saybiwithme · 2 months
Chapters: 4/4 Fandom: 9-1-1 (TV) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Henrietta "Hen" Wilson/Karen Wilson, Evan "Buck" Buckley/Eddie Diaz (9-1-1 TV), Evan "Buck" Buckley & Henrietta "Hen" Wilson, Eddie Diaz & Henrietta "Hen" Wilson, Athena Grant/Bobby Nash, Maddie Buckley/Howie "Chimney" Han, Eddie Diaz & Karen Wilson (9-1-1 TV), Evan "Buck" Buckley & Christopher Diaz & Eddie Diaz (9-1-1 TV), Christopher Diaz & Athena Grant, Eddie Diaz & Bobby Nash, Evan "Buck" Buckley & Maddie Buckley, Christopher Diaz & Bobby Nash, Christopher Diaz & Howie "Chimney" Han, Ravi Panikkar & Firehouse 118 Crew, Lucy Donato & Ravi Panikkar, Christopher Diaz & Henrietta "Hen" Wilson, Karen Wilson & Christopher Diaz, Evan "Buck" Buckley & Karen Wilson, Eddie Diaz & May Grant (9-1-1 TV), Evan "Buck" Buckley & Nia Wilson, Evan "Buck" Buckley & Jee-Yun Buckley Han, May Grant & Howie "Chimney" Han Characters: Henrietta "Hen" Wilson, Eddie Diaz (9-1-1 TV), Evan "Buck" Buckley, Chimney Han, Bobby Nash, Ravi Panikkar, Lucy Donato, Athena Grant, Carla Price, Christopher Diaz, Maddie Buckley, Harry Grant (9-1-1 TV), Jee-Yun Buckley Han, May Grant (9-1-1 TV) Additional Tags: Minor Henren, Established Relationship, Established Evan "Buck" Buckley/Eddie Diaz, Fluff, Car Accident, Happy Ending, Buck and Eddie are annoyingly in love and get on Hen's nerves, sprinkle of angst, Minor Injuries, smoke inhalation, guess a sprinkle of hurt/comfort as well, mentions of Shannon Diaz, minor Bathena, minor Madney - Freeform Summary:
Hen, Eddie and Buck are planning a surprise party for Bobby and Athena but things don't go according to plan.
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From the Inside Out
by ReneeWrites
“They’re going to get our dingy ready. We’re leaving. After that you can..you know..fuck off forever?” Lucious chuckles to himself. He didn’t feel the need to go into details with the guy who tried to clap him off the census just a few weeks ago. “We’re going to go find our crew, and were taking Frenchie with us. Gonna go find our old crew... Get the hell our of this cesspool you call a…you know what.. Im too malnourished to be clever right now. Also, you've got cum on your face. Dickhead”
Words: 1140, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 3 of From the Inside Out
Fandoms: Our Flag Means Death (TV)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/39647598
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rayonfrozenwings · 4 years
Spoiler Alert: Contains references to ACOFAS.
Authors Note: So it’s been a very long hiatus - again.... I tend to have a “writing season” it would seem.
A Nessian Fan Fiction: Characters all belong to Sarah J Maas and her book series A Court of Thorns and Roses. This Story takes place after ACOFAS. The story has Multiple POV’s, taking place in the Illyrian camp, Windhaven, Nesta and Cassian are living together at the behest of the high lord and lady of the night court.
Chapter 15 - Bookshop. Nesta works through her fear of the underground and tests out her gift.
Previous chapters are here: 1, 2, 3, 4 , 5 , 6 7  8, 9, 10, 11 , 12 , 13 , 14  and Masterlist here.
I have also put this on AO3: Series Link  :)
WC 2584
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The Market was beautiful, she couldn't deny it, they had been wandering for over an hour through the carved rooms, the fae lights inside the cavern were emitting a soft glow even on the paths people weren't using. Heat and flickering light also escaped from the various metal lanterns shining on the stalls. The silver, gold, and copper shapes lined the way: crescent moons, stars and other symbols from the night court etched into the metal. Smoky fragrances seeped from the cut-outs enticing shoppers closer to look at the trinkets, jewels and other night-court goods.
Nesta wondered if the Fae around her had other ways of capturing the attention of their shoppers, spells or tricks, there was a large group clustered around one stall but Nesta couldn’t see what was pulling them towards it - other than nosey people trying to see why there was a crowd in the first place.
After passing through the many halls of unique clothes, and jewels they had eventually reached the booksellers section. Walking into one, they talked about the exits and Cassian had made sure that the proprietor of the store kept an eye out; handing it a small bag before leaving. She was grateful that he had taken her concerns seriously and it was partly why she was feeling so safe and in control.  Cassian had left her alone, reading through a few books while he rushed off to complete what he needed to.
Nesta browsed the bookshelves, her fingers gliding over the worn covers. Broken spines and folded corners proving these books had been well read, and much loved favourites. In languages she couldn't read as well as a few in the common tongue she was used to. Finding three promising reads she left them with the large eyed creature near the front. Its claws clicked together as they moved over the covers, appraising what was chosen and softly placing them on the counter. Nesta inclined her head in thanks and decided to let her gift lead her towards her next find.
She hadn’t felt the need to test her powers in Windhaven everything seemed exactly as it should be, no glamours or shimmering people or places.
Here, in these walls, she couldn’t help herself, there were too many old things.  Too many forgotten things. Lost things, sitting here in this magical warren just waiting to be uncovered.
She could feel them calling to her.
Wanting to be found.
Letting her mind find items wasn’t as easy as people thought - At least not for her.
Nesta cleared her thoughts as well as she could, the noise behind her fading out, becoming unfocused, letting her gift take over. It was not something she liked to do - losing control, but it seemed to be the only way.
She had to let the power direct her.
Nesta started by sending out small tendrils of her gift to see what they came back with. They called to her, pulling her further into the caves like small children at their mothers skirts.
She kept checking back to see where the shop owner and the Exit was and each time she did, her power came to a standstill. Frustration overwhelmed her, yet - wandering off too far alone would not be a good idea. Turning back towards the darkness, black shapes and mist moving out of the corners of her eyes. Refocusing she looked towards the cool glow of the fae lights deep inside the cave, the gap in bookshelves began to narrow as she continued to walk forward one small step at a time.
She could feel something old, something hidden but what - she couldn't tell. The Darkness in the corners of the room was encroaching on her with each step.
Taking a deep breath, she opened her fists and placed one hand on the bookshelf beside her, fingers extended, letting her power read the space. Again she lost awareness of her surroundings as the tendrils moved along the shelves until her power stopped. Halted like a dog on a leash looking back at their owner for permission to carry on. Except when it looked back it realised something was wrong.
Nesta felt her power looking to the distance behind her.
A cool breeze on her neck.
Her power rushed back into her. Ready to do whatever needed to be done. Anger infused her body, carried back to her by her gift. It radiated down her limbs ready to fight.
���You knew, I would find you.” it whispered.
Nesta was still emerging from her trance, she shouldn’t have done it. She should have waited for Cassian. Should have used her common sense, never have explored with her magic. This place asked her to know its secrets and she gladly took the temptation offered. Now there would be consequences.
“I’m glad you waited for me though.” it said with warmth and a hint of sarcasm.
Nesta knew that voice.
“I’m fine!” she said, inhaling a deep breath as she came back in control of her body. Reigning in her power before it did something she would regret.
“I should hope so.” Cassian looked at her, his deep brown eyes inquiring for more information, trying to put together a puzzle with missing pieces. She could see him give up as he rubbed her shoulder, the pressure feeling amazing on her tired limbs.
“I just became light headed, tired, thinking about what to look for next. No problems then?” she asked changing the subject.
“Not this time.”
He walked along behind her as she continued to browse. The narrow path between the stacks forcing his wings in tight.
“Right now I would give anything for smaller wings.”
Nesta snorted, “be careful what you wish for, that might be reflected elsewhere” she said through laughter “Are you sure that's a risk your willing to take.”
“You tell me?” he asked, the laughter clear in his voice.
Then in a philosophical tone he asked “Does it matter? When I look like this?” she turned and saw him holding up one flexed arm, eyebrow raised in her direction, looking like some virility statue. He began to move his hips in a circular motion “and move like this?”  
Nesta laughed, “I guess I’d have to find out? Maybe I should be conducting my own tests, lots of illyrians in Windhaven at the moment.”
Cassian grunted.
"Fuck!" he swore as his wing caught on another bookshelf.
She laughed.
“I guess you do need to sample smaller wingspans - to understand how rare a wingspan of mine is. Or you could trust that I'm telling the truth.” he teased.
“Maybe I should borrow Mor’s Veritas.” Nesta suggested. "Anyway aren't Azriel's bigger?"
She stopped and tried to decide if she should keep moving.
He had gone quiet and Nesta wasn’t sure if it was because she mentioned Mor or the orb of truth or he didn't want to try and boast that his wingspan was bigger than Azriel's when the orb of truth was in play as a possible solution to the years of bickering.
“What’s down here?” he asked. "And - by the way- Azriel manages to sneak around an awful lot. He wouldn't be catching his wings in here, make of that what you will!" he tried to throw his arms wide for emphasis but the bookshelves got in the way.
She bit her lip and held her tongue in regards to Azriel.
“I’m not sure what's down here exactly, I’m following my instincts.” She threw the words over her shoulder at him and then continued walking.
The shadows seemed to stay back but Nesta had the distinct feeling that she was being watched.
Cassian followed along behind her, staying quiet and watching out for trouble, looking down each aisle they passed. Maybe he felt the presence watching as well. He would have a better idea of the sorts of creatures in these mountains than her.
“Maybe we should head back to the lake.” Cassian said
They had walked through book stack after book stack, the scrolls lining the shelves turning brown with age. Mostly paper but several were made of skin and bone - hopefully animal. One had a decidedly blue tone to it however, so it was not an animal Nesta knew of. She still hadn't found what was calling to her blood earlier, just using her eyes seemed to make the whole process feel futile - she would never find it.
“I just,” she sighed and turned to face him. “I want to try something - I’m going to use my powers, can you...” she took a breath again looking around, “Can you keep an eye out - I can sense something down here.”
She could feel his eyes move over her, assessing. Appraising her posture, from her legs to the set of her shoulders like the commander he was. Judging his soldier. Checking she was prepared. He never looked at her like this - maybe with mischief, pain, fear or love but not a frank assessment of her abilities.
He stood straighter before leaning to the side lifting his muscled leg to check a blade was still tightly strapped without looking down. Next he flexed his hands, red siphons glinting as they caught the light.
“Sure thing Nes.”
Cassian twitched his wings as she turned around in front of him. His warrior, his love leading the way. He watched her carefully taking note as she used her magic, her slender arm moved out in front of her.
He wanted to go first - to jump in front of her and protect her but he knew she needed to be in charge - he was there for support. Backup.
This was not how he expected their date to go. Romantic book shopping - yes, exploring the cave system looking for danger - no. He was meant to be keeping Nesta safe - What would Rhys say? What would Feyre say? Feyre was most definitely scarier than Rhys in this situation. Rhys wouldn't' mind too much if Nesta wandered off never to be seen again, but Feyre would never forgive him.
A strange feeling came over him, a sense of being surrounded by mist, damp air filled his lungs and he struggled to look into the gloom ahead. His siphons flared slightly reacting to Cassian’s own unease. This feeling was familiar but he could not place it. The mist opened and he felt the pull of magic in a clear direction ahead of them. Nesta began walking again.
She moved silently, standing just as she had been when he had snuck up on her before - was this what she was doing?
The shelves stopped and there were a few seats arranged around a small table in the final room of the book merchant’s store, a place to read if anyone came this far back. Cassian looked around. Four doors were in the square room, one they had just entered through, and one door on each of the other three sides. All pathways seemed dark to him, this was not a part of the Market they should be exploring.
Nesta moved ahead of him, her hand moving like a divining rod - back and forth across the space until she felt something.
Walking over to the back of the room she peered into the doorway. Cassian followed and saw a dark corridor that turned away and down into the earth. No fae lights, bare walls, a tunnel that could lead straight into the heart of the mountain.
“Cassian,” she put her arm behind her and he took her hand “should I keep going? I think it wants me to go further inside, but I don't know if I can.”
Cassian enveloped her in a hug from behind and whispered, “Nes, if you don’t want to, we don’t have to, and if you do i’ll go with you. Always. We go together.”
The words caught in her throat and she whispered “We go together.”
The mist in the room seemed to fade and Cassian’s senses instantly improved.
“Well. No more magic?” he asked.
“Not for now - I don’t think I should let myself be pulled too far in, i’m unaware.” she whispered and looked around. They were alone but Nesta seemed on edge. Like someone else was listening.
“What do you mean? unaware?” he asked quietly.
“Sometimes, in order to access my magic I need to go into a trance and I take a while to react - I don’t like it. That’s all.” her chin tilted up, the silver in her eyes flashed. Ready to move on.
“How often do you use it? I’ve never really been around to see it.” he asked, hoping to understand - hoping she hadn't closed down. Hoping to ease some of her burden. No one except Amren had any idea what Nesta could do and neither of them were giving it away.
“It's an evolving process.” she said
Cassian rubbed his thumb over her fingers - he could not seem to get enough of her. Ever since flying with her here, her body curled in tight to his chest, the rhythm of her breathing against him. Spending so many peaceful moments together, he just wanted to hold her hand and hug her and talk to her and maybe later sleep in the same bed. It didn't seem too much to ask. They still had so many things to discuss but just living in this moment was all he wanted. No expectations.
“We’re staying the night - I found a room, so we can always come back and explore tomorrow.” he threw out the offer. They didn’t have to follow her magic, they didn’t have to learn anything - they could just ignore it and enjoy each other. Even if it was just one night of peace before returning home.  
Nesta looked away from him and at their hands, her teeth worrying at her lip, deep in thought.
Maybe he shouldn’t have mentioned a room. Could he take it back? Perhaps taking it back and saying he got a suite would be better. Maybe he should offer to sleep on the floor. Cassian knew that wasn’t going to happen. His wings were already becoming heavy, the exhaustion from flying all day catching up to him. He had spent a lot of money on one of the nicest apartments near the top of the cave complex and he was going to sleep with his wings spread out as far as they could on that bed tonight. He just hoped that Nesta would be next to him.
“Okay, lets go get those books and head to our room.” Nesta said as she let go of his hand and led the way back out.
Cassian turned and looked toward the dark corridor one last time - a lot brighter than it had been only moments ago, and no mist to be seen. He shuddered involuntarily as a cold breeze swept up and out of it reminding him of another place he often felt like this. It was never wise to go searching in the dark places of the Night Court without a plan, but especially not at night. Tomorrow was a new day.
He followed Nesta out. Cassian felt the dread leave his body with each step and a grin grew as he watched her walk away.
“Stop it!” she chastised him without turning around.
Her pace increased, hips moving from side to side down the narrow tunnel of bookshelves.
“Stop what, I’m not doing anything?” he called back laughing.
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someday-renee · 11 years
Lunira/Kylied and a tub full of Maybelline make up
“Okay, so how do I look?” 
“Ky! You’re not even looking!”
A sigh escaped the boy as he looked up from his comic, “Lun, you know I’m not exactly good at this sort of thing.” He shrugged, looking up at her from his seat on the floor near her bed.
“Please?” She pleaded. “I just want to look nice for Saturday.” She said softly. She looked  down at her one of her favorite green shirts with the crazy zig-zag pattern and brown shorts. 
Kylied put his comic down, “Lunira, you guys are going to the amusement park, not the Prom.” He reasoned. “Besides, I’m pretty sure Nebulos is going to like whatever you decide to wear.” He shrugged. 
She couldn’t hide the blush that spread across her cheeks at the thought of her crush. “You think so?” 
Kylied nodded. “Yup, sure do.” He said reaching for his comic again, and hoping that would be the end of that conversation. 
“Okay, so which do you think is better, ‘Very Berry’ chap-stick or ‘Merry Cherry’ lip balm?” She asked, fishing through a tub of make up that the boy didn’t even know she had. She gave him an expectant stare. 
A beat of silence. 
“Yes, Mrs. Shavaie?! ” Kylied suddenly shouted, rising up and practically running out of his friend’s bedroom. “I’m coming!”
Lunira just sat there for a few moments in a confused stupor. “…Hey wait a minute!” She got up and ran after him with a laugh. “My mom didn’t call us!” 
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saybiwithme · 9 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: 9-1-1 (TV) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Evan "Buck" Buckley/Eddie Diaz (9-1-1 TV), Evan "Buck" Buckley & Athena Grant, Evan "Buck" Buckley & Lucy Donato, Evan "Buck" Buckley & Ravi Panikkar Characters: Evan "Buck" Buckley, Eddie Diaz (9-1-1 TV), Athena Grant, Lucy Donato, Ravi Panikkar Additional Tags: Smut, Witch!Eddie, Vampire!Buck, a little bit of blood drinking, Happy Ending, Hand Job, Blow Job, Biting Summary:
Buck is a Vampire, Athena is his mentor and tells him about a new supernatural club so he decides to check it out, not knowing that Eddie is there too. This fic is a gift for @loserdiaz <3 Tagging: @hippolotamus, @elvensorceress, @wheelsupin-five, @monsterrae1, @shortsighted-owl, @singlethread, @alyxmastershipper, @letswishuponastar, @eddiediaaz, @forest-lad, @buddierights, @i-had-bucky, @fire-fog, @disasterbuckdiaz, @jesuisici33, @transbuck, @geekwarrior107, @translasso, @loveisnotapanickingbird, @raytoroinmybackpack, @userdisaster, @murder-trio, @spookylostboy, @elgascreamslikehell, @ronordmann, @mrevanbuckley, @buckleyobsessed & @cowboydiazes
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saybiwithme · 1 year
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: 9-1-1 (TV) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Evan "Buck" Buckley/Eddie Diaz (9-1-1 TV), Christopher Diaz & Eddie Diaz (9-1-1 TV), Evan "Buck" Buckley & Christopher Diaz (9-1-1 TV) Characters: Eddie Diaz, Christopher Diaz, Evan "Buck" Buckley Additional Tags: Mentioned Shannon Diaz, POV Eddie Diaz (9-1-1 TV), First Kiss, Love Confession Summary:
Eddie decides he wants to change his will to give Buck guardianship of Christopher.
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The Serpent | An OFMD AMAU
by ReneeWrites, tightenupmate
Words: 2439, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Our Flag Means Death (TV)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Stede Bonnet, Blackbeard | Edward Teach, "Calico" Jack Rackham, Israel Hands, Fang (Our Flag Means Death), Ivan (Our Flag Means Death), Mary Allamby Bonnet, Evelyn Higgins
Relationships: Blackbeard | Edward Teach/Stede Bonnet, Blackbeard | Edward Teach & "Calico" Jack Rackham
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/47185300
0 notes
Man Of The World.
by ReneeWrites
Edward Teach is an ambitious human rights lawyer with big dreams of changing the world for the better. Stede Bonnet is the filthy rich heir to the country's most corrupt family-run empire. Love and tension are in the air of this Machiavellian romance set in modern day New York City during the winter holidays.
Words: 4111, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Our Flag Means Death (TV)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Relationships: Blackbeard | Edward Teach/Stede Bonnet
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, New York City
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/43061145
0 notes
Season of the Witch
by ReneeWrites
Words: 1492, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of Season of the Witch
Fandoms: Our Flag Means Death (TV)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Lucius Spriggs, Stede Bonnet, Buttons (Our Flag Means Death), Oluwande Boodhari
Relationships: Blackbeard | Edward Teach/Stede Bonnet
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/40156392
0 notes
From the Inside Out
by ReneeWrites
Words: 1198, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 4 of From the Inside Out
Fandoms: Our Flag Means Death (TV)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: M/M
Characters: Lucius Spriggs, Jim Jimenez, Frenchie (Our Flag Means Death), Blackbeard | Edward Teach, Israel Hands
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/39704535
0 notes
rayonfrozenwings · 5 years
Creepy Elain - Headcanon.
Ok So I was talking with @bookofmirth about how Elain is creepy in ACOWAR and creepy Elain doesn’t really get *seen* by this fandom. We get cute flower growing Elain and because of ACOFAS we have baker and homemaker Elain. 
But a lot of people forget about creepy Elain. And since it’s October I’ve got a creepy Elain Headcanon that still works with the other side of her character. 
Things We Know about Elain (not necessarily creepy)
She loves Gardening, enjoys it, wanted to go to the continent to see the tulips (acomaf)
Elain took charge in Acotar of planning a ball and finding dresses for the sisters.
She enjoys baking with Nuala and Cerridwen (acofas) 
She does well in Human Social Circles where Nesta floundered. (acotar)
She can schmooze people into thinking she’s innocent
The cauldron wanted to offer her a gift 
She was given powers of a seer 
Why This Could contribute to her “creepy” ness.
Elain could be a poisoner/apothecary to murder people - we could have our own sweet little serial killer here.  
Flowers and plants she grows and cultivates without the help of gardeners and on her own. Feyre merely digs a new plot of dirt for Elain to garden in (acotar). Is she growing some toxic plants? 
She cooks and kicks people out of the kitchen while she is cooking (acofas). Maybe she’s cooking something else. 
She has the necessary skills to plan and organise a party while acquiring dresses at short notice, she has many contacts and is able to use them when the time is right, she also has access to many costumes through this supplier - perfect for meeting people on the sly/in disguise. 
Elain doesn't have the same aversion to dresses as Nesta does - perhaps that's because she’s worn pants before and often (for gardening or more sinister things). 
Her best friends in ACOFAS seem to be Nuala and Cerridwen - two of Azriel’s best spies and assassins - maybe they have more in common that we realise and Elain is also working for Azriel, in the brewing poisons sense and is actually learning those skills from the twins. 
Azriel has lots of quiet moments with Elain, to find out information or get a new poison. 
While Elain is troubled when the Cauldron gives her the ability to see the future, it seems she starts to accept it by ACOFAS. Maybe that's because she is deciphering her visions like code and with the help of her spy team. 
Elain had a creepy asf ghost vibe in ACOWAR and maybe her visions actually come in the form of spirits talking to her - the spirits of those people she has killed or those around here… where are her visions “coming from”, could be asking advice from equally creepy asf Azriel. 
Also - anyone going to remember she fucking stabbed Hybern in the throat. That's a bit dark. Sure she didn’t finish the job but she had no aversion to killing him.
And cue - creepy Elain. 
Please note it's all totally circumstantial and can be refuted of course - I just really really want a creepy Elain vs a Stepford Wife Elain.
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rayonfrozenwings · 4 years
Spoiler Alert: Contains references to ACOFAS.
Authors Note: Apologies for quick succession. It’s writing season apparently.
A Nessian Fan Fiction: Characters all belong to Sarah J Maas and her book series A Court of Thorns and Roses. This Story takes place after ACOFAS. The story has Multiple POV’s, taking place in the Illyrian camp, Windhaven, Nesta and Cassian are living together at the behest of the high lord and lady of the night court.
Chapter 14 - Home Cooking. Nesta and Cassian are at the Market deciding their next course of action.
Previous chapters are here: 1, 2, 3, 4 , 5 , 6 7  8, 9, 10, 11 , 12 , 13 and Masterlist here.
I have also put this on AO3: Series Link  :)
WC 1913
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Nesta The walk around the lake felt more peaceful than Nesta thought possible, fireflies flew through whistling reeds and up around the various fae and night court creatures. Twinkling in the night, drawing Nesta’s attention to the many delicacies laid out on blankets in the tree lined space before the clearing. Beautiful faeries of all types clustered around the blankets, or at least what looked like blankets - the one closest was made of frosted silver leaves and yellow flowers, noticeably different from the surrounding greenery and moss.
Nesta continued to assess, taking in all around her.
The majority of the groups looked like families traveling together and others looked like romantic pairings, cuddling close and sharing food. Amazing how this place can exist in such isolation from everything else she had experienced in the night court. Fires and stalls filled the clearing and behind them, under the canopy of the trees she could see caravans and tents all set up to house the people running the market.
The very busy market - fairies of all types moving about to get something to their taste. Mole like creatures with large eyes and claws, small balls of fluff with long twig like limbs, and more humanoid Fae with wings, scales and all manners of colours moved about the space. It was busier near the food than it had been inside the cavern.
Cassian had been gone for a while now and she hoped he could see her among the crowd. Nesta shouldn’t have worried, he leaped over a small child - legs kicking up to the side while still holding the food. The child continued on oblivious to his near crash, chasing a possibly older sibling through the chaos. Cassian turned his grinning face her way, clearly glad that she saw his feat of agility and gesturing to an unoccupied place to sit with his full hands.
“That was close.” he said, handing her something that instantly reminded her of Elain. The smell of bread wafted up from the parcel and Nesta was overcome with homesickness. Opening it up she took a large bite and then another one. Savouring it as much of the dish as she could, letting the flavours move over her tongue. She closed her eyes and let the happy memories of her sisters drown her, all three at peace, before pulling everything back inside as she opened her eyes again - locking the thoughts away behind the blue glass.
A deep breath.
“So, they are nomads?” Nesta said through another bite of her delicious saucy bread dish.
Cassian used his own bread to wipe some sauce from her cheek as they walked. It hadn’t quite made it inside her mouth.
She gave him a wan smile and then said “Thanks.”
“You are most welcome,” he popped the bread into his mouth, “I think your red sauce is better than my green one.” he ripped another piece of his bread and dipped it into her dish and ate it. “Oh yeah, much better, definitely getting the red one next time.”
Nesta let out a sigh, “Nomads?” she asked again.
“Yeah, kind of. Not all of them go to every market, each market location has a kind of guardian group that stays all year round to mind the place, and then the rest move around. I’ve never really thought about it, it's just always been this way. But nomads might be the best way to describe it.”
“Does everyone know about the Market?” she looked towards the mainly lesser fae, they were so different from the High Fae, so different from humans, even from the illyrians, it was easy to forget how diverse Prythian was when you were cloistered away.
“Most people in the Night Court do, it is frequented by Lesser Fae more than High Fae but that's part of the reason it's stayed this way. No High Fae to tell them what to do. Plus Velaris has its own market and I'm sure the Court of Nightmares does as well - though I can't say I have been."
"Illyrians prefer trading posts - less illyrians all in one place…you know," he made a face "- because brawls are bad for business.” he rolled his eyes like he didn't believe it and carried on, “Since the Market keeps all his subjects happy Rhys hasn’t really worried about it. He sends Mor, Azriel or I around every so often to make sure everyone is happy, no shady stuff going on, no rebellions, but it runs pretty well without interference.”
“So why are we at this particular one?” she asked.
“Ah, well I was meant to check up on it before it moved on - so yes, an element of work but I could have asked Mor if I didn't want to come. I actually wanted to get you a book, wanted to get you out of that house, spend some time with you...” his voice trailing off near the end.
“You know - I have books.” she said, avoiding the topic of spending time together, there was no need to label what they had and she was just getting used to the idea that he wasn’t always a pain in her ass.
“Yes, But I - wanted to get you a book.”
Nesta looked at Cassian as he finished off his food, using the last of the bread to mop up his green sauce.
“What sort of book?” she asked, trying to think of all the special types of books they might find. Did he actually have something in mind, was he not telling her something.
“A history book or a romance book, or a magic book, or a book about the mountains…. I wasn't really sure, I just knew that this was the best collection of books in the night court except the ones kept by Rhys.” He pulled a cloth out of his satchel and wiped his hands offering it to Nesta to do the same while they continued to watch faeries move about.
“You mentioned there were other things at the Market, different things. Different locations - different merchandise… that’s what you said, so what’s this one's speciality?”
“Did you notice the walls?” he looked up to the caverns through the trees behind them, the light filtering through.
“I did.”
Cassian turned into a storyteller.
“Well, for starters - The Night Court is known for its jewells, this used to be a mining location. You will see, the further back into the caves we get, the more jewels have been left there sticking out of the walls - some too big to remove. The caves go back a long way. The High-Lord at the time was searching for something, no one really knows what, but it led to this incredible network of caves, caves that were made into homes for the workers, who then sold the gems that the High-Lord did not want. The High Lord got bored - they basically ran the operation for years with the explicit understanding that if they found what he wanted they had to give it up. I don’t think anyone even knows what he wanted anymore. So now those caves are filled with books, antiquities, jewellery, and other things that people bring to the market to sell.”
Cassian lowered his voice to a whisper and moved closer.
“The group that stays here - the guardians, they look after the books, but deeper inside, behind the book stalls and the scrolls and their homes are rumours of some hidden caverns with rare magical goods.” Cassian looked around before continuing a little quieter again, “Some say there is a myth that the tunnels were occupied by witches at one point, and that the items in the back are being protected because they belonged to them but I happen to know that the odd item has been sold over the years, so I think the Myth just helps to drive up the prices. Someone very crafty knew how to sell their merchandise.” He let out a big laugh, “These days, you just need to know who to talk to, so you can find the right tunnel.” he shook his head and sat back up, giving Nesta some air.
“Witches?” she asked.
“Yeah, witches - but I’ve been here plenty of times and haven't seen anything too weird. I’m pretty sure they are just a myth.”
“I see.” Nesta flicked her fingernails, trying to decide what she wanted.
To go inside or not.
Confronting fears was a good thing. Maybe it would help her with the nightmares - fewer things to be scared of. Going back into a cave meant she could return to the library in Velaris one day. That she could go underground. That she could roam the House of Wind, her first home in Velaris - without fear.
The witches component was slightly more concerning. She hadn’t told Cassian that her research made it seem likely that the High Lords had been changing the past to suit their purposes. Or at least changing how the past was remembered.
Witches didn’t seem as far fetched to someone who was reborn from the magic of the cauldron into an entirely new form. What was the High lord looking for that it would be buried so deep into a mountain? After speaking to Amren, Nesta knew some myths were just forgotten truths, was this one of them.  
“Look, we don’t have to go in there, I’d like to look at books with you but I’ll understand if you don't want that.” She saw the switch as storyteller Cassian vanished and the commander came out, she did enjoy it when he planned and tried to plot the best way to reach his goal. She could see him ticking things off on his hand as he mentally prepared an argument. “I can draw a quick map. There are multiple exits and they all come out to a wooden path and then lead to the lake and connect to the loop track. So we have a meeting place if we need it. We can meet back here if you get spooked for any reason. There are a few sellers I trust and I'll point them out so if you see trouble you know who to ask for help - if I’m not with you that is. I also have a few additional knives in my bag.”
“I have some knives already.” a long finger poked into his chest.
“Okay, extra knives.” He smiled at her.
“Do you always have to get the last word!”
“Do you?”
“You did it again.”
Cassian laughed. “Look , I have to go check out a few things and make sure certain goods aren’t being sold, I can do it before or after?" he left some space for her to reply but she didn't, she just waited.
"So, do you want to go look at some books with me Nesta Archeron?”
“Very Well.” she said, losing the argument she had stopped fighting long ago, “I do see another problem coming up soon though.”
“Where are we meant to sleep? I thought there might have been a camp nearby. I didn't realise we might be sleeping under the stars. I don't have fur like those little fluff balls over there.” She moved her hands to wrap around her arms in her own form of a hug protecting herself from the cold.
He stood and offered her his hand, satisfaction in his eyes.
“I always think of something.” he grinned and winked at her.
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rayonfrozenwings · 5 years
Hi, can you do a HC of Cassian and Nesta showering together for the first time?
of course…. me -> trying to figure out if this happened already… 
I’m going to say they have not, and make this FLUFFY! whoops… it got a lil NSFW, my bad.
also if u want me to write tog/acotar HCs then Im doing them this weekend! just send me an ask.—
- Set up - Illyrian Mountains, Windhaven, Living together because - OMG THEY WERE ROOMMATES is key.
- Everything has settled down, Nesta is happy. Good things happened. 
- Nesta still has a fear of the bath/being submerged and thats totally fine because not everyone needs to get over their fears, some of them we learn to live with. 
- Cassian picked up that she was bathing a certain way - aka a cloth and some water and made a shower outside their wooden house. 
- He picks up things like that.
- Because Illyrians have big wings (well some do) he makes it made with granite slabs on the floor and around a couple of sides making its own sort of room open to the sky. 
- Its a master of engineering and all the bat boys admire it once it’s made.
- Well kinda, they had to add a tilted roof on after Cassian kept being harassed by younger illyrians while he tried to use it. But from under the shower you do get a view of the mountain peaking through the slabs of rock and wooden roof.  
- Nesta pointed out the chilly factor so Cassian had to put a brazier at one end of the room. 
- It’s now a delux spa, with a seat on one side too. 
- Nesta waited until it was almost a granite box before entering. 
This is going off track let me get back on track….
- Nesta sneaks out of the house hoping to not wake Cassian. She has been having a good time all through the night and just needs to smell like herself again before people come to visit.
- She steps out into the chilly air and feels her breasts tighten in response to the cold. Thank goodness Cassian keeps that brazier going all the time, refilling it before they go to bed. 
- She enters the warm room that feels like a cocoon with black walls and warmth, turns on the shower and steps under the semi warm water. 
- Cassian meanwhile has been waiting, he heard her get up and pretended to still be asleep as she walked around their bedroom finding her clothes to wear for the day - one of the problems with a bathroom not connected to the rest of the house - Nesta will not be outside naked and must get organised. 
- Now he can hear her humming to herself from his slightly ajar window.
- Cassian doesn’t have a problem with nudity, especially not when everyone else is still sleeping, so he walks from their bed in only his wings and makes his way to the shower.
- Nesta hums, and lathers her hair, getting down to business, suds drop over her body and down the black floor leaving white foamy clouds by her feet. 
- She feels the room change, like its taking a breath.
- Turning slightly she notices him standing off to the side by the brazier
- “May I join you?” he asks
- and her brain is saying - no, I need to get clean and dressed. 
- but that other part of her is saying, “yes please.”
- Cassian can see it in her eyes and he prowls closer to her, leaps and picks her up around the waist.
- She hits him and laughs.
- Cassian kisses her and she takes the foam from her own head and places it on his, and down his wings and along his shoulders.
- Nesta’s hands roam his body, cleaning it but in a way that she knows he loves to be touched in bed - why would a shower be any different.
- “We have people coming. Just a shower.” she says with her stern voice
- Cassian kisses her and says “we can get clean after” running his hands over her body.
- Which she loves because he seems to make her want to melt into herself just by being in the room with him. 
- “mmmmmhhhmmm” is the only response she can come up with, holding him as close as she can. their two bodies covered in soap and the quickly cooling water running over them. 
- Nesta seems to notice the temperature change and stands directly under the water - rinsing all the suds. making Cassian watch, which he does with dark eyes. All playfulness gone, a type of bloodlust creeping into his vision and he wants Nesta. 
- She runs her hands through her hair like its some sort of Panteen commercial
- Nesta points Cassian to sit on the bench to the side, he does, with expectation. and she stands on her tip toes and pulls his head down so she can put some shampoo in Cassian’s hair. Lathering it up and taking care of him. her hands may still wander. 
- He lets her do whatever she wants, Playful Nesta is one of his favourites Nestas.
- “you know that people are going to know I didn’t wash my hair” he says to her as she continues to clean it, massaging his scalp, seeing the length of his erection between his thighs and ignoring it. 
- “how would they know?” 
- “I never wash my hair with lavender”
- Nesta has a smile curl up on one side of her face, she reaches over for her lavender soap and starts to rub it all over his wings.
- “What ARE you doing Nesta!” 
- “They should KNOW who made you smell like lavender” is all she says as she points him back the the stream of water. 
- the water is now freezing now, Cassian rinses as quickly as possible, the cold water ruining any hope he had of having Nesta in their bathroom on this chilly morning. 
- “You did that on purpose” he says as the cold shower continues to do the trick. 
- “We have people coming Cassian” is all she says as she dries off on the other side of the room. 
- Cassian watches her get dressed in her undergarments then turns away trying to cool down the fever burning in his blood. 
Hope that was ok Nonnie! :) 
also if u want me to write tog/acotar HCs then Im doing them this weekend! just send me an ask.
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rayonfrozenwings · 5 years
Lysaedion wedding?
ooo ok. I have read KoA I just cant remember if this has already happened. I’m thinking it had - but just off the page.---
- Evangeline has to be the Maid of Honour, and gracefully makes Aelin think that it is the best solution for Lysandra’s wedding. Aelin is to be just a bridesmaid because she has a kingdom to run and Lysandra deserves full attention. - The Hens night is more about shopping, and getting pampered, and girl time. 
- Lysandra is weirdly calm about the whole thing. Like it was always going to happen its just the way things are and always should have been. - its a quiet affair at her estate, the snow is still falling, low crumbling walls line her aisle and a dais covered with white flowers.- The food is inside along with the rest of the party guests, the sun is just about to drop behind the mountains, making a weird purple light filter over the whole occasion. - Evangeline walks down the Aisle with Ren first, he is going to be administering the ceremony as a Lord of Terrasen. - Evangeline is in a light lilac gown with green flowers and yellow daisies on the hem. - Then Rowan and his Queen walk down the aisle next, wearing a gold and green, leaning into each other and whispering and smiling. They wait for the lucky couple to walk down next. - Just as they walked every night and every morning during the siege of Orynth to Evangeline, they do that now. - arm n arm, Aedion is dressed in green with white and gold detailing on the cuffs and collar, his blonde hair tied back in his warrior braid on one side and free and wild on the other. - Just like her, a fierce animal under the surface.- He looks to Lysandra who stands there in her rich emerald green gown, gold thread catching the light as the last rays fall. - Minimal makeup, Hair arranged in the same way as his, making them a matching set. hers has jewels woven into the twists and turns. - She smiles at him, her hair is loose and falling around her making her almond shaped eyes stand out and the hunger underneath shine through.- She gives him a kiss on the cheek and they walk down their make-shift aisle hand n hand ready to commit to each other and Evangeline beneath the moon rising. - The ceremony is not traditional Adarlanian, its a new thing. It’s just theirs, made through combining the parts of their heritage they thought would be most needed in the new world. A commitment to each other and to growing from this point on. - Something that started in that white castle and will continue well beyond it.I hope that was ok Nonnie! Somehow I caught some feelings and started to get emotional so had to stop - guess I’m not over KoA! 
send me an ask prompt and ill write some head-canons.
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rayonfrozenwings · 5 years
HC's about the inner circle doing spring cleaning??
hahahaha. Yes! ok. I feel like in ACOTAR there is this magic that means things done get dusty but i’m going to conveniently forget that, and Feyre leaving junk around her and Rhys bedroom really shows how quickly the clutter can take over their lives so its still important. hahaha.
- is running the whole event. - She has lists everywhere and directs the people around to different places, The Inner circle has a few places to clean up and Elain is going to make sure they all get done. - She acts as the director and provider of correct supplies and sends people out to get more. - No one asked her to do it, she had decided after seeing the state of the libraries in the House of Wind that it was about time.
- Is Elain’s first inspector and errand runner. - She knows that his standards or cleanliness are up to her own so she can trust him, Plus he can get around all the different locations super quick with his non-winnowing. - Azriel also picks up the extra cleaning supplies- Azriel also quickly cleans the rooms that aren't quite ‘up to standard’, he’s meant to get the people back to fix it but he doesn’t want to bother them.
- Doesn't mind cleaning, but needs a job where he can see the difference immediately - the dirtier the better, so he takes control of the sparing rings, the tops of houses, the fixing of small walls (that he may or may not have damaged himself). - His flying capabilities also means he gets those annoying jobs like clearing out the spiderwebs in the corners of rooms. 
- Re-organising and dusting the library, she may or may not get distracted by books and read as she runs her damp cloth along the bookshelves in the house of wind. - it takes her all day.
Nuala and Cerridwen
- I know not technically the IC but these two would be doing their part and cleaning the townhouse from top to bottom, especially now that Feyre and Rhys have moved into their new place.
- Doing her best to make everyone happy, surface cleaning every space she could so they look just as perfect as she does.- She would choose to clean sleeping quarters, so she could see what was hanging in peoples wardrobes,... Amren would be with her....
- Drinking wine and swiping her finger across surfaces and pointing them out to Mor. - gathering rings she finds from various places, to help “remove clutter” her hands would be glinting by the end of the day.
- Is sent to her mansion which currently isn’t that messy. - She would be told to get her painting rooms in order, because no-one else would have any idea how to do that.- Feyre would find something else to distract her and her painting room would still be unorganised at the end of the day. 
- Also sent to the mansion. - Really no-one wanted to deal with Rhys and Feyre finding each other and becoming “distracted” so they were left alone to clean the mansion. - Luckily the mansion was new and not really in need of a clean.- Rhys removes the clutter with a click of his fingers and then proceeds to find his high lady.thank you @librarian-of-orynth want some tog or acotar Head-canons then send me an ask
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