#chronic renal failure
iheartvmt · 7 days
When the two sweet, adorable little kitten siblings come in for their s/n surgeries, but the pre-anesthetic blood work shows mild renal dysfunction, so you do a U/A and it's chockablock full of renal cells and no sign of infection, and then the doctor finds out their breed is predisposed to polycystic kidney disease...
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opalsiren · 1 month
please please please can something good happen to me now 🙏
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superflaminggayelmo · 11 months
Frustrated by lack of relatable ESRD posts
I really really wish there were more posts about End Stage Renal Disease and everything related to it from other people who also live with it. Stuff about our experiences with kidney failure and dialysis and doctors and the diets they put us on and co-morbid illnesses and just everyday mundane stuff and what it's like to live with this condition. Cause most of the time when I'm looking up ESRD, I just find stuff about pets who have it, or posts from doctors or medical institutes or some study about some supposedly innovative thing in the nephrology world. I crave more relatable content from other humans who have ESRD, because it feels like there's hardly enough out there and I'm tired of it
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momiji-kitsune · 11 months
🌻Happy Invisible Disability week!!!🌻
To everyone with an invisible disability, know that you and your experiences are valid! I value you and your experiences. You deserve love and support when managing your disability. You do not have to prove anything to anyone. You are not defined by your disability. Know that I support you in all your endeavours!
For those of you who don't know what an invisible disability is, it is any long-term impairment, health condition or illness that isn't immediately visible in most everyday circumstances. This can include chronic illnesses like renal failure, diabetes, or even chronic pain. Psychological/neurological disorders like depression, attention deficit disorder, agoraphobia, and functional neurological disorder are also included. Even disorders like chronic fatigue or autism are counted as invisible disabilities.
And there are many more invisible disabilities not mentioned above. I encourage everyone to always be kind, and take the time to listen and support those with invisible disabilities. Just your belief and support means a lot. These disabilities may be invisible, but the people with them are not!
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kidneytreatment01 · 8 months
Cutting Edge Methods for Successful Kidney Cyst Therapy
Kidney cysts are fluid-filled sacs on or within the kidneys, often leading to concerns about kidney function and overall health. This article explores various aspects of kidney cyst treatment, focusing on homeopathic remedies for managing creatinine levels, acute kidney injury, and chronic kidney disease.
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Understanding Kidney Cysts:
Kidney cysts are typically noncancerous and may not always cause noticeable symptoms. However, they can grow over time, potentially leading to complications such as infection, bleeding, or interference with kidney function. Treatment options for kidney cysts depend on factors like size, symptoms, and the underlying cause.
Conventional Approaches to Kidney Cyst Treatment:
Monitoring and Observation:
Small, simple kidney cysts may require no treatment but regular monitoring to track changes.
Pain Management:
Pain associated with kidney cysts can be alleviated with over-the-counter pain relievers or prescribed medications.
Sometimes, a healthcare professional may drain fluid from the cyst using a needle, reducing its size and relieving symptoms.
Homeopathic Approach to Kidney Treatment:
Homeopathy offers a comprehensive and personalised approach to treating kidney cysts, focusing on stimulating the body's natural healing mechanisms. Additionally, homeopathic remedies are gaining recognition for their potential to manage creatinine levels and address acute kidney injury and chronic kidney disease.
Best Homeopathic Medicine for Creatinine:
The best homeopathic medicine for creatinine is beneficial in managing elevated creatinine levels. However, it's crucial to consult a qualified homeopathic practitioner for personalised recommendations.
Homeopathy for Kidney Treatment:
Homeopathic remedies for kidney cysts are chosen based on the individual's symptoms and constitution.
Acute Kidney Injury Treatment with Homeopathy:
Homeopathic remedies may be considered for acute kidney injury treatment, addressing symptoms like swelling, pain, and impaired kidney function.
Homeopathic Management of Chronic Kidney Disease:
Constitutional homeopathy kidney treatment, considering the person's overall health and unique symptoms, may help slow the progression of chronic kidney disease. 
In conclusion, kidney cyst treatment involves a multifaceted approach, incorporating conventional medical interventions and complementary therapies like homeopathy. The choice between conventional and homeopathic kidney treatment may depend on the severity of symptoms, individual preferences, and healthcare professionals' guidance. For managing creatinine levels and addressing kidney disorders, a holistic perspective that combines conventional and homeopathic approaches may offer comprehensive care for those dealing with kidney cysts, acute kidney injury, or chronic kidney disease. Always consult qualified healthcare professionals and homeopathic practitioners for personalised advice and treatment plans.
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drpedi07 · 1 year
Chronic Renal Failure - Blood Picture
levation of urea, creatinine and uric acid are seen in renal failure. Ca+ is usually low, but may be elevated due to secondary hyperparathyoidism.
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alfakidneycare · 1 year
हमारी किडनी शरीर में संतुलन बने रखने के कई कार्यों का निष्पादन करती हैं। वे अपशिष्ट उत्पादों को फिल्टर करके पेशाब से बहार निकालते हैं एवं निष्कासन करते हैं वे शरीर में पानी की मात्रा, सोडियम, पोटेशियम और कैल्शियम की मात्रा (इलेक्ट्रोलाइट्स) को संतुलित करते हैं। वह अतिरिक्त अम्ल एवं क्षार निकालने में मदद करते हैं जिससे शरीर में रसिद एवं क्षार का संतुलन बना रहता है। शरीर में किडनी का मुख्य कार्य सुन का शुद्धिकरण करना है जब बीमारी के कारण दोनों किडनी अपना सामान्य कार्य नहीं कर सके, तो किडनी की कार्यक्षमता कम हो जाती है। जिसे हम किडनी फेल्योर कहते हैं।
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BK Kidney care is providing information about kidney failure, kidney dialysis, Chronic kidney disease. we are treating kidney failure without Dialysis and kidney transplant with the help of Ayurveda.
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ceyhanmedya · 2 years
Open Nephrectomy 2023
New Post has been published on https://bankakredin.com/open-nephrectomy-2023/
Open Nephrectomy 2023
Like every organ, the kidneys are of great importance for human health. The kidney, which is located on both sides of the abdominal cavity and resembles a bean in shape, works like a filter in the human body and ensures that harmful and waste materials are removed from the body and the blood is cleaned. Thanks to this article, you can have information about the open nephrectomy operation used in the treatment of kidney diseases.
What is nephrectomy?
A healthy functioning of one of the kidneys in the human body is sufficient for the continuation of vital functions. However, in some cases, malfunctions in the kidney, which is so vital for human health, can cause an  increase  in urea and creatinine  in the body, resulting in kidney failure , damage to kidney tissue, and the formation of cancer in the kidney. In this case, it may be necessary to remove the sick kidney from the body by operation. The operation to remove the kidney from the body is called nephrectomy.
What is Open Nephrectomy?
Nephrectomy, which is the process of removing the kidney from the body, can be performed by open surgery or laparoscopic surgery. If the operation is performed with the open surgery method, this procedure is called open nephrectomy. In some cases, specialists may decide that it is not appropriate for the patient to remain under anesthesia for a long time. In this case, the laparoscopic (closed) nephrectomy method may be preferred as an alternative to the open nephrectomy method. Today, although the post-operative period is more comfortable, patients and specialists prefer the laparoscopic nephrectomy method, open nephrectomy is still one of the most effective methods used in the treatment of kidney diseases in cases where the laparoscopic nephrectomy method is not suitable.
In cases of polycystic kidney disease,
In the removal of tumor in kidney cancers  ,
In cases where the donor and the recipient must be together in the case of chronic kidney failure, which is seen as a result of long-term tissue damage in the kidney tissue,
In disorders of the pancreas.
There is the possibility of treatment with open nephrectomy method in many diseases from kidney cancer to kidney injuries, polycystic kidney diseases and pancreatic problems.
Nephrectomy can be grouped into two classes as partial nephrectomy and radical nephrectomy.
In some cases, removing the tumor tissue is sufficient to treat the disease. This procedure is known as partial nephrectomy. In some cases, since it is not possible to leave intact kidney tissue, the entire kidney must be removed during the operation. This procedure is called radical nephrectomy. If both kidneys are damaged, both kidneys may need to be removed from the body, but in this case, a kidney transplant is needed because it is not possible for the patient to live without their kidneys. Open nephrectomy operations are operations where the recipient and donor are together. Before this operation, some analyzes are performed on the receiver and the transmitter. If, as a result of these analyzes, the results of the recipient and the donor are compatible, the operation is started. The kidney from the donor is placed in the recipient. During this procedure, the healthy kidney is placed on the right or left side of the recipient. The process of taking a healthy kidney from the donor and attaching it to the recipient is known as donor nephrectomy.
In cases where kidney transplantation is required, the patient’s own kidney is not removed if the diseased kidney is not at risk of cancer or if there is no infection.
Open Partial Nephrectomy
In kidney cancer patients, nephrectomy operation, in which tumor tissue is removed and intact kidney tissue is left, is known as partial (partial) nephrectomy. During the partial nephrectomy procedure, the surgeon reaches the tumor through the opened incisions. For this reason, open nephrectomy method is preferred in partial nephrectomy operations. Open partial nephrectomy may be preferred in the following cases:
kidney cancers,
Infections in the kidney that cannot be treated with drug therapy,
Kidney failure,
The possibility of deterioration in the function of the other kidney,
Injuries to the kidney,
Conditions in which the blood supply of the kidney decreases as a result of occlusion in the vessels leading to the kidney,
Hypertension as a result of problems in the blood supply of the kidneys  ,
Congenital kidney anomalies.
During open partial nephrectomy, after an incision is made in the abdominal wall, the vessels leading to and exiting the kidney are clamped to prevent bleeding in the kidney. After the diseased tissue is removed, the clamp is removed and blood flow is restored to the kidney.
The duration of the open partial nephrectomy operation varies according to the size of the cancerous or impaired tissue. The procedure can be performed within 1-2 hours on average. However, as with any open surgery, there are some complications that may occur during open nephrectomy. Some of these complications are as follows:
During open partial nephrectomy, bleeding may occur that requires urgent blood supply.
The healing process can be long and accordingly  urinary incontinence  problems may occur.
Since the operation is performed in the form of open surgery, pain may be felt in the operation area for a few weeks after open partial nephrectomy.
Since open nephrectomy is performed under general anesthesia, allergic reactions to anesthesia may occur in some cases, but this is very rare because the necessary analyzes are performed by a specialist team before anesthesia.
After open partial nephrectomy surgery, patients are discharged within an average of 1 week. In the post-hospital period, patients are asked to pay attention to some points. In this process, the patient;
Should consume plenty of fluids,
Avoid doing heavy exercises until the surgical wounds are fully healed,
He should not neglect to go to his check-ups.
Open Radical Nephrectomy
Radical nephrectomy is a frequently used treatment method in kidney cancer treatments. In some cases, it is not possible to remove a part of the kidney, especially in the later stages of kidney cancer. In this case, the kidney and the fat tissue under the kidney must be completely removed. The process of removing the kidney completely is called radical nephrectomy. If the other kidney is healthy, one kidney will also perform the task of the kidney that was taken. However, in cases where there is a tumor in both kidneys and both kidneys need to be removed, kidney transplantation is necessary. In this case, open nephrectomy is performed with an operation where the donor and the recipient are together. If the kidney with tumor is not intervened, the tumor continues to grow and begins to damage other organs. This leads to many different health problems.
Radical nephrectomy can be performed as laparoscopic or open nephrectomy. In some cases, the operation is started with the closed surgery method and open nephrectomy can be started during the procedure.
General anesthesia is used during the open radical nephrectomy procedure. An incision is made under the ribs and the kidney is reached.
As with other surgeries, open radical nephrectomy has some risks. These risks can be listed as follows:
In patients who underwent radical nephrectomy with open surgery, pain after the operation is a common side effect.
In some cases, although rare, bleeding may occur during or after the operation.
Infection of the surgical wound is one of the rare side effects. In order to prevent this situation from happening, it is important to have dressing as the doctor says.
One of the rare conditions is intestinal obstruction.
After the partial nephrectomy procedure, as well as after the open radical nephrectomy, the patient will be sick for a while;
Should consume plenty of fluids,
Avoid lifting heavy loads
Intense exercises should be avoided.
Kidneys take on the task of filtering in the body and ensure that harmful substances and wastes are removed from the body. In case of any chronic or acute problem in the kidneys, harmful substances accumulate in the body and this adversely affects human health. Thanks to the developments in the medical world and the doctors who are experts in the field, it is possible to treat the diseases that occur in the kidneys. Do not forget to have the necessary controls for your health before it is too late.
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lexingtonrenalcare · 2 years
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Nephrology is the subspecialty of internal medicine that focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the kidney. Lexington Renal Care Physicians Services in Kentucky We provide services that help you with the prevention and treatment of kidney disease.
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Hi everyone!
This post is going to be slightly different then what I usually share on my page.
You all know me as Amber and I have been living with renal disease (chronic kidney failure) and have been doing 4 to 5 times a week dialysis since 2016. All while also being my mothers caretaker who struggles with this same illness.
I finally got the call from the Dartmouth Transplant Center that I'm now listed as active to receive a transplant and encouraged me to get the word out that I'm seeking a kidney.
If anyone happens to want to know more (about anything really, maybe you have a friend or family member, or yourself who struggles with CKD. I'm willing to chat about my experience) you can message me here.
If donating is something you want to consider (for anyone, there are so many people in need of an kidney), you can contact the Dartmouth Transplant Team at +1-603-653-3931 or message me to chat.
Thank you for reading through this!
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Don't Drink The Paint Water
Ok, the title is a little misleading since a lot of the paint I'm gonna talk about in this post would have been tempera or oil, and not water-based acrylic, so there would be no paint water. But as someone who worked in acrylic and definitely accidentally drank their paint water more than once, the warning is what rings in my mind every time I think of this topic.
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Art is great for the soul. Art supplies, however, are not always great for the body.
Humans love smearing ourselves and our stuff with pretty colors made of shit that will kill us. Lead facepaint in Queen Elizabeth's court; Arsenic Green Wallpaper in Victorian parlors; uranium in glassware and wristwatches. And of course, all kinds of heavy metals in paints.
I talked in my post about Caravaggio about how a lot of his balls-to-the-wall batshit insane behavior may have been a result of chronic poisoning from his paints. Many artists through that whole era of history suffered from lead poisoning, to the point that "Painter's Colic" was a term for the intestinal constipation caused by chronic lead poisoning.
Now let's talk about that a little, and the various toxins that some of your favorite historical painters may have had in their systems from the creation and application of their paints...
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White Paint: Lead
Lead white has been used as far back at the 4th century B.C.E. by the ancient Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans, and was THE white pigment in western art up through the nineteenth century (and also appeared in works from China and Japan). It's important to note that through much of history, you didn't just go to the store and buy a tube of paint -- you made your own by grinding up pigment and adding it to a medium such as oil. To make lead white paint, artists would grind a block of lead into powder, releasing toxic dust particles into the air. The pigment's popularity largely stemmed from how thick and opaque it was, allowing for dense applications of radiant, warm white.
Lead poisoning resultantly affected a great many artists who worked extensively with lead white paint, with gastrointestinal, neuromuscular, and neurological symptoms. Chronic lead poisoning resulted in abdominal pain, nausea and constipation, as well as neuromuscular issues such as tremor, loss of coordination and numbness. Neurologically, sufferers could experience loss of short-term memory or concentration, depression, fatigue, headaches, stupor, slurred speech, and difficulty with emotional regulation, which may have contributed to the enduring stereotype of artists as erratic tortured geniuses.
Lead white would eventually be replaced by zinc white and titanium white.
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Vermilion Paint: Cinnabar (Mercury-Sulfide)
Cinnabar is a form of mercury sulfide (HgS) that can range in color from bright scarlet to brick-red. It is the most common source ore for refining elemental mercury-- and from both its mined form and creation via synthetic alchemy was used to create a range of red 'vermilion' pigments. Cinnabar was used decoratively dating back to antiquity due to its color, appearing in fine craftsmanship and artworks ranging from China to South America, and was the primary source of red pigment in European painting from the Renaissance to the 20th century.
And of course; it came with the fun fun experience of mercury poisoning! While ingesting cinnabar isn't nearly as toxic as other forms of mercury since the chemical composition is less reactive, cutting and grinding cinnabar to create paint pigment would lead to inhalation of particles, and the more it was ground, the brighter the red it would produce. Plus, heating cinnabar would result in the release of highly toxic mercury vapor which would damage the lungs. Long term cinnabar use would lead to renal failure, and likely other symptoms of mercury poisoning such as damage to the brain and nervous system.
Vermilion would eventually be replaced with the less-toxic cadmium red.
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Naples Yellow Paint: Lead + Antimony
Here's a two-for-one poisoning deal! Naples yellow -- a saturated, thick yellow that could range from pinkish orange to an almost green lemon-yellow -- is derived from lead antimonate. Inorganic and synthetically created, the pigment itself dates back to ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia, making it one of the oldest synthetic pigments (it was predated by the Egyptians' use of the yellow pigment 'Orpiment' which was made with arsenic, for even more fun!) It was first referred to as Naples Yellow in the 17th century, and became particularly popular in European painting from the mid 1700s to mid 1800s, used by artists such as Délacroix, Jacques-Louis David, and Goya.
In addition to the joys of lead as discussed above, Antimony can cause vomiting, headache, dizziness, and sleeplessness, with effects similar to arsenic poisoning.
While there were a number of holdout artists who continued to use Naples Yellow up to the 20th century, Naples Yellow was largely replaced by Chrome Yellow and Cadmium Yellow by the late 19th century.
These are just a few of the more popular culprits in western art history -- and not counting fabric dyes such as Scheele's Green which experienced brief and deadly popularity in the Victorian era (made with Arsenic), or Uranium Yellow pigment used in ceramics and glass, which... I think you can guess where the problem with that lay.
All of which is to say, Art Was Hazardous, and a lot of artists through history quite literally died for the dyes, sacrificing their health, sanity, and years off their lives, knowingly or not, for the colors in their masterworks.
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kidneytreatment01 · 9 months
Renal Cysts: Deciphering the Mysteries of Cystic Kidney
The popularity of homeopathy has grown in alternative medicine due to the holistic treatment approach it offers to a variety of ailments. One area in which homeopathy has proven promising is in the treatment of kidney-related problems, which range from cysts and kidney infections to acute renal injuries and sometimes even kidney dysfunction.
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Homeopathic Remedies for Kidney Infection
Kidney problems, called pyelonephritis, are complex and disrupt your daily routine. Homeopathy has a range of treatments that can ease the symptoms and help support our body's own healing process.
Homeopathic Remedy for Kidney Infection is usually suggested for burning pain when urinating. Patients who can benefit from these remedies typically have the urge to urinate continuously but only pass small amounts every time.
If kidney inflammation is caused by swelling or stinging pain, it may be thought of as. This remedy is renowned for having anti-inflammatory qualities. It is also recommended to treat sharp, throbbing kidney pains which may spread into the bladder. They are believed to aid in helping eliminate kidney stones and ease the discomfort that comes with them.
Kidney Cyst Treatment through Homeopathy
The kidneys are prone to cysts. No matter how complex or straightforward, it causes discomfort and requires careful treatment. Homeopathic remedies seek to target and treat the root cause and improve kidney health. Kidney cyst treatments are usually suggested in cases of the sensation of pain or burning in the region of the kidneys. They can be helpful when kidney cysts are linked to anxiety and anxiety.
Furthermore, if kidney cysts are associated with a feeling of fullness and abdominal heaviness, it could be an indication of. It is believed that they affect the circulation and balance of fluids in the body. Patients who experience bloating and pain caused by kidney cysts, especially on the left side, can find relief through the use of natural homeopathic remedies. The remedy is believed to aid in the function of kidneys.
Homeopathy to treat acute kidney injury
An acute kidney injury (AKI) is an acute and frequently grave condition that requires immediate attention. While traditional medical treatment is vital, homeopathic remedies can be utilised as a complement to aid. If you are suffering from AKI that has a sudden appearance, anxiety, or anxiety, these remedies can be thought of as. It is believed that homeopathy kidney treatment can alleviate the symptoms that are similar to shocks commonly caused by acute kidney injuries. This treatment is usually suggested in the case of AKI, which causes burning and severe weakness. This remedy can be beneficial if there is a need for emotional and physical help during healing.
If AKI occurs, it is often accompanied by extreme sweating, weakness and a feeling of emptiness; some remedies can be considered as a possible natural cure.
Homeopathic Treatment for Kidney Failure
Kidney dysfunction is a situation where the kidneys cease to function effectively. Although traditional medical treatments like dialysis and transplantation are typically required, homeopathy can provide supportive therapy to improve the general health of people suffering from kidney failure.
Homeopathic remedies are frequently looked at by those with kidney problems that cause fatigue, weakness, or anxiety. The treatments are thought to impact the circulatory and respiratory systems. If you feel a sense of despair and hopelessness due to kidney failure, these solutions can be considered. They are frequently suggested for those suffering from mental and emotional stress.
They could be considered if you have a kidney problem and are prone to swelling and retention of fluid. It is believed to improve excellent circulation and ease symptoms of congestion.
While homeopathic remedies cannot be an alternative to conventional medical treatment, they can help support kidney health. It is crucial to talk with a trained professional homeopathic doctor or medical professional before adding these remedies to an overall acute kidney injury treatment plan, particularly for severe kidney problems. Like any other medical treatment, the individual response to homeopathic remedies may differ, and a holistic approach towards kidney disease that encompasses both alternative and conventional treatments could provide the most complete care. Be sure to communicate openly with your healthcare professionals to ensure a balanced and personalised treatment for kidney health.
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genuinely not trying to dunk on molly but when ppl say will and molly were so compatible they loved dogs i just think of molly feeding them canned food from china and not even knowing it could harm the dogs, i feel like this is significant because this was what led to dolarhyde being undetected and her attack which led to her estrangement from will, even her common values w will she did not actually share at all there's a meta here
ngl this is pretty clearly dunking on molly. But let’s refute. I personally haven’t seen many metas/posts about the compatibility between will and molly, so I can’t really contest what they say. However, will and her were as compatible as will led her to believe, as much as he would let. He lied to her about his past, which made it so she couldn’t know all of him and couldn’t connect to parts she couldn’t see. Not a fault of molly’s at all
Having looked back on the script for that episode, no credible veterinarian would ever say “was it canned food from china”. It’s unprofessional and xenophobic. Also, a vet in an emergency situation isn’t going to use scare tactics. They just need to know what went in so they can take care of it. Yes, molly was feeding the dogs canned food because will was out of town so he couldn’t make them food. and I can guarantee will is rational enough to say “hey, these brands are okay” and molly isn’t stupid. And they are very well off, so they would need to buy “cheap dog food from china”. If we want to talk about the dialogue in that scene, we have to admit to ourselves fuller is a misogynist who can’t write women, so ofc he made her say “is it bad to be made in china”. It also neglects how SOME but not ALL food has shown problems, but dog food made in the US has also had toxicity issues! And (I can’t remember if this was in show or just in script) the vet says “pet food safety isn't regulated the same way as human food” which is just false. There is high regulation in pet food, and pet food is made to be human grade and safe for human consumption (and has been for decades). Dogs are more likely to be poisoned by xylitol or chocolate from your candy or get pancreatitis from your table scraps than die from “dog food from china”.
But let’s humor for a second it was the cheap dog food molly bought. The concern and toxic component is melamine, which is added to food to fraudulently increase the protein content. it’s nontoxic (ish) by itself and only becomes a problem when combined with cyanuric acid that forms a crystal and leads to renal toxicosis and failure. Some gi biomes have bacteria that can convert melamine to cyanuric acid, but not all, making it more toxic for these patients. It also wasn’t solely a dog food thing, it happened in human children, too. All that aside, most melamine toxicosis cases are chronic, aka molly would have had to feed the dogs for a while, building up these crystals, and slowly killing the kidneys. This wouldn’t happen suddenly to all the dogs at once. Early signs of toxicosis are very detectable symptoms (vomiting, polyuria, polydipsia, lethargy) and these are signs molly would have noticed and done something about. ALSO if it was melamine the veterinarian was worried about, she wouldn’t use activated charcoal as her treatment (as she states in script, again, don’t remember if this was said in the show). Activated charcoal only works for something currently in the stomach, and that isn’t the pathophysiology for melamine. To treat melamine toxicity, you need iv fluids and supportive care. So what we can take from the veterinarian interaction is 1) fuller doesn’t know how medical professional talk to clients and 2) he doesn’t even understand the toxin he mentioned so it feels xenophobic as fuck to even bring that up.
And no, her canon (fuck you fuller) ignorance to the danger of canned dog food isn’t the cause of dolarhyde being undetected and attacking her. Even if she was feeding them dog food with melamine, Will literally figures out and says that dolarhyde poisons the dogs in the family to get rid of the “alarm system”, so he can attack and not have the family alerted. It didn’t matter what dog food molly fed them, dolarhyde intentionally poisoned them. Even if she fed them food will handmade, dolarhyde would have still poisoned them. And she was a good owner who brought all 7 (probably) puking dogs to the vet as soon as she could. molly had nothing to do with dolarhyde attacking her. dolarhyde had something to do with dolarhyde attacking her (and hannibal ofc). At least give her some credit for, you know, surviving
And no, her getting attacked was not the cause of will estranging himself from her. He never really loved her and used her as a fill in for a man he outright rejected. He was having an emotional affair with Hannibal and not giving a shit about molly. That was nothing molly could control.
And we really can’t thoroughly discuss her values because we barely see her onscreen. Her screentime is a plot motivator, we aren’t privy to who she is as a person. She loves her son, lost her first husband, and loves will. That’s kind of it. Oh, yeah, she also takes her son fishing without Fisherman Husband because he chose to estrange himself.
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Poor Flynnie has to have an ultrasound scan on Thursday :( He is STILL having some pretty severe gut problems, 2 months after they started... Plus, the most recent blood test we did showed up some slightly “off” results, nothing major but various levels were a bit higher, or lower than they should be - including some stuff related to kidney function.
After seeing the results, the vet asked me to get a urine sample. It turns out Flynn’s losing protein in his urine & his urine is also too dilute. High protein levels in urine often happens because a dog has chronic kidney disease but it can also be a temporary issue, due to infection/inflammation, (or other illnesses... like cancer, which I hope is very unlikely to be the cause here). Regardless of the reason it is happening, it puts a strain on the kidneys. Or, in Flynn’s case, a strain on his kidney. Singular. Flynn only has 1 kidney... so we really can’t mess around with this. He’s now on a “renal diet” & if it’s safe, may start on ACE inhibitors to reduce strain on his kidney. The ultrasound will look at both Flynn’s gut & his kidney, so I guess we’ll just have to wait & see if anything shows up. 
I lost Barney, less than 3 weeks ago - after he’d had the exact same infection as Flynn. Barney went from having mild kidney disease, to being in kidney failure in the space of less than a month. Barney was very elderly, of course... but, still... I don’t know what is going on with Flynn. He’s been treated twice for giardia infection, we’ve been manically cleaning to prevent reinfection, he’s on probiotics & was on GI food. He is an apparently otherwise healthy dog & he really should be getting better by now & instead, if anything he seems in some ways worse than he was 6-8 weeks ago. Argh, I am so stressed. My poor little guy :( 
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fooltemps · 27 days
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Leukemia and Lymphoma Awareness Flags!!
This flag was designed by us, as we currently have a family member with Leukemia and wish to bring awareness to this kind of cancer.
color meaning:
#FF2D34: Myeloma
#00DC0E: Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
#FF8C2E: Leukemia
#D12DFF: Hodgkin Lymphoma
Below is information all about Leukemia and Lymphoma Cancers.
Leukemia and Lymphoma are both cancers that are not associated with a tumor. Lymphomas are cancers that affect the lymph system and start in cells called lymphocytes. Leukemia is a cancer of the early blood-forming tissues, including your bone marrow and lymph system.
There are many types of lymphoma. Some grow and spread slowly and some are more aggressive. There are two main types of Lymphoma:
1. Hodgkin Lymphoma is cancer that starts in the B lymphocytes (B cells) of the lymph system. Your lymph system helps you fight infection and control the fluids in your body.
2. Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma (NHL) is cancer that starts in the lymphocytes anywhere lymph tissue is found:
Lymph nodes
Bone marrow
Adenoids and tonsils, or
The digestive track.
Leukemia typically involves white blood cells, the cells that are your infection fighters. Leukemia can be divided into categories: fast growing (acute) and slow growing (chronic); and by which white blood cells are affected:
Acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL)
Acute myelogenous leukemia (AML)
Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL
Chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML)
A screening test is used to detect cancers in people who may be at higher risk for developing the disease. With leukemia and lymphoma, there are no early detection tests. The best way to find them is to be aware of the symptoms:
Swollen lymph nodes which can appear as a lump in the neck, armpit or groin;
Night sweats
Weight loss without trying, and
Leukemia can have similar symptoms but also can include:
Easy bleeding or bruising;
Recurring nosebleeds; and
Bone pain or tenderness
Myeloma is cancer of the plasma cells. Plasma cells are white blood cells that produce disease- and infection-fighting antibodies in your body. Myeloma cells prevent the normal production of antibodies, leaving your body's immune system weakened and susceptible to infection. The multiplication of myeloma cells also interferes with the normal production and function of red and white blood cells. An abnormally high amount of these dysfunctional antibodies in the bloodstream can cause kidney damage. Additionally, the myeloma cells commonly produce substances that cause bone destruction, leading to bone pain and/or fractures.
Myeloma cells are produced in the bone marrow, the soft tissue inside your bones. Sometimes myeloma cells will travel through your blood stream and collect in other bones in your body. Because myeloma frequently occurs at many sites in the bone marrow, it is often referred to as multiple myeloma.
Signs and symptoms of myeloma include the following:
Hypercalcemia (excessive calcium in the blood)
Anemia (shortage or reduced function of red blood cells)
Renal damage (kidney failure)
Susceptibility to infection
Osteoporosis, bone pain, bone swelling, or fracture
High protein levels in the blood and/or urine
Weight loss
In 2022, more than 62,650 people are expected to be diagnosed with leukemia. In addition:
Leukemia accounts for 3.6% of all new cancer cases.
The overall 5-year survival rate for leukemia has more than quadrupled since 1960.
62.7% of leukemia patients survive 5 years or more.
The diagnosis of leukemia requires specific blood tests, including an examination of cells in the blood and marrow.
Treatment and prognosis depend on the type of blood cell affected and whether the leukemia is acute or chronic. Chemotherapy and blood and marrow transplant are often used to treat leukemia.
If you wish to read more about Leukemia and Lymphoma cancer, please visit this website!
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