lanatusnebula · 29 days
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furaffinity mascot as a reploid (??? i think that's what they're called when they're not psycho yet ???)
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mgnemesi · 5 months
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I have no idea how or why it happened, but it happened. Quick and messy Repliroid Inosuke because I couldn't get the bug out of my head.
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daessai · 1 year
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I’ve spent too long on this.
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jazzpostsrandomthings · 10 months
That one time I turned Gluttony from FMA into a Maverick
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His name is Sniff Tasmandee. He has a great sense of smell and was working with Hunters to help them find the injured during the Maverick attacks (be it human or repliroid, he can smell their blood well). But one day something went wrong in his brain and he started to use his sniffing abilities to find the wounded repliroids to then eat them. He doesn’t attack or even act hostile towards repliroids that aren’t leaking their blood yet, however.
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jazzpostsstuff · 10 months
Chapter: AXL Development Documents, Peatan
Like I've promised, today we're gonna talk about Peatan!
If you wish to see the full, neatly condenced profile right away, you can go to their page on my toyhou.se!
Peatan is a blue nurse cyber-elf who used to be in Resistance's possesion. This happy playful fellow grew tired of living in the special cyber-elf containers, eventually conduring a plan of their own to escape the clutches of this organisation once and for all. Despite of low chances, their scheme was a success as they got brought to Neo Arcadia by Axl along with the Keeper Amulet they were hiding in. However, upon learning of the sacrificial nature of cyber-elves and Peatan's personal wish of exchanging their life to heal the wounds of someone else, their newly found repliroid friend chose to keep the blue nurse inside of the amulet so they won't self-sacrifice at the first opportunity. Luckily, Axl wasn't so harsh on Peatan, letting them out to view the places he was taking the cyber-elf to. The more time Peatan spent with Axl, the more they learnt about the material realm and complex feelings their inhabitors could experience. This allowed the blue nurse to mature as a person and acquire earthly attachments that were so alien to the digital beings who are the cyber-elves...
How do you distinguish Peatan from hundreds of other blue nurses? Well, you would only need to take a look at the cross on their hat! They also gain puffy white shorts underneath the dress upon evolving but that trait is a little more common than the black (deep blue) cross.
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You may also say that Peatan has a skirt in the base form which nurses usually don't get until their first evolution, but after seeing this little drawing from a soundrack booklet (I think it was Mythos), I couldn't resist giving them to base forms too which does mean that all nurses in my continuity are not naked when they are babies *chuckle*.
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Also did you know that Peatan is an elf you can obtain in the original Rockman Zero 2? They're in Kuwagust Ancatus' stage, after the optional Thunder Golem midboss, stuck in a container. However, when found in Chapter: AXL (since it's meant to have Zero's campaign as well, it just hasn't changed much so we didn't describe it), Peatan would fly away and Zero would receive a different blue nurse after the level if he speaks to one of the soldiers. If Zero has already beaten Crystal Cave stage and didn't get the elf prior, the cyber-elf container would be missing and he would still need to talk to a soldier.
And now it's time for development notes:
I thought our protagonist would need a companion on this journey who could lighten the mood and contrast with a more serious and grimmer version of Axl. The idea of an incredibly cheerful nurse cyber-elf that he would keep around to show what the material realm has to offer came pretty quickly and naturally after that. But why was it an elf that could originally be found in Z2? Well, it was kinda a placeholder but I was able to make the character work in the context of this story pretty easily so I saw no need to change them. In addition, Peatan had a slightly different backstory in the very first draft of Chapter 1, being a cyber-elf that saw one of their own kind sacrifice themselves. This inspired the elf to take their name, and dreaming of accomplishing the same goal one day, hoping to become just as cool and brave at the original Peatan before. Not only it was "a bit" messed up, but it also ended up not working with the timeline. The latter problem could have actually been patched, but I decided not to go through with it. Peatan is an embodinment of child-like innocence (at least in Ch1) and giving them a backstory like that could've been too much. Also I should mention that the idea for a talking ball of light companion was inspired by Sein - the guiding light from Ori and the Blind Forest which I happened to finish prior to conceptualizing Chapter: AXL. Sadly, Peatan wasn't much of a combantant by the end *chuckle*.
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And (this isn't in the profile on toyhou.se because it would've made it too long), maybe some of you are also wondering why does Peatan have a lisp in Chapter 1 and not in Chapter 2? Well, if that wasn't obvious yet, they were a little child in Ch1 and they grew during the 2 month timeskip between it and Ch2 which is why they managed to get rid of the lisp. But why was it there in the first place? Well, I just thought it would convey their childness more and that it would be cute *grin*.
Although I've told you about most things that were already written down in the toyhou.se profile, you can still check it out!
Stay Tuned! ~
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jetglider · 1 year
Is Axis equally close to X and Zero or latches onto one of them more often? What aspects are they like X and Zero respectively? Do they have a fav activity to do with their dads? (Sorry for three questions I was very curious !)
THANK YOU FOR ASKING I love talking about the little thing
1. In the beginning, Axis only latches onto X because he's the one he immediately recognizes, he gets jealous of Zero in a very little kid way because he starts learning that X's care and affection are good feeling emotions and it might come off as dislike or even hate toward Zero but they end up warming up to him once they spend more time together.
2. Axis is actually very VERY shy, getting it from X which also causes him to be very quiet around most reploids and especially humans, and from Zero ironically he gets that desintrest in social interaction at the same time, which leaves for a very young child with the speaking capacity of an adult who just.. doesn't really speak. They're very smart and resourceful getting it from both, while prefering to avoid conflict he can still hold his own even as young as he is.
3. He LOOVEESS hugging X and despite not needing to eat he likes going out to eat and having meals prepared for them and with Zero well. they train together and through that they bond further with Zero, Zeros careful with them because even if they're a robot they're still a young one whose learning and needs to be taught things like how to be gentle with others and to build their own moral compass. They do more than train obviously, Axis ends up learning he likes to be held and sleep on Zero, which also helps Zero slows down from his constant tension caused by the nature of his and X's job, Zero becomes very protective of Axis the more and more he continues to think about the implications of them and X being the other two robots and what it means to have his own family. I classify Axis as a robot instead of a reploid/repliroid because he was created from X and Zero's DNA code :)
They also learn to start correcting that from Zero lol.
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sulan1809 · 2 years
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Bass e Vile - Os rivais de Mega Man e Mega Man “X”
Em Mega Man e na franquia sucessora, Mega Man “X”, há três tipos de personagens: O protagonista ingênuo(Mega Man e Mega Man “X”), o cara estiloso e descolado(Proto Man e Zero), e o rival esquentadinho(Bass e Vile). O terceiro tipo requer mais atenção, pois há dois personagens do universo de Mega Man que são anti-heroísticos, que na maioria das situações têm tendências vilanescas. Esses dois são Bass(Forte) e Vile(VAVA). O primeiro foi criado pelo Dr. Albert W. Wily e se autoproclama como o robô mais poderoso da Terra, quer derrotar Mega Man para provar a superioridade dele; O segundo, Vile, foi criado em algum período do século 22(21XX), e por ser tremendamente lunático, e deveras instável, deseja derrotar Mega Man “X” para provar que ele é o Reploid supremo... 
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BASS(FORTE) - O Rival Supremo de Mega Man
Bass(SWN-001), também conhecido pelo nome Forte(フォルテ Forute) no Japão, é um Robot Master que o Dr. Wily desenvolveu com base nos esquemas de Mega Man, juntamente com Treble, um imitador do design de Rush. Bass foi criado pelo Dr. Wily, algum tempo antes dos eventos de Mega Man 6, com base em uma pesquisa sobre Mega Man, na intenção de fazê-lo superar os poderes de Mega Man. O personagem fez a aparição oficial dele em Mega Man 7, já desafiando Mega Man para uma luta. Bass é o anti-herói proeminente da série clássica original de Mega Man, e o principal propósito dele é provar que ele é o robô mais poderoso do mundo. Embora Bass e Mega Man sejam rivais, eles ocasionalmente se unem para derrotar os inimigos jurados de ambos. Embora Bass tenha sido criado pelo Dr. Wily, ele frequentemente se rebela contra o criador dele, para os próprios propósitos dele. Bass foi posteriormente superado por Zero, um super-robô avançado, desenvolvido por Wily. 
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Bass é apresentado como sendo um robô muito presunçoso, mal-humorado, egoístico, rebelde, impetuoso, e arrogante, que acredita que ele é o mais forte acima de todos. Bass é muito orgulhoso e pensa muito alto de si mesmo, rotulando o resto dos robôs em volta dele como “pilhas de sucata insignificantes”. Ele sempre teve uma forte rivalidade com Mega Man, mas além dele, Bass parece ter um certo desprezo por cada robô desenvolvido por Wily(com a exceção de Treble o parceiro canino, e, desnecessário dizer, ele mesmo), uma vez que Bass sente que eles estão no caminho do objetivo dele, que se resume a destruir Mega Man. No entanto, apesar de Bass ser extremamente poderoso, o principal fator que leva o “filho” de Wily à própria queda é a arrogância e o excesso de confiança. De acordo com Proto Man, isto se dá pelo fato de que ele não tem pelo que lutar. A razão pela qual Bass é sempre superado por Mega Man, é pelos motivos egoístas dele sobre querer provar a todos que ele é o robô mais forte, em oposição ao desejo de Mega Man, que se resume a lutar em prol do futuro de humanos e robôs, e trazer paz ao mundo.
VILE(VAVA) - O Repliroid do Futuro
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Vile(ヴァヴァ VAVA) surgiu pela primeira vez em Mega Man “X”, como um capanga de Sigma. Em um passado antes de Mega Man X1, ele costumava ser um membro dos Maverick Hunters e era titulado como um Hunter de classe S-A na 17ª unidade de elite de Sigma, pouco antes da rebelião do Comandante dos Maverick Hunters contra a humanidade e Reploids em geral. Vile aparece como chefe em três títulos da série Mega Man “X”(X1, X3 e X8), e teve a primeira aparição dele como um personagem jogável no próprio storyline separado em Mega Man Maverick Hunter “X”, remake do primeiro game da franquia, lançado ao PlayStation Portable em 2006, com grandes melhorias gráficas e sonoras. 
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Vile usa armadura corporal básica com um brilho púrpura escuro distinto e destaques brancos e dourados. Tem ombreiras de forma retangular e ele carrega um cinto na cintura. Ele usa um capacete com uma viseira escura em forma de T. Não está claro se a viseira esconde o rosto de Vile, ou se a viseira é o rosto dele; No design original de Mega Man “X”, Vile tinha o emblema de Sigma impresso na testa dele, no entanto, em Maverick Hunter “X”, o símbolo foi mudado para um “V”, a letra inicial do nome do personagem. 
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Vile é um sujeito muito arrogante e violento. Embora ele costumava ser um membro da mais alta patente dos Maverick Hunters(Classe SA), Vile tinha uma anormalidade no cérebro eletrônico que o fez implacavelmente caçar Mavericks e destruí-los completamente, sem qualquer consideração por danos colaterais. Devido ao fato de que Vile era muito instável, foi removido do posto de Maverick Hunter e levado à prisão, sendo rotulado como Maverick, mas foi libertado por Sigma, assim podendo causar o máximo de destruição que ele quisesse. Vile tem um certo desprezo por “X”, pois embora “X” fosse um mero Maverick Hunter de classe “B”, “X” acabou atraindo muito mais atenção do que ele. Vile clama detestar “X” pela piedade e gentileza que ele demonstra, mas a grande verdade é que todo esse rancor parece derivar da inveja e insegurança, uma vez que Vile se sente confuso e frustrado com a constante apreciação que todos têm por “X”. Zero, por outro lado, tem o respeito por parte de Vile no que diz em termos de força, embora esteja confuso por que Zero se aliaria com alguém tão patético e decepcionante como “X”. 
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ao3feed-xzero · 11 months
Do Reploids dream of electric sheep?
by Drakoloach
Hunting Mavericks was easy. Locate the offender, figure out how many there were, plow through their legions of Mechaniliods, defeat the Maverick. Take the chip back to base, hand it off to the right people, eat dinner, play racing games with Zero and Axl for the rest of the night to de-stress, let AXl win, plug in and go to sleep. It's a process X is extremely familiar with. You could even call it routine.
This next mission should be no different.
Except it is. Very.
(or, X and Zero are sent to clear out a hospital taken over by Mavericks. It goes horribly wrong.)
Words: 5580, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Rockman X | Mega Man X, Rockman | Mega Man - All Media Types, Rockman - Fandom
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: M/M
Characters: X (Rockman Classic Universe), Zero (Rockman Classic Universe), Axl (Rockman X)
Relationships: X/Zero (Rockman Classic Universe)
Additional Tags: Minor Original Character(s), Original Character Death(s), Irregulars | Mavericks (Rockman Classic Universe), robot gore, Gore, Repliroids | Reploids (Rockman Classic Universe), Alive Zero (Rockman Classic Universe), takes place in X1 timeline? i guess?, Oneshot, the X/Zero can be romantic, Or platonic, Or familial, Whichever Works, they care about each other is the bottom line, Horror, Hurt/Comfort, Trauma, creative liberties taken with worldbuilding, Heavy Angst, Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Sort Of, ok maybe not, eh hes fine, Zombies, canon-convenient Sigma Virus, Hospitals, liberties taken with robot anatomy, might get a part 2, Not Beta Read
from AO3 works tagged 'X/Zero (Rockman Classic Universe)' https://ift.tt/Kz0ycsv
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chuckdraug · 5 years
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Inktober 2019 - My characters
16. Sacmis (2005)
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kibibarel · 6 years
I wanna play with your lusamine so badly but tumblr is for nerds
you’re right but where else can i RP and aesthetic blog at the same time using the same space???? NOWHERE that’s where
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tiramisuart · 6 years
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X and Zero cuddling.
X may or may not be genderbent, up to the viewer.
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mgnemesi · 5 months
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Lap-pillow and ear...erhm... repairing? Because these babies DESERVE something soft and sweet considering what happens in this AU.
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vrqins · 4 years
I'm a simple man. I see Axl. I start crying
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subzeroiceskater · 4 years
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Early game and the game’s riddled with so many typos and a bunch of places that could’ve used a lot more editing (every time a comma goes missing, I cringe). It won’t get better.
I always feel bad for pointing out this kind of stuff because from reading the experience of professionals, it’s not they didn’t care--it’s more likely they weren’t given incentive to care--whether it’s time, money or outsourcing work to places where cheapness, not quality, is prioritized. Or some other behind-the-scenes stuff that will never be brought up that results in this kind of mess.
I make a bajillion typos on every single thing but the difference is I’m some literal-who online on doing shit on nobody-cares-blog and not a professional product from from a hugeass game company who should be doing better. :/
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Can I just skip everything and play his part already???
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This looks important.
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Is this why his wiki was spelled JoMon for the longest time.
JomonElec is turning out a lot more important than I remembered (which isn’t much admittedly).
Jomon, by the way, is the name of a period and people from Japanese prehistory. I don’t know exactly what’s the deal with naming him that. Is it something like naming a British character, John Anglosaxon. Jomon doesn’t seem to be an actual Japanese family name.
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Took me out because these boys usually call him “Dad”. There’s several instances where it seems stuff were translated without oversight or references or just overall context.
Okay, so I got a Wide Sword and went to put it in my chip folder
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I suddenly found all these chips?  Powerful late game chips. These definitely shouldn’t be in here so I can’t think of any other explanation that I got a rom where it’s got a cheat enabled. Found nothing when I searched online, though.
Check this out
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Z Saver. Repliroid.
It reads like it was translated by someone who had no idea about the X or Zero series or given anything other context. It should be Z Saber and Reploid and not Japanese  Repliroid.
Also, I just wanna say SearchMan fucking sucks. Getting all these powerful chips isn’t as gamebreaking as I thought they would be because they’re limited by function, opportunity, luck or really, really fast reflexes. Like, how could he not have an automatic lock-in function? I don’t remember if his chip sucked as hard in Team Protoman but considering that game had normal search chip that targets enemies automatically, they had to fixed it, right. Right?
Having Z-Saber, Hawkcuts, Roll Arrows and Number Ball already rules. Running around getting lost is not.
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jazzpostsstuff · 1 year
Chapter 2, Part 1 has been released!
I literally forgot I had a Tunblr blog for my project lol
But yeah, me and my team released the first half of ROCKMAN ZERO 3, Chapter: AXL (which is the Chapter 2, yup) last week on the Discord server for the project.
It stars Axl, now as a part of Resistance, trying to pay for his sins that he commited while serving Neo Arcadia that, in the meantime, is now pumping out the new repliroids based off Axl’s technology. One day Resistance finds a mysterious energy reading coming from some coordinates far away from Neo Arcadia’s borders that turns out to be the laboratory Axl was kept in for almost a century. However, as Axl moves along, his soul still weights heavy with guilt.
What might be Neo Arcadia’s goal with such a mission? Will Axl manage to make amends with Resistance members? Well, the chapter is only half-way done but it kind of answers that a bit.
I am bad with advertisements but yeah, you can check it out here:
Chapter 2 Part 1 content:
Main Document - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1mWi1i2sLe9tzA4BYyY0eppVHXbGUQPmE/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=115445485612251413138&rtpof=true&sd=true
Trinkets - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1NVF9uOryRuCF9wm-TOY-pg8Dyke2Kfq9Gf0iMa_IGNE/edit?usp=sharing
Side Content - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1N_Vf3VVYC-MUFV4LXUeVd03yfdiJu0LlDwcKWH1WYN4/edit?usp=sharing
Art Assets - https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1WEMKvrbd_H3FEqWG7hUmYE9Cd3v1_YTu?usp=sharing
Stay Tuned!
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chriee · 3 years
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One part repliroid, one part shop class and one part brain damage.
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