#request 2125
lostdrarryfics · 7 months
hi!! can I get help with finding this fic as well?
I think it was a one shot, but harry and Draco were possibly in a secret relationship? I'm pretty sure it was. Harry gets injured on the job(auror) and is hit with a super dark curse that is basically slowly killing him. I think it was even going to his brain? Draco has to hear about it on the radio because I do think the relationship was secret. And once he gets to the hospital they refuse to let him see harry and somehow he proves theyre together. Ron and Hermione are there and so is Ginny. I remember Ginny being very important because the healers did not know how to heal Harry and was ready to give up on him. But Draco figured out how to fix it and Ginny was there encouraging him after everybody left. I think it was some kind of ritual or bonding that made Draco and Harry share magic so Harry can heal.
We believe you are looking for All you have to do is breathe by anxioussquirrel (12k, T)
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kirbyswarpstar · 2 years
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first batch of lps requests!!
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sickiebabytae · 2 years
If your requests are still open and if you have time, can I request a scenerio where a member eats something way too late at night (like ramen or something) and wakes up in the morning really nauseous? My brain is screaming either Jungkook or Namjoon but I’ll leave the sickie up to you! ❤️ thanks in advance!! I love your writing
thank you so much for the request, anon!! I'm so so sorry it's taken me literally forever to get to this, and that I kind of derailed a bit when it came to the original plot 😭😭 I hope this is still to your liking!
sickie: jungkook
caretaker: namjoon
word count: 2125
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jungkook knows this will be a bad idea the moment he sets out the (six) ramen cups neatly on the table, but rational thinking isn't really in his ballpark right now. he's been feeling stressed out from their tour lately, and feels as if he hasn't been performing as well as he should be, so he thinks he needs a good stress-eating session to get his mind off of things. 
but as jungkook takes a step back and looks at the ramen cups laid out, he can't help but laugh to himself. "this is so stupid." he murmurs, pulling out his phone. this is something he thinks army might enjoy. plus, he's been trying to be more active on Twitter recently. he captions the photo with something funny and his hashtag before setting his phone down and beginning.
just as he finishes getting through the first cup and a half, lips already zinging with spice, he feels his phone vibrate against the table. he picks it up and sees it's a message from namjoon.
rapmon hyung: jungkook what the hell are you doing
rapmon hyung: I saw your post -_-
jungkook feels a sheepish smile spread across his face.
jungkook: … I'm eating my emotions
jungkook: :D
rapmon hyung: good god jungkook
rapmon hyung: this screams bad idea, you know
rapmon hyung: your stomach is going to hate you tomorrow :/
jungkook: ill be fine hyung dw
jungkook: we've got a off day tomorrow anyways, it'll be fine
rapmon hyung: you know jimin wants to go sightseeing tomorrow
jungkook: yeah, I know, I'll be okay for it :)
jungkook: please don't worry hyung, it cant turn out THAT bad
jungkook can practically hear namjoon sighing from his hotel room a few doors down
rapmon hyung: okay fine
rapmon hyung: I trust you
rapmon hyung: but don't say i didn't warn you
jungkook: ay ay captain
with that, jungkook returns to his food.
this was definitely a bad idea, jungkook thinks to himself when he's all done. well, mostly done. by the last two he couldn't bring himself to finish off the soup at the bottom. his stomach is already bloated and full beyond belief.
he decides to make light of the situation and posts an update to twitter with one photo of the (nearly) empty ramen cups and one selfie of him looking, very rightly, in pain. his lips feel swollen and his nose won't stop running and itching from the spice, eyes watery too. he throws all the cups away and shuffles into the bathroom, washing his face down and stifling a burp into his hand. he shudders and sighs. "you idiot, jungkook," the singer whispers to himself, voice thick. he pushes himself back out to his room and gets into bed. maybe lying down will help him digest, he thinks, all lessons he's ever learned in his entire life failing to come to him as his eyes start drooping closed. he feels like he's going to be sick already and he doesn't like it. maybe he'll just… rest his eyes for a moment. let the world fall silent around him. yeah, yeah that's what he'll do. 
against his will, jungkook begins to fall asleep, and he drifts off before he's even able to stop himself.
jungkook wakes up in the middle of the night, sweaty and stomach cramping. he winces and sits up instantly. "oh god- fuck-" he swings his legs over the side of the bed, but that alone forces stomach acid up that burns his throat as he burps. he places a hand over his mouth and cringes, swallowing. "shit-" he freezes in place with no idea what to do. how did this happen? he feels so much worse than when he did when he-
he fell asleep. a groan leaves his lips. he just had to have fallen asleep. his stomach is killing him, bubbling and churning. he thinks he's going to throw up. 
moving slowly, he shuffles to the table and grabs his phone. more stomach acid burns up his throat, swallowing again. he goes to text namjoon since he seemed to be the only one who was caught up with his shenanigans the night before and sees that he missed a message right before he fell asleep.
rapmon hyung: jungkook you look terrible-
rapmon hyung: did you really eat all of that??
jungkook sighs before reluctantly sending a text of his own, deciding to ignore namjoon's. he only hopes that namjoon is either still awake or won't wake up from the message notification. he just wants someone to know what's happening
jungkook: I feel sick
jungkook: really sick
jungkook: I'm really sorry :( 
jungkook shuffles back to bed and sits down, not wanting to lay back in case it makes whatever acid reflux is going on worse. he jolts with a hiccup and grimaces, untucking his shirt from the jeans he'd forgotten to change out of that keep digging into his stomach. he slips his hand in between the hemline and his abdomen to give it some leeway, sighing when it provides the slightest bit of relief. he knows he should get up and change, but he doesn't want to risk it. he feels like the tiniest movement will set his stomach off.
his phone vibrates in his other hand to jungkook's surprise and he lifts it to look at the screen to see namjoon having responded to his message.
rapmon hyung: god kid I told u
rapmon hyung: hold on
rapmon hyung: I'm coming over
jungkook's eyes widen, mortified already. namjoon cant come, he knows he looks a mess.
jungkook: no no no-
jungkook: hyung it's fine really
jungkook: I just felt like someone should know
jungkook: hyung-
as jungkook types out his next text, he hears knocking at the door followed by a hushed, "jungkook? are you in there?"
jungkook suppresses a groan and slowly pushes himself to stand, stifling a low whimper when his stomach churns in protest. he makes his way to the door, unable to straighten properly from just how full and in pain he is, and opens it with cheeks flushed with both shame and the beginnings of what might be a fever. jungkook doesn't know at this point. "hey, hyung." he murmurs. he can't bring himself to meet namjoon's eyes.
he hears the leader sigh and make his way in, warm hands coming to rest by jungkook's sides. "you idiot, come on. let's go back to bed. I'll grab you some clothes."
jungkook manages a few short nods, trudging his way back to bed and laying down in a curled up position, fighting back a grimace and laying his hand back over his stomach. he can vaguely make out namjoon shuffling around the room, grumbling under his breath. probably something to do with jungkook's clothing organization. or lack thereof; jungkook has always had a bit of an unorthodox way of storing his clothes while on tour. it's just how his brain works, okay?
still keeping his gaze averted, jungkook feels the bed dip next to him. he allows himself the smallest of glances and notices the clothes on namjoon's lap. jungkook can't help but smile; those are some of his favorite pyjamas to wear on hard days. he didn't know that namjoon had picked up on it.
"arms up." namjoon orders gently. jungkook reluctantly complies. he can't help but blush when namjoon pulls his soiled, sweaty shirt off, feeling embarrassed that namjoon has to deal with this. to top it off, jungkook shivers when the air conditioning hitting him, realizing belatedly that his bloated stomach is now on display and painfully obvious. jungkook finds himself wrapping his arms around it as quickly as possible and curling in on himself. 
namjoon sighs. "jungkook-ah, look at me please." 
jungkook shakes his head stubbornly. but before he knows it, namjoon's hand comes up to his cheek and tilts his head up, their eyes meeting. jungkook finally clocks just how welled up with tears his are, and he can see it when namjoon clocks it, too. "jungkook, are you crying??"
at that, jungkook feels his bottom lip quiver. a sob bubbles up out of him, unexpectedly. "fuck, I'm sorry-" he tries to look away again, but namjoon doesn't let up. 
"hey hey, no, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make it sound like such a big deal I just-" namjoon sighs again. "you're feeling really sick, huh?"
jungkook manages a pathetic nod. another sob. 
namjoon gives a nod back. "okay, that's okay." he says; it sounds like he's talking more to himself than jungkook, but the maknae is too caught up in his self pity to notice it all that much. "we can get through this, not the first time one of us has gotten knocked down."
"but… the sightseeing… the others-"
"will understand if you can't make it tomorrow." namjoon promises with a gentle smile. "now let's finish getting you changed so you don't get more sick from the cold hitting you." 
it's been an hour and jungkook has yet to fall asleep. namjoon lays next to him, having already drifted off a while ago, snoring away without a care in the world. jungkook is extremely jealous. his stomach is still gurgling and churning and it doesn't seem to want to provide him with any relief any time soon.
slowly, carefully, jungkook pushes himself up into a sitting position, afraid that he might choke on the productive burps that keep crawling up his throat. he worries at his fingers. his breathing feels short and heavy and jungkook swears under his breath. he hates this. he hates being sick. arguably more than anything in the world. he hates feeling so gross and out of control and-
great, he's crying again. jungkook shoves his head into his hands and tries not to make too much sound. this is all his fault, and he knows it, and that makes the whole situation so much worse somehow; this disaster is a product of his own making.
jungkook's head continues to swim and swirl with thoughts, and before he knows it, something heavy rushes up his throat. his mouth waters dangerously, a sour feeling coating the back of his tongue and weighing it down. he's definitely going to throw up. he feels it coming on, and fast.
throwing the sheets off himself as quickly as he can, jungkook hurries to the bathroom and shuts the door behind him, hand clamped over his mouth. he crouches in front of the toilet with a few heavy pants, white-knuckling the sides of the bowl. the first wave of vomit comes out of him with a guttural gag before jungkook can even fully process that it's happened. and then another wave comes out. and then another. and then he's rolling; more specifically, his stomach is rolling. agonizingly so. 
jungkook tries his hardest to be quiet. he really, really does. but it's difficult to do so when each round of puke rips his breath from his chest and burns the way up his throat, eliciting involuntarily whimpers and groans and pants.
he feels a warm hand on his back before he registers the fact that someone has joined him in the bathroom; namjoon. jungkook can't help but give a choked sob. "i-i'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you, I-"
"shh," namjoon hushes. "it's okay. just get everything up, it'll help you feel better."
namjoon's calm, deep voice helps some of the tension leave jungkook's muscles, but they quickly seize up again when he has to throw up once more.
after another five minutes or so go by, the last few filled with nothing but weak, unproductive gags and pants as jungkook tries to regain his breath, namjoon decides to make the executive decision that jungkook is done. the leader reaches over to flush the toilet and helps jungkook to his feet. "come on, let's wash out your mouth and go to bed."
jungkook gives a weak moan but lets himself be dragged to the sink, pliable. now that his stomach is left with nothing more than a dull ache, and waves of relief continually washing over him from the nausea finally being gone, jungkook is tired. so, so tired. he barely feels it as namjoon guides him through washing out his mouth and leading him back to bed, helping jungkook sit on the edge as namjoon shuffles off to grab a new shirt, jungkook having soiled the one he'd changed into from sweat. 
the boy is practically already out cold by the time he's been changed and tucked in. the last thing he registers is a gentle touch brushing back his hair and the familiar voice of his leader whispering for him to "sleep well, jungkookie."
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saray0524 · 4 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: NWOT Mirror Image CAFTAN Tie Dye MULTI-colored, Sleeves, pockets 100% Polyester.
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hadeschan · 5 months
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item # N15B28
Rian Sema Luang Phu Tuad, Phor Than Chin, Wat Mueang Yala, Chup Ngern Satin, Longya Rachawadee, Si Tong Châat, Lang Pra Chiang Sean, Roon Si-sip-ha Pee Wat Mueang Yala. A mint copper coin in a shape of a temple boundary marker stone tablet with an effigy of a meditating Pra Bodhisattva Luang Phu Tuad. In the back is with an effigy of Pra Chaing Saen, the Principle Buddha Statue of the temple of Wat Mueang Yala. The amulet is with sandblast silver fill, and Thailand flag enamel colors. Made to commemorate 45th Anniversary of Wat Mueang Yala. Made by Phor Than Chin of Wat Mueang Yala, Yala Province in BE 2547 (CE 2004).
BEST FOR: Pra Bodhisattva Luang Phu Tuad brings safety, happiness, wealth & prosperity and longevity. It brings protection in all directions from all upcoming danger, injury, and misfortune. Luang Phu Tuad could change your life for the better, Klawklad Plodpai (it brings safety, and pushes you away from all danger), Kongkraphan (it makes you invulnerable to all weapon attack), Nang Nieow, a rock-hard skin that is completely impervious to damage with bludgeoning or piercing weapons. Maha-ut (it stops gun from shooting at you), Metta Maha Niyom (it helps bring loving, caring, and kindness, and compassion from people all around you to you), Maha Larp (it brings Lucky Wealth / wealth fetching), and Kaa Kaai Dee (it helps tempt your customers to buy whatever you are selling, and it helps attract new customers and then keep them coming back. Ponggan Poot-pee pee-saat Kunsai Mondam Sat Meepit (it helps ward off evil spirit, demon, bad ghost, bad omen, bad spell, curse, black magic, and poisonous animals). And this amulet helps protect you from manipulators, backstabbers, and toxic people.
In Thailand, Luang Phu Tuad amulet is believed to be a “Pra Nirantarai” means Luang Phu Tuad will push you away from all danger!
It was certified by Por Tek Tung Charitable Foundation who help the injured and to collect the dead bodies at the scenes of road accident in Bangkok that they NEVER find people who were killed by road accident have Luang Phu Tuad amulets.
The Astonishing Miracle Incident
The BE 2550 roadside bombing, a bomb exploded at a road side in the Muang District of Narathiwat Province while a van of a Lady who acted as Her Majesty's representative to participate in the ceremony there, and that Lady was safe, and she was wearing Pra Luang Phu Tuad amulet, Roon Si-sip-ha Pee Wat Mueang Yala of Phor Than Chîn…
Luang Pu Thuat (Thai: หลวงปู่ทวด; 1582-1682 CE, 2125-2225 BE) was a Buddhist monk, born in Dee Luang sub-district, Sathing Phra district, Songkhla, Thailand. He is a revered Buddhist monk who lived in Siam and is said to have performed miracles.
Luang Pu Thuat is mentioned in the early regional histories of southern Thailand, but his life is mainly preserved in oral traditions. Stories of the famous monk were passed on by word of mouth for centuries. As a result, it is a mixture of Buddhist elements: early signs, alleged magic, travel, study, meditation, and eventual “sainthood.”
His movements throughout the southern Thai peninsula constitute a path of pilgrimage for many of his followers.
Luang Pu Thuat has also been said to have saved countless lives of people be it on the battlefield, armed robbery, or more with his sacred amulets.
DIMENSION: 3.40 cm high / 2.20 cm wide / 0.20 cm thick
item # N15B28
Price: price upon request, pls PM and/or email us [email protected]
Item location: Bangkok, Thailand
Ships to: Worldwide
Delivery: Estimated 7 days handling time after receipt of cleared payment. Please allow additional time if international delivery is subject to customs processing.
Shipping: FREE Thailandpost International registered mail. International items may be subject to customs processing and additional charges.
Payments: PayPal / Western Union / MoneyGram /maybank2u.com / DBS iBanking / Alipay / Wechat Pay / PromptPay International / PAYNOW
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electronalytics · 1 year
DIN Rail Mounted Accessories Market Analysis 2023 Dynamics, Players, Type, Applications, Trends, Regional Segmented, Outlook & Forecast till 2032
The competitive analysis of the DIN Rail Mounted Accessories Market offers a comprehensive examination of key market players. It encompasses detailed company profiles, insights into revenue distribution, and innovations within their product portfolios, regional market presence, strategic development plans, pricing strategies, identified target markets, and immediate future initiatives of industry leaders. This section serves as a valuable resource for readers to understand the driving forces behind competition and what strategies can set them apart in capturing new target markets.
DIN Rail Mounted Accessories Market projections and forecasts are underpinned by extensive primary research, further validated through precise secondary research specific to the DIN Rail Mounted Accessories Market. Our research analysts have dedicated substantial time and effort to curate essential industry insights from key industry participants, including Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs), top-tier suppliers, distributors, and relevant government entities.
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All the regional segmentation has been studied based on recent and future trends, and the market is forecasted throughout the prediction period. The countries covered in the regional analysis of the Global DIN Rail Mounted Accessories market report are U.S., Canada, and Mexico in North America, Germany, France, U.K., Russia, Italy, Spain, Turkey, Netherlands, Switzerland, Belgium, and Rest of Europe in Europe, Singapore, Malaysia, Australia, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines, China, Japan, India, South Korea, Rest of Asia-Pacific (APAC) in the Asia-Pacific (APAC), Saudi Arabia, U.A.E, South Africa, Egypt, Israel, Rest of Middle East and Africa (MEA) as a part of Middle East and Africa (MEA), and Argentina, Brazil, and Rest of South America as part of South America.
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Here are some key functions of DIN Rail Mounted Accessories market research reports:
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alanshousepainting · 2 years
Alan's House Painting is a skilled and reputable painting business based in Davis, California. The business was started by Alan, a seasoned painter with over decades of expertise, and has developed a reputation for providing clients in the area with great painting services.
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When it comes to each project, Alan’s House Painting prides itself on its attention to detail and individualised approach. The team aims to customise its services to fit each customer's specific demands since it is aware that each client has different needs. They collaborate closely with customers to comprehend their vision for the area and offer knowledgeable advice on colour choice, finish options, and other painting specifics.
The company offers a full range of painting services, including interior and exterior painting, cabinet refinishing, wallpaper removal, and drywall repair. They use only the highest quality paints and materials to ensure a long-lasting and flawless finish.
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Alan's House Painting is committed to delivering outstanding customer service and workmanship on every project. The team is punctual, respectful, and tidy, ensuring that clients' homes and properties are left clean and organized at the end of each day. They also offer flexible scheduling options to accommodate clients' busy lifestyles.
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Whether you're looking to freshen up a single room or transform the look of your entire home, Alan's House Painting has the experience and expertise to make your vision a reality. Contact them today to schedule a consultation and receive a free estimate for your painting project.
Contact us:
Alan's House Painting
PO Box 2125 Davis, CA 95617
(530) 756-8188
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systemmia · 2 years
Hello! I am looking for a group (or just one person) to rp a world I made up! This world is called “Afterwards (the story of the ruins)” it’s a dystopian world that I will give more information on opon request! Dm on here or kingdom of obsession ⚢❤#2125 on discord!
Age range is 15-21 please no one below or above those ages contact me! I am 17!
This rp will contain angst, and death, nothing to spicy but a little spice to pick up the drama! If you have an questions feel free to ask
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imfandomtrashokay · 5 years
Requests SCP 2521.
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A request is served-
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okay-j-hannah · 3 years
Wizzy-Humany Things
Marvel / Doctor Who : Fic
Stephen Strange x Reader x Eleventh Doctor
Word count: 2125
Warnings: I was CACKLING writing this
Request: “Oh! I have one! Doctor Strange and his girlfriend meeting 11 and Stephen getting jealous (11 is my favorite doctor 😉)” Anon
A/N: When Stephen detects alien technology in the Sanctorum, the last thing he expects is a blue police box
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“Something’s different.”
(Y/N) was leaning on the railing at the top of the double staircase, “What was that?”
Stephen entered the main entryway, “Something is different. A shift in time just occurred, I can feel it.”
“You can feel it?” (Y/N) scrunched her nose.
“It’s like a break through another dimension. A tear in reality somewhere near here,” he held his hands up in front of him, closing his eyes. “Someone has been meddling with time and space.”
(Y/N) walked down the steps of the Sanctorum, trailing her fingers along the railing. “You using your little ‘spidey sense?’”
“Trying to concentrate,” he replied, waving his hands around and producing a fizzing golden circlet of light.
“I’m just saying,” she sighed, making faces at him as he wasn’t looking, “A wizard sensing a tear in the fabric of reality. Must be something of a spidey sense. Maybe we could call it your wizzy sense!”
Stephen opened his eyes to flash a deadpanned look towards her. “Hilarious.”
“Thought you might think so,” she mused, folding her arms and watching the firework show coming from his hands, “Found anything, wizzy?”
“Let’s leave the wiz out of it, shall we?”
“The Wiz!” she gasped, “Even better.”
He stared at her though his hands still traced patterns in the air, “Why do I keep you around?”
“Because I’m irresistible,” she said immediately. She got on her tip toes to try and match his stare, but he was clearly too tall for that to happen.
He rarely said such things aloud, but she had a point.
“I’ve always wondered why you don’t have a superhero nickname like the rest of the Avengers.”
“What’s wrong with my name?” he said, closing his eyes again.
“You use your regular name while being a superhero! Oh, look! Here comes Dr. Strange,” she said in an awed voice. “It just doesn’t have the same affect as Ironman or the Hulk or Black Widow.”
“Thor uses his regular name.”
(Y/N) waved him off, “Yeah but his full title is Thor God of Thunder. That’s pretty intimidating.”
“Doctor isn’t a good enough title? I have college degrees, you know.”
“And who’s going to ask to see your medical degree when you’re fighting aliens in space?”
Stephen turned on the spot and faced the other direction, his artwork of fizzing lights following him.
(Y/N) gasped, “Rude.”
“Concentrating,” he said. His hands went in a circular motion, searching from one side to the other. Eventually he scrunched his brows as a blue light escaped his fingertips, drawing rectangular shapes instead of circular.
“That’s a new color,” (Y/N) said, hands on her hips.
Stephen drew a small box in midair and caught it quickly, reopening his eyes, “I found the tear.” He left his palm open, and the blue rectangular box lifted into the air and zoomed off towards one of the rooms upstairs.
“Let’s go!” (Y/N) said, grabbing one of Stephen’s scarred hands and racing for the stairs.
“Wait – (Y/N), this could be dangerous.” He tugged on her hand as she was a few steps ahead of him.
She turned to him with a beautiful smile full of the zest of adventure. “Let’s hope it is.”
He tilted his head to the side, looking at her fondly, “This is why you’re not allowed on missions.”
She merely rolled her eyes, “Come on, wizzy.”
“Stop calling me that.”
They followed the light misting of blue guiding the way to one of the show rooms – where they store many of their artifacts in large glass cases. (Y/N) was not cautious whatsoever as she dragged Stephen behind her.
Her eyes were big as saucers by the time she turned the corner. “Oh!” she squeaked.
There at the back of the room was an old fashioned police box. Its color the same blue as the shapes Stephen was drawing earlier.
“Get behind me,” Stephen muttered. He stood straight and surveyed the room.
“Has anyone ever broken in here before?” (Y/N) whispered.
“Not carrying a massive blue box, no.”
She gripped his arm and peered around him, “What is it doing here?”
“AH! Another one of mine.” A man twirled away from behind the police box.
(Y/N) gasped again.
“No, wait…” the newcomer frowned, “I’m sorry, I must be in the wrong dynasty.” He was staring at a case full of mystic art relics. “I don’t recognize any of these.”
Stephen whirled his fingers about, ringlets of energy appearing at his wrists. He was preparing to fight, “Back away from the relics.”
The man jumped, clearly surprised by the appearance of two others, “Oh my…”
(Y/N) gauged his reaction, strangely unafraid. He just didn’t scream bad guy to her. He was wearing a tweed coat and a bowtie for pete’s sake.
“Hello there,” he smiled apprehensively, “I don’t suppose you know what year it is.”
Stephen clenched his fists, amplifying the power of his runes, “I don’t suppose you know meddling with time is an offense here.”
“An offense?” the man said, “Oh, humans always making up their own rules like they own the universe.” He put his hands on his hips, pushing his coat back a bit.
Was he wearing suspenders too? (Y/N) couldn’t help but crack the tiniest of smiles.
“You’re telling me you’re from off world?” Stephen said, more on edge than before. He whipped his hand around and a line of orange light flew towards the man, investigating the edges of his coat.
“Excuse me!” he said, hands flying up to his chest, “Hey, wait a moment!”
A small rod of metal came from a pocket, captured by the orange whip.
“Just a routine confiscation of weapons,” Stephen said matter-of-factly, but kept his features serious. “What do you call this?” He waved a hand over it and an array of rune magic investigated.
“That – that is my sonic screwdriver,” the man fumbled, pointing but not daring to run over. “And it’s a very delicate instrument. I would stop doing that… that – what are you doing to it?” He was suddenly fascinated with the fizzing magic.
(Y/N) giggled at his wonderous grin, “It’s a skill of the mystic arts.”
“(Y/N)!” Stephen whispered, “There’s no need to talk to the intruder.”
“Intruder, yes,” the man said, knotting his fingers in front of him. He stood rather duck footed, “I was under the impression that this was a museum.”
(Y/N) put a finger between her teeth, hiding her glee at how funny he was talking.
“This is a sacred base for the Masters of the Mystic A…”
“(Y/N), I thought I made it clear about the no talking,” Stephen said over his shoulder, “We have no idea who he is or what he is.”
“Oh, so you’re aware of life outside your own planet,” the man smiled pleasantly, “How clever of you. Can you kindly return my sonic to me, please?”
Stephen looked about ready to retort, but (Y/N) reached over and took the device from his hands.
“You called it a screwdriver?” She started walking towards him, “It doesn’t look like a screwdriver.”
“(Y/N)! What did… you can’t just… get back over here!”
The man flickered his eyes around the room, observing everything but keeping his sweet smile on his face. “I told you it was sonic. Here, see.” He grabbed the device from her and flared it in the air.
A green light appeared and buzzed with noise.
Stephen was at her side in an instant, holding her shoulders and pulling her away.
“It’s a tool – not a weapon,” the man said, the smile gone. “I don’t believe in such violence.”
(Y/N) pushed Stephen’s hands off her, “He’s fine. Stop acting like he’s the next alien supervillain.” She turned back to the stranger, “I’m (Y/N), as you probably heard by now.”
She couldn’t see the frustration plain on Stephen’s face.
“Oh, how lovely. Nice to meet you,” the man said; he held a hand out to shake.
Stephen stood in front of (Y/N) to stop her from returning the shake. She poked her head out from behind his arm. “And this is my overprotective boyfriend.”
The man looked at him expectantly, “Hello, nice to meet you, sir.”
“It’s Dr.,” Stephen grumbled.
“Doctor?” the man said, his face lighting up, “What a brilliant name.”
“No, no – it’s Strange.”
“I wouldn’t think so,” the man said, thumbing his suspenders, “Doctor is a perfectly reasonable name.”
(Y/N) giggled, “No, his name is Dr. Stephen Strange.”
“Ah, a medical man! My mistake. My name is Doctor.”
“The Doctor.”
“Doctor Who?”
The man snapped his fingers, “Exactly.”
Stephen gave him an incredulous look, but (Y/N) was beaming, “I like you.”
The Doctor laughed heartily, “Brilliant. You’re a funny bunch, aren’t you? Now back to the whole mystic arts thing.”
“We will not be talking about that.”
The Doctor raised his eyebrows, “No?”
“I want to know how you managed to create a tear in the fabric of reality.”
“Tear?” the Doctor whirled around, hair flopping about. He stared at his police box, “Did we really jump that far?”
“We?” (Y/N) asked, walking towards the box with him, “What is this thing?”
“My spaceship,” the Doctor put his hands up to model it, “She’s called the tardis.”
(Y/N) shook her head slightly in wonder, “The tardis?”
“Time and Relative Dimensions in Space.”
“Dimensions?” Stephen interjected, clearly upset with the easy conversation flowing between the other two. “Are you dimension jumping?”
The Doctor turned back around, suddenly nervous. His jaw was jutted to the side, “Um, well – that shouldn’t be possible anymore. I used to have a nasty habit there but closed all connections a while back. I shouldn’t be able to… wait a moment.” He licked his whole index finger and stuck it into the air, “Is this an alternate universe?”
“I believe it’s actually New York,” (Y/N) smiled.
“New York! I’m in America, how nice,” the Doctor grinned back, “Well, let me ask you: do you know anything of the daleks?”
“The what-leks?”
Stephen nudged (Y/N)’s shoulder, “Dear, would you please step out of the room so I can get actual information out of him.”
“There’s no need to interrogate him, Stephen,” she patted his arm, “We’re just talking.”
“What about the flying fat? Or the titanic spaceship almost hitting Buckingham palace?” the Doctor questioned further, “Cybermen ringing any bells?”
(Y/N) giggled again, “I have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about.”
Stephen rolled his eyes at her laughter.
“Then what do you people do when disaster threatens the planet?” the Doctor mused, scratching the back of his head, “I don’t exist in this world to help.”
“Oh, we have the Avengers.”
“Yes, they’re a group of humans with super abilities. Stephen is a part of the group, actually.”
The Doctor smirked, impressed, “Humans saving humans… how… human of you.”
She shook her head, “You say such strange things.”
“Life must be made interesting somehow.”
She laughed, getting closer to him, “We can help you get back to your own universe. Believe it or not we’re pretty experienced in the multiverse.”
“Oh, you know the theory of the multiverse,” the Doctor grinned, “We need more of you lot back on my own planet earth.”
“I never said we were helping him,” Stephen grumbled, “He can just hop back into his little box and fly back to wherever he came from.”
“There’s no need to be rude, Stephen,” (Y/N) snapped, moving to stand beside the Doctor. She put her hand on his arm, “We can help.”
Stephen stared at her hand and clenched his jaw.
The Doctor swallowed hard and attempted to say, “Um… did I mention… nice cape. Capes are cool.”
“It’s a cloak,” Stephen sighed. He turned and walked right out of the room.
(Y/N) finally looked concerned, “I’ll be right back. Feel free to look at any of the relics.” And she followed Stephen’s footsteps.
“Why are you following me?” he asked.
“Because you’re acting grumpier than usual,” she mused, speeding up to match his stride, “Why?”
He paused, “You’re a bit friendly.”
“What? To the stranger that’s lost in our home?” she scoffed, “He needs help getting back to his own time and you’re acting as though he’s hostile.”
Stephen gave her a blank look, “It doesn’t matter. I just want him gone by tonight.”
She sighed, reaching down to grab his hand, “Hey. There’s no need to be so jealous.”
“I’m not jealous.”
“Yeah, and I’m definitely going to stop calling you wizzy.” She gave him an endearing smile, “There’s no need to be so worried. I prefer sorcerers to aliens any day.”
He gave her a long look before cracking a small smile, “All right, let me get my sling ring.”
She laughed, hopping up to kiss his cheek.
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seidenbros · 3 years
Hello!! I'm in love with your Jaskier fics ❤️ would you consider writing a Jaskier x (fem) reader fic with #137 “Do you know how beautiful you are? It’s truly distracting." and #143 “Are you trying to turn me on or are you really just that oblivious?”?
THIS WAS SO SWEET! Thank you again for these, and I was immediately filled with ideas. This is the first one, and #143 will be w follow-up, because it just fit so perfectly in my head. This turned out even fluffier than I had expected it to become, so I hope you like it <3 (feel free to request anything, I love doing these, and here are some lists)
Prompt: “Do you know how beautiful you are? It’s truly distracting." Word Count: 2125
“Are you coming to the ball with me?” Jaskier asked, looking at you across the room. You could have sworn he was nervous to ask, but this was Jaskier, we were talking about, and when had he ever really been nervous?
“What, did your date bail on you? Or are you afraid, that some nobleman will recognize you and hunt you down the hall?” You half-joked, because it wasn't like this hadn't happened before. Though you had to say, lately, he hadn't been flirting that much, let alone take some woman up to his room or go home with her. Something, that you rather appreciated, if you were honest, because the jealousy was gnawing at you, seeing him with these women. You'd been friends for so long now, that you couldn't even remember how and when exactly you'd met, but your mutual love for music had given you something to talk about, and you'd talked way into the night with lots of alcohol.
You'd heard everything from Jaskier, how Geralt had abandoned him on top of the mountain, the child surprise, destiny, yadda yadda yadda. You liked enjoyed listening to his stories, but you enjoyed singing with him even more. Not that you had ever been on stage with him – and you didn't want all the attention on you – but when it was just the two of you sitting by a stream, you sang along with him. It was easy with him, but lately, you'd realized that you had deeper feelings for him than you should have – hence the jealousy.
“No... I actually wanted you to come, but I thought you wouldn't want to, so...”
“So you thought asking me last minute was your best option?” A laugh escaped your lips, because it was just SO Jaskier.
“Well,” he started crossing the room to stop right in front of you. You were sharing a room at the inn, because it was cheaper. Nothing you hadn't done before, but right now, Jaskier was standing just a little too close to you than would be deemed appropriate. “I know that you don't have plans for tonight, and I got you a dress to minimize the chances of you saying no to coming along. You'll get free food, free drinks and in addition a wonderful evening entertainment.” He tried to dazzle you with his smile – and it worked. Lately he'd managed to make your knees week with that smile.
“You got me a dress?” Surprised, you looked at him, watched him flit about before he produced the most gorgeous blue dress you'd ever seen for you. “This is beyond beautiful, Jask. How did you manage to pay for this?” You were worried that he'd spent too much coin on this, but you couldn't help but let your fingers graze over the fabric.
“Ahh don't worry about it, Someone owed me a favour, and it fits perfectly with my outfit. So... are you going to come with me tonight?”
Without hesitation, you agreed. As if you could have said no to him, even if you knew that he might flirt here and there, that it would tear your heart apart, but you weren't the person to let a friend down.
The ball was in full swing and you were actually having fun. Sure, there were people who ignored you, people who thought they were better than anyone else, but then there were people who were actually a lot of fun to talk to. Childhood acquaintances from Jaskier that had many stories to tell about him. You felt Jaskier's eyes on you while he was singing, and you managed to give him an encouraging smile every now and then. People were clapping along, enjoying his music, demanding more, and they didn't even realise that he'd messed up here and there. Nothing major, just a wrong note here or there, but he hadn't messed up his lyrics, so that was good. You'd never seen/heard that happen before. Was he nervous? He hadn't seemed nervous when you'd gotten here, more excited to play in front of this audience. But something was definitely up, you just couldn't quite put your finger on it.
Once his set was over, you excused yourself from his friends, to meet him halfway, your drink in one hand, one for him in the other.
“Ahh just what I need,” he said looking right into your eyes, before he even looked at your hands. He leaned down to press a kiss to your cheek, before he took his drink from you. You didn't realise that your cheeks were flushed, mostly due to the kiss, but also because of the alcohol. You'd had a bit of wine so far, but the warmth of the room, the good conversation AND the peck on the cheek... all that came together.
“Care to join me outside for a moment? Get a breath of fresh air?” Jaskier pulled you from your thoughts. He liked the attention from people when he was on stage, but when he was talking to someone in particular, he'd rather have his peace and quiet. Especially when it came to you. Seeing your flushed face, he thought that some cool night air might be good for you – and him as well to clear his head, because he'd definitely been distracted while he'd been singing. This kind of distraction had happened quite often in your presence, but never when he'd been singing.
“Sounds like a good plan.” You linked your arm with his and let him lead the way, since it wasn't his first time here, but you didn't know your way around. Your heart was still beating a little faster, you knew it was because of him, but it was foolish to think about it. You were friends after all, and he'd always treated you like that. Like a friend.
The cool night air filled your lungs, as you let go of Jaskier's arm. You walked right over to the parapet to enjoy the view for a moment. There was a clear sky above, so that you could count the stars, if you wanted to. Slowly, you started smiling to yourself. This was just such a romantic spot, a romantic moment in itself, getting away from a party that was in full bloom to stand out here and enjoy the silence with Jaskier. But Jaskier being Jaskier, he had to break the silence – but not the way you'd expected him to.
“Do you know how beautiful your are?” While you were looking at the stars, Jaskier was admiring you. Slowly you turned to face him, but you were not ready to see the honesty, the adoration in his eyes, which made your heart flutter. He'd never looked at you like that – not that you'd noticed, because especially during the last couple of weeks, he'd always looked at you like this when you weren't looking. “It's truly distracting.” Jaskier had to shake his head, smile still in place.
“That's the dress. You don't usually see me in a dress.” You tried to play it down, didn't want to read too much into his words. Was he already tipsy and saying these things because of the alcohol? Then again, he hadn't had any before his performance, so you couldn't attribute it to that.
“It's not the dress, though I have to say that it looks absolutely stunning on you and only accentuates your beauty. But you've always been beautiful, and while this is a special occasion, and your hair looks nice...” He stopped right in front of you, making you tilt your head back to keep looking into his eyes. “It looks even better when you wear it down.” He reached up to pull the brooch out of your hair, let it fall over your bare shoulders, making you shudder slightly. “There... much more like you.” He reached his right hand up to brush some loose strands out of your face. His fingertips brushed the shell of your ear, trailed down the side of your neck.
“Jaskier... what are you doing?” you asked breathlessly, feeling your heart nearly beat out of your chest. You'd tried to talk some sense into yourself, forget about the feelings you'd developed for the bard, and now he was doing this, making you feel all kinds of things you shouldn't be feeling.
“I'm just telling you how beautiful you are? Am I not allowed to do that?”
You opened your lips to say something, but nothing came out.
“Good. Because while you are beautiful now, stunningly gorgeous, you are most beautiful, when you think nobody is watching you. When you're reading in bed before falling asleep and you read some line that makes you smile. When you're sitting at the lake, dipping your feet into the water, closing your eyes... that tiny little smile of happiness... You're most beautiful in the morning when you've just woken up, hair sticking up in all kinds of directions, eyes still halfway closed, because you need some more time to really wake up, but that tiny little smile you give me... It's the most beautiful thing in the world.” By now, he'd cupped your cheek.
“You're just being silly,” you whispered, not pulling away from him, because you wanted to believe him, and while you knew that he wouldn't lie to you, a small part still doubted that he really meant all this. That it was just the poet in him speaking.
“Y/N...” he said, exasperated. “You really need me to spell it out for you?” He'd thought he'd made his intentions clear with his words, had displayed his feelings for you, but apparently it wasn't that obvious. Words didn't seem to do it right now, so he wrapped one arm around your middle to pull you against him, put his other hand on the back on your neck, before he leaned down to kiss you. A sweet kiss that still lingered on your lips long after his lips had left yours. A kiss with a promise of more.
He didn't pull away, no, he stayed close to you, leaning his forehead against yours, keeping his eyes closed to stay in the moment. He'd always thought he was good with words, but when it came to you, he apparently tended to talk more than he needed to and didn't say what had to be said.
“I guess what I was trying to say is that I'm in love with you.” There. The words were out and Jaskier felt like he could breathe properly again. He opened one eye, only to see you smiling at him. For a second, you pulled away, only to then wrap your arms around his neck and press your body to his. Close wasn't close enough in this moment. If this was a dream, something you'd conjured up because of all the thinking and worrying you'd done, you didn't want this dream to end.
“I feel the same way,” you whispered, easing the tension in his shoulders, because he had still been thinking that you might not feel the same way.
“I wasn't sure whether to tell you or not as to not destroy the friendship we have, but -”
“Just shut up and kiss me, bard,” you interrupted him, pulling him down for another kiss. This one still sweet, but more passionate, now that you knew that you both were feeling the same way. His hands an your waist tightening their hold as you deepened the kiss. It was everything you'd wanted and more.
“Excuse me!” you heard someone say in a loud voice, making you pull away from Jaskier, who didn't really want to break the kiss, but one of you had to be reasonable. Your breath was ragged, your lips red from his kiss, but the man's attention wasn't focused on you, when you looked his way. He was looking at Jaskier, who in turn couldn't tear his eyes away from you.
“You're expected to sing another couple of songs, bard.”
“Yeah...” Jaskier said, waving at him. “Just a moment, and I'll be there.”
Rolling his eyes, the man disappeared again.
“So... where were we?” Jaskier asked with a cheeky grin on his lips, looking down at you, his hands now on your back keeping you in place. Needless to say, you had to be interrupted a second time until Jaskier was finally giving in and went back inside with you. After all, he was being paid to play here, but after that, you had all the time in the world.
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jjuzoir · 4 years
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Azami, Taichi, Masumi and Juza with a clingy and affectionate S/O
request: “hi! can i request hcs of azami, taichi, masumi, and juza with a s/o that is clingy and affectionate?” from anon
a/n: hi anon^^ this request was so cute, i really enjoyed working on it;; thank you sm for requesting! since it’s so long and over 1k Taichi, Masumi nd Juza are below the “read more”!!
Word Count: 2125
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— Azami
- With him... he’s okay with you being emotionally affectionate; he actually finds it kind of cute. Seeing the person he likes fuss over him and get excited, it’s one of the few times you’ll see his guard almost completely down.
- While he might deny it if outright stated, Azami is affection-starved and he didn’t really know it until you two started dating. He unknowingly sponges up all the love you give him and he doesn’t even realize the effect you have had on him until Shifuto calls him out on it, he’ll get flustered and deny it but the next time you’re together and he sees how you’re with him and processes how you make him feel and how nice it is... he can’t help the soft blush that tints his cheeks.
- He may find it embarrassing though, especially if you’re super blunt about it too - it always catches him off guard and it may lead to some teasing if you’re both alone. Don’t get him wrong though, he grows to love it a lot. He’s just not used to it and his response might be kind of stiff or may come off as him scolding you or joking, but the look of shyness and appreciation in his eyes gives him away.
- In the clingy aspect, at first he might find it bothersome, I won’t lie, but eventually your presence kind of becomes reassuring to him. It’s something he’ll need a lot of warming up to but eventually he does come to appreciate it, though it is in his nature to want to be alone every once in a while - so he might need you to step back every so often.
- The one thing he might get weirded out by is physical touch, he’d been taught that it’s something only married couples do (like: hand holding, hugging, k-kissing and stuff!) so if you’re more of a physical lover he’ll probably oppose many things at first, sorry!
- Eventually, with some time and coordination (and tons of patience) he might warm up to holding hands, mainly pinkies, and hugs. Kissing is still too much for him, and even a little peck to his hand has him blushing and stuttering, calling you a perv but he can’t hide the small smile that crawls onto his features when he looks over the area you kissed later that night. I will warn you that this stage will need a lot of work from both you and him, a lot of reassurance and understanding from your part, to get to - and he still might be kind of reserved. And depending on how much your physical affection matters, it could even put a strain in your relationship.
- Overall, Azami kind of grows fond of how clingy and affectionate you might be, especially since he often felt extremely lonely when he was younger, he’s still highly aware of what is and isn’t in his comfort zone and he isn’t afraid to let you know, don’t expect him to be very affectionate or touchy either, - but as more time goes on, he becomes more open to more types of affection.
- To him, though, he probably enjoys being able to have you around him, you’re special to him and while it is new he isn’t completely against adapting.
–– Taichi
- Oh god, he’s exactly like you! He was always kind of worried he was going to be a bit much in a relationship but after he realizes your love languages are kind of similar he’s ecstatic!
- Nano himself can be clingy, so you being clingy too really isn’t a problem at all. In his case, he’s always wanted a S/O who could make him feel cool and who he could be cool for, like he wanted someone he could protect and be there with, you know? And having you be so affectionate with him really makes him feel cool and appreciated.
- He’d been afraid that maybe his attitude might’ve been to much, he’d been told he was always so extra and loud with him emotions he was afraid it might end up creating an uncomfortable situation, Taichi is the type of person who doesn’t really like keeping his feelings bottled up (unless he deems that it may end up worsening or badly affecting the situation), and he wants to be honest with his S/O.
- So you being clingy really couldn’t be better, in a way Taichi wants to be wanted, he’d been ignored for so long that the idea that the person he likes doesn’t only like him back (to the point you’re actually in a relationship with him, something he might struggle understanding sometimes) but also enjoys his company so much they go out of their way to be with him? He might tear up a bit as he realizes you care about him so much.
- So he really doesn’t mind, if anything I can see it actively benefiting the relationship!
- Much like Azami, he absolutely absorbs all the affection you give him - it’s almost like an energy boost to him. Things like little cheek kisses or simple words of encouragement really get him pumped up, his favorite energizer would be you calling him cool.
- If you’re a physical lover, Taichi would probably short circuit, honestly, your touch - no matter how small - really ends up flustering him; he loves it, don’t get him wrong, but it’s the sort of thing he won’t get used to it no matter what or how long you’ve been together.
- Since you’re so similar in expressing yourselves, you’d actually kind of be reassuring Taichi things were going well. He really values and needs reassurance often, and it may sound annoying on paper but keep in mind he’s been ignored and pushed aside most of his life while all he wanted was to be likes, so having you be so clear - making your feelings known to him like that, in a way he really can’t deny their existence really makes him feel safe and loves. And really, that’s all he’s ever wanted. Not that he wouldn’t feel safe if you weren’t, but this type of approach is the one that Taichi is more responsive to. He can’t bring himself to doubt you knowing how upfront you are about your feelings, there’s always been a small voice in his head telling him he’s not good enough and being with you leaves him with no choice but to understand you actually love him and you won’t leave him behind.
- You really won’t ever catch him not smiling when it comes to you, just your presence alone makes him smile, especially when he knows you enjoy it too!
- Overall, he really won’t mind - it’s actually the sort of attitude that would make him feel safe and loved in a relationship. Nano really couldn’t realistically want more in a relationship.
— Masumi
- He’s naturally always melting like ice cream every time you’re near, but with how affectionate you are? He’s always a little puddle of mush on the floor.
- Much like the other two, Masumi is affection starved to the absolute max; with his parents always abroad and his grandma only being able to do so much, he can’t help but swallow every piece of attention and love thrown his way.
- It’s kind of sad, in a way, how dependent Masumi becomes of you. Your behavior is everything he ever wanted in his life, and knowing that you of all people are the one who’s supplementing the affection he so desperately wants makes him oddly emotional.
- It really wouldn’t be uncommon for him to
- He couldn’t be happier that you’re clingy, as he himself is nothing short of it either, having you around keeps Masumi energized and determined to do better. While he naturally strives to become better, knowing you’re there makes that desire tenfold. If it was up to him, you’d probably be joined by the hip forever.
- Masumi is really reliant on you when he’s feeling down, he might not show it much (and when he does it often sounds silly and people tend to laugh it off) but he’s a highly emotional kid, more often than not he finds himself feeling alone and scared, and it’s during these moments he’s grown to need you the most.
- Even simple things mean the world to him. He remembers everything, even small actions like holding your hand while walking down the street or you telling him you love him while you’re watching a movie together, you might not even realize how much all of that means to him and honestly, he couldn’t be happier if he tried.
- He’s absolutely whipped, he’d be more than happy to have you there with him forever.  There really is no way to win against him, though, no matter how clingy you think you are he always finds a way to be clingier.
- He’s a natural romantic too, so even if you don’t really expect it, get ready for him to outdo you with his gestures; they might be ridiculous even for your standards but just know he’s doing his best and this is genuinely how he thinks things work.
- You’d be the couple that’s always holding hands and hugging, it’s so cheesy everyone is jealous of how in love you two are (Tsuzuru might have written a couple of romance scripts based on you two that got called out for being too cheesy by Masumi himself and no one had the heart to tell him it was literally based on him and you).
- Overall, he couldn’t be happier - Masumi loves you and the way you express yourself in the relationship and he is so, so thankful for everything, even the small things, he can’t think of anything he’d want more in the world than be with you.
— Juza
- He gets so shy, oh my god… he can’t help but ask you if you’re sure you want to be so lovey dovey with him.
- For a very long time he won’t understand why you’d want to be so openly affectionate with him, aren’t you afraid of being seen with him and someone getting the wrong impression?
- Keep in mind this is probably also Juza’s first relationship so please be patient with him, though, while he definitely loves it he needs time to get used to it (he doesn’t take as long as Azami but he isn’t as natural with it as Taichi).
- He’s very shy and kind of insecure when it comes to your relationship, but eventually he’ll get used to the fact you do love him and you do want to be with him and that you don’t intend on leaving him; Please assure him he’s not some sort of scary guy.
- While he does enjoy having you cling to him, something he often finds cute and endearing (which leads to Banri making fun of him and the two fighting) he’s a total goner for sweet words and actions.
- Especially things like holding his pinkie or tracing patterns on his hand he melts, he’s gone - you’re too sweet even for him.
- Juza isn’t used to affection or touch, so having someone like you is a very big change from what he’s used to.
- He’s totally stiff at first but he’d also like, hold your hand a bit tighter if you tried pulling away. He enjoys it but he doesn’t know what to do about it, to many people’s amusement.
- So while he might be kind of awkward at first about it, he genuinely enjoys having someone caring like you around. Makes him feel loved and nice, you know?
- He’ll also try to return your affection in his own way, which mostly translates as him trying to take care of you via protecting you from harm/people (Banri) or giving you sweets or food that reminds him of you.
- It’s very cute to see though, how such a scary looking guy seems to turn into a puddle of mush and love whenever you come and hug him; it’s a sight for sore eyes, really.
- He’s not a very talkative guy but if you stick to him enough he’ll definitely start opening up faster, think of it as speedrunning that aspect of your relationship if you will.
- He might not say it often because he’s scared he’ll sound creepy but he genuinely loves the way you are so much, it makes him feel small in a weird way but also loved. You definitely become a calming, almost down to earth presence in Juza’s life.
- While he may not be too vocal about his fondness, he quickly grows to love how much love you seem to have for him, with you becoming a rock for him to settle on when he’s feeling down. Juza really, really just loves the way you are a lot.
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ramzawrites · 3 years
Ah right sorry! I dont know how but my brain was like 'yes discord is exists in minecraft'- Yes of course I dont mind! You can do whatever you want with the request :) Good im happy to hear that! And Thank you!
Original Request: Could I request a shy and quiet reader forgetting they're on a discord call and starts to sing a song that they are listening to? and whoever is on call with them joins in? maybe with Tommy, Wilbur and some other characters you want to write for :)
Remember to eat and drink water!
Secret Singing - Reader Insert
Pairings: none stated but can be read as Wilbur x Reader
Characters included: Wilbur, Tommy, Jack Manifold
Warnings: n/a
Series: a request <3
Summary: Wilbur was busy, but not busy enough to help Y/N set up their workspace at their favorite spot! Going off to fulfill his own errands only to come back to a nice and beautiful tune in the air. 
Words count: 2125
Authors Note: Lmao you are valid, I mean after all skype is canon in the dsmp 💔 Skype my abhorred 💔
Also adhd went brrr again, I tried looking over it a ton but there might still be a few mistakes!
“Oh, wow! Need any help with that, Y/N? That’s a lot of wool you got there!” Wilbur was running through L’Manberg to deal with some errands but stopped in his tracks, having to do a double take as he just saw a mountain of blue wool on legs walk towards his direction. Only then did he notice that it was Y/N who was holding on to a basket with the wool in their arms.
With a concentrated expression Y/N turned around a bit so they could look at him. Pieces of loose wool was laying in their hair or was stuck on their flushed face “Oh! Didn’t see you there! And it’s alright! I’m just getting it over to my bench!”
With their bench they meant the wooden bench they set up themself next to a small pond. They loved working close by it hence the bench to make it a bit more comfortable. It was also still a minute or two off and with the way Y/N was already struggling with the basket, Wilbur couldn’t just stand and watch. How could he hope to be a proper president when he didn’t help people who clearly needed it?
He shook his head with a fond smile on his face, stepping closer to grab the basket from them “Nope, let me help you. Not taking no for an answer.”
Y/N let out a few weak protests but ended up just pushing it into his arms, not wanting to accidentally spill the freshly treated wool unto the ground.
“Hey, um, be- bend down a little, Wil.” their voice weak and wavering like usual. Their shyness getting ahold of them again.
Not even thinking about why they asked this of him, he obliged. They then scoped up the top of the soft mountain so Wilbur had actually a chance to look across. He might be tall but that didn’t help when you held something big in your own arms.
With a soft satisfied smile they begun moving again and for a second Wilbur just stared as he readjusted his grip on the surprisingly heavy basket that Y/N probably made themself. Following after them and making sure that no stray pieces of wool would fall off.
“So, what’s all the blue wool for?” he asked.
For some reason this seemed to amuse Y/N “Well, a lot of our clothes use blue wool. The flag as well! I need some blue thread to either stitch some more flags down on clothing or when repairing them. Same for the flags flying about. General stitching. Besides can’t hurt to have some extra, might even sell some!”
In hindsight this made sense. When this whole L’Manberg situation started out Y/N offered to help stitch together their torn clothes. Over time they got really good at it and nowadays they have kind of turned into the resident seamstress.
Wilbur once apologized for pushing them into this profession only for them to vehemently shake their head “No! It’s fine! I- I enjoy it! It, uh, it also gives me something else to do than worry about our existence.”
He couldn’t argue with that. It was something that he lacked. Everything he did was dedicated to this new nation after all and he would lie, and he did, if this didn’t take a bit of a toll on him sometimes.
Once they arrived at the bench, Wilbur softly placed down the wool next to the seating area as Y/N carefully returned the extra wool back on top. They then sat down on the bench while taking out their tools out of their inventory to turn the wool into yarn or thread.
It wasn’t unusual finding them working here, especially when the weather was playing nice. Often enough sitting together with other people in sometimes comfortable silence or happy chatter. Either making thread, stitching or whatever work they had to do and could do outside.
“Thank you, Wilbur! I’m sure you are busy so I won’t keep you longer but you are welcome to join me if you are done with work before me.”
Wilbur picked some of the stray wool off his uniform and sighed, not particularly looking forward to the work “Yeah. I’ll come around if I can. I’m going to meet up with Tommy in a bit so he might join as well, not sure though.”
Y/N nervously chuckled “Yeah, don’t worry. I know.”
They then begun to set up their tools to start working. Not even looking after Wilbur who begun walking off again in a snail’s pace. He really wasn’t looking forward to his work at the moment but alas it was very important.
It took a bit, but he soon arrived at the building he and Tommy set up as something of a headquarter. It was basically just a room covered in maps, scrapped ideas, plans and a few weapon and armor pieces.
Tommy was already waiting inside for him. He looked a bit annoyed with his arms in front of his chest. Before he could complain to him though Wilbur already threw his arm around Tommy and led him to his latest sketched out plan for L’Manburg. Trying to distract him with work.
They were mostly discussing how to ensure the safety of the new nation and how to create a functioning system inside that would ensure that everything inside would move along smoothly.
Hours passed as they schemed and begun setting a few safety measures up or helped the residents of L’Manberg where they could. Jack Manifold later joined them as well. Helping and even offering ideas of his own to incorporate.
“I think that is all we can do for today. I’m getting seriously tired.” Jack sighed, cleaning the dust off his hands on his own clothes.
“You’re going home?” Tommy asked.
Jack crossed his arms, his eyes wandered off to the side behind his mismatched glasses as he thought for a second “Mh, I was hoping we could hang a bit, you know, outside of work. Haven’t done that in a while.”
“Oh! I promised to maybe spend some time with Y/N if they are still at their pond!” Wilbur suddenly exclaimed, remembering the exchange from a few hours ago.
A happy smile appeared on Jack’s face “Let’s go together then! I haven’t seen them in a while, and it’s been even longer that I hung out with them while they worked. It’s always very calming for some reason.” The last part he muttered but Wilbur caught it.
He wasn’t the only one who thought like this. Most of the people in L’Manberg were drawn to them especially in this chaotic time. It was nice having someone like that around.
“Guess I’ll come with you.” Tommy suddenly exclaimed, pulling Wilbur back out of his thoughts.
“You sure?”
“Yeah, why not. I need to ask them to look at my coat anyhow.”
With that the group begun moving, it was slowly getting darker, but it was still warm outside, so if they were lucky, Y/N was still out.
They were chatting about what they were planning to do next or in Jack’s and Tommy’s case what they have been up to only for them to get interrupted by a tune that the wind carried over to them.
A bit surprised Wilbur looked at the others, hoping to see if they too hear it and true enough, they seemed to be just as surprised as them. Someone was singing but he has never heard a voice like this.
Frankly, it was beautiful.
The tune was sounding sad and yet the lyrics that accompanied it were hopeful. Wishing for peace in a time of turmoil. Promises of a better time filled with a deep love via the voice.
It was a song that none of them ever have ever heard. An original song perhaps?
But what really surprised them was from what direction the music came from.
It came from the pond. From Y/N’s bench.
Almost as if they were worried to scare away a wild animal, they begun to sneak towards said pond. Staying off the path and taking a wild berth. Hiding behind the trees, trying to avoid that if their hunch were right, that Y/N wouldn’t see them approaching.
Wilbur pressed his index finger against his pursed lips as they got closer, motioning for the others to keep quiet. To which Tommy just rolled his eyes, seeing how this was obvious.
Jack slowly moved around the tree and there he saw it.
Y/N was sitting on the bench, their legs crossed with a piece of fabric in their hands that they seemed to stich another L’Manburg flag into. Slowly moving their head from one side to the next to the rhythm of the song.
Wilbur followed suit, using his superior height to peak his head out above Jack while Tommy crouched down to do the same.
They were still intently staring at their handiwork, pushing the nail and thread into the cloth only to pull it out again. Their mouth turned into a happy little smile as they sang this hopefully hymn.
“Wow, I didn’t think they could sing like that.” Jack whispered, looking up to Wilbur.
He nodded, his eyes continuing to rest on Y/N’s happy expression “Yeah. It’s beautiful.”
“I guess it’s fine.” Tommy just whispered back. Of course, he still had to put on his cool dude persona.
Wilbur flicked Tommy’s head “Just say for once what you really think!” He still made sure to keep his voice down, not having heard enough of the song and Y/N’s voice yet.
Tommy scowled and jumped back so he was standing at his full height again “What do you mean? I say what I think! The hell are you talking about!” He tried to keep his voice down but at the end he got louder which made Wilbur panic and clasp his hand around Tommy’s mouth.
Though Tommy saw this coming and dodged out of the way by ducking, resulting in Wilbur to fall over. Crashing into Tommy and pushing him onto the ground, both of them letting out a startled yell.
The singing immediately stopped.
“Ah! Look what you have done!” Jack whined, helping the two reluctantly up.
“Well, if Tommy would have shut his mouth!”
“You attacked me!”
“I did not! I was trying to shut you up!”
“Guys?” a soft and unsure voice broke through their argument.
All three men slowly turned around to see Y/N clutching the piece of cloth they had been working on close to their chest. Avoiding any eye contact. Their face covered in a deep blush. Chewing on their lower lip.
“Are you okay? I- I heard a thud and- I just- I wanted to make sure-“ they stammered.
Tommy seemed to be confused at that “What? No. You were singing though, right Y/N?” Getting straight to the point apparently.
“Tommy!” Both Jack and Wilbur yelled out in outrage.
Y/N’s eyes widened, and they moved the cloth up to their face. Effectively hiding behind it “No. I- uh. I’m sorry?”
“What are you sorry for? Your voice is amazing! Why haven’t you told us you can sing?” Wilbur stepped closer. His eyes wide as well but in amazement.
Though Y/N seemed to cower down even more the closer he got “Because- Because I can’t. Please just forget about it.”
Wilbur wanted to know more, hear more of their singing but they seemed panicked. Hiding away and trying to clearly get out of the situation and he had to take a step back. Guilt welling up in him.
“I’m sorry. We just heard your song, and it was beautiful. I have never heard this song. I guess we got enamored by it especially since your singing was really amazing.”
Jack put his hand on Wilbur’s shoulder and pushed him back a few steps “Come on let’s drop it. They are clearly uncomfortable. I’m sorry Y/N.” He then begun pulling Wilbur along, grabbing Tommy in the process as well who just yanked his arm away from him stating he could walk good enough on his own.
He immediately turned around again to see the nervous Y/N with a determined expression on their face. The cloth now back down.
“The song! I mean, uh, my parent taught me that song when I was a child. Apparently, they wrote it.”
“It’s a really beautiful one. Your parent must be very talented. If you feel ever more comfortable enough I would love to hear the full song.”
Y/N took a deep breath in “I know how to play it on guitar and keyboard? I could, uh, you know. Teach it to you?”
Wilbur’s smile returned to his face “Sounds like a plan.”
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saray0524 · 4 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: NWOT Mirror Image CAFTAN Tie Dye MULTI-colored, Sleeves, pockets 100% Polyester.
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hadeschan · 5 months
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item # N15B25
Rian Sema Luang Phu Tuad, Phor Than Chin, Wat Mueang Yala, Chop Thong Satin, Longya Rachawadee, Si Tong Châat, Lang Pra Chiang Sean, Roon Si-sip-ha Pee Wat Mueang Yala. A mint copper coin in a shape of a temple boundary marker stone tablet with an effigy of a meditating Pra Bodhisattva Luang Phu Tuad. In the back is with an effigy of Pra Chaing Saen, the Principle Buddha Statue of the temple of Wat Mueang Yala. The amulet is with sandblast gold fill, and Thailand flag enamel colors. Made to commemorate 45th Anniversary of Wat Mueang Yala. Made by Phor Than Chin of Wat Mueang Yala, Yala Province in BE 2547 (CE 2004).
BEST FOR: Pra Bodhisattva Luang Phu Tuad brings safety, happiness, wealth & prosperity and longevity. It brings protection in all directions from all upcoming danger, injury, and misfortune. Luang Phu Tuad could change your life for the better, Klawklad Plodpai (it brings safety, and pushes you away from all danger), Kongkraphan (it makes you invulnerable to all weapon attack), Nang Nieow, a rock-hard skin that is completely impervious to damage with bludgeoning or piercing weapons. Maha-ut (it stops gun from shooting at you), Metta Maha Niyom (it helps bring loving, caring, and kindness, and compassion from people all around you to you), Maha Larp (it brings Lucky Wealth / wealth fetching), and Kaa Kaai Dee (it helps tempt your customers to buy whatever you are selling, and it helps attract new customers and then keep them coming back. Ponggan Poot-pee pee-saat Kunsai Mondam Sat Meepit (it helps ward off evil spirit, demon, bad ghost, bad omen, bad spell, curse, black magic, and poisonous animals). And this amulet helps protect you from manipulators, backstabbers, and toxic people.
In Thailand, Luang Phu Tuad amulet is believed to be a “Pra Nirantarai” means Luang Phu Tuad will push you away from all danger!
It was certified by Por Tek Tung Charitable Foundation who help the injured and to collect the dead bodies at the scenes of road accident in Bangkok that they NEVER find people who were killed by road accident have Luang Phu Tuad amulets.
The Astonishing Miracle Incident
The BE 2550 roadside bombing, a bomb exploded at a road side in the Muang District of Narathiwat Province while a van of a Lady who acted as Her Majesty's representative to participate in the ceremony there, and that Lady was safe, and she was wearing Pra Luang Phu Tuad amulet, Roon Si-sip-ha Pee Wat Mueang Yala of Phor Than Chîn…
Luang Pu Thuat (Thai: หลวงปู่ทวด; 1582-1682 CE, 2125-2225 BE) was a Buddhist monk, born in Dee Luang sub-district, Sathing Phra district, Songkhla, Thailand. He is a revered Buddhist monk who lived in Siam and is said to have performed miracles.
Luang Pu Thuat is mentioned in the early regional histories of southern Thailand, but his life is mainly preserved in oral traditions. Stories of the famous monk were passed on by word of mouth for centuries. As a result, it is a mixture of Buddhist elements: early signs, alleged magic, travel, study, meditation, and eventual “sainthood.”
His movements throughout the southern Thai peninsula constitute a path of pilgrimage for many of his followers.
Luang Pu Thuat has also been said to have saved countless lives of people be it on the battlefield, armed robbery, or more with his sacred amulets.
DIMENSION: 3.40 cm high / 2.20 cm wide / 0.20 cm thick
item # N15B25
Price: price upon request, pls PM and/or email us [email protected]
Item location: Bangkok, Thailand
Ships to: Worldwide
Delivery: Estimated 7 days handling time after receipt of cleared payment. Please allow additional time if international delivery is subject to customs processing.
Shipping: FREE Thailandpost International registered mail. International items may be subject to customs processing and additional charges.
Payments: PayPal / Western Union / MoneyGram /maybank2u.com / DBS iBanking / Alipay / Wechat Pay / PromptPay International / PAYNOW
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giorno-plays-piano · 4 years
I LIVE for your exophilia Bucky and Steve fics, Drider/spider Bucky is my LIFE, if you could do centaur, naga or mermaid, please. I just love this so much!
Okay, it was supposed to be a short request, but it had somehow evolved into a oneshot. Thank you for this awesome idea!
Blood in the water
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Pairing: merman!Steve Rogers x Reader
Warnings: yandere, obsession, attempted kidnapping, non-grapic depiction of violence.
Words: 2125.
You had never truly believed in the existence of fantastic creatures despite all those rumors about mermaids living in the Triskelion sea. Sure, at some point people thought they shared the Earth with centaurs, sirens, griffons, and all those divine beasts, but you lived in the era of rapid scientific progress, Internet, and space-based technologies. No one in the right state of mind believed in fairies and unicorns.
However, you did like this little town: there was something charming in its narrow streets and a hundred years old buildings, lovely hydrangeas in flowerpots standing outside of the houses and small family cafes here and there. It was a nice place to have a vacation, especially after a crazy year in a big city where streets were always full of people, regardless of time.
You rented a nice little cottage close to the seashore for a month and were now enjoying your morning coffee, sitting on a wide wooden windowsill. The sun was barely up, and you smiled, wrapping a blanket around your bare shoulders. It was such a beautiful morning when the sky was a lovely shade of pink, the sea so unusually quiet. There definitely was something magical in it.
Watching the sea with your window open, you inhaled its smell deeply, closing your eyes. When you opened them in a second, you suddenly saw something glowing far away from you, on a small rock surrounded by water. Your eyes grew wide - it was not something, it was someone. It was a living being. You just saw its enormously huge scaly tail when the creature slipped back into the sea as if it knew you were watching it.
Oh dear.
You immediately left your half-emptied cup on the windowsill and jumped down, hurrying to the door while keeping the blanket wrapped around your shoulders. What was that? How huge was that fish? What could it even be? All those questions were making you speed up, and you rushed to the small pier right next to your cottage, hoping to catch a glimpse of the mysterious creature again.
But once you were standing on the wooden boards barefoot, shivering from the sudden cool sea breeze, the waters were quiet just like before, not a sound coming from that direction. The creature had disappeared as fast as it emerged, and you were staring at the dark waters again, thinking of whether you saw that enormous fish at all or was it some trick of the light. Maybe you really watched too many fantasy movies on Netflix yesterday. Smiling at the though, you fixed the blanket, covering yourself some more, and inhaled the cool morning air deeply. Whether or not there was a huge fish, it wasn’t really important. You didn’t know how to swim anyway and wouldn’t get into the water far.
When you went to the town to have lunch, you did ask the elderly lady serving customers whether there was some peculiar type of marine animal living in the waters of Triskelion sea, but she just smiled at you and asked you not to come too close to the shore at night.
“It’s not good you live so far from the town,” she said quickly before moving to the other table, gathering empty dishes.
Did she mean it was unsafe to be out of the house at night? Was there like a gang gathering close to the sea or something? You nervously nodded to her, growing a bit concerned. Your landlord didn’t tell you anything about that.
Well, in case of emergency you could barricade the door and call 911. The phone worked perfectly, you thought while walking the streets, buying nice little souvenirs for your friends and colleagues. You actually bought a baseball bat just in case.
Hurrying home before it got dark, you clenched the big bag with a takeout. You asked the girl behind the counter about being on the shore at night, and she confirmed it wasn’t wise. Unfortunately, she didn’t specify, and you thought that speaking of that gang aloud wasn’t appropriate. The girl was probably scared.
Damn, and there you thought it was a perfect quiet place, ideal for a lonely young woman. Was it really better to leave before you got into any real trouble?
Locking the door and closing the windows, you huffed, irritated neither the agency nor your landlord mentioned this to you. It was unfair and even illegal to do business like that. Thinking whether to call your friends to ask for an advice, you sat in the kitchen, unpacking the amazing carbonara that was still warm and smelled heavenly. Well, it least the cafes here were absolutely awesome.
Once you finished your meal and were drinking tea with milk, still sitting in the kitchen - now you were a little afraid of sitting on the windowsill with an open window where anyone could see you - you suddenly heard some noise from the outside. It was a loud sound of fins crushing the water surface. Was it that odd giant fish again? Still, you were aware of danger of being outside late in the evening, so you simply stayed inside the house.
But then you heard someone screaming.
“Please, help!” The voice was pleading, and you stood up quickly, grabbing your bat. “HELP!”
The next moment you were running to the sea shore with a life preserver in one hand and a bat in the other. Someone was drowning in the sea, and you couldn’t fucking swim. Blood rushed to your head when you saw a man tangled in a large fishing net attached to the pierce, and you immediately run to him, dropping to your knees.
“Please! I can’t-” He was fighting the ties binding him, almost screaming in hysterics when you approached him. “I can’t breathe! HELP!”
In complete darkness when the only source of light was the moon shining high up into the sky, you were struggling to see how the man literally wrapped in the net, striking about in the water like a stranded fish. When you got close, throwing your hands to the stranger, he jumped at you right away, leaning closer and trying to climb to the pier. He almost made you fall into the water, but you managed to grab wooden pole with one hand and stand on your knees.
“I’m here! Wait, wait!” You were hurriedly grasping the net, seeing literally nothing in the dark. “I’ll help!”
You could hear the stranger crying, his huge figure shaking terribly, and rushed to tug on the ties, desperately trying to untangle him. You spent a few minutes like that before you had finally freed him, pulling the net up and throwing it on a wooden boards - it was so big you could literally cover the whole pier with it. How did it end up here?
Deadly tired from all the pulling, you gave the stranger your hand again to drag him to the pier, but suddenly he moved away from your arm. He was neither crying not screaming anymore, strangely silent, and you stared at his handsome face, still red from tears. How come? He was able to swim, wasn’t he? Breathing hard from all the struggle, you blinked, wiping the sweat from your forehead.
“Thank you,” the man finally said, coming closer again, and you realized there was something huge in the water right beneath him - you saw an enormous scale tail gleaming in the sea when the moonlight illuminated the waters.
It wasn’t some fish. It was the man’s tail. You saw the scales covering his hips when he got up, getting on the pier where you sat. Instinctively, you crawled back, both charmed and horrified with what you were seeing.
Dear god, he was a merman.
While you stared at him, opening your mouth as if it were you who was suffocating, the man smiled widely, watching you gawk at him. He wasn’t concerned at all, flashing his tail carelessly. “Thank you for saving me, human woman. You are truly fearless.”
Well, you weren’t so sure anymore, gazing at the unbearably handsome merman whose voice was so deep and silky it could drive any girl crazy. You were still scared of him though, knowing little whether he wanted to thank or hurt you - you even read some tales where mermaids were eager to eat sailors if they stumbled upon them in the sea.
But he looked so magnificent. His clear blue eyes were shining bright in the darkness, cheeks a lovely shade of pink, hair like a pure gold in the moonlight. His shoulders were wide, and you could see he was athletically built with his tufty, solid arms. Besides, how could a man with a smile as kind as his be a threat to you, the one who had saved him from the net? Reluctantly at first, you slowly got closer to him, watching his cheerful face. He was happy you weren’t afraid of him.
“What is your name?” He asked, suddenly getting closer so you ended up nose to nose with him.
The merman smelled like salt and seaweed, and when he wrapped his long fingers around your wrist, you whispered nervously, “Y/N.”
“I am Steven.” He grinned at you, rubbing the tip of your nose with his wet one. “I will be forever in your debt.”
“B-but how did you end up in the net? I’ve never heard of people fishing here.” You mumbled, your face flooding with embarrassment at being so close to the handsome stranger.
“Oh, they don’t fish. They try to catch us, the merfolk.”
His gaze turned sad as he touched your cheek with his nose and backed away, getting into water again while you crawled closer to him. So, that was it. That’s why they didn’t want you on the shore late in the evening - they were starting the mermaids hunt. God, how could they? Why did they try to harm these gorgeous creatures, unmistakably as intelligent as people were?
You felt sorry for the man, bending over to him as he stared into your face, still smiling. Gently cupping your cheeks with his wet palms, he rose up to give you a quick peck on the lips, apparently, having very little shame to do it to someone he only met a couple of minutes ago. Feeling terribly embarrassed, you thought that maybe it was merfolk’s way to thank someone and just nodded.
“Are you going to be okay, Steven?” You asked him, barely realizing you were leaning closer and closer to him while he kept getting down in the water.
“Yes.” He answered barely audible, kissing you again while gently touching your hair. “Come closer, love.”
You went even deeper, enchanted by his lovely voice.
You didn’t realize the merman was luring you into the water until he pulled your face down, and your head ended up in the sea. As you opened your mouth, the water rushed inside it, and you were quickly becoming suffocated. But was scaring you more than drowning was the face of the most handsome man you had ever seen - the sclera became dark, making his eyes looking extraterrestrial, frightening. The next second you saw Steve opening his toothy mouth, and the world turned pitch black.
The pain shooting through your neck made you scream, gulping down salty sea water, and you fell down from the pier completely. You couldn’t breathe, kicking and fighting and struggling in merman’s arms until he let go of you, and you immediately grabbed the life preserver that fell into the water along with you. Keeping kicking furiously to keep Steve away, you clenched the wooden pole.
You didn’t know how you managed to pull up, getting back to the pier while merman was hissing something behind your back, trying to get closer to you. Despite you had no strength left, you were crawling to the shore on your knees, crying from the pain - blood was still seeping from your neck.
“You can’t get away from me!” Steve grinned wickedly, shouting to you. “I’ve marked you, love! You won’t have a mate other than me!”
Deaf to his shouts, you kept crawling until you felt the ground beneath your palms.
What did you know about the merfolk living in the Triskelion sea? Why didn’t you think it was them who were hunting people, luring innocent souls into the water with their pleas and crying? Of course, you didn’t know it was the mating season, and the mark Steve left on your neck would never fade away, scarring your gentle skin.
Why didn’t you leave the town, knowing you were in danger? Now you were bound to him, the cold, merciless creature who would stop at nothing to have you.
Tags: @finleyjayne @alexakeyloveloki   ​@helenaeisenhower @villanellevi @hurricanerin ​@void-hoechlin @abyssaint @heeeyitskay @chris-evans-indian-fanfic @navegandoaciegas @rosalynshields @brattycherubwrites @sllooney @angrythingstarlight @lovelydarkdaydream @soleil-dor @lookiamtrying @buckysbunny
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