#repurpose vn noel
missrosiesworld · 2 years
Fallen Embrace Chapter 2
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Warning: Hurt, Mentions of Death, Injury, Feeling of Despair
As Nevaeh falls, she braces herself for the impact and the inevitable doom. However, just before she is out the window, she feels a pair of powerful hands grab her and pull her back inside. She is lifted off her feet and slammed against a strong chest, whose heart is beating wildly. The hands holding her arms shake her firmly as a panicked voice demands, "What the hell were you thinking?!"
Nevaeh lifts her gaze, only to feel her heart sink at the frustration etched on Noel’s face. However, she can't help but notice the way his wings are drawn close to his body, the panic in his eyes, and the slight trembling in his hands. Did I…scare him, she wonders. In response to her silence, Noel gives her a gentle but firm shake, demanding, "Answer me, Nevaeh! Why were you trying to jump out the window?!"
The realization of what Noel must have thought hits Nevaeh like a cold wave. Oh my god, she thinks, feeling a sense of shame wash over her. Without hesitation, she wraps her arms around Noel and whispers fiercely into his chest, "I wasn't going to jump! I just wanted some fresh air!"
At her sudden proximity and words, Noel's face turns a bright shade of red. He shakes his head and clears his throat, gently pushing Nevaeh back so he can see her face. "You idiot," he says, trying to hide the relief in his voice. "Go downstairs and open the door if you want fresh air. Not a damn window!"
Nevaeh giggles, unaware that the sound causes Noel's eyes to soften. She gives him a closed-eye smile and he can't help but think that her laugh suits her. As she opens her eyes, he quickly tries to compose himself and adopt a stern expression, though his cheeks are still pink. "You're right, Noel," Nevaeh says, her voice laced with apology. "I'm sorry. I didn't want to wake DJ up."
At the mention of DJ, Noel can't help but roll his eyes. "That rabbit can sleep through anything," he says with a hint of amusement. He gestures to the bed and moves to one side, indicating that Nevaeh should go back to sleep. "Now come on, off to bed." However, as he starts to move away, he feels a sudden tug on his sleeve.
"Noel, wait," Nevaeh says, looking up at him with pleading eyes. "Can you stay with me for a little bit? I... I don't want to be alone."
Noel hesitated for a moment before nodding. He couldn't deny Nevaeh's request, not when he saw the fear and vulnerability in her eyes. Walking her to the bed, he waits for her to get settled in before he sits on the edge of the bed. As he waits for Nevaeh to speak, he looks at her with concern, sensing that something is weighing on her mind. Nevaeh gives him a sad smile, her eyes disheartened. Noel winces internally, thinking that this expression doesn't suit her. Although he would never say it out loud, his wings give a slight flip, betraying his thoughts. He waits for Nevaeh to speak, ready to listen.
"I'm sorry, Noel..." Nevaeh said, fiddling with her fingers. "I know we've talked about how the infection feeds off my despair, and I know I need to stay strong and fight back... it's just that... I'm so tired. I'm so tired of fighting, of trying to hold on." Tears accumulate in Nevaeh's eyes as she looks away, not wanting Noel to see her cry. I need to stay strong, she thought. He can't see me cry.
"The truth is," Nevaeh said, her voice laced with bitterness, "I've always wondered how I died. At least if I die from this infection, I'll know the answer. It's stupid, I know." She shook her head, disappointed in herself. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that," she said, covering her face with her hands.
After what feels like an eternity, Nevaeh feels the bed shift to her left as Noel sits down next to her. Ashamed of what she said, she doesn't look up. However, she is startled when she feels something flick her on the side of her head. Wincing, she removes her hand from her face and rubs the spot where Noel flicked her.
"Ow! Noel, seriously?" She exclaims, about to scold him for his sudden gesture. However, she pauses as she looks at his face, seeing a mixture of sorrow and anger carved onto his features.
"Don't you ever say that again," Noel says, gritting his teeth as he looks her in the eye. "Do you understand?"
Shocked by Noel's sincere yet stern tone, Nevaeh feels as though she can't breathe as she stares into his piercing eyes. "Noel..." she begins, but he shakes his head fiercely and scoots closer to her.
"No, you're done talking," he says firmly. "Now it's my turn." Reaching into his pocket, he pulls out a handkerchief and begins to gently clean Nevaeh's face, scolding her softly as he does so. "Don't you dare give up on me," he says, his voice laced with conviction. "Don't you remember what I told you? Even in the darkest of hours, you have something to live for."
Nevaeh stares at Noel in awe as he tenderly cleans her face, as if she is made of porcelain. There is a look of concentration and conviction on his face that fills her with warmth.
Once Noel deemed Nevaeh's face clean, he put the handkerchief away and looked towards her infected arm. He carefully raised his hand and softly placed it over the infected area, caressing her gently. Nevaeh winced, expecting to feel pain, but was surprised to feel nothing but the feather light strokes from Noel's fingers.
Noel looked back at Nevaeh, unconsciously still caressing her arm, as he continued. "Remember, you still have the trials in five years. And if, for whatever reason, you decide that's not what you want, you have me--"
He trailed off, becoming embarrassed by what he said. His face turned red, and he started to stutter as he removed his hand from her arm and shook both hands in front of him. Nevaeh stared at him in awe, her eyes shining with adoration as Noel tried to collect himself.
Coughing into his hand, he coyly looked away from her. "W-what I meant to say was, you have DJ and myself. Yes, DJ and myself."
Nevaeh smiled softly at Noel, fiddling with her fingers as she tried to prevent herself from reaching out and grabbing his hands. "Thank you, Noel. I truly appreciate it."
Noel nodded, looking back at her with a serious expression engraved onto his pink face. "You're welcome. And if there are ever times when you're not feeling strong enough..." He trails off as he notices Nevaeh fiddling with her fingers. Displeased, he scoffs and reaches forward to place his hand over hers. "Just know, you can always lean on me, okay?"
Nevaeh looked down, shocked that Noel was holding her hand, before looking back up at him and smiling gratefully, tears threatening to spill over as she sniffled. Nodding her head rapidly, she said, "Okay!"
Noel smiled softly at her, pleased to see that she was starting to feel better. Giving her hand a squeeze, he said, "Good. Now, time for bed."
Nevaeh glanced up at Noel as she snuggled into the blankets, feeling a sense of peace wash over her. She hesitated before asking, "Are you coming to bed?" She knew that this wasn't the first time Noel had comforted her from her nightmares, recalling her first night with the infection. Noel scoffs as he laid down next to her, outstretching his wings. "Of course, I am. This is my room, remember?" Nevaeh gently laughs as Noel pointed out the obvious, and he places his wings over her, sheltering her. "Of course, how silly of me to forget," she said with a smile. Noel smirked at her, his expression showing amusement and a hint of sleepiness.
“Yes, very silly. Now, time to get some sleep. Remember that there is nowhere safer than beneath a– ”
“Power’s wings,” Nevaeh finished with a smile, snuggling deeper into the blankets, and closing her eyes. “even someone fallen like you.”
Noel's wings fluttered in response to Nevaeh's words as he let out a fond chuckle, rolling his eyes as he settles into bed. "Yes, that's right. Now get some rest, Nevaeh," he said soothingly. She smiled warmly at him as she snuggled into his feathers, whispering a quiet goodnight into his wings as she drifted off to sleep. As Nevaeh lay peacefully, Noel gazed at her with a soft smile before closing his own eyes, preparing to fall asleep. As he drifted off, he made a silent vow to himself.
Nevaeh, I promise to always keep you safe.
~ And it’s done! Oh my god! Here is Chapter 2 of Fallen Embrace! I hope everyone enjoyed! Again, Noel is from the amazing visual novel game Repurpose made by @residentialrabbit​ <3 ~​
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residentialrabbit · 3 months
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Noelle (Noel in girl mode) back in her glory days!
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day-nish · 4 months
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It fits too well~
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rui-drawsbox · 7 months
Comm for @ MamaSpain00! The cuties
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eduardo200012 · 9 months
Repurpose Swap au
(Warning: This Au was created before part 2 was released, so no Cherry and Feya yet, and some spoilers)
Basically in this Au, the human love interests turn into demons or angels and the demon and angel love interests turn into humans, but the MC is still human
Kalei: A great believer with a good heart who probably went to church every day, was extremely confused when he died and woke up in the garden with the others. He chose Utopia and didn't even consider going to hell, he had a fight with Ramon when they were exploring limbo. His route in this universe would begin when Kalei and the MC share the room and would involve his insecurities about not being able to enter Utopia, a route very similar to Rosita from the original but with the difference that Kalei manages to enter Utopia.
Ramón: A seductive man and cult leader, Ramon really thought he would be tortured in hell when he died in prison, imagine her surprise when he wakes up in Jardin do Limbo and near his ex-girlfriend who had died. Ramon knows he will never enter utopia and doesn't understand why the world is giving him a chance to do that, after he goes to hell together with the MC. His route would involve him questioning himself and why he is having a good life even though he was a bad cult leader. In this route, Ramon would definitely jump a lot between being a charismatic seducer and someone who is having an existential crisis, being a very slow romance with the MC.
DJRK: Fallen Angel, they did not agree with the way Utopia got into several fights with the Choir (Especially Dominio) which caused them to be expelled to Limbo, becoming the guardian of the residents there. DJ would be more impulsive to this universe, trying to protect all those who wanted to make limbo a home. They are definitely the type of people who are always saying they can handle it but are very close to breaking mentally. On this route, Mc will definitely have to be very responsible to deal with them.
Mitts: An extremely creative angel who is passionate about technology, probably always talking to humans about how technology on earth has changed so that she can increasingly improve Utopia technologically. She is the teleporter and responsible for helping humans enter Utopia with the help of her technology. On this route the MC will help Mitts to help others, at some point Dominio will appear saying that the results are not acceptable and that Mitts' technologies are more of a hindrance than a help. In short, in this route, the MC must help Mitts prove to Dominion that her technology is beneficial to Utopia's interests.
Rosita: A Demon that is responsible for convincing as many humans as possible to choose hell over utopia. Let's say everyone was surprised that this honey bun was a demon and not an angel. She also owns a restaurant that resembles a Diner from the 90s, and probably offers jobs there to those new to hell. But before being a demon she was a human who failed to meet the requirements of utopia, and this feeling of failure has always accompanied her since she was alive until today. Her route would be for MC to help her at her restaurant and help Rosita overcome her insecurities.
Noel: He was definitely a goth in life and as Kalei was a very religious person, when he died he would definitely go to utopia but was attacked by a geist, which made it impossible for him to take the tests to enter utopia. His initial route is when the MC refuses to go to Utopia and stay with Noel and DJ in limbo. The route would involve the MC helping Noel adapt to his life in limbo and battles against the Hordes, at some point Noel would become the King of Limbo and would surprisingly renege on the deal with Dominio and say that limbo would be fine without the utopia help.
Irene:Irene was a frustrated woman in life just accepting everything that came in front of her without hesitation just trying to do what any human being should do. Which resulted in a frustrating high school relationship, a frustrating job until his frustrating death. It was quite surprising for her that there was life and death and she saw it as a way to start over and be a new Her. In this route the MC will help Irene to discover herself as a person and help her life stop being so frustrating, Ramon will also be part of it as a little jealous of the Mc, but probably understanding that he and Irene would never work...
Okay, I must admit that there were some that I had more ideas for than others but I'm happy with the result.
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azuremist · 1 year
I am not immune to nonbinary fallen angels
(Everybody play ‘Repurpose’. Song is “Pretty Girl” by Clairo!)
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specterofyou · 11 months
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Small practice painting of Noel from Repurpose
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shsl-leader · 1 year
fuck it i need to learn how to write. i need to make noel angst fanfiction.
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arklayraven · 3 months
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Wanted to make this because felt like it. 💗💛💙
Current VNs characters I know that are canonly pan, with sources, and game links (if available).
Will update if more are found or such.
(Updated: 9/25/24. Read more added because it was getting long. lol)
⚠️ Notice: This post for listing canon pan characters from visual novel games(whether officially released, demos, etc). Not about the devs and any possible issues they had in the past. So please keep any/all discussions over them off this post. ⚠️
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14 Days With You
Ren (demi/pansexual)
Elanor (demi/panromantic + asexual)
Conan (pansexual)
Leon (demi/pansexual)
Source | Game
Keith (pansexual)
Tenebris (pansexual)
Source | Game
The Kid At The Back
Sol (pansexual)
Hyugo (pansexual)
Deryl (pansexual)
Brittney (panromantic)
Source | Game
Where Winter Crows Go
Crowe (demisexual and demi-panromantic)
Aspen (graysexual and panromantic)
Source | Source | Game
A Double Sided Mirror
Charlie (pansexual)
Charles (pansexual)
Source | Game
Micah (bi/pan)
Source | Source | Game
Going Live!
Zilas (bi/pan)
Source | Source | Game
Z (pansexual)
Source | Game
DJ Roadkill (pansexual)
Mitts Moore (pansexual)
Noel (asexual panromantic)
Fayebael Noct (pansexual)
Source | Game
Bloodlust Devotion
Seth Devland (pansexual)
Xavier Oathsant (pansexual)
Max Béphmato (pansexual)
James Winton (pansexual)
Source | Game
Camp Willowpeak
Gavin (pan)
Malik (pan)
Source | Source | Game
Predator's Syndrome
Pierrot (pansexual)
Rosaura (pansexual)
Sandrone (pansexual)
Source | Game
Sweet Tooth
Andre (pansexual/demi)
Casey (pansexual)
Chrys (pansexual/polyam)
Noble (pansexual/polyam)
Source | Game
Your Guardian Angel
Noel (pan/demi)
Viktor (pan)
Source | Game
Restart Heart
Ezra (bi/pan, poly)
Blaire (bi/pan, poly)
Sammy (bi/pan, poly)
Chris (bi/pan, poly)
Steph (bi/pan, poly)
Bess (bi/pan, poly)
Kenneth (bi/pan, poly)
Source | Game
Colored Gaze
Seth (pansexual)
Source | Game
John Doe
John Doe (bi/pan, poly)
Source | Game
Our Life: Beginnings & Always
Cove (panromantic demisexual, previous labeled as pansexual too)
Derek (pansexual)
Baxter (pansexual)
Sources: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | Game
XOXO Droplets
Everett (pansexual, refers to self as bi)
Nate (pansexual)
Sources: 1 | 2 | 3 | Game
Floret Bond
Peony (panromantic grayasexual)
Gata (pansexual)
Source | Game
Cat and Mouse
Cecil (pansexual)
Source | Game
My Dear Hatchet Man
Alan (pansexual)
Stu (pansexual)
Sources: 1 | 2 | 3 | Game
Mushroom Oasis
Mychael (asexual panromantic)
Sources: 1 | 2 | Game
Kayn (pansexual)
Druk (pansexual)
Fenir (pansexual)
Kuna'a (pansexual)
Source | Game
Broken Colors
Delivery Guy (pansexual and poly)
Stalker/Damon (pansexual and poly)
Sources: 1 | 2 | Game
Something's Wrong With Sunny Day Jack
Sunny Day Jack (pansexual)
Shaun Durand-Cofer (pansexual)
Ian Duff (pansexual)
Nicolas "Nick" Herrera (pansexual)
Source | Game
Hummingbird's Crown
Wren (demisexual and panromantic)
Lonan (asexual and panromantic)
Invar (pansexual and panromantic)
Sources: 1 | 2 | 3 | Game
Panacea: Rebirth
Lacrima (panromantic)
Angis (demisexual and panromantic)
Sources: 1 | 2 | Game
Killer Trait
Carl (pansexual and demi-panromantic)
Source | Game
Potion Pleasing
Parker (asexual and panromantic)
Rue (asexual and gray-panromantic)
Sources: 1 | 2 | Game
Monochrome Pixels
Enya (asexual and panromantic)
Source | Game
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missrosiesworld · 2 years
The Luckiest One
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Noel stood in the kitchen of their new home, flipping, and folding a few eggs in the pan as Nevaeh slept upstairs. The peaceful quiet of the morning filled the room as he hummed to himself. Suddenly, he heard soft footsteps coming down the stairs, followed by a delicate yawn.
Nevaeh appeared in the doorway, her curly hair pulled back into a bun with a few loose strands framing her face. As she stretched, Noel couldn't help but think that she had never looked more beautiful. His wings flapped at the sight of her. Gratitude filled his heart and he felt extremely lucky to be called hers.
Nevaeh opened her eyes and smiled sweetly at Noel, walking into the kitchen as the aroma of breakfast filled the air. She came up behind him and softly brushed her hands up and down his spine, between his wings. His wings fluttered at her touch, and he turned around to see Nevaeh standing behind him with a smile on her face.
Nevaeh stood on her tiptoes to give Noel a kiss, her arms wrapped around his neck. "Good morning, mi amor," she said softly, a smile on her lips. Noel returned the kiss, his arms wrapped around her waist as he pulled her closer. "Good morning, beautiful," he replied, pressing a kiss to her forehead before breaking away. "Did you sleep well?"
Nevaeh nodded, still clinging to him as she rested her head against his chest. "Like a dream," she replied, grinning. "I could sleep for days if I had the chance."
Noel chuckled as he turned his attention back to the stove. "Well, you'll have to settle for breakfast for now. I made your favorite. Omelettes."
Nevaeh's stomach growled at the mention of food. "Omelettes sound wonderful. Is there anything I can do to help?"
Noel brushed a stray curl behind her ear and replied, "Actually, could you set the table for us? Breakfast is almost ready." Nevaeh nodded and went to set the table, while Noel finished cooking their breakfast.
As Nevaeh opened the cabinets to retrieve the plates and silverware, she couldn't help but steal glances at Noel while he cooked. Despite the fact that they had been together for a while now, she still couldn't believe her luck in having such an amazing and caring partner.
As they sat at the table, Nevaeh couldn't help but watch Noel as he ate. There was something about the way he moved, the way he held himself, that just drew her in. She couldn't believe she had been lucky enough to find someone like him in the afterlife. Eventually, as if sensing her gaze, Noel looked up at her and grinned. "What are you thinking about?" he asked, his eyes twinkling with amusement.
Nevaeh blushed, looking down at her plate. "I was just thinking about how lucky I am to have you," she said softly.
Noel reached across the table to take her hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. "I'm the lucky one, Nevaeh. I don't know what I would do without you."
Nevaeh squeezed his hand back in return, looking at him with passion in her eyes. But then, a teasing grin spread across her face. "Noel, since when did you turn into a big ol' sap?" Noel blushed, his face turning red as he removed his hand and covered his face with it, stuttering.
"Shut up and eat your food, idiot," he said, his words lacking any real malice. Nevaeh chuckled, still in awe of him, and went back to eating her food. "I love you, Noel," she said, her voice soft. Noel rolled his eyes affectionately at her, a soft smile on his face. "I love you too, Nevaeh," he replied.
As they finished their breakfast, Nevaeh couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment wash over her. She felt grateful for every moment they shared together and knew that as long as they had each other, they could overcome anything that Limbo threw their way.
~ Here's some sweet, domestic, tooth-rotting fluff for everyone! Noel is from the amazing visual novel Repurpose by @residentialrabbit <3 ~
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missrosiesworld · 2 years
Eternally Forever
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Warning: Spoilers of Noel's Route in Repurpose and Mentions of Injury
Nevaeh and Noel had been through a lot together. They had faced many challenges, but none were as difficult as the one they had just defeated. Hordes, the literal horder of Limbo and his poltergeist, Charles, had put up a fierce fight. But in the end, Nevaeh and Noel were victorious.
As they made their way home, Nevaeh couldn't help but notice that Noel was quiet as he carried her in his arms. Although he wasn't the most talkative person, he seemed absorbed in his own thoughts now. Despite her desire not to pry, she kept noticing he would occasionally tighten his grip on her, giving her the feeling that something was wrong. She felt a sense of dread as she thought about all the possibilities of why Noel was acting this way. She tried to push away her worries, but they kept coming back, making her heart race with fear.
After using all that power, is he feeling okay? He said he thought he had lost it when he fell, so maybe he's not used to it. Was he hurt by Hordes and Charles' fight?! Nevaeh's head pulsed as the questions throbbed, as the two of them made their way to Noel's home.
When they finally reached home and entered his room, Noel placed Nevaeh down on the bed with softness, as if she would break if dropped too hard. Taking Noel's wrist gently, Nevaeh asked Noel what was on his mind before he could pull away. "Is everything okay? You've been so quiet," she said, trying to sound casual.
Noel didn't respond at first. He just stared at the floor, his wings drooping. Nevaeh's heart ached as she saw the pain etched on his face. "I'm fine," he grumbled as he turned his face away from Nevaeh. Despite this, Nevaeh could tell that he was tense from the uptight shoulders and the trembling in his clenched hands.
Slowly, Nevaeh reached out her hand to touch his face, halting short as to allow him time to deny her touch. "Can I touch you, Noel?" He lets out a long sigh as his body deflates, his face gravitating toward her hand. As he nuzzles his face into her hand, he grips her wrist above her pulse with his shaky hand and gently squeezes it. "Nevaeh, you don't have to ask my permission to touch me."
Gracing his face with her other hand, she smiled softly at him, gripping him in her palm as if he was the whole world. In the palm of her hands, he is her whole world. "Noel, I will always ask your permission when you are feeling this way, because I value your feelings greatly. You are important to me. Now," she says as she brings his face close to hers, nuzzling her nose against his. "My sweet dove, what's troubling you?"
Noel's eyes glistened with unshed tears as his mouth trembled and his voice broke, his other hand gripping her wrist tightly. "I was so scared, Nevaeh," he choked out. "I was terrified that I would lose you forever and never be able to tell you how much I love you." Tears began to roll down his cheeks as he continued, "I love you, Nevaeh. I love you so much. I don't know what I would do without you."
Nevaeh felt her own tears prick at the corners of her eyes. She knew how much it took for Noel to open up like this. Her arms gently embraced him in a sense of urgency, shielding him from the pain of the world. "It's okay, Noel. I'm here. I'm not going anywhere," she whispered.
But Noel couldn't shake off the guilt that was weighing down on him. "I hurt you Nevaeh. It was my gun that hurt you. When Charles moved you in front of my shot, everything stood still. I couldn't believe what had just happened. I thought I had lost you."
"I know, Noel. I know. But I'm here, I'm alive. And I know you would never hurt me," she says, trying to reassure him. Noel continues to cry, his words coming out in gasps. "But it was my gun that wounded you. I hurt you, Nevaeh. I hurt you."
Nevaeh's heart breaks at his words, and she can feel her own tears starting to fall. She pulls back from the embrace and takes his hand, placing it on her chest. "Feel my heart beat, Noel. I'm here. I'm alive, and I know you would never hurt me. You were trying to protect me. You were trying to keep me safe."
Noel's sobs begin to subside as he feels the steady beating of Nevaeh's heart beneath his hand. He looks up at her with red-rimmed eyes, and she wipes away his tears with the pad of her thumb. As he feels the steady rhythm of Nevaeh's heart, Noel's body begins to ease, the tension that had been gripping him slowly dissipating. He takes a deep breath, trying to calm himself. "You're right," he says as Nevaeh continues wiping away his tears. "I'm just so grateful that you're okay. That we're okay." Nevaeh smiles at him, leaning in to kiss him softly on the lips. "I love you, Noel," she says, her eyes shining with love and affection, bringing him in for another kiss.
As Nevaeh kisses Noel, she can feel the tension in his body and the fear in his heart. She kisses him softly, trying to ease his worries and ground him in the present moment. He responds with a sense of urgency as if he's afraid she might disappear if he lets go. He wraps his arms and wings around her tightly, holding her close as if to ensure she's really there. He kisses her deeply, pouring all of his love and fear into the kiss. As they separate, Nevaeh notices a glistening in Noel's eyes, a sign of the immense love and emotion he holds for her.
Noel embraced Nevaeh tightly, placing a gentle kiss on the top of her head. "I will always keep you safe, Nevaeh," he whispered, "I will do everything in my power to protect you. I love you." As he pulled back, he cupped her face in his hands, his eyes filled with devotion. Nevaeh smiled up at him, her love for him evident in her gaze. "And I will always keep you safe, Noel," she replied softly. "I will always be here for you, no matter what."
As he held Nevaeh close, Noel felt a sense of calm wash over him. He knew that as long as she was by his side, he could face any challenge that came his way. He hugged her tightly, and they stayed in that embrace for a while, basking in the warmth of their love. With Nevaeh by his side, Noel felt a strength within him that he never knew existed. He knew that he would never have to face anything alone as long as she was there.
Noel is from the visual novel Repurpose by @residentialrabbit
I'm literally obsessed, and it's okay :D
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residentialrabbit · 5 months
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Noel gets therapy
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residentialrabbit · 4 months
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Which hairstyle do you think best fits girlmode Noelle? ((Ignore that 1 is missing I didn't like it))
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residentialrabbit · 2 years
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The MC takes Noel shopping for some new clothes!
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residentialrabbit · 1 year
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Doodled a Villain!Noel and Protector!Hordes from my Dark Prince AU (an extension to Noel's bad end).
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residentialrabbit · 1 year
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I couldn't sleep last night so I doodled what I think Noelle/Noel's powers uniform would look like. I was going for something that's unique but not over complicated so I can see myself drawing it 100s of times. I'm not super satisfied with it yet but it's an idea for sure!
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