#resident: tenten
hotelofheroines · 7 months
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She's just sitting around the lobby, playing on her flute when she sees a familiar headband, even if it's a hidden leaf one, the hairstyle is kind of cute too, though she'd never admit it out loud. Tayuya eventually stops playing, winking at Tenten "Take it easy leafy. I swear I'll be on my best behavior here. Sides, I'm only here for some fun."
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"Good, I guess. I'm here on vacation and I wouldn't want that disturbed. Plus, the hotel is supposed to be neutral ground anyway. Just don't expect me to buy you a drink just 'cause we're acting friendly." Tenten was clearly suspicious and standoffish, but there was definitely some curiosity underneath her stubbornness.
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kakashixhatakesxwhore · 4 months
Konoha 11, rate them from the absolute worst at kissing (slobber, waaaay too much tongue, etc.) to GOD TIER. The kind of kisses that make you wanna worship the ground they walk on.
yurrr lets do it - love you whoever requested this one too!! - Boruto era for all, of course, idgaf we're just kissing
Kissing Tier List
Notes: i didn't even swear!!! also, barebone explanations, but this is still about kissing so i'll throw down a cut just 'cause.
11. Lee 🪙
Tongue flicking and darting and shoving it down your throat - he's too excited every time.
10. Kiba 🪙
Wet, hot, slobbery kisses await our Kiba-Lovers.
9. Choji 🪙
He's not the kissing type, much better for a peck.
8. Hinata 🪩
Not much reciprocation from our resident pillow princess.
7. Tenten 🪩
Terribly shy in her kisses and needs a little while to hit her groove.
6. Shino 🪩
Hasn't had much practice, but he's not bad once he gets it.
5. Naruto 🔮
He's great for tongue-less kisses but is kinda spitty otherwise.
4. Neji 🔮
Now here's one suave mother[lover] - he had to get some practice in, but he's as good as gold
🥉 Ino
Whew - she's got grace, and is so polite with it, while still taking some command in the kiss.
🥈 Sakura
Seriously, could only be described as the kiss of an angel, do not play with me rn. Delicate, yet so full of strong emotion.
🥇 Shikamaru
Not a soul is surprised!! But!! Facts are just facts!!
He's got the French Kiss in a deathgrip, and his passing smooches are to kill for. Shikamaru knows he's a magnificent kisser, and will always give you a kiss if you ask nicely enough.
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animeomegas · 2 years
Omega!Neji x Alpha!Reader - Yours.
Congratulations to Neji as the winner of my first poll! (Also shout out to the literal two other people that voted for Kankuro with me XD) As promised, here is a Neji x reader wedding drabble. Enjoy~
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Word count: 1.2k
Warnings: Mentions of alcohol and both reader and Neji having consumed some. Suggestive content but nothing explicit.
It was almost 01:30 when the last of your guests stumbled off home, and 02:00 before you and Neji were able to start the short journey from the centre of your clan’s small compound where the wedding had been held, to the northern edge where your house resided.
As the cool air caressed your heated cheeks, you were grateful that the walk would be short; the alcohol, euphoria and exhaustion was mixing in a way that made you want to sit down. Even Neji, arguably the most graceful person you knew, was stumbling a little as he walked, leaning heavily on the arm you had linked with his.
Neji. Your husband. Yours. Just thinking that had a giddy laugh bubbling up.
“What are you laughing about?” Neji asked, his voice sounding a little breathless.
You slowed down and turned to face him properly, enchanted by the way the moonlight seemed to seep into his skin. The elaborate bun that his hair was styled in was looser than it had been this (technically yesterday) morning, with more strands than intended framing his face. A part of Tenten’s speech automatically came to mind.
“Neji insisted he wasn’t nervous, and that the date would probably be mediocre, but no one spends three hours and uses two hair masks before meeting up with someone they don’t care about,” Tenten had said, recounting the morning before yours and Neji’s first date.
“How beautiful you are,” you said, clumsily pecking him on the cheek. “Did I tell you how much I love your hair?”
“Once or twice,” he snorted, pulling on your linked arms to encourage you to start moving again.
“And the way you wore my clan’s traditional wedding kimono, I wasn’t expecting that,” you said. Honestly, you had almost cried and got a bit too horny at the same time which had been a unique experience. “I feel bad for every other clan marriage in the near future, because none of the omegas will be able to pull it off like you did. You look like an ethereal spirit in pastel green.”
“Personally, I feel sorry for the alphas; they will never be able to compete with you, to look as striking, to say better vows, to kiss their omegas the way you kissed me,” Neji’s voice trailed off quietly as he spoke, perhaps remembering the kiss.
“I know they will be happy forever,” Lee had said with a startling amount of sincerity during his speech. “Because I have never met any pair whose passion has burned as brightly! My rival and I have competed many times, but in matters of love, I will have to concede for the moment, because he has truly chosen a special alpha.”
The conversation fell silent for a moment. You tried to commit as much of this to memory as you could, focusing on the sound of the leaves rustling on the trees, the sight of the empty compound at night, the warmth and weight of Neji by your side. Perhaps slightly less romantic, you also noticed the way your feet ached, heard a few drunken mumblings from your guests also making their ways home, and spotted a wine stain on your top.
“We all saw how smitten y/n was during the vows, but what you didn’t see was all the terribly awkward pining that happened to get here,” Sakura had grinned at you during her speech, seemingly more than happy to horrifically embarrass you. “Like the time at Ichiraku’s ramen stand when I said Neji’s name and they smiled automatically, dribbling broth into their lap.”
Less romantic perhaps, but not imperfections, at least not to you; these were all signs that your day had been fun, and that was more important than anything. As your front door came into view, you were proud to say that you didn’t regret a single moment of your wedding day, and you told Neji as much.
“Surely it’s not over yet,” he replied, pulling your house key from kami knows where and unlocking the door. “There’s still so much we could do to make the last moments of the night… perfect.”
Your mouth dried up at the look he was giving you and you swallowed heavily. His lips were still stained slightly pink and you couldn’t draw your eyes away from them. How could one person be so beautiful?
“I’ll never forget the advice y/n gave to me before my fight with Neji at the chunin exams,” Naruto had said in his speech, winking at you when you had mouthed a violent threat because of what he was about to reveal. “They said ‘Try to aim for that stupidly beautiful face, pretty boys hate that’.”
“The things you do to me,” you muttered as Neji shut the front door and stepped right up until his chest was pressed against yours. It was common knowledge that Hyuuga had especially intoxicating scents, but the way Neji’s floral scent was filling your brain and clinging to your skin shouldn’t be possible.
“I’m more interested in the things you’ll be doing to me,” Neji’s whispered, his lips hovering about a centimetre away from yours.
There was so much pressure between you that you felt like it was burning you. It was building and building, and you didn’t know who would be the one to pop it first.
“But first,” Neji breathed, eyes fluttering closed.
Yours closed automatically, a heavy anticipation pressing on your chest.
“We both need a shower.”
Of course.
You had never showered so fast in your life, desperate to keep the whole endeavour less than ten minutes at all costs. Neji had showered first and taken much longer, but he had been disadvantaged in having to take off the elaborate wedding kimono, something you had done while he was showering.
Body? Done.
Hair? Done.
Teeth? Done.
Towel dry? Eh, good enough.
Eagerly, you wrapped the towel around you and stepped out into the hall, padding along the corridor until you reached your bedroom. A flash of excitement twisted in your stomach as you pushed open the door.
The sight that greeted you took a few moments to comprehend.
It was Neji, wearing only his short, silk dressing gown, the royal blue one that you loved so much, and laying on your bed. In many ways, it was a better sight than the one you had been using to motivate yourself in the shower. But it was also different.
Because Neji was asleep.
You crept over to him, arousal dropping into something fonder. Yep, he was asleep. His chest was rising and falling softly, lips ever so slightly parted and hair fanned out behind him like a dark halo. The sight of your new husband sleeping so peacefully suddenly filled you with so much emotion that it was difficult to bear. You gently brushed a stand of hair out of his face.
No matter, you decided, dropping the towel and changing into pyjamas, you had two weeks of honeymoon starting tomorrow and you would more than make up for tonight.
Once you were changed, you slid Neji under the covers before joining him, and with one final glance at the clock that proudly proclaimed it to be 03:37, you turned off the light and let all the positive feelings, new memories and the presence of your new husband lead you to sleep.
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natiyrm · 1 year
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Dysfunctional Neji and Tenten commissioned from @bunspunabitch (twi)
1. I’ve always wondered if Neji was punished by the main family after beating up Hinata in the first chūnin exam
2. I NEED to see Tenten battle and conquer (and play with) the evil spirits residing in the six sage weapons you cannot change my mind🤪
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canonsinthehead · 29 days
(Repost) Naruto/Boruto Headcanon: Chocolate Flavored Potato Chips, The Marriage of Karui & Chouji pt.5 - THE MEAL
After the mood settled and people were firmly in their assigned seats (including the bridesmaids & groomsmen), Killer Bee approached the microphone.
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“We know it was hot, but it's not the time to cool down yet, my lovely people.’’ Still following tradition in Kumo, it’s time to decide which table will be served first. This option was available to EVERYONE present, but there was one condition.
Each table must play a game of UNO among themselves, and the winner of each table will then move to the (newly installed) round table in the middle of the dancefloor. All winners will play against each other in many elimination rounds until the final winner is revealed, it allows the table he originally resided on to be served first (meaning AT THE SAME TIME as Karui & Chouji table)
“This is childish’’ commented Neji as he saw how seriously people acted about this part of the event. Some started inhaling air obnoxiously or doing stretches. Next to him, Lee was burning with passion
“I’M READY TO DELIVER!!!’’ roared Lee, eyes burning with fire.
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Each table received a fresh deck of UNO cards. Waiting for the signal to begin, Shisui started to mix them diligently. A heavy silence seized the Uchiha table. Sasuke, lost in his thoughts, started frowning at the situation. Itachi noticed the anger slowly eating his little brother and smiled.
“What’s going on Sasuke, you don’t know how to play uno?’’ he asked gently smiling. Madara and Obito chuckled knowing the answer.
“OF COURSE I KNOW HOW TO PLAY UNO!” screamed Sasuke causing a bunch of eyes to turn to him. “I’M BETTER THAN YOU AT IT THAN YOU ITACHI!!!!’’ He doesn’t know what took him to act so carelessly maybe to hide his embarrassment.
“Wow, Sasuke is on fire tonight. Get ready to get crushed!’’ commented Killer Bee which was followed by a few screams of encouragement towards the young Uchiha feeding into his ego.
Winner for each table:
Sasuke, Itachi, Shisui, Obito, Rin, Madara
Lee, Naruto, Kiba, Shino, Sai, Neji (Kiba threw a tantrum after losing)
Sakura, Hinata, Tenten, Karin, Suigetsu, Juugo
Hanabi, Konohamaru, Temari, Kankuro, Gaara (HANABI IS PROUD)
Kakashi, Guy, Iruka, Asuma, Kurenai, Tenzo. At first, Kakashi won but gave his place to Iruka since he was determined to take a standing nap with his eyes open while they figured out the winning table.
To watch the matches, anyone can move from their respective table to support the person playing. It’s a great way for everyone to socialize and have fun. Also, it doesn’t take as much time to complete as it seems, the whole game is monitored by Killer Bee and other security to make sure no one cheats. Killer Bee communicated the results through the microphone for the whole room to ear.
“Come on Naruto! You got this!” Yelled Lee alongside Kiba who was erratically massaging their comrade’s shoulders.
Guy was coaching Iruka while slamming the table “DO IT FOR THE GREATER GOOD UMINO!!! he yelled stretching like he was training for the Olympics.
“That beef…’’ whispered Hanabi in Konohamaru’s ear. Then the game started…
In the end, only Madara and Naruto were left. Everyone was quiet to follow every card being drawn and not lose track of the progression of the final game. The long-haired Uchiha and the young Uzumaki were both staring each other down. Silence filled the air.
“I’m not getting crushed by a fetus’’ commented the older man with a confident grin.
“The fossil wants to hurt me, I’m sooo scareedddd” . mocked Naruto. Madara’s frown and growing impatience made the blonde boy chuckle.  The crowd started whoo-ing  as both men continued to throw each other jabs during the whole game.
“I have no intention to lose against you pretty boy,” Madara added while playing with a large grin on his lips. Two cards remained in his hands, the victory for the raven was assured as his opponent carried a full deck of cards.  The game went faster than he planned and all the stars continued to align in Madara’s favor: “Knock Knock…
“+12!” Naruto slammed one of his cards on the table. The crowd started yelling and laughing at the Uchiha’s demise. Confused, it took Madara a few seconds to understand the situation. The customized card drawn by his opponent indicated him to add a dozen to his two remaining cards. A quick glance at Naruto’s five cards in his hands sent Madara into a furry:
All that barking didn’t help him in the slightest, after confirmation of the validity of the card, he still lost a sorry defeat to Naruto's amusement. As the blonde was celebrating his victory, the crowd around the table slowly dismantled itself to go back to their assigned places to get ready for the meal of the night.
As for the meal, it's a Korean-style BBQ where guests grill high-quality beef and vegetables. Of course, it’s not the same ingredient as traditional Korean BBQ, but you get the picture. Large grills are installed in the middle of the tables. Various side dishes of rice and thick sauces are served as well. It is a generous meal.
*Please refer to The Culinary History of the Ninja World for a better idea of the meal and what food is popular in Kumogakure*
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trudemaethien · 11 months
longshot/sgt fox + turn
immediate thoughts: coruscant rush hour traffic and watchman bent bullet trajectories, kennedy conundrum, parkour
aaaaand i just realized this said SGT fox dammit dammit dammit OK u get a bonus (under the cut), while I go write the right Fox smdh@myself
“I know 501st is our companion battalion and all, and I do want to see those yahoos again, I do, but at the cost of having to hot-bunk? Sheesh, haven’t had to trade off a bed with a brother in a hot minute.”
“Oh, quit your bitching, Longshot, because if the logs officer hears you he might assign you to share with someone who farts uncontrollably, or wets the bed or something,” Trapper teased loudly, grinning. “Oh look, it’s your turn. Wish ya luck!” With that he gave Longshot a shove up to the billeting window.
The logs officer, who had a side-shave and a little neutral symbol tattooed on their face peeping out from the fall of curls across their other cheek, glanced up at him and passed a smaller-than-usual stack of bedding out of the window. “Your five-oh-first partner has the rest and is already in residence,” they intoned with the air of having already said it a hundred times and planning on scores more. “3-76 in ba—hang on—“
But Longshot had already snatched up the auto-printed tag of flimsi. “3-76 in bay 22, what’s the matter with it?” he inquired with an edge of suspicion.
The logs officer sat on their hands and looked like they’d been dared to shoot the extremely salty, sour undiluted electrolytes from a ration packet. “Nothing,” they said tersely, impatiently.
“Uncontrollable farting? Pees the bed?” Longshot pressed, and the logs guy bit back a smile in spite of themself. They’d definitely heard Trapper giving him a hard time.
“Nothing,” they repeated. “Just, ah, recognized my own bunk number—I promise I’m not some yahoo who makes a mess, don’t worry. You’re not weird or gross or anything either, are you?”
“Depends,” said Longshot flirtatiously, leaning on the window’s pass-through ledge, “on just what weird kind of mess you mean.” He winked reassuringly.
Behind him Trapper groaned.
“Hm,” the trooper said, noncommittal.
“You got a name, new bunkmate?”
“What’ll it take for you to turn that tag back over to me?” they countered.
“Your name,” Longshot insisted, pushing his luck.
They stared at him for a moment, considering. “You’re holding up the line,” they finally said, prim as anything. “I’ll find you later, I’m sure. Move along.”
Smirking, Longshot stepped off. “Well, you know where I sleep.”
Hot-Bunk, Bunkmate 🔒 https://archiveofourown.org/works/51632134
Bonus (cdr fox):
“I said you could fill out your ranks with shinies, Two-Four, not kriffing Jedi, you absolute cheat!
“I did not! And kark off with that number bullshit, Tenten. In front of my men?”
“What the hell do you call this, then?” Fox gestured to the impossible marked trajectory, motions abrupt and infuriated. “There is no way in the realm of un-force-assisted physics that a trooper could pull off a longshot like that.”
“Oh, I like that,” said an awed voice behind Fox and he whirled to see the starry-eyed shiny listening in—not that he was being particularly circumspect in his tirade. “Can that be my name, Commander? Longshot?”
“No,” said Fox direly in the same breath as Cody overruled him.
His voice was fond and approving and full of shit. “Of course it can, it’s an excellent name, ‘37,” Cody said without looking at Fox.
The newly named Longshot did, however. “Thank you, sir, it really is—a good name and a high compliment.”
“It was not a compliment,” Fox grumbled. “You special in the head?”
“No, sir, no, of course not, forgive me” the kid said, still mostly unsubdued but at least trying to act respectful.
“I’ll —maybe— consider forgiveness, if you can explain to me in detail how the kriff you got it to turn like that?!”
“Certainly,” Longshot said, cheeky again, “over a cuppa caf?” No ‘sir’ now, was this punk flirting?
The absolute audacity.
Not many people knew what an unfortunate blusher Fox was and the tally had just gone up. Fox decidedly didn’t look at Cody who was definitely smirking like a vat-reject.
“Make it something stronger,” Fox said, grappling his dignity back under control, “and you’ll be the one paying, Longshot.”
If he’d gotten one illogical shot to hit an improbable target, why not let him go for another?
Bullet Bending 🔒 https://archiveofourown.org/works/51632269
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the-himawari · 1 year
A3! Ikaruga Misumi - Translation [N] Journey to the Colours
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*Please read disclaimer on blog
Kazunari: Yukki’s drawing of his own Tenjiku is complete! It looks legit!
Muku: Fufu. An adorable Tenjiku was created.
Yuki: You gave me some ideas too, Muku. So it came out pretty cute.
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Kazunari: You two look satisfied following Kumopi ♪
Tenma: You can really see Kumon and these two’s personalities from each of their Tenjikus.
Kumon: Alright, next up is…
Misumi: Meee. I’d like to draw!
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Kazunari: Oh, hell yeah~! ‘Kay, take the wheel, Sumi!
Yuki: He’s going to make it full of triangles anyways, isn’t he?
Misumi: Triangle, triangle, triangle~ ♪
Kumon: Ahaha. That’s Sumi-san for ya!
Muku: Fufu. It’s covered in triangles.
Yuki: Yep, sure enough, a huge number of triangles have been drawn…
Tenma: Err, is this a building, road or person? It’s hard to tell what’s what!
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Misumi: You think so~? Mmm… ah, I know! Yuki and Muku drew together, so let’s you and I draw together too!
Tenma: Huh!? I don’t need to…
Kazunari: Woo, Sumi and Tenten’s collab Tenjiku! We gotta see this!
Tenma: What do I even add from here…
Misumi: Just draw what you like, Tenma~!
Tenma: What I like, you say… For now, I guess I’ll try matching the image you’re going for. Is this triangle meant to be the triangular roof of a building…? In that case…
Kazunari: Oh. Tenten added a square under the triangle. Is he drawing a room~?
Misumi: Ahh. Tenma, that’s Mr. Triangle, a resident of Triangle Tenjiku.
Tenma: That’s a resident!
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Misumi: The building is this triangle over here! By the way, this is Triangle Kumon~.
Kumon: Eh, I’m there too!? I’m so happy!
Muku: So Kyu-chan is also a member of Triangle Tenjiku. Triangle Kyu-chan looks cute!
Tenma: This one’s a building, and this one’s a resident… …Misumi, teach me what’s what. I’ll colour them in so it’s easy for me to tell.
Misumi: Are you sure!? Yaaay. I’m happy you’ll colour for me! Lemme see~. This one is the Triangle Theatre, and this one here is the onigiri shop~…
Yuki: He’s given up thinking.
Kazunari: Ahaha. Tenten’s gotten totally absorbed in Sumi’s world~.
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mused-like-roses · 3 months
Send a " ⭐ " and I will list muses I would be interested in throwing at yours, or potential muse combinations if you are also a multi. ~ @historias-multorum
// Under read more because it miiiight be a long one:
Ace Attorney ~ All muses (Top 3; Mia Fey, Phoenix Wright, Dick Gumshoe) (All muses/Top 3 for Miles Edgeworth & L Lawliet, Phoenix Wright for Ulala)
Azumanga Daioh ~ All muses (For Minami Iwasaki & Haku Yowane)
Bleach ~ Orihime Inoue (For Byakuya Kuchiki), Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez (For any of your muses)
BNHA ~ Izuku "Deku" Midoriya (For Momo Yaoyorozu), Shoto Todoroki (For Tsuyu Asui), Rumi Usagiyama (For Shota Aizawa)
Castlevania ~ Trevor Belmont & Sypha Belnades (For Abel Nightroad and Alucard Tepes) // Also Trinity Blood was AMAZING
Chainsaw Man ~ All muses (For Aki Hayakawa)
Final Fantasy ~ Cloud Strife, Aerith Gainsborough, Tifa Lockhart, Cid Highwind, Yuffie Kisaragi (For Axel)
Jujutsu Kaisen ~ All muses (For your JJK muses. There's too many good combinations we could make with them lmao) / Kento Nanami (For Hinata Hyuuga), Toji Fushiguro (For Ino Yamanaka)
Kingdom Hearts ~ Kairi & Literally anyone in Organization XIII (For Axel)
Lucky Star ~ Lemme just set my sideblog here for a sec; @konckona (For Minami Iwasaki & Haku Yowane)
Naruto ~ Sasuke Uchiha (For Tenten & the Uchihas), Madara Uchiha (For Hana Inuzuka & the Uchihas) Kiba Inuzuka (For Ino Yamanaka), Kakashi Hatake (For any of your muses. Too many good choices, can't decide), Literally anyone in the Akatsuki (For Itachi Uchiha)
One Piece ~ Portgas D Ace (For Jewelry Bonney), Crocodile (For Vinsmoke Reiju), Shanks (For Makino), Literally any of the Straw Hats (For any of your muses)
Resident Evil ~ All muses (For your Resident Evil Village muses)
Sonic ~ All muses (Top 3; Sonic, Shadow, Knuckles) (For your Sonic & Crash Bandicoot muses, and Ulala)
Street Fighter ~ Chun-Li (For Jonathon Joestar. He better not think I forgot about him eyeing Chun >:3)
Super Mario ~ All muses (Top 3; Mario, Luigi, Princess Peach) (For your Sonic muses)
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saaraofthesand · 1 year
The Trans Rock Lee Theory
Happy Pride! I’ve never actually made a post about this even though I reference it once in a while. But it’s June!
Everyone’s always like, “who is Metal Lee’s mother?” When they should be asking, “who is Metal Lee’s other father?”
That’s right. Rock Lee is trans.
This is part of why Rock Lee was always an outcast before he joined Team Guy.
Guy is, of course, an ally and Rock Lee biggest supporter. Tenten is easygoing about that stuff and accepted it immediately. And Neji literally did not care enough to be a bigot (“Oh, you used to be a girl? I don’t care. Get it together.”).
Anyway, back to Metal Lee’s parentage.
His other father is none other than resident aroace and the Fifth Kazekage… Gaara! [audible gasps]
Rock Lee and Gaara have kept their secret all this time because of Gaara’s position of power, but it’s true! They’re in a committed relationship!
Anyway, that’s literally the entire theory, but I’m right and you can’t convince me otherwise.
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effeminateboyninja · 1 year
konoha 13 music hcs
↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺
I can’t listen to a song without making it about characters so here’s some headcanons for what kind of music each of the Konoha 13 characters would like/listen to
note: big ty and credit to @kingkonoha, my resident Neji-expert for getting me started with his part! your mind is wonderful.
more here:
jonin sensei | sand siblings | akatsuki
team 7
Naruto - Yung Gravy // Lil Nas X // Post Malone // JAWNY // Lewis Capaldi // Ed Sheeran // Imagine Dragons // The Chainsmokers
Sasuke - MCR // Minor Threat // Dead Kennedys // Against Me! // The Offspring // XXXTENTACION // $uicideboy$ // Killstation
Sakura - Taylor Swift // MARINA // Lucy Dacus // Mitski // SZA // Roach Girl // King Princess // Avril Lavigne
Sai - Mitski // MCR // The Cure // Joy Division // Depeche Mode // Cocteau Twins // Alex G // Florist
team 8
Kiba - Jack Harlowe // Yung Gravy // Drake // Travis Scott // Tyler, the Creator // Childish Gambino // Lil Yachty // NF
Hinata - Leith Ross // Beach Bunny // Taylor Swift // mxmtoon // Mitski // The Staves // Hozier // Laura Marling
Shino - death’s dynamic shroud // Nmesh // 2 8 1 4 // Gorillaz // Death Grips // Denzel Curry // JPEGMAFIA // Injury Reserve
team 10
Ino - Nasty Cherry // Charie XCX // Doja Cat // SZA // Saweetie // Megan Thee Stallion // Miley Cyrus // Avril Lavigne
Shikamaru - Mac Demarco // Tame Impala // MGMT // Alt-J // Cage the Elephant // Goodbye Honolulu // Frank Ocean // Metallica
Choji - The 1975 // Wallows // HUNNY // Hippo Campus // Red Hot Chili Peppers // Mac Demarco // Tame Impala // SZA
team gai
Neji - Ludovico Einaudi // Claude Debussy // Maxence Cyrin // Boil the Ocean // Carlo Boscoli // Lullatone // The Blasting Company // Christian Camarao
Lee - Queen // Wham! // Tears for Fears // Electric Light Orchestra // Elton John // Journey // Harry Styles // BØRNS
Tenten - Paramore // Lorde // MARINA // Grimes // Orla Gartland // No Doubt // HAIM // Mitski
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historias-multorum · 1 year
September Muse Line-Up
So here are the muses that are going to be on main in September
- These muses will be answering asks and have new threads
Naruto Muses:
Izuna Uchiha
Madara Uchiha
Karin Uzumaki
Sasuke Uchiha
Haruhi Uchiha (SasuHina child OC)
Ino Yamanaka
BNHA Muses:
Tamaki Amajiki
Momo Yaoyorozu
Natsuo Todoroki
Tenya Iida
JJBA Muses: Everyone
Osomatsu-san! Muses:
Bleach Muses: Everyone
Pokemon Muses: Everyone
Resident Evil Village Muses: Everyone
Miscellaneous Muses:
L Lawliet (Deathnote)
Kaneki Ken (TG)
Mitsuri Kanroji (Demon Slayer)
Zakuro (Tokyo Mew Mew)
Sailor Star Healer (Sailor Moon)
Miles Edgeworth (Phoenix Wright)
Sebastian (Black Butler)
Ami Bandicoot (Crash Team Racing Nitro Fueled)
Princess Tavra (The Dark Crystal AoR)
Darcy (Winx Club)
Tilly Green (Big City Greens)
Makoto Tachibana (Free!)
Reo Mibuchi (Kuro No Basket)
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hotelofheroines · 6 months
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Excuse Tenten while she melts into a quivering pile of horny goo~
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luvreyn · 2 years
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SASUINO DAY 5: Roommates AU
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Ino has her best friend’s boyfriend, Naruto, to thank for her current situation.
When the optimistic idiot begged her to come join them as a roommate, she flatly said no because she had already made arrangements with Sakura. Naruto sheepishly told her that Sakura was the one who wanted him to ask her to join them.
That spineless Forehead!
And so she asked around if any of her girlfriends would be willing to be roomies with her before university started. Temari’s staying with her brothers, so it’s a no, TenTen is commuting to school, and Hinata... is out of the question since she’s rooming with her cousin in a fancy place.
As much as Ino is desperate for a place to stay, she’s not that desperate to subject herself to being roommates with the person who broke her heart!
Ino sighs and finally agrees to be roommates with her best friend, Naruto, and his best friend, the ever icy Sasuke Uchiha, who turns out to own the place. Apparently, Itachi gave the place to him as a gift for graduating from high school.
That’s how she found herself in her predicament.
When the electricity went off, she ran to the living room screaming, bumping into a disheveled Sasuke Uchiha, who had his phone flashlight on as he navigated through the living room.
She quickly apologized and sat on the couch.
He scowled when he figured out that the whole building had no electricity and that the generator wasn’t working. It was raining heavily outside, and she suddenly remembered that there was a storm.
She should’ve charged her phone!
Sasuke surprised her by staying with her in the living room. Although, she must as well be alone with how quiet he is.
Ino lets the silence grow, but sighs. She can’t take the silence for too long.
"Forehead must be soaking wet right now." She remembered that they were on their way back from Naruto’s place. "I wonder if they’re okay."
Sasuke says nothing as he taps on his phone.
Really. Ino pouts. Was small talk too much of a hassle?
"Maybe they’re strande-"
"They’re okay." Sasuke cuts her off without looking at her.
Sasuke sighs as if she should’ve got what he said immediately. "Naruto said they’re still at his parents' place."
Oh. She couldn’t stop the smile that spread across her face. She’s glad then. At least the Forehead won’t get sick.
But... she twisted the facts inside her head.
Luckily, her best friend is safe since they were still in the Uzumaki residence when the storm hit.
Unlucky for her, she’s stuck alone with the Uchiha with no electricity and no way to entertain herself.
She might as well go to her room.
"That’s good to hear then. Thanks." she said and stood up. Sasuke turned his attention to her. "I’m just going to head inside my room and try to sleep."
He nods, unsure. She laughs nervously before trying to find her room in the dark. Sasuke must’ve noticed her dilemma, so he shined his flashlight in her direction.
"Thanks." when she finally saw the door to her room. "Then goodnig-"
All thoughts of going to her room vanish when thunder strikes and she starts screaming with her hands on her ears.
Next thing she knew, Sasuke was next to her.
She sniffed, unable to form any coherent sentences because of the shock. She hates thunderstorms!
He gives her a few minutes to compose herself.
"Hey." Sasuke taps her forehead gently, his flashlight on her face. "You okay?"
Ino tried to calm herself. "Y-yes." She sniffed.
"Okay," he says. "Do you still want to go to your room?"
"Let’s go to the living room then." He gently pulled her, navigating them to the couch.
When he sat her down, he didn’t sit and instead moved to go.
"Where are you going?" she pleads.
"I’m just going to look for some candles." he explained. "I’ll be back. Stay here."
Sasuke came back with lit candles.
At that point, Ino managed to calm herself. "Thanks." when he placed the candle on the table in front of her.
He shrugged, then sat on the couch opposite her.
Ino stared.
Come to think of it, this is the first time that she’s been really alone with him. Usually, Sakura and Naruto are there with them. She noticed them before, but he looked really handsome. He could be a model or an actor.
And she’d never thought he was a gentleman. He never gave that aura, so it came as a surprise when he helped her out.
"Done staring?"
Huh? Her eyes widened when he met her gaze.
"Wh-" she sputters. "What are you talking about? I wasn’t staring!"
"Sure." she hears the teasing glint in his tone. "You weren’t ‘staring’, you were just looking."
"No-" She so was not staring! "I wasn’t-"
"Hmm. Whatever you say."
Ino decided not to reply anymore out of shame. Silence reigns yet again. She hummed and decided she couldn’t take it anymore.
"Sakura looks so happy with him." she found herself saying just to break the ice. "They look good together."
"I’m glad she finally dumped her ex and got with him." She smiles, remembering the heartache that her best friend went through. Sakura deserves this happiness.
She rolled her eyes. "Duh. I’m talking about Naruto and Sakura."
Her eyebrows arched. What did he mean by "hmm.."?! Is he implying something? "Is there a problem?"
He looks at her, his own eyebrows raising because of her tone. "There is."
"Sakura is..."
"Sakura is?"
Sasuke’s lips quirk as if he’s enjoying messing with her.
"Sakura is what?" she repeated, her patience thinning. If he says anything negative about her best friend, then she’d send him packing even if he’s the owner of this place.
"She’s too good for Naruto."
She stilled. She didn’t expect him to say that. She was so ready to tear him up if he said anything wrong.
"Relax." Sasuke smiles. "You look ready to kill me."
"Well..." she laughed. "I’d do anything for my best friend."
"You and me both."
Her eyebrows rose yet again. "You’d do anything for Sakura, too?"
He laughed loudly, and Ino marveled at the sound of his laugh. "I mean, I’d do anything for my best friend, too."
The light from the candle flickers, making his features that much more beautiful as he looks at her. not smiling, but not scowling"I agree. They look good together. And you don’t have to worry because Naruto loves Sakura much more than he shows. "
Despite Sasuke’s usually aloof attitude, Ino finds herself smiling. She can like him just for the fact that he approves of her best friend for his idiot of a best friend.
At some point during the night, they must’ve fallen asleep because Ino woke up because of the sunlight peaking through the curtains. Her jaw dropped when she saw Sasuke asleep next to her. Asleep! And his head is on her shoulder!
She almost sat up when the bell rang, but Sasuke’s weight prevented her from doing so.
She can hear shuffling and voices from outside the door.
"Ino’s usually up by this time, she would’ve heard us by now."
"Sasuke, too."
Oh my God. Ino immediately tried to shake Sasuke awake, but it only made him cuddle into her more. His arms went around her waist. "Sasuke!"
No answer. The bell rang again. "Sasuke!" she hisses, trying to get away from him to no avail.
"Why aren’t they answering?"
"Maybe they’re still asleep. Just open it."
"Hey, Pig, Sasuke. We’re coming in." Then, before she could say anything, the door opened, revealing the two lovebirds. The bags they’re holding fall to the floor with a loud thud. Sasuke finally moves from his position on her shoulder.
"Wha-" Sakura sputters. "What happened here?"
Ino swallowed, sneaking a glance at the groggy Uchiha, who was now rubbing sleep off his eyes with one hand and holding onto her with his other hand. "Why are you being so loud so early in the morning?"
Sakura looks so shocked and Ino would’ve laughed at the funny expression on her friend’s face, but she had to do something before they thought of something worse. "Let me explain-"
But as Naruto’s grin widened, she knew he would never let them hear the end of it.
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Love love LOVE your ship thoughts!! They're very good and if u have anymore prophetic visions, please share them! 💖 It's nice to see how the more underrepresented characters in the story get interpreted and analyzed, because GOD KNOWS the main tags don't do it lol! It's hard in these streets for the minor character lovers!!
thank you very much god has cursed me for my hubris and my work is never done <3
a couple more ship thoughts ive been rotating (less coherent, more vibes-based):
tenji. i think tenten is like. an EXTREMELY fem-leaning bi and neji is demi. i dont really think they're in a relationship so much as i think they just get really close as time goes on by nature of spending so much time together. and like. there's romantic interest in both parties. and they both think the other's like hot and stuff. but more than anything its the fact that they Know each other on an incredibly deep and intimate level, so much so that it kind of surpasses either of those things you know. quietly codependent. i think that if we keep neji dying tenten just kind of... quietly slips out of the shinobi lifestyle. takes on less and less missions until one day she leaves konoha and never comes back. lee and gai might notice, but i dont think they'd chase after her. i think it would kill her to stop fighting- i think tenten is fascinating because weaponry is an art, and she loves it, but the harm it causes is real too, and there's really no situation where she can comfortably explore this thing she loves. if neji survives, i think they still stick together. tenten spars with him still, and they have a little farm by a lake. they're actually one of my favorite little rarepairs lol i just think they're cute!!!!
gemisu: gemna and ebisu do weed together and they have DEFINITELY sucked each others dicks at some point. sorry this is canon kishimoto told me so.
deidara is aroace but i think that he keeps going on terrible blind dates because sasori (crushing on deidara and mad about it because he KNOWS hes aroace and also deidara??? really??? deidara??? he thought he had STANDARDS but this is untrue he likes deidara. probably the worst thing to ever happen to him) dares him to and deidara loves escalation. at one point he and iruka end up going like idk ninja bowling together and there is so much property damage but somehow he gets roped into the Kakashi Polycule for a couple weeks like that one. tweet about infiltrating the polycule and doing the dishes you know. he and obito have a weird cold war thing going on. the thing falls apart when itachi stops by to be weird and passive-aggressive at deidara because he left his laundry in the communal akatsuki drier when he 'joined' the kakashi polycule and makes eye-contact with gai (resident uchiha repellent) and sticks to the ceiling like a frightened cat for several hours and somehow THATS the thing that makes everyone realise that the new blond guy is actually just deidara. from the akatsuki. its probably the most successful infiltration of konoha ever and no one even catches onto the fact that obito was there too. a couple of other people try to get secret government information by sneaking into polycules and it works so shockingly well that it become a legitimate strategy employed by like every major hidden village. deidara loves to brag about inventing it and also learns nothing from any of this. he continues to go on blind dates and cause more problems and sasori keeps setting him up in the desperate hope that it helps him get over him (it doesnt)
mikoshina is realllyyyy cute and also i love lesbians. i think that like. they are best friends who kiss with tongue sometimes. like they have those vibes. minato is completely cool with it but fugaku is INTO is reverse fujoshi. you see my vision.
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canonsinthehead · 2 months
(Repost) Naruto/Boruto Headcanon: Chocolate Flavored Potato Chips, The Marriage of Karui & Chouji pt.2 - THE LOCATION
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Many arrived in the Land of Cloud a few days before the event, giving them enough time to drop their things at the hotel and do some sightseeing. Sasuke tried to spend 3 full days locked in his hotel room to avoid any trouble but tired of being harassed by his friends, he went downtown to visit around. While Karin and Suigetsu went their way, he met the clown in person; Shisui was diving into various street foods like a Tasmanian devil.
Guy wanted to be 100% prepared for the celebration so he engaged in an intensive training session with Lee. They decided to climb the various Rocky Mountains surrounding the main city. Kakashi having nothing better to do tagged along with them to Guy’s extreme excitement.
The time has come for the event to start. With the help of designated buses, all the guests make a 30-minute trip towards the higher levels of the city. They reached a huge modernly designed building. It stood out from the other surrounding structures by being carved into the gigantic rocks making the area. Kakashi sighed ‘’Well I guess, the ceremony will take place in the Raikage’s residence’’
It seemed scary and lacking life from afar but getting closer the impression changed. All guests were greeted by a ‘’red carpet’’ decorated with a wall of flowers. It is result of the Yamanaka Clan’s efforts for the decorations and flower arrangements. Thanks to Ino, Chouji’s wedding is the festival of flowers.
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Here the guests are greeted by photographers. It's time for group pictures and to look cute. The photos are taken as memories but also to give away as a souvenir in a photo book. It is a great way to number the guests and establish who’s missing. Appetizers and water are distributed while waiting for the gates of the building to open and the signal to enter/proceed with the event.
“THE RAIKAGE’S HOUSE IS AMAZING!” screamed Naruto every 5 minutes, as he comfortably walked around like he knew the place.  At the words, Kiba almost choked on his thoughts, the idea of such luxury outside the Land of Fire shocked him. He grimaced trying to pull himself together,
Shino looked at him, ‘’Did you see a flying chihuahua Kiba?’’ he asked in a calm tone. The brunette couldn’t decipher if he was mocking him or being serious. Kiba snatched an appetizer from one of the waiters and forcefully grabbed Hinata by the hand who was in the middle of a conversation with Sakura & Tenten.
“Come on Hinata, let’s go take our group picture!” leaving Shino behind clearly fuming in anger.
If it wasn’t for his mask, Kakashi would choke in all this pollen. Tenzo doesn’t understand how he can have 100 dogs but crack his neck and break his back when it comes to plants, he thinks it's so refreshing. So does Guy who is consumed by the beauty of youth represented in this magnificent place.
Sasuke made it to the place with Shisui (don’t know how he did it) seeing this grown buffoon trying to talk to anyone who passed by is making the raven cringe. Shisui is growing out of his initial anxiety and getting comfortable. Itachi was nowhere to be found.
For a second, he thought his older brother ditched the event without warning (which is not his style). The plausible scenario relieved Sasuke. From where he is, he can see Madara posing in front of the cameras like he is some celebrity (he really thinks he is). On the other side, Obito's pride can be felt escaping every cell of his body since he is getting stopped every 10 minutes so other women can complement the beauty of his girlfriend.
After a loud bell sound, the doors are open. The guests are guided towards large stairs decorated with magnificent flower decorations. They are led to a large terrace where the first venue will take place.
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Sakura was mesmerized along with her shinobi sisters. They decided to spend the first venue together since for the second venue the tables are assigned and will probably be paired with their bandmates. As expected, the terrace is fully decorated with nice flower arrangements, it is where the “formal’’ part of the wedding takes place including the exchange of rings, the bride walking down the aisle, the kiss, etc. This part included important guests and direct relatives of the couple only.
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listingdemo · 2 years
Black eyed peas i gotta feeling music video pull down top
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Bug when Tenten doesn’t react to MC if he looks like Naruto – fixed.
Bug when Tenten wears training outfit in her shop – fixed.
Loop that occurs during the second event with the rapist – fixed.
Fixed bugs with the usual dress in the holiday event.
Added the ability to change Hinata’s clothes at school (as Naruto).
Added CG in the forest (in the Ten-Ten’s route).
Added 4 characters for the rapist event.
Fixed the light from the lights at night on the second map.
Fixed tooltip translation in inventory.
On first start the music volume will be set to 0.5.
Added quite a bit, because we had to rewrite/supplement the scenario.
Added continuation of the Ten-Ten’s route.
Although he had already closed the channel, we decided to save the reference.
Added reference to the DohlyEnot (YouTube channel with reviews of porn games).
Can be triggered during walks in Konoha after 20 days.
New Naruto sprite is used in the holiday event.
Added outline for interactive elements on map.
Fixed a bug with Kakashi and the table in the Hokage residence.
Fixed a bug with Ino’s panties when the skirt was turned up.
Added additional scene with Ino, Temari and Ten-Ten.
Added additional scene with Mei at the hot springs.
Genre: ADV, Slave Training, Straight, Oral sex, Masturbation, Anal, Doggystyle, Parody, Naruto As it turns out later, you are the invited trainer for girls above mentioned… It is time to decide what your trainings are gonna be like… Though… Since it is a dream, maybe you can have some «fun» with them… Can something so vivid be just a dream…? Obviously, they confused you with someone else so you put a bold face on and decide to play along. You are met by three familiar to you girls: Hinata, Ino and Sakura. Kunoichi Trainer APK Android Port – After continual viewing of Naruto for a several days, you end up near the main entrance of Konocha somehow.
Viper GTS (later adapted into a 3-part H-OVA).NARUTO: Kunoichi Trainer APK Android Game Latest Version Download.
Variable Geo (later rebooted to the Advanced V.G.
Utawarerumono (From the time Aquaplus began as Leaf, and it is only for the first game not Mask of Deception nor Mask Of Truth).
Anything by tokinogiri, such as Succubus Prison.
Taimanin Asagi (a series of NSFW games with a heavy focus on action in addition to sex).
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Anything produced by StudioS, including:.
Strange Flesh, a Bara Genre Beat 'em Up.
Anything by SQDT, such as Succubus Quest.
Princess Lover! (adapted into a 12 episode ecchi series, later followed by a 2-part H-OVA).
Ouroboros (Sierra Lee's indie RPG, not the prototype version of Edmund McMillan's The End is Nigh).
Ne no Kami: The Two Princess Knights of Kyoto.
Morenatsu - A kemono boys love visual novel.
Monster Girl Quest! Paradox RPG (the sequel, set in an alternate universe).
Miss Peach World (pornographic clone of Color Dreams' Menace Beach).
Majikoi! Love Me Seriously! (The anime also includes an in-universe example in episode 3.).
Little Busters!: Kud Wafter (spin-off focusing on Kudryavka "Kud" Noumi).
Little Busters! (Updated Re-release Ecstasy only).
Heart of the Woods has an 18+ patch adding sex scenes.
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Fate/hollow ataraxia - More so than Fate/stay night, where the sex serves a purpose, as opposed to it being there just for the sake of being there.
Anything by the company Eushully, including:.
Cobra Mission (Not to be confused with ASDER's Famicom Unlicensed Game of the same name, or Sachen's Mission Cobra).
Canvas 2 ~Niji-iro no Sketch~ ( fan translated in October 2010).
Darker games may employ an unlikeable jerkass who changes for the better or for the worse, and some may even use a Villain Protagonist, or someone not human and subject to Blue-and-Orange Morality - in either case, completely devoid of morals. The Handsome Lech is also a popular character archetype that is rarely portrayed negatively. Nice Guys and Troubled, but Cute characters who may be flawed or even somewhat jerks with a good heart can be found in games with a lighter tone. In general, the protagonists will be one of several specific character types, and only rarely if ever generic and faceless. There is a large crossover between Visual Novel and Porn with Plot because of the more story-oriented nature of Visual Novels. As a result, many are re-released with said content cut for the sake of reaching a wider audience. Many games tend to only have one sex scene at the end after hours of play, and in a large number of others, sex scenes can be disabled by menu options. Although the term "H-game," literally translatable as "pervert game," would suggest otherwise, the erotic content is sometimes about as important as similar content in an R-rated film.
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