#renal kidney failure
duranduratulsa · 9 months
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Exactly one year ago I was admitted to the hospital with renal kidney failure and acute pancreatitis. I almost died. And now through the glorious grace of God and the power of prayer from my family and friends...I'm still here 1 year later...completely recovered and healed, healthier than ever and alcohol free. I am so incredibly grateful and blessed. I'm determined not to waste this second chance I've been given. Thanks to all of you that have been there and supported and prayed for me. I love you all so much! #secondchance #PraiseGod #pancreatitis #kidneyfailure #renalkidneyfailure #blessed #thankful #grateful
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Trying to find a job that can accommodate my dialysis days and kidney disease in general has been quite difficult.
I am looking at taking some classes soon to get a degree in something, but until then, I still need some income to help with medical bills and whatnot.
I'm posting not for sympathy but for other ideas that I may or may not have thought of yet for jobs! Work from home would be ideal, but I'm open to listening to all ideas! Send them my way!
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iheartvmt · 7 days
When the two sweet, adorable little kitten siblings come in for their s/n surgeries, but the pre-anesthetic blood work shows mild renal dysfunction, so you do a U/A and it's chockablock full of renal cells and no sign of infection, and then the doctor finds out their breed is predisposed to polycystic kidney disease...
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drivemysoul · 3 months
i don’t know what to do
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rivulev · 9 months
I have a very sick cat. Please pray for my sick cat so she’ll get healthy and live
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alifeoutloud · 6 months
I started dialysis a few months ago, after ending up in hospital with a creatinine of 15.4.
And I’m sitting here, looking at this machine that leashes me each evening, and it’s a little miracle of science that I’m alive, that I can continue to be alive, in the comforts of my own home, with a dedicated team of professionals available 24/7 to support me: I have doctors, nurses, a dietitian, a social worker, a finance/insurance coordinator…and then the transplant team is even bigger. It’s wild. Truck drivers who come into the house and stack boxes for me, even.
And in the U.S. it’s covered immediately with Medicare, by federal law. Because I’d die without it.
So it can be done. This could be how we handle diabetes. Cancers. This could extend to others, who will die without intervention.
So I am so very lucky(?) to have a terminal chronic disease that is handled like this. Don’t get me wrong, having any chronic illness is exhausting, and there are nights when I feel burdened at the thought of hooking up, but then I remind myself how damn lucky I am (for both the technology and the supports) and then I am enraged that it isn’t common sense for a government to not let its population just die from treatable things…
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superflaminggayelmo · 11 months
Frustrated by lack of relatable ESRD posts
I really really wish there were more posts about End Stage Renal Disease and everything related to it from other people who also live with it. Stuff about our experiences with kidney failure and dialysis and doctors and the diets they put us on and co-morbid illnesses and just everyday mundane stuff and what it's like to live with this condition. Cause most of the time when I'm looking up ESRD, I just find stuff about pets who have it, or posts from doctors or medical institutes or some study about some supposedly innovative thing in the nephrology world. I crave more relatable content from other humans who have ESRD, because it feels like there's hardly enough out there and I'm tired of it
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hehosts-moved · 2 years
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mcatmemoranda · 2 years
If a pt with liver failure has varices, you automatically prophylax against SBP with ceftriaxone. It's 1 g IV q24 x7 days.
If pt has renal failurem be cautious regarding K+ repletion--the kidneys remove excess K+ so if your kidneys are failing, then your body has a harder time removing K+. So instead of repleting a K+ of 3.2 with potassium chloride 40 mEq x2, you would give like 50-75% of that so you don't make the pt hyperkalemic.
Anti-pseudomonal: piperacillin-tazobactam, fluoroquinolones (e.g., levofloxacin), aminoglycosides (e.g., gentamicin, amikacin).
Osteomyelitis is usually diagnosed by MRI. But if you see it on a CT scan, that is sufficient.
A pt with renal failure and liver failure went into AFib with RVR this morning. Her BPs are low with SBP in the 90s. You don't give metoprolol 5 mg in somone with a low BP. You don't give diltiazem either. Our attending suggested amiodarone (dose for AFib is 150 mg IV x1 over 10 minutes, then 1 mg/min IV x6 hours, then 0.5 mg/min IV x18 hours). We consulted cardiology, who said amiodarone is not a good choice in the setting of hepatic dysfunction; sotalol would complicate management of hypotension. They recommended anticoagulation given her CHADSVasc of 3. Echo is pending and it's worth checking serial troponins. Also check TSH.
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fertiprotect · 2 months
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humblevictory · 3 months
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yorkshire-rockchick · 8 months
Up bright and early to because I have to see my kidney doctor. Hopefully it will be a quick appointment
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toolhub24 · 1 year
The Kidney Disease Solution
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compayur · 1 year
Understanding Renal Transplantation: A Lifesaver for Kidney Failure Patients
    Renal transplantation, or kidney transplant, is a surgical procedure that has revolutionized the treatment of kidney failure. This procedure involves replacing a diseased kidney with a healthy one from a donor. The Need for Renal Transplantation Kidneys are vital organs that filter waste, minerals, and fluid from the blood. When kidneys lose this filtering ability, harmful levels of fluid and…
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alfakidneycare · 1 year
हमारी किडनी शरीर में संतुलन बने रखने के कई कार्यों का निष्पादन करती हैं। वे अपशिष्ट उत्पादों को फिल्टर करके पेशाब से बहार निकालते हैं एवं निष्कासन करते हैं वे शरीर में पानी की मात्रा, सोडियम, पोटेशियम और कैल्शियम की मात्रा (इलेक्ट्रोलाइट्स) को संतुलित करते हैं। वह अतिरिक्त अम्ल एवं क्षार निकालने में मदद करते हैं जिससे शरीर में रसिद एवं क्षार का संतुलन बना रहता है। शरीर में किडनी का मुख्य कार्य सुन का शुद्धिकरण करना है जब बीमारी के कारण दोनों किडनी अपना सामान्य कार्य नहीं कर सके, तो किडनी की कार्यक्षमता कम हो जाती है। जिसे हम किडनी फेल्योर कहते हैं।
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