#rena layout
sonizitos · 11 months
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🚫 З усіх сузор'яў я люблю цябе больш за ўсё.
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yvbiko · 11 months
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🔪﹒✿ RENA RYUUGU ᵎ 🍊⠀𓂃⠀
headers by me !!
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cuteadore · 1 year
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 ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎   ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ for @heartderes * reblog if save, credit if use * no kin/id/me tags
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burnkastel · 3 months
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anon asked: Hihi :D Could I request a tumblr layout of Rena Ryuugu pretty please? :0 (PS: Your blog is so cute,, i'm taking it home...)
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rena ryuugu tumblr layouts for anon!
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spectraspecs-writes · 3 months
Manaan - Chapter 126
Link to the masterpost. Chapter 125. Chapter 127.
@averruncusho @ceruleanrainblues @chubbsmomma @darthvendar-blog @80strashbag thank you for reading, you get a tag. @skelelexiunderlord thank you for support, you get a tag.
a/n - thanks Darth Vendar for unintentionally telling me to update my tag list!
The two assault droids are still emitting a faint hiss as we pass through the large chamber. But more than the slight burn of the machinery, I smell something vaguely… fishy. God, that’s probably super racist. I will just… keep that thought to myself. 
Not “fishy” like “suspicious”, I mean I smell fish. Wow, look at me not keeping my thoughts to myself.
I open the far door and hear something slapping against the floor. A bare foot. I can’t say for certain whether that bare foot is a foot or a flipper, but it’s definitely a bare foot, and it was running away from us. Well, there’s only one direction to go, so that must be where they went. Through another door, followed by more barefoot running away. Now it’s less certain where they went, but that’s not important since we’re where we wanted to be anyway. This is definitely a barracks and a training area. It looks a lot like the door layout of the Endar Spire. A place where soldiers would be. But it also resembles some of the training spaces on Korriban. For Jedi training. “They’re training the Selkath to be Jedi,” I say, “Dark Jedi, this could give them a massive political leg up.”
“Only if it works,” Carth says, “I imagine you have something to say on the subject.”
I chuckle shortly - yeah, no shit - and head for the dormitory in front of me. Four Selkath turn their heads towards the opening door, and their hands go to blasters when they realize we’re not Sith. 
“Intruders!” one exclaims, “Should we sound the alarm, Shasa?”
Shasa - that was the name Shaelas said, wasn’t it? His daughter. She also seems to be the de facto leader in the room. “No,” she says, “wait. We cannot always be running to the Masters for help. We should handle this on our own.” They relax, hands falling away from their blasters. 
“Perhaps this is a test the Sith have prepared for us?” one asks in a timid voice.
Shasa gives a small nod, and turns back to us. “What are you doing here? Only masters and apprentices are allowed in here.”
“My name is Rena,” I say, “Shaelas has me looking into the disappearance of young Selkath. I guess he meant you guys.”
 “I told you your father would get suspicious, Shasa!” one of them says, “He always hated the Sith!”
“My father doesn't understand,” Shasa says to both of us, “He is blinded by his own prejudice!” She turns fully to us. “The Sith are teaching us mastery of the Force. Our alliance with the Sith will bring strength to Manaan and the Selkath people!”
I scoff. “If I had a nickel for every time I heard that,” I say, “I’m sure that’s what they told you, but they were lying to you. They’re manipulating you for their own gain.”
“Republic propaganda,” Shasa scoffs, “The Sith are the victims of lies and half truths! They are not monsters - no more so than the Republic. The Sith have promised to guide us in the use of the Force, as a sign of their good faith.” And they make you use blasters instead of swords or lightsabers? “And once the Republic is defeated, the Sith have promised to withdraw from Manaan and respect our independence.”
Okay. Okay. Uh… no. “You do realize you’re basically forfeiting that independence by working with them, right?” Guys, seriously. You seem smarter than this. “You guys being here gives the Sith political leverage to bring Manaan into their empire. The opposite of independence - they’ll just take Manaan for their own.”
“Spare us your lies!” she exclaims, “The Sith have treated us with nothing but respect and honor! You speak as if we are prisoners here, but we can leave whenever we wish! Our friend Galas chose to leave, and he was returned safely to his home in Ahto City.”
But the others seem a bit less certain. “Shasa,” one says, “what if they speak the truth? Remember what happened at Taris…”  
“Taris is nothing but a Republic lie!” she says.
“I was there!” Canderous says, “It’s not a lie, the planet is decimated. Your ‘honorable’ Sith and their fleet bombed the planet into rubble.”
“Then you are nothing but a Republic puppet, echoing their lies!” Canderous growls and starts to step forward, but Carth stops him. “If the Sith are such monsters,” Shasa continues, “then prove it to us. Surely there must be some evidence of the ‘horrors’ they commit!”
“The Sith are evil, Shasa,” Carth says, “They will use you to conquer Manaan for the kolto.”
“So you say,” she says skeptically, “But why should we believe you? We need physical proof, not the words of some Republic sympathizers.”
“Give us some time, then,” I say, “We will find proof that the Sith are evil.”
Shasa seems unwilling to budge at just my word, but the others seem a bit more open-minded. “Shasa,” one says, “I think we should give them a chance to prove themselves.” The other two murmur in agreement.
Shasa hums slightly. “We will not report your presence to our Sith Masters yet,” she says, “If you bring us proof of Sith lies and torture we will return to our families and report this to the Ahto City authorities. Until then we shall stay here and continue our training in the ways of the Force.”
I nod. I doubt the same story that convinced Dustil will convince them, for any number of reasons. “Surely things are different here on Manaan than they were on Korriban,” I can hear them say, “Our Sith Masters are kind and would never outright slaughter one of us.” Which, of course they would. I have to wonder if Galas really did return home or was just killed and dumped in the ocean. Any suitable proof will be found in the hands of their Master. And somehow I know that that wasn’t the guy Canderous killed. That would be too easy. 
But I also suspect that their Master will be close by. Regular close contact with these kids would be essential for the plan I’m 99% certain they have. Being absent or uncommunicative for long stretches would lead to distrust and suspicion, and they’d be far less useful and effective at the task of taking over. There are two remaining rooms here. The one on the right has nothing but medical supplies and an old bloodied coin. Selkath blood, I suspect. I wrap the coin tightly in a plain bandage. While I suspect it would mean something to Shasa, it wouldn’t mean much alone. There would almost certainly be an accusation that I killed its owner, not the Sith. And what about the body? No, the coin alone does little for me. And so, to check the room on the left. This is a training room, with a droid that I quickly zap, and a door at the back which leads to a short hallway. There’s a sign on the door at the end of the hallway: “do not disturb.” Yeah, like that was ever going to work on me. Of course I open the door.
A Selkath is collapsed on the floor. Not quite dead but almost. And the Sith master standing over him, flanked by two Selkath apprentices. The dying one looks at me. “Please, tell Shasa… the Sith…” One of the apprentices shoots the dying Selkath, killing him.
“Does ‘do not disturb’ mean nothing to you people?” the master shouts, turning around. His anger shifts to confusion upon seeing us. “How did you get in here?” he asks, “Who are— Wait.” His eyes narrow. ‘I recognize you!” Yes, yes, Revan, we know. “Lord Malak was most displeased when he learned you had escaped Taris alive.” Taris? A bit behind on the news, there, aren’t you, bud? “He has promised a great reward to whoever destroys you.”
“You guys don’t get a lot of updates here, do you?” Canderous says. Evidently thinking the same thing I was. “I would have thought Malak would have sent word to his entire army once he told you your identity.” I shrug. The master says nothing.
“Master,” one of the Selkath apprentices says, “give us the honor of aiding you in destroying this enemy of the Sith.”
“As you wish, my eager apprentices,” the Master says. but he has to know they have no chances, not with those blasters. I think the master intends to have us do his dirty work for him and get rid of the witnesses to his murder. “We shall remove these thorns from Malak’s side once and for all!”
Before they can even ready their blasters, Canderous blasts them with his, one shot each. I feel bad for them, really, they were practically dead the minute they decided they wanted in on this fight. That just leaves the master and his double-bladed lightsaber. Carth tries to split the master’s focus but it is razor sharp on me. Without even looking at him, he pushes Carth away with the Force. I try to break Carth’s fall with my own Force - no idea how well I do but I try. but after that Carth stays back. The master wants me to himself.
“So,” the master says, “this is how the great Revan fights.”
“Oh you were just pretending not to know me, then?” I grunt, pushing hard, “Did you do that so the apprentices would want to jump in or were you just playing mind games for fun?”
He swings at my head and I duck. “I must admit, your entry was well-timed. I was going to have to kill them myself before they let slip the truth about Galas. But your timely arrival took that burden out of my hands.” Galas? Wasn’t that the Selkath Shasa mentioned that went back to his family? Which obviously didn’t happen. But she doesn’t need to see the body. I can give her that.
The master brings his lightsaber down over my head and I block it. “You know,” he says. “I expected a Sith lord to be more of a challenge than this.�� Shut up. “Although in hindsight I’m not surprised - Malak was able to stop you so easily after all. But I have to wonder…” He pushes hard, and while I’m able to keep his lightsaber from touching me, my knees bend under the pressure. He brings his face close, the glow of his lightsaber illuminating every pore.” …why did he let you live?”
Great question. And if Bastila hadn’t been there I wonder what would have happened. But he doesn’t want discussion. He doesn’t want the truth. He wants to get under my skin. To either weaken my resolve or get me to strike in anger, securing a kind of win in either case. And I won’t give it to him. With as much power as I can muster, I push up against his lightsaber, buying myself enough time to roll out of the way. I make eye contact with Carth. I don’t know, I just… needed to know he was still there. ‘No snappy comeback, Revan?” the master quips, “Have you nothing to say? Could it be that you doubt yourself?”
No. No I don’t. Carth smiles at me. I’m the same person I was last week. The master swings his lightsaber. I think fast. Jump as high as I can manage. And aim my landing for right on top of the master. He can’t prepare. I fall right on top of him and run my lightsaber though the back of his throat.
I take a moment to catch my breath. Carth beams at me. He doesn't say anything, but that’s okay. His eyes say enough.
Canderous scans the room, looking for evidence to show the Selkath. “Think there’d be anything on his computer?”
“Nothing useful - you never keep your secrets in plain view,” I say, “More likely he’ll have a datapad - start checking desk drawers.” I quickly frisk the corpse, which feels as weird as it sounds, to no avail. No datapad on his person.
I hear a small blaster shot as Canderous shoots the lock off a drawer. Yeah, what’s a little property damage when you’ve committed murder? “Good call,” he says, “it’s not even locked.”
“The Selkath trust him,” Carth says, “he probably didn’t see the need for two locks.”
“My thoughts exactly,” I say, taking the datapad from Canderous. I’m not about to read the whole thing, I don’t have the patience. There’s a lot of discussion about politics, the workings of Selkath government. My eyes catch the word “infiltrate”, which becomes “infiltrate the government,” and I don’t read anymore. Exactly as I figured.
I take the datapad and the coin back to Shasa and the others. They gather around me as I carefully unwrap the coin. “It doesn’t mean anything to me, but I figured it would mean something to one of you. Or at least, I should return it.”
One tenderly reaches for it, takes the wrapping. “Shasa,” xe says slowly, “…this is the pin I gave Galas when we were children. There is blood on it.”
But Shasa remains unconvinced. “You could have found this anywhere!” she says loudly, “For all we know, you killed Galas!”
“Shasa,” the first says, xer voice trembling, “I believe them. How else would they have found this pin?”
“Well, I need more proof!”
I don’t want to tell them that Galas’ body is still here. In the master’s office. “If you need more proof,” I say, holding out the datapad, “I took this from your master’s office. It details plans to infiltrate and control the Selkath government.”
Shasa swipes it from my hand, silently reading the lines I skimmed over, her face dropping with every line until she reads the phrase I stopped at - “infiltrate the government.” “I…” she says softly, betrayal dripping from her open mouth, “I cannot believe it. And yet, the evidence is right before me. The Sith wanted to use us to betray Manaan!” She shakes her head and gives the datapad back to me. “I must apologize for doubting you. The Sith are truly as evil as you have claimed.”
The other three nod, utter an agreement. Galas’ friend speaks up again - “We must report this to the Ahto City authorities!” xe says.
“Yes,” Shasa agrees, “we must report this at once. We thank you, human, for showing us the truth. You have saved us from a terrible mistake.” She gestures to the others. “Quickly, my friends - we can stay here no longer. We must flee this foul embassy and warn our people against the plot to corrupt the Manaan youth.” The other apprentices leave before her. “Rena,” she says to me, “you have shown us the way. The least I can do is guide your way. Please, come with us.”
“I’ll find my own way out,” I assure her, “Don’t worry.”
“I am not worried that you will find your way to the entrance,” she clarifies, “The laws of Manaan forbid unauthorized use of weapons, and even though this enclave is sovereign, I fear you will be taken into custody when you leave. Please, come with us. If we vouch for you, we may be able to impact the authorities, the courts.”
I smile. “Thank you, Shasa,” I say, “You are very wise and very kind. I will gladly follow your lead.”
The walk back to the elevator is silent, as Shasa leads us back the way we came. Though she is able to effectively block me from reading her, I can tell she has a lot of missed wheeling about the carnage we wrought on our way here. She may have trained with some of these Sith personally, met them, knew their names. Even knowing their plans, that doesn’t take away their personhood. She tries not to think about it.
As the elevator rises back towards the surface, I can feel the large number of Selkath gathered there, waiting to apprehend us. When it opens, a tall gray Selkath steps forward. “You there, human!” he shouts, “You are placed under the arrest of the Ahto City Civil Authority!”
Shasa steps in front of us. “Please, Captain!” she says, confident, “Allow me to explain! I will vouch for them!”
“Your companions have already explained, child,” he says, “And your testimony will be considered in court. In the meantime I must take them into custody.” He looks back at me. “You have the right to know the charges,” he says, and proceeds to explain, “Though the Sith Embassy here is considered sovereign territory of the Sith Empire,” - as Shasa said - “we have been monitoring an alarming number of weapons discharges and detonations from within the base. Inquiries to the staff of the Embassy yielded no response. It would seem that our contact had been cut. Our cameras recorded you and your accomplices entering the base shortly before contact was lost and fighting apparently began. It is the conclusion of the Ahto City Civil Authority that you are responsible for the disturbance here, and you are hereby placed under arrest. You will come with us to await your trial.”
“I will come with you,” I say, “but let my friends return to our ship. They were only following my instructions and should not be punished for my crimes.”
“Rena, don’t—!” Carth starts to say, but I hold my arm out to stop him. Turn to look at him. I’ll be okay. And if I’m not, they need to find the Star Map without me. To finish the mission.
”As material witnesses,” the officer says, “the individuals who accompany you will be detained at your vessel, and the vessel itself prohibited from leaving Manaan. My lieutenants will escort them there.” He nods at two other officers, who stand near Carth and Canderous. “We will leave. Now. Do not attempt to resist, or we shall resort to overwhelming force.” I nod, and surrender myself.
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Confession: Hello guys, I was the one who submission about some abusive confessions sent over the years. I was mostly angry at all the hate "confessions" 5sos stans sent about an underage Rena. On twitter years ago grown adults would bully her, threaten physical violence against and even tell her to kill herself etc all in the name of "activism". It had gotten so bad she made her layout dark at one point and I was very worried. As a black person, her hair has never bothered me. Most of the people abusing her when white people pretending to act like "allies" towards us and tell us what is and isn't racist. That hairstyle was inspired by industrial/cyber goth culture which was very popular back in the 2000s in goth scene and I bet those horrible people don't even know about because they came from a world of pop music. Also I takes three seconds for them to google industrial goth fashion. I have some white industrial goth friends who wear similar hairstyles and none of them are racist. They're all very kindhearted sweet people with an epic taste in music, fashion and culture. That goth subculture has been popular since the late 90s and 2000s. By the way I've always loved that side of goth culture because industrial/cyber goth fashion looks so beautiful, badass and the music is awesome. I'm glad a couple of people who ran hate blogs about Cherri Bomb/Hey Violet apologized and I forgive them because they sounded very remorseful and sincere. Unfortunately one more person still runs a hate page. I confronted the person, especially about how badly Rena was treated and of course the person who runs that blog is crakkker and of course they placed the blame on an innocent child instead of placing the blame on the adults who bullied and threatened a child's life just so they can look like "political heroes" while they're a bunch of evil mean spirited political villains. I was very mad when they blame her like she was just a kid?? I also told them they sounded like a nazi, told them how performative they and that they're no "activist". Also told them to google industrial/cyber goth fashion, told them they're a pop music stan (although I love pop music but from the 80s and 2000s). Lastly I told them that 5sos sucks. Those 20 something year old white Australian men did absolutely nothing to defend her or her band. I've researched they did far worse things while in their early 20s too and barely was held accountable for it. Like always, males always get a slap on the wrist and are babied while women and young girls, especially in the industry suffer. I hate she had to apologize for having a hairstyle that's very common within the industrial goth world. Even another long time fan who's also black told her that she loved her threads and didn't need to apologize. When Rena said she was getting told to go kill herself it brought tears to my eyes. Imagine wanting to be a "political left wing activist" so bad you end up sounding just as vile, horrible and evil just like the nazis who identify as right wingers? I hope none of those people have kids of their own. Wanting to be appear like a so called "woke activist" give you no excuse to abuse kids, famous or not. Treating kids any kind of way breaks my heart so much, it's just as bad as animal abuse. I guess that's why we barely have child stars nowadays because throughout history, child stars like Shirley Temple and Judy Garland have been abused so kind of way by nasty abusive adults. I really wish Cherri Bomb/Hey Violet never met that garbage boy band because as much as some rock and metal fans can be annoying at times, pop stans can be very very awful people, especially when it comes to boy bands. Just wanted to add that Julia Pierce is now a goth dj. They all moved on from their teen years and other people should move on too. Also I'm very happy that the other hate pages got deleted while two sincerely apologized. Long confession but this is just something I wanted to speak out about. 🖤
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seeker-of-truth · 1 year
Here's the lore for my favorite girl! PS I adapted this layout from this post from @glitchinginthegarden for her fantastic profile for Vaye (please head the tags friends!)
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AGE: 27 during game
DOB: June 10, 2049
ETHNICITY: American Latina
GENDER: female
PRONOUNS: she/her
SEXUALLY: Queer, uninterested in labels
NICKNAMES: V, Rena (reserved for the people closest to her), Rennie (childhood)
BIRTH PLACE: Wellsprings, Heywood, NC
HEIGHT: 5'6"
WEIGHT: 138 lbs
LANGUAGES SPOKEN: English almost exclusively, some Spanish picked up from around the home
BODY TYPE: Think super featherweight boxer during off-season || ex: Alycia Baumgardner || strong but still has curves and softness. She's still a round-faced queen tho
HAIR COLOR:  natural - very dark brown || During her corpo days she keeps it grey as a small form of self-expression, always pulled back into a tight bun. || After Konpeki she wants to feel in control of her body again and dyes it canary yellow and cuts her hair to shoulder length with micro bangs and an undercut. She also shaves both sides to make the shaving Vik had to do to save her life look more intentional. Both the cut and color stick.
EYE COLOR: Kiroshi optics designed to look identical to her natural deep brown eyes.
CYBERWARE: EMP Threading || Biomonitor || Contraceptive Implant || Neural Link || 2 Chip Slots || Interface Plug || Smart Link || Kiroshi Optics Mk. 3 with Chyron and Low Light filter || NetWatch Netdriver Mk.5 Cyberdeck || Kendachi Monowire || Arasaka Syn-Lungs || Self-ICE || Reflex Tuner || Arasaka Cyberleg
CLASS: What I’ve taken to calling the “Buff Netrunner” - mostly relies on combat hacking but will physically fuck you up if you get too close.
WEAPONS: her main weapons are a Tsunami Nue with an XC-10 Alecto Silencer and her monowire || in addition she will often carry a non-silenced tech pistol on gigs, after giving Johnny his Malorian back she takes to using her old Arasaka JKE-X2 Kenshin (he totally gets her a 3516 after everything tho) || On Jobs that look to be messy she will take a Kang Tao G-58 Dian as an insurance policy.
VEHICLES: a Yaiba Kusanagi CT-3X is her daily driver || she also has a Quadra Turbo-R V-Tech for the days ya just need a car || (Johnny's Porsche is returned to him and Jackie’s ARCH is kept in the penthouse and taken out twice a year)
|| Extremely guarded, likes to keep her thoughts and feelings private, feels embarrassed when her feelings spill out || Patient to a fault. has the worlds longest fuse to a very big explosion || all icy, calculated fire || slow to trust but once she does, she considers that person to be family || will go to the ends of the earth to protect the people she loves || sarcastic || can be very ridged || highly empathetic, and will try to get people to better situations, regardless of the cost || will lie to get the best possible outcome || loves living in Night City || good with words, has learned to talk her way out of most situations || reserved, hates being approached  || feels like here life happens to her a lot and is desperate for control. || 
MOTHER: Diana Soto – alive, estranged
FATHER: Mario Soto – alive, estranged
Both of her parents were regular blue-collar workers, he mother is a machinist and her father a welder. They had met in passing as she was dropping off parts at the mechanics shop, he was working at and quickly fell in love, getting married and having Verena not long after.
Her relationship with them was always strained as they were both very closed off with their emotions with her. Because of that and being an only child, she never communicated with them well, eventually closing herself off to them completely.
2056 - At the age of 7 the standardized tests given to students flagged her as having an aptitude for netrunning so she was placed in an exclusive boarding school in Charter Hill as part of a special outreach program sponsored by night corp. She excelled at her studies but struggled to make friends as most of her peers were the children of corpos. She spent summers back at home with her parents and seeing the difference in the quality of life had an effect on her, jading her to NC as she aged. Her parents were ecstatic at the thought of their child having a better life than them so failure became something that was severely punished.
2060 - By the time she was in middle school she had a small but close-knit group of friends, both from corps backgrounds and backgrounds similar to her. She was fiercely protective of them and got in multiple fights defending them from the same bullying she had received.
2064 - When not studying she became very interested in edgrunning, specifically solos, but rockerboy culture as well. She liked the inherent rebellion they represented and wished she could do the same. But she knew that she would disappoint her parents if she strayed from the path she was on. So she would listen to records and read about the legends of NC under her blankets at night.
2065 - At 16 she was chipped with her professional ports, she viewed them as the final seal in the life that she was going to live, like it or not. As an act of rebellion, she shaved her head and got multiple ear piercings. She was reprimanded by the school, an action that brought her parent's fists down on her as well. During the summer she would often sneak into clubs and bars to get away from her home environment.
2067 - She graduated with high enough grades that she was able to attend NCU on a full ride where she majored in Cybersecurity with a focus on Offensive Hacking. She looks back on her time there fondly as she met more like-minded people, many of whom pushed her to express herself more. She joined a small band as a guitarist. Eventually entering a relationship with the basest – Sara. It was a very toxic relationship and they both treated each other like shit. V’s generally guarded nature closed her off the deeper in the relationship she got.
2070 - The unification war caused the university to push its students through faster so she graduated a year early and immediately started looking for a job, not wanting to disappoint her parents.
July 2070 - With Arasaka now back in night city they were doing massive hiring and V managed to get her foot in the door in the Counter Inelegance Division.
August 2070 - Her bosses found her to be adept at espionage so they sent her to do black ops work with a small crew in South America for approximately a year and a half. During this time she honed her skill with a pistol.
October 2072 - leaves to spend 11 months in Rio De Janeiro tracking a “terrorist” cell. Her team eventually took out the group after she was captured on a solo reconnaissance mission and interrogated/tortured for over a week.
September 2073 - Rio really traumatized her and she crawled into herself and didn’t want to return to work so Arasaka wanted to drop her, Jenkins saw her skills as exploitable and invited her to stay in office. During this time she became estranged from her parents.
June 2074 - Meets Jackie at the Mexican border, he saves her ass by helping her extract an agent.
September 2076 - Moves into the Wells household.
Late February / Early March 2077 - Konpeki Plaza Heist.
End of May 2077 - I, Pre Defined Starts
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monarch-maelstrom · 2 years
I was watching the thanksgiving parade and got in the parade mood??? So I decided to write a story about Ladybug and Chat noir in a parade. So uh yah. Ladynoir fluff parade story XD. And happy thanksgiving to everyone who celebrates it! 🍁
Ladybug shivered once again. Why did it have to be so cold? And why did she have to forget her jacket? She rubbed her hands together to see if it would help. But it didn’t, not by much. She wished her suit had a built-in heater or something. She sighed and rubbed her forearms. Why did Heroes day have to be in the winter this year? The giant balloon of Rena Rouge got in line with the other floats, bands, performances and balloons. This year they had tons more stuff in the parade. Performances from Jagged stone and Laura Nightengale. Floats from all shapes and sizes. Such as the villains float with a Mayura actress, a Hawkmoth actor whose outfit was a combination of all of the versions of Hawkmoth which Ladybug thought was kind of cool and there were a bunch of actors and actresses playing well known Akumatized villains like the Mime or Volpina. And then there was their float. The heroes float. The float that Chat noir had signed them all up to do without them knowing. He said it would be “fun” and a good team bonding experience. She sighed. She didn’t love the layout of the float either. It had a big platform with a bunch of miraculouses where all of the superheroes would stand. And then there was a big miracle box in which she would have to stand on top of. Like she was the best out of all of them. And she hated that. She would’ve at least been more okay with it if Chat noir was supposed to stand up there with her. She also didn’t like being put on display like a doll. “Hey Bugaboo!” Chat noir said, jumping onto her from behind. Normally she would hate this but he was so warm.
“Hi Chaton.” She said happy with the warmth. But then sadly he pulled away. She turned towards him to face him. He was smart enough to remember to bring a coat. She shivered. He looked at her sympathetically.
“Are you excited?” He asked excitedly. She shrugged and he deflated a little. She instantly felt a little bad.
“I’m sorry it’s just I’m not really excited to be put on display like that.” She said, rubbing her arm. He nodded in understanding.
“Well it will only be for a little bit at least.” She shrugged again.
“Hey guys!” Rena Rouge said, running towards them. Carapace trailing behind her with a drink carrier with four cups inside. “We got hot cocoa… oh Lb aren’t you cold?” She said her gaze landing on Ladybug.
“I’m fine. It’s just a little cold.” Rena frowned.
“You’re going to catch a cold. And I don’t think it’ll be that little.” Chat noir laughed at that.
“Plus inside the float will be even colder.” Carapace added. Ladybug shrugged.
“Are you sure you don’t want to borrow someone’s coat? You can have mine if you want.” Chat noir asked. Ladybug’s face warmed up.
“Ah ah no I’m okay!” She said she was sure her face was red now.
“Well at least you're warming up from blushing so hard.” Rena whispered into her ear. Ladybug rolled her eyes.
“Hey! You guys need to get on the float!” Someone in charge of the floats called to them. Ladybug groaned a little. Chat frowned at her.
“Are you sure-“ he started.
“Yep I’m sure!” She said, forcing herself to run towards the float. Someone was assigned to help her into her part of the float. They showed her the float and then led her to the staircase that led to her little room on the float. She frowned before going up the stairs. She glanced around. Then her eyes caught Chat noir standing in the back of the float. They had put him in the back?! She frowned even deeper now angry. She quickly stomped over and grabbed his arm. He looked down at her, surprised.
“What are you doing M’lady?” He asked. She didn’t answer, only pulled him up the stairs into her little room on the float. “M’lady I’m confused.” The person assigned to helping her was also pretty confused.
“You’re staying here with me.” She said, crossing her arms. He smiled but deflated.
“I’m sorry Ladybug I can’t stay here with you. We all have our assigned spots.” He laughed a little. “Spots.” He muttered.
“I don’t care. I’m not letting you be put in the back where no one will see you.” She said frowning. Chat noir looked at the attendant. Then he looked at her again. Then he smiled and sighed.
“There’s no convincing you out of this is there?” Ladybug shook her head triumphant. “Okay.” The attendant helped them into the harnesses so they wouldn’t fall off the float. Even though they didn’t need it. The attendant did final checks then left the room shutting the door behind them. Carapace was right, it was even colder here. And the metal harnesses didn’t help. She shivered. And placed her hands onto the window sill. She sighed. It’ll only be for a little bit and then you can curl up underneath the covers of your bed she thought to herself. And plus Chat noir is here with you. The whole float shook and it slowly went down the path of the street. The first set of people came into view. They all cheered when they saw her and Chat noir. Chat noir had to remind her that she needed to wave because she was so focused on the temperature. “Are you sure you don’t want my coat?” Chat noir asked. She nodded. Then he did something unexpected. He grabbed her and pulled her closer to him. She warmed up instantly. Oh this is nice. She thought. She closed her eyes. And forget to wave again. She smiled satisfied. “Warmer?” Chat noir whispered into her hair. She nodded. Maybe this won’t be that bad.
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nyagosstar · 5 months
My year of reading! I did this last year and it was a cool way to organize and revisit the books I'd read, so I thought I'd do it again this year.
What's nice about doing this is that I get a practical layout of everything. When I was thinking about what I read this year I had a kind of meh feeling about it, but putting this together helped me remember that there were actually a lot of books I absolutely loved.
There are books on this list I read because a friend recommended it, or that I loved and got other people to read so I could talk about it. So that, even while reading is a solitary pursuit, it's still very much a group activity in other ways.
And while not everything on here was a total winner for me, seeing this helped me realize it was better than thought.
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The Very Nice Box, Eve Gleichman, Laura Blackett; Sea of Tranquility, Emily St. John Mandel; Siren Queen, Nghi Vo; Babel, R. F. Kuang; This Is How You Lose the Time War, Amal El-Mohtar, Max Gladstone; How Far the Light Reaches, Sabrina Imbler; The Seep, Chana Porter; The Book Eaters; Sunyi Dean, A Day of Fallen Night, Samantha Shannon; In the Lives of Puppets, By: TJ Klune; The Mimicking of Known Successes, Malka Older; The Sisters of the Winter Wood, Rena Rossner; The Wager; David Grann; Unconquerable Sun, Kate Elliott; Translation State, Ann Leckie; Ancillary Justice, Ann Leckie; Ancillary Sword, Ann Leckie; Ancillary Mercy, Ann Leckie; The Secret Lives of Country Gentlemen, KJ Charles; The Raven Tower, Ann Leckie; House With Good Bones, T Kingfisher; The Hollow Places, T Kingfisher; Camp Damascus, Chuck Tingle; The Red Scholar's Wake, Aliette de Bodard; Legends & Lattes, Travis Baldree; The Twisted Ones, T. Kingfisher; A Haunting on the Hill, Elizabeth Hand; Into the Drowning Deep, Mira Grant; Fugitive Telemetry, Martha Wells; System Collapse, Martha Wells; A Power Unbound, Freya Marske; I Keep My Exoskeletons To Myself, Marisa Crane; The Empress of Salt and Fortune, Nghi Vo; When the Tiger Came Down the Mountain, Nghi Vo; Into the Riverlands, Nghi Vo; Mammoths at the Gates, Nghi Vo
And here are the ones I didn't finish:
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Some Desperate Glory, Emily Tesh; Chasing Shadows, Greg Skomal; Witch King, Martha Wells; The Forever Sea, Joshua Phillip Johnson; This Time Tomorrow, Emma Straub
I felt like I'd given up on a lot more books this year, but it wasn't actually any more than last year. I think I might have been more disappointment by the ones on this list. Like, I love Emily Tesh's novellas and this novel just didn't work for me at all. And The Forever Sea was such a slog and so many people had to hear about how much I wasn't enjoying it before I finally gave up with just like, 15% of the book left. And like, honestly, if you're going to put a shark on the cover of your book, your book should primarily be about sharks and less about academia.
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sonizitos · 11 months
Hi ^^ can I ask for Rena Ryuuguu from Higurashi no naku Koro ni layouts? Thanks ^^
Hi, yes you can, anon. here it is!!
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yvbiko · 11 months
Hi ^^ if you are okay with it, can you please make a Rena Ryuugu layout? She's from the anime Higurashi no naku Koro ni. Thanks <3
hello, here is your request : rena ryuugu !!
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jsdgfsdf · 7 months
Ahhhh crap i should probably update my discord layout at some point..i need a new rena image..
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burnkastel · 3 months
Hihi :D Could I request a tumblr layout of Rena Ryuugu pretty please? :0 (PS: Your blog is so cute,, i'm taking it home...)
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your edit has been finished! you can find it here! thank you for requesting. I'm not sure what theme to go for, so I went with both a neutral and cute theme.
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lingalibrary · 7 months
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Manga Drama CD vol 2 - Star Ocean the Second Story: The Midnight King
Track 6: What I Should Be Protecting
Translation: @hikari-kaitou
(Claude knocks desperately on the door.)
Claude: Rena! ...Rena!! 
(Rena jolts up from the bed.)
Rena: …! Did I... do it again…?
Claude: Rena! 
Rena: Claude! Claude, is that you?!
(Rena jumps out of bed and runs to the door.)
Rena: Claude! Claude!! 
(She struggles with the doorknob, but it's still locked.)
Rena: It’s no good, Claude! It won’t open! 
Claude: Rena! You’re really in there?! 
Rena: Yes! But the door…! 
Claude: Got it! Alright then, Rena, back away from the door! 
Rena: Eh? Claude?
Claude: Just do it! Quickly! 
Rena: A-alright! 
(Rena steps back from the door and suddenly Claude bursts through with a clatter.)
Claude: Rena…! Are you alright? 
Rena: Claude…!
Claude: Rena, let’s get out of here. Hurry!
Rena: But how did you find…
Claude: A girl showed me the way. Tia was her name… Huh? She’s gone!
Rena: Tia showed you?
Claude: Yeah. Anyway Rena, let’s hurry! 
Rena: Oh, right.
Claude: Time to go! 
(They exit the room and take off running.)
Claude: ...This is weird.
Rena: What’s wrong?
Claude: The hallway is different from when I passed through it the first time. Don’t tell me the castle’s layout changes!
Rena: There’s no way! 
Memory Tia: Someone needs to wake that person up from the dream he’s having. 
Rena: Oh, that’s right! We’re inside of a dream right now! 
Claude: Rena…?
Rena: Listen to me, Claude--
Claude: Hold it!
(They slow down, then come to a stop.)
Rena: Huh? 
Claude: There’s a door there. Let’s try it. 
Rena: Ok
(They approach the door and it creaks as they push it open. They enter a large room where their voices echo.)
Claude: This is a pretty spacious area, isn’t it. 
Rena: Yeah, this is…
Midnight King: This is my castle. I don’t recall inviting you here, boy. 
Claude: *gasps* You’re the Midnight King! 
Midnight King: Hmph… Hah!!
(There's a jingle as the Midnight King gets ready to attack.)
Claude: Rena! Stay back! 
(Claude shoves Rena out of the way and she hits the wall.)
Rena: Ah! Claude! 
(Claude blocks the Midnight King's attack and they struggle.)
Midnight King: Hmm, you do have a small amount of ability. But it’s not enough…! Hah!
(He shoves hard against Claude, causing Claude to fall back.)
Claude: Gah!!
Midnight King: What can someone with so little power ever hope to defend properly?! Hngah!!
(The Midnight King continues to swing at Claude, though Claude struggles to keep up, he manages to block him each time.)
Midnight King: The world is full of misfortune. If she remains here, I can use my strength to protect her. Why would you try to interfere with that?! 
Claude: I’m going to be the one to protect Rena for as long as we’re traveling together! That’s why!
Rena: Claude! 
Midnight King: Are you even capable of such a thing?! HRAH!! 
(The Midnight King attacks again and this time Claude barely holds on when their blades make contact.)
Claude: Hngh! ...Hah! ….Grahhh!! 
Midnight King: Fool. 
Claude: What about you? What’re you so afraid of?! 
Midnight King: What?
Claude: Shut away in your castle, refusing to go outside… Is that what you think it means to protect someone?! Because you’re wrong! 
Midnight King: SILENCE!! 
(He attacks again, and Claude takes a hit, gasping from the blow.)
Midnight King: Me, afraid? Ludicrous! 
Rena: STOP!!
Midnight King: HRAH!!
(The Midnight King strikes again and Claude is struck directly. Claude screams in pain.)
Rena: NO!! CLAUDE!! 
Claude: *struggling* I’m alright… Rena… Don’t worry about me. 
Midnight King: *chuckling* Putting up a strong front, are we? In that case, why don’t you show me how strong you really are? Hahahaha!
(There's a jingle as the Midnight King's eye starts to power up.)
Rena: The Midnight King’s right eye…! 
Claude: It’s glowing…
(Suddenly the Midnight King's power grasps at Claude, trying to crush him.)
Claude: Gwahhhh!! 
Midnight King: What’s wrong? Can you not even fight against a power level as low as this? HUAHHHH!! 
Claude: Huah...WAHHHHHH!!! 
Midnight King: So, it seems that your attempt at fighting is naught but empty claims. 
(Rena cries out and strikes hard at the Midnight King.)
Rena: Just stop…
Midnight King: What are you doing? You dare swing your fists at me? 
Rena: I’m sorry. I can’t stay with you. I’m going with Claude. 
Midnight King: Utterly laughable! 
(The Midnight King strikes at Rena and she falls back.)
Rena: Arghhh!!
Claude: Renaaaa…!! 
Midnight King: Hah… So you can still speak, can you? It would seem that you’re stubborn, if nothing else. 
(The Midnight King's power continues its attack on Claude.)
Claude: Nn...GAHHHHH!! 
Midnight King: Hmph, arrogant boy. Intolerable. 
Rena: Claude…! It’s no good! I can’t stand up!
Claude: ...A-ahhhh!!
Midnight King: Let’s put an end to this charade, shall we? 
Rena: No… Nooooo!!
(There's a wavering chime and Tia appears to Rena once again.)
Tia: Your strong desire to protect someone you care about…
Rena: Tia…
Tia: Those powerful feelings can give you strength.
Rena: Powerful… feelings…
Tia: Mr. Scarecrow isn’t able to hear my voice anymore. That’s why I need your help. Both of you! 
Claude: Rena!!
Rena: Claude… Claude! Claudeeeee!! 
Claude: Renaaaaa!! 
(There's a shing as Claude's sword powers up.)
Rena: Claude’s sword is… glowing!
(Claude gasps for air, finally starting to break free of the Midnight King's hold.)
Midnight King: What?! My powers are... being suppressed! ...GrahhHHHH!! Impossible! How can I be overpowered by the likes of you…?
Claude: ….NGAHHHH!! 
(There's a release of energy, and the Midnight King's power that's surrounding Claude starts to crack audibly.)
Midnight King: DOHWAH!! 
Claude: I’m not doing this alone!
Midnight King: What’s that?! 
Rena: Claude…!
Claude: Rena… everything’s gonna be ok. 
(The crackling noise fades off as the Midnight King's power weakens.)
Midnight King: Curse you… How could someone like you possibly…
Claude: Midnight King!
(Claude takes the opportunity to attack and runs for him.)
Tia: Please, wake Mr. Scarecrow from his nightmare! 
Claude: Midnight King!! 
Midnight King: I’m…!!
(Claude slashes at the Midnight King, defeating him. There's a jingle, then the bell shatters.)
Tia: Thank you
Claude: *panting* Rena…!
Rena: Claude! ...Ngh!
(Claude runs over to check on Rena.)
Claude: Are you alright, Rena? Why would you do something so reckless? 
Rena: I don’t know. I thought you were in danger, so my body just acted on its own.
Claude: Rena…
Rena: Claude?
Claude: Oh, uh, nothing, just, uh…
Rena: *laughs*
(There's a rumbling noise.)
Rena: …! The castle…!
Claude: The castle is crumbling!
Rena: Claude! We’ve gotta get out of here! 
Claude: Let’s hurry! 
(The collapse of the castle catches up with them.)
Rena: Claude…! AHHHHH!! 
Claude: Rena!! WAHHHHHH!!! 
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sistahscifi · 2 years
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Who is "Yung Yemi", the talent behind the book cover art for Nubia: The Awakening by @ClarenceAHaynes and @OmarEpps ?!? Adeyemi Adegbesan is a Toronto-based multi-disciplinary Afrofuturistic/Afrosurrealist artist whose practice aims to examine the intersectionality of Black identity. Astute Sistah Scifi Siblings will find Adeyemi's work highly familiar, as Adegbesan's work was also featured on the covers of the Kingdom of Souls Trilogy by @RenaBarron. Nubia: The Awakening book cover reposted from @booksenvogue ✨ Thanks for stopping your scroll for this #storygramtours #NubiatheAwakeningTour stop for #NubiatheAwakening by #omarepps & #clarenceahaynes via @delacortepress. 💋 xoxo, Kat Kingdom of Souls artwork Reposted from @yung.yemi Just picked up my copy of Rena Barrons's new book 'Kingdom of Souls'. I got to create the cover art for this with art direction from my partner @alliemoves and featuring the super talented @_nameiswill. We had a lot of fun with this project and it's dope to see it come to life. Reaper of Souls artwork reposted from @yung.yemi I did cover art for @renathedreamer nYA fantasy 'Reaper of Souls'. Model: @nameisbluewill Art direction: @alliemoves Layout and design: @jstempellobell Who is Yung Yemi reel Reposted from @yung.yemi Holding space with all these talented black artists working together and pursuing their passions is inspiring for me. Special thanks to the super dope and highly melanated creative team who put this together: Creative Director: @skeenit Photographer: @briannablank Photo Assistant: @royadelsol Director: @oshane.howard Cinematographer & Editor: @tristanbarrocks Stylist: @skeenit Assistant Stylist: @morganhans0n @penguinrandomhouse https://www.instagram.com/p/ClOujbQpE35/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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polarisunderground · 2 years
Circle ambigram creator
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Inversions by Scott Kim 1) Stanford 2) Mozart 3) Bach/Faure 'Title lettering for a piano concert performed by Margaret Fabrizio in Bombay, December 1996.This design was created for an intriguing piano concert she per. There you can also find links that will let you view the ambigrams by fonts, embellishments, circle/diamond layouts, and more. Basic tattoos, leg tattoos, cute tattoos, body art tattoos, z tattoo, color tattoo, uaz, dragon ball z, tatuaje piercing candace renae look what you made me do. Answer (1 of 22): Here are a few that have not been mentioned yet. I would be happy to create a custom ambigram for you Check the Ambigrams page for pricing and information on ordering. Decorate your laptops, water bottles, notebooks and windows. below we have collected the best pictures of the dragon ball z tattoo leg from the internet to help you with your choice. Unique Ambigrams stickers featuring millions of original designs created and sold by independent artists. If tattoo studio looks dirty, if something is not in order, or if you just feel comfortable there, look for a better place to make the dragon ball z tattoo leg.
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Anime tattoos cartoon tattoos leg tattoos cool tattoos south park tattoo z tattoo tattoos for kids skin art dragon ball z forward part 4 of the dao of dragon ball tattoo series is here!.Ģ2 awesome dragon ball z tattoos for hardcore fansĢ1+ dragon tattoo designs, ideas | design trends - premiumĭragon ball tattoos - shenron | the dao of dragon ball these tattoos have the standard character of the dragon ball with its hair standing on end, eyes wide with amazement and a pose that suggests that it’s forever ready for action. Answer (1 of 2): I started drawing ambigrams 3 years back and sadly I haven't come across a single book that actually properly teaches you to draw ambigrams. Dragon ball tattoo designs are great fun to sport on your forearms, legs, thighs and shoulders. "the biggest gallery of dragon ball z tattoos and sleeves, with a great character selection from goku to shenron and even the dragon balls themselves.". Mark can also design Circle Ambigrams, Diamond Ambigrams, and other ambigrams that are too complex for the generator.Dragon ball z photo: my leg tattoo. Go to the Custom Orders page to start that process. That is normal, so don't worry! You have two options:ġ) Look through the other site galleries or use our search function (top-right of the page) to find a suitable ambigram.Ģ) Have Mark Palmer draw you a custom Ambigram Tattoo Design from scratch. Sometimes certain Ambigrams cannot be generated. You can also change the radius by either dragging the marker on the outside of the circle or by entering the radius. You can adjust the placement of the circle by dragging it to a different location. You can also click a point on the map to place a circle at that spot. Our Ambigram Maker will start its calculations, and after a short while, will return the results. Use this tool to draw a circle by entering its radius along with an address. If you don't enter an Upside-Down word, the Forward word will be used for that too.Įnter the Captcha, and press 'Generate'. To start this 'Ambigram Maker', first enter at least one word in the 'Forward' box.
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Be sure to take both with you to your shop of choice to get the best work possible! After a short moment of waiting for the Ambigram(s) to be created, the Generator will display the results!Īfter purchasing the generated Ambigram of your choice, you'll instantly be able to download them in two high resolution GIF versions - a solid (as you see displayed), and a stencil version. All you have to do is enter at least three or more letters into the 'Forward' input box, complete the captcha, and press generate. Welcome to the Ambigram Generator! This highly specialized, highly advanced software will allow you to create your very own custom Ambigrams.
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