty friend, poorly written pining,
Please let me know how I can improve my writing and being more inclusive to POC as I am whiter than white. Please also let me know if I have to add more to the warnings! My messages are open as well as my asks!
I am starting a taglist so leave either a comment or something in my asks if you would like to be tagged in any of my works or just this series!
Author's Note: I know this is short but I'm trying to get this set up for the end of the series. This is more of a filler than anything. I hope you guys enjoy!
Please let me know how I can improve or if you find any errors! Correct me, don't be afraid to! I want to improve my writing and become a better writer so any feedback or advise is welcomed!
Word Count: 1241
dividers are @firefly-graphics
My asks are open for questions, suggestions, requests and feedback!
Feedback is welcomed and encouraged!
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True to his word, Severus had mentioned to the Dark Lord that she was interested in joining the death eaters. He requested that she come with Severus to meet him and tell him her true intentions. She was set to meet the dark lord later that day, she was somewhat nervous but kept wits about her. Severus knew that she was nervous, he knew that facing the man who murdered her brother was not going to be easy, facing the man that tried to kill her nephew wasn’t going to be easy. 
He had been assured by Voldemort that he could stay with her, to ease his own nerves. The couple apparating to Malfoy Manor, walking hand in hand. Y/N’s grip tighter than usual, using his hand to keep herself grounded. “Do you need a moment, love? I can speak with him first, give you time to yourself,” Severus offered.
“I’m okay, the sooner we get this done the better. As long as I have you, I’ll be fine,” She replied, a shaky smile on her face.
“Severus, what a pleasant surprise! And Y/N Potter! Or is it Snape now?” Bellatrix’s ear piercing tone rang in her ears. 
“Still Potter for now. It’s in the process of getting changed to Snape,” Y/N said politely.
“I heard you want to join us, how surprising! A Potter, wanting to become a death eater, may I ask why?”
“That’s for me to ask Bellatrix, Miss Potter, Severus, come, join me,” The dark lord interrupted the conversation. Severus let go of her hand only to wrap his arm around her waist, the two of them following the fraction of a man into one of the studies. “Take a seat, please.” The couple doing as they were told, sitting in the two chairs across from the big lounge chair. “So Severus tells me you wish to join our cause. May I ask why?”
“I am loyal to Severus and Severus is loyal to you, my lord. Anyone he is loyal to, I will be loyal to,” She told him, making eye contact with him the whole time.
“What of your nephew?”
“What of him, my lord?”
“What about him? If you are loyal to me, then that means you are no longer loyal to your family.”
“Severus is my family, my lord. My nephew will always have a special place in my heart but Severus is the one that owns it. Whatever he does, I will do.”
The dark lord contemplated for a second, he thought it odd that the woman would want to join now, knowing who her nephew was and that he was the man to murder her family. “Why now?”
“Why now? Why come to me now? You know what I did to your family, why choose now?”
“I need the protection to be frank, my lord. I know how loyal your followers are not only to you but each other. I can be a spy for you as well. The Order will have no idea that I am with you, it’s a perfect opportunity to get more information. They would never expect me to be with you,” She explained.
“Why do you need the protection?”
“We’re expecting, we need the protection not only for her but the baby as well, my lord. This will also give you the chance to have 2 spies working for you. I happen to be a bit biased but I believe she would be a great addition to our cause,” Severus chimed in.
“You’re pregnant?”
“Yes, my lord. We just found out about two months ago. Nobody knows, not even my nephew,” Y/N replied.
“Very well. I will allow you to join, Ms. Potter. If Severus believes that you’re a great addition, then I can’t help but agree. You will keep up your appearances with the Order but you must come to me or send a letter here after every meeting. Are we at an understanding?”
“Yes, my lord. Thank you!” She smiled at the man, grabbing Severus’ hand, feigning excitement. 
The couple left the Malfoy Manor, returning to Hogwarts, Y/N promptly rushing to the bathroom to empty her stomach. She so desperately wanted to as she spoke face to face with the dark lord but she was able to keep up appearances. Severus was right beside her, rubbing her back and keeping her hair out of her face. “Godric, this is worse than puking slugs,” She complained as she caught her breath.
“You’ve thrown up slugs?” Severus asked, trying to distract her from the unease in her stomach.
“My third year, Sirius thought it was funny to try and jinx you but I stepped in front of his wand. I was throwing up slugs for hours,” She replied as she stood up slowly, she went over to the faucet, turning it on, cupping water into her hands and swishing the water around her mouth. 
“Are you feeling better?” He questioned as she spit out the water.
“A little bit. It’s just a lot you know? Albus expects so much of me, expects me to put not only myself in danger but you and Harry just so he could have another spy, he wants me to pretend that he’s not dying, that Draco is supposed to kill him. A teenage boy is expected to kill Albus for the mistakes of his father. I just want this war to be over, we’ve lost enough people now.”
“I know, love. I want it to be over too. I’m tired of being a pawn to Albus and the dark lord. I just want to be with my family.”
The day had dragged on longer than it should have, Albus desperately wanting an update which was given. She had begun to see Albus for who he truly was, a master manipulator. She had finally gotten the chance to witness it head on when he asked her to become a spy. The man did whatever he could do to benefit him and she finally took note of it. She kept these thoughts to herself, however. Unwilling to mention them to anyone in fear of being judged or becoming a target for the order. 
As Halloween came and went, Christmas was quickly approaching. She was still able to keep her pregnancy concealed from the students, telling Harry the night she became a death eater. Her heart was heavy with guilt because she couldn’t say anything about her being a spy for the Order without the possibility of being figured out. Her bump was showing through her clothes now, her old potions professor taking note of this as well as Minerva. She was able to hide it with a cloak but during dinner, the other professors couldn’t help but notice that her usual glass of wine was replaced with water. Nobody dared say a word about it, letting the herbology professor come to them when she felt ready.
Severus and Y/N were two of the most private professors in the castle. The students only knew that the couple was together but they had no details about the relationship itself. The couple liked it better that way, the only ones who knew any details being Harry, his friends and a couple of the professors. Now there was an added darkness into their relationship, the added factor of Voldemort and trying to fool the man as a couple.
@acupnoodle @chxelsxaa @fluffyrat365 @fanficwriter5 @atanukileaf @jspidey5 @mija-novella @leo4242564 @crazyunsexycool @livillain00 @bigsimperika @nopedefe
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amazingmaeve · 3 years
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loving him was red
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george always wanted to open a joke shop with his brother. when they decide to get back at umbridge and leave school to pursue his dream he also leaves behind his girlfriend.
warnings - angst, a bit of fluff
word count - 2648
a/n - a writing challenge that @chokemepansy is doing! also got inspired by Taylor Swifts red! angst prompt 42 from her prompt list!
h.p masterlist // george weasley
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George to Y/N was one of the most perfect people in her life. When she met him it changed her life for the best. He came in her life when she needed something good, when her whole life was horrible he was the only light in her life. But they also had a lot of arguments that had one or the other storming out saying hurtful things.
But they always found their way back to each other.
No matter what one or the other would apologize for the words they said and the other would smile and pull them in for a kiss. No matter what that’s how it always ended. It wasn’t the healthiest of relationships but when George was there for her it always made Y/N’s feel better and feel loved.
Even though she hated the fights she loved the time she spent with him. The times where they would just cuddle while Y/N read a book. George would just play with her hair and sometimes would just watch as her eyes glazed across the book with interest. Sometimes would bite her lip if she’s confused by something. Other times she helped him with his studies and it would help some of the times.
George and Y/N would also just sneak around the Hogwarts castle and make out in corners whilst skipping some of her classes. She normally didn’t do this but George convinced her to skip some of the classes. Luckily it usually didn’t hurt her grades since she studied a lot.
Y/N was also convinced to help Fred and George with their pranks but if the prank seemed too harsh she wouldn’t do that. Fred and Y/N were friends but not the closest friends in the world. They often only talked when George was around since nothing else tied them to each other. She didn’t hate him and he didn’t hate her.
They would also go to the Three Broomsticks for dates and would just sit and talk about each other’s day. Y/N would just get lost in George’s eyes and the way that they sparkled whenever he mentioned the pranks he and Fred did. It warmed her heart to see him so happy about something.
Towards the end of their relationship the arguments have weirdly started to die down and George and Y/N started talking through their problems.
Maybe this was because of Umbridge coming to Hogwarts that year the relationship has matured more and they started to act like adults coming into their 7th year. Though one big thing was hanging over their head.
The future.
Y/N wanted to be a curse breaker and George wanted to run a joke shop with Fred and Y/N was okay with that and would support him through everything. But the thing was that Voldemort was on the rise and his supporters were coming back. It scared a lot of people especially Y/N since she was muggle born and her family were muggles and could be hurt by this. She knew if she wanted to be a curse breaker she would have to be more brave.
She would often talk to George about this instead of keeping this stuff in. He would comfort her by letting her bury her head in his chest as he rested his chin on her head. He caressed her hair as she wrapped her arms around his waist and felt herself start to calm down a bit.
George was starting to be a comfort hotline for her.
Y/N also noticed that George has become more secretive throughout the year and she just cut it down to him and Fred planning and making pranks. She didn’t know it was a secret army that was created when Umbridge cut back on the defense against the dark arts.
It hurt her that George didn’t tell her about it or that she wasn’t even invited to become a part of this army. She wanted to be able to help. She felt useless and it sank to the bottom of her stomach that she wasn’t even trusted by her own boyfriend.
Before she could even argue with him, he grabbed her arm and pulled her to his room.
“George what the hell was that,” Y/N snapped crossing her arms across her chest. She was just talking to Luna and Neville in the common room when he dragged her to his room.
“I needed to talk to you,” George rushed out rubbing the back of his neck.
“Why didn’t you tell me about Dumbledore's army,” Y/N angrily questioned ignoring what he had said. George huffed, rolling his eyes, feeling frustrated.
“Y/N let me-,” George was about to talk but was interrupted by Y/N.
“No seriously was I not trusted by you or was it for you to get away from me?” Y/N asked, clenching her jaw as her fist curled at her side from the anger coursing through her veins.
“I think we should break up,” George blurted out making Y/N’s eyes widened. She didn’t want to break up with him over this. Yes she was angry at the moment but it didn’t mean she wanted to lose him.
“What-what,” Y/N stuttered her fist un curling from the shocking news she had just got.
“Me and Fred are going to be starting a joke shop next year,” George explained, not meeting her eyes.
“That’s it George I said I’d support you through that,” Y/N huffed and ran her fingers through her hair.
“I just don’t see you in my future,” George says quietly, his eyes traveling to his feet, not wanting to see her reaction to this. He promised himself he’d do this for her, so that she wouldn’t get hurt.
“I see,” Y/N whispers then biting her lip trying to not let the tears fall from her eyes. But her shoulders slumped when she heard the words tumble from his mouth. Sadness raked through her body and she could feel her feet start to wobble and her eyes start to glisten. “Well goodbye George,” She turned away and left the room not wanting to see his reaction to this.
Y/N decided to focus on her studies since she would be taking most of them tomorrow and needed to pass them to be a curse breaker. She needed to stop thinking about George so she could have at least a good career. She didn’t get much sleep that night.
But the next day as she finished her last N.E.W.T.S Y/N watched as Umbridge walked out of the room since she heard some noises outside of the classroom. It was a shock to everyone as George and Fred came riding in on their broomsticks with fireworks in their hands.
She didn’t get up from her seat like everyone else. She just sat down playing with her hands as the twins left the classroom creating a W in the sky.
After the school year was over Y/N was happy that she didn’t have to go back to the place that gave her so many memories with George. But when she applied to be a curse breaker she was luckily accepted but that meant she had to work for Bill Weasley.
Y/N met him a few times when she stayed over at the Weasleys house for Christmas. Bill of course recognized her and didn’t ask anything about her or George since he heard they broke up. She was thankful for that and found it easy to get along with the eldest Weasley. He was a good person to talk to.
For that whole year Y/N got used to the job only going on a few missions since she was the newbie. But things got weird when Voldemort killed Dumbledore by Snape.
She was invited to Bill and Fleurs wedding and she didn’t know if she should accept it or not since Y/N knew George would be there and it would be so awkward. But she did accept it eventually since Bill was such a good friend to her and she also heard about him getting attacked and wanted to make sure he was okay.
She didn’t take anyone as a date, she’s tried to date after school but it never worked out they always ended things before they got to serious.
Y/N managed to avoid George and even Fred that night but before it could end death eaters came to the wedding and attacked. She didn’t know what the hell was going on but she does know that Harry, Hermione, and Ron were going to go hunt for the Horcruxes.
She left Weasley's burrow with worry in the pit of her stomach. Fear filled her bones, fear for the trio and the Weasley’s. Y/N was even worried about her parents, who weren’t a part of the wizarding world which was worse since they couldn’t protect themselves. She went home that night, nervousness filling her blood as she entered her parents house.
Ever since she graduated from Hogwarts Y/N lives with her parents until she can get enough money to buy a place for herself.
Luckily her parents were okay and she went to sleep a little bit better. But still she worried for the Weasley’s and anyone who crossed Voldemort and his little posse. She just hoped everyone would be fine and wouldn’t end up dead.
The following year she kept in contact with Bill, even though she was staying with her parents to protect them.
Once Y/N heard about the battle she immediately signed up for it. She didn’t want anyone to get hurt. She wanted to help protect the people at the school so they could see the daylight the next morning. She didn’t care if she ran into George since this was a life or death situation.
The battle was a hard one. A lot of people died. Remus and Tonks being the ones closest to her. For a moment there Y/N and everyone around her even thought that Harry was dead and Voldemort as victorious. But luckily Harry wasn’t.
They won. But what did it come with. Casualties, families who wouldn’t see their children ever again. Even though they did win, Y/N felt like she failed them, she failed there families. After the war she even had nightmares about her friends and family dying and her not being able to save them.
She always woke up in a sweat.
The nights where Y/N couldn’t sleep she thought about George. What he was doing? Was he fine? Did he ever think about her? She usually shook those thoughts out of her head but ever since she broke up with him it felt like emptiness filled her life. But she masked that with a fake smile and burying herself in work and she was still doing this.
Y/N’s parents encouraged her to get her own place but reassured her that they weren’t trying to kick her out. She knew that but it felt like she was a burden on them so she just decided to move out and found a cottage in the forest. It wasn’t as scary as the forbidden forest since there were no monsters in this one.
The silence welcomed her with a warm hug. Y/N didn’t hate it; she liked being alone at the moment. She often spent her time watching shows late at night then waking up early to go to work with bags under her eyes.
One day Y/N went to go and get some ice cream in Diagon alley she saw a flash of red hair in the crowd and she immediately knew who it was.
Y/N knew it could’ve been Fred but she knew George too well to know that was him. So she did what most people would’ve done. Ran behind an alley so he didn’t see her.
Before she could fully get behind the building he caught her eye and yelled out for her.
“Y/N is that you,” George asks looking between the buildings with a smile gracing his lips. She stopped in her tracks and took a deep breath before turning around with a fake smile appearing on her face.
“George it’s so nice to see you,” Y/N says while walking up to stand in front of him.
Before she could say anything else he wrapped his arms around her waists and hugged her. He buried his face in her neck while Y/N placed her arms around his neck and took in his familiar scent she loved oh so much. She missed it. She didn’t want to miss him but Y/N couldn’t help it.
“How’ve you been,” George asks kindly, finally breaking free from the hug.
“Oh I’ve been great,” Y/N lied straight through her teeth as she stared up at him. There was an awkward silence before George spoke.
“I wanted to ask a question,” George wrings his hands in front of his stomach.
“You already did,” Y/N responds with a smirk, a real one this time. “I’m kidding, go ahead,” She says after seeing the look on his face.
“I wanted to know if you want to meet up later so we could catch up,” George asks nervously as stands there with his eyes at his feet.
“Uh,” Y/N started to say and she didn’t even know what she was going to answer him with but deciding it would be good to catch up with some old friends she answered, “Yes.”
“Really,” George says shocked, he thought she’d say no since the last time they talked he dumped her.
“Yes I need to get out more anyways,” Y/N gives him a half smile before getting a pen and grabbing his hand. “This is my address, pick me up at….” She says looking up at him wanting to know when he wanted to go out.
“9 darling,” George answered and looked at the writing on his hand after she let it go. Y/N felt butterflies enter her stomach when he called her that. It’s been so long she’s been called that by someone she cares about.
When Y/N got home she immediately regretted agreeing to go on this date with George. She knew that seeing him again would bring back some old feelings that were being harbored.
She decided that when George got to the cottage Y/N would talk to him about all of her feelings.
“Hey,” Y/N greeted when George showed up at her front door with some flowers. She took them with a smile. “Come in,” She opened the door wider letting him come in.
“Nice place,” George complimented.
“Thanks,” Y/N felt nervous again when she thought about what she wanted to talk to him about. “I need to talk to you,” She rushed out as she stood in front of him.
“Knew this was gonna come,” George muttered as his smile dropped. “Before you say anything can I say something,” He asked with a pleading look on his face, Y/N nodded. “I wanted to say that breaking up with you was one of the biggest mistakes of my life and ever since I did it I’ve never been the same,” George takes a break before saying. “I'd take our relationship back in a heartbeat love.”
“I can’t do that George,” Y/N whispered as her eyes shined with tears. George’s head dropped once he heard her. “I want to, I want to take you back so much but I can’t,” Her lip quivered as a tear rolled off her cheek.
“Then why don’t you,” George whispered hope filling his eyes.
“I’m just destined to have no love.”
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startanewdream · 4 years
Hey can you write a Jily lives AU about the moment Hagrid comes carrying presumably dead Harry. Please include the views of James, Lily and Ginny. And maybe I am asking too much but also a Harry killing Voldemort.
Hi! Thanks for sending an idea! 
This was like the most angst thing ever to write because it’s a hopeless moment for all of them, but here it is Jily view of the Final Battle (no Ginny, sorry, but she does appear in this and Hinny gets a little of love).
Summary:  When Harry opens the Snitch and finds the Resurrection Stone, James and Lily don’t show up.
Read on AO3 or below:
One minute
The Cloak - his father’s gift for his eleventh birthday - allows Harry to walk by unnoticed, protecting him as always from prying eyes. He stops quietly at the Entrance Hall and glimpses inside the Great Hall.
It is full, but it’s easy to find his parents by his father’s messy hair and his mother’s auburn hair; they are talking quietly to each other.
They are grave, but when Harry looks at them, he sees beyond the dirty and the cuts on their faces and the marks of the battle; he even sees beyond the First War heroes that everyone else thinks of them. He sees his parents. 
Mum and Dad.
Somehow, at the end of his journey, it is easy to remember all the good moments. He thinks about his father’s warm grin when he was patiently teaching Harry how to fly, encouraging him to go higher, to never give up, to enjoy some risks now and then; about James’ hazel eyes looking proud and exasperated at him, whenever Harry had been involved in one of his adventures over the years; and about the way James Potter never let him down, always providing comfort and help whenever Harry asked for it.
Looking at a face that is so like his own, Harry just wants his father to mess his hair one more time (‘Dad, come on’, he would complain, even though he always enjoyed how that made his hair look like his father’s), to tell him everything will be okay if he just never gives up, to listen to one of his father’s Marauder tales, because now he thinks of it, he always took him for granted. Even with the death threats and the war, he always thought of his father as invincible, always thought he would have one more moment with him.
He wonders what his father is whispering to his mother right now and knowing he will never hear his father’s calm reasonable words again almost break him.
Even at distance, even amongst chaos and destruction, Harry thinks he can see the way his mother’s eyes seem to shine with a determination that Voldemort could never take away. It’s the eyes Harry inherited and the eyes that made Snape give his life for. He wonders why his mother never talked about being once friends with Snape and he realizes now how many things he never thought of asking her. More about her life at Hogwarts; more about her sister; more about her work, her dreams. There is a world of Lily Potter that he never got to know.
Like with his father, he took his mother for granted too, thinking there would be time later to do all these things he never rushed to. He wishes he had hugged her more, had really shown how much he loves her and how much he is grateful for having her supporting him in every moment of his life.
And he wishes he had one more minute with her, to hear her amused laughter at something his father said, to see that sparkle of mischief in her eyes, to feel her loving arms around him protecting him more effective than any charm could.
But Harry knows he is lying to himself because one minute would not be enough. He could stay there forever watching them and it still would be too short to see his parents together.
Even now, when they are looking tired and worn from the battle, for once looking like their real age, he thinks they still shine together, James and Lily Potter, whose love cast a blood protection and saved Harry so many times before.
But this time, it’s Harry’s love for them that shall save them.
It’s fitting, he thinks, and it’s fair; he already had seventeen wonderful years with them. The only thing that hurts is knowing how much they will suffer when he is gone, how much they won’t understand that Harry did it for them. He is facing Voldemort this one last time because his mother taught him to never stand for bigotry and because his father taught him to always do the right thing.
Harry hopes they will eventually be happy and at peace.
And he knows they will see each other again someday.
They are in each other’s arms, his dad kissing his mum tenderly on the forehead, and Harry records in his mind this last image of his parents, using it as much as a Patronus to walk him through the dementors, to give him the final courage to face Voldemort and to sacrifice himself.
When Harry opens the Snitch and finds the Resurrection Stone, James and Lily don’t show up.
One minute.
Being at war the first time had taught James that sometimes, even in the middle of the chaos of the battle, you need one minute to stop and breath, one minute to let panic take over you until you are able to think straight again and focus on what needs to be done.
Lily is in his arms and he lets himself enjoy this one minute because when it’s over he knows there is work to be done. People need help - so many of them are hurt and there are so many corpses that need to be laid down. It's war and blood and his hearts burns with sorrow for all that has been lost and knowing there is still more loss to come. They haven't won yet.
But Lily is hugging him - he doesn’t know who is supporting who - and he lets her familiar scent fill him, calm him, take him to a place where he remembers why he is fighting for.
It’s for her - it’s always been for her - and it’s for Harry too. Their son.
He takes a deep breath and then his one minute is up. James places a soft kiss on her forehead, like he has done uncountable times before, and ignores his fear that this will be the last kiss he ever gives her.
Despair never helps. Hope is all he has and he will cling to it. Somehow, he knows, this will be over soon. One way or another.
But he concentrates only on one way now, believing that Harry has a plan. He hasn't seen his son since before Voldemort had called for that cease-fire, but he saw Ron and Hermione and if they are fine, Harry is fine too.
It's not easy to accept that so much lies on his seventeen-year-old son, but he trusts Harry. Whatever else James may have done in his life, his greatest achievement will always be how he and Lily raised their son - how he is a fine young man with his heart in the right place.
And when this is over, Harry will get to finally live at peace.
It's easier to think about the possibilities of the future than to think about how many young lives were lost that day, and how much destruction Voldemort has caused, but he vows they will rebuild everything. Their faith, Hogwarts, the belief in something good. They will make a better world.
James lays down a boy that looks young in death enough to be his son, and he tries not to think about how frail the boy seems and how easily it could be Harry.
No, no despair. Like he always tells Harry, good things can come if you just never give up. And while James is breathing, he will fight. He thinks of that Halloween night many years ago, when he thought he would die and was willing to just to give Harry and Lily more time - he would happily exchange his life for them if it meant they would be safe…
'Mr. Potter?', he hears a soft voice calling him, and when he turns, James sees the distressed face of Ginny Weasley. 'Professor McGonagall told me to call you, she needs assistance with reinforcing the barriers outside'.
James nods.
'I'll be right there. And it's James, Ginny'.
She looks at him, her brown eyes for once without any shadow of her usual joyfulness, and James thinks that, like Harry, she had to grow up too fast.
'I think I'll stick with Mr. Potter for a while longer', she says, and James suddenly understands. Ginny always called him formally, just to tease him. If she starts calling him James now, it would look too much like as if this is their last conversation.
They both need to believe there will be more time later.
'Fine, future Mrs. Potter', he says at least and that almost makes her smile.
When they leave the castle and are about to go separate ways in the grounds, she turns to him with a troubled face.
'Have you seen Harry?', Ginny asks, and he can hear a fear in her voice that makes him shiver.
'No, but he must be fine', he says, because he can't think of any other alternative.
'Hermione told me he had something to see', says Ginny, almost to herself. 'And that she thinks he went upstairs, but I could swear I felt…'
She stops herself, shaking her head, and looks in the direction of the forest.
'But?', James presses, even as his instincts tell him he doesn't want to know her feelings.
'Nothing', Ginny says, her tone making it clear that she also doesn't want to think of the worst. 'I am sure he is just planning the next move. Lily's son is actually very smart, you know?'
James accepts her teasing.
'I'll let you know half that smartness is mine'.
'I thought he took from you the part where he is always in trouble'.
'No, he took from me the part where he always gets out of trouble', James says and for a moment they exchange a soft smile.
Then Ginny blinks.
'Good luck with the charms', she says, and with a final nod, she leaves him.
James watches her go briefly and thinks that, when this is over, he and his son will need a serious conversation about ending very good relationships for stupid noble reasons.
For the next fifteen minutes, he works tirelessly, helping reinforce the castle magical barriers and rebuild the entrance door so they can better control the situation. Death Eaters have the numbers, he knows, but as Remus always says, numbers don't win battles. If they can focus the main battle in the Great Hall, then a limited number of Death Eaters will be able to enter and they will have a better chance against Voldemort himself if he fulfils his promise to come...
And then James can watch the last duel between his son and Voldemort, and the mere thought of it fills him with dread. He can't just watch. He has to be there for Harry, he has to be side by side with his son because he would never let Harry alone -
'Harry Potter is dead. He was killed as he ran away, trying to save himself while you lay down your lives for him. We bring you his body as proof that your hero is gone'.
He doesn't hear any more of what Voldemort is saying, because his mind is screaming in denial. No, no, no.
Voldemort is lying. Harry would never run away, would never die. Harry would never sacrifice himself so they could all get a chance -
Except his noble brave wonderful son would certainly do it.
One minute, he thinks madly. I will believe in it for one minute then I will see it's a lie.
When he sees Hagrid carrying him, that one minute never ends.
There are minutes that seem longer than others.
Sometimes this is good. Lily can remember a minute of pure laughter with Dorcas and Marlene in the girl's dormitory many years ago; the reason for the laughter is long forgotten, gone as her friends, but the memory of that happy silly moment stayed.
Or the first time she woke up next to James, with his arms still around her, his breath slow and soft, and she had seen his sleeping face and thought she really loved him - they had said that to each other the night before, but in that one minute of silence and peace (before James had woken and tickled her and made her giggle and kissed her), she had just basked in that feeling of loving.
Or that one minute she had stayed longer in the bathroom, looking at the pregnancy test that said that despite being unplanned, despite the horrible timing, she and James had created a life together - their love had made him, their son. She had looked at the test, her hand in her still flat belly, and for one minute it was her and her baby only before she left to share the news with James.
There are other bad minutes, but Lily tries not to think of them. She is optimistic, as much as she is realistic. Life is made of good and bad moments; she just chooses to focus more on the good ones than let herself despair with the bad ones.
So she focuses on her task ahead, handling potions as people ask for them, her mind always thinking what ingredients work better for the problems people are facing - cuts and burns and acromantula venom…
When there is a moment of tranquillity (that doesn't fool her - it's just the calm before the storm), Lily lets herself look around. James must be out in the grounds - he always felt better at open spaces -, but she still can't find Harry. He must be busy, her poor hard-working son. He will not rest until -
A shiver runs through her body, inexplicable and cold, and she thinks of that expression her mother used - like if someone walked in her grave.
It's silly, of course, it is probably only that fear and adrenaline before a battle, the one that James always tells her to use in her favour to sharpen her senses.
Except she is not fearing for herself. She thinks of Harry, her little happy baby whose eyes always seems to shine with pure amusement to the fact that he is alive. She thinks of seeing him growing up, coming of age as a beautiful brave man, and just like she used to do when he was a baby in his crib, she thinks she could watch him forever and it would not be enough.
He is her precious son. The one she would die for without hesitation because all she wants is for him to be safe. Harry must be fine.
And still that feeling lingers, threatening to crush her, as if a dementor - the thing she always feared the most - is right next to her, sucking all happiness and hope, and Lily thinks madly that she needs James right now, needs his arms evolving her to make her feel at home. His presence always has a soothing effect on her, with the way he kisses her forehead and he is so warm.
With James, she always feels everything will be ok. Not just for her, but for their family.
But she is alone now and she is cold and Lily swallows a cry that seems to come from her chest. There is no apparent reason for that unfathomable fear, there is nothing different. People are still waking around her, helping where they can or comforting the hurt ones or the people who lost someone or else just finding their loved ones -
And then, just as suddenly at it came, that feeling is gone as if taken by a light breeze. There is only a shadow of it on her heart, like a scar of a long-healed injury, but that uneasiness is gone, and Lily raises her eyes to the enchanted ceiling almost expecting the dawn to break.
It is still dark outside, but dawn cannot be too far. A new day brings new hope, her mother always said.
But then Lord Voldemort’s voice is ringing through the room and she hears his words, understands them, but she doesn’t believe him.
Harry can’t be dead. Voldemort didn’t kill him sixteen years ago, he won’t kill Harry now. Her love - her and James’ - protected him.
Except the protection ended when he came of age.
Lily walks outside feeling like she is gliding more like a ghost than walking like a human being, and there are people around her but she doesn’t notice them - maybe Molly is gripping her arms, maybe Neville (that amazing young man who would have made Frank and Alice so proud) is calling her name. She doesn’t know, she can’t do anything but oblige to that urge to go outside and see for herself that Voldemort is lying.
‘No!’, someone screams and she thinks it’s Professor McGonagall, who once wrote for her and James to tell them their son had been made the youngest seeker in the century, and they could read the pleasure and pride in her letter.
McGonagall had always favoured James and Lily, and Lily always thought that favouritism had also been extended to Harry, no matter how McGonagall would deny it.
That was a cry of despair. She never thought McGonagall could make such a sound, but Minerva must be mistaken, there is no other -
And then Ron and Hermione are crying too, and Lily thinks of how they are Harry’s family as much as she and James; she thinks how Harry always had loyal friends just as Sirius and Remus were always there for James. She trusts Ron and Hermione - trusts their love - to guide and protect Harry and to be by his side no matter what; Ron was always the heart and Hermione was always the mind and together she knows Harry had the best friends in the world that he could have.
No, not that he had. He has. Still has.
But Ginny is crying for Harry and he is not answering, and somehow that breaks into Lily, because Harry is so in love with that girl that of course he would answer her back. Lily thinks of how Harry’s eyes always shine when Ginny is around, how happy he seemed in those weeks they’ve been together, how worried he was for her while he was away (‘Promise me you will look after her, Mum’, Harry had asked the day before vanishing at Bill and Fleur’s wedding, ‘I can’t - if anything happens to her - please’).
And she knows her son and she knows that what Harry always saw with Ginny was the promise of a normal life - a life where he isn’t the Chosen One, but just a regular boy falling in love with a regular redhead, just as his father once did.
Except Hagrid is carrying him and Harry is limp and still and she thinks of holding that little baby in her arms for the first time, of how he was moving and crying but when he looked at her - with those bright green eyes that she had passed on to him - he seemed to calm.
He will awake, she thinks unreasonably, and she waits for him to jump and laugh, but Harry stays still in the one minute that takes for Voldemort to come closer, and that is the worst minute of her life.
Spells and curses are flying around them, but James and Lily don’t take their eyes off Voldemort’s red ones.
It feels a lot like a deja vu, because they had already been there, facing him, standing up for him. Four times. They survived four times and in the fourth one, they managed to protect their son.
Maybe it’s too late for Harry now, but they both know Harry would never want them to give up. And if all they can do is get this final piece of justice, they will.
From the corner of his eyes, James sees Bellatrix Lestrange falling - and that gives him a sinister pleasure -, but then Voldemort is blasting he and Lily of the way, turning his attention to Molly Weasley instead.
‘Protego’, someone yells, casting a shielding charm between Molly and Voldemort, and Lily’s heart beats faster even before her mind registers to whom that voice belongs.
And then Harry is pulling off his Invisibility Cloak and James remembers Harry’s amazement when he gave him the cloak for his eleventh birthday, promising solemnly he would take care of the family’s inheritance. Harry’s eyes had sparkled with all the possibilities; as much responsible his son was, there was a Marauder inside Harry too.
They are circling each other, Voldemort and Harry, and though Lily wants to rush to her son’s side, somehow she knows this is not the moment. For the first time, she truly accepts this is Harry’s fate, this is Harry’s moment. She and James made everything they could - they raised Harry and they loved him and they taught all the things that really matter. Their son is a survivor.
Harry is talking about love (Snape, really?, James thinks) and wand lore and remorse and then Harry is casting the spell he likes most, the one that he defended when James told him he should be more aggressive (he just wants Harry to be safe, no matter what, but Harry refused to blast people out of the way). And then it’s over. Finally.
Dawn is breaking and somehow the first coherent thought in Lily’s mind is that her mother was right, a new day always brings new hope. Then she is screaming - or James is, she doesn’t know - and their arms are wrapping Harry, feeling his heart beating and he is alive. Their son is alive and all will be well. They stay in each other’s arms, the Potter family, for what seems forever - but it’s only a minute because Harry has other people to embrace and to celebrate and to love.
That minute begins a lifetime.
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disneygirl2202 · 5 years
I’m Here (Fred Weasley x Potter!reader)
Requested?: No 
Tags: @mylovelessnightmare
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(I swear if that GIF is George instead of Fred... bloody hell, knowing my luck... it is)
Your P.O.V.
You look around the room before you head up towards the girls dorm rooms. You walk right passed Lavender and Parvati as they head down towards the common room. 
“Y/N, you okay?” Lavender asks 
“Yeah. Why do you ask?” You ask 
“You just seem out of it. Usually you stay in the common room doing homework with Harry and Ron.” Parvati says
“Oh, yeah. I just haven’t been feeling well today. So I’m going to get some extra sleep.” You say 
They both look at you as they shrug it off and you walk into the room and head towards your bed, falling right onto it, not even bothering to take your robes off and instantly fall asleep. 
“Mom?” You ask as you look around and see a red headed woman 
You watch as the woman turns and almost looks directly into your (y/e/c) with her green eyes. You look around and try to figure out where you are when you see that you in some dark alley. 
“You don’t need to do this!” Your mom yells and that’s when you see her wand pointed at somebody
“Lily, you can’t save me. Not anymore at least.” The voice yells 
“Doesn’t mean you have to kill these innocent people!” She yells “Think about Harry! Think about Y/N! Think about me!”
The figure comes into the light and all you can see is their hazel eyes. 
“If I don’t, he’ll kill me.” The person says 
You watch as your mom shakes her head and puts her wand away. 
“They were right. You only care about yourself.” She says as she goes to turn away 
“Don’t you dare turn your back on me now Lily!” They yell
“You’re not giving me a choice!” She yells as she turns to look at them only to step back with the person’s wand at her throat 
“Where’s dad?!” You yell as you look around, trying to catch a glimpse of your dad or even Sirius and Remus “Who are you with?” 
You hear a thud and you watch as your mom’s auburn hair moves in the wind as she quickly jumps back. You look over and you see another set of hazel eyes as a man with messy jet-black hair and glasses steps into view. 
“Dad...” You whisper as you watch the two meet half way 
“You know I could’ve handled it...” Lily laughs 
“I know. I just didn’t like how close it was getting.” James laughs as he kisses her
“Lily, James! Watch out!” You hear the familiar voice of Remus Lupin, yell
You watch as a stream of bright light comes out of no where and hits your mom in the back.
“Mom!” You yell as you are plunged into blackness
You wake up screaming as you look around and see Hermione looking at you. You can feel the tears streaming down your cheeks as she walks over to you. You can feel yourself going into a panic attack and you shake your head at her. 
“Y/N, you’re okay. I’m right here.” Hermione starts 
You try to focus on her as you wrap your arms around your knees and sit up against the backboard of the bed. 
“I’m going to go get Fred. I know he knows how to help.” She says as she looks at you 
Fred’s P.O.V. 
I’m walking into the common room with the rest of the Quidditch team when I see Hermione come running down the stairs. 
“Fred, I need your help with Y/N?” She says 
“Y/N?” I ask 
“What’s wrong with Y/N?” Harry asks 
“She’s having one of those panic attacks only Fred knows what to do about them.” Hermione says 
I hand my broom to George and follow Hermione to the stairs for the girls’ dorms.
“I can’t go up there remember?” I start 
“You’ve been able to get up them before.” Hermione starts “Besides your safe. Y/N is the only one in the room.” 
I give her an uneasy look before shaking my head and running up towards their dorm. 
I open the door when I see Y/N sitting on her bed as I walk in. She looks at met and that’s when I see the tear stains on her cheeks.
“What happened?” I ask
She shakes her head as she just watches her feet. I look back at Hermione as she walks out of the room.
“Another nightmare?” I ask
She nods as she looks at me and slowly reaches for my hand. I let her take it as she starts to breathe again.
“I saw them again.” She whispers
“Your parents?” I ask
“Yeah. Remus was also there. I didn’t see him but I heard him.” She says
I look at our hands as she slowly uncurls herself.
“Should we go talk to Lupin?” I ask
She nods and I help her stand up as she let’s go of my hand and we head towards the common room again.
I look over at Harry and them as he watches us and I send him a small thumbs up. He nods and goes back to working on his homework.
We walk towards Professor Lupin’s office as everybody watches us as we walk. She continues to look at the ground.
We reach the office and she looks at me as I nod and encourage her to go.
“He raised you, don’t be afraid.” I whisper
“Thanks Fred.” She says and walks in
Your P.O.V.
You walk into the office and see Remus grading his papers. You knock on the door and he looks up.
“Y/N?” He asks
“Do you have time to talk?” You ask
“With you?” He starts “I always do, what kind of guardian would I be if I didn’t?”
You look at him as you start to fiddle with your bracelet again as you sit across from him with the desk in between you two.
“Another nightmare?” He asks
“Yeah. This time I saw something different though.” You say “It wasn’t my parents deaths but a scene from when they were in the order.”
“Which one?” He asks
“My mom was fighting with somebody who I thought was my dad because the only thing I saw were hazel eyes. But my dad was the one who stopped them. But then you yelled at my parents to watch out and the next thing I saw was a bright light hit my mom.” You explain
“That was when we were dealing with some Death Eaters who drank poly juice potion to turn into your dad to try and surprise us.” Remus says “Your mother acted like she didn’t suspect a thing but it got way too close for comfort. So your father stepped in and took care of it for her.”
“Why were you there?” You ask
“I was the back up.” He says
You nod as you look at him then at the one picture he has of you two sitting in his office, pointed away from the door so no one can guess about him being your godfather.
“I yelled at them because another Death Eater got past Peter and was heading towards them.” He says
“Why would Peter let them passed?” You ask
“We don’t know. He claims they fought but he came back unharmed pretty much.” He says
You shake your head then stand up and head towards the office door.
“Thanks Remus. I needed to know that or it would’ve been the death of me.” You say
“Anything for you my dear.” He says “Now go find Fred.”
You walk out of the office and see Fred waiting for you. You walk over and hug him as he smiles.
“Thank you.” You whisper
“I’m always here for you.” He says as he sets his head on top of yours
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batgirl-87 · 6 years
Hogwarts asks: 4, 10, 21, 24. (I was going to send these earlier but I was away from my laptop--I hope they can still rescue you from boredom at some moment!)
I’m happy to get asks any time! Thank you! 😄💜
(I’m assuming this is for the Harry Potter asks? Since I asked you from that ask game, but if it’s for the Hogwarts Mystery MC just let me know! 😊 I may just answer those questions for both those asks if I have nothing else to do anyway =p
I’m always readily available to answer any questions about my MC and/or Jacob from these ask games - HPHM MC ; Jacob Asks - or any other question you may have 😉 )
4. Favorite character and why?
Sirius and Remus, Fred and George, Fleur, Draco, Oliver Wood, Bill and Charlie, Tonks…. How do someone pick just one?!
I discuss Sirius more in the next question so…
Listen, I love Remus Lupin. I would kill for Remus Lupin. I would even die for Remus Lupin. He deserves so much happiness and love and all the chocolate his heart desires! 
But I would like to discuss a couple more characters I love who I feel do not get enough love and attention, particularly in the movies - Fleur Delacour and Oliver Wood. 
I’ve always loved Oliver Wood and his Quidditch obsessed self (and admiration of Charlie Weasley =p) Maybe I just related because I have a hockey obsession (and too love Charlie Weasley - he’s so cool, I get it!) And Fleur is such an amazing, strong, badass character, who is part Veela, and I feel all of that is overlooked which is such a shame! I could write a novel on Fleur and handling being ogled, only viewed as pretty/sexualized for probably her entire life, never having anyone listen to her her respect her opinions, views, abilities and skills, protecting her little sister from being treated as such as best as she could as well. Willingly participating int he TriWizard Tournament, moving to a country where she barely speaks the language and knows no one to improve herself, disguising herself as Harry to help the Order, deciding instantly she wanted William Weasley and getting him =p Fenrir be damned, she loves the cool Curse-Breaker, not allowing Death Eaters or a war stand in the way of her happiness with the man she loves, and also has the cutest cottage! She doesn’t get enough love and appreciation I feel (although I see a lot of love for both Fleur and Oliver on Tumblr so that makes me happy!) **
10. Which character do you relate to most and why?
I always related to Sirius very strongly. I’m not sure exactly what it was. I think I’m a very loyal person and very protective of my friends, I definitely have a mischievous and rebellious nature, and I admit I can be dramatic and petty =p I’m witty/sarcastic/funny and can put on a confident front when actually I’m very insecure and falling apart inside… family issues… Worried about being viewed as a failure and disgrace. I also struggle with constantly being somehow pegged as the bad guy - something I am very over. 
I was also always envious that Sirius was able to find some good, true friends and create a sort of new family through them and hope I am able to do that myself.*
*This is a very brief explanation/analysis, clearly. 
**Sorry these are not longer explanations/analyses, it has been a long two weeks and I’m exhausted - too exhausted to go more in depth unfortunately right now but I’m also trying not to write novels all the time =p
21. What would your boggart be?
Spiders (I feel you, Ron!); public speaking to a large, unresponsive, unamused audience; having a mundane, routine life, 9-5 job, etc. (I feel you Newt?); and the ever classic - failure. Working so hard and never achieving anything/being good enough (story of my life)
24. How do you feel about Cursed Child?
I honestly don’t know much, if anything, about Cursed Child and I’m pretty okay with that. 
Guess who’s bored so decided to answer these for the HPHM MC Asks too?! =p
4. What career do they want to pursue?
Honestly she doesn’t expect to survive until graduation (but her friends don’t like when she talks like that!) so she doesn’t really have a plan. If Jacob is unable to pursue his dream career of playing Quidditch professionally she has considered pursuing that for him.
But she clearly has a gift for Curse-Breaking and is very close with Bill and with his encouragement she may become a Curse-Breaker but only if she’s able to work with Bill so they can be Partners in Curse-Breaking! However, she would prefer doing it more “freelance” instead of working for Gringotts and helping other cultures regain their lost artifacts instead of giving everything they find to Gringotts.
So while she has no actual plans for her future, career or otherwise, (besides her belief she might not survive this she can’t waste time worrying about that when she has so much to worry about in the present) she has some options!
(Which is what my headcanon is tbh. Jacob as a professional Quidditch player and Keira and Bill as Curse-Breaking Partners which would spin-off into their own series =p And somehow Charlie finds himself brought into some adventures. When Bill “retires” for the Order idk what she’ll do because he’s really the only reason she took the job!)
10. Any pet? 
A Siamese cat
(There’s obviously a lot more in the game but for what pet she actually has and brings with her it’s her beloved Siamese cat)
21. Any relatives at Hogwarts?
Not currently. They have either already graduated or have been expelled (wtg Jacob)
24. What house would they want to be in if they had the choice?
Keira was a hat stall between Slytherin and Ravenclaw. But if it was up to her she would have chosen Slytherin. Water brings her much comfort and peace, but besides that she hates taking all those stairs! She complains every time they have Astronomy class. And she would refuse to answer a riddle to get into her Dorm - just let her in, damn! It’s her Dorm! Plus she hates the wind and would find it very distracting and not relaxing at all!
Gryffindor, again, no to all those stairs and Hufflepuff would have been fine Common Room and Dorm wise but she knows she’s not a Hufflepuff.
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braverytaught · 8 years
okay, because i like to suffer and it’s been a whole week since i posted a meta, let’s talk about minerva and the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad year, aka the 1997-1998 school year.
okay, jokes aside, this was. pretty much The Worst Year Ever, and she’s had some pretty rough years. in the late 1970s (through 1981) she was heavily involved in fighting a war while also teaching at the same time, and it was a losing war, too. in 1992 a damn basilisk was attacking her students throughout the year. in 1995 she was actively fighting umbridge’s awful reforms, which of course culminated in her being hit by four stunners and nearly dying.
but none of it holds a candle to 1997. at the end of the spring term, she loses albus dumbledore and, rather than having time to grieve, immediately takes up the mantle of headmistress, deals with the ministry, organizes the funeral, etc, etc. of course, she’s technically provisional headmistress, just as she was in 1993 and 1996 when dumbledore was forced to leave the school, but the expectation was that, as deputy headmistress, she would be appointed official headmistress during the summer.
that doesn’t happen. instead, voldemort takes over the ministry, and minerva is told that she is being ousted and replaced by the very man who murdered albus dumbledore. she is, most graciously, allowed to retain her position as head of gryffindor house, but she is no longer deputy headmistress either; that honor goes jointly to alecto and amycus carrow.
so minerva has, in a manner of weeks, lost her mentor and very close friend, taken up his position in the wake of his death, and then been ousted from it by the man she believes to have betrayed her and everything she stands for. she did, very briefly, consider resigning in protest - but only in a moment of frustration and despair; it was never a serious option. if anything, it was more important than ever that she remain at hogwarts, to protect her students from what was sure to be a terrible regime.
and so she does. she remains at hogwarts. she is there for snape’s start-of-term speech, where he discusses the changes in discipline the school can expect to see. she is there to see a much smaller group of first years be sorted; there are no muggleborns among them. when several gryffindors - harry potter and hermione granger among them - don’t show up, minerva is questioned for knowledge of their whereabouts. 
the carrows are given full disciplinary authority. teachers who see misbehavior are to report it to the carrows, who will carry out their detentions - detentions that, it quickly becomes clear, are little less than torture. 
so minerva stops giving detentions. she gives warnings, she takes points - but she does not report her students unless forced to. she refuses to contribute to their suffering.
when messages from dumbledore’s army start appearing - dumbledore’s army, still recruiting spray-painted on the walls, vandalism, pamphlets and rumors spreading like wildfire - minerva has little trouble picking out the ringleaders: neville longbottom, ginny weasley, and luna lovegood were the closest of potter’s group still left at hogwarts, and she doesn’t miss the way they congregate. 
she is torn between pride and an awful, awful fear. they’re putting themselves in danger. they’re putting themselves directly in the path of the carrows, who have no qualms about causing pain. minerva tries to protect them. she tries to stand in the carrows’ way. she intervenes when she can, prevents the carrows from meting out detentions for offenses that can’t be proved, but her power to help is limited; she can’t always be there, and dumbledore’s army seem determined to take risks beyond the scope of her protection.
and minerva isn’t immune to the carrows’ displeasure. they can’t drive her from the school, because they know she is more dangerous outside of hogwarts and unsupervised than she is inside of it and half a prisoner. but they can hurt her. 
when they first start forcing students to use the cruciatus curse on other students in amycus’s class, minerva storms into the headmaster’s office to demand a stop be put to it. snape orders her out without retribution, but amycus takes it upon himself to cruciate her for her trouble. she bears it without screaming, and returns to her office alone and shaking with fury and pain.
when she stands in the way of a second-year alecto is attempting to terrorize, alecto blasts her out of the way with such force that she breaks several ribs and spends the night in the hospital wing.
when neville longbottom mysteriously vanishes after minerva was told to escort him to the headmaster’s office, they curse her to such an extent that poppy has to call for st. mungo’s. (she wasn’t involved in his escape, but she does have a suspicion as to where he’s gone. she doesn’t tell them.)
out of all the teachers, she is the most vocal in her opposition to snape and the carrows. this isn’t to discount the other staff members, like pomona and filius and poppy, all of whom are doing their best for their students, all of whom are equally angry and scared - but minerva is the most rash, the most hot-headed, the most righteously angry, and she is head of gryffindor house, after all; her students are targeted more than any others. so she is the one who most often questions snape, most often antagonizes the carrows, who makes no attempt to treat them with anything other than haughty coldness.
but this means that when the punishments increase, when the carrows begin torturing students in the hallways and slashing their faces to ribbons when they speak out of turn, when snape makes it clear that any teacher who intervenes will face the same treatment - this means that she carries the most guilt. she is torn, constantly torn, between pride and fear, between anger and guilt. if she speaks, she risks bringing retribution down upon her own students and colleagues. if she is silent then she gives in to everything she hates.
and all the time her students are hurting. first years scuttle from class to class, meek and terrified. seventh years seethe silently for the slow death of the school that has seen them grow up. children come to her classes with bleeding cuts and mottled bruises and she has to teach them and pretend that nothing is wrong. she cannot comfort them. she cannot speak freely to them. she cannot hide them from the evil that has invaded her school. nothing she does is enough. for every student she saves from harm there are three more being cruciated. she doesn’t know whether to support the students who rebel or to beg them to stop, to keep themselves safe.
and slowly her students disappear. luna lovegood never returns after christmas break. ginny weasley doesn’t come back after easter. neville longbottom vanishes, and other sixth and seventh years slowly disappear after him. the castle grows quieter and quieter as students disappear and the ones who remain are cowed into silence. it feels like a prison. it feels like a graveyard.
she has very little contact with the order. she exchanges messages with remus lupin or kingsley shacklebolt when she can, but many of the order are on the run, forced into hiding, and she herself feels less and less safe leaving the castle as time goes on. in previous years, she would often slip away to attend meetings or carry out order business - now, she’s terrified that if she leaves her students alone for any length of time, she’ll come back to find that the carrows have done something more terrible than ever in her absence. so she resigns herself to isolation, and has very little knowledge of what is going on in the outside world - she gets copies of the quibbler when she can, until xenophilius lovegood is targeted and the magazine falls under the death eaters’ control; she gleans what news she can from the biased prattlings of the daily prophet; and she treasures any news she can get from the order. but it grows increasingly few and far between, and most of it is bad.
she doesn’t sleep enough, and what sleep she gets is often rife with nightmares. she is often in pain. she is nearly always angry, or scared, or despairing, or all three at once. she and pomona keep as constant checks on each other as they can manage; minerva often spends what free time she has in the greenhouse with pomona, raging or speaking anxiously or, occasionally, crying. the staff do what they can to support and encourage each other, all of them, but especially minerva, pomona, filius, and poppy. but there is no lightheartedness in their company now, and no laughter. they support each other because they are all they have left.
it is a relief, when harry returns and the dam breaks and the battle begins. as much as minerva fears the outcome, as much as she fears losing more lives, anything is better than remaining under snape’s reign any longer. when she lends harry her support, it is unquestioning; when she charges into battle, it is with all the anger of a year of watching her students suffer. when she says we duel to kill, she absolutely means it.
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nobodyzhuman · 5 years
Don’t Trust Dumbledore Ch. 38
Harry POV
The next week was peaceful. Blaise returned to Hogwarts and the Weasley’s returned to their homes. His godfather’s and Draco had given him space after his reading of the wills. He used that time to do some reading and having Bill retrieve the correct documents for him. It was easy to get Remus to sign the acceptance of custody paperwork though the wolf spent an hour reassuring Sirius it was temporary until he was cleared in which the animagus told him he was an idiot they were sharing custody. Harry had spent the entire hour in Draco’s lap laughing at the two men. 
He also talked to Remus and Siri about the Potter seats in the Wizengamot. That was a longer conversation, then the custody. In the end it was agreed that Remus would sit in Harry’s seat for as long as Harry wanted. Sirius would be too busy with his own seats once he was free.  
Bill and the twins were still searching through the Manor. So far, Bill was in heaven because of some of the ancient Potter and  Peverell family heirlooms. Harry hadn’t known who the Peverell’s were until Bill and Remus gave an excited lecture about 3 brothers and the legends surrounding them. While Harry and Sirius agreed the part about meeting and beating death seemed far fetched they agreed that with a family that old and powerful it was probable that whatever Dumbledore was looking for was something handed down from that part of Harry’s family. That suspicion helped to narrow down the Weasely’s search. 
What he hadn’t told his godfathers about was the letter from Lucius telling him to contact one Amelia Bones head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. Which he had, he sent her a lengthy letter, in which Draco had spelled to only open when she agreed to keep everything, including his involvement, secret until everything was set up. He wrote her about Sirius lack of trial and the confrontation with Peter Pettigrew in his third year. He even found a way to send her copies of his memories from that night and the night of Voldermort’s return. Showing her how Pettigrew had helped resurrect the Dark Lord. Proof that the man was a Death Eater and a traitor. 
Miss Bones replied two days later, apologizing at length for the lack of trial and for her own failure to notice said lack of trail. She asked if he knew how to get hold of Sirius and if the man would be willing to come in for a retrial. 
Harry replied earlier this morning. He hadn’t bothered to ask Sirius. He would drag the man into the Ministry himself if he had too. Though he requested that maybe she start the inquiry about the lack of trail without bringing up a retrial just yet. He mentioned an article that would be released the next morning that she could use as a reason why. He knew the article was coming out the next morning because Luna and already sent him an advanced copy, with a note that she was happy that he was okay and couldn’t wait to for him and Draco to return to school. 
Outside of all that businesses stuff Harry was happy. He got to spend almost nonstop time with his mate. Learning more about both Draco, his family, his inheritance, and their connection. He also got to hang out with Remus and Sirius. Getting to spend time with his two godfathers without any Order members constantly interrupting them or Dumbledore trying to keep them apart was amazing. He learned more about how Remus fit into the marauders. While the man was quiet and was obviously the moral centerpoint of the group, he also had the same knack for causing mischief and pulling pranks as his two best friends. 
There was also the small fact that having the two marauders and the twins in the same place for any real amount of time was the perfect grounds for a prank war. Harry and Draco had managed to avoid it for the most part, often by redirecting the trouble makers at each other. 
For the first time in his life he had a home. He’d always imagined Hogwarts as a home, but it was nothing compared to this. Here he felt happy, content, and safe. He woke each morning excited to spend time with the others. A large part of him didn’t want to go back to school, he would rather stay here and spend time with his family. The thought of going back and having to pretend and fake his loyalty and friendships made him nauseous. He didn’t want to go back and be pulled into the headmasters game. He didn’t want to deal with his fake ex friends, or have to worry about Voldermort trying to kill him. He just wanted to stay here and be a normal magical teenager. 
Draco had been understanding when Harry mentioned all this in the dead of night. They had been laying in bed Harry’s head on Draco’s chest, his mate pulled him tight and whispered, “We won’t be playing the headmaster’s game, the old coot will be playing ours. We are going to make him pay for everything he has done to you Harry,” There had been a gentle kiss on his forehead,“I promise.” 
“As for the backstabbing traitors you will only have to pretend to be their friend long enough to end it. Me and Blaise are much better for you.” Harry chuckled. “As for the Dark Lord, I’ll be by your side.” The words were meant as an encouragement but Harry’s stomach dropped. The thought of having Draco dying at his side scared the hell out of him. He couldn’t admit that to the proud blonde because Draco would just tell him off for being stupid and try to reassure him that everything would be okay. 
He had horrible nightmares that night of Voldermort killing Draco, he woke the next morning already planning ways to keep his mate as far away from the final battle. He couldn’t, wouldn’t lost Draco. So far, his best plan was Lucius Malfoy. While Harry had no real love for the man, he knew Draco’s father loved his son and would do anything to protect him. He just hoped that meant Lucius would be willing to force his son away from his mate and the fight if the need ever came.
Harry looked away from the book he hadn’t been reading to see Remus standing next to him. 
“Yeah?” He asked, wondering how long the man had been standing there watching him while he had been lost in thought. 
“It’s time,” Remus said looking a little pale. 
Harry swallowed and closed his book. 
He followed the werewolf out of the room and into a small potions lab towards the back of the cottage. The small room was full, Bill and Snape stood over a boiling cauldron talking in hushed voices. Charlie and the twins seemed to be comforting Sirius who looked extremely worried. Draco stood leaning against the far wall watching them all. Harry moved towards the blonde, standing close to him. 
“Where’s the auror?” He whispered. 
“Father’s getting him,” Draco whispered back not looking at him. Harry could tell his normally pale mate was even more pale. He understood. What they were about to do was wrong, but necessary. 
Darryl Owen was an auror that in recent years had made his hatred for Death Eaters very clear. He advocated for any and all Death Eaters to receive the dementor's kiss without going to Azkaban. He even tried to insist any wizards that were allegedly Death Eaters being kissed, starting that it was better to stop them now before they could do any harm. He even tried pushing laws against Dark Wizards. In the words of his mate, the man was a menace. 
What made Owen perfect for Remus and Draco’s plan was the man’s clear hatred for The Boy Who Lived as well as Dark Wizards. Harry had shivered when he read the man’s interview from last year. He blamed Harry for not killing the Dark Lord correctly when he was supposed to, and even stated he was only back because Harry had failed again at stopping him. He was the ideal, as someone who would want to kidnap both Harry and Draco. 
Although it left Harry feeling guilty, the man would be punished for a crime he didn’t commit, Sirius had told him that the man had gotten away with horrible things, beating and curses against dark wizards. All because he was an auror and said they were Death Eaters resisting arrest. It had been Remus that finally convinced Harry to go through with it. The werewolf had pulled him aside and showed him an article in the Prophet where Owen had insisted Sirius be killed on sight if found. That the ‘murderer’ was better off dead than sent back to Azkaban. 
Sure it didn’t relieve all Harry’s guilt but it helped. 
“You will both have to take a full bottle of this,” Snape said, tearing Harry from his thoughts. The dark haired man handed him and Draco one small potion bottle each. Harry knew what they were. It was the reason most of the room looked pale. The potion was a reverse to the nutrient potion, custom made by Snape and Bill. 
It wouldn’t kill him or Draco but it would help make it look like they had been held prisoners for over two months. It had taken Bill and Snape a week to brew and Harry wasn’t looking forward to drinking it. 
He eyed the bottle and then looked at Draco. His mate gave him a reassuring smile and pressed the bottle to his lips, drinking it all in one go. 
Harry winced when Draco coughed and doubled over, holding his stomach. Harry almost dropped his own bottle when he reached forward to help him. It only took a second for Draco to stop coughing and straighten back up. 
Harry flinched from the sight. Draco’s face looked sunken and his eyes seemed dull. Stepping back so he could see Draco in full, he noticed how much thinner his mate looked. His once perfect fitting clothes now hung loose. The proud blonde’s hand shook and Harry reached and grabbed one. Giving it a squeeze before he drank his own potions. 
It burned, which he thought distantly would explain the coughing. Then a sharp pain radiated through his stomach and Harry gasped and wrapped his arms around his stomach, willing it to stop. When it was over he felt light headed and shaky. 
He opened his eyes to see Snape helping Draco to a small loveseat, that hadn’t been there before. He pushed off the wall, he hadn’t realized he was leaning against, to move towards them. But his legs wobbled and if Sirius hadn’t appeared at his side catching him. He would have fell. 
“I’m tired,” he muttered leaning against his godfather. 
“I know pup.” He heard. His eyes were drifting closed and the last thing he was aware of was Draco’s warmth and scent, when he was placed on the love seat next to his mate. 
Sirius Pov
“They'll be okay, Black.” Sirius looked over at Severus who despite his words was running his hands through his own godson’s hair. He wanted to snap and yell at the bloody Slytherin but he didn’t. Not when he saw his own worry mirrored on the other man’s face. 
“We got them,” one of the twins said, walking up behind them. Sirius swear Severus almost growled at the young redhead before he stepped back. He understood the urge when the other twin moved beside him and looked down at Harry. 
“You have to go met Mister Malfoy,” Charlie said moving to stand by his younger brother. “Once you have Owen in place, we will bring them.” 
He nodded and patted the dragon tamer on the shoulder. He turned towards the door to the room to see Severus already walking out of it, Remus was standing there waiting for him. 
“It will be alright,” Remus whispered as they left the room, Siruis looked back over his shoulder one last time. Harry and Draco were both passed out on the small loveseat, the twins sitting on the arms watching over them. Which Charlie transfigured their clothes to looked dirty and torn. He sighed and turned away. He trusted the three Weasleys to look after his pup. He just wished he could be the one staying behind to keep an eye on them. 
But no. His job was to meet with Lucius Malfoy and help set up a cabin that Owen owned. Sirius was responsible for making it look like the two boys had been held there for the two months they were missing. Malfoy’s job, one that Sirius didn’t envy, was going to charm and change Owen’s memories. Making the man himself believe the lie. 
When it was done, they would send a message to the twins and Charlie, who would apparate Harry and Draco in. While this was going on Remus and Bill had to head back to Grimmauld Place. They would conveniently be there when the call came in that Harry and Draco had been found. They wanted people they trusted as part of the rescue. And Severus had to return to Hogwarts so that Dumbledore didn’t get suspicious. 
When he apparated to the location Severus had given him. He found Lucius Malfoy already there, wand pointed at the dark brunette kneeling at his feet. Sirius took a deep breath and walked towards them. The elder Malfoy looked up when he heard him, saw who it was and returned to whatever he was doing to Owen. Not thinking he could stomach watching the two men, he walked past them and into the cabin. The place had a thick layer of dust that Sirius charmed away, and broken furniture scattered around the living room. It seemed Owen hadn’t been there in a long time. Sirius sighed and started repairing everything he could. Anything he couldn’t he vanished. When the room was reasonable, he moved on to one of the two bedrooms. 
It made his skin crawl to transfigure a piece of rope into metal shackles. He bound them to the wall leaving two sets of cuffs hanging a few inches off the ground. He then summoned a few thin blankets and scattered them along the floor around where the restraints hung. He added a couple discarded plates and moldy food. When he was done he wanted to throw up. The room looked old, dirty, and smelled sour. The blankets on the floor were not much better and with the moldy food a few feet away from where the boys would be found, it painted a pretty dark picture. 
He heard footsteps behind him and turned wand raised, only to find the elder Malfoy ignoring his wand and looking over the room. It must have met his satisfaction because he gave Sirius a nod and walked away. Lowering his wand Sirius followed after him. 
“I have summoned food for three for several days, and gave him a few distant defensive marks.” The blonde said when Sirius entered the living room behind him. The dark wizard was standing behind Owen who was passed out on an old battered couch. 
“Can you give them marks that look like they are from the metal cuffs?” He asked instead of telling the man he was impressed. He hadn’t thought about making it look like the two boys had fought back. It was smart, neither Harry nor Draco were the type to sit back and let someone hurt them. 
“I can.” Malfoy said. With that said and the cabin done. Sirius sent off his patronus, letting the three Weasleys know they were ready. A few seconds later three pops could be heard outside the house. Sirius followed Malfoy out of the house. 
He heard the man gasp at the sight of his son. 
“It’s the potion,” he told the man. Not wanting him to think that him and Remus had done this to his child. He saw Malfoy nod before he took his son from Charlie’s arms and headed back into the house. Sirius walked towards the twins who held Harry between them and did the same. He carried his godson into the house, passed the vile man on the couch, and into the bedroom. 
Malfoy was already kneeling on the floor whispering to his somewhat conscious son. The younger Malfoy looked a little out of it but seemed to understand his father because he held up his wrists and mumbed a few words back to him. 
Sirius couldn’t watch the man chain his son. So he looked away and sat Harry down just a foot or so away. Part of him was grateful the young man remained asleep unlike his friend. He didn’t think he could stomach putting chains on Harry while he was awake and aware of what was happening. As carefully as he could, he took the shackles and cuffed them over his godson’s thin wrists. Then watched in awe as both boys, both asleep again, unconsciously moved towards each other. 
He looked up towards Malfoy and saw the man looked resigned. A throat cleared from the door away causing both him and the blonde to look towards Charlie, who at least looked sorry about interrupting them. 
“We should get going. Owen’s partner should be checking up on him soon. And we don’t want to be here when he does.” Sirius nodded, but before he stood up and leaned forward and pressed a soft kiss on Harry’s forehead. Then he pushed to his feet and left the room as fast as he could so he didn’t risk changing his mind. 
He was grateful when they apparated back to the cottage and Fred and George grabbed his arms and dragged him towards the small bar in the main living room. One of the twins, George he was almost positive, poured him a glass of firewhiskey. He thanked them and downed it. 
When the redhead poured him another he chuckled lightly and looked around the room. Charlie was sitting on the couch running his hands through his hair, looking nervous. The twins had joined him in his drinking. He knew Bill and Remus were at Grimmauld Place. Snape was at Hogwarts and Lucius Malfoy had returned home. Everyone was in place and all that was left was to wait until they got the call that Harry and Draco had been found. 
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