#ren & phasma: partners in time
kylo-wrecked · 2 years
(From Angelique) “As much as I respect him, the Man Upstairs has made me a bit paranoid.”
“Hasn’t He made us all a bit paranoid?” Ren said, petting Ange’s golden head with the heel of his palm, which he could do as he pleased without burning. She’d brought him another holocron, and put herself in the shade’s good graces in the process. This was shaped like affection, and he showered it on her as the sun showered over her long, strong body, and her outstretched hands fanning the back of her chaise.
“Your sister had it right. Shame she couldn’t pull it off.”
Though one could say Lucifer pulled the Heavens several notches down with her when the Man cast her out.
“Why do you worry?” he asked, seeming genuinely curious. “What’s it for?”
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charliedawn · 7 months
Defective Good part 3:
Enjoy. I put my heart in my writings. 😉
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"JR-6025 ! Are you listening to me ?!" TN-3872 snapped JR-6025 out of her momentary daze and she nodded before walking past her.
"What ?" JR-6025 asked—clearly unfocused. The other stormtrooper only sighed, knowing all about her partner’s strange antics by now, before telling her with a slight shake of her head of disapproval.
"JR-6025, we've already talked about this...Stay focused." JR-6025 remained silent. It wasn’t the first time TN-3872 had caught her daydreaming. TN-3872 sighed again before turning around and walking forward, not willing to stop and try to hear something she knew she wouldn't understand—even if she tried.
"Come on. We’re going back to the Finalizer. Captain Phasma won’t be waiting for us…And I wanna get off Jakku once and for all."
JR-6025 nodded before following her towards the ship to get off Jakku. Once they were on board, Captain Phasma sat next to JR-6025 and seemed nervous—which was highly unusual for the captain. JR-6025 was tempted to ask if everything was alright, but decided otherwise.
She looked straight ahead while Captain Phasma was staring at the data pas in her hands. Once arrived, Captain Phasma was about to walk away when an officer approached and asked her to follow him. She tsskd dismissively. She had a report to give to General Hux. But, the officer insisted that it was related to the upcoming assault on Takodana and she had to be there.
Captain Phasma looked around and her eyes settled on JR-6025.
"You. Come here." She commanded and JR-6025 gulped loudly before stepping forward. Once she was close enough, Captain Phasma gave her the data pad.
"You will give this to General Hux. Tell him I couldn’t deliver it myself."
JR-6025 nodded promptly and Captain Phasma didn’t even wait for an answer before following the officer away. JR-6025 was left with the data pad in her hands and no idea how to find General Hux. She looked at TN-3872 who laughed and shook her head.
"Ah ah. Nope. You’re on your own on this one. She said you."
JR-6025 rolled her eyes.
"Come on. Please. At least tell me where his office is ?"
TN-3872 sighed loudly before groaning and grabbing JR-6025 by the arm and dragging her towards General Hux’s office. Once there, JR-6025 turned towards TN-3872 to thank her, but she was already gone…
JR-6025 took a deep breath. Well, looks like she was alone on this one. She summoned all her courage to knock.
General Hux was in his office, looking at the last statistics on the recent assaults on the last free planets…They had just received word that Captain Phasma's sanitation of the outer rim was nearly complete. All that remained was mopping up a few pockets of resistance on Jakku and Takodana. Kylo Ren seemed set on going on Takodona to retrieve some scavenger girl and Armitage felt tempted to send him on his own but he couldn't, even though he knew it would be a waste of time and ressources. As General Hux pondered sending the necessary troops with the reckless man, he heard a knock at the door. He told the person on the other side to come in and the door slid open. He looked up, expecting another status report from one of his officers. Instead, a lone stormtrooper stood at attention.
"At ease, trooper. What is your designation ?" He said, his eyes scanning the soldier up and down curiously.
"JR-6025, sir." She held out a datapad and General Hux frowned a little, as the designation sounded familiar to him. It didn’t take long for him to recognise the stormtrooper he had shared a conversation with a few days earlier.
"Ah. Yes. The sun catcher." He recalled with a light mocking smirk. "And what are you doing here, trooper ?"
JR-6025 was surprised he even remembered their last conversation. It was weeks ago and she had hoped that General Hux would have forgotten all about their meeting.
"I come bearing a message from Captain Phasma, sir." She replied and the general walked towards her and took the data pad to look at it curiously. "The Captain is usually direct with her communications. Why send a messenger ?"
He glanced up at JR-6025 with narrowed eyes, but she didn’t flinch.
"The Captain is busy with the upcoming assault on Takodana. She asked me to give you a personal update on the situation."
Raising an intrigued brow, General Hux scanned the content of the data pad. Phasma's mission was proceeding ahead of schedule. She had just succeeded in taking over Jakku and capture some of the rebels residing there. Impressive, if expected from his top enforcer. But between the lines, an undercurrent emerged that hinted at something more. They hadn’t been able to capture the scavenger girl. General Hux sighed. Ren would be on his back once more, like the pest that he was…
He slowly lowered the datapad. "You were there, on the ground. Anything else to report, JR-6025 ?"
The trooper straightened. "Only that the Captain's methods are...most effective."
Hux smiled thinly. "And your opinion on effectiveness, trooper ?"
For a beat, silence. Then, "It gets the job done."
General Hux stepped closer. "Walk with me, JR-6025. Tell me more of what you witnessed down there."
JR-6025 fell in step beside General Hux as they walked along the dimly lit corridors of the Finalizer. The trooper hesitated for a moment, collecting her thoughts before speaking.
"I witnessed the Captain's determination, sir," JR-6025 began. "She led us with unwavering resolve, instilling fear in the hearts of our enemies. Her presence alone was enough to quell any doubts or hesitations among our ranks."
Hux listened intently, his curiosity piqued. He had always respected Captain Phasma's unwavering loyalty and formidable combat skills, but he hadn't expected such high praise from one of his own troopers.
"And what about the resistance we encountered ?" Hux inquired, his tone tinged with a hint of skepticism.
JR-6025 paused briefly, searching for the right words. "The resistance fought valiantly, sir, but they were no match for Captain Phasma's strategic brilliance. She anticipated their every move, exploiting their weaknesses and turning the tide of battle in our favor. Her tactics were ruthless, efficient, and effective. And we will soon be able to reach Takodana, as planned."
Hux's lips curled into a subtle smile. He was beginning to see the value in JR-6025's firsthand account. While he had always valued results above all else, he had rarely considered the perspective of those on the ground.
"Tell me, trooper," Hux pressed, his voice softer now. "Did you witness any…collateral damage ? Any unnecessary losses ?"
JR-6025 hesitated, their expression momentarily clouded with a mixture of emotions. "There were casualties, sir," they admitted solemnly. "But Captain Phasma's priority was always the mission. She made difficult choices, sacrifices, to ensure our victory. Lives were lost, but the objective was achieved."
The general absorbed JR-6025's words, contemplating the sacrifices made in the pursuit of their goals. He had always been a pragmatist, willing to do whatever it took to secure the First Order's dominance. But hearing it from the perspective of a trooper who had witnessed it firsthand made the reality of war more tangible.
"Thank you, trooper," Hux said, his voice laced with a newfound appreciation. "Your insights have been invaluable. You may return to your post."
JR-6025 nodded, grateful for the general's acknowledgement. General Hux entered his office and sat down at his desk.
"Dismissed." He said absentmindedly—expecting the stormtrooper to leave.
But, JR-6025 stayed put and tilted her head as she stared at General Hux for a few seconds. Such a man held so much power. He had annihilated Hosnian Prime and even though JR-6025 couldn't get the moment out of her mind, he seemed to have moved on. Even when there had been rebels on Jakku, the level of brutality and death was not as cold and merciless as the complete annihilation of millions of billions of life, including civilians. She knew she was probably going to regret it later, but she had to ask.
"How does it feel ?"
General Hux looked up at JR-6025 with a slight frown of confusion.
"How does what feel, stormtrooper ?"
There was a little pause before JR-6025 clarified.
"…How does it feel to have ended 155 billion lives, sir ?"
General Hux’s eyes slightly widened at the question—He clearly wasn’t expecting it—before he looked up at the stormtrooper. He remained quiet for a few moments before looking back down at his data pad and shrugging—unbothered. Truth was ? He hadn’t really thought about it since then.
"It was a necessary sacrifice. We destroyed a few planets to bring back order to the Galaxy. They needed a demonstration of the First Order’s power. I didn’t take pleasure from it but it had to be done."
JR-6025 tilted her head.
"I saw you at the execution. You seemed proud."
General Hux glanced up at her and his brows furrowed a little. He seemed suspicious of those comments and sighed. He then took a deep breath before leaning back into his chair, his focus now being entirely on the stormtrooper.
"You see too much." He answered shortly and his eyes narrowed a little before he tapped the table with his fingertip rhythmically. JR-6025 noticed and realized it must have sounded like an accusation of some kind. She quickly retorted.
"I see what everyone else can see, sir."
General Hux clenched his jaw as he added.
"Do you doubt my loyalty to the First Order, stormtrooper JR-6025 ?"
JR-6025 shook her head negatively. If there was something to trust, it was that General Hux was very loyal towards the First Order.
"No, sir." She quickly said and General Hux narrowed his eyes suspiciously at her.
"And I am effective, correct ?" He asked and JR-6025 nodded.
"Without a doubt, sir. The most pro-efficient soldier the First Order has ever seen." She agreed.
"Then why do you question me ?" He asked coldly, his fingers crossed and his eyes covered a certain hostility, a silent warning…
"I would never question you, sir." JR-6025 quickly responded and added. "I simply observe and cannot help but be fascinated by you."
He raised a quizzical eyebrow at her. As Hux tapped his fingers in thought, JR-6025 spoke again. "I meant no disrespect, General. Merely an observation from an outsider's view."
Hux regarded her coolly. "Outsiders see only what they wish. Or what their programming dictates." Yet beneath the skepticism, curiosity remained. This trooper saw deeper than most, and he found himself wanting to understand why.
"Your fascination intrigues me as well, JR-6025. Few have ever admitted to admire me," he said dryly. "What is it you find so compelling about my leadership ?"
JR-6025 met his gaze calmly. "You pursue the Order's goals without hesitation or doubt. Your single-minded focus is...admirable, General."
Hux considered her answer. There was truth beneath the flattery, as with all of JR-6025's words. He leant back, studying the stormtrooper thoughtfully. "And what of my methods ? Do they disturb that objective view of yours ?"
A pause, as JR-6025 chose her response with care. "All means serve the ends, as you see it. I merely seek to understand."
Hux smiled thinly. "I see."
"You are…the perfect First Order conception." She added and General Hux seemed almost amused by her answer. He leant forward and tilted his head to peer at her.
"You’ve piqued my interest. Tell me more."
She understood that General Hux was amused by her comments and that she had to keep flattering him in order not to make him suspicious of her.
"You only see the goal of the First Order. All other things or people do not exist to you. You only live for the First Order. And that…that is truly fascinating to me." The stormtrooper confessed and General Hux seemed genuinely surprised by her words. He tilted his head to look at her and laid the side of his head against his fist as he looked the stormtrooper up and down. It was the first time a stormtrooper had ever stated any admiration towards him in his presence. It almost felt like a compliment. She was talking almost as if she wasn’t willing to surrender everything for the First Order. General Hux knew firsthand about the dangers of dissent thoughts and of feelings. It made him question her loyalty after she had questioned his…
"Tell me, trooper. What would you sacrifice to serve the First Order ?" He asked, wondering what JR-6025 might think. It was…odd. General Hux knew he ought to stop this conversation with the stormtrooper. But, he couldn’t help but feel intrigued. She had a flawless record and her loyalty towards the First Order was unquestionable. She had fought and killed for the First Order. But even so, her thoughts were different from the others. It almost seemed as if she truly fought with her heart rather than by command. Even the way she had described Captain Phasma’s leadership was unusual…
JR-6025 thought about it for a second before replying honestly.
"I have nothing left to sacrifice but my life. And even that has been deemed as something to never even question in my programming."
He smiled. At least she was aware of her own insignificance.
"And yet that is precisely what makes you perfect. You’ll follow any order, no matter how cruel."
She shivered at the thought. Perfect. No one had ever called her perfect before…
"I’d follow what the First Order dictates." She agreed and tilted her head to the right as she stared at the general. "Even if it meant killing anyone deemed a threat."
General Hux seemed satisfied with the answer as he gave them a side smile. "Even Kylo Ren ?"
He thought she would at least hesitate, but was surprised when the trooper replied confidently. "Even you."
He hummed pensively before looking up at her visor—trying to find her eyes in the soulless dark plastic protecting her true thoughts from him.
"…You would execute me if you were given the order ?" He repeated—stunned by her words. To say it to a general’s face was either proof of great bravery or stupidity. He didn’t know where to stand considering the trooper.
"As you would execute me if you were given the order." She replied without hesitation and General Hux thought about it before nodding.
"That is true. And without pause, without question." He confirmed.
"Without pause, without question." She repeated in agreement and nodded back. Her heart clenched a little though. She had known General Hux ever since the beginning of her career as a stormtrooper. It had never really seemed to her an option for General Hux to become a traitor. He was strong and had fought hard to be where he was…
He seemed to read her mind.
"Even knowing how much I have done for the First Order. You would still do it ?" He asked curiously and JR-6025 hesitated for a second before nodding again.
"…Without hesitation. Why would I hesitate ? Isn’t it…what would be best for the First Order ?" She replied and was genuinely surprised when General Hux nodded in agreement.
"It would be. And you would not have any regrets, would you ?" He asked with a small smile and JR-6025 answered—mechanically.
"Why would I have any ?"
There was a moment of silence until General Hux hummed and tilted his head to look at her body language. She was stiff and General Hux could feel the tension and uncertainty in her whole being. She was a very bad liar…
He decided to insist.
"Even knowing that you would be killing one of the genuine officers who serve the First Order with absolute loyalty and not a trace of self-interest ?" General Hux seemed genuinely interested in JR-6025’s answer. She seemed to ponder on it for a second before she replied.
"If I was ordered to kill you, then that would make you an enemy of the First Order. Hence, I would have to kill you."
"What if I asked you not to ?"
"What of it ?" She asked and seemed puzzled.
"And if I pleaded ?" He continued.
"Millions have pleaded before you." She retorted.
"They’re not me." He advanced and seemed to be amused by her relentlessness.
"All enemies of the First Order are to be considered as one and the same." She recited the code of the stormtrooper like a mantra and General Hux almost huffed a laugh.
"I see. Even if I begged on my knees and told you that the First Order would suffer without me ?" He was curious as to how she would answer. Her honesty was quite amusing and refreshing. She knew that many would have already faltered and tried to please him with their words, but she didn’t seem to care.
"The First Order would survive. No one is irreplaceable."
His eyes widened a little in surprise.
"Not even me ?"
"Not even you." JR-6025 confirmed before adding in a whisper. "And most certainly not me."
"…You would not falter at all ?" There was a certain skeptic tone to his question and JR-6025 tilted her head to look curiously at General Hux.
"Would you want me to, sir ?"
He was speechless for a few seconds before finally speaking, his tone almost playful.
"And if I begged like a spineless fool, begging for his life, if I whooped and screamed and cried like a child. If I begged on my knees. Would you still do it ?"
JR-6025 stayed silent for a while before they shook their head negatively.
"I do not think you would, sir."
"But if I did ?" He insisted.
She shrugged.
"It wouldn’t change anything, sir."
"…How so ?" A small smile played on his lips. "Wouldn’t that humanize me in your eyes ?"
"It would." She agreed. "But, it wouldn’t change your fate.”
"But I would be humanized. No longer seen as this unfeeling, cold monster. An actual living, breathing individual. A person in your eyes." He was trying to make her admit to her own flaws and treacherous thoughts, but it seemed the stormtrooper was smarter than she seemed.
"A person ? Sir. We annihilated 155 billion people not two days ago. A person is nothing to the First Order." She said and he smiled—almost amused by her answers. Last time they had talked, they were talking about the stars. Now, JR-6025 was acting as the perfect stormtrooper. Maybe had she learned something after all ?
"Yet I am a person, am I not ? I have thoughts and feelings. I feel emotion. And if I can be seen as a person to someone, doesn’t it mean something ?" Another tactic to bring out JR-6025’s treacherous behaviour, but the stormtrooper didn’t seem to react as expected as she tilted their head and replied with a question of her own.
"Do you see me as a person ?"
That gave him pause. He thought for a moment before finally replying in a much quieter voice.
"No." He confessed and his eyes lowered back on his data pad. He had to admit having never as much as tried to see the stormtroopers as anything else than valuable assets.
"Right. Because stormtroopers are not people in the eyes of the First Order. And your eyes—sir—are a reflection of what the First Order sees." JR-6025 said before continuing. "This is the reason I admire you. Do you want to know what I saw when you were doing your great speech before you gave the order to use the Starkiller Base ? I didn’t see General Hux. I didn’t see a man. I saw…the First Order. Standing proud in front of its own destruction.”
He smiled.
"Was it glorious ?"
"It really was." She nodded, even though JR-6025 felt a pit in her stomach at the thought. She just wanted the war to be over. She didn’t care who won, as long as the war ended. She was…tired of fighting.
"And that’s all I am to you. A symbol of the First Order. Not a person." He tried to clarify and JR-6025 nodded in confirmation.
"…Does it upset you ?" She asked and General Hux had an unexpected reaction. He laughed and shook his head.
"I am the general of the entire army of the First Order. The leader of thousands upon thousands of soldiers and ships. I wouldn’t take offence to the words of a mere stormtrooper. And yet, you have provided with some valuable insight. You do not even look at me as a person. Not even beneath the surface. Not even deep down." He smiled, even though his fingers clenched. There was something about the trooper’s words that made him feel proud, but also a little disappointed.
"You never did. Why would I ? We are the First Order. Isn’t that what we are ? We live to serve the First Order." JR-6025 replied nonchalantly and she did her best not to shiver as the general was staring straight at her—observing her.
It was no revelation for him, but he still had a little doubt of the stormtrooper’s intentions. But for now, JR-6025 didn’t show any sign of weakness or anything that would signify a disloyalty towards the First Order.
"I see. I suppose that is understandable." He hummed and looked away. She was a little perplexed by his reaction and clasped her hands behind her back.
"…Sir ?"
He turned back his eyes towards her.
"…Yes ?"
"With all due respect, I am nothing but a stormtrooper. I am as disposable as you, or even more. My death won’t be remembered by anyone. If I were to die tomorrow, I would only be another lost name tag in the First Order." He frowned a little at her words before JR-6025 finally came to a conclusion. "I wouldn’t be remembered, but you would. You have a name. A face. You have already accomplished a lot. And I believe that the First Order will remember you for it."
There was a moment of silence. General Hux was stunned by the unexpected praise and seemed to think about it. In a way, she was right. He had already reached higher than most believed he would ever reach.
He had become a general.
He had become important.
He had…raised himself above the rest.
He smiled.
He couldn’t believe a stormtrooper had had to remind him of that…
"You’re wrong." He said confidently and JR-6025 seemed surprised by his sudden change in demeanour. She had never seen the general smile like that before…"If you died tomorrow, I would remember you."
She remained silent before she replied.
"Would you ?"
He nodded.
"Without a doubt."
She frowned a little in confusion.
"Why ?"
"You’ve piqued my interest." He shrugged.
"How so ?" She was genuinely curious. She didn’t want to stand out. She had done her best not to say anything that would be considered outside of the ordinary. So why ?
"You’ve spoken to me. You see the First Order differently from the other soldiers. You seem…more intelligent. More ambitious. More…" He stopped as he was about to say humane and sighed. "You are not the kind of troublemaker who would undermine me or question my orders. You are the kind of troublemaker who would do her work exceedingly well to impress me. And you do your work extremely well. I would say the only flaw of yours is that you care too much. It makes you too human. It makes you…vulnerable."
He sat there, contemplating his own words for a few moments before finally speaking. "You know…if you were anyone else, I would have you executed for your weakness."
She shivered at the word ‘executed’.
"I never sought anything else than to serve the First Order." She answered and tried to hold back her tears. She wouldn’t beg for him to let her live, but she still wanted to see another day.
His voice dropped to a quieter tone.
"I believe you. But I must confess that I find it troubling. Your compassion. Your sensitivity to loss. You seem to care about those 155 billion people we destroyed the other day. You have empathy." He said that last word with such a strong distaste that his features seemed to tighten and his mouth turned sour.
"Empathy ? What does it mean ?" She asked—curious.
"It means that you feel for people. It means that those 155 billion lives matter to you. It means that you have not been programmed in the correct way." General Hux narrowed his eyes at her before standing up. JR-6025 involuntarily flinched as he approached and turned around her like a shark turning around its prey—waiting for the right moment to attack.
"…Does it mean you are going to send me to reprogramming ?" She seemed terrified at the thought. Stormtroopers usually never came back from reprogramming all the same. A dark look crossed his face, but he quickly hid it.
"If it were any other stormtrooper, I would. But for you…I think I have a different solution for your issue."
JR-6025 grabbed her wrist behind her back and tried to remain calm as her worries grew.
"Which is ?" She was afraid of the answer and General Hux suddenly stopped right in front of her.
"I will send you to the front lines in Takodana. You will fight alongside Captain Phasma that you seem to revere so much. It will harden you to the world. It will remove your emotions, your fear, your…weakness. You’ll be a much more efficient soldier than you already are."
She dug her fingertips in her wrist.
"…I do not understand. I am but a standard stormtrooper. I have not been trained to be a combat trooper specifically. I would…"
I would die.
The thought alone made her shiver. She didn’t want to die.
"That will not be your role anymore. I will ask Captain Phasma to personally supervise you on the battlefield." General Hux returned to his desk and sat down. He was calm and seemed to not realise the situation he had put JR-6025 in. He signed forms and in a matter of seconds, JR-6025 was transferred to combat training. She was crushed.
"You cannot refuse." He finally said and leant back in his chair. He was enjoying this. He was enjoying using these cruel, manipulative methods with an underling whom he had no respect for. He smirked. "You’ll do it because you have to. You are a stormtrooper and you will be my stormtrooper from now on. And you will complete any order I give. You will report to me and take orders only from me. You will not interact with anyone else. Not the other commanders, not other stormtroopers. The only other people you will interact with would be the people I instruct you to speak with."
She shivered. So much for fitting in…General Hux had crushed her dreams to bits.
"Yes, sir." She had no choice but to comply.
"Excellent. Your new orders will be given shortly. In the meantime, return to your station. You are dismissed."
There was no discussion to be had and JR-6025 walked out of the room with a heavy heart.
She should have kept her mouth shut.
Two days later:
General Hux sent her a message on her data pad and she sighed.
You will be participating in a raid on the planet Takodana in two days. No prisoners. I want results that demonstrate no trace of mercy or doubt. Captain Phasma will be directly reporting to me. Do not fail.
JR-6025 understood his orders but inwardly hesitated. She didn’t want to be on the front lines. Chances of survival were slim and she knew that most stormtroopers sent first were the ones the First Order wanted them to prove themselves…Disobeying was not an option.
JR-6025 left with a sinking feeling, dreading the darkness down this path. Her humanity would need to die, if she was to survive.
On Takodana :
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"Be careful ! Those damn rebels are everywhere !", a static voice shouted in JR-6025's ear piece and she winced.
"Where are the others ?! Are we the only ones left ?!", another buzz shouted in her ear before a loud boom sounded not far from their location.
"Where is Master Kylo Ren ?! We need him..AAAAHHH !" Her helmet was full of sounds of blasters, yells and echoes of the dying screams of her comrades and JR-6025's eyes were nearly blinded by dust and dry blood. This was a disaster. They obviously weren’t prepared to face such a resistance. They had only been told that it would be a hard job, not a suicidal one ! Captain Phasma was fighting beside JR-6025 and TN-3872, she was yelling orders at some nearby stormtroopers to retreat and seemed as exhausted as they all were. She was head of JR-6025’s division and she could see that Captain Phasma was trying her hardest to remain calm, even though the enemy was everywhere. She stood tall within the chaos and kept fighting and shooting while the buildings crumbled and dust and smoke billowed up in the dark sky.
"This is a nightmare. Even when I shoot one, they come back up ! Are they even human ?!"
TN-3872 screamed above the sound of blasters and fire. JR-6025 was almost completely out of ammo and the number of rebels only seemed to be growing by the minute. They could feel them close on them—trapping them and the rest of the division which were being taken down one by one—until it was only JR-6025, TN-3872 and Captain Phasma left.
However, a familiar voice suddenly raised up amongst the chaos, a voice that made the blood in JR-6025's veins run cold.
"Stop shooting !" She heard the familiar voice say from behind them and both Captain Phasma and JR-6025 recognized the voice instantly. 
"FN-2187." JR-6025 whispered and she could feel the anger radiating from Captain Phasma beside them. Phasma stood up and raised her gun towards him, rage overcoming all other emotion or survival instinct. 
"Traitor !" She yelled angrily and didn’t even hesitate before shooting, but JR-6025 couldn’t seem to find the strength to do the same, even after his betrayal. FN-2187 jumped out of Captain Phasma's range of fire, but she continued to fire nonetheless, consumed by rage because of his betrayal. Both JR-6025 and TN-3872 knew he had deserted, but they didn’t know he had actually joined the enemy’s ranks ! When Captain Phasma was definitely out of ammo, FN-2187 stood back up and raised his hands in the air. 
"Please ! Listen to me ! You don’t have to do this !", he implored them and JR-6025's hand was shaking, as she hesitated to actually shoot him. He used to be their teammate afterall...JR-6025 could feel Captain Phasma’s unbridled rage beside them as she panted loudly and tightened her knuckles into fists and JR-6025's hold on the gun steadied.
'If I do not shoot, Captain Phasma will become suspicious and report me to General Hux…', She thought. As JR-6025 was about to open fire, he screamed.
"JR-6025 ! TN-3872 ! We are friends ! You know that the First Order is not our home ! Please ! Come with me !" Captain Phasma was about to shout to shoot him dead when she was suddenly hit and fell backwards, injured. JR-6025 froze in fear as both her and TN-3872 saw Captain Phasma on the ground. This was truly a disaster...FN-2187 extended his hand forward and JR-6025 hesitated. But, TN-3872 yelled.
"Were ! Before you decided to leave the First Order behind ! You really thought the division didn't feel sad, or even angry when RY-5042 died ?! You think we didn't ?! We were as attached to him as you were, but we didn't betray the First Order ! We stayed while you ran—like a coward !" 
He looked at TN-3872 with tears in his eyes and was about to answer her, but couldn’t find the words. He wanted to say he was sorry, that he didn’t even know if his plan would actually work ? That he would have taken them both with him if given the choice…Suddenly, one of the rebels pushed him out of the way to shoot at JR-6025, but she dodged successfully by ducking out of the way just in time. JR-6025 glared at FN-1287 before both her and TN-3872 started dragging Captain Phasma further inside the forest to hide and wait for backup. FN-2187 looked apologetically at his old comrades as they ran away and the rest of the rebels chased after them. JR-6025 stopped behind a dead tree to catch her breath and report their status to headquarters.
However, a message coming from the mothership interrupted the call.
"Soldiers ! Is there anyone who can hear me ?! Retreat ! I repeat ! Retreat !"
JR-6025 heard the familiar voice of General Hux echo in her helmet and decided to respond, as there weren’t a lot of their division left—if any...
"General Hux. This is JR-6025 speaking. I am with TN-3872 and Captain Phasma who is injured at the head and unresponsive. We are the last survivors of the 608th division. We cannot come back. I repeat, we cannot come back. The rebels have surrounded us and we are running low on ammunition. There is no escape possible and I…" JR-6025 raised her face towards TN-3872 who seemed to understand what her next request would be. They were being surrounded. No possible exit. And Captain Phasma couldn't be captured. There was only one ending possible now and TN-3872 seemed to understand as she nodded in confirmation. There was no way they would get out of here and they wouldn’t let the rebels take them alive. JR-6025 took a deep breath before finally uttering her request in a weak voice, as if the request in itself was shameful.
"…We demand the authorisation to use protocol 45-2, sir."
A heavy silence followed on the other end of the line, one even the sound of blasters couldn't seem to break. Protocol 45-2 consisted in the release of toxic gaz situated in a secret compartment in a soldier's helmet which would only be opened with the authorisation of a superior, or a high command officer. The toxin in itself could easily kill every living being in a six-mile radius in mere seconds. It was the only reason it was rarely used, but the only thing within a six-mile radius right now was the Rebellion and themselves.
JR-6025 felt tears in her eyes as she realised that general Hux could condemn the three of them right here and right now. She didn't want to die. She wanted to see the sun, the sun of a new day.
"I am sorry, General. We failed. This is my last transmission so..." JR-6025 closed her eyes and sighed. She held back tears as she added. "Long live the First Order..."
JR-6025 took a shaky breath and waited for the authorisation or the toxin to fill the air and suffocate the three of them. TN-3872 was silent by her side. They had no more ammo, the enemy was everywhere and Captain Phasma couldn't fight any longer, not with her injuries. Both stormtroopers looked at each other. JR-6025 extended her hand towards TN-3872.
"It was an honour."
TN-3872 shook her hand.
They both nodded at each other in acknowledgement and waited for the order. But, the order never came.
"JR-6025. Tell me your coordinates." JR-6025 opened her eyes wide in surprise when she heard General Hux's voice and quickly looked at their coordinates.
"40*E 10*N 70*W 38*S" She responded and then heard General Hux scream something at his subordinates on the ship. She was about to ask if by some miraculous reason they would be rescued, when the communication was interrupted by voices who seemed to dangerously be approaching their location. Both JR-6025 and TN-3872 looked at each other, understanding there was still a chance they would both get out of this alive, and they hid. JR-6025 was shaking and put a finger at the level of her mouth to tell TN-3872 to remain silent. She nodded understandingly while their ears perceived faint footsteps. 
​​​​​​"Are they all dead ?" Someone asked.
"I don't know ! Those damn stormtroopers are persistent..." Another voice responded.
Both stormtroopers closed their eyes tightly, trying not to make a sound. The stormtroopers who were retreating, or who had tried to flee had been killed mercilessly by the rebels and they both didn't want to end up with the same fate. They held onto each other and hoped they would walk past them, but luck seemed to have run out as one of the rebels found them.
"Looks like it's my lucky day, two heads for the price of one." He aimed his gun at both stormtroopers and they closed their eyes, holding onto each other tighter than ever. But then, the rebel was sent flying through the air against a big rock—his skull instantly crushed with a sickening squelching sound by an invisible force. Both stormtroopers then heard loud screams, deafening blasts and gurgling sounds of people being strangled to death. A moment of silence went by before they heard a pair of footsteps coming towards them.
Was it safe for them to show themselves now ? They shakily stood up, only to see Supreme Lord Kylo Ren who was holding a girl in his arms. JR-6025 had never been so happy to see him than at this exact moment.
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(JR-6025 and TN-3872 standing in the background 😂)
However, his eyes seemed to bore into JR-6025's as she stood out and she couldn’t help but shiver in fear. Did he recognize her ?
"You..." He was about to say something when some of the other rebels arrived and started shooting at them. Kylo Ren groaned loudly in annoyance before using his powers once more. A spaceship then landed just a few feet away and both JR-6025 and TN-3872 almost cried out in relief at the sight. However, their brief moment of joy was interrupted by the dark and authorative voice of Kylo Ren.
"You two. Get Captain Phasma out of here. Now !" He ordered while deflecting the enemy’s firing and they both nodded in agreement before carrying Captain Phasma inside rapidly. JR-6025 didn’t even dare thank him for saving their lives on the way back. As soon as they were back, Captain Phasma was taken by a medical team and general Hux greeted both stormtroopers with a highly displeased expression. They both stood up straight, afraid that even slouching a little in front of the general would worsen the punishment they knew was coming.
He didn’t waste any time before voicing his disappointment out loud.
"You both embarrassed me greatly by letting that traitor FN-2187 escape and making Lord Kylo Ren come to your rescue. You were both lucky enough that your coordinates matched with Captain Phasma and Lord Ren or you would have both been as good as gone. You’ll both be in intensive training with Captain Phasma the moment she is deemed able of returning to work. Dismissed."
They both lowered their head in submission and stood back to leave in a hurry. They weren’t going to even let out a peep of protest—but JR-6025 then heard General Hux add.
"JR-6025. Wait for me outside."
JR-6025 sighed and looked at TN-3872 who marched on without her. It seemed that was the end of their brief personal connection…However, JR-6025 had to admit that she was quite curious herself as to know why lord Ren had brought back the scavenger girl with him ? She looked at the girl still in Kylo Ren's arms..She wasn’t wearing any expensive clothes, or jewellery ? So, no kidnapped princess or valuable hostage. According to her rather small stature and thin waist, she hadn’t grown up in a wealthy family either. She was pretty enough but, JR-6025 doubted lord Ren had kidnapped the girl just for her good looks.
JR-6025 then remembered that lord Ren had retrieved something from her..a long cylindrical object which seemed so familiar to her. When had JR-6025 last seen a lightsaber ? Probably before even being recruited by the First Order. They were scarce these days and if the girl had one ? It surely meant that she was a...
Suddenly, general Hux’s voice interrupted her train of thought.
"Lord Kylo Ren ! Why did you ask for our troops to land and fight on this insignificant planet ?! Furthermore, for no result ! Supreme Leader Snoke will not be happy about this and..!"
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He sounded mad, and who could blame him ? He had probably lost a lot of soldiers today. But, lord Ren didn't answer, he didn't even wait for general Hux to finish. The door suddenly opened wide and JR-6025 straightened up, afraid of what either of them would do if they caught her eavesdropping. Thankfully, both of them walked past her and didn’t seem to mind her. They were as composed as ever and nobody would have even thought they were arguing just a few seconds ago, if they hadn’t been listening to whatever they were saying. But she had, and could still feel the tension in the air as Kylo answered him coldly.
"General Hux, when I will need your opinion ? I will be sure to ask for it. Your troops are here to obey me and they will fight when I give them the order to fight, understood ?"
General Hux glared silently at Kylo Ren and JR-6025 could see his jaw visibly twitch in disagreement, but he was still forced to agree. 
​​​​​​"Yes, Lord Ren. But, you must understand that I lost many of my men because of that precious side mission of yours and that we need as many soldiers as we can have to win this war."
Lord Kylo Ren seemed to calm down as he understood to a certain extent the ginger’s worries, and he then explained.
​​​​​​"We have everything we need with the scavenger girl, she has seen what we were searching for and will soon reveal the map leading to Luke Skywalker..."
JR-6025's breath stopped at the mention of the name and—most of all—at the minimum concern in general Hux's voice concerning the troops. She knew he probably meant that it was a waste of ressources, but it still felt nice to think that they were not totally worth nothing in his eyes. Hux really served as a good leader for stormtroopers, even if intransigeant, he was fair. She had to give him that. He had his moments and a complete faith in the First Order that one could only admire.
However, she quickly got back to what Kylo Ren said that had caught her attention. The girl had a map leading to Luke Skywalker ? Interesting...She was so deep in thought, she failed to hear General Hux calling for her as he started walking away. JR-6025 didn’t notice that lord Ren was staring rather intensely at her. A map to Skywalker—could it be true ? They'd been searching for the legendary Jedi for so long. JR-6025 finally marched briskly to catch up with General Hux. Her mind raced with questions, but she knew better than to pry.
"Sir, I heard mention of the scavenger girl possessing a map. Word is Luke Skywalker vanished years ago. If she knows his location..."
Hux shot her a sidelong glance. "Precisely. Lord Ren believes with...persuasion, she can be made to divulge its secrets. If Skywalker lives, he remains a threat to the Order."
JR-6025 nodded slowly. Finding the last Jedi could change everything. But she sensed hidden depths to Ren's interest that went beyond mere strategy. Her musing was cut short by Lord Ren who suddenly grabbed her arm. JR-6025 was caught off guard as she found herself in front of the dark sith.
"You. You are coming with me."
JR-6025’s eyes widened in shock as she proceeded to be dragged away.
"Lord Ren !" General Hux called after him, but Kylo didn’t listen to him and once they were both in the interrogation room, Kylo Ren proceeded to lock him out.
JR-6025 was scared.
Kylo Ren slowly turned back towards her.
"You are the stormtrooper who has been advising General Hux all this time. The stormtrooper who dared point a weapon at me and complain about my lack of self-control."
JR-6025 gulped. Was he going to kill her ? Should she lie ? Should she draw out her blaster ? Should she…?
"Your perceptions are...valuable." He finally concluded and stood before her with his hands behind his back—staring directly at her. He was tall and JR-6025 had to crane up her head to look at him as he then ordered. "Observe closely, and tell me everything you see."
JR-6025 studied the sleeping girl intently. She finally understood what he wanted. He wanted her to watch, and learn, and steer him if possible to swifter answers. She sighed and nodded. JR-6025 knew defiance was futile before this enigmatic dark force user. She steadied her nerves and focused her analytical mind, as it had served her well in serving the General.
"She's endured much, this scavenger," JR-6025 observed.
Kylo Ren said nothing, eyes flashing beneath his mask as he absorbed her words. She took a breath and continued. "Fear will not break her, nor simple pain. To find the answers swiftly, a defter approach may be needed."
His mask tilted slightly. "Oh ? And what approach might that be, trooper ?"
JR hesitated. Manipulation went against her instincts. But lives were at stake, and time was short. "Compassion has its uses, where force fails. A kindness shown, when least expected, can stir confidences where threats breed only resistance."
Kylo Ren was silent for a long moment. At last, "You speak wisdom, for a soldier. We shall see if your wisdom bears fruit." He turned back towards the girl, who was still asleep and JR-6025 could only hope her insight helped guide him to the answers they needed.
Lord Ren's attention lingered thoughtfully on the sleeping scavenger. At last he turned back to JR-6025. "You offer an alternative approach, yet compassion comes neither easily nor by command. Why suggest it, if force is your nature and duty ?"
JR-6025 met his masked gaze evenly. "Force alone will not serve your goal, Master Ren. As a soldier, my role is ensuring the mission succeeds by whatever means prove most effective. This one's spirit seems a resource worth preserving, if the map can be gained without breaking it."
Ren studied her a moment more. "You speak with care and wisdom beyond your station, stormtrooper. Your mind would serve me well. Remain here and observe—I will try this approach, and we shall see what secrets may emerge."
He waved a gloved hand over the girl's brow. Slowly her eyes fluttered open, awareness returning. Ren spoke softly. "You've endured much, scavenger. But the night is long, and I am in no haste."
Suspicion lingered in her gaze, but confusion too—for this was not the treatment she expected. Answers were close, she felt—if trust could blossom, where fear had taken root before. JR-6025 knew that the answers the scavenger girl would provide would determine the fate of all the people in the room, and JR-6025 could only hope that it would work…
Only time would tell. That, and whatever the scavenger girl would be willing to share.
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stargazer-liz · 2 months
Serendipity (Poe Dameron x Original Female Character): Prologue
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The planet Atrisia, Core Worlds, 32 ABY
"Sora, we need to get out of here. There's too many of them," Elijah whispered through the hidden comlink in her wristband, his voice sounding dejected. 
Crouching behind a stack of crates, Sora pressed her back against them, fingers locked tightly around the handle of her blaster. "Damn it," she cursed quietly.
This was meant to be an easy job. Infiltrate a small, local prison, find Prisoner 504 and deliver him back to their client unharmed. 
Usually, Sora was adamant on denying any job that involved smuggling people. Goods, resources and even spices was what their small crew of two was used to dealing with. But their ship, the Phoenix, was in dire need of repairs. Expensive repairs. So when their client had offered them thirty thousand credits for this job, neither Sora nor Elijah could deny it.
They had watched the building for two days, had memorized the routes of the patrol and stolen the blueprints to study each corridor and nook. The number of guards had been so low that it had been a walk in the park to sneak past them. With Elijah's hacking skills and special devices, they didn't even need to enter the security room, as long as he got as close as possible.
Now however, she was beginning to understand why the payment was so high.
Carefully, she moved to peek into the long corridor that laid ahead of her. Cell doors flanked both sides of it but the one they needed to get to was a little further inside the building. 
However, the task was basically impossible now, for there were currently about ten stormtroopers marching towards her. They hadn't spotted her yet but the chance that they would simply walk past her hiding spot was slim and not worth risking. 
"What are they doing here?" Sora hissed into the comlink. The First Order had arrived so sudden and unexpected, disrupting the routine they had studied so carefully. There had barely been time to hide.
"I'm not sure but they are everywhere," Elijah answered, cursing to himself. Currently, he was somewhere near the security room, on the opposite side of the building. "My guess is there are about thirty of them. This isn't worth dying for. We need to leave. Now."
Sora knew her partner in crime was right, as always. Maybe they could come back tomorrow, if the situation had calmed down by then. 
But the biggest problem was getting back out again. They were surrounded by the First Order. It was a miracle they hadn't been captured yet. "Agreed. Meet me back at the ship. Whatever happens, don't look back," Sora insisted.
"Okay, boss." A pause, then he softly spoke to her again. "Please be careful, Sora."
Turning the comlink off, the young woman took a deep breath before she slowly retraced her steps. She kept as close to the walls as possible, hoping she would make it around the corner before the group of stormtroopers behind her could spot her. 
And she was successful. At least for a moment. 
Sora couldn't stop the soft gasp from escaping her mouth. Skidding to a halt, she pushed herself into a tiny alcove, making herself as small as possible. Heart pounding against her ribcage, the smuggler knew her chances of escaping had just gotten even smaller.
"Where is prisoner 504?" 
"Just a little further up this corridor and around the corner, General Hux."
"Good. Captain Phasma will be happy to hear that we have found the Traitor."
Sora had heard all about General Hux before. The tall man with red hair and his black coat acted under the orders of Kylo Ren and Snoke. He certainly was the least intimidating one of the three of them. The man carried himself with a certain amount of arrogance and constant annoyance at anyone and anything.
Traitor. The word got stuck in her brain. So the prisoner Sora and Elijah were meant to free was likely a former stormtrooper. 
Instantly, she felt bad for the stranger who was undoubtedly about to be executed. Stormtroopers were trained killers, most of them from a very young age. Defectors were a rare occurrence and if this prisoner was brave enough to turn his back on the First Order, it meant there was some good left in him.
Plus, he likely had valuable information to offer, hence the high payment their client was offering. 
Sora knew she was about to do something incredibly stupid and reckless. She knew she should simply get out of this prison and get back to their ship, no detours allowed. But they had already made it this far and Prisoner 504 was so close to her. 
She'd be stupid to not even try to get to him first. 
A distraction. They needed a distraction. Now.
Lifting her wrist towards her mouth, Sora didn't offer Elijah any explanation. There was no time for that. "I need you to open the cell doors. All of them."
"Are you insane? Maker, you are insane."
"Just do it," she hissed into the comlink, trying to keep her voice as quiet as possible. "It's our best chance of getting past the stormtroopers unnoticed. We need chaos and we need it now. You said it yourself. There's too many of them."
Elijah's response wasn't immediate. She could practically hear the gears in his head working, trying to come up with a better solution; Could see the deep blue eyes of the blond-haired young man concentrating deeply. Finally, a defeated sigh followed. "Okay. Give me thirty seconds."
She didn't have thirty seconds before the next group of stormtroopers would walk past the alcove she was waiting in. In thirty seconds, General Hux would already be standing in front of Prisoner 504. 
"Here goes nothing," Sora mumbled, raising her scarf to cover her mouth and nose. Both of her hands went to her belt, grabbing the last two smoke bombs attached to it. Taking a deep breath to prepare herself for what was about to happen, she threw one bomb to her right and one to her left. The corridor was filled with black smoke instantly.
The commotion began in a blink of an eye. "What was that? Activate the alarm and spread out!" She heard orders being yelled by General Hux and the loud footsteps of running First Order members all around her.
Sora left her hiding place, crouching down and sticking close to the walls and doors as she navigated her way through the smoke. She flinched as a high pitched alarm echoed through the building, resisting the urge to cover her ears. The stormtroopers were so close to her she could almost touch their armor if she stretched out her arms. Any second now and they would spot her.
Suddenly, another alarm blared through the speakers and every single cell door slid open with a hissing sound. Elijah had done it. Not that she had ever doubted his extraordinary hacking skills.
"If somebody doesn't tell me what the hell is going on immediately, you will all be executed." General Hux sounded incredibly impatient and beyond done with the world. Sora had to actually stifle a laugh, imaging his head turning as red as his hair.
She heard confused murmurs coming from the prisoners who were carefully peeking out of their cells as if they couldn't truly believe what was happening themselves. 
"Take them back into their cells!" Although Hux was screaming, chaos had erupted in every corridor, thus making it incredibly hard to hear him over the commotion. 
Sora realized too late that he was much closer than she had anticipated. Black smoke still rendering her blind, she bumped her shoulder against a hard body. A hand gripped her arm so tight she was sure it would leave bruises. Sora hissed in pain. Thankfully, the noise was concealed by the happy and determined yells of the prisoners who were now freely roaming the halls, using their bare fists to fight off stormtroopers. 
"Ah, seems like I have caught one myself," General Hux seethed, voice dripping with anger. "Let's get you back to where you belong, you filfthy-"
Not letting him finish, Sora's free hand grabbed a knife from her belt and stabbed it into his thigh. "I don't think so," she said bluntly, twisting the sharp weapon to hopefully tear through some muscles before she abruptly pulled it out again.
Hux let out a cry of pain as he fell to his knees, letting go of her arm in the process. "You bitch," he snarled and locked eyes with her, the smoke having cleared around them. Every vein of him was filled with rage. Her scarf had fallen off in the chaos, offering him a nice view of her face. 
In her mind, Sora scolded herself. Hux would remember her and if they made it out alive, it would definitely come back to bite her in the ass.
Before the General could grab his blaster or alert his guards, Sora took off, quickly making her way through the stormtroopers who had their hands full with the escaped convicts flooding the corridors. "Bring that woman to me, now!" Hux's scream followed her, yet no one seemed to pay much attention. It was painfully obvious the General was accompanied with freshly trained and inexperienced soldiers who hadn't dealt with a prison riot yet.
The smuggler was thankful for her agility, stealth and speed which allowed her to maneuver past them without much difficulty. All around her, blaster shots were flying through the air, hitting both metal and flesh. She felt one grazing her jacket by her left shoulder, burning through the material and scraping her skin. Inhaling sharply, she tried to not focus on the pain and pushed forward. 
Her eyes scanned her surroundings, searching for a certain cell. Not even ten seconds later, she found what she had been looking for. 
Prisoner 504 hadn't left his cell yet. Upon entering the tiny room, one hand on her own blaster, he was sitting on the ground, legs stretched out in front of him. An almost bored expression lingered on his face, a pair of blue eyes locking with her brown ones. His black hair was slightly longer in the middle than on the sides and had some grey strands in them. Sora guessed he was likely in his late thirties, although she had never been good at guessing people's ages. He was sporting a black and gray stubble which only added to his overall handsome appearance. Even with him wearing the standard Atrisian prison uniform, a loose black t-shirt and trousers, she could see the well defined muscles hiding underneath
"Can I help you?" Prisoner 504 spoke with the same boredom as his stance indicated. 
Knowing they didn't have time for small-talk, the young woman opted to get right to the point. "Come with me if you don't want to be killed by their hands."
"And why should I trust you?"
"Why would I go through the trouble of breaking into a prison for the sole purpose of killing a prisoner who would die anyways?" Sora shrugged her shoulders. "Now come on, we have to go." Turning her back to him, she raised her blaster, shooting at a stormtrooper who had just spotted her. 
Behind her, Prisoner 504 got to his feet, groaning at his aching knees. "Could you at least give me a weapon then?"
Sora had no reason to trust this stranger but she knew that they had a better chance at making it out alive if he had a weapon to defend himself. Bending down to the corpse of the stormtrooper she had just shot, she grabbed his abonanded blaster, giving it to the man standing beside her. "There you go. Now, run and shoot at whoever stands in our way."
"Nothing I'm not used to," he mumbled, sticking close to her side. Sora decided to ignore the comment hinting at his stormtrooper past.
Despite knowing each other for mere minutes, they worked as a team, fighting their way through the stormtroopers in a strange sort of harmony. Groups of men and women in white armor came at them, both with their fists and their blasters, yet the newly founded team took them down easily. Sora used her smaller body to her advantage, almost dancing with the First Order members whilst dogging their blaster shots. Turning and twisting her body like a ballerina to avoid being fatally wounded, the young woman didn't give her blaster a chance to cool down. Sometimes, she'd use the strength in her legs, given to her by the surge of adrenaline in her veins, to sweep the soldiers off their feet. In the meantime, her temporary partner shot anyone who dared to get too close to them, confidence and routine radiating from his body.
A few shots and punches grazed their skin, drawing blood and burning through flesh. However, none came close to critically hurting them. Sora was panting, sweat coating every part of her body. Tiny moans of pain and exhaustion left her mouth. Her limbs were growing tired, her muscles straining to not give up. 
But they got lucky. With every corridor they sprinted through, less and less stormtroopers and convicts alike crossed their paths until it was only the two of them again. They were already at the exit when Sora contacted Elijah. "Everything alright?" Comlink raised to her mouth, she used her free hand to push against a stack of crates which promptly tumbled to the ground. A small vent revealed itself.
Sora didn't receive a response. Eyebrows furrowing in worry, she desperately hoped he was simply occupied. She didn't - wouldn't - allow herself to think of any other reason. Not with Elijah, her partner in crime. Her best friend. 
"You're not alone?" The man next to her asked, looking at her in question. 
Sora shook her head. "No. We'll meet my friend Elijah outside." Falling to her knees, she pulled back the cover of the ventilation shaft and held it open., beckoning him to go first. "After you, Prisoner 504."
"Revan. You can call me Revan." 
The smuggler was unsure whether it was wise to tell him her name. Then again, if he wanted to hurt her in any way, there had been plenty of opportunities for him to do so already. "I'm Sora. I'd say nice to meet you, but the circumstances really could have been better. Now, let's get out of here."
Revan chuckled, giving her a mock salute. "Yes, Ma'am." 
He crouched down, crawling through the vent. Sora made sure to check the perimeter one last time before she followed him. It was a tight fit but thankfully, they only had to crawl for a couple of meters before they arrived at an opening. Carefully pushing against the grid covering, the two of them stepped outside, feeling soft gras and leaves instead of hard metal and steel underneath their feet again. Surrounded by various bushes and trees, they were well hidden. It was not like anyone was expecting them there anyways. She doubted the First Order even knew the small prison had any secret entry points.
The forest around them smelled of pinecones and flowers, a refreshing scent compared to the stale air of the building behind them. It was warm, making Sora want to shed her jacket. Her wounded shoulder was throbbing in pain but she decided to worry about it later. 
Locking eyes with Revan, she motioned for him to follow her. "My ship is a bit further into the forest. We'll meet Elijah there and then we're gonna take you back to Bardotta."
Furrowing his eyebrows, he watched her in confusion, following her nevertheless. "Bardotta?"
"It's where our client is waiting for you."
Drawing in a sharp breath through his teeth, Revan stemmed his hands against his hips. "So you freed me only to sell me to someone else?"
"She seemed to know you pretty well." Shrugging her shoulders, Sora stepped over a particularly large tree branch on the ground. "I doubt Nyra has any bad intentions."
The mention of the name made him stop walking instantly, causing Sora to do the same. His emotions had changed completely. A bright smile lit up his face and his eyes shone with happiness. "Nyra is alive?" Revan sounded entirely out of breath, almost as if he was in a dream like state.
Someone was in love, it seemed.
He didn't even give her time to respond, opting to jog ahead of her instead. "What are we waiting for then?"
Sora almost laughed at him. His enthusiasm was kind of adorable, she thought. "I'm expecting a big thanks once we're back on safe grounds. You know, not only for saving your life but for reuniting you with your what... girlfriend? Wife?" She hated herself for sounding too nosy but she desperately needed a distraction to avoid worrying about Elijah. "Sister?" 
"Maker no. Definitely not sister." Revan grimaced as if the thought alone made him want to gag. "Not wife either. Girlfriend? I'd say yes but Nyra might disagree. Actually, she definitely would. I think. Yeah." Clearing his throat, he chuckled nervously. "Let's just say we are acquaintances."
Sora raised her brows in disbelief, a teasing smile tugging at her lips. "An acquaintance who is willing to pay thirty thousand credits for your freedom? Sure, sounds about right."
"It's complicated."
"I can see that." Sora wanted to keep conversing but a sudden distant noise caught her attention. 
Really, she should have known that that something was going to happen. Everything had just been too easy, like a walk in the park. And nothing in this galaxy was ever easy and without complications. 
"Wait," the smuggler whispered, tugging at Revan's arm. Urgently yanking him down to duck behind a cluster of bushes, she held her finger against her lips. "Listen."
The two of them held their breaths, listening to the soothing sounds of nature. The rustling of leaves in the warm breeze, the rushing of water flowing through a nearby creak. 
Thundering Footsteps. Distant shouts steadily increasing in volume. The gentle humming sound of a ship's engine somewhere on the horizon. The First Order was looking for them. 
"Dank farrik," Sora cursed, gritting her teeth in frustration. Pulling Revan back to his feet, she pushed against his upper arm. "We need to run. Go!" 
He didn't hesitate and sprinted through the thicket, jumping over fallen branches with ease. The trees blurred past them as they ran towards her ship without looking back. 
Elijah. Did they kill him? No, they wouldn't have, not as long as Revan and her were still on the loose. Torture seemed most likely. 
Maker, just thinking about Elijah getting beaten until his whole body would be unrecognizable caused pure rage to flow through her body. She didn't want to believe that he had been caught but seeing as they had yet to hear from him, the chances were incredibly high. 
"Please tell me that thing is yours." Pointing at something in the distance in front of them, Revan grabbed his blaster and held on tight. 
Sora inhaled sharply, heart pounding against her chest. "Yes. Keep your eyes open, they could be here too." 
The Phoenix, a Ghtroc 720 freighter, was waiting patiently on a clearing, silver and red steel reflecting the sun. Upon first glance, it stood abandoned, no signs of the First Order. But they couldn't be sure. 
The smuggler raised her own blaster as they approached the spacecraft, preparing herself for an unwelcome surprise. 
When the ramp lowered itself before she could press the button at her wrist, Sora held her breath, taking a couple of steps back. Revan mirrored her, training his blaster on the now opened ramp. 
For a second, the image of a smirking General Hux as he walked out of her ship crossed her mind. Damn it. Karma would strike again, she thought. 
But the man limping out of her ship wasn't a First Order Member.
She saw his blond hair first. It was still styled perfectly, almost making her jealous. There was a cut on his lip and on his forehead, splotches of both dried and fresh blood tainting his clothes. He was barely standing and his hand clung to the wall in order to keep himself upright. 
But he was alive. Elijah was alive. The sentence repeated itself in her head like a mantra, relief flossing through her body.
"You're alive," Sora exclaimed and smiled in disbelief lowering her guard.
A grave mistake.
She felt the pain instantly, the single shot still echoing though the forest as it pierced her stomach. It was excruciating, the blaster burning through flesh and muscles. She felt her legs give up, crumbling under her weight. Her knees hit the ground before Revan could catch her. 
"Sora, no!" Elijah's scream was full of pain and sorrow but he was too weak to move from his spot. 
No. She hadn't even seen it coming. Hadn't seen the single stormtrooper approach from behind the Phoenix. Revan shot him down before he could hurt anyone else but it was too late for her.
The moss was warm and soft underneath her back, cushioning her fall. Desperately pressing her hand against the burning wound, Sora's hope that it would ease the pain was fruitless. Despite there being barely any blood, her fingers felt warm and sticky. Suddenly, the air smelt like iron but maybe it was all just in her imagination. 
"C'mon Sora, you're gonna be alright," Revan tried to soothe her. He crouched down at her side, eyes flickering to the gaping wound on her stomach in worry. It sounded more like he was trying to convince himself.
The ground underneath her was vibrating as the First Order came barreling towards them from all sides, blaster shots flying through the air around them. Revan was already in action, yet he stayed by her side. "You need to go," Sora managed to say. She gathered her last strength and rolled her body over to lay on her stomach with a groan, pushing through the pain. Her free hand gripped her own weapon as she fired at the white armored people. "Go and get Elijah as far away as possible. I'll hold them off." 
The tone of her voice left no room for arguments. Elijah was in no condition to fight and Revan couldn't carry her body towards the ship without being shot at himself. He was already having a hard time preventing any hits as it was.
Revan shot her an indignant look but she knew he was aware there was no other chance. He could hear the fleet's engines drawing dangerously close. They couldn't miss the small window of time they had to flee through hyperspace. "Go! Now!"
Sharing one last thankful gaze with her, Revan pushed to his feet and walked backwards to the Phoenix, firing his blaster non-stop. 
"No! Sora, get up! I'm not gonna leave you here to die," Elijah screamed. Tears were streaming down his face. He hated himself for not being able to get to her in time, cursing at his own battered body that lay useless atop of the ramp. "You hear me! We're gonna come back to you. I promise!"
She knew by the time they came looking for her, she would be dead. There was no saving her this time. Yet she still whispered "I know."
Lips pulled into one last teary smile as the ramp closed somewhere behind her, she focused on taking down as many stormtroopers with her as possible. Energy and strength was slowly leaving her body. A pained groan left her lips as another blaster shot hit her left shoulder. It was a miracle none had hit her head yet. 
Behind her, the Phoenix rose into the air, the engine a gentle and familiar hum in her ears. She would miss it. She would miss Elijah. Probably even Revan who somehow had managed to weasel his way into her heart in such a short amount of time. She felt like she had known him for years, an inexplainable feeling. Essentially, he was a stranger but the special situation they had faced had formed an undeniable bond between them. 
The spacecraft was gone in the next second, disappearing somewhere on the deep blue horizon of Atrisia. In mere seconds, it would go into hyperspace where both men would be safe from the First Order.
One day, hopefully not for many years to come, she would see them again. 
Just as the blaster finally fell out of her hand and the last bit of strength had left her body, a shout rang through the air, immediately halting the rain of blaster shots. 
"Put your weapons down!" A smug, satisfied smirk on his face, General Hux limped into view. He stared down at her body with clear happiness. "This one's already dead anyways."
Sora wished she could hurl another knife into any part of his body. Unfortunatelly, she could only gaze at him in anger, her pulse slowing down gradually. "Fuck you," she managed to spit out, breaking into a cough afterwards. 
Hux shook his head in mock disbelief. "You did this to yourself. Now you will die alone." Turning to his loyal soldiers, he gave them one last order. "We'll leave this one here. She has nothing but seconds left anyways. Go back to your ships and load the cargo. Wish I could say you have done well but that would be a lie. We have to make a pit stop on Jakku and I expect you to do better. Captain Phasma will deal with you later." 
Sora's clouded mind didn't register anything afterwards. It was silent around her as her eyes fluttered close, a lonely tear trailing down her dirty cheeks. Blue sky gave way to total darkness.
She couldn't feel the pair of arms that carried her body towards a ship, hiding it inside one of the little escape pods. Bacta patches were hastily applied to her wounds, two shaking hands working fast and precise to keep her alive. The white armor was smudged with blood and dirt and behind the helmet, tears clouded the stormtroopers vision. "I...I wish I could do more," a male voice whispered. "You'll be on your own on Jakku. But someone will find you. I'm sure. They...they have to."
So, this is it. The prologue to my new Poe Dameron fan fiction. Please note that English is not my first language, so there might be a couple of errors. I'm just writing for fun. A little heads up, I'm gonna change some things that happened in the movie. No major plot points, just some minor stuff. Anyways, I hope you like it and would be happy to read your comments :)
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readingreylo · 3 years
This rec list is for my sister, who in a few short weeks days will have a tiny human keeping her up all hours of the night and asked me for "something to read, God knows I will have time for something long"
Long Fics
Honestly, the only thing these fics have in common are their length. I don't know about your definition of a long fic, (in my mind it's usually 90k+) but I included 70k+ here, simply because there were some great fics I wanted to included for my sister lol
We've got some Modern AUs, Fantasy AUs, Historical AUs... Some romantic and light, some dark and tense, some dramatic and angsty, all filled with the beautiful richess that only a longfic can provide!
I also included a few WIPs that I am following that regularly update.
A royal mix-up by AttackoftheDarkCurses | Explicit | 67k | Complete | Modern AU | Royalty | Strangers to lovers | Fake Relationship | Banter | Hair Braiding | Prince!Ben Solo | Journalist!Rey |  Drama | Multi POV | "After hooking up with a stranger on her flight, Rey considers his sudden request that she pretend to be his girlfriend for the holidays. Hotels are expensive, and he seems nice enough. It’s been a while since she’s had a homecooked holiday dinner, and despite what he suggests, how intimidating could his parents really be? Alternatively, Ben Solo conveniently forgets to tell a girl he’s a prince." | Brilliant banter and chemistry between Rey and Ben! Great premise and well written! With a great story! Love all the characterizations (Rey, Ben, Hux, Phasma)! Lots of steamy and satisfying smut.🤤
when the moon met the sun in the sky by RebelRebel | @rebelrebelreylo | Explicit | 71k | Complete | Fantasy AU | Feudal Japan | Ghibli vibes | Samurai | Royalty | Arranged Marriage | Enemies to Lovers | Growing up togther | Childhood Sweethearts | Secrets | Politics | War | Spies/espionage | Sun/Moon Mythology | HEA | Multi POV | Princess to a worthless throne, Rey attempts to assassinate the Evil Emperor only to discover his right hand, Kylo Ren, is her long thought dead betrothed. They tentatively join together to shake their world to its foundations. | At first it's a TFA and TLJ re-write set in a ghibli-esque feudal Japan, but it takes a phenomenally original turn. Movie quality story! Unbelievably cool world building!
Peacock by AttackoftheDarkCurses | Explicit | 72k | Complete | Modern AU | Neighbors | Rivals to lovers | Pranks | Misunderstandings | Fake relationship | Multi POV | Rey and Rose move in nextdoor to Ben and his whole world is turned upside down. A prank war escalates into a fake engagement. Now they are playing chicken with a marriage. Who will back down first? | A perfect rom com. its so many misunderstandings on top of miscommunication on top of them both being idiots. God I love the prank they pull on leia and phasma at the end.
in want of a wife by AquaWolfGirl | @aquawolfgirl | Explicit | 79k | Complete | Histroical AU | Regency | Class difference | marriage of convenience | Strangers to friends to lovers | Friend group dynamic | Weddings | Loss of virginity | Multi POV | Lord Ben Solo has no interest in the ladies of his degree. After years of associating with them and corresponding with even more, he fails to find a potential partner in any of the women he's met. In need of (and desperately wanting for) a wife, someone to care for and adore, he publishes an advertisement in the paper. Miss Rey Jackson, a woman of low social standing and no family of her own, decides to take a chance and inquire. At the very least, if he refuses her for a wife, she can see if there's a scullery maid position, right? | So soft and romantic!
Hanging On A Star by Yours_Truly_Commander_Shepard | Explicit | 81k | complete | Modern AU | Musicians | Music Industry | eniemes to lovers | non-linear storytelling | angst | falling in love | breakups | mechanic!Rey | viral YouTube sensation Rey | Musician!Ben Solo | minor drug/alchohol use | road trip | minor finn/Rose | HEA | Rey POV | "Today, Rey Johnson is a breakout star with a rising single, a major label contract, and a five-year-old photograph of her kissing the lead singer of the Knights of Ren that she just can't shake. Five years ago, Ben Solo was a lonely American musician on extended holiday in the West Midlands without a working car, new material, or a friend in the world." | Angsty and delicious with a HEA and engaging prose that I had to finished it that night. Just a brilliant story. Emotional and raw with fantastic smut!
baby, it will bury us by diasterisms @kylorenvevo | Explicit | 82k | complete | Modern AU | Paris | Class difference | Sugar Daddy | Daddy kink | Falling in love | Angst/break ups | HEA | Steamy AF smut | Ben POV | Businessman Ben meets waitress/college student Rey, and even though they have very different lives, sparks fly. Despite their powerful chemistry Ben is afraid of getting in too deep so he settles for an arrangement with Rey ... how long he can go without breaking his own rules remains to be seen. | Insanley hot. A wonderful flavour of Paris!
May Divorce Be With You by SpaceWaffleHouse | Explicit | 83k | Complete | Modern AU | Strangers to friends to lovers | Bets and wagers | Wedding planner!Ben Solo | Divorce Lawyer!Rey | Weddings | Romance | Wedding!Porn (think Four Weddings) | Side Rose/Jannah | Rey POV | Drinking buddies Rey and Ben make a wager about whether true love really exists. As Ben takes her to more and more weddings that he has planned Rey's cynical view of love (shaped by being a divorce lawyer)  takes a sharp left turn. She is without-a-doubt going to lose this bet... because she is falling hopelessly in love with Ben Solo. | Fluffy and sweet with great chemistry. Slower paced. Love this characterization of Ben! No angst or pain.
9 pints by tigbit | Explicit | 83k | Complete | Modern AU | Magical Realism | Porn Industy | Supernatural/mythical beings | Vampires | Humor | Sexual Tension | Roommates-vibes | Falling in love | Rey POV | Rey gets suckered into shooting Porn with a vampire for Poe's porn studio | So fucking amazing! So well written! Snappy, delightful dialogue! So many laugh-out-loud moments.  Creative world building and did I mention the dialogue!?
Mitan, Midi by animal | @ao3animal | Explicit | 83k | Complete | Modern AU | French Countryside | Strangers to lovers | Language barrier | Depression | Angst | Rey needs a hug | British!Rey | French!Ben Solo | Rey POV | "After a French notary contacts Rey to inform her she's inherited a house in the Drôme (France), she decides from one day to the next to quit her job and move there. The house is pretty secluded, there's no service, no internet, no way to reach other people aside from the landline in the living-room. Ideal conditions, by her standards, as those theoretically should allow her to be perfectly alone. Theoretically." | Angsty and delicious - Nobody writes quite like Animal!
The Lady and the Devil by TypeSomeSenseToMe | @typesomesensetome | Explict | 86k | Complete | Historic AU | Medieval | Arranged marriage | Lord!Kylo Ren | Slow-ish burn | Blindness | Physical Abuse | Injury Recovery | DRAH-MA | miscommunications | Angst | Plots/Secrets | Pregnancy | HEA | Multi POV | Homely Rey is married off to a fearsome warlord, only to find that his devilish reputation might be a slight exaggeration. Instead she finds a proud and broken man, who she slowly comes to love. | Heavily inspired by 'This Is All I Ask' by Lynn Kurland. I went out of my way to go read the original book this was based on and honestly this fic improves a lot of the side plots and characters. Delicious and angsty!
The Games We Play by CaptainCabinets | @captaincabinetsao3 | Explicit | 89k | Modern AU | Missed connections | the-one-that-got-away | New York City | Infidelity | pining | ANGST | Drah-ma | Guilty conscience | Rey needs a hug | poe/rey | ben/kaydal | Multi POV |  After a chance meeting in college they reunite years later- both married to other people. They start an affair that both destroys and heals their lives. | *snorts this fic like cocaine* So angsty and delicious! I love the angsty/guilty thought process they both go through. And how the author humanizes their spouses. Engaging prose, with a tension that keeps you hooked!
Children and Other Wild Animals by Virginia_Tradescant | @silmarilliant | Explicit | 90k | Complete | Modern AU | Multi POV | FBI | Witness Protection | Bodyguard | Organized Crime | Undercover agen!Ben Solo | Hitman!Kylo Ren | Teacher!Rey | Schools/Children | Forbidden relationship | Pining | Drama | Action/violence | Angst | All-aboard-the-pain-train | HEA | Multi POV | Ben Solo's return to field work should be easy, but a sting operation to draw out a mole within the FBI, disguised as Witness Protection will test his every resolve and push him to his limits. Caught in the crossfire is Rey Niima, a early childhood educator who is just trying to teach children and not fall in love with her very own special agent. | Fucking brilliant. Great chemistry between all characters, engaging prose. Love the multi POV (It really added to the drama/angst). Never have I read a fic, where (almost) every chapter I wanted to comment "it hurts so good!". Defintly a Pain Train, but with a super satisfying HEA that makes it worth it.
Comfort Zones by Emmyjean | @emmyjeanb | Explicit | 101k | Complete | Modern AU | Strangers to friends to lovers | Porn star!Kylo Ren | Awkward!Ben Solo | Anxiety/depression | Dating | The Friend Zone | Drama | Past substance abuse | Angst | Multi POV | Rey finds herself working behind the scenes of a porno - and just her luck to run into one of the main stars at her other job as a bartender. Drawn together over their shared love of literature Ben and Rey embark on a rocky road to happiness. | Some *chef kiss* angst! Really cool exploration of the "friendzone" dynamic. Fascinating charcterization of Rey! Absolutley loved Ben and Luke's history and closure.
I Was Lost (For You To Find) by LadyReylo | Explicit | 90k | Complete | Modern AU | Adoption | Single Parent!Rey | Strangers to friends to lovers | Co-parenting | Angst | Class difference | Rey POV | After unfathomable circumstances bring Ex-marine Ben into Single Mom Rey and her son Rian's lives, Ben and Rey must figure out how to co-parent while dancing around their attraction to each other. | Urgh, so angsty and delicious! Some Marriage Story vibes.
the world shifts (and I am better here) by lachesisgrimm | @lachesisgrimm | Explcit | 102k | Complete | Modern AU | Fantasy AU | Fairy Tale elements | Magic | Prophecy | Quest | Sleeping beauty elements | Devoted Reylo | Action/Drama | HEA | Rey POV | Rey stumbles from the modern world into a fantasy where she must save a sleeping prince and discover her own magic.
Kohelet 3:16 (Call Me A Cab) by LinearA | @linearla | Explicit | 108k | Complete | Modern AU | Politics | Social Justice | Protesting | NYC | Everybody is Jewish | Undocumented!Rey | Cop!Kylo | Secret identity (Jewish!Ben Solo) | Blackmail | Enemies to lovers | Rough Sex | Lawyers/trials | Corruption | Angst | Tragic back story | Falling in love | Bisexual!Rey | Past Rey/Rose | Bisexual!Ben | Bendemption | Multi POV | "Rey and Finn go out on a cold night to participate in the grand New York Jewish tradition of Banging These Bastards A Kettle About It, and the police, they don't like it so much. Caught with a fake ID and no residency papers, Rey is dragged into a scheme to infiltrate and spy on activist groups. Detective Kyle O'Ryan, who would very much prefer you didn't inquire too closely about his legal name or his family background or why he never seems to mind working on Christmas, is supposed to be her police liaison, but his badge is getting heavier every day." | Fucking brilliant. Engrossing story. Heartbreaking. So well written. Main POVs are Kylo, Rey and Finn. Finn has a storyline to himself (and it's heartbreaking and meaningful).
Only If You Want To by Violetwilson | @violetwilson | Mature | 111k | Complete | Modern AU | Modern AU | Bikers |  Drug dealers | Gangs | Crime | Waitress/drug runner!Rey | Private security consultant!Kylo Ren | slow burn |  Drama/violence | Personal healing/growth | drug abuse | Alternating POV | "Personal security expert (and occasional under-the-table hitman) Kylo Ren has a strong feeling about the cute dive bar waitress with the strange bruises and the vicious wit. She's either a victim or the weirdest criminal he's ever met. Possibly both. And yeah, maybe his hands aren't the cleanest, but damn if he isn't tying to help. Now if he could only get her to put down the switchblade..." | Engrossing characterizations with enjoyable prose!
The Heart of Hate by SevenBetter | Explicit | 119k | Complete | Modern AU | Multi POV | Enemies to Lovers | Hate Sex | Neighbors | Small Buisness Owners | Rey owns an Ice Cream Parlor | Ben makes Whiskey | Secret Relationship(s) | Ben is a terrible communicator | Rey is aggressively cheerful  | Family Drama | Angst | Personal Growth | Falling in Love | Dramatic Family Thanksgiving | 80s Prom | Secrets revealed! | HEA | Side pairings: Hux/Phasma, Finn/Rose, Poe/Zorii | "Rey and Ben are each hard-working small business owners in a quiet beach town, determined to succeed, whose feuding and fighting lead to one other F-word that they also do together." | Phenomenal characterizations for Ben and Rey with an great buildup and organic transition from enemies-to-lovers. I love to liken my favourite fics to movies, but this is one story where the written word is absolutley the best medium.
go i know not whither and fetch i know not what by voicedimplosives | @voicedimplosives | Explicit | 119k | Complete | 1990s, | Russia | New York | Russian mafia/organized crime | Strangers to lovers | Roadtrip | Criminal!kylo | Drama |Graphic depiction of violence | Angst | Redemption | Witness Protection | Long-ass chapters | Multi POV | 1994, Rey travels to Russia to learn about her biological mother. She gets tangled up with Russian Mobster Kyril Ren. Sexy roadtrip ensure but ultimately ends in heart break as Rey returns to the US and Kyril and the Russia  mob shorty follow -- to kill Rey's adoptive father Luke. | Engaging prose with dynamic chemistry. Fascinating characterization! Steamy AF. So detailed. Learn from my mistakes: do not binge in one night
we could plant a house, we could build a tree by Like_A_Dove | @likeadove | Explcit | 124k | Complete | Modern AU | Growing up together | Artists | Slow Burn | Ode to 90s music | Drama | Angst | Bendemption | HEA | Rey POV | 7 year old Rey is an orphan taking art lessons at Luke's studio where she become friends with his moody teenage nephew. The story of their lives over the course of 20 years. Friendship, love, loss, consequences and finally redemption and forgiveness. | There is a reason why people rave about this story: Incredible characterization. What a journey of Rey growing up and her complicated relationship with Ben. Fucking incredible.
The Mechanic by DaytonBay | Explicit | 122k | Complete | Modern AU | London | Europe |  One-night-stand | Unexpected Pregnancy | Strangers to lovers | Poverty | Organized Crime | Violence/action | Drama | Mechanic!Rey | Mafioso!Kylo Ren | Rey is a cinnamonbun | Kylo does not nice things to protect Rey | Found family vibes | OC's | Breaking the law has consequences | HEA | Multi POV | After a memorable one-night-stand Rey finds herself in a spot of trouble-- pregnant with the child of the 2nd of command of The First Order, one of the most powerful organized crime syndicates on the continent. Rey's life will never be the same as she's unwittingly pulled into the high stakes world of Kylo Ren. | So. Fucking. Good. Right off the bat the prose grabs you and immerses you in this engrossing story! Brilliant characterization - especially Rey, so heartbreaking and well written! Fascinating story/plot! Great writting! Love Rey and Kylo*cough*Ben*cough*'s chemistry/dynamic! Lots of steamy; satisfying smut. Interesting, fleshed out OC's that enhance and don't detract. Some crazy dramatics that make it an addicting read! The author does a great job of invoking the setting of London/Europe which I really enjoyed! I repeat: So. Fucking. Good. You know what? A testament to how good this fic is, everytime I come across this fic in my bookmarks I want to read it again!
(won’t you let me) walk you home from school by somethingdifferent | Explicit | 130k | complete | Modern AU | Teachers | Co-workers | Enemies-to-lovers | Hate-to-love | slow burn | fuck buddies | idiots in love | Ben POV | Ben Solo is an asshole. A former lawyer, turned high school councilor who works at the prestigious private school that he, himself, was expelled from. Rey is an adorable art teacher who is everything he despises and who does not take his shit. They clash to say the least. He hates her. Then he wants to fuck her. Then he falls in love with her. If he plays his cards right he might get everything he never knew he wanted. | This might be the greatest enemies-to-lovers I have ever read! The prose is top notch, the characterization is fascinating, the slow transition from hate-to-attraction-to-love is so brilliantly done.
The Witch in the Wood by HarpiaHarpyja and Inmyownidiom | @thisgarbagepicker | Explicit | 138k | Complete | Medieval/Fantasy AU | Enemies to Lovers | Knight!Kylo Ren | Witch!Rey | Magic | Witchcraft | Graphic depiction of violence | Animal Sacrifice | Falling in Love | Loss of Virginity | Oh hey some plot | AND WHAT A PLOT IT IS | Demons | Angst | Despair | HEA | Alternating POV | Knight Kylo Ren has spent his life slaying demons and killing witches, now he finds himself at the mercy of Rey, a witch who simply wants to live alone, in her forest at peace. The very foundations of Kylo's world-view are shaken as he falls in love with The Witch in the Wood. | Brilliant. Just brilliant. Gorgeous world building. Gripping plot. Fantastic charcterizstion. Delicious dynamic. Copious amounts of steamy AF smut!
Unravel Me by UnderTheCancerMoon | Explicit | 145k | Complete | Modern AU | Restaurant AU | Chef!Ben Solo | Server/Bartender!Rey | Friendgroup dynamic | Friendship | Friends to Lovers | Secret  Relationship | Casual Relationship | Long Distance | Breakups | Pining | Celebrity Chef!Ben Solo | Angst | Blackmail | Ben and Rey stay friends after they break up | Ben and Rey date other people | Rey x Mitaka | Ben x Bazine | ALL ABOARD THE PAIN TRAIN! | Awkward public love confessions | HEA | Multi POV | Rey starts working at a restaurant and she makes great new friends and finds herself a secret beau in moody chef Ben Solo. Life fic, covering almost 10 years, Ben and Rey's on and off relationship and his rising status as a celebrity chef. Highs and lows as the friend group finds love, loss and sings plenty of karaoke. | Great prose. Love all the details of restaurant life. Loving the friend group dynamic. The characterizations are awesome (especially Finn, Poe, Rose). So many great details that bring the story to life!
Friday Special Comes With Something Sweet by deathbyhumidity | Explicit | 160k | Complete | Modern AU | Small Town | Strangers to friends to lovers | Character study | Angst | Drama. So much drama. Mostly internal | Rey needs a hug | Ben needs a kick in the ass | Ben POV | "Being Chewie’s kitchen assistant at his dad’s diner wasn’t the worst thing that could have happened to Ben Solo after he went back home from university with his tail between his legs, but in typical spectacular fashion, he managed to ruin the peace with his runaway mouth just three weeks in. Really, he should have remembered there was a good reason Han kept him out back, but at least now the memory of wide, wet eyes spitting fireballs at him made sure that he won’t likely forget again anytime soon." | Good god this is great. Interesting prose, great charcterization for Ben -- I can so relate to this version of him.  A depth that you only see in a good long fic. Juicy and dramatic. AND ANGSTY 😘👌
The Trail Bride by SecretReyloTrash | @lyresandlasers | Explict | 160k | Complete | Western AU | Oregon Trail | Strangers to lovers | Marriage of convenience | secrets/lies | outlaws | angst | action/violence/drama | Rey POV | Rey Niima's husband dies on the Oregon Trail. She settles on marrying the mysterious Ben Solo to continue the journey. They might have come togther by chance but their chemistry and devotion are undeniable. But of course Ben has a past - he is not a respectable banker, but the outlaw Kylo Ren and Rey has gotten caught up in one of his schemes. After seemingly freeing him from the First Order Rey must seek out her own happiness -- even if that mean leaving her husband behind. | Its languid place allows for beautiful characterization and build up-- never slowing to point of distraction, peppering teases of future plot to keep you reading. After the "climax" it slows to a snail's pace but ends beautifully. Brilliantly written. Smut as hot as the surface of Venus.
This Mess Is Mine by LyricalRiot | Explicit | 211k | Complete | Modern AU | Friends-with-benefits to lovers | Accidental Pregnancy | Pregnancy/Childbirth | Pining | Fluff | Marriage | Friend group  dynamic  | HEA | reylo baby | Smut | Multi POV | Opps. Friends-with-benefits Ben and Rey make a quarentine baby! Fic follows conception to birth and the romantic journey of the parents as they get their shit togther and get their heads out of their asses and find their HEA. | Okay, this fic is set in an AU where the covid pandemic was WAY less of a big deal than it has been IRL, so there is only a bit of covid/quarantine/pandemic in the beginning. | Ahhhhhh! This is perfection! So well written with brilliant characterization! It's not overly dramatic or angsty but there is a realness in the details that makes it so compelling to read and so enjoyable!
It's a Long Way to the Top by mzladybird | @mzladybird | Explicit | 139k | WIP: last updated  2022-02-21 | Modern AU | Musicians | Bandmates | Fame | Drugs, Sex & Rock n Roll | Drummer!Rey | Canon age difference | Mutual Pining | No-strings-attached (Sure Jan) | Falling in love | Size kink | Drama | Angst | Multi POV | Rey's journey drumming with the Tie-Fighters and her tumultuous relationship with guitarist Ben Solo. Fame isnt all it's cut out to be. | Fantastic prose, super interesting characterizations! Love the friendship between the bandmates. Smut as hot as the surface of Venus 🥵
One Above All by AquaWolfGirl | @aquawolfgirl | Explicit | 149k | WIP: Last updated 2022-01-26 | Historical AU | Conquerors/emperors | Forced marriage | Enemies to friends to lovers | Slow burn | Romance | Politics | Action/Drama | Mention of past abuse | no smut yet | Multi POV | Rey didn't expect her arranged union to Emperor Snoke to be happy, considering her parents sold her hand in marriage for a decent sum of gold, but she didn't expect it to end this soon, either. Married to a tyrant, Rey isn't surprised when the people of his empire come to see his blood spilled. But she is surprised when Kylo Ren, named 'king killer', becomes emperor and decides to not only keep her alive, but take her as his own empress. | Phenomenal world building! The slowest of slow burns!
Across Six Septembers by bluetoast | @blue-toast17 | Explicit | 407k | WIP: Last updated 2021- 12-14 | Historic AU | 1860's | American Frontier | Strangers to lovers | Multiple storylines | Many OC's | Weddings | Babies | Drama | Charcter death (multiple) | Fluff | Domesticity | Multi POV | The story of a blacksmith, his mail order bride and the many interweaving stories of their families -- spanning years and continents. | Massive, and detailed with sprawling, interconnecting storylines.
After telling my sister about this list she was all but I like short ones too! So I guess I'm making a short n sweet rec list too now ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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caiminnent · 3 years
out of all the things come true [domestic kylux, rated Gen]
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Prompt(s): twisted ankle (@badthingshappenbingo) & melted chocolate (@kyberkills)
Summary: There’s a distinct possibility that Ren moved in with him.
Fandom: Star Wars Sequel Trilogy
Tags: Canon Compliant, Developing Relationship, Domestic, Moving In Together, kind of sort of, Good Partner Kylo Ren, Soufflés, Food as a Metaphor for Love
1.3 K || Also on AO3
There’s a distinct possibility that Ren moved in with him.
Hux isn’t sure enough to mention it. It’s not as if Ren sleeps over every night (although he does most nights) or spends all of his free time in Hux’s quarters (not that they’ve got free time in abundance anyway, with the kind of responsibilities they carry). There are times where they don’t even see each other for days despite being on the same ship, their respective duties keeping them firmly apart.
Those times, however, Hux returns to find his bedsheets slightly mussed, permeated with Ren’s smell. Refreshments Hux wouldn’t even touch pile up next to his tea and caf. Cloaks or cowls (and the occasional shirt) turn up next to his coats and tunics, placed too far out of sight for temporary storage.
After one too many times of receiving Ren’s clothes among his own clean laundry, he almost gathers the courage to ask if Ren means anything by the act. (Surely one wouldn’t simply forget to put on an extra layer every time?) Phasma says that it’s quite regular for lovers to leave clothes at each other’s place, though, and although Hux doesn’t understand why anyone would risk misplacing their garments all the time, he’s inclined to trust her experience more than his own lack thereof.
(The chance that Ren might stop if Hux draws attention to it might also factor in his decision to keep silent. Just a little.)
The line gets even blurrier after Hux trips over a mouse droid and sprains his ankle.
It’s an inconvenience; nothing more, nothing less. His pride was hurt more than his foot, and walking around with a cane (a middle ground between the doctor’s suggestion of crutches and Hux’s suggestion of having her relocated to a desert planet) is a hassle, but it’s not the worst injury he’s worked through. He’s fine.
Even so, the first week, Ren refuses to leave his side for more than an hour at a time, tending to all his needs with Hux scarcely needing to voice them. Hux waits for the attention to chafe, for Ren’s constant presence to become a weight on his shoulders, for Ren to get tired of playing nurse and leave. Really, he knows that he makes for a bad patient (and not a much better lover, at that); it’s only a matter of time until Ren realises that he isn’t worth the effort and ends this.
On day eight, Ren runs out of clean clothes and goes back to his own quarters. He returns with a small, tattered bag, a set of kitchenware and groceries.
After that, Hux’s kitchenette sees more use than it ever had. Ren, who clearly doesn’t have a sense of “food for two”, cooks more than they can finish even with Ren’s infamous appetite; the rest goes into the (chronically empty, pre-Ren) conservator to be enjoyed the next day(s).
Hux doesn’t mind. Returning to the smell of cooked food is an unexpected comfort; finding Ren napping on his (their?) bed more so. He still doesn’t know whether they are living together or not, but he’s tempted to ask if Ren might consider it.
He almost changes his mind when he wakes up on a rare day-off to find that Ren turned the kitchenette into a warzone.
The room smells like butter with a semi-sweet twist, heavy in the air even with the ventilation system working at the highest setting. The cutting board and its immediate surroundings are covered with chips of something dark; sprinkles of sugar and what might be flour coat the rest of the counter. Three half eggshells have fallen beside Ren’s foot, close enough that Ren risks stepping on them any second. In the grand scheme of things, the last one doesn’t bother Hux nearly enough to dive into that mess.
Rubbing the throbbing spot above his brow, “What are you doing?” he asks, keeping his tone mild. They’ll have to call in a mouse droid to clean it all up. Hux, understandably, isn’t quite keen on having one around at the moment.
“Oh, hey,” Ren says, turning around with a big bowl resting in the crook of his arm. Streaks of white paint over the dark mixture, turning a soft brown as he whisks it without looking. “I’m making soufflé.”
“Soufflé,” Ren repeats slowly, his lips curling deliciously around the word. “It’s a dessert. My—uh, my mother used to make it for me when I got sick. Never failed to make me feel better. I thought it could cheer you up, too.”
An odd warmth spreads through Hux’s chest, lifting his heavy heart. Random acts of thoughtfulness are a regular part of a relationship, too (Phasma says), but Hux doesn’t think he will ever get used to it.
Thank you doesn’t make it to his tongue, though. “A twisted ankle hardly counts as a sickness,” he points out instead. “Besides, it barely aches anymore.”
“Still.” Ren sets the bowl aside, picking up a different one with a transparent liquid in it. “It’ll take me about an hour; why don’t you go lie down a little longer? I’ll let you know when it’s time.”
Hux raises a brow, looking pointedly at the eggshells on the floor. Ren floats them into the disposal like the show-off he is. “I’m not sure that I’ll have a kitchenette left if I leave you to your own devices.”
Ren rolls his eyes. “Pull up a chair and keep an eye on me, then,” he says, producing a small sack and a mixer that, Hux is sure, wasn’t in that drawer—or these quarters—yesterday.
The process, in and of itself, isn’t particularly interesting. Hux just watches Ren’s deft hands pour this into that and mix to a vague point of satisfaction, rummaging around for something or another every once in a while.
“I need to ask you something,” Ren pipes up while brushing butter into tiny cups. “Does it bother you that I’m here all the time?”
Hux’s lungs tip over, squeezing his heart.
“What?” he asks, blinking at Ren’s side. Ren gathers more butter on his brush, chewing on his bottom lip. “Where did that come from?” Has he done something to make Ren feel unwelcome?
Ren shrugs a shoulder, stiff and jerky. “I know you value your space. You never said anything and I thought, hey, guess it’s fine—but I shouldn’t assume.” He glances at Hux from the corner of his eyes. “If you want me to go away, I will, is what I’m trying to say.”
Hux can’t deny having thought about it. Living—rather, being—alone as long as he has brought with it certain habits; adjusting his life to involve another hasn’t been easy. Even so, the thought of not setting the (new) dinner table for two on the days Hux returns first, not having to dig through Ren’s clothes for something comfortable of his own (or, when he’s particularly tired, not being able just pick something of Ren’s) makes his stomach clench.
Before Ren, these rooms have been his comfort. Now they are home.
“Don’t go,” Hux says, shaking his head. “You can come and stay as much as you like. I’m—” Well. “I’m happy to have you here.”
Ren’s lips turn up in a small, grateful smile, expanding into that crooked grin of his like he can’t help it. Refusing to name the giddy feeling in his chest, Hux smiles back.
The dessert, once done, makes up for having to hide away from the mouse droid whizzing about their kitchenette.
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5 May 2021 Additions to Reylo Fluff
These fics have been added to the Fluff lists located in the following lists:
Fluff Part 1 Titles A-G
Fluff Part 2 Titles H-M
Fluff Part 3 Titles N-S
Fluff Part 4 Titlez T-Z
A merry Reylo Christmas by MeadowHayle (AO3 2018  Rated M Complete, 24 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Rey and Ben are roommates and celebrate the most wonderful time of the year together. For Rey it's the first real Christmas with friends and family and she wants to make up for all the things she missed as a child. Ben tries to help as best as possible, giving her a Christmas experience she deserves.) That's mine! by CrystalDen (AO3 2021  Rated E Complete, 3 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: When their new supervisor came from a different department, it had been a temporary solution to fix the swift exit of their boss. No one really cared that it was, well, a dude. A very tall, quiet dude with big features and a churlish expression. Gathering around the main hub of their floor to make introductions, Rey found herself mildly invested. He’d be around for a week, two. Maybe a month tops. It’s been three, and Rey just wishes he would go the fuck away.) Go And Catch A Falling Star Chapter 59 by Ayearandaday (AO3 2021  Rated G Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: This chapter was born during a video about how pockets on women's clothing shrunk through history. Modern Rey would be outraged to know that womankind used to have pockets big enough to stash a loaf of bread. Imagine all the snacks they could fit! But she would have to make do with her boyfriend's pockets. Yep, that's basically the plot. Warnings: if Reylo babies bother you, you might want to skip this one.) A World Where There Are Octobers by Ben_Solo_Good_Boy_Sweater_Emporium (AO3 2020  Rated T Complete, 12 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Rey is a ranch hand helping Han when the prodigal son returns.) Deliciously Dateable by Hellyjellybean (AO3 2021  Rated M Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Rey hosts a Youtube show eating theme park foods. Ben is her producer and cameraman. The internet ships them thanks to their crazy chemistry even though Ben’s rarely on camera.) A Season of Frost & Warmth by shewhospeakswiththunder (AO3 2019  Rated T Complete, 6 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Ben and Rey attend a costume party and there is contention between them; also including descriptions of season-appropriate cooler fall temperatures, warm clothing, and pining.) Free Fallin' by SageMcMae (AO3 2018  Rated M Complete, 5 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: A modern AU with pilot Ben Solo and brewery owner Rey who meet with disastrous first impressions, but somehow find themselves unable to deny their intense connection. Taking a leap of faith is a gamble. Taking the plunge towards love is a free fall.) and they were roommates by myownlittleinfinity (AO3 2021  Rated E Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: When Ben loses a bet to his roommate, Rey, he has to eat her out for 30 days.) Butter Crisp Sandwich by DarkMage13 (AO3 2021  Rated M Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: “Mr, I insist you join me for a tea party today, at precisely noon. My teddy will be there.” Ben glanced at the boring clock on the wall. Ten minutes until noon. He swallowed in fear. There was no escape.  Or: Ben Solo cannot say no to an adorable hazel-eyed little girl's request for tea.) the way I see you by ocjones (AO3 2021  Rated T Complete, One-Shot, Historical AU, Quick Synopsis: Ben glides a finger over the painting’s shining face. It’s long since dried, having traveled the slow journey of hills between Naboo and Mortis, yet the varnish is so glossy it almost feels wet to the touch.And there she is: a soft-looking woman, her breasts pillowing over the top of her corset, her hair held lightly back with a band and flowing out behind her. Her delicate fingers grip a book, clasp it in her velvet-clad lap. The smile on her face is as gentle as her portrayal. His wife.) melting snow by makeshiftcandy (AO3 2021  Rated E Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: “Rey?” Ben said, his voice suddenly right there, just in front of her, and no, oh no, he couldn’t be here, shouldn’t be anywhere near her because–“Alpha,” she whimpered, watching as the portion of his body visible to her froze.) Sweet Things by DarthBaker23 (AO3 2021  Rated E Complete, 3 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Alpha Ben enters a bakery and finds himself obsessed with a sweet scent. He's obsessed with the delicious smelling scent but can't find its source. He tries every pastry in the shop but eventually turns to the bakery owner, Rey, for help. When he finally meets her in person, he gets a big surprise.) Rey's Braids by Magdalane (AO3 2021  Rated M Complete, 6 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Ben's little girl falls in love with braided hairstyles. He watches video from the popular YouTube channel in which Rey teaches different braiding techniques. After weeks of failure, he DMs her on Instagram, desperate...) Cashmere by ladyofreylo (AO3 2020  Rated E Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: “Technically, Cashmere is a dating service. It’s for women who need escorts—literally, a date—to events. There are many women out there who don’t have partners or don’t wish to come out as lesbians—and they want to have a man on their arm. However, Cashmere is unofficially a place to find sexual partners who are vetted and cater to a variety of tastes.” Rose paused. “It’s great because they only hire the best-looking men, with great bodies and great sexual skills. It’s hard to go wrong. I’ve known a guy or two who worked for them. They are gentlemen and very skilled lovers.” Rey is looking for someone to take her virginity. When she calls Cashmere, they send Daddy Dom Kylo Ren...) Penetration Testing by SageMcMae (AO3 2019  Rated T Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Tired of their difficult boss, Phasma, Hux, and Mitaka hire Rey to help their CEO Ben run a security test but forget to tell him. “Good morning, Mr. Ren. I’m Rey Niima. I’m here to conduct the penetration testing you requested.” "Excuse me?” “We will begin with a preliminary assessment of your system, conduct the initial penetration test, after which I will provide a gap analysis to highlight the areas requiring improvement. I’ll make sure to list them out in priority order so you improve your performance.” “My...performance?”) Lip Balm by Jammy_Dodger (AO3 2020  Rated G Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Ben HATES the lip balm Rey uses. He's been throwing it out, hiding it, trying to find ways to make her stop using it. So he ends up going to Sephora to buy her some new lip balm, but he comes out with VIB Rogue status, a curling iron, a hair dryer, a flat iron, heat protectant spray and a lot of stress. Ben hates shopping but he'll do it for Rey. Fluffy.) Homestead Fire by ladyofreylo (AO3 2020  Rated E Complete, One-Shot, Prairie AU, Quick Synopsis: In this story, Ben Solo is a homesteader trying to court O. Kenobi's adopted daughter whilst on the prairie. He believes he will make Miss Rey a good husband. He shows her how when he stops by to chop wood and build up her fire.) Coffee by Jammy_Dodger (AO3 2021  Rated T Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Rey sits next to Ben in the coffee shop bc he doesn't talk or bother her. One day he doesn't show up. Rey waits for him. Someone else sits in his seat& hits on her. Rey is annoyed. Ben shows up late, tells the guy he's in his seat. The guy refuses to move. Rey gives Ben her Seat, and then sits in his lap. She continues to read her book and he reads his. She asks for his number. They date. He goes to the coffee shop bc he still lives with his parents. Rey's apt is going to be condemned. They move in eventually. She still sits in his lap.)
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chromium-siren · 3 years
No one asked for this, but here it is. The AU with Phasma as a competitive swing dancer
Inspired by this photo, because Gwendoline is working that Zoot suit
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Originally, swing dance started as a hobby for Phasma. She found a Groupon and decided to try it with some of her veterinarian friends
She fell in love with it, and dedicated her spare time to perfecting her dance and taking lessons
After she had gotten good, her dance instructor invited her to be part of a swing dance competition. She eagerly accepted, and was partnered up with Kylo Ren, another newcomer.
They won the top award for their division in the contest. Phasma and Kylo would switch up their partners (both male and female), but for the most part, they would sometimes compete as a pair.
As for Phasma’s style, she would switch it up between dresses and suits. Her favorite time dancing in a suit was when she and a girl named Rey both wore zoot suits for a showcase. Another favorite memory of hers was swing dancing to “A Tisket, A Tasket” for a local school’s dance assembly. For that one, she was paired with Armie Hux, a local jazz musician who also dances swing in his spare time. (He said he wouldn’t mind if she wore a suit, but Phasma had a dress picked out for the number. They eventually did a swing routine in suits)
The most fun dance partner she had was a really good looking elementary school teacher named Poe Dameron. She and Poe didn’t score big in the competition they were in, but they had fun anyway.
Phasma makes her own swing dresses and sometimes suits.
She aspires to be a champion swing dancer, and everyone who has met or danced with her knows that she’ll achieve the goal.
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kyluxtrashpit · 4 years
2020 Fic Recap
I really like writing these and 2020 has been a HELL of a year, so here we go lmao. It’s been a wild ride for sure
Total wordcount: 88 109 words (note: I’m subtracting the ‘sorry I didn’t finish this, here’s a summary of the remaining plot’ that I published for a fic in a previous fandom from this since it’s not relevant here). Overall I wrote less than last year, but given all that happened in terms of the world and personally and fandom-wise and all of it, I don’t feel too bad about it lmao. I also have a lot of WIP words of half-finished things and some planning and such so I feel okay with this
Favours, 4906 words, posted Jan 4
This was a weird one cause this is a two chapter reader insert fic, the same story but told with both Phasma and Hux. I originally wrote this for Phasma, but later decided it would be easy to tweak into a Hux story (which it was lmao) and figured people might like that, so I did both. I had fun doing it, even if this is kind of a very small niche ship and trope wise
Know Your Shadow, 5022 words, posted Feb 16
Ah yes, here we are, the first foray into renben, a ship I had NO idea would grab me so hard but here we are lmao. I’m not done with them either yet, don’t you worry. There’s something about the corruption angle I really like, also Ren is HOT, and it’s also interesting to think about Kylo truly getting to find himself and be who he wants to be. Canon didn’t really satisfy on this, but the concept still interests me and it’s what had me writing this fic. Also, Ben losing his virginity to an older man like Ren is just *chef’s kiss*
Public Indecency, 3719 words, posted Mar 1
And my second renben! This was partially inspired by art and partially by just the idea of not giving one single fuck, and how thrilling that must be for someone like Ben to experience. Ren and the KOR truly do not give a shit and it’s really beautiful in a way. Plus some hinting at found family with the KOR. Ngl, Ben/Kylo finding his place and acceptance with the KOR makes me so Soft and there’s so many words I could write about it. Plus public sex is very hot lmao
Beautiful, 3254 words, posted Mar 8
Back to kylux, and this one was an old WIP I started back when the prompt was first posted on KHK in like 2019 or something. I got stuck on it and then left it for a while. I was digging through my old WIPs, looking for something that might catch my interest and boom, this one did, so I finished it and then posted it. I quite like the fic and it’s a bit more in the ~classic~ style. It’s also always a good feeling to get an old WIP done lmao
Choose Your Destiny, 5077 words, posted Mar 20
More renben and this was my fix it fic for ROKR vol 4. I talked about this more on twitter at the time and why I found the story as it was unsatisfying, but ultimately it’s really just a case of rushed writing and playing into established bad writing (e.g. showing a fall from grace by having someone kill someone eviler than themselves). I also really liked Ren and I felt like Kylo didn’t really get to have enough agency in like... any of it. His motivations were weirdly absent as well, despite this being ostensibly about him. So I wrote this, which I think handled how the story should have gone a lot better and, plus, it’s got smut!
(Okay and the rest are behind a cut for length)
Show of Devotion, 2479 words, posted Mar 28
Renben once again and this time, I mean, it’s all inappropriate use of lightsabers lmao. I was looking at the Ren and was like ‘wow that is SO phallic’ and then the horny brain turned on and, well, here we are. I also wanted a side of found family with the KOR and I think got that with this. It’s horny. It’s fun. What more could one want?
Aural, 2729 words, posted May 12
Okay this one... I have absolutely no excuses for lmao. I’m not even sure where the inspiration came from, I just remember I was in an online work meeting that was boring and the entire sequence of events played itself out in my head. It was all I could do to focus on work for the rest of the day and not immediately write this cursed creation lmao. The worst part was I’d been totally blocked on writing since March and this, THIS, was what eventually broke out of me. In case you haven’t read this one, it’s ear sex. Hux’s dick, Kylo’s ear. No, I don’t know the logistics either. But hey, I had a blast with it, both in terms of writing it and the reactions lmao. Someday I gotta write a follow up involving a nose too
Missed Chances, 10 749 words, posted Jun 7
Ah yes, this is the point where my renben met my kylux and created this absolutely enormous peanut butter cup of a fic lmao. It really was supposed to be like half the length it was, but alas, it was not. Also cockblocking kylux was SO hard, they wanted to fuck SO bad, but I had to stop them, the story demanded it lmao (and people in the comments were MAD, which is always excellent). It’s also when my renben series really started to have like, an overarching plot (aside from the modern au fics which I’ll talk about later). I even still have more instalments planned
Free Use, 6971 words, posted Jun 23
Another one that turned out far longer than initially planned, and also my most popular fic this year! I’m both surprised and not cause like. It’s a complete smut fest + my heavy headcanoning of the personalities of the KOR. People like smut, but I also feel it’s kinda niche considering how deep I’m in for the KOR lmao. So idk, I guess the smut won out. I did have a lot of fun with this one and there’s a lot of characterization thought put into each KOR, so it was really nice to see people loving that as much as I did. Canon gave us crumbs, but I just used them to make meatballs
Eat You Up, 1573 words, posted Jul 5
There’s not a lot to this one, it’s really just renben rimming cause the sexual dynamic with renben is so fun. Kylo/Ben is inexperienced yet eager and depraved enough to impress Ren, which is something considering I think of Ren as Very Experienced lmao. I really do love this ship; it’s a lot of fun to play with
In the Vents, 2002 words, posted Aug 3
Ah and this was my first piece for the stuck inside event on twitter, which I had a lot of fun with. Stuck fetish is one I’ve always wanted to explore, but never had any concrete ideas for. This event led to me finally getting to have Kylo stuck in a wall (plus more as well), which was fun. Also I spent far too long thinking about Hux’s vent contraption set up cause I knew he would never let Millie go anywhere that might hurt her, so I had to come up with a way to make the vent safe and here we are lmao. Hux being an engineer and also the most extra cat owner in existence worked out very well indeed. This was also the start of my creativity boom near the middle-end of the year that uh kinda burned out in a not so great way, but I’ll talk about that later lmao
Distraction, 3658 words, posted Aug 6
Another for the stuck inside event and another kylux/renben sandwich! Also featuring the KOR this time! Listen... it’s a gangbang, it’s got renben, it’s got kylux, it’s got Kylo getting stuffed from all ends... this is the kind of fic that, to me, is pure indulgence lmao. I had a tremendous amount of fun with it
Entrapped, 3484 words, posted Aug 8
So this was also for the stuck inside event (yes, I wrote 3 fics in about a week lmao - I don’t know how I did it either) and it’s darker than the sort of things I usually write. I enjoyed exploring something like this though, something outside my usual purview. It didn’t perform super well, but tbh the dark ones rarely do so lmao
Pit Stop, 1505 words, posted Aug 31
Welp, this is just an excuse for watersports lmao. I like piss, what can I say? And I’ve done it to kylux, so I had to do it to renben, and the modern au ‘need to pee on a road trip’ seemed like the perfect opportunity for it. Not much to say for it really
The Deal, 2431 words, posted Sep 3
Ah and this one here was the first for the throwback event I ran on twitter! The event itself ended up kind of being tainted by drama from one singular person who kind of ruined it by being a jerk for literally no good reason, but I’m not going to talk too much about that. Even with that, I still greatly enjoyed it and this piece might be my favourite from it as a whole. Kylo Amidala, political scandals, neither of them being nice... ahhhh yes, it definitely brought me back lmao
Devotion, 1929 words, posted Sep 10
Another for the throwback event, this time with Emperor and Hound dynamics which, unf, yes, I will literally never get tired of it. I really had fun with every fic from this event and this one was great because I so rarely get to write real action scenes, even if they’re in a flashback here. That and the dynamic itself really made it fun
To Be Wanted, 10 473 words, posted Sep 16
Ah yes, and here is my KBB for the year! I did a minibang this time, as, well, everything was going horribly wrong around the time of sign ups and I thought a mini would be more realistic. I think I was right on that and I’m glad I did it, even if I was torn at the time. The idea itself is one I’d been thinking about for a while. I can’t remember if I thought of it after seeing the leaks for tros or after watching the movie itself, but it’s been with me for a while and while I dithered over whether or not to sign up this year, the idea came back and was just perfect for a minibang. Plus I got an absolutely amazing and wonderful partner, which is really what makes the experience of doing bangs so great. I love this fic, I LOVE the art for it, and the whole experience was definitely a highlight to 2020 as a whole, both overall and in terms of my fandom/writing experience this year
Floss Me, 2033 words, posted Sep 21
My third for the throwback event and also the dental fetish fic I’ve wanted to write for a while now lmao but could never figure out a scenario for. As some of you may remember, 2018-2019, I went through some pretty horrific dental stuff and ultimately I think it kinda gave me a fetish lmao. Also I feel like there may or may not have been a kinky flossing prompt on one of the prompt sites at some point, but I looked everywhere and couldn’t find it so. But anyway, it was a fun fic for a kink I think is quite underrated tbh
The Cost of Certainty, 2541 words, posted Sep 25
My fourth and final piece for the throwback event, and this one is also a contender for my favourite piece from that event. I have always loved the idea of Hux being a serial killer and this was a perfect excuse to write it. I’d also recently finished a rewatch of Hannibal and, well, you can see where this came from lmao. I love writing tension and it was just very fun all around. I almost wish I’d done something like this as a long fic but tbh I don’t think I would’ve enjoyed writing it as much
Huxloween Drawings, 676 words, posted Nov 1
So this isn’t a fic but rather the drawings I did for huxloween, but people wanted them on ao3, so posted they are. Now, I mentioned above that I had this massive creative boom in Aug-Sep, but that it burned out rather badly. This is when that happened. I got into this place where I just... felt like everything I made wasn’t wanted or needed in the fandom. That everything I like is so unpopular at this point that I should just give up and leave. That I’ve spent all this time and energy over the years trying so desperately to get people engaged and so few ever cared and I just... ugh. It was bad. It was really bad and definitely partly fuelled by the bullshit that someone brought up regarding the throwback event (and I still believe that they are the sole cause of it’s poor reception). I, uh, am doing better now and still working through it all but it was a really rough time. But I found myself still wanting to be creative so I decided to draw. I am not good at drawing. I am not an artist. But that’s what made it fun: I went into each drawing knowing it wasn’t gonna look great. That wasn’t the point. So I never got upset about it. I think it helped me a lot tbh and I did really enjoy it and I’m glad I did it
Unconventional, 7243 words (in progress), updated Dec 20, first posted Nov 18
So the next part of me trying to fix the bullshit in my brain creativity-wise was to post the first chapter to this fic. This is a piece I’ve been working on since 2016-2017 (I don’t remember exactly when, but it was pre-TLJ, and I’ve gotten a new computer since so I don’t have the original creation date of the document) but I could just... never get a plot together for it and ever since I abandoned a fic in my old fandom (and this year I finally posted the ‘sorry this isn’t getting finished, here’s a closure summary’ chapter), I’ve been hesitant to post WIPs before being at least 80% done. So I said fuck it, I’m gonna post this and not be scared. Is this fic complete? Nope, but the plan is starting to come together. Do I know exactly where it’s going? Nope, but I don’t need to. Is it self-indulgent as all hell? Absolutely. I love this fic and I love this story and I love the concepts within it. So I posted it and tbh, it really helped. And I think this, combined with my writing break where I drew for 31 days straight lmao were really my saving graces here
Test Run, 3661 words, posted Dec 31
And now my final fic of the year! Which is a ship I honestly wasn’t super into (I don’t hate it, it just generally doesn’t do much for me) but then I did that thing where I thought ‘hmm but could it be written in a way that I am into?’ which, in my experience, always leads to me writing exactly that. Which is what I did here lmao. I’m pretty happy with it though and despite it being very strange to write, as I really had to work to get these two to get where they were going lmao, I had fun with it. I honestly doubt I’ll write more of them, but I’m glad I wrote this one, and I think it’s a good experiment to close out the year with
What have I learned?
Honestly, this year was a clusterfuck lmao. 2019 wasn’t great for me either, but we all lived through this and it was certainly An Experience. I think what this year really helped me focus on was what made me happy. I ended up in some dark places and I don’t want to go there again. It feels repetitive to say that, once again, I have learned that writing what I want is key when I say that every damn year, but tbh I think 2020 underscored it even more so. Spite as a motivator, when used to much, smothers the spark of creativity and the joy of creation. The most important lesson I learned this year by far is to not let that take the driver’s seat. A dash here and there? That’s fine. But as your main motivator? That’s just not healthy. And I need to work to keep it from consuming me like it has been for too long
Goals for 2021?
So last year I didn’t set any hard goals and boy, is it a good thing I didn’t, cause I achieved none of them lmao. I didn’t write more words (though I did write more individual fics, and the word count gap between this year and last is about the size of the difference between a big bang fic and a mini bang fic so really, I think I did okay), I didn’t even write a single fic for BTHB, and, to be really honest, I did not manage to keep my love for writing alive the whole time. I was in a really dark place a few times this year, but that drop in Sep-Oct was the worst from a creative standpoint. I feel like I’m mostly out of it now, even if I still have some work to do maintaining it. I’m hopeful for the future in that regard. The only thing I really did accomplish was that I feel positively towards all the fics I wrote; I’m happy and proud of all of them
So what is my goal? Honestly, I feel like every year I have to relearn the lesson of ‘write what you want, have fun, be self-indulgent, fuck expectations, etc.’ and my goal this year is to not have to relearn that again, but to keep that energy and carry it with me for the whole year. I realize I may have to put some effort in there, but I’m okay with that. I don’t know what 2021 has in store, but if I can just keep my passion alive and not fall into that pit again, I’m calling it a win
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dalekofchaos · 4 years
Rey, The Heir of Mandalore
I am more convinced than ever that Rey should have been a Kenobi.
This could've confirmed the fan theory that Korkie was Obi-Wan and Satine's son. Bo Katan would've figured things out and made it her mission to train her nephew to become the next Mandalore.
Korkie would've gotten married and had a child. During the fight with Moff Gideon, Korkie falls and his mother and baby Rey flee.
Rey’s mother leaves Rey in the care of Luke Skywalker. Rey would’ve been a student at Luke’s school because we all know Luke would’ve loved nothing more than to be there for Obi-Wan’s  granddaughter when he was there for him. Then Kylo and the Knights Of Ren would attack the temple, but for some reason Ben could not bring himself to kill Rey. So he wipes her memories and leaves her on Jakku.
“Rey, these are your first steps.” Her great grandfather guides her. And the rest simply writes itself.
Rey would have many teachers. Luke, Bo Katan and Din Djarin
A Kenobi saving a Skywalker from the dark, which is what previously couldn’t be done. Could you... just imagine the potential? The Last Kenobi and the Last Skywalker falling in love, a Kenobi and Skywalker in a Dyad with each other and said Kenobi is able to save the last Skywalker and together they bring balance to the force together. Rey, Obi-Wan’s Granddaughter could’ve helped Ben achieve what Anakin could not bring balance to the force. Rey Kenobi, would have been a symbolic reconciliation for Anakin and Obi-wan as their grandchildren Rey and Ben became life partners. Which would have united the Skywalker and Kenobi families together forever. 
I would also have Finn be a Mandalorian. Finn would be the son of Boba Fett and Sana Starros. Before anyone gets on my ass, yes I know George and Dave made the stupid decision in removing the Fetts as Mandalorians, but they should be. But for more backstory. Sana Starros was on Tatooine one day shortly after the Battle of Endor and found a gravely injured Boba Fett who just escaped the Sarlacc. Sana takes him to Mos Eisley and nurses him back to health. She and Boba eventually fall in love and have a prosperous career as a bounty-hunting duo. Eventually Boba Fett makes amends to Luke, Leia Han, Chewie and Lando and helps the New Republic hunt Imperial war criminals. Years later, Din Djarin tracks Boba down and requests aid in the fight to retake Mandalore. For his efforts in the fight for Mandalore, Boba Fett and Clan Fett are hence forth recognized as Mandalorians and Jango is recognized posthumously. Boba and Sana settles down in a remote area on Concord Dawn and there they would have their son, Finn. Boba retires from Bounty Hunting and leads The Mandalorian Protectors, while Sana smuggles for The New Republic. They live in happiness for a brief time until the First Order comes and takes Finn away, Sana dies to save her son. When Boba returns, Sana is dead and Finn is gone. Driven mad by grief, Boba Fett goes out into space, obsessively looking for his son. But, he never finds him. But he does in the final battle to retake Mandalore.
Now we wouldn’t need Palpatine, instead Moff Gideon and Rae Sloane(played by Angela Bassett) would be the villains. The true architects of The First Order. After Snoke fell and Kylo reigned, the founders returned to take power. With the help of Hux and Phasma, they stage a coup and leave Ben for dead.
Rey is the granddaughter of Obi-Wan and  Satine Kryze. Niece to Bo Katan and daughter of Korkie. She would've been the lost Heir to Mandalore and the Darksaber. She reclaims her heritage, becomes Mandalore. Ben is the last heir to Alderaan & Naboo and the Skywalker-Amidala-Organa-Solo family. Finn is the heir to Clan Fett and the Mandalorian Protectors.
Rey, together with Ben, a Skywalker and a Kenobi make things right, brings balance. It is also a friendship between a Solo and a Fett. Together, Rey, Finn and Ben retakes Mandalore and ends The First Order once and for all.
Also, technically speaking, Rey is the heir to the Darksaber and heir to Mandalore
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Rey is Mand'alor
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kylo-wrecked · 2 years
“Can I not implore you to return?” (From the prohibition verse, human!Phasma)
Ren adjusted his cufflinks. They were square emeralds with an onyx trim, uncanny in their resemblance to the holocrons he still sought.
"Return?" he smiled. "Which one of us? Me or the other guy?"
He sauntered over to Phasma and leaned in as if she were about to give her a kiss—or a nip.
"Would you like to say hello?" Ren said softly. "To the man downstairs? While he's still at home?" 
The man whose vessel carried itself with the gait of a hellion stood before Phasma, assured of its artistry and might. The man whose spirit pleaded behind the snake eyes of his incarcerator.
"He won't be in for long."
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lwtficrecs · 4 years
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• fic/masterlist | author name | last chapter read | type of au | *** (means smut) If you see *** it means there is 18+ content in that fic. please respect the authors wishes and be over 18 to view it. Also a strikethrough means the story has non or dubious consent and read at your own discretion. Lastly if you find any mistakes please put it in the notes or message me or put it in my inbox. i read a lot so there were a bunch of links and things get mixed lol :)
Kylo Ren/Ben Solo
Drabble: Injured!Reader | @babbushka​
If I’m Dreaming My Life, 2 | @kylosupremeimagines​ | 2/2?
Each Eye Masterlist | @babbushka​ | finished | mob au | 03.25.20 | ***
Headcanon: Biker Kylo | @babbushka​ | biker au
Kylo Ren x Female Reader (NSFW) | @myimaginesandrp​
Headcanon: Being Taken Care of by Kylo | @babbushka​
Lonely | @kylorenxreader​
Imagine: Being Luke’s Padawan and Having Sex with Ben Solo | @callmehopeless​ | ***
Headcanon: Ben Solo Having a Relationship with Someone He’s Sworn to Protect | @callmehopeless​ | ***
My Child | @jediwarsimagines​ | dad!kylo
Drabble: Kylo Jerking Off | @mandowhoreian​ | ***
Headcanon: Kylo Ren Trope Headcanons | @kylosupremeimagines​
Carpe Noctem Masterlist | @adamdriverwrites​ | part 2 | mob au
Knights of the Ren Table Masterlist | @jediwarsimagines​ | part six
Blood Bound Masterlist | @kyloholic​/ @kylo-renne​ | part five | vampire au
Headcanon: Bringing your Mildly Terrifying Boyfriend Home for Thanksgiving | @babbushka​ | modern au
Drabble: Some Girl Trying to Become Kylo’s Mistress When You are His Wife and He Gets Angry | @babbushka​
Bloodthirst Masterlist | @taylovren-types​ | prologue | vampire au | 11.8.19
All My Stars Masterlist | @babbushka​ | finished | medieval au | 11.4.19 | ***
Drabble: Knight!Kylo Ren | @babbushka​ | medieval au
Headcanon: Pregnant Reader | @mallowmikaela​ | ***
Untitled Series | @renthusiast​ | part two Aunt Phasma and the Little Prince (other links located here) | 11.1.19
Headcanon: titanic!kylo | @babbushka​ | 10.24.19
Headcanon: riding | @babbushka​ | 10.22.19 | ***
Headcanon: hate fucking with kylo ren | @kylo-ren-writes​ | 10.22.19 | ***
Headcanon: breeding kink | @callmehopeless​ | 10.22.19 | ***
Headcanon: Vampire!Kylo | @the-wayward-rose​ | vampire AU | 09.17.19 | ***
Satiate Masterlist | @taylovren-types​ | part 7 | vampire AU | 09.17.19 | ***
Imagine: Frustrated Kylo | @adamsnackdriver​ | 09.14.19 | ***
Drabble: After Mission Kylo | @adamsnackdriver​ | 09.14.19 | ***
Drabble: Kylo has Agression | @adamsnackdriver​ | ***
Drabble: Kylo Wants to Marry You | @propertyofpoeandbucky​
The Last Time I Saw You Masterlist | @the-new-fanfic-order​ | 4/12 |
Star Man | @kylosupremeimagines​
Headcanon: Baking With Kylo Would Include: | @kylosupremeimagines​
A-Z NSFW Headcanons: Ben Solo | @kylosupremeimagines​ | ***​
Bonding | @wandering-at-midnight
Demonic | @bad--bad--man​ | succubus au
Kylo and an All Female KoR | @kylosupremeimagines​
The Family Business | @kylo-renne​ | mob au | ***
Headcanon: Kylo with a Partner on Their Period | @kylosupremeimagines​ 
Drabble: You’re in the Hospital | @bad--bad--man​
Dancing with the Devil Under the Moonlight | @bad--bad--man​ | serial killer au
When the Dead Visit Us | @bad--bad--man​
Headcanon: Ben Kink’s | @bad--bad--man​ | ***
Headcanon: Kylo’s Kinks | @bad--bad--man​ | ***
Debating with Kylo Which Last Name to Take | @kylosupremeimagines​
If Only You Could See Yourself Through My Eyes Then You’d Understand | @bad--bad--man​ | ***
For the Rest of My Life, 2 | @bad--bad--man​ | 2/3 | ***
Seeing You | @dearlazerbunny​ | blind!kylo 
Who’s Baby is That? | @bad--bad--man​
Drabble: kylo playfully slaps the reader’s thigh and the son slaps kylo on the face on instinct | @bad--bad--man​
It’s My Destiny | @bad--bad--man​
Falling in Reverse , 2, 3, 4,| @bad--bad--man​ | therapist au
Always | @bad--bad--man​ | college au | ***
Headcanon: Earn that A | @kylo-ren-writes​ | professor au
Black is the Colour | @kyloswaifu​
For the rest of my life | @bad--bad--man​ | ***
Fancy Parties and Broken Teeth | @bad--bad--man​ | doctor au | ***
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Solo Triplets
You’ve Gotta Be Kitten Me | @propertyofpoeandbucky | part 1 | ***
“This is Why Mom Doesn’t Love You” | @bad--bad--man
Use Somebody | @hela-of-ren​
Frankenstein! Matt Headcanons | @sleepinglotuses​ | Frankenstein au
Headcanon: Matt’s Kinks | @bad--bad--man​ | ***
Headcanon: Cuddles with the Triplets | @solo-imagines​
Beach Blonde | @hela-of-ren​ | ***
The Trials of Sharing | @sithlordintraining​ |modern au | ***
Headcanon: Solo Triplets as Dads | @bad--bad--man​ | dad au
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Armitage Hux & Kylo Ren
Imagine Ren lying to Hux by telling him he looked into your mind and saw that you didn’t feel the same way about Armitage as he did for you | @mindofthetenshi​
Hate Leads to Suffering Series | @powerfultenderness​ | 8/10
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elmidol · 4 years
Error: Program Not Found - Eleven (NSFW)
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Summary:  You are in charge of programming the droids that work most closely with both General Hux and Kylo Ren. Unbeknownst to you, each of these two men have it in their heads that your relationship extends beyond the workplace. This causes things to escalate quickly when your two apparently secret boyfriends compare notes on their respective partner who is far too similar for their liking.
Read on AO3
Chapter Warnings: sexting; masturbation
“The world is full of magical things patiently waiting for our wits to grow sharper.” - Eden Phillpotts
 Eleven: Golden
 Eddard was entrusted with caring for TeeArr during the meeting with the First Order supplier. He was one of the few you knew for a fact would be capable of handling the droid’s personality quirks without it interfering with his duties. As for the MSE droid, you had temporarily disabled it until your return. This was the safest route given its glitches and previous programming errors. Along with General Hux, Kylo Ren, Aelin, and you, the three other members to join were among the top in their fields. It did not escape your notice that Captain Phasma was absent and that there was not a representative for the stormtroopers. The issues regarding subpar equipment that the stormtroopers faced were near identical enough to what Kylo Ren and First Order officers had dealt with. Thus their presence would have been redundant. Regardless there were a handful of stormtrooper guards that were assigned to the ship and officers, although this was nothing different than what was to be expected.
 The ride on the Command Shuttle had been somber, limited conversation passing amongst the group. Kylo Ren did not utter a single word, whereas General Hux confirmed that you were comfortable in your seat before speaking with the officer seated on his left. Aelin dozed off and on. He leaned his head on your shoulder during sleep, an action that caused you to smile and relax as well. Though you did not lose consciousness, you were able to get ample rest and thus feel refreshed once the Command Shuttle had landed on the planet’s surface.
 Four humans met the entourage that you were a part of to offer salutations from their superiors prior to providing the location of the rooms that had been made ready for the duration of the stay. There were two or three beds per room aside from the two single-bed accommodations that were naturally for General Hux and Kylo Ren. Aelin was quick in offering for you to bunk with him. Grateful for this, you accepted with a smile and headed with him towards the room while one of the four humans--they had not given their names--led you once more. It was unnecessary and, in your opinion, bothersome that you were not allowed to walk alone. The rooms all shared a common area that was secluded from the remainder of the building and wherein all members of the First Order could speak.
 It likely has surveillance, you thought, lips pinching together at the sense of violation that rolled through you. Properly private communications would take place via messages on datapads, although this could well be accomplished in the common room to offer body language as an additional form of communication.
 “Do you think they will charge us for room service?” Aelin asked after his stomach growled rather noisily. You blinked while considering his question. Those hosting the meeting were being generous with providing a place to stay without charging the First Order; they were buttering you all up, however you sincerely doubted that they would spend more credits than necessary to secure the deal. This was about profit.
 You shrugged. “I would ask General Hux if food has entered any of their discussions.” Aelin gave an exaggerated sigh that had you rolling your eyes and shaking your head. He could be theatrically dramatic when he wanted.
 After you deposited the bag that you had brought with you for the duration of your stay on the floor by the bedside table, you knelt in front of it and began to rummage through your belongings. This setting allowed one to dress in nonstandard clothing while not in the meeting. There was no way that you were going to give up the chance; it was a rare occurrence since you had started working for the First Order. You selected a shirt and lounge bottoms, bundling them into your arms and then walking into the bathroom to change. Aelin had already plopped down on the bed he would be using for the stay. He had discovered a menu on the small round dining table that was tucked off in a corner of the room. You trusted him to learn if food was to be included as well as pick a location to eat if it was not.
 Once dressed, you settled down on your bed with your datapad, which had been blinking to indicate a new message. Aelin was working on acquiring more information regarding food since thus far he had been offered mixed messages. He left the room just as you rested your head against the bed’s headboard. Your fingers worked quickly on typing in the passcode for your device; you had added this as a precaution now that you were on planet and away from the increased security offered by the First Order when on their bases or ships. The majority of your project notes were locked away with your other possessions rather than being brought to this planet. When the message was brought it, the sender was anonymous. You furrowed your brow at that. Few possessed your contact information on the server.
 With a roll of your shoulders, you decided to play along with whoever had sent the message upon reading its contents.
 [There is time to play between work hours. Can you guess my favorite beverage?]
 Your tongue flicked along your lips, wetting them, and you narrowed your eyes while contemplating your answer. If this was General Hux, it would be tarine tea. If it was Kylo Ren, you were unsure. Worse, if it was someone else completely, you did not want to participate in this game. You toyed with your lips, pinching them between three fingers, tapping them, and at last releasing them. A light clucking noise issued forth as you pushed your tongue against the roof of your mouth. There was no reason that you had to give an immediate answer, however you were curious just how swiftly the individual would respond in turn.
 [I was debating catching up on some R&R between work hours. A pop quiz may not fall into that category.]
 It was not an outright rejection and should serve its purpose of deterring the individual from contacting you further unless they were serious. In which case your belief that either General Hux or Kylo Ren were behind this would be more substantiated. There was no shying away from the thrill that developed at the thought of flirtatiously messaging with either of those men. You were more in your element over the messaging system, more in control, and the ability to duck out of it should things prove too intense was less awkward than dismissing yourself when face to face. The relaxed atmosphere of the planet, of this room that you were sharing with Aelin, further allowed you to feel at ease with this idea. You found yourself dreading proof that it was neither General Hux or Kylo Ren that had messaged you.
 Aelin called through on your comm unit while you waited for a reply. The sound of its chime had caused your limbs to jerk towards your stomach, and you rolled your eyes as you recovered from having been startled. “Still unsure if food is included and I’m famished. I’ll bring back something for the both of us. You can pitch in for breakfast.”
 “That sounds just fine,” you replied whilst tapping your finger against your datapad. Another message had come in, albeit from a different sender. In place of Anonymous the sender was Unknown. You squinted. “What is the most popular beverage on this planet?” There was a pregnant pause before Aelin offered the response of a tea that was made from an indiginous fruit. “Would you mind bringing me one?” There was no question as to why you wanted it, only an affirmation that he would purchase the drink if it was readily available wherever he went for food.
 Disconnecting from the conversation on the comm link, you brought up the message from the new sender. It was similar in tone to the one from Anonymous, and you considered that they might be one person rather than two.
 [Our hosts have ensured periods of idleness. How shall we indulge ourselves?]
 It would not be difficult to copy the message that you had sent to Anonymous as the reply fit this message as well. The idea that it was lazy prevented you from resorting to that. You were touchy on such matters ever since you had to endure being tested by Kylo Ren when it came to the training droids. Bitterness threatened to flood through your veins at the memory, and you shoved those thoughts aside, opting to instead focus on the message and what reply you would compose. It would have to be similar to the previous one, you thought. Not an outright rejection, but also not something completely warm and inviting. You puckered your lips forward into a sort of fish-faced expression while beginning to type.
 [The lapses in work offer opportunities for rest and brainstorming. Responding to questions is not high on my list of activities.]
 You bit down on your bottom lip. That text was rather rude in tone. You debated deleting it then shrugged and sent the message. Not two seconds later you received a new message from Anonymous.
 [Forgive me, I had not realized that I would be intruding on your rest.]
 The line was afforded a sarcastic tone in your mind as you read it through twice. It was suggestive of either man still, which did frustrate you. They were similar but different. This was another motivation for engaging at all; your conflict could be settled with interactions that had nothing to do with work. There was no risk of kissing them, of them kissing you. Your next response would have to be a little warmer unless you wanted the individual on the other side to end communications.
 [There is a high probability that I am hangry, which leads to increased irritability when questioned on beverages. The most popular drink on this planet is a fruit tea, did you know that?]
 You clicked the send button and preempted the incoming reply from Unknown by immediately afterwards returning to the inbox.
 [What if the inquiries revolve around the projects that have you brainstorming?]
 This individual was tenacious and not easily swayed. It was nice, you thought. You needed someone who could deal with you on good days and bad. Your workload oftentimes increased without proper notice, and as such you were stretched thin mentally and emotionally. Until recently, you had never snapped at either General Hux or Kylo Ren. That would have been entirely unprofessional. Perhaps suicidal in the case of Kylo Ren. You suppressed a giggle at the thought; it had been an electrifying experience in the training room that day. Your lips tingled at the memory. Next your throat as your mind conjured up the other man that had recently kissed you.
 [That might be helpful. What if all projects aren’t work related?]
 You curled your toes at the thought of potential responses to that. As time dragged on you were realizing that you wanted to flirt more openly with Kylo Ren and General Hux on this messaging system. You wanted them to say something that would take your breath away. You could reciprocate here where you were safely hidden behind a screen. Maybe the two of them realized that already. Perhaps that was why they had reached out in this way. It was them, wasn’t it? The idea that it was anyone else made your stomach churn. If it was, though, you could pretend. How stupid would that be, you thought as you again rolled your eyes. You did not want anyone to catfish you. Did not want to emotionally open up in this way only to be hurt.
 The responses arrived at nearly the same time as one another. You stared at them in the inbox without opening either. Was the same man--person in general--behind both accounts? If was the two of them, separately, messaging you, which did you prefer? Enjoying both was such a problem. You shoved away that negative line of thinking and opened both messages, each taking up half the screen.
 A: [Yes, I had heard. The tea itself is said to be rather sweet. Is that something you prefer?]
 U: [Are any of the non-work related projects to do with self-improvement? Your physicality, perhaps.]
 Two very different responses that were both flirtatious in your opinion. You glanced at your comm link then the chrono that was in the room. Aelin could return at any moment. Your mouth watered at the thought of food. You did not salivate any less upon looking once more at the messages. You readjusted your posture so that the screen of your datapad was not easily visible to anyone who might come through the door.
 To A: [I will, hopefully, learn soon enough if it is something I prefer. Are you opposed to sweets?]
 To U: [Should I be offended that you find my body in need of improvements?]
 Your heart stuttered in your chest at the thought of how they might respond. The questions you posed would hopefully assist you in determining which man was which. You were under the assumption that Anonymous was General Hux and Unknown was Kylo Ren. That being said, you clearly had a skewed perception of how they interacted with others given that you had not known they considered themselves in a relationship with you. It would be just your luck to have their identities swapped.
 A: [I am not opposed to them, nor do I seek them out. I eat to sustain myself. If you recall, the First Order is not rich in food beyond basic provisions.]
 U: [I was leading into the benefits of sex.]
 Your jaw dropped as you read the reply from Unknown. This individual was a lot more forthcoming than you had believed either of them would be. Heat seeped into your cheeks, and you found yourself pressing your legs together. How far were you willing to go with these chats? At one point in time you had been engaged in a long distance relationship. Sexting, masturbating over video and/or voice chats, you had done it.
 To A: [I will have to indulge quite a bit on this trip between meetings then.]
 To U: [That is quite forward of you. I am less concerned about insult than I was before.]
 The next message you received was voice-based from Aelin to inform you that he was waiting for the food to be prepared. The delay in his return would be approximately half an hour. Your heart stuttered in your chest here. Licking your lips, you decided to not wait for a response from either sender. Some might consider your behavior scandalous. It hardly mattered when they proved that they would gossip no matter your true actions or intentions. There was no way you were going to let that stop you from enjoying yourself here.
 To A: [If you were able to have your way with me, what would you do?]
 To U: [What position would you want me in during sex?]
 It felt like all air had been siphoned from your lungs the minute both of those messages were sent. A shiver ran down your spine. This was not regret so much as anticipation. You waited with bated breath for the answers. Each second that ticked by drove you insane. It was counting down the time you had left until Aelin showed up. Maybe counting the minutes then hours that you received no response at all. Would you get written up? Be rightfully accused of abusing the messaging system?
 A: [I would restrain your arms behind your back while you were on your knees, my cock in your mouth.] You slipped under the covers, bending your knees and parting your legs, to give you some form of privacy should Aelin enter before you were done. Your fingers danced along the hem of your bottoms. [I would fuck your mouth, but I wouldn’t cum in it. I would shove you onto your back, keep your arms pinned. Open up that tight cunt of yours with my fingers and tongue. Taste how wet I make you.] Swallowing thickly, you slid two fingers along your slit, feeling your body responding to the words you were reading as much as your own touch. [Then I’d fuck you so hard you would barely be able to stand. You’ll feel so empty when I’m not inside of you.]
 “Fuck.” You dragged your juices up towards your clit, circling it, letting it slip away from your touch before pinning it between two fingers.
 U: [Bent over the table so that I can fuck you while those annoying senators and businessmen watch. You’ll be an incoherent mess as you cum on my cock.]
 The second message had been shorter, yes, but it had given you as vivid an image as the first. You closed your eyes while picturing both scenarios. Moving back and forth between the two. General Hux restraining your wrists with a belt, his cock down your throat as you moaned around him.
 You moved your fingers into yourself, thrusting them slowly, curling and uncurling just the tips.
 Next it was Kylo Ren using the Force to keep your arms in place. You would be completely unable to move as he held onto your head with both of his hands and pounded into your mouth.
 You added a third finger while imagining, in alteration, the two men bended you over the table during the meeting. All faces were blurs, the very idea almost too much for you though it made you hot all over. Arousal flooded through you in electrifying waves. You slid your other hand under the sheets to toy with your clit without removing the first from inside your cunt. You fucked yourself harder, picturing them. Their thick cocks inside of you, your walls clenching around them. Words of praise spilling from your lips in sloppy, incoherent whines. You gasped aloud, rolling onto your front, onto your knees, and burying your face into your pillow, your fingers moving faster and faster. You could feel yourself growing closer. Could feel the scream of pleasure that threatened to erupt.
 Darkness crept along the corners of your vision, your eyelids fluttering repeatedly as the dam of pleasure broke and you spilled around your fingers. You moaned loudly into your pillow then bit down on it. Muffled yourself as best you could, riding out your orgasm, rocking your fingers against your clit to prolong it. Your body trembled at the additional stimulation. All the while your mind kept the pictures of General Hux and Kylo Ren fucking you playing and replaying. The memories of how their mouths felt on you. You collapsed against the mattress, rolled onto your side. Curled enough to locate your datapad, which continued to display both messages. It also showed the time. Aelin would be returning any minute.
 Feeling only partially satisfied, you went into the bathroom to clean yourself up. After returning to the room, you lifted your datapad and typed out a quick message that you copied and pasted for both.
 [Thank you. I needed that.]
 The heat in your body had not fully abated when you exited out of the messaging center. There was no more time to recover, however; you could hear Aelin’s footsteps on the other side of the door. Could smell the delicious food that he had brought with him. You hoped that Anonymous and Unknown would send you more messages while you were on the planet for the meeting.
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What We Do In The Star Destroyer | Kylo Ren/Ben Solo x Reader (Oneshot)
Words: 3038
A/N: This came to me when I started to imagine reader as this bubbly person skipping around the Star Destroyer and was dating Kylo Ren. I started writing this months ago, but only now I’ve managed to finish it. I’ve been meaning to write for Adam Driver’s characters for a while anyways.
The captain with the chromium armor and a cape sighed as she sat down in front of you. You couldn’t see her face, but from her body language, you could tell  she was impatient and that she wanted to leave. If you were anyone else, she would have. But, you weren’t just anyone. You were Kylo Ren’s partner and anyone would be crazy to mess with you. Plus, she had grown rather fond of you and didn’t want you sulking around if no one went along with whatever it was you were currently doing.
You gave her a bright smile as you finished setting up the recording equipment. “Okay, we’re all set up. State your name and your rank. Describe what you do in the First Order,” you prompted.
The captain sighed again, the sound distorted by the mask. “Why are we doing this again?”
“Well, if we want people on our side, instead of blowing up an entire planet and wasting potential territory, man power, and resources, why don’t we do something that can persuade them to join,” you said optimistically, rubbing your hands together. Also, you wanted to see these mean, stone-faced officers squirm in front of your bright disposition, but they don’t need to know that.
She looked around, then nodded in agreement. “You’re putting together a propaganda project,” she said slowly, “Does Kylo Ren know of this?”
“Yup, yup.” You waited expectantly.
In fact, Kylo was rather amused by this idea and since you were growing bored walking around the Star Destroyer with a constant guard, he knew you needed something to do or else you would start finding ways to distract him while he was working. No one knew how you met each other or how it was possible that Kylo Ren had a partner, especially someone as bright as you, but they kept their curiosities to themselves if they didn't want it to reach him.
She sighed for the third time. “I’m Captain Phasma of the First Order, a senior officer who commands legions of stormtroopers into battle and oversees their military training,” Phasma stated into the recorder.
“And, Captain Phasma, how did you find yourself being one of the senior officers of the First Order?”
She shrugged. “It’s a long story and I have new recruits to train-”
“We have time,” you interrupted with a sweet smile, “and I’m sure Kylo would understand.”
Captain Phasma cleared her throat. She didn’t want to admit this to anyone, but seeing someone so happy all the time was always unsettling for her. If they don’t show an ugly side to themselves, they can’t be trusted. No one has ever seen you genuinely angry. Only sulky, maybe a bit sad, but people just assumed that you had a fight with Kylo Ren or you were just bored. Yet, the two of you were always so gentle towards each other, even with others around and you always managed to find something to occupy your time.
She didn’t want to find out what would happen if you were upset. Once, Kylo Ren got angry at you for ditching one of the guards for a couple of hours while on a mission and Captain Phasma wasn’t so sure - and she was always confident in her keen eyesight - that she saw Kylo Ren flinch as you stopped pouting at him and sucked in a breath. You stood up straighter and tilted your head at him. He stood there for a moment before moving you back into the ship and he stayed in the room with you for the rest of the night.
“Well-” Captain Phasma started, and went on to telling how she stumbled upon Brendol Hux, the general’s father, and had aided him. That opened up opportunities for her to join the First Order and climb up the ranks to captain.
After your interview with Captain Phasma was wrapped up, you excused her and packed up your things. Kylo was still away on another mission, so you figured you could pay the general a visit. You were hesitant at first to include him in, but he was the general and he was the one that gave the speeches to the First Order. It would be good content for the recording and maybe it would give you a chance to get to know him more. It was a frenemies relationship at the moment, but you were sure that could change if you spent some time with the grumpy man.
You nodded to yourself as you resolved to head towards the general’s office. Just before she turned the corner, Captain Phasma paused as she watched you set off to find General Hux with a smile on your face. She wasn’t one to fall into gossip or care about other people’s whereabouts, unless it obstructed the goals of the First Order, of course. And while she was relieved that she was finished with her part in your project, she couldn’t help but wish to be in the room and watch as you interview the general.
General Hux had once made a comment, saying that having you around was making Kylo Ren distracted and weak. All while in front of both of them. He immediately started choking, body twitching as his hands went up to scratch around the invisible force around his neck. Kylo Ren was gripping at his lightsaber as he stared him down, but his hand reached around to grab yours and the force-choke was lifted from him. General Hux wanted to make another comment as they left holding hands, but Captain Phasma advised against it.
“Armi,” you sang, knocking on the general’s office door.
The door slid open, revealing a sneering red-headed General. You smiled at him and held up your recording equipment. He looked over at them and sighed before checking to see if anyone was watching. You waited patiently until he turned around and walked back into his office, holding the door open for you.
“Thanks, Armi,” you said, waltzing over to one of the chairs across from his desk.
He sniffed before taking his seat at his desk, his blue eyes trying to suss you out as you set up the recording equipment on the table. He had heard about your little project and was told, well, threatened to go along with it.  He often wondered if Snoke had ever known about you and what his opinions were on your influence on Kylo Ren. Once it was all set, you scooted the chair closer and pressed record.
“Okay, thanks for agreeing to do this-”
“I hadn’t said anything,” Hux said coldly.
You smiled at that. “You let me in your office,” you said, gesturing to the room, “Besides, you’re the First Order’s general. You need to be a part of this. Who better to have in this recording than the rather enforcing and eloquent General Armitage Hux?”
He hummed, relaxing in his seat. “Okay, where do we start?”
“Let’s just start with the basics, shall we? Name and rank?” You started the recorder and waited patiently for him to start.
Hux cleared his throat. “General Armitage Hux of the First Order-”
You were skipping through the corridors of the base, making your way back to your shared quarters with Kylo. You had done rounds around the base, collecting enough interviews for your little project, and were ready to start editing them together. Kylo had been sent out to another mission again, which you made very clear that you were disappointed about, but knew that it was a part of his training that he insisted on doing with Snoke. You never trusted Snoke. Sure, your boyfriend had been trying to walk the path of the darkside for a while now, but there was something about the Supreme Leader that felt… fake.
Just as you reached the door to your quarters, there was a twist in your gut. There was something going on, something wrong. You quickly punched the code in and made a beeline towards your closet, tossing the recording equipment on a nearby table before stooping down to the bottom of the closet for a box you had buried in the back. Once you collected what you needed, you walked back out and set out to find Kylo.
You stormed towards the so-called throne room where a projection of Snoke usually sat. This time, he was physically there, and he was not as impressive as everyone made him out to be. Kylo whipped his head around, standing up from his kneeled position. His eyes widened, before narrowing.
“What are you doing here?” he demanded, almost panicked.
You lifted your chin and raised an eyebrow. “I sneezed. Figured someone was talking about me, so I came to check,” you replied, your eyes landing on Snoke.
“(Y/n)-” Kylo tried to warn.
Snoke chuckled. “Perfect. This makes things easier,” his voice boomed as he lifted a finger, “Come, child.” You felt the force trying to pull you towards him, but you resisted as much as you can, clenching your fists and gritting your teeth. Snoke paused, before letting out another chuckle. “Grab her!”
Kylo hesitated, looking between his master and his partner. “Supreme Leader, is this necessary?”
“General Hux claims that they have been a distraction from your training,” Snoke snarled, “Is this true, or is he lying to me?”
“It is a misunderstanding. It won’t happen again,” Kylo said firmly.
“Then get rid of them so it won’t. That is an order.”
“You know,” you said, standing in front of Kylo, “I’m getting sick and tired of your tricks.”
“How dare you-”
You turned to Kylo, Snoke growling as you ignored him. “What are you doing, (Y/n)? This is dangerous,” Kylo said in a low voice.
“Sweetie, I think it’s time to do things my way. This is getting out of hand and there’s no way that I’m going to let a puppet order you around-”
“What are you doing, (Y/n)?” Kylo hissed, wondering why you were messing around with the Supreme Leader present.
“He’s messing with you,” you said, not afraid that Snoke could hear.
Kylo straightened, looking you dead in the eyes. He knew for a while, but he hadn’t done anything about it.There were times where Kylo frustrated you with his stubbornness. It wasn’t like you were made out of pure light, you knew well enough that there was some darkness within you. This whole fight between the light and darkness was getting quite foolish and suddenly it was no longer about the greater good of the people, just power, authority, and self-righteousness.
Because of the inflexible teachings of the Jedi, any speck of dark taint within anyone’s soul seemed to doom them to be casted out and left to suffer with their inner turmoil about their identity alone, vulnerable. You remembered Ben storming into your room, hands pulling at his hair as he paced around and dumped everything on you. Master Jedi Luke Skywalker, his own uncle, tried to kill him in his sleep because of the voices in his head.
You ran away with him that night.
You worked so hard to protect the both of you, but he had to go and fall in with those Knights of Ren and work with the First Order. All because he felt weak, that he needed more power. He insisted that he had a plan and you knew that there were things that he had to decide on his own. You just wished that he would tell you.
“What are you doing? Grab them or I will!” Snoke snapped.
You continued your unwavering eye contact with your boyfriend as you raised a hand and channelled all of your frustration and rage into crackling energy. Kylo’s eyes darted to your hand and realized what you were about to do. Even before you linked your minds, you knew each other well enough that you could read each other’s nonverbal language. He lowered his gaze and slowly raised his own hand, mirroring you. His brows furrowed as he concentrated on controlling the dark energy.
Snoke may have been his master, but there were many things that he had not taught him and he was well aware of it. As if he was purposely holding him back. You, who learned both the ways of the dark and light side on your own, had taught him a few things. You were always so calm, empathetic, and rational, yet you belonged to neither side of the Force.
“Why try and finish what your grandfather started,” you said, the lightning growing  by the second, “when you can accomplish what he failed to do? Bring balance to the Force, Ben. Get rid of this trivial light and darkness and become both. What do you choose?”
Kylo swallowed, the lightning reflecting from his eyes as they watered. You had your arms spread, giving him an opening to strike you if he wanted. You knew that a confrontation like this would happen. You knew when he killed your fellow trainees from the Jedi temple. You knew when he killed his own father. Each time you had an argument and each time you challenged if he would do the same to you, too, for the sake of unlimited dark power.
You felt the pull before Kylo could respond. With your attention away from Snoke, he Force-pulled you towards his throne, your feet scuffing against the floor as you tried to gain your footing. 
“I knew you were hiding something from me,” Snoke growled, his gnarly fingers raised, lifting you off the floor. “Someone strong with the Force. Join me and I can make you even more powerful.”
You faced Kylo one last time, panic and desperation in his eyes, before your body was twisted around so you were facing Snoke’s pale face. A puppet. And you were determined to find out who was pulling those strings. You narrowed your eyes and he visibly braced himself as you raised your hand in defiance, but no lightning came out, no force-pull. Your other hand reached around and you dropped your lightsaber, a gift that Kylo gave you for your birthday.
Kylo rushed forward, skidding to halt and caught it. He turned his eyes towards his master. Former master. And he ignited it, a purple glow illuminating his face.
“Is this what you choose? How dare-”
“I choose her,” Kylo spat.
In that moment, you channelled lightning from your hands and shot at Snoke. The Force he held you with dropped. You felt gravity taking its course as you plummeted down. You waited for the right moment to flip backwards, landing safely with your hands and knees. Kylo used that opportunity to charge at Snoke. You did all you can to help create an opening for him.
“The floor,” you said into his mind, “I’ll boost you.”
He slashed downwards, blowing chunks of the floor out, giving enough for you to lift off the ground until he was eye level with Snoke.
“You will regret this. You will never be as powerful as Vader. Not without me! You will be weak without me!” Snoke warned.
Kylo huffed. “You underestimate my power!”
With that, you launched him upward. He jumped towards Snoke, twirling your lightsaber, before swinging it down in a wide arch. The purple saber sliced through his pale skin with ease and in a matter of seconds, his head toppled to the floor.
Kylo landed, panting as he stared down at Snoke’s head. You ran towards him, wrapping your arms around his torso and sighed in relief. He deactivated the lightsaber and handed it back to you.
“You know what we have to do,” you mumbled into his shirt.
He nodded solemnly, turning in your arms. “Let’s go. We need to find out who’s behind this.”
“Are you okay about this?”
He sighed. “You were right and I’m sorry that it took me this long to realize it. You should have left, but you didn’t. Thank you for showing me the way.”
You shook your head. “You already knew where to go, you just needed a little push.”
He gently brushed his thumb across your cheek as leaned into him. A smile graced his lips as you stared at him with adoring eyes, even after everything he had done. It wasn’t as if your hands were clean. You’ve killed before during the times where your arguments had grown so bad, that you’d leave and take up mercenary work. He always tried to have people keep an eye on you and he knew that you could choose to come back if you wanted to.
Thundering footsteps echoed into the wide room, General Hux at the forefront. His eyes landed on Snoke’s head and he sneered at Kylo.
Kylo shrugged, almost too casually. “(Y/n) did it,” he pointed at you with a smirk.
Your jaw dropped. “Ben Solo, you nerfherder!” you shouted as he walked passed Hux and the stormtroopers. You growled, stomping after him.
Once the two of you were back in your room, you packed everything along with other provisions before heading towards one of the ships. He told you to wait inside while he went to finish something. When he came back, he wore a smug smirk on his face.
“What did you do?” you asked cautiously.
“Nothing…” You pursed your lips and waited as he started up the engines. “Okay, I wrecked Hux’s office. No big deal.”
“Get them!” you heard Hux scream.
You turned and saw Hux through the window throwing down a recorder and holopad before smashing it with his boot. Your boyfriend was already shifting gears, his smirk turning to a wide grin.
“Ben, what did you do?” you pressed.
“I might have also left our sex tape on his desk’s remains,” he said. The ship jerked forward before you could snap at him. “Relax, (Y/n/n), it’s going to be a long ride.”
“I can’t believe you’ve done that,” you muttered.
“It was your idea when you brought that recording equipment on board in the first place.”
“I hate you.”
“No, you don’t. You wouldn’t stand to lose a handsome guy like me.”
“Just fly, Ben.”
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pulpwriterx · 4 years
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Chapter Two: The Punk and the Godfather
Two Years Later
Han Solo had no idea what Snoke’s Number One guy would want with a smuggler like him, but he was about to find out.
The Stormtrooper brought him and Chewie to a conference room.
The big man in a black mask and a black cape sitting at the head of the table brought back some bad memories.
Han was in the presence of another Vader.
He could feel it.
“Take their binders off. Leave us.” The man told the trooper.
The trooper did as he was ordered.
“Come to the head of the table, gentlemen.”
Han sat on one side of the Man in the Black Mask, and Chewie sat on the other.
“Did either of you pirates ever wonder what the Empire did with sixty years of the spoils of Galactic war? I know more than do do. A good chunk of it ended up on this ship. The Finalizer. I asked Master Snoke for this ship. But he wasn’t inclined to give it to me. So, a couple of years ago? I took it. The ship is mine. And so is everything in it. Did you know that before I took this ship, the Galactic black market was completely disorganized? A bunch of small time operators, with no supply chain, and nobody in charge. Untalented amateurs. Now? You can get whatever you want, on any First Order ship, or base. And to some extent , along the Outer Rim. For a price. But that’s not enough for me. It’s so small-time. But then again, Captain Solo? So are you.”
“Look, pal, if you’re going to kill us, kill us. But I’m not going to sit here and listen to shit like that coming from a guy like you!”
“Sure you are. Because there’s money in it for you.”
“Money?” Han asked.
Chewbacca coughed into his hand.
He was trying not to laugh.
“Yes. Money. And something better than money. Did the trooper walk you past the hangar. Did you see the black, streamlined YT-2400? She’s my ship. I called her the Hellfire. You know how I could afford a ship like that? I’m sitting on a gold mine. Imperial gold coins by the chestful, guns and coaxium are just the tip of the iceberg. But I have no Galactic network. No connections, outside the Hutt Syndicate. Not like Han Solo does.”
“You want me to go into business with you?”
The masked man kicked a black chest over to Han.
“That’s one of my chests full of Imperial Gold Coins. I also have a First Order Captain’s Medal for you. And one for your co-pilot. And don’t worry that I’ll make you do all the dirty work. The Hellfire is the fastest ship in the Galaxy. She made the Kessel Run in 11.5 parsecs. I had to fry three engines, put in an experimental space-time hyprerdrive, fry another engine, spend a fortune on streamlining and retractable hoods for my guns. Not to mention I almost got myself killed, several times. To do it, I had to fly the Hellfire sideways through a pocket in space-time while at lightspeed. But I did it. I beat you, you old pirate son of a bitch.”
The truth finally hit Han Solo like a ton of bricks.
“Ben? Ben, holy Mother Force, is that you inside that tin can, kid?”
Kylo Ren released the mechanism that loosened his mask, and took it off.
“Who the fuck else would it be?”
Han had about five faces that he normally made.
He cycled through all of them in less than a minute.
“Am I going into business with you, or with the First Order?”
“Me. They’re convenient for my purposes.”
“The First Order. I’ll use them to finish my grandfather’s work. But there’s only one problem with finishing his journey.”
“There’s no money in it.”
“Not a red farkling cent. I’ve already got my command crew loading up the Falcon. They’re loyal to me. They won’t talk.”
“Because they’re afraid of you?”
“No. Because I’m a good commander, and I never ask them to do anything I won’t do. Because they respect me. And because I cut them all in for a piece of the action. You’re my father, Solo, and I don’t want to kill you. So I hope you take the deal.”
“Listen to him talking tough, Chewie. Kid, I never knew you took the family business so seriously. I just thought you wanted to get away from Jedi School.”
“Well, I did that, didn’t I?”
Kylo Ren smirked.
“Yeah, you did. Of course I’ll take the deal.”
Kylo Ren took his glove off, and extended his hand to his father.
He and Han Solo shook on it.
“But you can’t leave me, Kiera! I love you! I freed you and your whole family from slavery! I saved your life! I’ve given you everything you ever asked for. Tell me what more you want? Anything? Anything in the Galaxy? It’s yours. Your family. Do they need a new house? More money? Anything.”
“Kylo, I am grateful to you for your mercy and your generosity. In spite of everything you do, you’re still a good man at heart. And you really are some kind of man. But I can’t live like this, anymore! Your secrets, your moods, your nightmares! You’re…a whole bunch of guys, and some of them? They scare me. I hate to break your heart, I do, because you’ve given me everything. And I know I’ll never find another man like you. But that’s part of the problem. I’m an ordinary woman. You don’t need an ordinary woman. You need somebody like you.”
“You’re leaving me, too! Just like in Jedi School! Why? Why do you all leave me?”
“Your love’s too heavy on the human soul, Kylo. I’ll never forget you. Or what you’ve done for me. But I can’t bear it. You’re going to break me. I can feel it.”
Kylo Ren sighed.
“I understand. I’ll take you back to Tattoine. But not before I buy you that garage you always wanted.”
“You don’t have to do that, Kylo.”
“Yes I do. If you have to leave me? I want to make sure you do it with a solid-gold parachute. Will you still be my mechanic?”
“Yeah. And when you come to get some work done? Don’t feel like you need to stay at an inn.”
“Kylo, let me in.”
“Go away, Phasma!”
She let herself in.
“Why do you do this to yourself? Every time, you think this one, this girl’s the one. I love her, and she’ll never kick me in the teeth and take me for everything but the clothes on my back. And every time, you’re wrong!”
“Maybe if you had more than two days a week for me, Phasma?”
“That’s more than enough, Kylo. But maybe we’ll make it three, for a while. Unless we try to kill each other. Now, wouldn’t you like to take a bath, and shave, and brush your teeth? You stink of self-pity and Huttese whiskey.”
Kylo Ren's face, behind his mask, was incredulous.
“I’m not following you, Solo. What the fark are you talking about?"
He really wanted a drink.
But he had the mask on.
“Look, Ren, you’re kidding yourself if you think Her Generalship is done with you. And if you think Snoke is going to continue to let me live? It ain’t gonna be money, money, money, and business as usual, forever. She’s going to push from one end and he’s going to push from the other. And eventually? We're going to be in a tight spot where Leia sends me to get you, and Snoke orders you to get me. So we have to make a plan for it.”
Kylo Ren called to the barmaid.
“Bring me a pitcher of Corellian Ale, a bottle of Huttese whiskey, a packet of cigarillos and a double serving of tonight’s special. And whatever Captain Solo wants.”
In the dark, smoky cantina, Kylo Ren took off his mask, and gloves.
In the three years they had been in business, he had never done that.
Ben had a black eye, and a full beard under it, and his hair fell to his shoulders.
Two of the fingers he ran through his hair were taped together, and all of his knuckles were black and blue.
Even in the dark, Han could see that the kid wasn’t at his best.
But that wasn’t all he could see.
“I know. I need a shave, and a haircut, and I look like hell. You were in the Infantry. You know what the Imperial Dirty Work is like. That, and Kiera left me. They always leave me. Where the fuck are my drinks?"
“Everybody is so full of shit! You don’t look like Vader, you look like me!” Han said, proudly.
"Don't worry about that girl, kid. You get too serious about these women who are just in it to take what they can get from you. Let it go. She just wasn't the right one for you."
"Who is?"
"You'll know when you meet her. The Thunderbolt will come and knock you right on your ass."
The food and drinks came, and Kylo hid his face from the barmaid.
“How about a cold pack? He’s hiding his face because it looks like it’s been through a machine.” Han asked the barmaid.
“Yeah. I think I look like both of you. You, and my grandfather.” Ben said, after she left.
Kylo drank half off the picture of beer. He also tossed back the slick, viscous, oily Huttese whiskey, right from the bottle. Then, holding the cold pack against his injured eye with one hand, he started shoveling his food into his mouth with the other.
Han was going to ask him if he always drank like that, but it was obvious that the kid was tired, he was in pain, and he probably dragged himself out of bed just to come to the meeting.
“So what’s your plan, Solo?”
“Well, Kylo Skywalker had to come from somewhere, right? Back on Arkanis, he has to have a father. With a name. And papers. And a story. And who could a guy like Kylo Skywalker, AKA Kylo Ren trust to watch his back other than his own father?" Han said.
“You want to join the First Order?"
"No. I want to join my son, and make sure he doesn't die in battle, get assassinated, or drink himself to death."
There was a commotion at the door, and a tall blonde woman in an Imperial uniform pushed her way over to the table.
“What are you doing in this dive, Kylo?”
“Meeting my business partner, Captain.”
“Business partner!”
Phasma looked from one man to the other.
“Business partner! You are so full of religious nerfshit! That’s your father, isn’t it? Don't lie to me, Kylo. It's VERY obvious. Are you trying to impress him? He doesn’t look impressed! He looks worried and sad! Why are you always such a child?” Phasma insisted.
“Don’t talk to me like that, in public, in front of Solo!”
“Solo! What kind of a way is that to talk about your father? If I had treated my father with that kind of disrespect, I would not have lived long enough to learn enough from him to give him a warrior’s death! I didn’t know this meeting was with your own damn father! He would have waited, until you were in presentable shape!"
“Phasma, don't lecture me. I’ll leave with you when we’re done talking! Business doesn't wait until you're at your best."
"In your case, Kylo, that would be never."
Han averted the next phase of what he figured would be a long argument.
“Hold up, Vader Junior. How bad is he, sister?”
“My Lord Ren is supposed to be in bed.”
“I thought so. Well kid, think about it. Next month, we'll iron the whole thing out. Figure out when Han Solo disappears and Papa Kylo turns up.”
Ben pushed the bottle of whiskey across the table.
Han took a drink from it.
Kylo turned to Captain Phasma.
“Sit down. You came for this, Phasma, now you’re in it. But I’m warning you. Don’t try to cross me. Or Solo.”
“Or you'll kill me? You couldn’t.”
“No, but I could, sister. You want me to kill her, now, kid?” Han asked.
“That won’t be necessary. Yet.”
“I wouldn’t cross you, Kylo. I can’t cross your son, General Solo. I owe him the debt of my life and my honor.”
“Oh. I see. And that’s all, huh? OK. I’ll play along. So, you get it, Ren?”
“So far. But then what?” Kylo Ren asked.
“Well, you and Captain Blondie have to keep up appearances and back my new identity until the war is over. It won’t be a farkling picnic for me. But it’ll keep the business going, and it’ll keep me alive. I know you don’t think you’d ever feel guilty about killing me, but trust me, Junior. Once I’m dead? You’ll miss me.”
Kylo finished his picture of beer and banged it on the table.
“You were a terrible father, Solo.”
“You hear that, Captain Blondie? I’m a rotten father. I left his mother. I’m in business with him. I meet up with him, in that mask. I never see his face. He calls me Solo. Every time I see him, I risk my life. His mother won’t see him. His uncle abandoned him. They won’t come near him, because of their fucking precious religion. Not now he’s embraced his inner Vader. But I don’t care. He’s my son. Whatever he does, whoever he is? He’s my son. And I’m with him. That’s right, you spoiled farkling brat! I’m a rotten father.”
"Okay, so you're not as bad as you used to be. But I'm worse than ever. Worse every day. Let's face it, Solo. Nobody in this farkling Galaxy gives a damn about me."
“I do. Why the hell do you think I don’t wanna die? Somebody in this family has to know what the fark is going on. You got some brains, alright, kid, but your mother and your Uncle Luke? Their heads are are full of Jedi nerfshit, and they don't know what the fark is going on."
Kylo Ren raised his pitcher.
"I'll drink to that, Solo." He said.
Link to Chapter Three- Tainted Love
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Updated 14 November 2021
Rest of the Masterlist.
(won’t you let me) walk you home from school by somethingdifferent (AO3 2020  Rated E Complete, 32 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Ben, a counselor in the upper school at the legendary Alliance Academy, keeps finding himself interacting with the lower school art teacher, Rey. He definitely doesn’t like it.) A Beautiful Mess by MizuPhoenix (AO3 2018  Rated E Complete, 5 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Ben/Kylo is a new dad, left with a baby and note from a one night stand. Rey is his flighty loud neighbor, who always has way too many friends at her house and doesn't make things easy on his new lifestyle. They argue relentlessly, until one day an emergency calls for her help with the baby and spawns them into the path to something heated in a different way. ) A Dinner For Two by Ayearandaday (AO3 2019  Rated T Complete, 7 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: When Finn gets caught while hacking for the information about Rey's parents she agrees to spend an hour every day doing whatever Mr. Ren requests to save her friend from prison. But what could her mysterious employer want from her?) A Life Made Right by Flaignhan (AO3 2019  Rated G Complete, 5 Chapters, Canon AU, Quick Synopsis: Snoke was dead, to begin with. A Christmas Carol in Star Wars.) a rey of light that warms you at night, a fire so bright it burns with might by Lutrosis (AO3 2020  Rated T Complete, 3 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Ben never told Rey the whole story of his past, before he began to work for Snoke. But after she witnesses one of his nightmares, he opens up to her. Rey is fiercely protective and she will move the world to right the wrongs done to her love.) A Season of Frost & Warmth by shewhospeakswiththunder (AO3 2019  Rated T Complete, 6 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Ben and Rey attend a costume party and there is contention between them; also including descriptions of season-appropriate cooler fall temperatures, warm clothing, and pining.) a tale of baseball and broken elevators by Zoa (AO3 2019  Rated T Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Rey has sprained her knee. The elevator in her building is broken. She lives on the sixth floor. Her neighbor, Ben Solo, has arrived in the nick of time to help, but there's one problem: she hates him.) Across the Stars by nite0wl29 (AO3 2018  Rated E Complete, 20 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: A Reylo re-telling of Beauty and the Beast where Rey falls in love with Kylo Ren without ever seeing his face. In the beginning learning the curse could be broken had given him hope. Yet as he grew more reclusive that hope faded to cynicism. He snorted to himself at the memory, pushing away all of those ridiculous thoughts of hope that someone could ever love him like this aside. A hideous masked monster. He looked like a monster. No. I am a monster, he thought to himself. No one in their right mind would ever look at him and think twice to even consider the option. For who could ever learn to love a monster?) Adrift by HeartSabers (AO3 2019  Rated E Complete, 16 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: The A/B/O, You’ve got Mail, environmentally engaged AU no one needs and no one wants.) Against Regulations by andabatae (AO3 2020  Rated E Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Ben is the president of the Homeowner's Association and Rey is the new person on the block who flouts the rules. What happens when their soulmate marks match?) All I Know Is We Said Hello (Your eyes look like coming home) by LadyReylo (AO3 2020  Rated E Complete, 4 Chapters, Canon AU, Quick Synopsis: What if during peace talks, a simple touch of hands ends in an undeniable connection that terrifies and confuses Rey, but not as much as Kylo’s sudden change in behaviour. Could the evil Supreme Leader of the First Order actually be... nice? A Soulmates AU.) Already Home by AttackoftheDarkCurses (AO3 2019  Rated E Complete, 13 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Rey used the alias Kira and matched with Kylo on a soulmate matching website. How will she be able to tell him that she's fallen in love with her enemy (and roommate) Ben Solo?) America's Asshole by monsterleadmehome (AO3 2018  Rated E Complete, 3 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Ben Solo is a critically acclaimed (but widely despised) movie star. Dubbed "America's Asshole" by the press, he has recently finished a stint in an anger management facility after punching his last agent in the face. Rey Niima is a top talent agent and is outraged to find out she has been assigned to be Ben Solo's newest victim. ) Anonymous by andabatae (AO3 2019  Rated E Complete, 4 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: At the annual Halloween office party, Ben and Rey hook up, but neither one knows who the other is because of their costumes.) Anything to Win by Erulisse17 (AO3 2018  Rated T Complete, 2 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Rey hates losing. She hates losing almost more than she loves winning. Which is why she's in the ridiculous position of asking Kylo Ren, the very person who keeps beating her at the singles costume contest, to team up with her to dominate the couples contest and trounce Phasma and Hux once and for all. Working with Kylo is a necessary evil, but really, she'd do anything to win. Anything! Unless... it's falling in love.) as luck would have it by prncesselene (AO3 2020  Rated E Complete, 16 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: When a case of violent food poisoning ruins Rose and Hux’s honeymoon plans, who better to take their place at a pre-paid Hawaiian beach resort than the Maid of Honor and Best Man? Sure, it’ll take some maneuvering, but a free vacation is a free vacation. They just have to pretend to be devoted newlyweds for a bit to enjoy it. There’s only one glaring issue, really: they can’t stand each other.) auld lang syne by KyloTrashForever (AO3 2020  Rated E Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Ben is sure that Rey is taunting him for the crush he has on her. Rey is completely oblivious to his struggle until "Rey" takes it too far.) Believe it or not by P_Dunton (AO3 2018  Rated E Complete, 8 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Everyone can see their soulmates when they sleep. Except for Rey Niima. When she closes her eyes, there’s never anyone there. Most say this happens when the other soul partner doesn’t sleep. After years and years of this, Rey has given up on ever finding her other half. Ben Solo is an angry, bitter shell of a man. He tries to stay awake as long as he can, using whatever means possible to avoid dreams. Because his soulmate is dead.) Ben, You Ignorant Slut Chapter 1 by JJJJ12 (AO3 2019  Rated E Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Rey Johnson is forced to sit across from irritating salesman Ben Solo. He’s arrogant, prone to temper tantrums, but worst of all, good at his job. To complete the prank of all pranks, she sends him a love letter hoping to turn his world upside down.) Bespoke by fettuccine_alfreylo (AO3 2019  Rated E Complete, 12 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: When new stylist Rey Jackson receives a request to dress the hottest (and most unfashionable) new actor in Hollywood, she gets a lot more than she bargained for. Mentally AND physically. Because Ben Solo is freaking massive.) Both Telling Lies by GreyForceUser (ReyandKyloforever) (AO3 2020  Rated E Incomplete, 1 of 2 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Ben and Rey run into each other at a club and meet in the bathroom at 12:05. They may be something, but they can never be friends.) Brand New Bag by DhampirsDrinkEspresso (AO3 2020  Rated M Complete, 3 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Rey doesn't get along with her co-worker Ben...a co-worker who is almost Rey's ideal man and also happens to be the son of her matchmaking boss. When Rey needs help with a children's Christmas party, Ben is sent to save the day-whether he and Rey like it or not.) caught in the headlights by jeeno2 (AO3 2020  Rated E Complete, 2 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Rey Johnson forgets to wear a bra to work. Fortunately, nobody notices. (Except for Ben Solo.)) Charmed by Mae2d2 (AO3 2020  Rated E Complete, 12 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Rey has always hated Ben, and it’s always been easy to hate Ben. But at the beginning of sixth year Ben is suddenly tall, handsome, and when he’s looking at her like that she can’t help this fluttering feeling inside. It definitely didn’t help that when she first saw him she had worn the one skirt that had shrunk in the dryer. Ben was trying hard not to think about Rey all summer, but when she showed up wearing that skirt, now she is all he can think about. And he’s having an incredibly hard time pretending to hate her. Especially now that they’re partners in Charms. TW: Teenage Sex) Cheers to Phasma's Flaming Vibrator by 3todream3 (AO3 2019  Rated E Complete, 1 chapter, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: An unfortunate office fire has caused renovations, and the ever punctual Ben Solo has to share an office with Rey Johnson with whom he has a history.) Christmas Miracle by Dagagada (AO3 2019  Rated M Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Ben buys Rey's artwork for a non-profit fundraiser.) Closet Encounters Of The Thirsty Kind by ReyloBrit (AO3 2019  Rated E Complete, 2 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Rey dislikes Ben. Ben dislikes Rey. Funny, then, that people keep thinking they've come to this party together, and unfortunate that when cops raid the party, there's only one place to hide. And it's such a cramped and confined place too.) Consider... by LoveofEscapism (AO3 2018  Rated E Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Enemies-to-Lovers stuck in an elevator.) Counting Stars by JenfysNest, KyloTrashForever (AO3 2019  Rated E Complete, One-shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: In which Rey finds Ben Solo a hard man to like... until she finds him hard for her.) Day Follows Night; Dark Follows Light by LyricalRiot (AO3 2018  Rated T Complete, 41 Chapters, Canon CD, Quick Synopsis: Supreme Leader Kylo Ren is distracted, leaving him vulnerable to dangerous plots from within the First Order itself. When death comes for him, he'll have to face it alone — unless the Force can convince one new Jedi to save him. Difficult choices and uncomfortable reunions lie ahead. They'll have to navigate carefully if they have any hope of any tentative alliance between them. But hard as it may be, both know that neither can walk away again.) daylight by sparklylulz (sparklyulz) (AO3 2020  Rated T Complete, 4 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Coffee shop employee Rey has a run in with one of the difficult professors. Thus starts a very turbulent friendship until Ben needs a fake date to go with him to see his parents, the first time he's seen his parents in a while.) Death Becomes Her by PalenDrome (nerdherderette) (AO3 2019  Rated E Complete, One-Shot, Greek Mythology AU, Quick Synopsis: Hades and Persephone AU. Kylo takes Rey to the Underworld, and she realizes that it's not too bad of a place.) Devil Spawn by OptimisticBeth (AO3 2020  Rated E Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: After a hot anonymous encounter at The Annual Organa Halloween Ball, Rey realizes she slept with the horrible guy who is her new boss. But he doesn't recognize her! And he asks her to track down his mystery hookup, which she totally agrees to do (wink wink, haha, she's lying). But then she finds out she's pregnant! ) Dirty Little Secret by SageMcMae (AO3 2020  Rated T Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Rey Kanata is at the top of her class in the Engineering school, on track to graduate summa cum laude, and is the president of the Campus Activities Board. She's an unstoppable force at Tatooine University. But Rey has a secret. And her mortal enemy, Ben Solo, just found out what it is.) Disparate Pieces by aldeeraan (AO3 2018  Rated E Complete, 24 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Kylo Ren swears he knows the fiery brunette that he ran into one Monday morning. When she shows up in his Law firm, his plans start crumbling to pieces as he begins to realise that she is Rey. His Rey, who he had spent years trying to forget.) Dreaming of Hope by adamsackleriskyloren83 (AO3 2019  Rated M Complete, 2 Chapters, Canon AU, Quick Synopsis: Kylo Ren goes to bed one night only to awaken as Rebel Pilot Ben Solo. Discovering that not only is Rey his wife, but he is also the father of a toddler(s) son/daughter.) Dripping Wet by commandercrouton (AO3 2020  Rated E Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: On Valentine's day Poe proudly gifts Rey a set of man clothes. A second later his furious roommate Ben runs in screaming bloody murder, dripping wet and clad only in towel. Rey just stands there with her jaw on the floor.) Effloresce by lovelydarkanddeep (AO3 2019  Rated M Complete, 17 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Rey loves her job at Dear Daisy, a budding flower shop that she works at alongside her co-worker Finn and the owner Poe. She does not love, however, the First Order Tattoo Parlor that abuts their quaint shop - and especially does not love the dark-eyed tattoo artist Kylo Ren whom she accidentally cursed out the first time they met. However, fate - otherwise known as Leia Organa Solo - seems to have other plans.) Expanding The Family Tree by WaterlilyRose (AO3 2018  Rated E Complete, 9 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Life didn't turn out exactly the way Rey imagined but she never imagined she could be this happy. Ben and herself were a good team with their daughter and proved themselves to be good parents.So if it worked once... why not again?) First Order IT, Can I Get Your User ID? by krossartist (AO3 2019  Rated T Complete, 3 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Whenever Rey had to call IT, which was about twice the amount of times a normal person would call "excessive," she got the same IT guy. Every. Damn. Time. She named him Fuckhead. He had grown to hate her fondly.) for love or money by KiKi37 (AO3 2020  Rated M Complete, 30 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: The loss of a scholarship has left Rey Niima in a financial bind, with only a few months until graduation. Her friend Rose might know of something that could help.) For Now by Celia_and (AO3 2020  Rated E Complete, 2 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: When Kylo finds his soulmate, she doesn’t know, and he doesn’t tell her) From R to Kylo by SpaceWaffleHouseTM (AO3 2018  Rated E Complete, 4 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Ben and Rey are archaeologists who absolutely cannot stand each other. They also happen to be pen pals, but they don't know who the other is, until one night they get trapped together at a creepy excavation site, and suddenly their hatred begins to unravel.) fueled by fire by blessedreylo (AO3 2020  Rated E Complete, 2 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Ben annoys the hell out of Rey when he tries to write passive aggressive notes about where she leaves her stuff. Rey pisses Ben off by being loud and picking a fight whenever she wants. Being neighbors for the last five months has been interesting to say the least. Their little rivalry comes to a crescendo when their hate for each other turns into another kind of passion.) Game On! (aka Deflowering Doctor Jackass) by Crysania (AO3 2018  Rated E Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: When Rey is stranded at her bookshop in the middle of an upstate NY snowstorm with a local professor she knows only as "Doctor Jackass", she decides the best way to pass the time is to play a game. And that, of course, leads to other activities.) Give in To Me by LoveofEscapism (AO3 2018  Rated E Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: At the office Christmas party, Rey has one too many wines and ends up spilling her darkest secret to none other than her sexy co-worker Ben Solo. Hilarity and some sexy bathroom shenanigans ensue.) Go And Catch A Falling Star Chapter 11 by Ayearandaday (AO3 2020  Rated G Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Ben asks his father for help with the classmate that has been frustrating him. ) Got a Feeling we Should Just Go Home by slugmutt (AO3 2018  Rated M Complete, 13 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Spending the week before Christmas with sullen deputy-CEO Kylo Ren is the last thing on earth Rey wants to do. Going back to his hometown with Christmas-loving Rey in tow is the last thing Kylo wants to do. But with a little help from family, some holiday magic, and a stray blizzard or two, they might start seeing things differently.) Green by Writingwife83 (AO3 2020  Rated T Complete, 2 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Ben is annoyed by the excessive plant life on his upstairs neighbor’s balcony, which is directly over his. He eventually reaches his breaking point and decides to confront them) hate me / touch me / need me / love me by andabatae (AO3 2019  Rated E Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Coworkers Kylo and Rey can't stop fighting about anything and everything. They hate each other... right?) Hike A Mountain, Climb A Tree by greywilde (AO3 2021  Rated E Complete, 5 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Rey invites the entire office on a weekend hike and only one person shows up: the new IT guy she doesn’t get along with. At all. They hate each other, right? (or maybe, things aren’t the way they seem)) Holy Knot, Batman! by Eskayrobot, Poaxath (AO3 2018  Rated E Complete, 5 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Rey goes to her coworker's Halloween party as part of a Batman villains group. Ben goes to his cowoker/childhood friend's Halloween party as part of a Justice League group. Rey is Ben's secretary. And Ben and Rey obviously do not like each other. They DON'T! ) Hot N Cold by andabatae (AO3 2019  Rated E Complete, 4 chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Rey is tired of having to endlessly fix Force Enterprise's ancient HVAC system. As the company's civil engineer, she has plenty of helpful suggestions for improvements, but will CEO Kylo Ren listen?) Housewarming by ArdeaJestin (AO3 2018  Rated E Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: When her best friend Rose asks Ben Solo to help on moving day, Rey knows she's in trouble. If only those big strong arms didn't make her forget what an obnoxious jerk he is every time she looked at him.) How You Turn My World, You Precious Thing by BensLostTookaCat (VillainTheBlank) (AO3 2018  Rated E Complete, 3 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: He's the hotshot asshole who leads The First Order, the legal arm of The Resistance. She's the new company liaison who has been assigned to The First Order to keep them accountable.The annual Resistance Masquerade Ball is about to turn Kylo and Rey's worlds upside down.) I Hate You by orphan_account (AO3 2018  Rated M Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Ben has been in love with Rey for two years and so when she storms into his office he finally decides he can't keep it in any longer.) I remember fields of flowers by WelcomeToTheBadlands (AO3 2020  Rated T Complete, 5 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: in which ben solo develops a disease that can only be cured if rey loves him back. but that will never happen. right?) I would let you by pleasereylo (AO3 2019  Rated E Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: The first sentence your soulmate speaks to you is tattooed somewhere on your body. And it’s supposed to be exactly that– one sentence.) I'd Find You and I'd Choose you by JGoose13 (AO3 2020  Rated M Complete, 6 Chapters, Reincarnation AU, Quick Synopsis: wife, fostered her for a time as a child. In order to keep their legacy and light alive, Rey moves in. As she begins to pick through the life of this couple, Rey makes a shocking discovery in the attic. What's worse? The discovery involves her boss, Ben Solo, a man she absolutely abhors.) If You Can't Beat Em'.....Join Em' by PrinceofDarkness15 (AO3 2020  Rated E Incomplete, 4 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: "I really fucking hate you." She grits. "Oh, sweetheart believe me." says Kylo with a sensual smirk that makes her cunt clench. "The feeling is entirely mutual.") ignorance of etiquette by blessedreylo (AO3 2020  Rated E Complete, 2 Chapters, Regency AU, Quick Synopsis: Lady Rey Kenobi lives a life of pristine comfort and luxury on her family's estate in Chesire with her parents Lord Obi-Wan Kenobi and Lady Satine Kenobi. When they receive word that an old family friend, Lord Benjamin Solo, is coming to visit, Lady Rey is reminded of how he tormented her as a child. She decides that she will prove herself not the same girl she once was in more ways than one.) ignorance of etiquette by blessedreylo (AO3 2020  Rated E Complete, 2 Chapters, Regency AU, Quick Synopsis: Lady Rey Kenobi lives a life of pristine comfort and luxury on her family's estate in Chesire with her parents Lord Obi-Wan Kenobi and Lady Satine Kenobi. When they receive word that an old family friend, Lord Benjamin Solo, is coming to visit, Lady Rey is reminded of how he tormented her as a child. She decides that she will prove herself not the same girl she once was in more ways than one.) In The Warm Light by Nyx_Fedra (AO3 2019  Rated E Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: It was supposed to be simple, an outlet for their frustrations with one another, like scratching an inch and maybe, maybe, Rey had thought, a way to torment him as much as he tormented her during the day. But it feels as if the only thing they’ve archived is to bond with one another in a way neither of them seems to fully understand.) Insufferable by castles_and_crowns (AO3 2018  Rated T Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Rey Niima and Ben Solo are both student ambassadors at their university. This means that, unfortunately for Rey, they often get stuck with each other at various university events. Rey finds Ben Solo to be an insufferable snob until he begins to slowly prove to be otherwise.) Island Holiday: A Reylo Christmas Story by Rey_KnightofRen (AO3 2019  Rated T Complete, 2 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Violinist Rey Niima is traveling to Hawai‘i to perform in her best friend Finn’s destination wedding the week before Christmas. She’s supposed to be playing a duet with cellist Ben Solo. Although Rey and Ben were rivals back in college, several years have passed since then and Rey discovers that Ben is now a VERY attractive and VERY eligible single dad. She starts to hope that her suitcase isn’t the only thing she’ll be bringing back with her from Hawai‘i…) key to the kingdom by blessedreylo (AO3 2020  Rated E Complete, 12 Chapters, Princess Diaries AU, Quick Synopsis: Most girls get a drunk weekend in Vegas for their 21st birthday, but Princess Rey Kenobi gets the chance to rule the country of Alderaan. But the only way she can become Queen is if she marries a man in 30 days, or the throne goes to the selfish (and annoyingly attractive) usurper Lord Benjamin Solo. Will Rey be able to ascend to the throne or will it all just become a royal pain in the ass?) Knock Me Down by commandercrouton (AO3 2019  Rated T Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Ben gets a concussion thanks to Rey. Who would have thought getting knocked in the head would bring the romance out?) Labor & Delivery by ReyReySolo (AO3 2020  Rated T Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Ben is an eminent, stubborn OB. Rey is a brilliant, heartwarming midwife. Will their methods and professional judgement clash or can they find a way to come together for their patients and for themselves?) Left Handed Kisses by Ever-so-reylo (Ever_So_Reylo) (AO3 2018  Rated E Complete, 5 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: A modern AU in which Rey is an Assistant District Attorney working for Leia and Ben is an evil (?) criminal defense lawyer.) Lessons in Attraction by AttackoftheDarkCurses, thebuildingsnotonfire (AO3 2018  Rated E Complete, 12 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Notorious rivals Ben and Rey teach at Alderaan High. They're constantly bickering and driving their coworkers and students crazy. The only solution is to set them up together, right?) Let's Meet Under the Mistletoe by GreyForceUser (ReyandKyloforever) (AO3 2018  Rated E Complete, 7 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Rey Johnson and Ben Solo do not get along. Their first meeting was less than impressive. A change in circumstances forces Rey and Ben to work together to stage a huge black-tie Christmas party in a ridiculously short period of time. Only time will tell if they can stand each other long enough to pull it off or if the whole thing will crash and burn.) Lost & Found by commandercrouton (AO3 2019  Rated T Complete , 6 Chapters , Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Rey loses her kitten, her neighbor finds a kitten.) Love in the Language of Sweaters by SaintHeretical (AO3 2019  Rated E Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Corporate executive Ben Solo mocks holiday sweaters until he sees the delivery girl wear them.) Loveliness Itself by riffraffes (AO3 2016  Rated E Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: In which world-famous actor Kylo Ren refuses to see any potential in up-and-coming actress Rey until they finally act alongside one another, and then she's brilliant, so brilliant that his entire philosophy on the crippling emotion of love is altered. None of that seems to matter, though, because Rey absolutely despises him.) lunch thief by thisismelodrama (AO3 2020  Rated E Complete, 34 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: In which Rey’s son steals Ben’s daughter’s lunch and chaos ensues.) maybe we're from the same star Chapter 2 by INTPSlytherin_reylove97 (AO3 2018  Rated M Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Mr. KyloKnightsofRen89 was fifteen minutes late and Rey knew the damn app was too good to be true. However, her forced childhood companion *cough* enemy *cough* , Ben Solo, is there to keep her company.) miles from where you are by Mooncactus (AO3 2018  Rated T Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: After an argument over Star Wars fandom with a "gatekeeping, entitled monster" with the cryptic username of KyloRen, Rey finds herself stuck in a series of unavoidable video calls.) Mistle-oh-no by KyloTrashForever (AO3  2019  Rated E Complete, 5 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Rey kisses a stranger at a holiday party.) morning light at daybreak by panoramic (worrylesswritemore) (AO3 2020  Rated T Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Engineer Ben has found a way to fire every single assistant Leia keeps hiring for him. This new one, Rey, will be no different. He’s certain of it.) neither here nor there by Like_A_Dove (AO3 2020  Rated E Complete, 2 chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: After years of disappointing toy after disappointing toy, Rey is delighted to discover that porn star Kylo Ren’s replica dildo suits her needs perfectly.) Nevertheless, She Persisted by dawninthemtn (AO3 2019  Rated T Complete, 24 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Junior campaign staffer Rey works for US presidential candidate Leia Organa and ends up with the job of babysitting her aloof and entitled adult son Ben.) New Year Miseries by allie_wishes (AO3 2018  Rated M Complete, 8 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Modern AU where Rey and Ben date in High School and then his band gets signed and his new manager, Snoke, convinces him that she is holding him back so he dumps her. 8 years later, at a roof top New Year's Eve concert where her band is performing, he may just get a second chance.) Nocturnal Studies And Other Peculiar Magic by WaterlilyRose (AO3 2017  Rated E Complete, 6 Chapters, Harry Potter AU, Quick Synopsis: Hogwarts was the first home Rey ever had. Now she has a chance to return as a grown woman to be the Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher. She cannot tolerate the Potions Master and former Death Eater that she duelled and scarred so many years ago. Yet unity must be upheld. Gryffindor and Slytherin will unite in ways never before.) Not your omega by riseofskyloren (AO3 2020  Rated E Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Rey Johnson and Ben Solo cannot stand each others, she's way too joyful and he's just so cynical. They're definitely not mate material, not a chance. But what happened when the person you despise the most in the entire world becomes the one your body's craving?) Off guard by TheReadingNook (AO3 2019  Rated M Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: The last thing Rey is looking for is love. As a single mom, her plate is as full as she wants it to be, but her son seems to think otherwise. And when he sets out to fill that void, they learn some interesting things about life, love, and the bonds of family and friendship.) On Second Thought by KyloTrashForevor (AO3 2019  Rated E Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: In which Rey hits Ben with her car and can’t seem to leave him alone.) On Second Thought by KyloTrashForeve (AO3 2019  Rated E Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: In which Rey hits Ben with her car and can’t seem to leave him alone.) Once Around The Block by situation_normal (AO3 2018  Rated E Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Rey wants rid of her V card, and she's got a good idea of who she wants to give it to. Her friend Rose has some bad seduction advice. Ben Solo has a crush on the cute mechanic from his dad's garage. She clearly hates him, since she can't even bear to look at him.) One Stick of Unsalted Butter by HalfwayThrough (AO3 2020  Rated G Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Rey's neighbor is the rudest, least considerate person she has ever been forced to interact with. However, when she runs out of butter in the middle of night trying to bake cookies for Rose's birthday, there is only person she knows is awake and he is her only hope. Of course, things don't go according to plan.) Peacock by AttackoftheDarkCurses (AO3 2019  Rated E Complete, 22 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Thanks to a series of misunderstandings, failed attempts at flirting, and loud Katy Perry music, Ben grows to hate his new neighbor. Proposing to her wasn't the best solution to his problems.) Please be my Daddy! by erney007 (AO3 2019  Rated E Complete, 5 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Raising a child while having to do such demanding job is hard. Rey, an ICU nurse, accidentally finds out that her asshole neighbor, Ben Solo, is quite good at babysitting. After plaguing her child with Elsa obsession, Obiwan starting to call him “Papa”. And Ben kind of likes it.) Prank Wars by Hellyjellybean (AO3 2020  Rated E Complete, 5 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: An office AU where Ben and Rey are office rivals pranking each other, & she sends him a glitter bomb.) Revenge is a Dish Best Served Loud by andabatae (AO3 2019  Rated E Complete, 4 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Rey is so done hearing her neighbor's sex life that when she sees him she gives him piece of her mind. Turns out, Ben, the neighbor, is not even in town during those sexcapades, it's his friend he asked to housesit. Together they plot revenge.) Rey and Her Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Year by Bakubitch (AO3 2017  Rated T Complete, 17 Chapters, Harry Potter AU, Quick Synopsis: Rey is eleven when her dreams come true and the Sorting Hat calls out “Gryffindor!”) Satan in a Three-Piece Suit by andabatae (AO3 2019  Rated E Complete, 13 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Rey and Ben build a website, enemies to lovers.) Seasons of Love by Daisyflo (AO3 2019  Rated E Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: After his grandmother's death, Ben discovers he inherited her house. First problem: he isn't the only one. Second problem: his new housemate is an Omega.) Self-Inserted by KyloTrashForever (AO3 2019  Rated E Complete, 5 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: In which Rey finds out in a very strange way that Ben Solo doesn’t dislike her as much as she first thought.) Sensual Storytime by andabatae (AO3 2019  Rated E Complete, 7 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: When Rey Johnson starts a new job, her initially antagonistic relationship with Ben Solo from IT turns into friendship... and maybe something more. Little does she know he also moonlights as Kylo Ren, the creator of her favorite audio erotica. One day at the office, worlds collide, and she realizes the sweater vest-wearing nerd of her dreams is also the tattooed fantasy man she listens to while getting off every night...) so long, my adversary by Like_A_Dove (AO3 2019  Rated E Complete, 3 chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Rey is snowed in at the bookstore she works at with Ben Solo, her very grumpy manager who she's been crushing on for a year. Too bad he hates her.) So-called "soulmates" by radioactivesaltghoul (AO3 2018  Rated E Complete, 16 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Most people are excited to meet their soulmate, whose first words to each other are marked on their bodies when they turn sixteen. But most people don’t have insults marked on their skin. Ben Solo has always thought that the concept of soulmates were bullshit, and Rey Jakkusen has been doing everything in her power to avoid a situation where someone might utter the words to her.) Sociology of Sexuality by Celia_and (AO3 2020  Rated E Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: After a semester of verbal sparring, the tension between Rey and Kylo boils over.) Solstice Songs by Erulisse17 (AO3 2018  Rated T Complete, 4 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis:  A version of A Christmas Carol, with Kylo being haunted with his own ghosts; Past, Present, and Future.) Someone You Love(d) by AttackoftheDarkCurses (AO3 2020  Rated E Complete, 7 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: A misunderstanding leads to a lot of hate sex between roommates Ben and Rey. But when Rey ends up joining him on his trip to visit his family, the truth comes out.) Something About November Chapter 4 by SpaceWaffleHouseTM (AO3 2019  Rated E Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Duchess Rey finds herself trapped at the annual party at the Skywalker's manor. Bored to death, she finds refuge in the mansion library hoping to finds some books to survive the evening, and she does... Some rather adult books have been hidden in the back of the library. Ashamed but intrigued, she starts to read, until she gets interrupted by Ben Solo, heir of the Skywalker blood, arrogant casanova, and insufferable childhood acquaintance.) Something Wicked by violethoure666 (AO3 2018  Rated E Complete, 10 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: In the early 2000s Ben Solo and Rey Kenobi were America's sweethearts. Stars of the hit show Something Wicked, they took the world by storm, partying across a gritty Los Angeles landscape and making every headline. By 2017, they aren't speaking, in fact Rey despises Ben and when they are cast together in a rom com, all hell breaks loose. Jumping between the early 2000s and present day, this is the story of two people who found each other, lost each other, and found each other again.) Stay Hungry by jeeno2 (AO3 2018  Rated E Complete, 11 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Rey and Ben are researchers who have maintained a rivalry through email. Rey is at a conference when she smells the most enticing Alpha next door. It turns out, that the smell is coming from the Ben.) Strictly Business by WinglessOne (AO3 2019  Rated E Complete, 11 Chapters, The Proposal Film AU, Quick Synopsis: Working for a nationally recognizable magazine is a huge honor, one that Ben Solo doesn't take lightly. His boss, Rey Erso, would be the first to agree and is thoroughly comfortable with her status as editor-in-chief. When her visa status is denied, she'll do anything to stay in the United States and avoid being deported back to England. Even if that means forcing her assistant to marry her.) Stuck by Ever-so-reylo (AO3 2018  Rated E Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: In which they are stuck together in an elevator, and they have History.) The Christmas Conundrum by Zoa (AO3 2019  Rated T Complete, 9 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: After getting fired from her job right before the holidays, Rey is accidentally mistaken for an abandoned baby’s mother and is forced to take care of him. Ben Solo is the boss guilted into giving Rey her job back. Confusion, chicanery, and romance ensue.) The Five Times Ben Stole Rey's Halloween Candy and the One Time He Bought Her Some by AnneAnna (AO3 2021  Rated T Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: They meet when Ben Solo tries to steal Rey Kenobi's Halloween bucket and Rey hits him over the head the with her plastic lightsaber. They eventually become best friends and then more. This is just all the Halloween Fall Fluff in the world.) The Golden Rule by JJJJ12 (AO3 2019  Rated E Complete, 3 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Never fight with girls. It was Han's golden rule. The only piece of his father's advice that Ben followed. It had been difficult, but not impossible. Until he met Rey.) The Peanut Problem by JJJJ12 (AO3 2019  Rated E Complete, 2 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Ben has never understood why all of Rey’s friends call her Peanut. When he learns it’s because she inadvertently attracts not-so-well endowed men, he makes it his mission to not-so-subtly convey the size of his dick without whipping it out.) The Seeker Compact by konfoz (AO3 2019  Rated T Complete, One-Shot, Harry Potter AU, Quick Synopsis: Ben used to be the Seeker for the Slytherin Quidditch team, so he is surprised when Gryffindor's Seeker, Rey, asks for his help a week before the final match up between their two houses.) the theory of dance by blessedreylo (AO3 2020  Rated E Complete, 2 Chapters, Hogwarts AU, Quick Synopsis: Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor Rey Niima and Potions Professor Ben Solo are always at each others throats in the corridors of Hogwarts. Headmaster Kenobi has seen enough, and is making them teach a dance class to students in preparation for the Yule Ball. Can these professors learn to get along or will their rivalry turn into another kind of passion?) The Unicorn by xtenn (AO3 2021  Rated E Complete, 9 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Where Rey tells her friends of a very good and a very, very bad sexual encounter, while Ben calmly cooks dinner and totally doesn’t freak out or lose his cool. Ha, yeh, nah, sort of not really, not at all. Not that he cares. He doesn't!) the water smells like you by shruggyben (AO3 2020  Rated G Complete, One-Shot, Harry Potter AU, Quick Synopsis: In which Ben Solo, Ravenclaw dumbass, brews the perfect batch of the strongest love potion in the wizarding world, but accidentally feeds it to his one (1) crush. Adorable panic ensues.) The Wedding Necklace by daughter_of_the_fifth_house (AO3 2020  Rated M Complete, 21 Chapters, Canon CD, Quick Synopsis: Nambi Ghima sensed Rey’s longing for a family and gave her a wedding necklace for her future husband - the necklace Kylo Ren ripped off Rey's neck. Which means getting married. First Order Officer Tishra Kandia is confused why she had to analyze said necklace. She and a lot of people – and droids – on both sides of this war wonder about the marriage of Supreme Leader Kylo Ren and the Jedi Rey. The only thing is… Rey and Kylo don't even know they’re married.) To Capture A Tempest by Sparkleypegs (AO3 2018  Rated G Complete, 4 Chapters, Regency AU, Quick Synopsis: In a Regency setting a wilful Rey meets a domineering and very rich Kylo Ren.) To Have and to Hold by bunilicious (AO3 2018  Rated E Complete, 5 Chapters, Medieval AU, Quick Synopsis: “Your husband is gravely injured, my lady.” The envoy’s words should have pleased Lady Rey. After all, her husband was one of the dreaded Norman barons who invaded her beloved country and claimed the lands in the name of the bastard who now called himself king. Ben Solo had stormed her uncle’s keep, killed all the men who opposed their new conquerors, and claimed the stronghold for his own. He took the keep, he took the surrounding lands and, at the new king’s orders, took Rey to wife. Rey should have hated him. But, in the six months following their hasty and undesirable marriage, Rey found that hatred for her new husband was the furthest emotion from her heart and mind.) Trapped by spacey_gracie (AO3 2019  Rated E Complete, 5 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Rey and Ben have been sworn enemies since they were eight years old. When their best friends Rose and Hux start dating, they decide they're sick of the fighting, and force the pair together to work out their issues once and for all.) Trick or Treat, Baby by Everren (AO3 2021  Rated E Complete, 7 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Ben Solo is not in the mood to deal with trick or treaters this Halloween. In fact, he’s taken measures to ensure he doesn’t have to. Can Rey, his next door neighbor and lover of all things Halloween, change his mind?) Trouble for Thanksgiving by Biekewieke (AO3 2019  Rated E Complete, 40 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Rey Kenobi's temporary work visa is about to expire. She needs her boss' signature on her renewal application to get the extension she desperately wants and needs. Only her boss, the infamous Ben Solo, is an asshole. He's notoriously difficult and she knows this firsthand. Nevertheless, she needs his signature on those papers if she wants to avoid being deported by the end of the year... So when Rey tells her about her looming deportation, he finds a way to bend the situation to suit his own needs. Except, for the first time in his adult life, things don't go exactly as planned when he takes her home for the holidays...) Trust Falls by TazWren (AO3 2019  Rated T Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Rey Jackson is a hot-shot sales rep who has no time for processes or for IT. Ben Solo is the head of IT who has no time for Rey's carelessness. Can two people who never see eye-to-eye find common ground? Or, how getting an armful of Ben Solo turns Rey's world on its head. A gift fic for the Thirst Order Gifting Season) Two Halves of a Whole Idiot by Theyna_Shipper (AO3 2020  Rated T Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: After a game of truth or dare, Rey and Ben are stuck literally and figuratively trying to figure each other out.) Unmasked by SageMcMae (AO3 2018  Rated E Complete, 5 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: When Rey meets a masked guy at Maz's annual Halloween party, she is instantly smitten. Her mystery man is perfect -- compassionate, protective and a dedicated Star Wars fan. It's like he was made for her. There's only one problem. She doesn't know Kylo Ren is actually her asshole coworker, Ben Solo.) User Not Found by violethoure666 (AO3 2018  Rated E Complete, 2 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: It's not Rey's fault that her computer literally never works, but tell that to the grumpy IT guy who never leaves the basement.) variations on a theme of you by diasterisms (AO3 2017  Rated E Complete, 7 Chapters, Canon AU, Quick Synopsis: "Who knows?" Luke darted a faint smile at Ben and Rey as they stewed in silence and disbelief. "The two of you might even learn to get along. Right, Leia?" "Like a house on fire," the General deadpanned. "Complete with screams, flames, and people running for safety." "Indeed." Luke's blue eyes twinkled. "There may be no survivors.") what you take with you by irridesca (AO3 2021  Rated E Complete, 16 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: When Rey's former boss, heartless defense attorney Kylo Ren, is shot in the head, she's asked to return to her position as his assistant to oversee his recovery. The only problem? When he wakes up two days later, he has no idea who Kylo Ren is. According to him, his name is Ben Solo.) Who's a Coward? by elle_reads (AO3 2019  Rated E Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: When he got the text from his Rey—Go fuck yourself—Ben wasn't exactly surprised, but he admitted he was disappointed. He knew he wasn't her favorite person, but it didn't feel great to be reminded of it, especially since he was hopelessly infatuated with her. She, on the other hand, detested him since the day she became his roommate.) Why can't we be by MeadowHayle (AO3 2020  Rated M Complete, 5 Chapters, Magical AU, Quick Synopsis: When old Maz forsaw a dyad, Rey never thought it would be a soulmate bond between her and the First Order coven member Kylo Ren. Desperately trying to undo her connection to the enemy, she seeks out ancient texts and meets Ben, a bookshop owner and crafter. While being bound to another Rey slowly but steadily falls in love with the quiet man, unknowing that he is the one she dislikes so passionately. A modern magic take on pride and prejudice.) you and tequila (make me crazy) by irridesca (AO3 2021  Rated E Complete, 2 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Rey accuses Ben of having no game, and then gets proven terribly, horribly wrong.) You should see the things we do by Ever-so-reylo (Ever_So_Reylo) (AO3 2018  Rated E Complete, 3 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: In which they are roommates, and they hate each other until they don't.) You're Not the Boss of Me by darknessvisible (AO3 2019  Rated E Complete, 4 chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Drunk one night and annoyed at her boss Ben, Rey composes an email she never intends to send. ) You've Got Mail by hipgrab (merrymegtargaryen) (AO3 2019  Rated G Complete, 13 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: You've Got Mail Bookshop AU) Your Half by Celia_and (AO3 2020  Rated E Complete, 4 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Classmates Rey and Kylo get off on the wrong foot. Too bad they’re partners for the whole semester...) Your Pretty Little Heart by Ever-so-reylo (Ever_So_Reylo) (AO3 2018  Rated E Complete, 15 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Modern day AU in which Ben is an Alpha, Rey is an Omega, and they are way better at having sex than at communicating with each other.)
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solohux · 4 years
So after staying away from A/B/O for a long time (idk why i just figured it wasn't for me) someone got me into it and tbh I kinda need more now? 😅 So anyways, do you happen to have some good omegaverse kylux recommendations? Thank you in advance!
Of course! Luckily, the Kylux fandom is truly blessed with some amazing ABO writers so I’ve put this list under a Read More because it’s a bit long! ❤️
Enjoy! ( ´∀`)☆
◾ Unexpected Avenues by @sinceyouaskedmeforataleof​ (WIP)
No one wanted to take this particularly grisly task, but Dopheld is glad it fell to him when he realises that all is not as it seems. Can he make a new life on the run with his ex, now that everything he thought he knew has been turned upside down?
◾ Safety In His Arms by @redcole​
Kylo knows it's time to bond with Hux, he just wants to make sure that his intentions are clear. After all, it isn't often that an omega courts an alpha.
◾ Heat Sink by @sparrows-trashcan​
Kylo Ren is an omega but so is General Hux. While Hux doesn't mind everyone knowing that his preference is limited to male omegas Kylo Ren is shamed to feel the same. Everything changes after the Starkiller incident: Kylo Ren is in heat and there is only one person on the Finalizer who could possibly help him...
◾ Lighting The Fuse by hey_honey
"What is going on?" Phasma asked when Hux returned from his meeting with Leia looking pale. He stared at her."The Queen's son agreed to marry a First Order official on one condition," he said."And?" Phasma encouraged."That official has to be me," he said.
Alternatively, in which a political alliance is made between mere Lieutenant Hux and Ben Organa, soon to be queen of Naboo. Leia is about to get more grey hairs. And Snoke is an asshole.
◾ High Risk, High Reward by Alexandra_Savile (WIP)
My take on the entirely unoriginal premise of demanding and possessive Alpha!Hux attempts to court a confused and skeptical Omega!Kylo.Feelings are caught, supreme leaders killed, and heats satiated. Story begins a little before TFA.
◾ What We Did For Love by Lady_Faulkner
They were both born wrong but that’s what made them perfect for each other. Hux is a slim Alpha and Kylo is a bulky Omega. Neither thought they would ever find a mate, but after the destruction of Starkiller, Kylo goes into heat and Hux finds he can’t resist him.
◾ Falling Stars by @huxative​ WIP
Armitage Hux is the omega son and ever present shame of Lord Brendol, overseer of the Arkanis region. That was, until King Snoke arranged a marriage between his adopted son and Armitage.
◾ Hadopelagic by DustOnBothSides After a life of staying pharmaceutically heat-free, Hux has to allow his body to go through at least one natural cycle, lest there be consequences. He takes a shore leave and travels to a former omegan retreat, abandoned and all but forgotten after the fall of Old Republic. Ren, not knowing of Hux’s predicament, decides to follow, suspecting treason. He finds something else instead.
◾ Bodies, Can’t You See? by sual When Hux sees the positive result on the pregnancy test scanner, he comes to several alarming realizations all at once. One: that his birth control has been tampered with. Two: that the baby is Kylo’s. Three: that this is his true punishment for Starkiller’s failure. And quietly, in a weak, tiny voice in the back of his mind, the unsettling conclusion that he wants to keep it. He’ll die before he lets anyone near his child. He’ll tear apart anyone that tries to get in his way. Even Kylo.
◾ The Emperor’s New Consort by @redcoleThe First Order is in control of the Galaxy, in a last ditch effort to save those who are left, they request negotiations. Only to find that for the Resistance to survive they only need to give up one thing small thing -  the angry Senator Ben Organa.
◾ Babe, I’m Here Again by @sinceyouaskedmeforataleof It’s 2008 and graduate student Armitage Hux has no idea why hes still hanging out with that nerd of a second year Ben Solo. Surely he had better things to do that sit around planning Dungeons & Dragons adventures with this not-at-all-attractive Alpha who he definitely doesn’t think about constantly.
◾ Flame by bastila_s
On their way to an important meeting with Snoke, Hux and Kylo become trapped when the elevator breaks down. To make it worse, Kylo goes into heat.
◾ Shades Undimmed by @longstoryshortikilledhim  Hux is a bounty hunter who teams up with renegade Jedi Kylo Ren for a hunt. They’re determined not to let their biological needs intervene with the integrity of their mission. They fail.
◾ Fields of Gold by @ mssdare Ren and Hux crash on a planet full of strange flowers. Soon, Hux starts feeling the effects of the pollen.
◾ Unexpected by @gonna-pop (WIP)After twenty years together, Ben and Armitage have gotten comfortable. There are no surprises left in their marriage, and nothing new to learn about each other. That is, until Armitage unexpectedly goes into heat while they’re vacationing on a resort world — and a few days of renewed passion changes the course of their lives.
◾ no hope, no quarter by @thethespacecoyote  Stolen away to a temple on Moraband, Kylo Ren finds himself at the mercy of an obsessive, sinister captor. Only one person can hope to save him, and would even dare put their life on the line against such insurmountable odds—Armitage Hux, his general and lifelong mate.
◾ To Build A Home by @reluctantly-awesome  Ren is truly a hopeless alpha and Hux helps him reluctantly and not because he wants a home himself, not at all.
◾ In Your Debt by @pangolinpirate  Things work a little different in the Order then they do in the Resistance
◾ need you baby (more, more, more) by @thesunandoceanblue “Ren?” “Yes?” Hux traced his finger down Ren’s jawline. “You’d do anything for me, right?”
◾ Alpha You Are Knot by @darktenshi17 Alpha Kylo Ren has finally found his perfect mate, now they can begin a family together. There’s only one problem; that’s not how human reproduction works at all.
◾ Amnesia by @bubbaknowlton  Hux wakes up on an unknown ship, seven months pregnant with a baby crying in a crib. The last thing he remembers is leaving Kylo Ren at Snoke’s citadel. Not knowing what alpha has bred him, nor the fate of the First Order, he takes the baby, some supplies, and runs.
◾ Checkmate by @thez1337  Alpha Kylo Ren strikes down Omega General Hux’s alpha. Then he takes his place. With omega Hux’s pup in tow, will Kylo keep them or make new rules for the den?
◾ Stress Relief by orphan_account Kylo helps his omega settle after a nightmare.        
◾ I’ll Even Call You General by @asexualavenger  Without a mate, Kylo turns destructive during his heat. Snoke tasks Hux with finding him a partner.
◾ Not a Mistake by @redcole  Hux was just looking for a good time when he met the strange man named Ben, but he ended up finding a lot more.
◾ It Feels Right by @deluxekyluxtrashcan After the destruction of Starkiller Base Kylo finds out that Hux is an omega, and tries to help him by finding suppressants to replace the ones Hux lost. It turns out that there are three others omegas on board the Finalizer, and, much to a somewhat jealous Hux’s displeasure, Kylo ends up getting better acquainted with one of them - Petty Officer Thanisson - just a day before Hux goes into heat.
◾ If You Can’t Be with the One You Hate by @tethysian  At Snoke’s request Hux has always helped Kylo through his heats, albeit reluctantly. Then Kylo happens to go into heat while a prisoner aboard a resistance ship. Poe is the lucky(?) alpha chosen to take care of him, and Kylo discovers he might prefer an enthusiastic partner. Hux discovers something else about himself.
◾ time whets the fang by @thethespacecoyote  As an alpha, Supreme Leader Snoke believes he has free reign to do whatever he wishes with the omegas beneath him, including his apprentice and top general. He may wind up regretting his arrogance.
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