#remus and lily running interference trying to keep them apart
impishtubist · 2 years
Divorced-dads-to-lovers Prongsfoot AU where Sirius and James meet again at Harry’s wedding years after their divorce and get back together WHEN
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pregnant-piggy · 4 years
I’m having your baby - part I
Sirius Black x reader
series masterlist
Warnings: alcohol, swearing (little but still), pregnancy
Words: 3000+
‘(Y/N), are you awake?’ Remus knocks on your door. Careful not to drop the tray with a plate and a mug of tea he pushes down the handle with his elbow. ‘(Y/N)? We figured it was... you know... the time of the month again... so I made you some breakfast and sent the others to go shopping for some acceptable food...’ Remus looks around the room. ‘(Y/N)?’ he asks. ‘Are you in here?’
‘No, I’m in here,’ you say with a tiny voice from the bathroom. Remus puts the tray down on your bed and walks to the bathroom. He finds you sitting on the floor crying at something in your hand. He walks over to you and places his hand on your shoulder. You look up with tears running down your cheeks. Then your gaze turns back to the thing in your hand. Remus follows your gaze.
‘Fuck,’ he mumbles when he sees what it is; a pregnancy test.
‘Yeah,’ you sigh. Remus sits down next to you and stares at the test. You sit in silence for a while but then Remus takes your arm and pulls you up. Stumbling and leaning into Remus you two walk to your bedroom. You sit down on your bed and Remus gives you your breakfast.
‘Can I ask…’ Remus starts and you look up with a piece toast in your hand. Remus makes a questioning face. ‘Who?’
‘Yeah…’ you say with a sore voice. You cough and continue. ‘You remember the party Lily and Marlene threw three weeks ago?’ Remus nods. ‘Then you probably also remember I got really drunk. So drunk that I had to go home early. Well I didn’t went home alone…’
‘But I thought Sirius took you ho-’ Remus’ eyes widen. He shakes his head. ‘Oh no… no you didn’t…’ You avert your eyes and look at your plate. Suddenly you don’t feel hungry anymore, you are so embarrassed. The tears start rolling down your face again and you feel empty. ‘Have you talked to him about it?’ You shake your head.
‘No, the next morning he disappeared before anyone woke up and since then we just kind of pretend it never happened.’ You wipe away the tears on your face and look in panic at the man in front of you. ‘Remus, I don’t know what to do! I don’t want to lose Sirius as a friend, but I am carrying his baby!’ You start to hyperventilate and Remus places both his hands on your shoulders. He waits until you breathe normal again before he starts to talk.
‘Do you want to keep it?’ Remus asks careful. You shrug, you don’t know. Yes, the situation is weird, but what if this is your only chance? You know that when you keep the baby, it will grow up with so much love, but what if Sirius doesn’t want it?
‘Alright, listen. I don’t know right now how you should tell Sirius, but you should,’ Remus says when he sees your face. ‘So here’s my plan: we pretend you’re on you period so we have some time to figure it out. James, Sirius and Peter should be back any minute now. You wanna stay in bed?’ You nod and Remus gets up, just at the same time the others open the front door. Remus gives you a reassuring smile and closes your door softly.
‘How’s she doing?’ you hear Sirius ask Remus through your door.
‘She’s fine… I brought her breakfast, but she fell back asleep.’ You smile at Remus’ answer. You know you can always rely on him. He would do anything for you, and you for him. That’s why you had begged him to live with you when you started looking for apartments with Sirius, James and Peter.
You and the Marauders live in a small apartment with just one bathroom and a small kitchen and living room. You and Sirius had your bedroom on one side of the apartment and Remus, James and Peter on the other side. You love living with them. There is always someone you can talk to when you are feeling down and it is always like there is a party.
Of course there are also some downsides to living with four boys and one of them is that you never, but really never have any privacy. Sirius always walks in your room without knocking and James just goes to the toilet when you are taking a shower. They also interfere with your dates, so you blame them for being single.
 - -- -
A knock on your door wakes you. You haven’t realised you fell asleep. You lift your head to see who it is. Peter is standing in the doorway.
‘We err… we made lunch. I don’t know if you want it or if you want to stay in bed.’ You sit up and rub your eyes.
‘Yeah, I’ll come. Give me five minutes,’ you say and you get out of bed. Peter nods and closes the door. You put on a sweater and walk to the bathroom. You look in the mirror and are shocked by your face. It is puffy and red from crying and your eyes are swollen from sleeping. You wash your face, but seeing it doesn’t get any better you give up.
When you walk in the kitchen, the four boys are sitting at the table all looking at you with concern on their face. You laugh when you see their faces and sit down next to James. Their eyes follow you and you feel slightly uncomfortable.
‘Guys, I’m fine! Could you stop looking at me?’ you asks laughingly. They all mutter excuses and look at their plates. You catch Sirius still looking at you and you feel your cheeks getting red. You quickly turn to your food and slowly take a bite. After two bites you’re full and you sigh. James looks up from his food.
‘Is it bad?’ he asks pointing his head to your stomach. You shake your head but when you open your mouth to say something you smell his sandwich and you start to gag. Rapidly you run to the bathroom and the second you reach the toilet you start throwing up. Everything you ate this morning comes out in reverse. Two delicate hands remove the hair from your face. In the living room you can hear worried mumbling.
‘It’s fine, don’t worry,’ you hear Remus say. ‘We’ll come up with something that covers it,’ he whispers in your ear. You relax a bit under Remus’ touch and words and you slowly lift your head. ‘What did it?’ he asks.
‘James’ sandwich,’ you answer and clean your face with the nearest towel. ‘What the hell was on there?’ Remus laughs and hugs you. He helps you get up and you walk to the living room, where James and Sirius are sitting softly talking with each other. James jumps up when you enter the room. He swiftly walks to you and takes you to the couch.
‘What is wrong? That never happened before!’
‘Oh it’s nothing. I’m just a bit nauseous. Nothing to worry about,’ you mutter while James buries you with pillows and blankets.
‘Yeah right,’ James responds. ‘Now just relax, okay? You don’t have to do anything today, we’ll take care of you. Just yell when you want something, alright?’ You nod and close your eyes when James brushes his hand over your head. You rest your head to the back of the couch and see Sirius still sitting in the living room. He is watching you and doesn’t avert his eyes when you look at him. You look around the room and notice you’re the only ones left. Then you realise that it is the first time you are alone with him since you spend the night together. Ever since he left your bedroom that morning you had always made sure there was someone else in the room when you were with him. Suddenly, you feel nervous and uncomfortable and you are lost for words.
You shift your gaze to your hands, that are lying on your lap and you start to examine your nails like you have never seen them before. After a few minutes you want to get up but Sirius is ahead of you.
‘What do you need?’ he asks polite. You chuckle.
‘Is it your turn on (Y/N)-duty?’ you tease him.
‘Yeah, I volunteered first, so I that I would be rid of it,’ Sirius says with a mischievous smile on his face. ‘Now what do you need?’ he asks again.
‘I want my book,’ you say. ‘It’s in my room, I think on my nightstand.’ Sirius walks to your room, but then you realise that the pregnancy test is also on your nightstand. ‘Wait!’ you almost scream. Sirius turns around. You get up from the couch and walk to him. ‘I uhh… I’ll get it… my room’s a mess anyway…’ you mumble. ‘Why don’t you get me a cup of tea instead?’
 - -- -
‘How long has she been like this?’
‘It must hurt, in that position.’
‘When you sleep you don’t feel that, Pete!’
‘Should we wake her up?’
‘I don’t know, maybe it is better to just let her sleep.’
You open your eyes a bit to see what is going on. James and Peter are standing by your head, Sirius is sitting by your feet and Remus is sitting in a chair reading a book.
‘Oh now she is awake,’ Peter says and James hits him.
‘Yes I can see that!’ You laugh softly and shake your head.
‘It’s not your fault I’m awake, I had a bad dream,’ you say. You dreamt that you were giving birth to your baby, but you were alone in a dark, creepy room. All your friends had left you and all you could hear was screaming from the baby that wasn’t even out of you yet.
‘Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. You wanna talk about it?’ James asks. You make eye contact with Remus and shake your head.
‘No… No it would just disturb you,’ you mutter as an answer and focus on the TV. ‘What are we watching?’ you asks to distract the attention from you.
‘A boring documentary on the rain forest or something,’ James sighs. Sirius throws one of the pillows at him.
‘Well try find something else then! There is nothing on TV at this time!’ he says.
‘What time is it?’ you ask.
‘Five,’ Remus answers without looking up from his book. You sigh and throw your head back. You feel Sirius moving at your feet. Knowing what he wants you move up on the couch so there is room for him to lie. He crawls up against your chest and you rest your arm on his side. You smell Sirius’ hair and rest your chin on the top of his head.
Remus looks up from his book and gives you a glare. You shake your head careful so no one sees it and Remus rolls his eyes. He turns back to his book but you keep looking at him. You are thinking of a way to tell Sirius you’re pregnant, but not much enters your mind. You’re just afraid you will lose him as a friend, that you will never have moments like this again, that Sirius will just freak out and move away or that you have to move. You rest your eyes on Sirius’ hands that are lying on the couch. You remember that night three weeks ago. You remember those hands taking of your dress, those hands on your skin, tracing every line of your body. When you close your eyes and concentrate you can still feel his hands in your hair, on your back, on your thighs.
Your stomach starts to rumble. Sirius flinches at the sound and you laugh.
‘What’s for dinner?’ you ask and you look hopeful at Peter. Out of all of you, Peter is by far the best cook. You can cook a bit and James knows how to cook an egg, but Remus and Sirius are just terrible when it comes to cooking. Remus does bake. You always help him when he is making a cake or cookies, but most of the time you and him have eaten most of the batter and there is nothing left for the actual dish.
‘I was thinking lasagne,’ Peter answers your question. ‘Or do you want something else?’ You shake your head.
‘No, no, that’s delicious!’ you exclaim with a smile and Peter smiles back at you before getting up and walking to the kitchen.
 - -- -
After dinner you and Remus are left alone in the kitchen doing the dishes. After spending the whole day on the couch, you are happy to be able to do something.
‘Do you have any idea how?’ Remus asks and you immediately know what he is referring to.
‘No. Every time I think of a way I just know Sirius is going to freak out. And besides that, I don’t even think I am ready to tell him. I can’t lose him, Remus!’ Remus brushes his shoulder against yours.
‘It’s going to be alright, (Y/N). I’ll help you and if Sirius runs away I will hunt him down and kick his ass.’ You laugh and kiss Remus on his cheek.
After fifteen minutes you are done with the dishes but the fumes from the kitchen have gotten too much for you. Desperately in need for fresh air you step out on the balcony. You welcome the cold wind in your face and your nausea gets less. You take a deep breath and look at the lights of the city. You try to calm down but all the emotions of the day get too much and you start to cry silently. The hot tears roll down your cheeks and fall on the iron balustrade. The lights get blurry and the buildings form one big dark mass.
Suddenly someone drapes a blanket over your shoulders and puts their arms around your waist. You smell Sirius’ cologne and the tears keep coming. You try to stop crying but when you feel his hands on your stomach and realise that he is unknowingly holding his child, you cry even harder.
‘What is going on, darling?’ Sirius asks in your ear. Not able to talk you just shake your head and turn around. You bury your face in Sirius’ neck and put your arms around him. You stay like this for minutes, Sirius stroking your back with his cold hands.
You wish you could stay longer, but the wind is getting colder and you feel little raindrops falling on the top of your head. You and Sirius quickly go inside.
‘Are you-’ James starts but he stops when Sirius shakes his head. The latter takes you to the couch and Peter pushes a cup of hot tea in your frozen hands. You gratefully drink the hot beverage and feel your inside thaw.
‘You guys take such good care of me,’ you say. ‘You really make this whole uh… thing easier.’ You take another sip to cover your red face. You had almost said ‘pregnancy’. You can feel Remus’ burning eyes but you don’t look up.
‘Of course (Y/N), we would do anything for you!’ James says, not noticing your mistake. You smile at him. They would do anything for you. But really anything? Or would they chicken out when you tell them?
 - -- -
That night you lie in your cold bed and hear the rain slamming against your window. You try to sleep but you can’t. Thoughts keep coming and don’t go. Eventually it gets too much and you get up. Putting on the sweater the closest to you, you quietly leave your room and walk to the kitchen. Since there are no windows there, the sound of the rain is less. You suddenly feel hungry and you walk around the kitchen trying to find something edible. After a while you find some chocolate and you sit down on the counter.
Taking small bites you look around in the kitchen. You remember the first time you had to cook in here. It was the second day after you and the boys had moved in and it was your job to take care of dinner. You had planned a whole meal but it failed and you had to order take-out. Everything was burned and somehow you had managed to drop the sauce in the sink.
You smile while you think of the memories in the kitchen. You are gone up so much in your thoughts you don’t notice Sirius entering the kitchen. You are staring at the floor and Sirius has to sit down next to you before you notice him.
‘How long have you been here?’ you ask curious. Sirius laughs and takes a bite of the chocolate.
‘Not long.’
‘Can’t sleep?’
‘No, I uhh… I had to go to the toilet and I noticed your door was open and uhh… well, you weren’t in your room. Then I saw the light from the kitchen,’ Sirius says hesitatingly. ‘What is going on? It is not you to eat Remus’ chocolate in the middle of the night.’
‘Shit, this is Rem’s chocolate? He’s going to kill me.’
‘No he’s not. You’re allowed to right now,’ Sirius comforts you.
‘Oh yeah, right,’ you mutter realising that that is not entirely true and that Remus will in fact kill you.
‘So why can’t you sleep?’ Sirius asks you and you take a deep breath. You know that this might be a chance to tell Sirius, but just that thought gives you palpitations. Instead you make something up.  
‘Just thoughts and stomach-ache.’
‘You need some painkillers?’ You shake your head and smile.
‘No, I’m fine, thank you,’ you say and you look at your hands. You haven’t realised you had put your hand on Sirius’ leg. You sigh. ‘I should go to sleep and so should you.’ Sirius nods and jumps of the counter. He takes your hand and leads you to your bedroom.
‘Well this feel familiar,’ Sirius mumbles. You feel your body tighten but choose not to react. In the doorway you gaze falls on the small stick on your nightstand. The pregnancy test. You should really hide that thing. You turn around and kiss Sirius on his forehead.
‘I’ll take it from here,’ you say and Sirius looks confused.
‘Okay,’ he says slowly. ‘Goodnight (Y/N).’
‘Goodnight Sirius.’ 
Sirius leaves your room and closes your door. You let yourself fall down on your bed and sigh. You miss Sirius’ touch on your back and the warmth of his hands. You close your eyes and think of what happened. Then it hits you; so obvious and yet the first time the thought enters your mind. You like Sirius. Not like as a friend, but as more. The feeling you get from thinking about him, is not the same when you think of Remus or James.  
What is happening to you?
So I started his as a one-shot, but suddenly I had written ten pages :) Part two (and the rest) will be up soon. Hope you liked it!
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meadweos · 5 years
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𝐓𝐀𝐒𝐊 𝐍𝐔𝐌𝐁𝐄𝐑 𝐎𝐍𝐄   ——   𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒅𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒍𝒐𝒑𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒕 !
❛❛ Be soft. Do not let the world make you hard. Do not let the pain make you hate. Do not let the bitterness steal your sweetness. ❜❜ — Iain Thomas
001. 𝒆𝒊𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓 𝒐𝒓…
sun or moon? stars or clouds? sea or sky? sunrise or sunset? early morning or late night? snow or rain? pastel or primary colours? hot chocolate or coffee? dusk or dawn? baths or showers? swimming or running? singing or dancing? paperback or hardcover? misty mornings or rainy mornings? soft pillows or hard pillows? pop or punk?
002. 𝒊𝒇 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒘𝒆𝒓𝒆…
… forced to choose between saving your best friend or yourself, what would your choice be?
❛ My best friend. ❜ It seems as though there’s a lump in her throat as she speaks, her voice sure and strong. ❛ Far more readily than I would save myself. It’s --- It’s not right. It wouldn’t be right for me to --- for me to not save her, save them. ❜ She goes silent for a few more seconds, her eyebrows raising as she asks a simple question. ❛ Why, what did the others say? ❜
If ever you’ve already asked a question but already know the answer, it’s this one: Dorcas suffers from chronic heroism, and would save her best friend far more readily than she would ever consider herself worth saving. There’s no ‘forcing’ about it - Dorcas would choose others over herself in a heartbeat. 
… trapped on a deserted island, who would you want to have with you?
❛ Probably Calliope or Emmeline. Maybe, maybe Lily. Or Alice. I mean, it’s kind of impossible to choose, right? You can have someone you get along with, or someone who you know is better at magic than you, or someone who knows stuff about surviving on a deserted island, or literally anyone famous. ❜ Dorcas shrugs. The question is more casual than the others, and her shoulders droop as she breathes in and out deeply.
… able to turn back time and given the chance to change one thing, would you?
❛ My - my brother. I’d go back, for my brother. So I could save him. Or die in his place. Anything. Just - my brother. He should be here. ❜ Her voice is panicked, now. It’s a question she hadn’t been expecting, and she knows traveling through time is possible - time turners - but she doesn’t trust herself to use them. She doesn’t trust herself to save him without breaking everything. She didn’t save him the first time. What’s to say fear won’t paralyze her again?
… able to see the future, would you try to change it, or let it happen as it should?
❛  I mean, if things are happy in the end, I’d probably let it happen as it should. But i’s not about me or my happiness. If the people that I love are happy, then I’d keep it the same. But I’d change it in a heartbeat if I knew the end of all this was anything but simple, pure happiness for any of them. ❜
If Dorcas knew what would happen to her, to her friends, her life wouldn’t be the thing that she’d want saved. No. Marlene dies soon after she does - they think it’s by Travers and his crowd, but nobody ever finds out. He gets her entire family. There are no more McKinnons that will ever grace the grounds of Hogwarts. Gideon and Fabian Prewett - brave, strong, good - are killed by five Death Eaters that same August. The ground becomes hallowed, sacred, and nobody can speak their names without thinking of Molly - poor, dearest Molly. Lily and James have a son, they get to be happy, but they’re locked away in Godric’s Hollow, and it’s there that they die, only months after Dorcas had. Their son lives, but his life is scarred, and set out for him, already. The life of a martyr. Sirius wastes away in Azkaban, and when he gets his only taste of freedom, it’s tinged by imprisonment in a house he never wanted to call home again in his life, and then he dies, and there’s no body to bury. Peter’s a traitor, until he has one moment - one shining moment of humanity - and then he is dead by his own hand. Remus lives an entire life without his best friends, goes near mad with the grief of that loss, and after finding Sirius again, he loses him so soon, and then dies himself, too. 
Emmeline lives. She gets to live, for a shining, glorious number of years, but they’re numbered. They’ve always been numbered. He comes for her, as he came for Dorcas, and she dies in the street. Alice is tortured into insanity like Frank is - they become Aurors and are successful pillars of the community and then it happens. They get their happiness, their son, but it is ripped away. He’s raised by his grandmother - formidable and strict, always criticizing him for not being the father he’d never known. Nobody ever knows what becomes of Regulus Black. Nobody ever talks about his story, or how he’s a good person, in his own way. Andromeda and Ted get married. They have a daughter, with a name as long and complex as Andromeda’s own, but then Ted goes away. He goes into hiding, and he doesn’t come home. His name is on the list of deaths announced on the radio, and Andromeda’s world stops, too, when she loses her daughter as well. Emma Vanity has a career in Quidditch - she lives through both wars, and is happy. She’s not untouched by the ravages of war, on either front, but it doesn’t hurl her into the waves like it had with the others. Lucius and Narcissa live. Lucius, imprisoned for far less years than he deserves, gets a pardon at the very end of things - they both see their son grow up, see the son they had raised to be a snake marry, and have children of his own. Mary survived, but, God, at what cost? At what cost? She loses her best friends, her family. 
Severus dies as he had lived - hopelessly in love with Lily Evans, staring into the last piece of her has left - her son’s eyes, but he has become someone not even Dorcas would recognize - a man of casual cruelty, who bullies young Neville Longbottom until he’s his worst fear. But there are no more McKinnon’s. No more Meadowes. No more Prewett’s. No more Black’s. No more Tonks’. The war that they had thought would be final isn’t. They are raised to become soldiers, some less touched by this reality than others, but it comes to them in the end, and one by one, their lives are torn apart. But, in the end, they get to be happy. There’s happiness even in their failure to surely end things. They don’t get to live until their eighties, sit back on their rocking chairs and reminisce about the old days. They die young, but some of their children live. They fight like hell to live, but they do. It’s the question of whether or not it’s worth it. They are children born to be soldiers, who bring soldiers of their own into the world without knowing it. Harry Potter is saddled with a fate worse than death - he’s raised like a pig for slaughter, and people don’t talk about that enough. He survives, he wins, but at what cost? Nightmares, pain, horror? For the rest of his life? His scar may not hurt anymore, but his limbs ache, and he remembers the feeling of someone in his mind more vividly than he ever wanted to. His friends, his friends, die. Fred and George Weasley? Dead. Remus? Dead. Tonks? Dead. Colin Creevey? Dead. Happiness isn’t something easily measured - they are happy, but it’s always tinged by the fact that a lot of their problems haven’t gone away. Psychologically, the harm of war stays with you forever. 
Dorcas would want everyone else to live. She’d throw herself in front of that Killing Curse for anyone, for anything. If she knew, she’d want everything rewritten. It would begin and end with her, nobody else, and she’s so foolishly optimistic that it might actually work. But the thing is she doesn’t know, and if she did, she’d surely go mad with the weight of it, but that doesn’t mean she wouldn’t change it - just that she wouldn’t be the same. And in the end, when she dies, she isn’t the same as we know her now. She still doesn’t kill, but she’s raised her wand far more times than she ever thought she’d have to, and she still holds out hope for everyone, but it’s not rose tinted anymore. The sad truth of the matter is that right now, she’d die for any of the people I mentioned above. Any of them. 
003. 𝒑𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒂𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒚 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒕𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆𝒔…
what’s your character’s myers-briggs personality type?
INFP — The Mediator
Mediator personalities are true idealists, always looking for the hint of good in even the worst of people and events, searching for ways to make things better. While they may be perceived as calm, reserved, or even shy, Mediators have an inner flame and passion that can truly shine. Comprising just 4% of the population, the risk of feeling misunderstood is unfortunately high for the Mediator personality type – but when they find like-minded people to spend their time with, the harmony they feel will be a fountain of joy and inspiration.
what’s your character’s alignment?
Neutral Good
Creatures of neutral good alignment believe that there must be some regulation in combination with freedoms if the best is to be brought to the world--the most beneficial conditions for living things in general and intelligent creatures in particular. Creatures of this alignments see the cosmos as a place where law and chaos are merely tools to use in bringing life, happiness, and prosperity to all deserving creatures. Order is not good unless it brings this to all; neither is randomness and total freedom desirable if it does not bring such good. Neutral goods value both personal freedom and adherence to laws. They feel that too many laws may unnecessarily restrict the freedom of good beings. They also believe that too much freedom may not protect society as a whole and encourage counterproductive divisions and in-fighting. They promote governments which hold broad powers, but do not interfere in the day-to-day lives of their citizens.
if you had to use one tv trope to describe your character, what would it be?
Skilled, but Naive or Wide-Eyed Idealist
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bookishfantasy · 6 years
A young Remus Lupin , only 5 years old, getting attacked by a werewolf. 
A young Sirius Black, getting told anything less that pureblood was filthy and shouldnt exist
A young James Potter, growing up always playing tricks and showing some exceptional magic
A young Peter Pettigrew unsure of his abilities in magic. 
Imagine Remus watching his parents search for some sort of cure and not being allowed to play with the other children. Sirius growing up knowing he would be placed in Slytherin, but secretly hoping he wouldn’t. James growing up cocky, and learning how to fly a broom so well he could be quiddich captain by year two. Peter growing up exceptionally ordinary but clinging to the biggest bully on the playground, learning quickly what he needed to do to survive.
Imagine Remus getting told by Dumbledore himself he could go to Hogwarts, over a game of Gobstones. Remus being so excited to interact with other children, so excited he didn’t get a wink of sleep the night before. Sirius getting his letter and listening to his parents sneer and spit cruel slurs at the muggleborns in diagon alley. James getting his acceptance letter and excitingly packing his trunk, knowing he was headed for Gryffindor. Peter getting his letter, but not knowing exactly where he’d be sorted.
Imagine Sirius meeting James potter on the train and learning maybe not all purebloods were as cruel as his family was. James meeting Sirius Black on the train and quickly befriending him. Peter sitting on the train being quite nervous for whats to come. James getting sorted into Gryffindor with Sirius and meeting Remus. Remus meeting James and Sirius after being sorted into Gryffindor, excited for his new friends. Peter being sorted into Gryffindor, and meeting Remus. Then with a little convincing becoming a Marauder. Sirius getting sorted into Gryffindor and getting disgraced by his parents because of it. But him not caring because he had James, Remus, and Peter.
Imagine Remus after being alone all his life finally having 3 friends he knew he could count on, but being scared of what his friends would think of his “furry little problem”. James learning remus was a werewolf and devising the plan to become animagi so that they can help keep track of Remus during the full moons. Remus realizing they dont care about his lycanthropy and being entirely grateful. James being cocky and arrogant in school, trying to impress lily by taunting Severus. Failing in impressing her but learning that she doesn’t like it, when he taunts Severus. Sirius living at home with his relationship with his family deteriorating after his sorting. Him finally running aways from home, not knowing where to go so he went to James. Peter loving being apart of the marauders but not doing too well in school because he was a little slow. Sirius going out with the marauders every full moon to keep an eye on Remus, and being happy he had friends he could trust. James deciding to stop intentionally tormenting Severus, but always interferes when Severus tries to bully others. Peter hating how stupid he felt, and envying all the attention the other marauders got. But staying with them for protection. James getting his chance at finally going out with Lily Evans, and falling head over heels in love with her.
Imagine The Marauders joining the Order, for their next grand adventure. James getting married to Lily. Then shortly fining out they're gonna have a baby. Of course making Sirius Harrys godfather as soon as he could. Sirius being so excited to be Harrys godfather, vowing to James he’d take care of him if something were to happen. Peter learning the marauders weren’t top dog anymore, and turning into a spy for Voldemort with no remorse as long as he was protected. James learning his family was a target for Voldemort because of the prophecy. James going into hiding trying to protect his family, going to Sirius but then going to Peter for a secret keeper. Sirius convincing James that Peter would be the best choice for secret keeper, and believing it. Peter being trusted with where the potters were hiding, and immediately telling Voldemort knowing he’d be rewarded. 
Imagine James Potter handing a crying baby Harry to Lily and telling her to go, because Voldemort is there and he wants to keep the love of his life and his only son safe. James Potter dying at the hands of Voldemort but knowing he did his best to save his family. Remus learning Voldemort was gone, but learning it at the expense of his friends lily and James. Remus letting two of his best friends deaths hit him hard. Sirius hearing about voldemorts demise, learning his demise was at the Potters. Sirius rushing to the potters knowing what he’ll find. Sirius knowing Peter was their secret keeper, and being so angry, but knowing he had to check on harry. Sirius seeing hagrid carrying harry, begging for hagrid to let him take harry. Sirius giving in knowing Dumbledore knows whats best, and giving Hagrid his motorcycle and setting off to find Peter. Sirius finding Peter and threatening him in front of plenty of muggles, watching Peter kill a bunch of muggles before disappearing into his animagus form. Peter getting cornered by an angry Sirius and decided to frame him then and there. Sirius watching the Aurors show up and getting disarmed. Sirius being locked away without a trial for a murder he never committed. Remus hurting over the death of the Potters, but being absolutely destroyed upon learning that Sirius killed Peter and was sent to Azkaban.
Imagine Remus living alone and separated from the world, taking low jobs and having to leave them before they found out about his problem; Finding near salvation in the wolfsbane potion. Sirius spending every day hoping remus wasn’t mad at him, knowing Harry would only know him as a man who got his parents killed, hoping he’d get out and kill Peter. Peter Peter living in secret, as a rat, for 12 years while knowing his old friend was in Azkaban for his crimes. Remus opening his door to see Dumbledore once again, and offering him the defense against the dark arts job. Remus teaching Harry and being excited to do it. Sirius, after 12 years, finally escapes. Sirius seeing Harry for the first time and thinking about how he looks so much like James. Remus learning Sirius was innocent, and being so grateful. Peter getting exposed as his true form. Sirius getting to prove his innocence to the people who really matter to him. Peter escaping back to Voldemort under the cover of remus turning into a werewolf. Remus having to leave Hogwarts because of his problem.
Imagine Remus and Sirius rejoining the Order, just like old times. Peter happily serving the dark lord under no remorse. Remus meeting Tonks, falling in love with her, but keeping it to himself knowing she could never fall in love with someone like him. Remus finding out she did in fact like him. Remus getting too wrapped up in his own self loathing tried to deny it, while going out and putting himself in danger. Sirius Black finally being able to watch after Harry like he vowed to James he would do. Sirius Black being so proud of Harry. Sirius Black fighting along side harry before falling through the veil. Remus letting the loss of Sirius, the last of his Marauder friends, making him want to self-destruct even more. Remus volunteering to spy among werewolves, something he hated doing. Remus marrying Tonks quietly and silently fearing with his self doubt. Remus learning Tonks was pregnant and being even more scared. Remus returning to Tonks and vowing to never leave her again. Peter hesitating to kill Harry remembering the mercy harry gave him years before, and getting strangled by the hand the dark lord gave him. Remus watching his son be born and not show signs of the lycanthropy. Remus asking Harry to be his sons godfather. 
Imagine Remus Lupin going to fight knowing he and his wife would die but knowing their son would die if they didn't fight. Remus Lupin, tired and outmatched, meeting his end. Remus Lupin being the first werewolf to ever be awarded the Order of Merlin First Class. 
Imagine Remus Lupin being ready to see his friends again. Imagine the Marauders welcoming him with open arms.
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