#remus is a possessive chocolate hoarder change my mind
lulublack90 · 5 months
Prompt 3 - Love Confession
@wolfstarmicrofic May 3, word count 670
Sirius loved everything about Remus. He loved the way his nose wrinkled when someone suggested something he didn’t want to do. He loved the way he bounced on the balls of his feet in excitement when Sirius bought him a new book, and he loved the dragon-like possessiveness Remus had about his chocolate supply. Sirius had bought him a small box that looked like a treasure chest as a joke one year, but it now held most of Moony’s chocolate supply. He wouldn’t tell Sirius where the rest was hidden. But the thing that Sirius especially loved about Remus was what he did when everyone else was asleep and the curtains around the bed were drawn and Remus would just—
“Oi, Padfoot, you up here?” James bellowed as he clambered up the stairs. James’s shouting pulled him away from his thoughts, cursing his best friend under his breath as the image of Remus towering above him was sucked from his mind's eye as he paid attention to James. “Ah, there you are, excellent. Wanna come down the quidditch pitch with me and shoot the quaffle around for a bit?” Sirius beamed at his best friend, his brother.
“Yeah, go on then. Is Moony in the common room?” James nodded.
“Yeah, he’s got that muggle book he’s reading and an enormous bar of chocolate.” James laughed. “Make it quick yeah, I want to get onto the pitch before it gets dark.” Sirius rolled his eyes. 
They’d never hidden their relationship. Sirius was far too loud to hide it for long away. Plus, he was proud to call Remus his boyfriend. James and Peter and the girls had been surprisingly alright with it. Not that he’d expected anything less from James. But they still didn’t rub everyone's noses in it. Remus would hate it if Sirius tried to copy some of the displays of affection other couples got up to in the common room. Even Sirius blushed at some of it. So they kept to holding hands and quick sweet kisses when they were around people. But alone, that was a different beast entirely. 
Sirius pulled on his quidditch gear and hurried down the stairs after James. 
He spotted Remus in the corner by the window. He’d pulled his favourite armchair from its usual spot and put it where he wanted it. He had his softest jumper on, the one Sirius loved to steal, and as James had said, was curled up in his chair, nose stuck in his book and only moving it away from his face to let in that enormous chocolate bar that he was taking giant bites of. The poor thing was littered with teeth marks. 
Sirius watched as the tip of Remus’s tongue darted out between his lips and licked up the small spot of melted chocolate from the corner of his mouth. That was when Sirius knew. Right at that moment. 
He stalked towards his lover and moved the book aside before hopping into his lap. He cradled Remus’s head in both of his hands and told him. 
“I love you,” in a soft husky voice. He’d never said it before, never let himself even think about it with anyone. He hadn't even thought he was capable of it. But Remus was different. That feeling swelled from his heart and coursed though his own body, changing him. He loved Remus and he always would. 
Before Remus could do anything, Sirius had closed the gap and pressed his lips to Remus’s greedily. He could taste the chocolate on Remus’s breath. But Remus didn’t kiss him back, instead he pushed him away. Sirius panicked. Shit what have I done? He probably doesn’t even feel the same way. Remus smiled at him. He leaned forward and stroked his thumb along Sirius’s jaw as he murmured his own confession into Sirius's ear. 
“I love you too,” Sirius’s heart soared. 
He never did make it to the quidditch pitch, but Remus certainly enjoyed peeling him out of those tight quidditch trousers.
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