#republic  day 2022 quotes
Helena Hind at MMFA:
Once again, a national broadcast outlet has failed to adequately identify a conservative man-on-the-street source in its television coverage. This time, CBS News omitted any mention of an Arizona activist’s well-documented working relationship with Arizona Senate candidate and election denier Kari Lake.
During a report on Arizona Republicans blocking another effort to repeal Arizona’s near-total abortion ban, CBS News featured a soundbite from Merissa Hamilton, identifying her only as an abortion rights opponent. “We need to save freedom in our state,” said Hamilton. “We need to save our constitution. Our rights are under threat every single day.” Beyond being an “abortion rights opponent,” Hamilton has an illustrious career as both a right-wing operative and a political candidate. Last May, prior to Lake’s October announcement about her Senate run, the Trump ally named Hamilton to lead a ballot-chasing operation, because, in Lake’s words, “we cannot allow them to steal another election from we the people.” [...]
The New York Times similarly quoted Hamilton without making the connection to Lake, but the paper at least noted her position as president of an activist group in Arizona, EZAZ.
In 2020, Hamilton ran for mayor of Phoenix and ultimately lost to the incumbent candidate by a large margin. During the campaign, an investigative report from The Arizona Republic revealed Hamilton’s membership in a private Facebook group filled with far-right conspiracy theories and hateful rhetoric against Muslims and LGBTQ people, which drew condemnation from the Human Rights Campaign. [...] In addition to Lake's well-documented election denial — which includes denying the results of her ill-fated Arizona gubernatorial bid in 2022 — the candidate has a history of flip-flopping. Most recently, she was called out for backtracking in her previous endorsement of Arizona’s 19th-century abortion ban.
CBS interviewed Merissa Hamilton, an anti-abortion activist with ties to the Karl Lake campaign and didn't disclose it to the viewers of CBS Evening News.
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bereft-of-frogs · 6 months
friday update!
we are reaching the end of my vacation week which is both good (I miss my routine and my own apartment) and sad (I have to go back to work and no longer have all day just to write)
(finished) The Great Transition - Nick Fuller Goggins : Not quite as good as Station Eleven but...surprisingly decent for a book doing stuff I normally find annoying.
(in-progress) Kill Show: A True Crime Novel - Daniel Sweren-Becker : Look I LOVE trying to recreate found footage in literature. House of Leaves, S...I'm not sure this one is doing it for me. I wish there was something more than just the interview transcripts, which he has room for. Like at one point there have been quotes from a journalist and a professor, instead of doing the same interview block quote, he could have put in excerpts from articles/dissertations, we could have had more narration and description that way. It's just a little flat with it all being the same and also I'm not sure he has enough distinct character voices to justify it all exclusively being interview quotes. I feel like you need really good, unique character voices to exclusively do transcript quotes. And there are other issues I feel like he didn't think through, like I still don't really know how old the brother is supposed to be in relation to the main missing girl because it's not in the character intro and no one's mentioned it. But I'm not super far in, I'm going to stick with it to see if it gets better.
(in-progress) Jaw Bone - Monica Ojeda: Also only a little ways in, intriguing though, I like this one much better than Kill Show so far.
Lord of the Rings reread: I did fall a little bit behind by a couple chapters this week, but! We're onto the last book of Return of the King.
(phone book) Into the Dark - Claudia Gray: haven't had to read on my phone much this week since I've been on vacation, but the High Republic reread continues!
watching (tv):
*vibrates* Yellowjackets (Paramount+/Showtime): oh my GOD I have been wanting to watch this for years and I finally did, binged all two seasons this week. (Minus two episodes I have left to watch, so no season finale spoilers yet!) Yellowjackets. What is there to say? It's great, you all knew it was great, I was late to this party. There's like a venn diagram you could make between this show, NBC's Hannibal, and Black Spot/Zone Blanche but I can't articulate it yet. It's just got everything to appeal to me specifically: spooky forest settings, plane crashes, cannibalism, antler gods, murder, not one but two cults. It's great, extremely on brand for me, Shauna is my poor little meow meow, Melanie Lynskey should play more cannibals, murderers and warlords, she does it so well.
watching (film):
Pearl / X (2022) (double feature): Is it an unpopular opinion that I like X better? I'm also a bit late to this party but I feel like I remember people being like 'oh X is fine but Pearl is so good!' (Confirmed by looking at their comparative Letterboxd scores.) I just think X had a more interesting time period setting, better ensemble cast, better cinematography...which I think make sense given my understanding was X was the film they were originally making, and then they added on Pearl as an origin story project while they were working on X. It felt like more thought was put into X. Also, the 'Don't Fear the Reaper' scene was great. It seems like most of the reviews just comment on Mia Goth's performance as a highlight but like...it's just a lot of yelling and then a very long monologue and then the end credits. Idk, I think X just worked better as a whole, with the ensemble cast.
Bodies Bodies Bodies (2023): This movie was so funny, probably my favorite ending/explanation to a 'wow everyone went from no murder to yes murder really fast' film I've ever seen. I also just love Lee Pace. Lee Pace sabre-ing a bottle of champagne. That is all.
there is no video game update because I have no mobile video game consoles so they are all at my apartment and I am not there, and since I had to leave early Friday instead of my original plan (Sunday) I didn't get to do anything before I left
craft update: slow sweater progress, so close to linking up the armholes and no longer having to purl, so close...
writing to-do list update:
I didn't end up working a ton on oneshots or 'omens' because...
I did it! I got up through chapter 6 on the longfic tentatively titled 'the station'. that's about the halfway point in chapter count, and I've been doing a pretty good job keeping the lengths even and hovering around 5k so far. It's 33k words now so I expect the final word count to be around 65-70k? Thereabouts? Which will be my longest Star Wars fic by quite a lot, even counting adding up the two pieces of the dark ocean duology. But since I'm only at the halfway point, maybe I shouldn't get ahead of myself. It's so much. I love it. I'm terrified it's secretly bad. But it's probably fine haha, I'm actually feeling pretty good about the plot I'm using to string together a bunch of self-indulgent angst, which really, what is fanfiction if not finding a suitable plot to tie together self-indulgent scenes, angst or otherwise?
list for the upcoming week:
I still have to extract my dogsitting fee aka do all of my laundry
got a couple social events over the weekend
pack up and head back to the city sunday
I'm considering doing a probably ill-advised chaos rearranging of my room when I get home unless reason and logic kicks back in and stops me
go back to work (boo)
also clean whole apartment throughout the week because I have eclipse guests
eep somehow acquire eclipse glasses yikes I put this one off
keep chipping away chapter-by-chapter on this fic. I'm just getting to the action, which is both fun because a bunch of things are coming to a head and terrible because oh god writing action scenes is so hard
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ingek73 · 2 years
Among the Meghan-hating media fraternity, Jeremy Clarkson isn’t even king
Catherine Bennett
The invective of the former Top Gear presenter barely rose above the standard of an average incel
Sat 31 Dec 2022 18.00 GMT
Follow Catherine Bennett
Commiserations to Jeremy Clarkson: now his Sun column has been taken down, the celebrity must forfeit his chance to win the UK media’s most demented attack on Meghan award, 2022.
Fairness requires his article to be available for comparison with work from names including, in no particular order, Dan Wootton, Piers Morgan, Nigel Farage, Tom Bower, Brendan O’Neill of spiked and the Spectator’s Freddy Gray, not forgetting Richard Tice, Toby Young and Rod Liddle. Energised, perhaps, by the abundant material issuing from Montecito, more and more commentators are realising that a media career really can be based on, or refreshed by, repeating that the Duchess of Sussex is any or all of a talentless (yet cunning) mansion-dwelling liar, narcissist, bully, gold-digger, hypocrite and republic facilitator who stole “our” prince (Morgan: “dragged him out of the country off to your California mansion to fleece your royal titles”) whom she will dump – thanks to the demagogue-psychic Farage for this insight – when the time is right. To which the popular psychologist Dr Jordan Peterson tweeted: “This seems highly probable to me.”
Having said that, the trade is harder than it might look; the successful Markle-detractor must not only sustain Morgan-rivalling levels of abuse but produce some signature excuse for his feelings. An honourable mention, then, to Peterson who, new to the specialism, brought a scholarly perspective to bear on a Markle “archetype” podcast in which he’d been quoted (saying “I don’t think that men can control crazy women”). While compliant with Goldwater constraints on psychological speculation, Peterson added to his academic defence of “crazy women” the objection that Markle’s voice “just grates on me”. Elsewhere, the recently arrested career misogynist Andrew Tate seems to be the first of this men’s group to call her a bitch and worse. Why the anger? Unclear, but, invited on Morgan’s show, Tate recently regretted that “a lot of age-old traditions are being destroyed in real time”.
The above list should not, incidentally, be interpreted as some innate female inferiority in reviling Meghan. Credit is due, in fact, to the Daily Telegraph’s female team. The judges of this award are not, however, so “woke” as to favour less obsessive and comparatively pallid contributions to Meghan-hating by women, simply for the sake of diversity.
One challenge for specialist Markle-baiters is to balance, as Clarkson did not, the disturbed with the publishable
If it is any consolation to Clarkson, last year’s anti-Meghan content included work so outstandingly malignant that even after his article provoked international condemnation and record-breaking complaints, he may not have triumphed. True, the description of Meghan as worse than the serial killer Rose West is memorable, likewise his dream of the day that Meghan – since the writer hates her “on a cellular level” – “is made to parade naked through the streets of every town in Britain while the crowds chant, ‘Shame!’ and throw lumps of excrement at her”. But original? Our judges noted that this sort of sexualised, unashamedly pathological fantasy about a determined and attractive woman would probably be considered fairly basic in online groups favoured by resentful incels.
Moreover, one of the challenges for specialist Markle-baiters is to balance, as Clarkson did not, the disturbed with the publishable. As familiar as it is for some men to be triggered by female success into the sort of behaviours academics have summarised as “masculine over-compensation”, the Meghan-averse, like Greta Thunberg’s haters (as Clarkson shows, there is significant overlap), must keep in mind the need not to come across as worryingly invested or, to borrow Peterson’s jargon, crazy.
Tom Bower, a strong contender for this year’s award, could probably have pulled off his Nazi analogy, “Joseph Goebbels, Hitler’s propagandist, would look with real awe at what the Sussexes and Netflix have achieved”, and even his conspiratorial “Doria plays a really sinister role in this whole story”. It helped that he was speaking on a channel where Meghan hysteria is pretty much normalised. But people noticed when he told viewers of Good Morning Britain: “It’s Meghan I’m after.”
That the would-be shit-pelter Clarkson is to keep his TV shows and newspaper columns should not, as much as it has thrilled his fans, be taken to mean less eminent contributors would survive. Careful misogynists might be better advised to study the way his rivals will, for instance, elevate otherwise standard exercises in vituperation with a dash of compassion, a mention of the cost of living crisis, learned regret for Meghan’s limitations. “In a strangely lobotomised way,” Gray says of his muse, “Meghan seems to have been influenced by the theories of Carl Jung.”
Alternatively, notice how seasoned Meghan antagonists offer deep constitutional feeling as a justification for their insults and disgusted faces: “Princess Pinocchio”, “your narcissistic delusionist (sic) wife”, “the ginge”, “poisonous rats”. The guild’s settled understanding, after the Netflix series, that the Sussexes represent, in Morgan’s words, “an existential threat to the British monarchy”, allowed for some peerless abuse from lead members of the fraternity, notably in the popular Meghan-hating double acts. The aim of this collaborative format being for participants to goad one another into ever more extravagant denunciations of the Sussexes. In particular the Wootton-Bower combo reliably appals, the host nodding while the writer insists, for example (confident that Wootton won’t mention Andrew Morton), that Diana was never, like her son, “duplicitous”. Wootton (confident that Bower won’t mention Panorama), agrees that Diana never did anything so vile as criticise the institution.
To pick a winner from this wealth of invective has occasionally felt like an impossible task. But the most precious is, surely, a piece by the distinguished Marxist turned Markleist, Brendan O’Neill. Not for pyrotechnics but for so brilliantly encapsulating Meghan’s often fascinating effect on the male mind. “Go away,” he begs the belle dame of Montecito, “Leave me alone.” He made the same request in 2020.
Catherine Bennett is an Observer columnist
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wordacrosstime · 1 year
A Diamond In The Dust
["A Diamond in the Dust - The Stuarts: Love, Art, War" by Michael Dean. 24 November 2022. Holland Park Press Ltd. Paperback. 225 pages. ISBN: 9781907320965]
The brutal murder of King Charles I was followed by the establishment of the Commonwealth of England, a brief republic. Reinstatement of the monarchy with his son Charles ll was accompanied by the execution of the judges - the Regicide Judges - who had condemned Charles I to death. Ten of them were hanged, nine of whom were hanged, drawn and quartered. The ringmaster Oliver Cromwell died naturally. His corpse was exhumed, hanged at Tyburn (in London, now Marble Arch), beheaded, and its head mounted above the building where Charles I had been tried.
They knew how to do things in those days.
Michael Dean's A Diamond in the Dust starts and ends with the show trial and execution of Charles I, with a second book - The King's Art - scheduled to take the story forward.
Shortly before his death, Charles I wrote a (very long and frankly dreadful, but yes, execution was going too far) poem titled (with capitals as written) Majesty in Misery, Or an Imploration to the KING OF KINGS. It's not known if God has read it yet, it could take a while. Mercifully Michael Dean only quotes three lines and then solely to explain the title of the book:
With my own Power my Majesty they wound, In the King's name the King himself's uncrown'd, So doth the dust destroy the Diamond.
Watch those capitals Charles. Upper Class OK, Upper Case seldom.
Michael Dean's delightful A Diamond In The Dust is a very exact account of many of the painters artists soldiers and male prostitutes who flourished around the courts of Europe. Charles emerges as worried about what he felt was his mis-shapen body until he finds he is good at something. That something, in what was perhaps his own language was f__king. And to give it context, music, sculpture, f__king, religious wars, wars, f__king, spending money he didn't have, f__king, and when at a loss for something to while away his sybaritic hours, not-surprisingly, more f__king.
This should not suggest that Charles I was promiscuous. On the contrary he and his wife Henrietta Maria seem, after a difficult start (there was a lot of religion, catholic and protestant, involved - all across Europe and all across their lives) to have been not simply in love, but profoundly in love. Charles I does emerge at times as a bit of a pr__k, but, as the English public of the time might well have said, 'at least he's our pr__k).
Art, politics, religion, shipwrecks. Michael Dean knows his controversies and A Diamond In The Dust is crammed to the gunwales with them. George Villiers, 1st Duke of Buckingham is a superbly-drawn (he's real - all the people in the book are, and there are tons of them) character, sexually versatile on both sides, bold, generally courageous, a kind of World-War-II-We'll-Fight-Them-On-The-Beaches lad (he might well have turned up there for a cameo), hated, unfortunately by Queen Henrietta, and in the end murdered. The narrative does slump a bit when he exits, but it's coming to the end (for Charles I) when he leaves the story, and Charles is only going one way.
Michael Dean is expert with history and characters. His novel about the painter Marc Chagall, The White Crucifixion (2018) as well as being a fine novel is a smart piece of work, coming across - like A Diamond in the Dust - with the feel of historical accuracy (only God knows if it's extremely true, but He's tied up with Charles I's Majesty in Misery, possibly for eternity).
A Diamond in the Dust may be one for (1) history experts who long to pick holes in other historians' work while gloating at their superiority; (2) fanatical puritans (OK, Americans), protestants, catholics (it's got lots of all of them, entangled, not always religiously) (3) Republicans (4) Royalists (5) fans of art (yards and yards of art in 225 pages, lots of named works, very detailed biographies of big (and interestingly obscure) artists and patrons. And others who hate being categorised but read The Guardian flagrantly, with a fixed expression of disapproval.
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[Image credit: book cover, with thanks to the copyright holders]
John Park
Words Across Time
19 May 2023
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nimata-beroya · 2 years
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I posted 2,993 times in 2022
148 posts created (5%)
2,845 posts reblogged (95%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
Aww my lovelies 🥰🥰 it makes me so happy see you on my dash 💕
I tagged 2,037 of my posts in 2022
Only 32% of my posts had no tags
#the mandalorian - 337 posts
#the book of boba fett - 316 posts
#tbobf - 300 posts
#din djarin - 284 posts
#the bad batch - 263 posts
#tbobf spoilers - 227 posts
#tbb - 226 posts
#andor - 223 posts
#sw rebels - 204 posts
#andor spoilers - 158 posts
Oh, look at that!! Andor got into the top 10. Nice!! All my shows are here.
Longest Tag: 129 characters
#she blames the children of the watch (that by the name alone i'm assuming they came off the death watch not the other way around)
My Top Posts in 2022:
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110 notes - Posted February 11, 2022
You know what I find ironic (and funny) the name Paz Viszla. Because knowing how short-tempered and belligerent all members of clan Vizsla are, they dared to name someone Paz, which is Spanish for peace. They did that
119 notes - Posted January 27, 2022
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131 notes - Posted February 11, 2022
You know what I love about Andor, among other things, that it shows that fighting the empire is a collaborative effort. That people helping each other can accomplish the unthinkable; that they don't need to be a hero that did a big, flashy thing to matter and be just as heroic.
That as the episode title suggests, sometimes, there's only one way to go, one way out. It's ride or die.
266 notes - Posted November 9, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Star Wars Writing Resources
Note: None of the resources below are mine. I just assembled them in one place for your and my convenience. Feel free to use and reblog. If you know of any other useful site missing from the list, let me know and I'll gladly add it.
Interactive Galaxy Map by Henry Bernberg
Map of the Galaxy
List of planets and moons [Wikipedia /needs expanding]
Planet Name Generator 1 [SciFi Ideas]
Planetary System Generator [Donjon]
Character Development
Star Wars Name Generator 1 [Donjon]
Star Wars OC flow chart by @thefoodwiththedood
Star Wars Name Generator 2 [FantasyNames]
Star Wars Name Generator 3 [FantasyNames]
The character creator
Droid Name Generator
Star Wars Randomizer
Clone Trooper face/helmet template pack by @maiseey
Clone Picrew by @batdad
Character Picrew [Twi-leks, Zabraks, Torgutas and Nautolans] @/megaramikaeli
Star Wars Character Templates by SmacksArt [the ULTIMATE battery of template for any human/humanoid original character in any era. From troopers to droids, from Jedi to Sith, from KOTOR to the sequel Trilogy. 100% RECOMMENDED]
Standard Calendar and Holidays [including month names!]
Galactic Standard Calendar [wookiepedia // including week day names]
Date converter according to SWTOR [Google sheet]
Hyperspace Travel Times (to calculate how much time would take to go from point A to point B within the GFFA)
Materials (fabrics, leathers, silks, plastics, construction, metal composites, etc.)
List of TCW Opening Quotes
Ship Generator 3D
Star Wars: The Clone Wars Republic Military Hierarchy Flowcharts by @cacodaemonia
Languages; Phrases and Slang; Vocabulary
See the full post
1,540 notes - Posted September 4, 2022
I knew which ones were going to be the top 2 but I was curious about the other 3 😆😆
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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Arts 102: Blog Post, Weeks 5-6 + Reading Reflection
Week 5: Following my class critique from week 4, I spent the weekend of week 5 creating a drawing for the poster concept I chose- A zombified mouth with a graveyard for lips for the Martin Luther King Jr. quote “Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” I drew the the concept traditionally- Using paper and materials such as colored pencils and graphite. However, this pushed me out of my artistic comfort zone as I am not very experienced with those materials (Pens and markers are my strength). I was also aiming to draw the concept in a realistic style, which is an art style I didn't have much prior experience in. Ultimately, this led to me be visually dissatisfied with my end result- I found it to be overtly edgy, unsubtle in conveying the message, and messy in terms of craftsmanship.
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My professor agreed, and she suggested I tried to either look at my other concepts or perhaps create a new concept in general. She guided me to the Great Ideas of Western Man archive as a way to help me find inspiration. After overlooking the gallery and quotes, I settled on a new quote: "The future of this republic is in the hands of the American Voter."- Dwight D. Eisenhower. This led me to create two new concepts:
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During class critique on 9/20/2022, I received postive feedback on my eagle with hands for wings concept- And that all I had to do is flip my drawing horizontally in order for the 'future' to be symbolized. I was very happy and excited to work on my new poster concept, and spent the weekend drawing again.
Week 6:
Drawing art in the traditional medium is my strength, so I decided to outline and color in my eagle on paper and only use digital rendering for the horizontal flipping of my image.
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However, following the scanning, I found myself to be dissatisfied with the dullness of the color and overall 'messiness' of the image (Graphite marks, smudges, etc.). Perhaps some digital rendering beyond flipping the image would do the trick...
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Much better! Digital art is something I haven't had much experience with, meaning that this was very new and experimental to me. During group critique, I received positive and helpful feedback- Such as stylizing the eagle and doing color touch-ups. This led me to the creation of the most current Eagle drawing I have now:
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Though my drawing isn't entirely done, I am very happy with how it is going, and am proud of myself for being to able to create this digitally, as it is a medium I am not very comfortable and experienced with. I found it really cool to be able to intersect my traditional line art style with the digital medium. :)
Reading Reflection (120-184): Graphic design is everywhere, and book covers are one of the examples where the creative potential of design and type intersect. In the past, I wouldn't notice many elements of design when reading books, aside from the cover. However, this reading made me realize there is a lot of considerations that are made when publishing a book such as typography, font, genre relation, and more. I'm also surprised to know that book covers aren't made by graphic designers alone, but by also the occasional collaboration of artists and art directors. I'm also curious to know: An ever-progressing modern world, how will graphic design be influenced by and evolve with long-term digitization? What if physical books become uncommon in the future, leading to the cessation of such medium for graphic design? Will other mediums become less common in the future due to digitization, and if so, how will that impact graphic design? Like books, magazines and newspapers are also heavily influenced by graphic design- Visuals, font, legibility, story placements, and photography are key elements for editorial design. Also, like books, editorials are becoming digitized. I found myself surprised to know that there are designers who specifically specialize in digital design- Perhaps it can be a potential career consideration for me, due to the increased demand for such designers. The rest of this reading was filled with examples for social innovation, illustration design, and package design, and I found myself curious and inspired by the designs I saw (Mrs. Meyer's Clean Day Soap Packaging and Craig Frazier's art were my favorites!)
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gungieblog · 2 years
Russia’s war in Ukraine
By Tara Subramaniam and Sana Noor Haq, CNN
Updated 10:24 AM EDT, Mon October 17, 2022
16 min ago
Russian drone had "for Belgorod" written on it
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A police expert holds a fragment of a drone with a handwritten inscription reading "For Belgorod. For Luch" after a drone attack in Kyiv, Ukraine, on October 17.(Sergei Supinsky/AFP/Getty Images)
A drone used by Russia to attack the Ukrainian capital Kyiv on Monday had the phrase “for Belgorod” written on one of its vertical stabilizers.
The phrase appears to be a reference to explosions in recent weeks in Russia’s Belgorod region, which borders Ukraine near the city of Kharkiv. Ukraine has not commented on those incidents.
The drone is the Iranian-manufactured Shahid-136, which is rebranded under the Russian name “Geran 2.”
The stabilizer was photographed this morning by an AFP photographer. It also appeared in a video posted on Telegram by Anton Gerashchenko, an adviser to Ukraine’s minister of internal affairs.
The drone also included the phrase “for Luch” that appears to be a reference to a reported power plant fire last week in the Belgorod region.
32 min ago
Russian and Belarusian troops "acting in stages" to protect Belarus, defense minister says
From CNN's Katharina Krebs and Uliana Pavlova
Russian and Belarusian troops have “begun to deploy and carry out tasks for the armed defense” of Belarus, according to Belarusian Defense Minister Viktor Khrenin, Belarusian state media BELTA reported on Monday.
“Today, based on the current situation, we are acting in stages, implementing individual measures aimed at proactive readiness of the regional grouping to respond to emerging challenges and threats,” Khrenin said at a meeting with the staff of one of Belarus factories, as quoted by BELTA.
“The regional grouping of troops and forces itself is a complex organism of many components. It includes command and control bodies at various levels, and troops, and forces, as well as various support systems, both Belarusian and Russian,” he added.
According to Alexander Volfovich, state secretary of the Security Council of Belarus, the regional grouping of troops on the territory of the republic is deployed in an incomplete composition.
“In the future, life will show whether to deploy it on a full scale or not,” said Volfovich, as quoted by BELTA.
On Monday, Valery Revenko, head of the international military cooperation department of Belarus Defense Ministry, said in a tweet that Russia plans to send about 170 tanks, up to 200 armored combat vehicles and up to 100 guns and mortars with a caliber of more than 100 mm to Belarus as part of the deployed Belarusian-Russian group of troops.
“Belarus to receive 9,000 personnel, about 170 tanks, up to 200 AFVs and up to 100 guns and mortars with a caliber of more than 100 mm,” Revenko said on Twitter.
President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko announced on Oct. 10 that Belarus agreed to deploy a joint regional grouping citing “the aggravation of the situation on the western borders of the Union State.”
40 min ago
Germany will end conversion of Ukrainian hryvnia to euros by Oct. 30
From CNN's Inke Kappeler in Berlin
Germany announced it will end its program that offered Ukrainian refugees the ability to exchange Ukrainian hryvnia banknotes to euros without exchange rates.
The program will end by Oct. 30, a joint statement from the German finance ministry and central bank said on Monday. 
The provision was initially introduced to help Ukrainian refugees who fled the country after Russia’s invasion, but that the demand has “dwindled,” the statement said, adding that few transactions have recently taken place. 
The statement added that the last day to exchange between currencies is Oct. 28, due to banks being closed over the weekend. 
56 min ago
Kyiv death toll rises to 4, says mayor
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Kyiv mayor Vitali Klitschko speaks to the press next to a destroyed building after a drone attack in Kyiv, Ukraine, on October 17.(Yasuyoshi Chiba/AFP/Getty Images)
The number of people killed after Russian strikes in the Ukrainian capital, Kyiv, has now reached four, the city’s mayor said Monday.
“We’ve got already 4 people dead under the ruins of the building in the Shevchenkivsky district which was hit by the Russian terrorist drone,” Vitali Klitschko said on Telegram. “The rescuers found another body of a man there. The rescue operation is ongoing. There could be some other people under the rubble.”
Three people have been taken to the hospital, he said, two of whom are emergency responders.
CNN’s Olly Racz contributed to this report.
1 hr 33 min ago
Ukraine looks anxiously toward its northern border as Russian troops flow into Belarus
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Russian-Belarusian exercises, dubbed Allied Resolve 2022, in Belarus on February 19. (Henadz Zhinkov/Xinhua/Getty Images)
The announcement last week that Belarus and Russia would form a joint regional force and carry out exercises set off alarm bells in Kyiv.
The last time Belarusian and Russian forces held joint exercises, in February, many of those Russian forces went on to cross the Ukrainian border in their ill-fated drive toward the capital.
It’s not that Belarus has a mighty army – it doesn’t. But the prospect of Ukraine’s long northern border becoming a passageway for Russian forces for the second time this year would be a nightmare for Ukraine’s already stretched forces. Ukraine and Belarus share a 1,000-kilometer frontier, much of it sparsely populated and thickly forested.
At the moment, the Ukrainian army is conducting offensives in the east and south while holding off Russian forces in parts of Donetsk and Zaporizhzhia. After seven months of war, the Ukrainian military has suffered attrition just like its enemy: moving forces to defend its northern flank would stretch forces already fighting on multiple fronts.
Predictably enough, Belarus says the joint force is purely defensive. The country’s Defense Minister Viktor Khrenin said that “all activities carried out at the moment are aimed at providing a sufficient response to activities near our borders.”
Those activities, according to Belarus, are aimed at deterring Ukrainian preparations to attack the country. Lukashenko said last week that his government had been “warned about strikes against Belarus from the territory of Ukraine.”
Ukraine has vehemently denied the claims. The Foreign Ministry said it “categorically rejects these latest insinuations by the Belarusian regime. We cannot rule out that this diplomatic note may be part of a provocation on the part of the Russian Federation.”
Read the full analysis here.
8 min ago
Here's what we know about "kamikaze" drones
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A fragment of a kamikaze drone after the Russian attacks in Kyiv, Ukraine, on October 17.(Metin Aktas/Anadolu Agency/Getty Images)
Ukraine has repeatedly asked its allies to supply it with more air defense systems and ammunition after Russia stepped up its use of “kamikaze drones” in its brutal assault against the country.
Kyiv says Moscow has used Iranian-supplied kamikaze drones in strikes against Kyiv, Vinnytsia, Odesa, Zaporizhzhia and other cities across Ukraine in recent weeks, and pleaded with Western countries to step up their assistance in the face of the new challenge.
Drones have played a significant role in the conflict since Russia launched its full-scale invasion of Ukraine in late February, but their use has increased since Moscow acquired the new drones from Iran over the summer.
What are kamikaze drones? Kamikaze drones, or suicide drones, are a type of aerial weapon system. They are known as a loitering munition because they are capable of circling for some time in an area identified as a potential target and only striking once an enemy asset is identified.
They are small, portable and can be easily launched, but their main advantage is that they are hard to detect and can be fired from a distance.
Why are they called “Kamikaze”? The name “kamikaze” refers to the fact that the drones are disposable. Unlike more traditional, larger and faster military drones that return to base after dropping missiles, Kamikaze drones are designed to crash into a target and explode, detonating their warhead and destroying the drones in process.
Which drones is Russia using in Ukraine? The Ukrainian military and US intelligence say Russia is using Iranian-made attack drones. US officials told CNN in July that Iran had begun showcasing Shahed series drones to Russia at Kashan Airfield south of Tehran the previous month. The drones are capable of carrying precision-guided missiles and have a payload of approximately 50 kilograms (110 pounds).
In August, US officials said Russia had bought these drones and was training its forces how to use them. According to Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky, Russia has ordered 2,400 Shahed-136 drones from Iran.
Iran has denied supplying weapons to Russia: But evidence points to the contrary. Ukraine claimed its forces had shot down one of these drones for the first time last month near the city of Kupyansk in Kharkiv. There have been more reported attacks since then. Kyiv’s military said Wednesday it had downed 17 Shahed-136 drones that day alone. According to photos released by Ukrainian authorities, Russia has rebranded the Shaheds and is using them under the name of “Geran.”
US officials say there has been “some evidence already” that the Iranian drones “have already experienced numerous failures” on the battlefield.
Read more here.
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pashterlengkap · 18 days
Iran blasts Australian ambassador’s “insulting” pro-LGBTQ+ Instagram post
Australia’s ambassador to Iran was called into the Islamic Republic’s foreign ministry in Tehran this week after sharing a post celebrating Wear It Purple Day on his embassy’s official Instagram account. Wear It Purple Day is an annual LGBTQ+ awareness day in Australia that celebrates young queer people. “Let’s keep championing diversity and inclusion for a brighter, more inclusive future. ,” the country’s account @australiainiran posted on Sunday in both English and Farsi. The text accompanied a photo of Ambassador Ian McConville posing in Tehran on the embassy rooftop alongside two staff members. They all wore purple clothing and accessories. Related Benjamin Netanyahu claims Iran paid gay people to protest against Israel In his speech to a joint session of Congress yesterday, the Prime Minister of Israel compared queers for Palestine to “Chickens for KFC.” Iran’s semi-official ILNA news agency reported on Tuesday that the post was deemed “norm-breaking” by the Islamic government, according to Reuters. Iranian state media on Monday said it “promoted homosexuality.” The country’s Mehr news agency, another semi-official government outlet, quoted the director of the Regional Department at the Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs as having “strongly condemned the action of the Australian embassy in posting such content that was against the accepted norms.” Global perspectives delivered right to your inbox Our newsletter bridges borders to bring you LGBTQ+ news from around the world. Subscribe to our Newsletter today “The content published by the Australian embassy is insulting and contrary to Iranian and Islamic tradition, customs and culture,” the Iranian diplomat said, while suggesting that its distribution was a violation of international law. Homosexual activity is illegal in the Islamic Republic and is punishable by death in some cases. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Australia in Iran (@australiainiran) McConville, who was appointed ambassador in April, took issue with the Iranian government’s characterization of the post, according to ILNA. He said the inclusive message wasn’t intended to insult the Iranian people or their values. The Islamic Republic, McConville pointed out, wasn’t mentioned in the post. In 2022, Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei infamously described homosexuality as a symptom of the “moral depravity” plaguing Western nations. By contrast, the embassy’s post championed Western values of tolerance and inclusivity. “Today, and every day,” the post read, “we’re dedicated to creating a supportive environment, where everyone, especially LGBTQIA+ youth, can feel proud to be themselves.” The post remains live on the Australian embassy’s Instagram account. McConville’s call to the carpet follows an incident in August when Iran’s ambassador to Australia was called into that country’s Department of Foreign Affairs over a post on X advocating for the violent removal of Israelis from “the holy lands of Palestine.” Australia’s Prime Minister Anthony Albanese called the remarks abhorrent, hateful and antisemitic, saying it was “entirely inappropriate” for the Iranian ambassador, Ahmad Sadeghi, “to engage in that way.” Albanese’s disapproval may turn out to be the first in an extended game of diplomatic tit-for-tat between the nations. http://dlvr.it/TCnS1Q
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Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov described the course of the American election campaign as a "sad scene," while he considered that the French elections "do not represent democracy very much," noting that "the second round is designed to manipulate the will of the voters."
This is definitely the quote of the day.
This sums up everything I think, and I am convinced that Lavrov is not trolling anyone, but simply sharing what he knows and what he believes.
Today is election day in France, the second round of legislative elections which began in June. I talked about it in a previous post, and nothing about the potential outcome has changed since then.
Everything is in place to guarantee the victory of the white supremacists and their far-right party "The National Rally". This is a result:
which has been announced or rather hammered home by the major media, public or private, for weeks as if it were the only natural outcome,
which has been carefully constructed in my opinion, as I implied in my last post, for at least 2 years.
By that I mean I'm convinced the election is rigged.
The 2022 presidential and legislative elections were only won by Macron and his party through massive electoral fraud, as his popularity and electoral base had already collapsed by that time.
The presidential race already gave a lot of suspicious clues: Macron refused to lead his own campaign, he used the war in Ukraine as a pretext when France was not at war and no French soldier was fighting on the ground, at least officially.
His campaign team barely promoted his candidacy: he had no political posters, distributed a limited number of leaflets, had no volunteers to go door to door and did not even ask the general public to finance him to pay his campaign expenses.
He only organized one big meeting before the elections for which he rented the largest stadium in Paris with 40,000 seats but was only able to fill it half. And a meeting between the two rounds which was only accessible by invitation and only brought together 2,000 people to the surprise of the independent journalists present at the meeting (the major media used the images provided by its communications team and acts as if everything was normal).
Polls kept his popularity ridiculously high as France was just emerging from two years of pandemic mismanagement in which his government lied about just about everything. The death toll reached 150,000 victims but no ceremony was organized to honor the memory of the dead, to pay tribute to their families for their courage given that many survivors were unable to attend the burial of their loved ones, nor to gather around him the French Nation which has suffered so much.
The culmination of this charade was the debate between the far-right party candidate and Macron. Polls said that 75% of French people rejected this duel and yet they both won the first round! Macron was publicly rumored to be embarrassed to debate with Marine Le Pen, who led the far right, because her political culture and communication skills were very limited. So, as major national and regional media reported, he sent deputies (members of parliament) from his own party to train her in debate!
Can you imagine Clinton in 2016 sending members of Congress to train Trump on the most important issues that concerned the American nation to ensure that the debate was of decent quality?
After Macron's victory, Marine Le Pen went on vacation, as if 2 months later there had been no legislative elections! Her party won 90 seats without doing anything: the far-right candidates were so out of their element that the only subjec on which they could respond to journalists was immigration. Any other subject created a humiliating silence.
90 seats is also the number of seats won by the conservative party Les Républicains. Such perfectly equal figures, which resemble a sharing of the cake, have never been seen in France under the Fifth Republic, founded by General De Gaulle in 1958.
Another thing this Republic has never seen before is the fact that Macron's party won when it was at its lowest in the previous elections. He lost the 2020 municipal elections: his party finished last with 2% of the vote for a very low turnout of 41%. Same thing in 2021 during the regional elections where his party came fourth with a participation rate of 34%!
However, we were supposed to believe that a year later, Macron's party overcame these massive defeats and once again became the leading party in France with 245 seats (even if it lost the majority that would allow it to govern without an alliance), because it was a national election which does not present the same issues, according to the mainstream journalists who interpreted the results!
In my opinion, what happened in 2022 happened again in 2024 during the European elections and now during the legislative elections, which is why I did not vote in the legislative elections.
Whoever controls the results uses the same method each time which obviously includes the use of AI, and the enormous data collected for decades on the sociology of votes city by city, village by village by many public institutions responsible for mapping the territory of France and its population.
In my last post, I explained how Macron could use article 16 of the constitution to impose a dictatorship, and this remains a very credible result for me. He enjoys the support of the Chief of Army Staff and all senior officers. Before the pandemic, 300 senior officers wrote him a letter asking him to take power by force. During the pandemic, he has had dozens, if not more, of secret defense cabinet meetings with the Army chief of staff and other military personnel.
The French media seem to think that he can govern with the far right as long as they do not have a majority to govern alone, which would force them to form an alliance with the conservatives, while they would be under threat of an activation of the party. article 16. This situation would keep them under pressure from the president, even if legally the government must be the only one responsible in a situation where the government and the president are from different political sides and must coexist.
But their theory does not take into account the massive rise in racist and violent incidents in recent weeks against black and Arab populations. 30,000 police officers are deployed today throughout the country to contain the most violent protests. But it's not just about voting day, I don't see the situation getting any less tense if the far-right party wins, because they simply don't control their voters.
The only response to this violence seems to be the use of art 16.
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brookston · 8 months
Holidays 1.20
Armed Forces Day (Mali)
Babin Den (Grandmother’s Day; Bulgaria)
Basketball Day
BBC Democracy Day (UK)
Bill Cosby Sweater Day
Camcorder Day
Camel Wrestling Day (Turkey)
Day of Deflvders of the Barricades (Barikāžu Aizstāvju Diena; Latvia)
Day of National Mourning (Azerbaijan)
Fiesta de las Corralejas (Sincelejo, Colombia)
Foundation Day (Rio de Janeiro, Argentina)
Guru Govind Singh Jayanti (India)
Heroes’ Day (Cape Verde, Guinea-Bissau)
Inauguration Day (US) [@4 Years, unless a Sunday]
International Day of Acceptance
International Hat Day
Joe B. Hall Day (Kentucky)
Lao People’s Armed Forces (Laos)
Martyrs’ Day (Azerbaijan)
National Charlie Day
National Claudia Day
National Disc Jockey Day (a.k.a. DJ Day)
National 'Good Day' Day
National Judy Day
National Sebastian Day
Penguin Awareness Day
Petlyovden (Rooster Day; Bulgaria)
Severe Cold begins (Chinese Farmer’s Calendar)
Shima-Enaga No Hi (Japanese Long-Tailed Tit Day; Japan)
Spurge-Laurel Day (French Republic)
Stay Young Forever Day
Stop! Yield! Day
Take A Walk Outdoors Day
Tamborrada (Drum Festival; Spain)
Tell Them Day
Traffic Rules Day
Vendors Day (India)
What’s Going On Day (Michigan)
World Religions Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
National Buttercrunch Day
National Cheese Lover's Day
National Coffee Break Day
World Bigos Day (Poland)
3rd Saturday in January
Bald Eagle Appreciation Days begin [3rd Saturday]
Baltic Porter Day (Poland) [3rd Saturday]
Learn to Ski Day [3rd Saturday]
National Tulip Day (Netherlands) [3rd Saturday]
National Use Your Gift Card Day [3rd Saturday]
Polar Bear Jump & Ugly Fish Toss (Seward, Alaska) [begins 3rd Saturday]
Sight-Saving Sabbath Weekend [begins 3rd Saturday]
Soup Swap Day [3rd Saturday]
Independence & Related Days
Dictatorship of Alissia (Declared; 2022) [unrecognized]
Empire of New Europe (Declared; 2009) [unrecognized]
Republic Day (Autonomous Republic of Crimea)
Sprinske Communist Republic (Declared; 2019) [unrecognized]
United Republic of Kwajalein (Declared; 2017) [unrecognized]
Festivals Beginning January 20, 2024
Aces & Ales Winter Beer Fest (Las Vegas, Nevada) [thru 1.21]
Atlanta Cask Ale Tasting (Atlanta, Georgia)
Bart Hall Boat Show (Pomona, California) [thru 1.22]
Carnival of Over (Over, Portugal) [thru 2.13]
Columbus Beerfest (Columbus, Ohio)
Denver Travel Show (Denver, Colorado) [thru 1.21]
Dhaka International Film Festival (Dhaka, Bangladesh) [thru 1.28]
Geneva Restaurant Week (Geneva, Illinois) [thru 1.28]
International Hot Air Balloon Festival of Château-d’Oex (Château-d’Oex, Switzerland) [thru 1.28]
SAVOR Food & Wine Festival (Tucson, Arizona)
Tamborrada Drum Festival (San Sebastián, Spain)
Feast Days
Abadios (Christian; Saint)
Armed Forces Day (Mali)
Baba Yaga Day (Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Blessed Basil Moreau (Christian; Saint)
Clarice Cliff (Artology)
Corralejas Festival (Fiesta de las Corralejas; Colombia)
Cyprian Michael Irene Tansi (Christian; Saint)
Eustochia Smeralda Calafato (Christian; Saint)
Euthymius the Great (Christian; Saint)
Eve of Saint Agnes [Virgins]
Fabian (Roman Catholic; Saint)
Fechin (Christian; Saint)
Feralia: Day of Purification (Pagan)
Festival of Jubilation for Osiris (Egyptian God of Agriculture)
Hippolyte Bayard (Artology)
John the Baptist Day (Serbia)
Manchán of Lemanaghan (Christian; Saint)
Mano-Capac (Positivist; Saint)
Maria Cristina of the Immaculate Conception Brando (Christian)
Mark Ryden (Artology)
Marx Brothers Quote Day (Pastafarian)
Mr. Between (Muppetism)
Richard Rolle (Church of England)
Sacrifices to Athena (Ancient Greece)
Sebastian (Christian; Saint)
Stephen Min Kuk-ka (one of The Korean Martyrs)
Timket (Coptic Epiphany; Eritrea, Ethiopia)
Tiny Tim Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Sakimake (先負 Japan) [Bad luck in the morning, good luck in the afternoon.]
Unfortunate Day (Pagan) [6 of 57]
Ah, Sweet Mouse-Story of Life (Tom & Jerry Cartoon; 1965)
The Artist (Film; 2012)
Awkwafina is Nora from Queens (TV Series; 2020)
Blood on the Tracks, by Bob Dylan (Album; 1975)
Born Free, by Joy Adamson (Novel; 1960)
Breaking Bad (TV Series; 2008)
Cat and Dupli-Cat (Tom & Jerry Cartoon; 1967)
Changes in Latitudes, Changes in Attitudes, by Jimmy Buffet (Album; 1977)
Dawson’s Creek (TV Series; 1998)
Duel Personality (Tom & Jerry Cartoon; 1966)
Ecstasy (Film; 1933)
The Fishing Bear, featuring Barney Bear (MGM Cartoon; 1940)
The Founder (Film; 2017)
A Fox in a Fix (WB MM Cartoon; 1951)
Fullmetal Alchemist: The Sacred Star of Milos (Animated Film; 2012)
High School Musical (TV Movie; 2006)
Homework, by Daft Punk (Album; 1997)
Leaf by Niggle, by J.R.R. Tolkien (Short Story; 1945)
Lion Around (Disney Cartoon; 1950)
Meet the Beatles!, by The Beatles (Album; 1964)
Murdoch Mysteries (TV Series; 2008)
Noble Beast, by Andrew Bird (Album; 2009)
Pyromania, by Def Leppard (Album; 1983)
Red Tails (Film; 2012)
The Red Turtle (Animated Film; 2017)
Tristram Shandy (Film; 2006)
Tuck Everlasting, by Natalie Babbitt (Novel; 1975)
Underworld: Awakening (Film; 2012)
Wet Hare (WB LT Cartoon; 1962)
What’s Going On, by Marvin Gaye (Song; 1971)
When You Finish Saving the World (Film; 2023)
Why We Fight (Documentary Film; 2006)
Wuthering Heights, by Kate Bush (Song; 1978)
xXx: The Return of Xander Cage (Film; 2017)
Today’s Name Days
Fabianus, Sebastian, Ursula, Ute (Austria)
Efimir, Evtim, Evtimiya, Momchil (Bulgaria)
Fabijan, Sebastijan (Croatia)
Ilona (Czech Republic)
Fabian, Sebastian (Denmark)
Hendrika, Henna, Henni, Henriette, Jete (Estonia)
Sebastian (Finland)
Fabien, Sébastien (France)
Fabian, Paula, Sebastian, Ursula (Germany)
Evthymios, Fabianos, Thymios (Greece)
Fábián, Sebestyén (Hungary)
Fabiano, Sebastiano, Teodorico (Italy)
Algirts, Oļģerts (Latvia)
Daugvydas, Fabijonas, Sebastijonas (Lithuania)
Bastian, Fabian, Sebastian (Norway)
Dobiegniew, Fabian, Sebastian (Poland)
Eftimie (Romania)
Dalibor (Slovakia)
Enrique, Fabián, Sebastián (Spain)
Fabian, Sebastian (Sweden)
Fabia, Fabian, Fabiola, Sebastian, Sebastiana (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 20 of 2024; 346 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 6 of week 3 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Beth (Birch) [Day 26 of 28]
Chinese: Month 12 (Yi-Chou), Day 10 (Gui-Wei)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 10 Shevat 5784
Islamic: 9 Rajab 1445
J Cal: 20 White; Sixday [20 of 30]
Julian: 7 January 2024
Moon: 76%: Waxing Gibbous
Positivist: 20 Moses (1st Month) [Mano-Capac]
Runic Half Month: Peorth (Womb, Dice Cup) [Day 11 of 15]
Season: Winter (Day 31 of 89)
Zodiac: Capricorn (Day 30 of 31)
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brookstonalmanac · 8 months
Holidays 1.20
Armed Forces Day (Mali)
Babin Den (Grandmother’s Day; Bulgaria)
Basketball Day
BBC Democracy Day (UK)
Bill Cosby Sweater Day
Camcorder Day
Camel Wrestling Day (Turkey)
Day of Deflvders of the Barricades (Barikāžu Aizstāvju Diena; Latvia)
Day of National Mourning (Azerbaijan)
Fiesta de las Corralejas (Sincelejo, Colombia)
Foundation Day (Rio de Janeiro, Argentina)
Guru Govind Singh Jayanti (India)
Heroes’ Day (Cape Verde, Guinea-Bissau)
Inauguration Day (US) [@4 Years, unless a Sunday]
International Day of Acceptance
International Hat Day
Joe B. Hall Day (Kentucky)
Lao People’s Armed Forces (Laos)
Martyrs’ Day (Azerbaijan)
National Charlie Day
National Claudia Day
National Disc Jockey Day (a.k.a. DJ Day)
National 'Good Day' Day
National Judy Day
National Sebastian Day
Penguin Awareness Day
Petlyovden (Rooster Day; Bulgaria)
Severe Cold begins (Chinese Farmer’s Calendar)
Shima-Enaga No Hi (Japanese Long-Tailed Tit Day; Japan)
Spurge-Laurel Day (French Republic)
Stay Young Forever Day
Stop! Yield! Day
Take A Walk Outdoors Day
Tamborrada (Drum Festival; Spain)
Tell Them Day
Traffic Rules Day
Vendors Day (India)
What’s Going On Day (Michigan)
World Religions Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
National Buttercrunch Day
National Cheese Lover's Day
National Coffee Break Day
World Bigos Day (Poland)
3rd Saturday in January
Bald Eagle Appreciation Days begin [3rd Saturday]
Baltic Porter Day (Poland) [3rd Saturday]
Learn to Ski Day [3rd Saturday]
National Tulip Day (Netherlands) [3rd Saturday]
National Use Your Gift Card Day [3rd Saturday]
Polar Bear Jump & Ugly Fish Toss (Seward, Alaska) [begins 3rd Saturday]
Sight-Saving Sabbath Weekend [begins 3rd Saturday]
Soup Swap Day [3rd Saturday]
Independence & Related Days
Dictatorship of Alissia (Declared; 2022) [unrecognized]
Empire of New Europe (Declared; 2009) [unrecognized]
Republic Day (Autonomous Republic of Crimea)
Sprinske Communist Republic (Declared; 2019) [unrecognized]
United Republic of Kwajalein (Declared; 2017) [unrecognized]
Festivals Beginning January 20, 2024
Aces & Ales Winter Beer Fest (Las Vegas, Nevada) [thru 1.21]
Atlanta Cask Ale Tasting (Atlanta, Georgia)
Bart Hall Boat Show (Pomona, California) [thru 1.22]
Carnival of Over (Over, Portugal) [thru 2.13]
Columbus Beerfest (Columbus, Ohio)
Denver Travel Show (Denver, Colorado) [thru 1.21]
Dhaka International Film Festival (Dhaka, Bangladesh) [thru 1.28]
Geneva Restaurant Week (Geneva, Illinois) [thru 1.28]
International Hot Air Balloon Festival of Château-d’Oex (Château-d’Oex, Switzerland) [thru 1.28]
SAVOR Food & Wine Festival (Tucson, Arizona)
Tamborrada Drum Festival (San Sebastián, Spain)
Feast Days
Abadios (Christian; Saint)
Armed Forces Day (Mali)
Baba Yaga Day (Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Blessed Basil Moreau (Christian; Saint)
Clarice Cliff (Artology)
Corralejas Festival (Fiesta de las Corralejas; Colombia)
Cyprian Michael Irene Tansi (Christian; Saint)
Eustochia Smeralda Calafato (Christian; Saint)
Euthymius the Great (Christian; Saint)
Eve of Saint Agnes [Virgins]
Fabian (Roman Catholic; Saint)
Fechin (Christian; Saint)
Feralia: Day of Purification (Pagan)
Festival of Jubilation for Osiris (Egyptian God of Agriculture)
Hippolyte Bayard (Artology)
John the Baptist Day (Serbia)
Manchán of Lemanaghan (Christian; Saint)
Mano-Capac (Positivist; Saint)
Maria Cristina of the Immaculate Conception Brando (Christian)
Mark Ryden (Artology)
Marx Brothers Quote Day (Pastafarian)
Mr. Between (Muppetism)
Richard Rolle (Church of England)
Sacrifices to Athena (Ancient Greece)
Sebastian (Christian; Saint)
Stephen Min Kuk-ka (one of The Korean Martyrs)
Timket (Coptic Epiphany; Eritrea, Ethiopia)
Tiny Tim Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Sakimake (先負 Japan) [Bad luck in the morning, good luck in the afternoon.]
Unfortunate Day (Pagan) [6 of 57]
Ah, Sweet Mouse-Story of Life (Tom & Jerry Cartoon; 1965)
The Artist (Film; 2012)
Awkwafina is Nora from Queens (TV Series; 2020)
Blood on the Tracks, by Bob Dylan (Album; 1975)
Born Free, by Joy Adamson (Novel; 1960)
Breaking Bad (TV Series; 2008)
Cat and Dupli-Cat (Tom & Jerry Cartoon; 1967)
Changes in Latitudes, Changes in Attitudes, by Jimmy Buffet (Album; 1977)
Dawson’s Creek (TV Series; 1998)
Duel Personality (Tom & Jerry Cartoon; 1966)
Ecstasy (Film; 1933)
The Fishing Bear, featuring Barney Bear (MGM Cartoon; 1940)
The Founder (Film; 2017)
A Fox in a Fix (WB MM Cartoon; 1951)
Fullmetal Alchemist: The Sacred Star of Milos (Animated Film; 2012)
High School Musical (TV Movie; 2006)
Homework, by Daft Punk (Album; 1997)
Leaf by Niggle, by J.R.R. Tolkien (Short Story; 1945)
Lion Around (Disney Cartoon; 1950)
Meet the Beatles!, by The Beatles (Album; 1964)
Murdoch Mysteries (TV Series; 2008)
Noble Beast, by Andrew Bird (Album; 2009)
Pyromania, by Def Leppard (Album; 1983)
Red Tails (Film; 2012)
The Red Turtle (Animated Film; 2017)
Tristram Shandy (Film; 2006)
Tuck Everlasting, by Natalie Babbitt (Novel; 1975)
Underworld: Awakening (Film; 2012)
Wet Hare (WB LT Cartoon; 1962)
What’s Going On, by Marvin Gaye (Song; 1971)
When You Finish Saving the World (Film; 2023)
Why We Fight (Documentary Film; 2006)
Wuthering Heights, by Kate Bush (Song; 1978)
xXx: The Return of Xander Cage (Film; 2017)
Today’s Name Days
Fabianus, Sebastian, Ursula, Ute (Austria)
Efimir, Evtim, Evtimiya, Momchil (Bulgaria)
Fabijan, Sebastijan (Croatia)
Ilona (Czech Republic)
Fabian, Sebastian (Denmark)
Hendrika, Henna, Henni, Henriette, Jete (Estonia)
Sebastian (Finland)
Fabien, Sébastien (France)
Fabian, Paula, Sebastian, Ursula (Germany)
Evthymios, Fabianos, Thymios (Greece)
Fábián, Sebestyén (Hungary)
Fabiano, Sebastiano, Teodorico (Italy)
Algirts, Oļģerts (Latvia)
Daugvydas, Fabijonas, Sebastijonas (Lithuania)
Bastian, Fabian, Sebastian (Norway)
Dobiegniew, Fabian, Sebastian (Poland)
Eftimie (Romania)
Dalibor (Slovakia)
Enrique, Fabián, Sebastián (Spain)
Fabian, Sebastian (Sweden)
Fabia, Fabian, Fabiola, Sebastian, Sebastiana (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 20 of 2024; 346 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 6 of week 3 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Beth (Birch) [Day 26 of 28]
Chinese: Month 12 (Yi-Chou), Day 10 (Gui-Wei)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 10 Shevat 5784
Islamic: 9 Rajab 1445
J Cal: 20 White; Sixday [20 of 30]
Julian: 7 January 2024
Moon: 76%: Waxing Gibbous
Positivist: 20 Moses (1st Month) [Mano-Capac]
Runic Half Month: Peorth (Womb, Dice Cup) [Day 11 of 15]
Season: Winter (Day 31 of 89)
Zodiac: Capricorn (Day 30 of 31)
0 notes
thefestivalwishes · 1 year
In today's digitally-driven era, expressing admiration and sentiments on significant occasions often takes the form of social media updates and WhatsApp statuses. As the nation gears up to celebrate the valor and sacrifice of our sky guardians on Indian Air Force Day 2023, what better way to pay tribute than using the write name on Indian air force day 2023 WhatsApp status feature?
The Indian Air Force has long stood as an emblem of heroism, safeguarding our skies with unmatched dedication. With the increasing influence of digital platforms, the way we commemorate this esteemed force has transformed. The write name on Indian air force day 2023 WhatsApp status function offers a blend of personalization with potent messages, making one's digital salute distinct and heartfelt.
Imagine the impact when your contacts see a customized WhatsApp status, not just celebrating the Air Force's spirit but also bearing your name or that of someone you deeply respect. Such is the power of the write name on indian air force republic day whatsapp status feature. It adds a layer of intimacy to the widespread celebrations, making your tribute resonate even more deeply.
Read More : Indian Air Force Day 2023 Wishes Greeting Cards With Name
In 2023, as the tricolor trails adorn the sky and the nation reverberates with pride, ensure your WhatsApp status stands out. Use the name-edit feature, make your tribute personal, and let your digital salute soar as high as our brave airmen.
0 notes
republic-world · 1 year
Exclusive/ Adipurush Box Office Collection Day 1 Estimates: Prabhas’ Film Off To A Thunderous Start
Prabhas, Kriti Sanon starrer Adipurush is finally here and has seen a great start on its opening day. But can it keep up the momentum? Read to find out!
The highly-anticipated Om Raut directorial Adipurush released on June 16. The film has been in the news ever since its announcement nearly three years ago. The buzz only intensified after the official trailer release in May. The Prabhas-starrer Adipurush comes after Saaho (2019) and Radhe Shyam (2022) didn't live up to expectations. In spite of the mixed response to Prabhas’ previous films, Adipurush is expected to open to a terrific response at the box office, as per early estimates
Om Raut’s mythological venture Adipurush is a 21st century retelling of the epic Ramayana.
It features Prabhas as Raghava, Kriti Sanon as Janaki and Saif Ali Khan as Lankesh. 
The cast also includes Devdatta Nage as Bajrang and Sunny Singh as Shesh, among others. 
Adipurush opens big in Hindi
Republic Digital spoke with trade analysts regarding the early estimates of the opening day collections. Their estimates are almost in the same range regarding Hindi market collections, with slight differences. While film trade analyst Sumit Kadel puts it at ₹40 cr, tracker Ramesh Bala expects Hindi collections to be in the range of ₹40 to 45 cr. Manobala Vijayabalan quotes a slightly lower range at ₹30 cr plus. Exhibitor Akshaye Rathi feels that the collection from Hindi market alone will be ₹30 cr. “The all India net collection is expected to be around ₹80 cr across languages. Out of this, ₹30 cr is expected from Hindi alone,” says Rathi told Republic Digital's Roktim Rajpal. 
Film’s Telugu version to score big
Trade analysts were also asked about Adipurush's Day 1 opening day estimates of the film's Telugu version. Here too, their opinions varied, with Manobala Vijayabalan quoting a gross figure of ₹40 cr plus for the Telugu version, and Ramesh Bala quoting ₹40 cr to be the net collection on the first day. Additionally, Bala also told Republic Digital's Mugdha Kapoor that the opening day estimates for the states of Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Karnataka would be around ₹10 cr. 
Exhibitor Akshaye Rathi further confirmed that apart from the Hindi market, Adipurush’s collections will also come “from other markets, especially Telugu”. He quoted the non-Hindi market collection of Adipurush to mint around ₹50 cr in total on the opening day. “For Adipurush, it would not be right to talk only about the Hindi collections. Its collections will also come from other markets, especially Telugu. The all-India net collection is expected to be around ₹80 cr across languages. Out of this, ₹30 cr is expected from Hindi alone,” said Rathi.
How Adipurush will fare on an all-India level?
In this case too, there appears to be a difference in opinions among trade analysts. Sumit Kadel puts the numbers at ₹80 to 100 cr while Ramesh Bala quotes a slightly higher figure between ₹90 to 100 cr. However,  Manobala Vijayabalan differs quite a bit on this count as he puts the “very early estimate” for nett India collections at ₹75 cr.  On the other hand, exhibitor Akshaye Rathi opines, “The all-India nett collection is expected to be around ₹80 cr across languages.”
Prabhas to score third Rs 100 crore opener?
There has been much speculation regarding how the Prabhas-starrer will fare at the box office and whether his superstar image will particularly augment the film’s success. According to Manobala Vijayabalan, though the word of mouth about the film is “not that good” right now, it is estimated to collect ₹100 cr plus around the world. “Although word of mouth is not that good, film is looking solid to post a total of ₹100 plus cr from around the world”, says the analyst. 
It is worth noting that Baahubali 2 and Saaho had previously collected ₹100 cr globally on the first day. Meanwhile, the advance booking for the first weekend looks promising. This suggests that Adipurush is set to have a good Saturday and Sunday. The real test, however, starts on Monday. Will it pass the test? Only time will tell.
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quoteoftheweekblog · 1 year
QUOTE OF THE WEEK 17/4/23 - PAUL COELHO (AND ‘VERONIKA DECIDES TO DIE’) ‘She would consider each day a miracle, which indeed it is, when you consider the number of unexpected things that could happen in each second of our fragile existences.’ (Coelho, 2022, p.209)
Coelho, P. ( 2022 [1998] ) 'Veronika decides to die'. Translated by Margaret Jull Costa. Amazon.com [E-book]. Available at: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Veronika-Decides-Die-Paulo-Coelho-ebook/dp/B004XOZ9DC (Accessed 15 April 2023). *****
‘ “Why don’t you go for a walk, dear, and let me finish my book?” ‘ (Coelho, 2022, p.64).
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‘ … “Where is Slovenia.” ‘ (Coelho, 2022, p.2).
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‘ “If they don’t know where Slovenia is, then Ljubljana must be a myth,” ... ‘ (Coelho, 2022, p.5).
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‘ ... Ljubljana, Slovenia’s small but charming capial ... ‘ (Coelho, 2022, p.75).
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QUOTE OF THE WEEK 2011 - 2023
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mariacallous · 2 years
On a gray day last December, Kazakhstani President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev took part in the unveiling of a new monument in Almaty's Republic Square. The ceremony had been announced that very morning and only journalists from state media outlets were permitted to attend, along with a crowd of onlookers who were reportedly brought in by bus. In his speech, Tokayev explained that the “Reverence” memorial — a collection of stone slabs engraved with quotes from prominent Kazakh figures — was dedicated to the victims of the 2022 “January events.” Also known as Bloody January (Qandy Qantar in Kazakh), the anti-government protest wave that spread across Kazakhstan began peacefully and then devolved into the most violent unrest in the country’s modern history as the authorities took drastic measures to quell the demonstrations. Tokayev personally authorized law enforcement to use lethal force, and, in a highly controversial move, asked the Russia-led Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) to send in troops. Weeks later, Moscow deployed some of the very same units in its full-scale invasion of Ukraine — a war that continues to send shockwaves through other former Soviet states. For The Beet, writer Valentina Michelotti spoke to Kazakhstani journalists who went from covering a national uprising to reporting on Russia’s war against Ukraine.
On January 4, 2022, journalist Timur Nusimbekov was out in Almaty, documenting the protests unfolding on the streets of his beloved city. The demonstrations had started two days earlier in Zhanaozen, an oil town some 3,000 kilometers (2,000 miles) away in Kazakhstan’s far west. These local rallies in response to a sudden rise in fuel prices turned into anti-government protests that spread countrywide. “Thousands of peaceful and unarmed people began to gather around [Almaty’s] main square,” Timur wrote in a report for Adamdar/CA, the media outlet he co-founded in 2018. “Many of them had no idea what was ahead of them, so the mood was festive as they walked.” 
Then came the riot police. According to the journalist’s account, clouds of tear gas and the sound of flashbang grenades filled the air into the next morning. “I have never seen so many people on the streets of my city screaming from horror, pain, explosions, and rage, as on the night of January 4-5,” Timur recalled.
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“We’re just people, not terrorists.” Independence Square, Almaty. January 6, 2022.
Timur Nusimbekov
The violence had only just begun. To quash the protests, President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev authorized law enforcement to “shoot to kill” and appealed to the Russia-led Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) for help. To justify the intervention, he blamed the demonstrations on “terrorists.” By January 6, around 2,500 CSTO troops, including hundreds of Russian soldiers, had arrived in Kazakhstan. Over the following week, the government crackdown turned what began as peaceful protests into a waking nightmare of mass arrests, looting, torture, and protesters shot dead, events now referred to in Kazakh as Qandy Qantar — Bloody January. 
The CSTO contingent completed its withdrawal from Kazakhstan on January 19. A little over a month later, on February 24, Russian forces invaded Ukraine, beginning one of the deadliest European land wars in decades. By summer, Timur had left behind a still-grieving Kazakhstan to report on the ground in Ukraine. “I decided to go because Ukraine is one of my favorite places,” the journalist tells The Beet. “I wanted to see with my own eyes what was happening there, to try and document it with my notebook, pen, and camera, as well as to volunteer and be helpful in whatever way I could.”
Official confirmation 
Immediately after the February invasion, Kazakhstani journalists and activists began posting expressions of solidarity, foreign news clips, and commentary on what the war would mean for Kazakhstan on social media. State news sources, however, remained silent. “There was a kind of period where the media was waiting for, let's say, official confirmation on whether they’re allowed to write about this,” recalls political journalist and EurasiaChat podcast co-host Aigerim Toleukhanova. 
The first pro-government media outlet to start running regular stories about the Russian invasion was Khabar — a network once run by ex-President Nursultan Nazarbayev’s daughter, Dariga Nazarbayeva. Both the coverage and its tone came as a surprise, says Lukpan Akhmedyarov, a prominent Kazakh journalist who has been reporting from Ukraine since last November. “These were flat-out objective, generalized reports where the journalist didn’t take either side,” he recalls. 
In fact, this relatively neutral reporting style in the state media has remained a hallmark throughout the war. According to Aigerim, even pro-government outlets in Kazakhstan, which would typically be more invested in maintaining a cautiously diplomatic relationship with Moscow, write about Russian attacks on Ukrainian cities and infrastructure (though often cloaked in passive language, referring to “the situation” or “what’s happening” in Ukraine). Of course, not everyone is trying to appear neutral. Outlets like NUR.kz or TengriNews, for example, report on the war with a clear pro-Russia bent. Lukpan also notes that the state media isn’t publishing anything that’s too sensitive for the Kremlin, such as coverage of international war crimes investigations into the Russian army’s atrocities in Bucha, Izyum, and other Ukrainian cities. 
In turn, independent Kazakhstani journalists reporting on the ground don’t hide their pro-Ukraine position. “Of course we do fact-checking and naturally we don’t publish explicitly tendentious things or unverified information. But even in our vocabulary we use words like ‘Russian occupiers’ or talk about Russia as the ‘aggressor country’ — words and phrases that the Ukrainian media probably uses more than the global media,” Lukpan explains. Timur goes even further, employing the term “Putler” (a portmanteau of “Putin” and “Hitler”) and referring to Russian soldiers as “the fascists” in his reports. 
‘The propaganda they’ve been swallowing doesn’t work’
The battle for solidarity with Ukraine goes beyond the reporting front. Lukpan, who co-hosts a YouTube channel called Just Journalism, says “90 percent of the comments” on his posts in the first few days of the full-scale war were “hate and negativity,” mostly from Russian-speakers. But, with time, there’s been a shift: the vast majority of the comments on his reports and interviews — with figures like Jasulan Duysembin, a Kazakhstani national fighting with Ukraine’s armed forces — are now supportive of both his work and Ukraine’s resistance. Lukpan chalks this up to an “emotional crisis” among the pro-Russia camp: “Evidently, the propaganda narratives they’ve been swallowing from the TV don’t work anymore.”
“These two sectors of [Kazakhstan’s] population, Russian-speaking and Kazakh-speaking, are literally living in parallel information bubbles,” says Aigerim. Indeed, the medium is also the message. Recent research shows that young Kazakhstanis are more likely to support Ukraine, whereas older people tend to believe Kremlin propaganda narratives about Russia being at war with NATO or conducting a righteous “special operation” in defense of the Donbas. The older generation, Aigerim adds, is more likely to be getting its information via television, and the Russian state media remains widely broadcast in Kazakhstan. 
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sloggervlogger · 2 years
Introduction To The Two Prague Zoo Gorilla Troops An introduction to the Prague Gorillas in the Czech Republic. Last week was the last of the Budapest Gorillas and today I'm starting a new gorilla troop. A lot of things have changed since my last visit to Prague Zoo. The zoo built an amazing new enclosure on the other side of the Zoo. Only opened in September 2022. Here you find the Silverback Kisumu with female Gorilla Kamba, Gorilla Shinda, Gorilla Kijiu, Gorilla Duni and Silverback Richards's youngest son Gorilla Ajabu. The females Kamba, Shinda, Kijiu, and Richards's youngest son Ajabu moved in first with Silverback Kisumu and Duni joining later. Ajabu apparently tried to challenge Kisumu feeling secure with the females backing him up, but it didn't take long until they got used to each other. Prague zoo wrote: " A big gorilla meeting took place at Prague Zoo without too much fuss. Newcomers Kisumu and Duni met the rest of the group - females Kijivu, Shinda, Kamba and Ajabu, a small male. After Monday’s minor quarrels, the situation is much calmer now. Visitors can observe the six freshly integrated gorillas in the Dja Reserve pavilion." Famous Silverback Richard is now retired and lives with only his two sons Kiburi and Nuru. The Prague Zoo wrote "The male gorillas, who will still live in the original pavilion, are also getting used to the new arrangement. Even Richard and his sons, Nuru and Kiburi, are much more at ease now. They have been accepting food ever since the day of the move, although Richard is still a bit picky, preferring the tastier morsels. However, this means that we are on the right track. It is all going much better than we had hoped" I think Prague zoo has done an amazing job with the new Dja Reserve pavilion. It is one of the largest I have seen inside and outside. Not only is it a great space for the gorillas, the visitors also have lots of space with hundreds of seating available inside and outside. Unfortunately, I was only able to get four videos from the Prague gorillas. So this series is going to run until the 2nd of March 2023. Paragraphs quoted are from the Prague zoo page which you can find here: https://ift.tt/cv8hMun There is lots of additional info make sure to have a look. Don't forget to subscribe and hit that notification bell for more! SloggerVlogger
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