#rengoku kyojuro x Reader
bungalowbear · 9 hours
I Won’t Say: Prologue
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Pairing: Rengoku Kyojuro x reader
Warnings: mentions of blood, death
Word Count: 830
A/N: The Mugen Train arc really fucked me up. But it also endeared me to the incredibly wholesome being that is Kyojuro! This is the first part of a series inspired by this idea. I’d love to hear what you think. Reblogs are appreciated! I hope you enjoy!
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Rain pelts down on the roof of your small home in the countryside. A flash of lightning illuminates the silhouette of the intruder, casting their long, menacing shadow across the tatami. You were warned about them. The villains who appear after the sun goes down. They are like mindless attack dogs. They don’t ask questions. All they know is to strike and to kill the ones you love.
Your mother’s decapitated head lies three feet from her body, facing the direction of the closet where you hide. The sliding door is cracked open less than an inch. It’s enough for one of your eyes to peek through and witness the last moments of her life.
The intruder hovers over her body, waiting for the evidence of his violence to be swept away. But you silently pray to the gods for a miracle. Hoping against hope that even if she can’t put herself back together, your mother at least won’t disappear and leave you alone in this world.
Your prayers go unanswered as a thin outline of orange heat begins to consume her slowly, inch by inch until half of her face is gone. Her red eyes stay steadily fixed on you. Tears swell into pools, dripping like crystals out of the corners. Your own tears blur your vision of her but you blink them away to watch her lips move one final time.
I love you.
Soundlessly spoken, her sentiment makes your chest constrict and your hand fly over your mouth to stifle your sobs. You choke on the lump in your throat as you watch your mother dissolve into ash. 
It happens so fast, and yet in slow motion. One moment your mother is there and in the next she isn’t. You don’t want to believe that she’s really gone. How could you? After years of living away from larger human populations, where no one would catch onto what your mother really was, you had hoped that this would give you more time with her. It seemed a given that she would watch you grow old while she remained the same. It was the only hope you had. But that hope now lays dead in a pile of crumbled ash.
The demon slayer lets out a huff. A quick swipe of his sword sends your mother’s blood flying off the bright red metal and splattering onto the wall. He sheathes his weapon with a long shiiiing then turns sharply on his heels to escape the scene of his crime.
Red and yellow flames burn themselves brightly into your mind as they billow at the end of his long white cape, leaving your home as swiftly as they came. Lightning strikes again. He’s gone.
After a long time, only when you’re willing to take the chance the demon slayer won’t return, you carefully slide the door open another inch. When the house remains still you abandon all caution and sweep the door aside. You crawl to your mother’s remains and finally allow yourself to weep openly.
You don’t know how much time passes as you cry over the black stained tatami, salty tears mixing with your demon mother’s ashes. Hours must pass. But when you finally run out of the energy to cry, it’s still dark out. The sun is yet hours away.
A creak sounds at the front of the house and you look up, expecting the flame bearing demon slayer, but your body goes rigid upon seeing the figure in the doorway. His face is like porcelain with red eyes like your mother. Only, his seem to glow bright like precious rubies. And his aura is nothing compared to your mother’s. Even with her demon blood she still extended a gentle and caring presence. But now, your body is bogged down by a heavy darkness, old and angry, as this demon looms in between the darkness of the night and the weak light of the lantern that remains undisturbed in the corner of the room.
“What do we have here?” Despite the smooth cadence of his voice, your tongue is trapped inside your mouth by fear. You don’t answer. Can’t answer. “A human mourning a demon? How…intriguing.”
The demon steps forward. He’s dressed in clothes much finer than your own. Black strands of his hair hang at chin length as they shine in the soft light. He crouches down in front of you, a gesture that should make you feel leveled with him but actually makes him more menacing, and takes hold of your chin with two graceful fingers. 
You manage to utter one word.
His lips turn up at your pathetic plea, amused. You don’t even know what you’re asking for. What do you really want? Death, so that you may join your mother? If he spared your life what would you live for now? Revenge? 
But there’s no need to decide. He’s already done that for you.
“You’ll do just fine,” he says.
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star divider by @/enchantings. line divider by @/firefly-graphics.
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hottempura · 11 days
A Relationship Lost to Memories
Kyojuro Rengoku x reader- Part 2
By dusk, you had woken up again. This time Rengoku was there to greet you. Everything was still painful, but that tea must’ve had heavy painkillers in it since this time involved less screaming. His eyes stared at you in the low light and you sighed leaning back.
“So this is real? All of this?” You glanced down at his hand in yours curiously. You’ve waited a long time to feel this.
“It is. We’ve told the other hashira and they’ll be by tomorrow.” You smiled and turned his hand over to trace your fingers along the palm. His hand was rough from training. Warm like the rest of his body and more gentle than you’ve seen it before.
“I’m excited to see Tomioka. I haven’t seen him since… well I guess I wouldn’t remember the last time.” Your smiled dropped and you pulled your hand away. I don’t belong here. Looking back up at Rengoku, you could see the worry and fatigue in his face. “You should get some rest.” You placed your hand on his cheek. It was nice to freely touch him like this. He stood up and almost shifted towards the bed before stopping himself.
“I’ll be in the next room. You can go back to sleep.” He leaned forward and pushed your hair back to kiss your forehead. You froze and blushed at the contact. He leaned back and smiled awkwardly with a small blush. “I’m sorry, I forgot.” That was extremely embarrassing, but it felt nice.
“It’s alright. Goodnight, Rengoku.” He held your hand for one moment longer before heading to the door. He opened it and looked back.
“Goodnight, my flame.” He gave you a cheeky smile in response to the wide blush that spread across your face. Then, he walked out and closed the door behind him. How bold! I guess he’s always been upfront about his feelings though. You shifted a little, wincing from pain then turned over to go to sleep. Slowly a dream… no a memory floated into focus.
I was on my way to a meeting with the others when I heard my name being called out. I turned around and saw Rengoku running up behind me. Raising my hands I waved and shouted back.
“Rengoku-san, be careful!” He zig zagged around a couple kakushi before he skidded to a halt in front of me. His smile was wide and fiery as always making the small flame in my own heart flicker.
“Glad I caught up!” He was smiling and shouting, but to be honest I had gotten used to it.
“We would’ve seen each other at the meeting.” Smiling back at him, I went to turn toward the garden before he caught my wrist.
“Before the meeting I have something to tell you!” He seemed to have wanted to say this in private and by now the kakushi had started to clear out. They wouldn’t have listened in on the conversation always.
“Of course, Rengoku-san.” He took my hands in his own making a light blush bloom behind my ears. He breathed in and out like he was going to battle before shouting out.
“I LOVE YOU! MARRY ME AND BEAR MY CHILDREN!” My face turned bright red at the confession and I sputtered.
“R-ren-“ before being cut off.
“Kyojuro.” He lightly corrected with a smile as wide as ever. He didn’t even looked fazed by what he just said. I blushed harder and turned away from his waiting eyes.
“K-kyojuro-san, you can’t just say things like that!” My body started quivering and red blossomed all over.
“Of course I can! I’ll say it again!” Before he could yell it out again a hand clamped over his mouth.
“PLEASE!” I was even more embarrassed having to step chest to chest with Kyojuro to shut him up.
“Is that a yes?!” His voice still boomed even with my hand there. Eyes widening and legs shaking, I turned and made a run for the garden doors. Kyojuro quickly followed behind, “That doesn’t answer the question!” His voice was still light with happiness and he still had a smile on his face chasing after me. The hashira on the other side scrambled to their positions and away from the gate as it banged open. All holding back laughs at their poor friend who was still red in the face.
“H-hi, everyone! I hope I’m not late.” Kyojuro stood behind still smiling, but his eyes were blazing with determination. I dashed off towards Tomioka while saying his name lightly in a whine. He turned just as I flew past him and onto the pond. The water freezing under each step. Kocho burst out laughing remembering when I used to do the same thing to Tomioka when I was his full time tsuguko.
“You look like a scared deer out there on the ice,” Kocho snickered and walked over to the waters edge with Kyojuro and Tomioka.
“Ren- Kyojuro is scaring me! Shinobu, knock some sense into him!”
“Hm, you don’t look that scared to me! You look embarrassed.” Tengen now joined in on the fun to tease. “Just answer yes or no?!” Kocho immediately smacked Tengen on the back of his head with a glare.
“She wasn’t supposed to know we heard, idiot.” My body froze and then I wailed out pitifully before kneeling and burying my head in my haori.
“Just come back here, my flame! The meeting is going to start soon.” My face redden again at Kyojuro’s sweet nickname. The memory fizzled out as quick as it came.
Waking up the next morning was bitter sweet. That dream felt real. Deep down you knew it was a memory. You started to peal back the haori stuck to your skin with dried blood. As you got it off your shoulders, the door swung open to reveal Rengoku. Immediately you swung your hands up to cover your chest.
“Rengoku! Knock before you barge into someone’s room!” He turned around so fast you could swear there were flames. His hands flew up to his face.
“N-nothing I haven’t seen before!” Even if that was true, this time was different. You grabbed the pillow and chucked it at his back.
“Don’t say things like that! Go get Kan- Shinobu!” He stepped forward and snapped the door shut behind him all while keeping his back turned to you. You sighed and plopped back down. Now missing the pillow, you groaned at the feeling of pain radiating from your stomach. You traced a hand over the bandages and pulled back once you felt a bump. Shinobu had put the stitches back in while you were sleeping. You’ll have to ask later why they weren’t fully closed when you woke up the first time. To your left was your sheath, but your sword was missing. Before you could question it, Shinobu opened the door. She held another medicine cup and following your eye line she answered the silent question.
“Rengoku took your sword to clean last night. If we left all that blood on there, it would damage the blade.” You nodded and laid your head back down. They probably took it away so you wouldn’t harm yourself again. She picked up the pillow and started walking towards the bed. “We’ll have to clean and replace the bandages soon, but you need this.” She held out the cup and helped you get into a sitting position. You downed the contents quickly again and groaned.
“There’s nothing you can put in that to make it taste better?” She laughed and pulled the blankets off your legs. Those were covered in dry blood again too.
“I think I like torturing you all a bit.” Her eyes glinted with mischief. You put down the cup and swung your legs over the side of the bed.
“Sounds about right.” You smiled back at her and she helped you move to the chair by the window. It was no further than two steps from the bed, but each was agonizing. “When does this kick in?!” You groaned and sat down. Beads of sweat were already rolling down your back.
“Give it a little time and then I’ll help you into the bath. The other hashira are coming by today.” You sat up straighter at that. You probably looked like shit right now.
“Who’s coming?” Shinobu frowned at that but it was gone before you could really register it. She started removing the bedsheets.
“Uzui, Obanai, Shinazugawa, Himejima, Tokito, Tomioka, and Kanroji.”
“That last one is new.” Shinobu hummed in acknowledgement. She finished stripping the bed and dropped the cloths by the door.
“You two got along well before this.” She left for a couple of minutes before coming back. “Let’s go get that bath.” You smiled sadly at her in apology, then grabbed her hand. She had to support most your weight. Yesterday, you were running on adrenaline, but now every slight movement was painful. The painkillers were kicking in slowly. The baths were on the first floor, so you went down the stairs slower than a turtle. Halfway through you leaned against the wall.
“Can’t you just drag me down?” Shinobu laughed and grabbed your arm again. So much for catching my breath.
“If we stop now, you won’t want to keep going.”
“I already don’t want to keep going.” Finally after ages, you were at the bottom of the stairs. The baths were no more than 15 hobbles away. You tried taking more of your weight with each step until you both heard something snap. You cried out and leaned back into Shinobu shoving her against the wall.
“Popped a stitch. We’ll worry about that after the bath.” She wedged herself in between you and the wall to your side again. Basically dragging you the rest of the way. Once inside she sat you down on a stool and pulled off your pants. She reached around to start on the bandages. “I can’t let you fully get in the water, so we’ll use wet rags.”
“Really?” You groaned and grabbed the rag at the edge of the tub. She dropped the bandages into the bin and pushed you closer to the bath. You placed your head over the side and she began wetting your hair.
“I feel like I’m bathing Kanao again after a tough mission.” She had a light smile and her eyes flashed with anger. So Kanao is dead. Shinobu is the hashira in her place. You didn’t say anything. It wasn’t your place to ask questions about this just because you couldn’t remember. Kanao was a good friend and you felt sadness at her death. You wet the rag and began dragging it over your skin.
“You usually don’t bathe your patients then?” She gave you a chuckle.
“Only the special ones. Everyone else gets water buckets thrown at them.” You laughed and continued washing your arms.
“Must be difficult being a hashira while doing all this.”
“I have help and a tsuguko. A lot of people rely on the butterfly estate.” She gently ran the soap through your hair and undid the knots. “Sometimes this responsibility is a lot to bear.”
“It seems like you’re doing a fine job. If I really came here three years ago, this wound probably would’ve killed me and not because I was less experienced. That medicine you made… it was different that what Kanao used.” She finished up with your hair and started on your back.
“My sister would’ve done a better job than me. She’d probably save more people too.” You turned around and grabbed her hands in yours.
“That might be true. Your sister was brilliant and she would’ve had more experience than you do now, but her real asset was you. Trust me, Shinobu, I remember her as if I spoke to her yesterday.” She tilted her head down so hair covered her eyes and her hands began to shake.
“thank you” She whispered out and you both wordlessly finished the bath. Once done, she helped you into a new demon slayer uniform. She fixed the stitches and wrapped your abdomen again. You left the front of the uniform halfway unbuttoned. Shouldering your weight again you both started off. Halfway down the hall that kid from the other day came walking down the stairs.
“Ms. Rengoku!” You blushed and stepped forwards wincing, but trying to be intimidating.
“Don’t call me that!” It was so embarrassing. Shinobu laughed awkwardly and started forwards again.
“Ah sorry, but I never did catch your name. Rengoku-sama and you let me call you that on the train.” So this kid was there. You ruffled his hair and you stumbled past. “Do you need help?!”
“Yeah, thanks…”
“Tanjiro Kamado” He took your other side and let you push against his shoulder.
“Sorry I didn’t remember it, I’ll be sure to know for next time.” You figured discussing things with the hashira before letting everyone know about your memory loss would be a good idea. Though yesterdays events would be hard to explain if you did try to hide it.
“That’s okay! Inosuke can’t get my name right and we’ve known each other longer than one mission.” You laughed which turned into panting from exhaustion. Tanjiro didn’t comment which made you grateful. “I was scared back at the train.”
“What do you mean?”
“With the upper moon, we thought you were going to die. We thought you did die. After all that, he still got away.” Your breath hitched. An upper moon? After stepping foot at the top, Shinobu spoke up.
“I can take her the rest of the way. Thank you, Tanjiro.”
“Alright, take care!” He waved and you waved back as much as you could. You waited until you couldn’t hear him anymore then turned to Shinobu.
“Shinobu, I fought an upper moon?” She started walking again.
“You and Rengoku battled upper moon three, but from his report it was mostly him who fought until the end. When the train derailed, you cushioned two demon slayers’ fall. One of their swords stabbed you, so it was hard for you to fight. Ironically, the wound you have now is part of that stab wound.”
“Part? This hole is too big to be an accidental stabbing.” She nodded and opened the door to your room.
“That’s cause the upper moon three, Akaza, shoved his hand through your abdomen.” You felt the air get sucked from your lungs. Through? His hand went through me?
“Shinobu, that’s not possible. I should be dead!” She dragged you over the chair in the corner and sat you down.
“You should be, but he missed your ribcage by a fraction and you used concentration breathing to slow the blood flow. Then you created an ice blockage.”
“I can’t do any of that! I-I don’t know how to do concentration breathing like that!” You remember your first day when you looked down at you abdomen and saw that your breathing had worked to slow the blood. “Wait, I…” Your vision got blurry again and a pounding headache came with it.
“Calm down, look at me and breath through this. It’s a panic attack.” You gripped Shinobu’s arms and looked right at her. The breath was stuck it your lungs. It was like there was a hand on your throat stopping it from coming out, but not letting it out would cause your lungs to burst. The door behind Shinobu opened again and Rengoku came in.
“I heard something, what’s wrong?!”
“A panic attack. Breathe. You can do it.” Rengoku grabbed your head and tilted it up to look him in the eyes. Then you smelled him, like smoke and cider and a little wisteria. You breathed out. Gasping in breaths to try get back to normal. You leaned into him and slowly let go of Shinobu.
“I’m sorry. I don’t know what happened.” You reached up and gripped Rengoku’s shirt to keep him there as sobs wracked your body. His hand went up to tangle in your wet hair and the other slid down your back.
“It’s alright. Shh, it’s ok now.” It was surprising to hear Rengoku whisper, but at the same time it was familiar just like the tone he used last night. Soft and quiet. Reserved for behind closed doors and only for you. Shinobu looked up at you two.
“I’ll go downstairs and wait for the others.”
“I’ll stay here.” The deep rumble from his chest as he spoke felt nice. It felt familiar. Your eyes slipped closed and you drifted back into a memory.
“Kyojuro, what’s flame breathing like?” We were laying in the grass outside of the Rengoku estate. My head on his chest and hands splayed out over it. One of his hands was on the back of my head and the other was drawing patterns across my arm.
“It’s a lot of determination and passion. Feels like it too. When I see the flame coming out of my sword, it only shines as bright as the one inside of me. Like we’re one.” I giggled and rubbed my cheek against his chest. “What?”
“You only speak so eloquently about flame breathing.”
“That’s not true! I speak about you with as much passion.” I shifted my head to look up at him and he put one arm behind his head to look down at me too.
“I don’t mean passion, Kyojuro. You speak about everything with passion. But, when you speak about flame breathing there’s an underlying sadness there. In a good way, like you’re talking about an old friend.” His eyes widened and I leaned up on my elbows to put his hair behind his ear. “It’s like how you talk about your mother.”
“You are a lot like her. She always thought I was a gift, but really it was my privilege to have her as a mother.” I hummed in thought.
“Did she have it? The flame breathing spark?” He smiled wider now showing his teeth and looked up at the sky.
“She had a bigger flame than I. I could feel it. She would have made a excellent flame user.” I leaned closer. He looked best like this. Happy, really happy.
“Do I have it?”
“Even as a frost hashira? I believe you do.” He wrapped an arm around my back and bought us closer. Til we were nose to nose and he whispered, “A flame that fuels mine.”
I leaned forward to kiss him and the colors of his hooded eyes swirled together until I was staring into the darkness again.
“Is everything alright?” Rengoku was now kneeling in front of you.
“Yeah, I just needed to catch my breath.” He nodded and leaned forward to touch your hair again. It was a little drier now due to the breeze.
“Do you want me to do your hair?” Blushing, you nodded. “I’ll be right back.” He patted your hands and got up to walk out of the room. You could hear him next door riffling through something. He cursed lightly before shutting the drawer he was in. When he came back in, he was holding a brush and a couple gold pins. “I tried to find the one you like the most, but I think I left if at home.” Home. Was that the Rengoku estate?
“That’s okay. Those ones match better with my uniform.” He smiled and walked around you to start combing through your hair.
“That’s what you always say. Plus-“
“This way I don’t lose anything special.” You finished the sentence for him and looked down at your lap. It felt confusing to know bits and pieces of your life. Shinobu and you had good banter. Something that felt familiar even though you didn’t use to spend a lot of time with her. Those golden pins. As soon as he walked in, you knew what to say. Even now with him combing through your hair, this too felt familiar, but he’s never done it before.
“I usually only do this when we are going to sleep. Senjuro always does the fancy stuff!” He was concentrating on your hair. Almost like he was training. You laughed and pulled his hand down over your shoulder.
“Just do something you can do well. I’m sure no one will mind.”
“Right, but I want you to be comfortable!” His voice sounded happy. Like that memory… “I got it.” He started on your hair again. You could feel the concentration rolling off of him. It took everything in your power not to take a peak back at him.
“Does Senjuro know I’m ok?” First pin in, he started with the second.
“Yes. He doesn’t know about your memory.” He placed in the second pin and walked around to your front. “Beautiful.” You swatted his arm.
“It’s bad taste to compliment your own work, you know?”
“I wasn’t.” His smiled widened as you turned away with a blush to look out the window. Seven people were walking into the estate and Shinobu was greeting them. You also saw Tanjiro run over with a boy in a boar mask. It was hard to hear them, but the two looked excited and the seven looked solemn.
“Looks like the hashira are here.” Rengoku looked past you out at them.
“I’ll kick them out if they start bothering you.” He looked so determined you couldn’t help but laugh.
“What if you do too?”
“Then I’ll kick myself out.” You hummed happily in response and took one of his hands in yours. The hashira were now making their way up the stairs. Shinobu came first and poked her head in. She gave you a knowing look before opening the door fully. As each walked in, they introduced themselves. Tomioka came in last and you used Rengoku’s help to stand up.
“Giyuu, it’s so good to see you again.” He walked forward already knowing you wanted a hug. His facial expression didn’t change though. You felt Rengoku stiffen besides you. After all, you hadn’t hugged him yet nor have you called him by his name.
“We saw each other last week.”
“Shut up.” You buried your head in his shoulder and his arms settled around your waist to support you. In your mind, it’s been months since you’ve seen him. Everyone’s eyebrows raised at the sign of affection. Giyuu was always reserved and even when it came to you he still held back when they were around. Truth be told, Shinobu knew Giyuu loved you, but after Sabito he shut you out. Your relationship became a good friendship after that. You both pulled back.
“Tomioka, I didn’t know you had it in you to be affectionate.” The man known as Tengen stepped forwards. You’d seen him in that dream. He was Rengoku’s close friend.
“Ah, he’s a big softy on the inside.” Tomioka blushed and backed away towards the others.
“I’m pretty sure you’re still the only one who’s seen that until now.” Tengen walked past you and sat on the windowsill. You looked over at the others still trying to place names. You focused on the pink haired girl.
“You must be Kanroji!” Her eyes started to water. “I mean… uh.”
“Mitsuri. You can call me Mitsuri!” She still looked saddened by the fact you didn’t remember her name. Iguro put a hand on her shoulder as she walked past him to sit on the bed.
“I’m sorry, Mitsuri. I know this must be hard for you all.” Looking over at each of them, you suddenly noticed someone never came in. In the garden, there that brat was. You turned to the window and stuck your head out. “Muichiro, how dare you not come greet me!” He waved a hand dismissively in response and kept looking up at the sky. “That damn kid, no manners.” When you turned back, everyone was looking at you with wide eyes. “What?”
“No one told you Tokito’s name.” The scar covered fellow, Shinazugawa, finally spoke up. You glanced to the side closing your eyes and raised a hand to your head. Another headache.
“Shinobu did yesterday.” They all glanced at her and she shook her head. They all silently agreed, acting like normal was bringing back your memories.
“Well might I say, you look fantastic for someone who got punched through.” Tengen reached out and slung an arm around your shoulder. His other arm made a mock fist to mimic what had happened. He lightly tugged you back until you were leaning next to him.
“I sure look better than you.” Teasing Tengen felt natural, and for some reason you knew to aim for his looks. He threw his head back and laughed.
“You wish!” Before you could reply, Mitsuri grabbed your hands. She got over here so quick.
“Have you eaten yet?! We could go out for dinner.” Actually you were starving. You looked over at Shinobu.
“You can only eat light soups.” You groaned.
“I hate having a hole in my body.” Iguro laughed slightly at that making you look over at him and smile.
“Light soups it is! But I think we should eat here.” Seems in Mitsuri’s excitement, she forgot you couldn’t walk very far.
“Sounds great, do you know how to cook?” Mitsuri beamed and nodded.
“I also bake a little, but that’s harder. You usually bake.” You smiled at her and ran a hand over her braid.
“I thought I taught you how to make mochi?” You winced again and touched your head. Rengoku came back over to your side. Mitsuri smiled and squeezed your hands.
“You did, but you make it better. Me, Shinobu, and Iguro will get started on dinner.” They said they’re goodbyes and walked out to go down to the kitchen. Shinazugawa still stood by the door with his arms crossed. He was uncomfortable dealing with injured people. Instead he walked over and placed a hand on your shoulder.
“I hope you feel better so we can spar soon.” In response, you smiled at him and patted his hand. He walked out too. Himejima who had been crying and saying prayers came over next. To be honest, his presence was frightening. You could feel his strength rolling off him in waves.
“Come by my estate some time. The water will help heal you. I’ll pray for you as you stay here.” Perhaps he could feel that you were uneasy, even though he couldn’t see you. He left soon after that with tears still streaming down him face.
“Don’t worry about him! He’s a weird one.” Tengen suddenly grasped your shoulders from behind making you jump. All the hashira are weird in their own way.
“You’re just as weird!” Rengoku answered for you and slapped Tengen’s hands away. “Don’t touch my wife. You have three!” Wife?! You looked up at Rengoku confused and kind of panicked. When did I become a wife?
“Doesn’t mean I can’t have a fourth!” Rengoku and Tengen continued their mock argument. You shuffled past them towards Giyuu. He stuck out an elbow for you to take and you looked back over at the two idiots.
“Why don’t you guys settle this over a match like always?” Tomioka suggested dryly. The two stopped, looked over at you, then quickly looked back at each other.
“A match?! What a great idea!”
“Lovely, I’ve been dying for an actual fight.” They both spoke over each other. You and Giyuu glanced at each other from the corners of your eyes.
“Could be fun. You know who I’m betting on.” The other two started barreling out the door. Rengoku knew you were safe with Giyuu, though it somehow made him uncomfortable to leave you there. He also knew smothering you wouldn’t be good, but glancing back he saw both of you walk out of the room following slowly. It lessened the feeling just knowing you were both headed the same direction.
“Tengen may actually win this one.” Giyuu observed as he helped you down the stairs. “You were both just on a mission.” A sharp breath punctuated each step you took. Still, you were determined to prove Giyuu wrong by watching Rengoku win.
“If I win, then I get free dinner when I can eat something good.” He nodded. “And what would you like?”
“You have to stay in bed all day tomorrow.” Now at the bottom of the stairs, you groaned at his response and went back to holding his elbow.
“That’s a boring thing to pick.”
“It’s what I’d like.” It was taking forever to reach the engawa and you could already hear them fighting. Coming around the corner, you saw Rengoku throw his hands up in surrender.
“You win!” He didn’t even have a scratch on him! You looked back over to Giyuu who just looked away.
“You conspired against me!” Rengoku smiled in your direction. Tengen didn’t even have his blade drawn yet.
“No, I am clearly outmatched!” Suddenly dizzy again, you gripped Giyuu and he lowered you to the ground. You could hear shouting and you could feel Giyuu’s hands under your arms. It was too late.
“Kyojuro, give up you’re outmatched.” Tengen smiled as he held a blade to Kyojuro’s neck.
“Never!” The two boys got back to fighting. I was sitting off to the sidelines with Shinazugawa. We’d just finished our fight and these two wanted to go at it again.
“Wanna bet again?” Shinazugawa nudged my shoulder and I turned towards him.
“So I can win? Hell yeah, you know who I’m betting for. Go Kyojuro! Win and we’ll get a feast!” I shouted over the clashing of swords and Kyojuro looked back for a second flashing a smile. The next second they were back to fighting.
“Tengen is gonna win one of these days while you’re here. It happens.” I smiled over at them then turned to Shinazugawa.
“As long as I’m near, I don’t think Kyojuro can lose.” Shinazugawa groaned at the sappy nature and my laugh slowly died down again. Another memory.
You snapped your eyes open meeting Rengoku’s.
“You had me worried!” Should I tell him about the memories? Maybe I should tell Shinobu first.
“Sorry, it must be because I haven’t eaten in a while.” You noticed that you were sitting on the ground. Rengoku holding you up and Giyuu off to your side with a hand on your back. Tengen was behind Rengoku looking at you with worry. No one pressed into the issue further.
“I’ll go check when dinner will be done.” Giyuu got up and walked back inside.
“Are you two going to actually fight now? I’d love to see.” Tengen grasped the back of Rengoku’s shirt and dragged him back over.
“Hell yeah!” They got into their positions again. That was the second time I’d ever seen Rengoku lose. You smiled sadly as the two exchanged punches. Hand-to-hand was kind of boring when the two were both so good with their weapons. They were fighting for several minutes before you really started watching. Tengen threw out a punch and Rengoku dodged it and kicked him in the stomach. Either barely flinched. Tengen knelt down and tried to sweep his legs, which obviously Rengoku jumped over. Tengen rewarded that behavior by bringing his leg swiftly up. Rengoku took the impact with his shin and both men grunted as bone hit bone. He landed on the other leg then jumped to the side as Tengen got up. Rengoku threw a kick with his injured leg, which was caught. He bent his knee of the leg Tengen was holding the next moment and punched Tengen in the chest with the forward momentum. Tengen still held his leg and Rengoku started to fall backwards.
“Sorry, old friend!” Rengoku placed both hands behind him and brought up his remaining leg right into Tengen’s crotch.
“OOF! AH THAT’S OUTTA BOUNDS!” Tengen dropped everything and knelt on the ground holding his crotch and groaning.
“It’s a fight! Everything is fair and I had to win. My lady is watching!”
“I understand.” It came out hoarse and a little broken. Yikes, that must’ve hurt. Rengoku started patting him on the back as Mitsuri started shouting about dinner being done.
“You ok?” You giggled as Tengen gave him a thumbs up.
“I’ll uh… I’ll be there in a second. You two go on.” He still seemed to be in a lot of pain, but Rengoku just patted his back and ran over. He helped you up and started walking you towards the dining hall.
“He’ll be fine. This isn’t the first time.” At that you started laughing and he did too.
“You’d think he’d pick up on it after a while.” His smile widened.
“This actually isn’t the first time I’ve used that move too.” You laughed again and put more weight into his shoulder.
“You two went slower this fight.”
“So you noticed?”
“I’ve seen you fight before and usually it’s hard to keep up.”
“I am injured. Usually I would still go all out, but…”
“You have to take care of me.” He nodded. For a second, you felt heartache that he had to do that. As he looked forwards, you couldn’t sense any from him. He was happy to do this small thing. Even though if meant skipping the fun parts of his daily training, he couldn’t risk not being at full capacity for you.
The soup was bland. Shinobu smiled sadly at you as everyone else got to eat mouthwatering dishes. Rengoku offered to eat the bland soup too, but you shut that down quick. Vicariously living through every shout of delicious was all you had now.
“I’m sorry, Shinobu wouldn’t let me put anything good in.” Mitsuri had finished four plates of delicious food as you finished up one bowl.
“If you’d seen my stomach, you’d understand. I should go back upstairs now. I’m sure you all have a lot to discuss.” Rengoku got up to help you, but you put a hand on his shoulder. He had to finish eating anyways, so you waved Shinobu over since she was done. Everyone said their goodbyes. As predicted, when you were out of the room the real conversation began.
“She seems to be doing well.” Mitsuri broke the silence first.
“She can’t walk without help.” Iguro responded and looked at the table. “She won’t be able to fight.”
“She’s a hashira. She’ll heal quick! Walking right now is a huge deal.” Tengen defended and Rengoku froze at everyone’s words.
“I can’t send her to fight again. I know I can’t stop her, but I don’t want to send her to fight.” Rengoku then shoved some rice into his mouth to distract himself. “Delicious!”
Iguro rolled his eyes. “We all have to fight. If she’s ready by then, she’ll fight too. Even if we all don’t want her to.” Shinazugawa nodded.
“Hell, we’ll have a hard time holding her back if she can’t.”
“Then we’ll just have to make sure she’s ready. Her memories seem to be coming back.” Mitsuri was hopeful you’d be back on your feet.
“It seems acting like ourselves helps.” Tokito avoided you for most of the day, but he watched from afar.
“She recalled things today. We all saw it. Some big pieces and some small.” Shinobu was now leaning again the door. “I gave her more tea, so she should be asleep soon. Sleeping has also been helping her.”
“Of course, it has.” Giyuu mumbled. Shinobu spoke to them like they all didn’t know sleeping was part of the healing process.
“I mean to say that she recovers larger pieces of her memory.”
“How do you know that?” Himejima spoke up as he was curious how sleep was connecting her to her past.
“Last night, I checked on her twice. The first time she was having a normal nightmare. Not uncommon in recovering patient, so I comforted her. I brought her Rengoku’s haori. When I came back she was mumbling something, remember that time Rengoku asked her to marry him?” They all nodded and Rengoku turned away with a blush. “She was mumbling the same things she said back then. Most of the major flashbacks she has… involve Rengoku.” Mitsuri looked confused.
“Does that mean, if we aren’t in a memory with Rengoku, she won’t remember us?”
“No, that just means it might take longer. She’s already started recalling the small things like the mochi, Tokito’s name, and Tengen’s horrible personality.”
“The quickest way to help her is to help her remember Rengoku.” Obviously everyone was on board with this plan.
Mission: make the frost hashira remember everyone.
First step: remember Rengoku.
“Let’s do this!” Mitsuri shouted and put her hand towards the center of the group. Rengoku immediately followed suit. Slowly but surely they all put a hand in. “One, two, three let’s go!” Only her and Rengoku shouted, but the two of them were loud enough.
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raging-bisexual76 · 14 days
Okay but I've been thinkin abt a wife swap/sharing thing with Kyojuro and reader and Tengen and his wives
Like Tengen doesn't understand what's so great about having one wife, vice versa with Kyojuro not getting Tengen having three so they fuck each other's spouses to figure out
Uzui down on one knee hitting it from the back, large hands resting on the readers hips as he angles his thrusts just right. Uzui would have the reader absolutely d r o o l i n g and so fucked out, but all she can look at is her husband across the room as he gets ridden dry by the girls
Hina rolling her hips, head thrown back, sweet moans leaving her lips as his cock stretches her further then her husband's could. Suma running a hand through Kyo's hair as she tears up, his tongue runnin laps around her clit. Makio has her arms under his thighs, holding his hips as best she can to keep him from thrusting into Hina. She's running her tongue up his taint and sucking his balls into her mouth.
Maybe it ends in a cuddle pile of both couples and while both men still don't exactly get it, Kyojuro and Tengen have more respect for their decisions in the amount of wives they have and wouldn't have their choices change
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sandwitchstories · 17 days
The Frog(tied) Princess
Hello! Why yes, I am back with more of my dirty, filthy, Rengoku brain rot! I promised you guys there would be a part two!
If you would rather read on AO3, click here!
This is technically a sequel to Hot For Teacher but can be read and enjoyed alone as well!
When you tied Kyojuro up a week ago, he promised you that he would get to have his fun too. And your man always keeps his promises.
CW: AFAB reader, AFAB terms used to describe reader anatomy, rough sex, vaginal fingering, vaginal sex, anal fingering, anal sex, bound sex, light bondage, light dom/sub, blind fold, it's smut. Dirty, dirty smut.
Just imagine….
You are quivering. Kyojuro has you bound. You are on your bed, naked on your back in the frog position, hands restrained above your head, wide open and exposed to your husband in every way. Fully at his mercy. And you have never been so wet in your life. 
A sly grin emerges on his handsome face. “Shaking already, love? We have barely even started.”
He leans down, licking a long stripe up your slit with the flat of his tongue, grazing over your sensitive clit, making you twitch and whimper. He chuckles against your skin as he kisses his way up your body at a slow pace. Almost too slow. 
You want to whine and tell him to get a move on but you don’t. It will get you nowhere. In all honesty, out of spite, your husband would probably decide to go even slower. And that was the last thing you wanted.
You bite your lip and shut your eyes, a small moan slipping out of you as his mouth captures one of your nipples, rolling it around and flicking it with his tongue. He kisses across and does the same to the otherside before kissing up your neck, leaving a love mark on the sensitive pale slope, right above your pulse.
His breath on your ear as he presses his hard cock against you makes you whimper and shudder. “What’s the matter, my little spark? Am I going to slow for you?”
Words are beyond your comprehension right now. His teeth nipping your ear is not helping you form coherent thoughts. You nod.
“Don’t worry, love, I’ll take good care of you like I always do,” he says before mouthing at your neck and grinding his cock harder against you. He grabs the scarf he had shoved under the pillow and holds it up in front of your face. “Remember this, love?”
“Yea,” you blush a little but nod. You had used it as a blind fold on him just a week or so ago. When you had bound him. Your pussy clenched at the memory and the excitement of him returning the experience. 
“Are you doing okay?” he asks, leaning over you braced on one palm while the other cups your cheek. “Use your words.”
“I’m good, promise,” you smile, turning your head to kiss the palm of his hand. You turn back to him and the fire in your eyes makes his cock twitch against you. “Keep going.”
He grins and kisses you again before he puts the tie around your head, everything going dark. He kisses your lips several times more before moving away. You feel him get off the bed and you relax your head back against the pillow. You know you are in good hands. The best hands.
Kyojuro finds what he was looking for and returns to his rightful place between your legs. You look so gorgeous spread out like this. The flush of arousal is spreading over your skin. Your nipples are tight, sensitive pebbles, standing up begging for attention. He sucks in his lower lip as his eyes drift lower to your cunt. Your pudgy pussy lips are spread, and your waiting hole is already dripping for him.
“You are so perfect,” he says, leaning over you again to kiss you. He thinks to himself that he will never get tired of kissing you and vows that until his last breath he will kiss you every chance he gets. He kisses down from your lips to your neck, marking his territory right over your pulse point. 
You whimper at the feeling of his mouth on your skin. He starts trailing his fingers over your skin in circles, so light you can barely feel it. He suddenly pinches your nipples causing you to cry out. 
“Ah, there you are. My noisy girl,” he chuckles. “Don’t be quiet. I want to hear you, my spark.”
You cry out as his mouth attaches to your nipple and he nips it with his teeth. Suddenly his mouth is gone and his hands are back, groping your breasts, massaging them, before pinching your nipple and pulling up on it until you cry out and then dropping it. You know he enjoys the way your breast jiggles when he does this. 
He’s a weirdo, but you love him. And you had to admit, it was kinda funny. Jiggle. Jiggle. Jiggle.
His hands dragging up and down your spread thighs snaps your full focus back to him. Will he finally touch you where you want it most? 
He traces your spread lips with the pads of his thumb, spreading them wider. You hear him hum in appreciation of what he sees. He slides one thumb through your juice before he positions it at the top of your slit, rubbing slow circles against it . His other thumb is replaced with his finger and he moves it up and down your slit, before sliding it into your tight hole.
You moan and shiver, tilting your head back at the feeling of his finger moving within you. 
“So wet, so ready,” he groans as he adds another finger, and then another.
His fingers feel so good inside you, but you wish they were moving harder and faster. Tied like this all you can do is take what he gives you at the speed he gives it to you. That thought makes your pussy clench around his fingers. 
“Gods, I cannot wait to bury my cock inside of you,” he says and you can’t help but wish you could see him, see the flames of desire burning in his eyes for you and you alone.
“Please,” you answer.
He laughs and speeds up his fingers suddenly, making you cry out his name. “So beautiful.  My wife is so beautiful, spread open like this for me.”
He kisses up your body to your breast, latching on to your nipple as his hands speed up. The sounds of him fingering your sopping wet pussy fill the room. You are moaning and gasping. Your muscles are so tight as you feel the heat and tingling radiating from your cunt, you can feel your clit pulsing. You are so so so close. 
“Close, so close,” you moan. 
“You can cum. Go ahead, I love to watch you,” he says against the swell of your breast before his mouth is suddenly gone as is his thumb on your clit. 
You whimper. You were so clo-
His mouth replaces his thumb on your clit and it takes not even a fraction of a second for him to have you back on the cusp of oblivion. He’s sucking and licking, flicking and lapping. And then his fingers find that special spot inside you and you explode. You cry out his name. Your hips trying uselessly to buck against him, to ride out your orgasm on his fingers. 
He works you through it, before removing his fingers to lick several long stripes up your slit. You feel his slick fingers touch your lips and you obediently open your mouth for him to slide them in. Your tongue weaves between and around his fingers, tasting your pleasure on his skin. 
Your breath hitches as you feel him line his cock up with your opening, pressing just the head in before he grabs onto your hips and fills you balls deep in one thrust. You cry out in pleasure, the stretch and fullness of his cock inside you is a familiar and always delicious sensation. 
Normally he gives you a chance to adjust to him being inside you. Normally he gives you sweet kisses. Not today. Today he grabs onto your hips with a grip sure to leave bruises, roughly pulling you tighter against him and starts moving long, hard and deep right out the gate.
“Oh fuck, Kyo!” you cry out as his cock pounds in and out of you.
“Gods, you feel so good. I love to be inside you,” he tells you. 
As much fun as being blind folded has been… “Kyo, please, I wanna see you…I wanna watch you fuck me…”
He slows his thrusts and makes them more shallow as he bends over you. He wastes no time pulling it off. He loves the direct eye contact with you while he fucks you as much as you do,  you know he does. That staring into each other's eyes as the fire between you builds into an inferno. He wants to watch that fire storm dance across your gaze, too. 
He unties your hands, thrusts still short and shallow. He moans as your hands immediately tangle in his hair and pull him down for a passionate kiss. He leaves your legs restrained. He is far from done with you and that sweet pussy of yours. 
He grabs on to your outer thighs and builds up his speed again. Your moans and mewls and babbles fill the air while he fucks all thoughts out of you that are not of him and him alone. He loves the sound of his name on your lips. 
He slows the pace and issues a command, “Play with yourself. Make yourself cum on my cock.”
You make a show of it, sucking on your fingers until they are slick with your spit before moving it to rub your clit in time with his thrusts. Your other hand began to play with your nipples, Kyojuro’s eyes flicking back and forth but mostly focused on the sight of his cock bullying in and out of your tight hole and the ring of your honey gathering around the base of his cock. He begins to speed up again until he is holding onto your hips from underneath slamming you back onto him as he fucks you on his big, thick cock. “Such a beautiful sight the way your pussy welcomes me. You take me so good.”
His praise sends you over the edge and you cry out his name as you cum again. You go to move your finger and find your wrist suddenly caged in a bracelet of his hand. “I didn’t tell you to stop.”
You whimper at how sensitive you are but you keep touching yourself, “Too much, its… its too much…”
“No, it’s not. I know you can do this. You’re doing so well,” he says, moving to lean over you, bracing on one hand. The other wraps around your throat in a loose grip, enough to apply pressure, but not inhibit your breathing in any way. “You can do it. You can cum for me, can’t you?”
You nod at him, whimpering almost constantly, you are so over stimulated you want to stop…. But he told you to keep going and you can feel the next orgasm building. He changes his angle slightly, his cock now at the perfect angle to drag over that special spot inside you that made you see stars, and hit your cervix on every thrust. 
“Fuck, fuck, fuck!!!” you cried out as you came in a gush, coating his cock and balls.
“So gorgeous! So good,” he tells you, letting go of your throat and not stopping you from moving your hand away from your sensitive clit. 
He moves his hand to cradle the back of your head as he ravages you. He captures you in a passionate kiss, slamming his hips into you over and over again, still hitting that same spot inside you. 
“Gods, you feel so good. I’m not going to last much longer if you keep squeezing me like this,” he says through clenched teeth as he straightens up.
His hands move to grab your thighs and press your bound legs back as far as he can as he fucks into you at an almost brutal pace. You see his stomach muscles clench and feel his thighs tense. He’s close, you can tell. And you know just how to push your husband over the edge. 
“You’re fucking me so good, love. Cum in me, Kyo, cum in me. Fill me up.”
“Oh gods, I’m cumming, I’m cumming, fuck,” Kyojuro moans as he fucks into you hard and fast, fucking into you until he is spent. 
He pulls out and leans back on his legs, catching his breath. He lolls his head back, taking a few slow breaths before he tilts it down to look at you. From your kiss swollen lips to the bruises forming on your thighs and hips from his fingertips. And from there down to your center. The feel of the heat of his gaze on your leaking center made you involuntarily clench, causing more cum to seep out. 
He smirks when his gaze meets yours. “Having fun, my spark?”
“Still doing well?”
“Very,” you answer, knowing he wants to hear words.
“Good! Then lets continue!”
“Huh?” you ask, eyes getting large.
“I’m not done with you yet, love,” he grins.
He kisses you one more time before he removes the ropes from your legs, giving you a little reprieve. When he tosses the last rope aside he tells you it’s time to roll over. He puts you face down ass up with a rolled pillow under your hips to help keep your perfect ass up in the air for him. 
You feel him lean over you, as his hands slide under you. His hands move up your body to squeeze your breasts as he kisses down your spine. You feel him sit back and spread your cheeks wide open. Even after all this time you feel your cheeks heat a little as he stares at your most intimate parts.
You close your eyes and let out a small moan as he runs a finger back and forth through your slit, before settling to rub lazy loops around your clit.  His other hand moves to run a finger up and down your slit, gathering some of the cum dripping out of you. You feel his finger circling your tight muscle, teasing with shallow presses of his finger tip. 
The teasing of your ass is more than just foreplay, it’s a silent ask for permission between the two of you. You moan as the finger on your clit starts moving faster, pressing harder. You manage to utter a single word through your clouded mind. And answer. “Please.”
It seems like it’s only a blink of an eye before Kyojuro has you a whimpering, whining, crying, mess as he uses the cum as lube to stretch your ass for him while he gently plays with your clit. You feel your pussy clenching, and a little more cum leaks out as heat pools in your belly. Kyojuro crosses his three fingers that are currently fucking your ass, making you moan and whimper into the bed at the intrusion.
You whine when he removes his hands. He instructs you to rub your clit until he says stop. Your arms are already under you, so you straighten your right arm and reach between your legs. You shiver as cool gel drips onto your ass and he works it in with his fingers. 
“That’s my girl,” he coos as he runs the head of his cock up and down your slit before sheathing himself in your pussy.
Your moan turns into a deep groan of pleasure as you feel him begin working a vibrator into your ass while he continues to fuck your pussy with his thick cock. You grin into the sheets as you bite your lip. So that’s what he got up to get earlier. 
He begins moving both himself and the vibrator in your ass faster. Your fingers are working your clit furiously, getting closer to your next peak with every pass. He leans over you to fist his hands into your hair, pulling your head up. “I can’t hear those beautiful noises you’re making, my spark. Let me hear you.”
“Fuck! Kyo!” you cry out his name as his angle shifts and hits that damned perfect spot inside you again. “Oh gods, there baby there! Yeah! Fuck! Oh gods…”
“You look and sound so beautiful right now,” he says as he lets go of your hair to grab onto your hips with his free hand. He clumsily slides his thumb over the base of the vibrator, cursing as he tries to find that goddamn power button…
The vibrations start and he quickly hits the button 3 times to get to your favorite setting. It doesn’t take long for your orgasm to overtake you. You throw your head back, crying out and calling his name over and over again as you tell him you’re cumming and how good he’s fucking you. You’re babbling and begging, for what you are not even sure. You are cumming harder than you ever have in your life and all that exists is Kyojuro, his cock, and the amazing feelings he is giving to you.
“Just like that, Y/N, just like that,” he fucks you through your orgasm, tossing the vibrator aside to grab onto your hips and fuck you properly.
He’s bent over you. This time there is no teasing in his touch as he gropes your body. There is only hunger, desire. The man has turned absolutely feral as he fucks into your tight hole over and over again.
“Gods! You take me so good! And just now, fucking both of your holes at the same time? Gods, you are amazing, did you know that?” He slides one hand under you, pressing down on your clit. It’s too sensitive still, it borders on pain, but each push and pull of his cock bullying your pussy drowns it out. 
He slams into you from behind, his free hand moves to grip your throat. Just enough pressure to feel his fingers there. He babbles into your ear a mixture of ‘take it’ and begging for you to ‘be a good girl and cum just one more time’ for him. 
And you do, gushing on his cock as you clamp and spasm. Your orgasm brings on his, he moans your name into your ear in a way that is absolutely sinful as he tells you he is cumming. His hand slides to the middle of your chest as he pumps until spent. He rests his head against your back briefly before he grabs you around your waist and flops you both onto your sides.
You can’t help but laugh happily as he wraps you in his arms and peppers kisses all over your shoulder, neck and the side of your face. You rest your hand on top of his and turn your head to kiss his lips. You take him in for a second. His beautiful smile, the flush on his cheeks, and the stray hairs glued with sweat to his forehead… You smile and kiss him again.
“We should get cleaned up,” he says, resting his forehead against yours.
“I am too tired and too comfortable to move right now,” you whine. Your eyes feel heavy, you need a nap after that workout.
“Are you falling asleep?” he asks. With a chuckle he pulls up the blanket to cover you both. A nap does sound pretty good to him right now too. He cuddles in closer to you and lets his eyes close. 
His last thought before sleep claims him is that he needs to look up other positions he can tie you up in. Because dear gods… that was hot.
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creepypastalover97 · 19 days
Tumblr: create au ship using your favorite comfort character.
What I give:
Medieval au: Reanimated knight! Rengoku Kyojuro x witch y/n
Author note: if you don't want angst I suggest to stop reading at the angst warning.
Basically Rengoku Kyojuro is a 20 year old single unmarried knight who died in battle in the 5th century. During the process of having his body sent back to his family for burial, there was some "misidentification and misinformation" causing his corpse to accidentally be sent to witch y/n's residence.
Witch y/n is a 21 year old single unmarried women, who is secretly a witch behind closed doors. Dispite arguing for 5 minutes that kyojuro was not her husband, witch y/n is forced to take his corpse for burial due to his body already attracting flies and needing burial fast before it started to rot.
Witch y/n now stuck with a corpse, has to figure out how to deal with it. After an hour witch y/n figures she could just use kyojuro's corpse for a advanced spell she's been "dying" to try out. After 2 tries witch y/n successfully manages to revive rengoku's corpse.
Kyojuro is now a undead Reanimated corpse, who is magically bonded to witch y/n though the spell she used to bring him back from the dead. This means if witch y/n were to die, kyojuro would eventually go back to being a dead corpse due to the spell being broken.
Witch y/n now has a servant to do chores and errands for her, to her their magical bond is "master & servant".
But kyojuro doesn't see their bond as that, to him it's "husband & wife". Reasons being kyojuro died single, unmarried, and a virgin. So having his corpse end up in witch y/n's care and brought back from the dead only convinces kyojuro that they are fated to be together. It also doesn't help that witch y/n is the first thing he saw when he was Reanimated.
Witch y/n isn't sure how to handle rengoku's overly affectionate behaviors, but eventually learns to love them. Eventually she starts to like the idea of kyojuro as a husband.
Honestly the only reasons why witch y/n never married was because 1.) She was a witch, so it made it really hard to find a man who was trustworthy enough not to report her for being a witch and sent off to be burned to death. 2.) men in general were to demanding, of what she should or should not do at that time period.
So kyojuro is a breath of fresh air for her.
Kyojuro is really supportive of her profession as a witch, dispite if some of the spells she preforms sometimes bother him a little. But he does like how some of the magic she uses could be used to heal and protect the weak.
Witch y/n also likes how dispite their relationship now acknowledged as being "husband & wife" kyojuro doesn't force her to take on duties expected of a wife/woman.
Kyojuro just lets her do what makes her genuinely happy, and he is always happy to help her with any tasks she needs done. Kyojuro genuinely believes in "happy wife, happy life" even if he isn't a living human anymore. (He is essentially a house corpse husband now 😊)
That brings me to some slight problems in their relationship tho.
Since kyojuro is technically still a "corpse". He is still technically rotting/decaying and well... smells. After all the spell, witch y/n used only Reanimated his corpse, not his life.
Luckily witch y/n is knowledgeable in plants and herbs and is able to come up with a embalming solution to use on kyojuro's corpse once a month, to keep him from rotting more & to preserve him better.
It also makes him smell pretty😊
Angst warning: mentions of somewhat immortality, watching loved ones age and die, witchcraft accusations, and historically accurate witch burning? And Death.
Due to kyojuro essentially being a undead Reanimated corpse. He won't ever grow old, meaning he has to slowly watch witch y/n grow old and eventually die.
Since kyojuro doesn't age, and was most likely seen the day his corpse was brought though the nearby village, when it was being delivered to witch y/n's residence. It would be a matter of time before someone recognized kyojuro from that day whenever he goes to the village to get some of the things he can't find out in the wilderness for his "wife".
Seeing what is essentially a "dead man walking" would raise suspensions of witchcraft among the villagers. Eventually leading to a nosey villager to following rengoku to y/n's home one day.
While returning one day, after going out to get some herbs from the woods, y/n needed that day. Kyojuro returns to see his and y/n's home in ashes
Worried for y/n, kyojuro frantically starts searching for y/n though the rubble and ashes. Since he is still able to move it must mean y/n is still alive.
Kyojuro eventually finds y/n, barely hanging on to life. Knowing that what was keeping him "alive" was the magic that bonded him to y/n, kyojuro chooses to spend his last moments holding and comforting y/n though her own last moments.
Angst/fluff: happy ending?
When the villagers return to check on the status of the burning of the witch, they are surprised to see kyojuro's now also dead corpse holding y/n's corpse.
After some proper identifying of kyojuro's corpse properly this time, by the local medical practitioner. It was found that kyojuro's family has been looking for his "corpse" after someone accidentally sent someone else missing loved one's "corpse" to their family estate.
Deciding that it was best to return kyojuro's "corpse" back to his family for proper burial, the villagers attempted to separate kyojuro and y/n
But dispite their best efforts, the villagers could not pull kyojuro and y/n apart at all, due to how tightly kyojuro's corpse was holding on to y/n's corpse.
Seeing that their was no other choice, the villagers had to send back both kyojuro's and y/n's corpses to kyojuro's family estate for burial.
Both kyojuro's father shinjuro and younger brother senjuro, were surprised to find kyojuro's corpse holding a woman's corpse, when he was brought home for burial. (they wanted to make sure the right body was brought back this time)
Seeing how kyojuro held the woman, made senjuro suggest that she must have been kyojuro's "maiden" and that it would seem disrespectful to kyojuro in death if they weren't buried together.
Shinjuro who had gotten somber after having his first born marked as missing in battle for 5 years and now officially proclaimed as dead, agrees with senjuro.
Kyojuro & y/n are buried together as "husband and wife" for the rest of eternity. Never to be separated from each other
Any way 😊
I hope you guys liked it . This was actually inspired by this:
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izvmimi · 25 days
cw: literally just smut. minors dni.
“Like what you see?”
Kyojuro has issues with volume control, that you know very well, but the tone of his voice is lower now, sultry even, as he stands before you. Naturally brazen, he stands confidently before you, and his physique looks nothing short of that of a Greek god, enough that you’re too busy keeping saliva from pooling in your throat to reply back with something witty, lest you choke on your own drool. 
You let your head shake once then smile as you slip off your own nightdress. It’s not the first time you’ve done this, and by this, you mean the two of you meeting together under the cover of night, allowing him to slip into your quarters and then inside you as stealthy as he does. Every time still manages to set you ablaze a little bit more. He’s a feast for the eyes as he moves closer, until you’re just as bare as he is and far easier to consume.
The first kiss is quick and passionate, building rapidly - he practically scoops you in his arms, barely able to contain his excitement, as if you’ve been apart for years, not days. 
And he burns hot as his body presses against you, nipping at your lips, breasts, stomach, thighs with every kiss. 
“You’re so good for me,” he murmurs. He’s eager with the touching of your body, grabbing handfuls of you by the minute, hair and naked flesh.
Your thighs tighten around his waist as he kisses all of your body; your back arches, and he kisses your neck before letting his fingers intertwine with yours -
before pressing in and making you gasp, before making space for himself in the heat of your body, before drinking up your moans.
Kyojuro thrusts, fast then slow, hips snapping at a determined but responsive pace, attentive to the ways your pupils dilate and your jaw slackens, and to when your sighs deepen. His hand finds its way up your throat right at the moment where he can see you about to tip, where you’re teetering between want and release, and it’s at that point that his fingers tighten firmly around your throat.
“Kyo-” his name escapes your lips just barely and he bids you to come with a sly grin on his face, and you do, with wet, sticky pulses around his cock.
He fucks you through them as your eyes roll back in your head, ready to give you so much more.
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vampcubus · 1 month
:ఌ¨ ♱ 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒 : kyojuro rengoku, tengen uzui & wives, poly obamitsu, tanjiro kamado, inosuke hashibira, zenitsu agatsuma.
:ఌ¨ ♱ 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 : sfw, gn!reader, big spoon coded reader cus i said so, wholesome fluff, cuddling n snuggling, polyamory (tengen & obamitsu's parts), kamaboko trio aged up as per usual.
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— A teddy bear in the shape of a man and enthusiastic to be used as one! As a Hashira, Kyojuro is often kept away for days and weeks at a time, so he makes the most of every moment you spend together.
— Kyojuro's not happy unless he's got his arms full of his favorite person, so you can expect him to seek you out the moment he arrives home.
— If you’re a civilian and he finds you in the kitchen, he’ll drape himself over you from behind, nuzzling his face into your neck and lavishing it with smiling kisses, rugged hands settling on your hips.
— Kyojuro wants to be cuddled to sleep and truly can’t bear to be parted from you, no matter how swelteringly hot it gets in the summer months. And if he has obligations, he tries to wake up a little early so he can have a few minutes of cuddle time with you before he’s whisked away. You don’t even have to be awake for it, he just wants to hold you for a little while <3
— He started out as a big spoon but converted into a little spoon when he discovered what it felt like to be properly held. He’s no more content than he is when he’s got his back pressed to your chest and you’ve curled yourself around his broad frame. 
— He likes it best when you rub his belly when his eyes are too big for his stomach, always easing a bit of the discomfort <3
— Kyojuro is comfy to lay on, with two perfect pillows for you to rest your head on (his pecs <3). His muscles are quite soft when relaxed, and the way his heart stutters when your cheek rests on it is so cute.
— Kyojuro feels safe in your presence so he’s very prone to falling asleep on your shoulder or with his head in your lap. With his workload and inconsistent sleep schedule, he’s often a cuddle session away from nodding off. Particularly so when you start playing with his flaxen hair, it’s like his off-switch 🤭
— He’s a bit of an oversized lapdog and’ll climb into your lap every chance he gets. As far as he’s concerned, that’s his seat. It looks funny to outsiders if he’s bigger than you, but he hardly cares, all too eager to get all comfy in your lap and tell you about his day.
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— Big, tough man too cool to cuddle? No sir. Tengen is a touchy lover and raises a brow when you try to sit anywhere other than his lap, like why aren't you in your assigned seat? 🤨
— Pulls you flush against his side every chance he gets, wrapping a heavy arm around your shoulders. You often get a companion wet kiss to the cheek to boot just to see you scrunch your face up and wipe his spit off your cheek >:(
— His wives are just like him– Suma especially who practically hangs off of you with those big doe eyes, clinging onto your arm during outings as a group. Between Tengen and Suma, your hands will never be lonely and you'll certainly never be cold. Those two are space heaters and can't keep their hands off their partners to save their lives.
— Makio is easily flustered by affection but ultimately craves it, even if getting her to admit it is like pulling teeth. A hopeless romantic at heart <3 She’s a big spoon and overheats easily, so she prefers to linger on the edges of the cuddle piles. She’ll smack your thigh if you move around too much with an annoyed grumble. She can be such a meanie sometimes 😔
— Hinatsuru doesn’t mind holding or being held, she just wants to be close to you. Though generally more soft-spoken than Makio, Tengen, and Suma, her affectionate touch translates her love for her partners so clearly. Often rubs soothing circles over your back, rests a comforting hand on your arm, and pets your hair while you cuddle.
— Tengen likes to talk when you cuddle, prattling on about his or your day while rubbing your side or back mindlessly. Most times, he talks you to sleep or vice versa, considering what a busy guy he is before retirement. Sometimes you’ll get caught up in deep conversations about your past lives, silly theories, or ping-pong flirtatious banter until you can barely keep your eyes open.
— Tengen likes it most when you and the wives crawl right on top of him, all to eager to be living furniture for his beautiful spouses while you all gossip and giggle to each other.
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— Dare I say the clingiest partners ever?
— Obanai hesitates where as Mitsuri openly throws herself into your arms at every opportunity. Just be patient and take things slow and he'll follow Mitsuri's example. It’s a subtle shift, maybe he leans his head on your shoulder to test the waters, unable to meet your eyes. He melts if you wrap an arm around his shoulders and rub his arm, eyelids drooping as he relaxes further against you.
— Mitsuri is a cuddle bug in every sense of the word, like a tiny, purring kitty rubbing its body against your legs when you come near. You swear she chirps like one too, especially when her affections are met with a head pat or tender kiss.
— Obanai won’t say it, but he likes it when he’s in the middle, tucked safely between his two favorite people. The three of you spend many long hours this way, just relaxing in each other's embrace before your obligations call you away from the cuddle puddle– with no shortage of complaints from your lovers (Obanai’s longing wistful look as you go is just as painful as Mitsuri’s whines)
— Their clinginess only worsens as your relationship progresses, I’m afraid 💀 Obanai has a death grip comparable to a boa constrictor, especially when he’s in a deep sleep.
— I have a vivid image in my mind of Mitsuri having to use her insane strength to pry his arms off of you and scooch herself in your place so you can pee in the middle of the night, barely able to stifle her giggles. (Obanai is very much this meme)
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— Touch starved but doesn’t know it, and is also unintentionally touchy. Until he isn’t. Until his touches seem all too intentional, never without meaning.
— Cuddling with you is one of his favorite activities and he’ll even schedule official cuddle time if you let him, so you never go without the comfort of one another’s arms for long. He’ll even decline plans if it’s the wrong time of day…
“Sorry, I’d love to, but it’s almost four and I always cuddle with my partner around that time.”
— And no it’s not negotiable. What if he was late, or missed it and hurt your feelings? No no, he’s far too considerate for that.
— Besides, he misses cuddle time the most when he’s out in the field, miles away from your warm embrace. You can tell he’s missing you in the letters he sends home, commenting about how it “ sure is cold out here,” though the longer he goes without the less subtle he is, rephrasing how he misses you in every paragraph. Can you really blame him? He truly adores you so it’s hard to be away from you :((
— Prefers to be the little spoon but ultimately will be happy no matter how you’re cuddling. (I expand on little spoon Tanjiro in this post <3)
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— Instinctually touchy and yet so unused to cuddling. Inosuke doesn’t know much about positive affectionate touch so he tends to squirm out of hugs and gets a little anxious when you hold him still too long, much like a dog would. He asks you what you’re doing, voice a little softer than normal, cheeks a little pink beneath his mask.
“Cuddling you?” you reply, equally confused by his reaction as he is to your affection.  “Well stop it. It feels weird,” he huffs, and you comply, albeit a bit disheartened. You can’t help but be curious about his rejection, so you push past the sudden awkwardness of the moment to inquire about it. “Feels weird how?” “I don’t know! It just does!” he snaps defensively, a little frustrated, an emotion you can’t help but mirror. But then you relax, reminding yourself to be understanding. It must show on your face though, because he follows you around until he’s sure you aren’t mad at him. Your understanding nature is something he’s still getting used to as well.
— Take it slow with him if you can help it, form positive associations with touch, and then try again another time and he’ll be more receptive <3 REALLY receptive after a while, like before you know it you’ve got a stage 10 clinger on your hands 😭 
— Especially if you start sleeping together, cus he likes to cover you with his whole body as his way of protecting you while you’re in a vulnerable state.
— However, he will get bitchy if he catches you taking naps without him there to cuddle up to you. Like just say you don’t love him 😔 You’ll wonder why he’s giving you dirty looks and the cold shoulder all day, yeah it’s cus you didn’t immediately come find him to nap. Traitor.
— He associates cuddling with sleep so he’s prone to nodding off, and if you guide his head to rest on your chest and massage his scalp? He’s dead to the world, snoring and everything.
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— You cannot pry this man off of you and I mean it. He was clinging to you before you were even an item, often to your leg, your kimono, your hand, wherever he can reach. If you reciprocate once, he’ll keep coming back for more of it. So touch starved it’s pitiable, and he’s smart enough to know that looking pathetic earns him sympathy.
— That said, he’s taken aback if you initiate cuddling, almost unable to fathom being desired. It’s only then that he gets a little shy, chuckling nervously as you take him into your arms. Doesn’t know what to do with himself.
— Zenitsu isn’t picky about how you cuddle, just that you’re touching in every way possible. Tangles his legs with yours, wriggles as close as humanly possible, and holds your clothing in an iron grip.
— Oftentimes he looks so blissed out when he’s wrapped up in your embrace, eyes half-lidded or drooping with sudden sleepiness. You’re just so comfortable, and comforting, and beautiful and aaaa before he knows it he’s muttering all these things to you.
You awaken slowly to a considerable weight on your chest, squinting with your eyes closed you feel around blindly and find the familiar shape of your husband sprawled out on top of you. You sigh, recognizing his snores and a smile tugs at your lips despite it being tough to breathe. Your palm rests on his back, bunching in the thick fabric of his hoari. Your eyes finally crack open, the morning light illuminating your fully-dressed partner. Must’ve been a long night, you mused to yourself, able to picture a half-asleep Zenitsu stumbling into bed so clearly in your mind. Though even his unconscious alter-ego tended to seek you out. You turn, shifting Zenitsu onto his side. He stirs, but only slightly, immediately tucking his head under your chin with a grunt. “Don’t go,” he murmurs in his sleep, most likely to a dream version of you and a fondness warms your chest. “Stay.”
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heavenlyakin · 1 month
Like Lilies 
Rengoku Kyojuro x mortician f!reader 
warnings: selfship coded, fluff, discussions of family, nothing crazy to be wary of. not edited.
w/c: 541
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The brown basket sits beside you and Kyo, full of fresh cherries and leaves still stuck to the stem. A few have fallen onto the ground, the pile overflowing. You pick one up, examining the red flesh on the cherry, holding it up to Kyo. 
“It looks like a good one,” he grins, placing it in the basket on his right. The one on his left is for the cherries he’s deemed unacceptable.
You continue for a while before you’re so dreadfully bored that you throw yourself back onto the grassy patch on the hill behind you. The clouds above have formed mushroom-like shapes, all of different variations, or at least that’s what you’re imagining. 
In a different life, you’d once spent hours laying on your back staring up at the clouds during the quiet daylight hours of the pleasure houses your mother worked in. Your sleep schedule lines more with the employees who came in to clean and cook for the evening than the women in the house, so they’d often send you to the courtyard to play. 
However, you didn’t have much of an imagination that would last for hours, so you ended up focusing on the clouds to entertain you. Once in a while, if you were still outside in the last hours of light, your mother would join you. She’d bring you a snack usually too, pointing out the shapes of the clouds she saw. She always saw plants, flowers usually. 
She swore every cloud she saw resembled a lily and you’d argue until you were out of breath it was more mushroom-like. 
Kyojuro leans down, propping himself up on his left arm and brushing your hair out of your face. He smiles, the soft one only you get to see. “What are you thinking about?” 
“A few things. Clouds, my mother, fungi.” You grin back at him. 
“Your mother?” His eyebrows raise, a topic you don’t touch on often. 
“And Fungi,” you pivot, smiling at him hoping he won’t push the subject. 
“-----,” your name from his lips is still something you are not used to, despite the time you’ve spent together. 
“I know,” you sigh, looking back up at the cloud that’s starting to look more and more flower-like despite your best efforts to force a mushroom visual. 
She’s been on your mind a lot lately, fewer letters from her come now that she’s happier, or so she says. It’s not that you don’t believe her, but how could she be happier?
Isn’t that what you wanted? Isn’t that why you took this job as a mortician’s apprentice? You wanted to provide a better life for yourself and your mother.  So why do you feel somewhat resentful that she is now doing better and living her life? Are you not doing the same thing? 
“What do you think the clouds look like?” You ask Kyojuro, his eyes slowly moving away from your face as he tilts his head back to look up at the sky. 
“Like…” he looks again before looking at you. “Lillies,” he says and you feel every nerve in your body come alive.
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actuallysaiyan · 2 months
Thank You(Scarred!Rengoku Kyojuro x Fem!Slayer!Reader)
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warnings: trauma, mentions of death, wounds, blood, smut, unprotected sex, angst, sadness, fluff, Mugen Train Spoilers, AU word count: 2.3k pairings: Scarred!Rengoku Kyojuro x Fem!Slayer!Reader summary: after Kyojuro survives the events of the Mugen Train incident, he finds himself hoping for someone better to come sweep you off your feet. what Kyojuro doesn't realize is that you are with him, for better or for worse. a/n: IT HAS BEEN SO LONG SINCE I'VE WRITTEN FOR THIS BEAUTIFUL MAN! PLEASE I HOPE YOU ALL ENJOY!!!!
Dividers by the loverly @benkeibear
taglist: @beneathstarryskies @benkeibear @misty-angerose @adharadotcom
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Since the incident that happened with the Mugen Train, Kyojuro wondered how many days he had left. He hated thinking that way, but he couldn’t help but think about how he was always inches away from death. He just barely managed to avoid death that time, and now he was trying to heal so he could get right back to being the flame Hashira.
But something had been more pressing than that. Even though he lost his left eye and sustained some deep internal wounds, his love for you never faltered. He found himself thinking of not only his mother, but also you, during his final moments. Or at least, what Kyojuro had believed to be his last moments. And when he had bestowed his advice on the young Kamado, Kyojuro felt his life fading fast.
The one thing he hadn’t been expecting was to see your beautiful face as he felt his life slipping away. You weren’t happy though, no you were desperate. You began treatment on him immediately, using a potion from Shinobu. She had been the one to tell you that your lover had gone on to fight the demon plaguing the Mugen Train. 
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The next thing Kyojuro remembers is waking up in the Butterfly Mansion. His whole body ached, he couldn’t see out of his left eye and he was tired. But he didn’t think he was going to make it out alive from that battle. He remembered the way young Kamado was so fed up with the way the demon had gotten away. He remembered the determination on your face too.
“Oh, you’re awake.” Shinobu comments as she enters the room. Kyojuro feels so disoriented.
Shinobu begins taking his vitals, checking his healing. When she feels satisfied with the way things are going, she begins to change his bandages. While she’s taking care of him, Kyojuro inquires about your wellbeing and how things happened after he passed out from the bloodloss.
“You were so lucky she was there,” Shinobu finally says.
Kyojuro swallows hard, “I know that. I owe her my life.”
Shinobu leaves, telling him that lunch will be served momentarily. He lies in the bed, feeling a little better now that his bandages have been changed and that Shinobu had given him something for the pain. He thinks about you, wondering where you are.
The door opens and there you are. You look inside the room, worried about what you might find. You’ve been missing your lover. You worried day and night about him, unsure if you’d ever get to look at his beautiful face once more. You wondered if you’d ever hear the sound of his voice.
You rush over to him, tears in your eyes. He doesn’t even know what to say. He lets you crumble in his arms, and he lets you press kisses to his wounded and scarred face.
“Oh my flame…” you whisper. “I thought—I thought I was going to lose you.”
“Precious little flame,” Kyojuro murmurs back. “I am happy to see you again.”
You cup his face, careful not to put too much pressure on any of his wounds. Then you press your lips to his, savoring the way he tastes. You swore to yourself that you’d never forget this taste. You’d never forget the way he smells like scorched earth and bonfires. The way he’s always warm, even on cold nights. Tears cascade down your cheeks.
“I love you, Kyojuro. I never wanted you to go on that mission.”
Kyojuro chuckles, “You know that I needed to go. I’m a Hashira. I’m meant to protect the innocent.”
You cry even harder, making his face screw up in pain. He hates hearing you cry. He hates seeing you in pain like this. Kyojuro sits up and he gathers you up in his arms. Even if his bones and muscles scream out in pain, he doesn’t care. What matters most to him is to be able to hold you so close.
“I’m scared to lose my lover,”
Your words pierce his heart. He knows what it means to have this heavy burden placed on his shoulders. His father had quit being the Hashira because of the death of his mother. Kyojuro had watched the man crumble so quickly, taking up alcohol as a way to cope. He wonders if maybe you’d end up like that if you were to lose him.
“You won’t lose me. I promise,”
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The next few weeks consist of you helping Kyojuro return to the closest to normal as he can. He’s mostly been relieved of his duties as a Hashira for the time being. He’s healing up well, but something sits deep in his heart. He wonders if maybe you should find someone else.
Not only are you attending to his every need now, you’re just wasting your precious time with him. You could be happier with someone else. You could make someone very lucky. It hurts Kyojuro so deeply when he begins to imagine you with someone else.
Late at night when everyone has gone to sleep and you’re sleeping in his arms now that Shinobu has given the okay for this, Kyojuro admires your beauty. He admires your strength and your courage. Then he thinks about you marrying someone else. He’s no fool, he knew he should have perished in his last battle. He should have died.
Kyojuro cannot bring himself to even imagine making you his bride. The thought of turning you into such a young widow. It makes him ache so deep inside. He weeps silently, wishing things could be different for the both of you. He thinks about how he’s going to break things off with you. It’s what should happen. You could be so much happier.
The thing is, Kyojuro didn’t realize that you were so determined to keep him close to your heart. One day as the two of you are walking through the wisteria trees, you turn to face your lover.
“Kyo, you know that I absolutely adore you, correct?”
He smiles softly, “I do know this, my little flame.”
His jaw drops when he sees you kneeling in front of him. A beautiful silver band sits in your hands as you present to him this ring. It’s engraved with someone’s name on it, but he doesn’t recognize it.
“I know I shouldn’t be the one to do this.” You try to clarify. “It should be the man. But I love you, and I’m not about to lose you. Please…marry me.”
Kyojuro feels his stomach doing flips. He looks at the beautiful ring you have presented him. He looks at the sincerity in your eyes and it just breaks his heart. You deserve better than someone cracked and broken.
“My little flame,” he helps you to your feet. “I couldn’t…I shouldn’t…”
Your heart shatters at the response. It’s not at all what you were expecting. Tears began to well up in your eyes. You don’t know how to process the words that have just come from your lover.
“D-do you not…do you not love me?”
It was his turn for his heart to shatter. The thought of you even thinking he doesn’t love you was enough to make him tremble. Tears slide down his cheeks as he gathers you up in his arms. You try to squirm to get away, which makes him feel even more guilty.
“I do love you. I love you so much, I’d give you the moon and the stars if you asked it of me.” Kyojuro explains through sobbing and hiccuping. “I’d give you anything you want. I just think you deserve better than me. I’m broken and I’m not good enough for you.”
You shake your head in defiance. “Kyojuro, you are my heart and my soul. You are more than good enough for me.”
Then you cup his face in your hands. It’s been a while since his bandages have been taken off, but he still suffers from nerve damage and sensitivities. He shudders at your touch, loving the way your softness always comes through. He nuzzles his face in the palms of your hands, sighing.
“I am broken.” He finally manages to say. “You need someone who could make you happy.”
You scoff, “You are the one who makes me happy. You are the one I need.”
Kyojuro finally opens his eyes. The left one doesn’t work, only able to see grayscale in that one. He can see very vague shapes through it. But he knows what you look like from memory. Even if he lost his sight completely, he would still know the beauty and grace that has blessed you.
“I wouldn’t want you to regret it.”
You shake your head, “Marrying my lover would never be a regret.”
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The day fast approaches. Kyojuro wonders if he’ll look presentable for you. He knows that his father has allowed you and him to wear the family’s traditional wedding clothes, but he still feels like a complete failure to his family and to you.
“Kyojuro,” Shinjuro enters the room. “Are you prepared?”
Kyojuro is touched to see his father looking so well-groomed for the first time in what seems like forever. He smiles, tears filling his eyes once more. Shinjuro is shocked, but he feels this tenderness coming from his eldest son. Shinjuro approaches his son, smoothing down the folds in his garment.
“You will be a good husband. You are patient, caring, sweet and understanding. You have inherited the best qualities from me and your mother, just like your brother has.”
Kyojuro wipes his eyes, pulling on the eyepatch to cover the damaged eye. Shinjuro smiles sweetly, pressing a kiss to his son’s forehead. He doesn’t remember the last time he was this affectionate with Kyojuro. It feels so good to know his son has survived and is taking a good woman as his bride.
“You will be blessed. This I know.”
Kyojuro exits his dressing room and he’s guided towards the shrine that your marriage will take place in. Shinjuro guides him to the altar, and then he takes his spot off to the side. 
All eyes are on you as you arrive. You walk down towards the altar, looking like an angel dressed in your all-white shiromuku. Kyojuro’s eyes widen when he sees you. You’re the most precious thing in his life, and here you are, walking towards him so you can get married.
The wedding officiant begins the ceremony which will join you and Kyojuro forever. You will be bound together. 
Everyone is in tears by the time you two share a kiss. They have never witnessed such a wonderful union in their lives. All your friends are so happy for the both of you.
By the time the wedding is over, you know that you have no regrets. You have made the best choice for yourself. You adore Kyojuro and nothing could ever change that for you.
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Kyojuro had been worried that you wouldn’t want to be intimate with him. He had his doubts that you even saw him as attractive anymore. But every doubt and worry and insecurity was tossed out the window the minute you two were relaxing in the onsen in your honeymoon suite.
You straddled his lap gently, kissing him on the lips. Your hands caressed and massaged his muscles, making him feel aroused. His cock twitched to life with every single searing kiss you gave him.
Your tongues tangled together, swapping saliva. His breath feels hot on your skin whenever you pull away to breathe. Soft pleas fall from your reddened and swollen lips.
“I want you,” you purr. “I need to feel you.”
Kyojuro is shocked, but his heart skips a beat. He feels the way you touch him, and he knows you are being very truthful. With renewed strength, your husband picks you up and brings you over to the bed. He crawls on top of you, the lust and love written all over his face.
He kisses you passionately, cupping your face between his calloused hands. His nose rubs against yours, dragging down your cheek as he finds other places to kiss you. Your body feels so hot, so electrified. Every touch and every kiss is mesmerizing.
“You are so beautiful,” he breathes out as he kneads your breasts.
“As you are,” you compliment him. “You look just as beautiful as the day I met you.”
This makes his heart swell with love. Despite everything he was thinking before he married you, he can see that you adore him. You want the best for him, and you happen to be the absolute best for him.
You watch through half-lidded eyes as he suckles on your nipples, then he presses open-mouthed kisses down your body. Kyojuro lets out a growl when he spreads your thighs and he takes a greedy inhale of your scent. You are divine, intoxicating, sweet and musky. It’s all too much for him, he feels like he could lose himself completely to you.
He laps at you like a man who’s been in the desert for ages and you are his oasis. Your nectar dribbles on his lips and tongue, making him moan as he tastes you so fervently. Kyojuro expertly pulls two orgasms from you with just his mouth alone. Then he settles himself on his knees, ready to push into you.
The stretch is delicious and leaves you feeling full. He kisses away all your tears, praising you for taking him so well. Both of you are unable to last long now that you’re making love, and your orgasm makes him tumble over the edge quickly. 
Soft kisses and whispered words of praise are what end the first night as a newlywed couple, and when you awake the next day, you see the man you adore in the shining light of the sun peeking through the curtains.
“Thank you for not giving up on me,” he says, his heart heavy with love.
You kiss his lips. “I’d never give up on you. Because you’ve never given up on me.”
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saellefanwork · 3 months
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𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕋𝕖𝕒𝕣𝕤 𝕠𝕗 𝕋𝕚𝕞𝕖, (KNY fanfic) chapter 4 and 5 artworks.
One of the demons that Rengoku Kyojuro personally slayed early in his career on was none other than his best friend's grandmother. Despite the fact he did so to saving her, Nagase Kanoko struggles to recover and reconcile with the reality. In the end, the event only serves to strengthen her resolve to forge her path as an independent demon hunter.
I really want to draw more fanarts but I'm busy with -unrelated- paid commissions... You can already have a peek of the next illustration on my Ko-fi (which will unlock you one very steamy bonus chapter too ;D) or my Patreon, though!
If you're interested in checking out "The Tears of Time", you can find it here. (Also available on AO3 and Quotev). I also wrote other KNY fics that you can check on my profile ;)
@altarusse @moonchhu
Anyone can be tagged or untagged for my KNY-related art/fic posts! Don't hesitate to ask!
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ruiniel · 3 months
WIP, future scene of this. CW suggestive
But you should’ve known… he’s always been so obliging, after all.
Kyojuro lets you drag him along, looking down at you with a nervous smile that leaves you dizzy. A glimpse of his bare chest peeks through the loosely fastened yukata as he gently nudges your thighs apart with his knee. You know he has little to no experience with this. But seeing him act this way, that confidence so easily tinged with the faintest blush of uncertainty... it's wonderful; intoxicating.
He eases down and encircles you in his arms, his sigh warm against your skin, which, you find, does more than any loaded touch has so far; you’re vibrating because of him, for him. His breathing is labored as he noses at your abdomen and he feels so warm, the pleasant weight a relief to the ache hounding you for so long.
You lie so for a while, running your palms down his tense back, a sweet, desperate trickle rushing inside when a soft rumble of pleasure leaves his chest. This is Rengoku, you try to remember. Rengoku, who threw you on your ass twenty times a day without batting an eye, who’d cheerfully work you to exhaustion during training. Who now still makes you feel so weak but in such different ways, pouring over your senses like honey.
“I still can’t quite believe it…”
“Hm?” he turns his head to look up at you, smiling like you’ve never seen him. If you didn’t know he vehemently stays away from alcohol, you’d say Kyojuro is drunk.
“You, and I…” You’re still playing with his hair and by the catlike way he leans into your touch it seems he enjoys it.
Kyojuro breathes in; a heavy sigh leaves him, warming your skin through the material. “That makes two of us,” he says.
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kaylinababy · 4 months
Longing For More
⤷ Kyojuro x Fem!Reader x Tengen
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♡ back to portal ♡ demon slayer ♡
words: 12.1k | reading: n/a
tags fem!reader, slow burn (not kidding in the slightest), angst central, smut, emotional cheating, fluff, depression, manipulation, maladaptive daydreaming. (lmk if i missed any!)
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Being Tengen’s 1st wife out of 4, over time, it feels as though you are an afterthought. Working as a baby/house sitter, you start dreaming of what could be... Perhaps things aren’t so peachy with everyone… but why should you suffer? Boldness may work out in your favor, at least when the time is right.
|♡| i
|♡| ii
|♡| iii
|♡| iv
|♡| v
|♡| vi
|♡| vii
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kaylinababy please do not copy | ty for the ♡ & reblogs!
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hottempura · 19 days
A Relationship Lost to Memories
Kyojuro x reader- Part 1
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You bit your lip to hold back a scream and your back arched off the bed. My breathing. I have to breathe and control the bleeding. Suddenly hands shoved you down again and you could hear shouting from your left and right. Shinobu? That sounds like her I think. Your eyes started to burn from not blinking. It felt like they were bulging out of your head. Breathe. You gasped and started panting heavily. It hurt. Everything hurt. People around you were screaming something, tugging on your clothes, waving a hand in front of your face, but it just hurt. Just focus on breathing.
“Shinobu, she’s unresponsive!” Aoi shouted. Shinobu nodded from the end of the bed. She was putting on an apron, gloves, and a mask. Sumi was ushering in some tools and then running back to the door to shove people out.
“Give her the anesthetic and we will wait for a minute, but I can’t risk more time.” Shinobu came to the side of the bed and pulled back the bandages resting over your stomach. A hand grasped her and she looked down. You were looking back up at her through lidded eyes. “Don’t worry, we’ve got you. Just fight for us.” A few seconds later you were out.
Waking up again was like the first time, back arched and mouth open in a silent scream. You started breathing heavily again and launched your right arm out to grab your sword. Fuck not there. The room was unrecognizable. Plain wooden walls and an open window. There was movement outside the doors. Seems like two people. You reached down towards your stomach and felt heavy, wet bandages. What happened here? You turned your head to the left and up against the bedside table was your nichirin blade. Stretching your arms and your fingers to the fullest, the damn thing was still out of reach. This was going to hurt, but you hurled your body to the left and finally grabbed it. Teetering on the edge of the bed you pushed the sheath against the ground to try and sit up. It was unbearable, but you needed to get out of here. The gauze around your stomach darkened with fresh blood as you shifted your legs to the side. The door burst open and a girl came through.
“Hey! What are you doing?!” A young girl with two ponytails and butterfly clips came rushing over to shove you back down. Before she could reach the bed, you swung out your sword and dropped the sheath. Holding the blade up with your left hand towards her throat.
“Where am I?” Your voice was gruff with misuse and dehydration. She looked confused.
“You’re at the butterfly estate, frost hashira.” That didn’t make sense. You weren’t a hashira yet. You were barely a kinoe, but you’ve heard of the butterfly estate through Kanao.
“My apologizes, I’m very disoriented.” Maybe you defeated a lower moon during this last mission.
“Ah ha no worries, I’ll go grab Shinobu to change your bandages.” You nodded and laid back down on the bed. It was now stained red and you felt a little bad, but there wasn’t much to do about it. This blade felt different from the last time you held it. You rose it up and looked over it. There was a new hilt in the shape of a rudimentary snowflake. When did I get this? Maybe someone dropped it off as a gift? Upon closer inspection, you could see dried blood on the hilt. Before you could ponder further, Shinobu opened the door again.
“Hi~, how are you feeling?” She sounds happy. Strange she usually always sounds angry.
“Kochou-San, I am feeling well.” You could sense her walk closer to you, but continued staring at the ceiling. She lightly took your blade from your grasp.
“Kochou-San? Are you teasing me?” Huh? She always had you call her that. Finally peaking over at her, your eyes widened. Why does she look older? I saw her a month ago. I can’t ask that. We don’t know each other well enough. Shinobu walked over and started to remove the bandages.
“I see you’re taking care of the estate today.” You winced before finishing the thought and sat up on your elbows so she could easily unwrap the bandages.
“Yes, I was supposed to go on a mission yesterday, but you came in critical condition.”
“Sorry about that.” You looked at her more closely. She was wearing Kanao’s haori. Maybe I’m in a blood art and that’s why things are off. She finished removing the bandages leaving you bare up top and you looked down only to quickly look away. THERE’S A HOLE IN MY STOMACH! It was stitched up a little, but not all the way so you could still see that it was once a hole.
“Lucky you used your breathing technique to plug the hole. You would’ve bled out otherwise.” You smiled at her lightly. What the hell was she talking about? Using your breathing technique like that would take years of practice.
“Shinobu, can you send in my crow once you’re done? I need to send a message.” She gave you a knowing look with a small blush. You tried not to let your confusion show.
“I’ll go get him right now with some paper. Then I’ll finish wrapping up.” She turned and went to the door leaving it open as she walked out. Looking back down again you almost couldn’t fathom it. Your concentration breathing was holding everything together inside partially, but blood was still dripping out onto the bed and floor. It was a hole. In your abdomen. Shinobu came back a few minutes later with your crow on her arm, then placed him on the side table. She also held some paper, ink, and new bandages.
“Don’t do that to me again!” The crow shouted. He looked like he had some tears in his eyes. You both chuckled at him and Shinobu patted his head. Once she started wrapping again, she looked up at you.
“You don’t have to send the crow. I can always go get him, y’know?” The master?! I couldn’t make him come here. Plus you couldn’t trust this room. From here, you can watch the bird fly out the window and see how far it goes. Maybe there’s a limit on this blood art.
“I don’t want to trouble you. I’m sure I also have medication you need to bring me too.” Shinobu smiled lightly and finished wrapping.
“You’re right. I’ll go get that while you send him off.” She helped lift you into a sitting position before pushing the table in front of you. As soon as she left, you started writing.
I’m writing to you to inquire about how my last mission went. I can’t seem to recall. Please respond at your earliest convenience.
Quickly you rolled up the note and tied it to the crow’s leg. “Bring this to the master’s estate and wait for a reply.” The crow nodded and flew straight out the window. You watched after him and could see him until he became a speck of black. Shoot. What’s happening right now? Aoi returned this time and helped you up and into a chair next to the bed. It hurt like a bitch, but it was more comfortable than sitting in dried blood.
“I’m going to change the sheets. You’ll just keep bleeding, so no use in changing the mattress.” Once she started on that Shinobu walked in with a cup. She handed it to you and you downed it. Wincing you passed it back. That tasted awful. She walked over to the dresser in the room and brought back some pants. Wordlessly helping you get changed into them. Just then the crow flew back in. Punctual as always. You held out your hand and took the note to read.
My child, I’m glad to hear you are doing well. Your last mission was with the flame hashira on the mugen train. You took a hit for him that almost cost you your life. I must say, it sounds like you don’t remember more than you’ve let on.
Flame Hashira?! Rengoku?! Your face heated up. A mission with him is huge! Shinobu laughed from your right. You put the letter down without reading the rest.
“An embarrassing letter from your lover? I’m sure he’ll be coming soon.” Lover?! Your eyes widened as you looked at her. Is this all a strange joke? You stood up, ignoring your injuries and your crow who squawked and fled off at the movement.
“Kocho-san, what are you talking about?!” She looked worried at that statement. Her eyebrows furrowed and she came closer to put a hand on your arm.
“Rengoku? Isn’t that who you sent the crow to?” You shook her hand off and stumbled to the bed grabbing the haori hanging over it.
“Of course not, I sent a message to Obayashi-sama! Where’s Kanao? Is she headed back here?” You lightly tied the haori around so it barely closed in the front and grabbed your blade from the ground.
“Kanao? What are you talking about?” That’s it. I have to explore the area and try to get out of here. You rushed past her out the door. The crow went far, so you’ll just have to go farther. The blood from your abdomen started pouring out faster as you hobbled down the hallway. The farther you got, the dizzier you got. “Come back and sit down. You can’t walk around like this!” You tumbled forwards and leaned against the wall. Shinobu came up behind you to grab your arm but you shoved her off.
“I’m getting out of here.” You were sweating now. The pain was unbearable. Using the blade as a mock cane you kept stumbling forward.
“You’re not well enough to walk. You’re going to make your injury worse!” The wall behind you was now wet with blood as you kept moving. Turning the corner you ran into something.
“What are you doing up?!” Rengoku. Of course you had to run into him here.
“Get out of my way. This is some sort of trick.” You tried to shove past him, but he grabbed your arms.
“Settle down. What’s going on?” He looked over your shoulder at Shinobu. Before she could reply, you shoved the butt of your blade into his stomach and drew it. Placing one hand over the bandages on your stomach, you stepped behind him and raised the sword to eye level. Your vision was getting spotty and you were swaying side to side. I have to get out of here.
“This isn’t right. I have to leave!” You started to back up then ran into another person.
“Ms. Rengoku?” It was a small boy with red hair and a red scar on his forehead. You grabbed him and shoved him in front of you with your blade to his neck.
“What did you call me?” Your voice was breathless. That’s it this is a dream. I have to get back. You shoved the boy forwards and brought the blade to your own neck. Rengoku dashed forward and grabbed the blade with his bare hand. His blood dripped down your front.
“What are you doing?!” With determination you tried to shove him back, but he didn’t budge.
“This is a dream, Rengoku-san! I have to get back!” He grunted in pain and tossed your blade away before wrapping both arms around your shoulders. Arms mostly pinned in place and legs too weak to move you turned and bit his neck. Shinobu came up behind Rengoku and tore your mouth open off his neck. She shoved a cloth into your mouth before backing away again to look into your eyes.
“Calm down, this isn’t a dream.” Shinobu looked panicked and hurt. Rengoku didn’t say a word as he lifted you off the ground slightly and started walking back where you came from. His neck was bleeding slightly, but you didn’t bite hard. You still didn’t want to hurt these people. (Fighting to stay awake)
Once back in the room, he placed you on the bed and held your wrists in his hand.
“What do you think is going on here?” Rengoku sounded serious. His face no longer in a smile and he squinted down at you. He almost sounded angry. Glaring back at him you spat the cloth out of your mouth to reply.
“Everything is off. Shinobu is wearing Kanao’s haori. Both of you look older. You… our relationship has changed. I’m obviously stuck in some sort of demon blood art. The only thing I can’t explain is…” You looked down at your blood covered front. Rengoku let his grip lighten around your wrists, then knelt down in front of you. Reaching a hand up, he ran it gently through your hair. Your eyes stung and tears leaked through as you looked down at him. “I have to go.”
“This isn’t a dream, my love. You are the frost hashira. You became a hashira three years ago and our relationship started a year after.” He was whispering this as his hand gently rested on your cheek stroking his thumb over it.
“Rengoku, that can’t be true… I-I’m a kinoe.” His eyes softened and you could see water form around the edges.
“How old are you?”
“16.” He chuckled and looked down.
“Love, you are 19.” Your breathing started coming out in short gasps. All at once you could feel the pain in your body again. The room tilted and swirled. Your vision became blurry and it felt like you were underwater. All at once, your back hit the bed and your eyes slipped closed again.
Hashira meeting later that night
The hashira were gathered in the garden now in the late afternoon. Normally their meetings were held earlier, but this was an emergency. Just like the last impromptu meeting with Tanjiro. The doors opened announcing the master’s arrival and Shinazugawa scoffed. One hashira seemed to be running late.
“I’ve gathered you here today for an important announcement. As you can see, the frost hashira is missing from the meeting. She returned last night from the mugen train mission where she ran into upper rank three.” His voice sounded… strained and for the first time he hesitated. Ubuyashiki always had a soft spot for her like all his children. “The frost hashira has lost her memories.” A couple hashira gasped and covered their mouths (specifically Mitsuri and Tengen). Shinobu looked down at the ground in defeat.
“I informed Ubuyashiki-sama this morning after she woke up. We decided it was best to tell everyone together.” Shinobu looked straight ahead. She was obviously disappointed in herself.
“How much was lost?” Tengen spoke up quietly. He glanced down the line at Rengoku.
“Three years.” Ubuyashiki announced and they all snapped to his attention.
“Wait! That’s the first year she became a hashira! That means she doesn’t remember me.” Mitsuri wailed out. Heartbroken at the news that one of her best friends wouldn’t even be able to name her.
“That also means she hasn’t developed the seventh, eighth, or ninth forms.” Tomioka actually looked disheartened at this news. He’d helped develop those last few to top of her skill set. Not that he had any skill for her breathing style, but training with him always gave her new ideas.
“Does that mean she can’t take me to the play in town next week?” Tokito mumbled and looked down. He couldn’t go alone since it got annoying when people asked where his parents were. She’d always dealt with everything annoying for him. Usually he didn't care very much about plays, but you always insisted that he needed something besides clouds to watch.
“Poor child.” Himejima started crying. Not that that was anything surprising. Iguro rolled his eyes at his antics. Iguro usually would have make some snarky comment by now, but it was obvious this news was bothering Mitsuri.
“She will be staying at the butterfly estate trying to regain her memories. I would like you all to let Shinobu guide you on how to help her. I feel a big battle is coming. We have to use all the resources we have. Not only that, but if she looked back knowing she could have helped…” Shinazugawa sighed, but he’d do it if Ubuyashiki wanted him to. Also, the frost hashira was always kind to him and even let him smack her around a bit during training when he was having a hard time. Shinobu looked up at the sky and nodded.
“You will all be able to visit tomorrow. She’s still recovering from this morning.” It was approaching dusk now.
“You’re all dismissed. Stay safe, my children.” Ubuyashiki started to get up with help from his daughters. “And Shinobu, please keep me updated on her condition.” Shinobu agreed and they all said their goodbyes. Once he left it was like a blanket was lifted from the bird cage, questions came flying at her left and right.
“How did this happen?”
“Is she alright otherwise?”
“Has she been training?”
“Why did she go back to three years ago?”
Shinobu raised her hands up in mock surrender and backed away from the group who’d gathered around. Rengoku was still kneeling in the same position, mouth in a frown and eyebrows furrowed.
“Rengoku, are you alright? I know she-“ Tengen started but was quickly interrupted by the man getting up and turning to Shinobu.
“Let’s head back, Shinobu.” His voice was still booming and somewhat cheery, but his signature smile was missing.
“Ah sure, Rengoku, but she should keep resting.”
“Don’t worry. I won’t wake her up!” The others kind of doubted that with how loud the man was, but he could be quiet, hopefully. You guys slept in the same house after all. Rengoku turned and already started walking off.
“You can come by tomorrow and I’ll answer all your questions.” Shinobu waved to the others and followed after him.
“She really lost her memories then?” Tengen watched to two leave. They both looked tired and even a little rattled.
“I haven’t seen Rengoku like this before.” Mitsuri clutched her hands together and sniffled. The frost hashira was one of her best friends. Not only that but she was with Rengoku, her very best friend! They all agreed to drop by the estate first thing in the morning, then said their goodbyes.
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dudeandduchess · 4 months
Kyōjurō x F!S/O: Kiss It Better (SFW Scenario, Fluff)
Sub-genre: Hurt/Comfort Note: I was a bit inspired, and also a bit in my feels. This is a bit of a different take on Kyōjurō; a look behind the veil, per se...
There were days in Kyōjurō’s life when it all just felt… off. His usual demeanour was not enough to stave off the imminent feelings of sadness within him, no matter how hard he tried. And no amount of psychoanalysing himself— and repeating over and over in his head that he was not supposed to be down, or in any way upset, was simply not cutting it.
Those days were the most difficult, in his opinion. But he could never say it out loud; all because he always thought that admitting it aloud was unnecessary. There were other, more important, things to be done— so he had to push through.
With that same mantra in mind, the blond wiped the sweat that beaded at his forehead; closing his eyes, and exhaling a soft sigh that didn’t help to ease the tightness that he felt in his chest.
He could also feel the tears pricking at the backs of his eyes, but he put all his effort into suppressing them. After all, the afternoon sun still hung high up in the sky; it wouldn’t have boded well for anyone to see him deep in the trenches of his own melancholy.
No matter how hard he tried to keep telling himself to resume with his daily training routine though, his body simply would not cooperate. So, he found himself throwing the proverbial towel in— making his way towards the engawa, and taking a seat.
It was a desperate effort to keep his inner turmoil in control, but taking that break only served to make it roil inside him even more.
He could feel everything within him just clawing to get out— to make itself known to the world and introduce them to his inner misery— yet he held tight to keep his composure.
After all, he’s done it before. So, he can do it again… and again; no matter how many times it was necessary.
“Kyō, I saw that you were taking your break, so I brought some tea…” (Y/n) announced softly, as she stepped out onto the engawa.
Her eyes traced over the contours of her husband’s bare back, appreciating every line of muscle that undulated with his minuscule movements. Yet, her appreciation was cut short when she felt the heaviness coming off of him in droves.
She knew that he was trying to put up a tough façade, and it made her heart ache; just knowing that he was suffering and was trying to bury it deep within himself.
Gingerly, (Y/n) set the tray of tea down on the spot next to her husband, before kneeling right behind him. Then slowly, as gently as she could— as if he was going to break if she moved gruffly— she wrapped her arms around his shoulders.
“I love you, Kyō, and I’m so, so incredibly proud of you,” The young woman whispered next to Kyōjurō’s right ear, before leaning down to press a kiss to the side of his face— down to his jaw, the side of his neck, and eventually down to his bare shoulder. “You never have to go through this alone.”
Kyōjurō wasn’t exactly sure if it was his wife’s words, or the mere feel of her comforting arms around him, but he felt the first vestiges of tears begin to roll down his cheeks. And eventually, he leaned back against her and closed his eyes, as he let his tears fall freely.
The tightness in his chest didn’t fully subside, but it was getting more and more bearable with every passing second.
He then lifted his left hand up, and gently curled his fingers around (Y/n)’s left wrist; finding more comfort in touching her.
No words had to be said to (Y/n), as everything that she needed to know was conveyed through that one action alone. It was a small gesture that spoke volumes: Thank you. I love you. I need you.
“I’ll always be here for you, Kyō. Forever… and ever…. and ever. I promise,” The young woman reassured in the softest tone that she could muster, despite her impending tears making her throat feel all thick and mucky.
She then pressed another kiss to Kyōjurō’s shoulder, before pressing her cheek against the spot that she had just graced with her lips; remaining quiet as she allowed her husband to have his moment of private solace in her arms.
“I love you, Kyōjurō.”
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residentfromnowhere · 5 months
Imagine a Kyo that's your number 1 fan! He's such a fan of yours that he is your top #1 donator on your OnlyFans and is excited for this one special day...
Because you two agreed to meet up to 'reward' your biggest fan
Make him Yandere with abandonment issues and you got yourself a HELL of a time lol
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vampcubus · 1 month
:ఌ¨ ♱ 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 : nsfw, sub!kyojuro rengoku, dom!reader (no pronouns or anatomy mentioned), handjob, master kink, pet names (pup/puppy), overstimulation, one (1) dick slap, y'all do have a safeword even if it isn't explicitly stated here, hence the ignored 'no'.
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Kyojuro is a well-behaved pup. He follows instructions to the letter, barks when he’s told, even cums on command. But his sensitive body often betrays him, jerking and squirming into and away from touches despite his determination to be good for you.
Especially as he's painting his soft, flexing tummy with cum, thick thighs twitching with the effort not to buck into your hand. He's making these kicked-puppylike sounds as his orgasm is torn out of him as if with claws, his golden-red gaze half-lidded and reverent. But you aren't done with him, he realizes almost in anguish as your hand doesn't slow, still tugging his oversensitive cock even after it's finished spurting.
His dark brows knit, eyes clenching shut, and a half-sob weasels out of his kiss-bruised lips. "Ohh, please no. Master- ah! ahh!"
"Endure it a little longer, pup. Don't squirm," You croon in a falsely compassionate tone, and he nods even as his thighs snap shut.
"Sorry, 'm sorry! sorry, so s-sorry," he apologizes, gasping as you pry them back open. Your hand is merciless, nearly rubbing his cock raw despite how the slick squelching from his spend. It's a maddening, relentless pleasure and pain that makes his mind melt.
"Fuck," he rasps, a large hand clamping around your wrist only to be slapped away with a tsk. "Hurts," Kyojuro sniffles, eyes glittery with unshed tears that make your lips part and your pupils expand.
A sadistic thrill stokes the fire in your belly, your mouth watering at the pitiful display. A part of you wants to be merciful, and baby him, but another can't help but want to be firm and mean. He hardly deserves it, you know he can't help it, but you don't care.
"Move again, and I'll have to punish you, puppy," you warned, your voice nearly a purr, and his stomach twists at the thought of being 'bad.' He wants to be good— no, he needs to be good and receive praise for a job well done, but fuck it hurts to be touched. His traitorous body squirms, when your fingers tighten around his dick.
You sigh, delivering a sharp slap to his cock, making him cry out and his whole body jerk. He parts his thighs wider in an attempt to appease you.
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