zonecode · 22 days
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     [ "LIFE... IS GOOD." ]
     ...fires some stray shots in whirl's direction.      it's extremely petty, thank you for asking.      his core battery is fueled by spite.
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bxtonpxss · 26 days
“Plastic isn’t food.” [ for thor! ]
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Thor's teeth would chomp down harshly on the plastic chew toy currently being held in his paws. A loud and shrill squeaking noise following his steady bites, eyes trailing over briefly to the dark-furred hedgehog. Ears flicking at the males words the electric rodent slowly pulls the realistic looking chocolate chip cookie shaped toy from his mouth and scrunches up his muzzle with a huff. "But it looks just like the real thing... it tastes horrible though."
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herogardn · 29 days
@resolutewarrior said: 015. a pond with ducks, seeking food . [ for whisper! ]
   to consider this situation for her to be anything other than unexpected,  it would be catastrophically wrong.  words cannot properly explain just how caught off guard the wolf is.
   the original intention of sitting at the edge of the little pond and watching the small group of ducks swimming around was simply to be a distraction ;  help alleviate some of the stress that's been plaguing her.  the constant feeling of his eyes on her  /  no one else noticing or listening  /  it was all so frustrating.  exhausting.  it was wearing her down  (  she knew thats exactly what mimic wanted  ) .  the fresh air was certainly needed to help clear her mind of the stress and worries running rampant.
   it's enough of a distraction that she doesn't initially notice anyone approaching.  once close enough though does an ear twitch and she's ripped from her thoughts,  turning to see who it is  —  for a quick moment the wolf swears her heart stops.  it's shadow.  suddenly whatever peace it seems she has managed to gain is now gone,  frame instinctively tensing up and fight or flight state seemingly entered.
   it's shadow.  not an android.  couldn't be  /  there's no metallic shine anywhere to be found  /  no expression void of any sign of life.  one of them wouldn't just appear so casually,  with no signs of aggression whatsoever anyway,  so then  ...  what's he doing here ?  the wolf would be the first to admit she knew very little about the other,  but it felt odd for someone like him to be doing something so seemingly  ...  mundane.
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   without thinking on it much more,  whisper is turning away and forcing her attention back to the body of water before her.  tension in frame lessens only slightly  (  forced to  /  the last thing she wants is for him to feel unwelcome  ) ,  and ears can't help themselves from angling back.  she's quiet for a long time,  but eventually does soft voice find itself.  "  ...  h'lo.  "
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birthedparadise · 2 years
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argentnaivety · 2 years
@resolutewarrior​ liked for a thing!
[☼] --- “ Hey, uh, Shadow? ” Silver pauses, avoiding eye contact. “ I hope you don’t mind me saying this; I think I know you well enough that you can take a compliment. ”
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            “ ... You’re a lot more down-to-earth than people think you are. You’re real with how you act and how you portray yourself. I wonder if during the early stages of the project, Dr. Robotnik knew you needed to be absolute, but also empathetic. Your past is written that you weren’t always this way, but you are now. Despite, well, everything. ”
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               “ Not everyone can carry the weight you do. Believe me, as a hero of the future without the friends you’ve made here, I know how much it means to be told that you’re doing something right. ”
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onechangeaday · 2 years
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January 1, 2023
In the blink of an eye, 2022 has come and gone. Just as the years preceding it — a blur. Covid has turned our lives into a mangled mess, up is down, left is right, and I feel as though I have lost all direction in life.
Throughout the pandemic, I’ve tried to start small projects to keep myself motivated, however as ambitious as they come, they burn out with a quick flicker with nothing to show for it.
2023 will be different. I’ve acknowledged my lows and now I want to live my highs.
This will be my anonymous diary to keep myself accountable — let’s hope it lasts!
Small change of the day: cooking breakfast!
I’m a sucker for picking up quick breakfasts at Timmies or McD’s, especially on the weekend. However, with the ever rising costs, I’m going to make an effort to cook homemade breakfasts.
A simple omelette with cheese and spinach, paired with buttered toast, surprisingly delicious! Saved myself $10 at Timmies and the guilt of eating out once again.
Quick and easy ingredients:
- 2 eggs
- half cup shredded cheese
- half cup chopped spinach
- salt and pepper to taste
- toast & butter
- cup of tea or coffee
And voila! Turns out I don’t need to spend an hour and tire myself out before I even step out the door. A warm delicious breakfast doesn’t need to take long and saving myself $10 a day really adds up!
Will definitely be trying to stick to this new habit.
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unremarkablechap · 2 years
🌿 @resolutewarrior visited the shop !
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" Psychic type? Noooo, I'm sorry... we actually just ran out. " a small huff. It was such a pain in the arse when people came in for specifics. And it hurt even worse when they didn't carry any. The garden in the back was still growing the specific flora! " A couple of chaps came in and bought it all up; they brought their psychics to a dark type gym. How smart of them, right?
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" Is it a dual-type? " He shuffles down the isle, checking the bags carefully. Eyes scan the stapled paper, squinting as he reads them. He had to be extra confident upon giving the customers the right one; Percy always despised when Arthur didn't listen to his passions. " I'm pretty sure we have everything else stocked up good! You ought to buy now, so you don't regret it next time your pokemon get hurt... "
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spiinsparks · 2 years
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          ❝  HEY-YO.  CHILL  MAN.  YOU’RE  always  takin’  stuff  so  seriously.  i’m  startin’  to  think  you’re  gonna  bust  a  vessel  or  somethin’.  ❞  okay  so  maybe  it  was  sonic’s  own  fault  for  insinuating  that  his  morning  routine  was  weird.  but  then  sonic  wasn’t  the  one  eating  WHOLE  COFFEE  BEANS  like  it  was  cereal.  for  the  flavor.  ❝  kick  back  for  a  second.  we  can  get  you  some  coffee  beans  if  that’s  what  you  really  want.  or  like.  a  chilli-dog.  ... or  a  taco. ❞
@resolutewarrior​ / starter call ! ;;v;;
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cflight · 2 years
“yes, i know it hurts at first, but it gets better.”
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"How long will it take, though?' Hooves grip at their knees, knit brows trying to hold back the wave of fear they felt panging at their chest. Everytime they thought they'd forgotten, or repressed it long enough did it make its comeback-- it returned in full force, the thoughts plaguing their mind and enveloping them like a fog. How could they expect to get better if it kept coming back? Their chin burrows deep within their bunched up knees, letting out a shaking, tense, exhale. They would not cry in front of him. They wouldn't. "It's been years." they say quietly, careful to try and avoid their voice wavering. "So why-- does it still hurt?"
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monmuses · 2 years
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@resolutewarrior​ continued from here
     It was an attempt at a joke of his own, wondering if he too suffered the same inflictions as he did. From his tone, he absolutely did. At least he had something to laugh about for later. “Oh, me?” He gestured to himself with a clawed finger. “Y’know me, Shads. Never a dull moment. Lets just say this stupid ‘Dark Gaia’ curse came back and it hasn’t gone away since yesterday.”
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     Another glance at his fangs, and he was right - they were much longer than usual. They protruded from his lips, which in comparison, was a lighter punishment than what Sonic has to deal with for the longer while.
     “Did yours happen earlier too? Y’don’t look too pleased.”
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batthiief · 2 years
@resolutewarrior​ replied: shadow vc: girl, you can do better
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             ❝ You KNOW I’m a lady that LOVES a challenge,                     and I can’t imagine a bigger challenge than that. ❞
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lovers-wind · 21 days
"Perhaps in this case, death is merely an inconvenience."
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Yukari looked at shock with Shadow. "Do you not understand that some people depend on you?! Or maybe you mean more to them then you think? How could you say that death is merely an inconvenience?!"
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arksmemoir · 21 days
“What do you dream about?”
|| @resolutewarrior
"If you're anything like me, that's a question that doesn't need asking."
The question was answered bluntly, though also neutrally, as he sat under one of the chao garden's palm trees with his counterpart and watched their respective chao feast on fruit together for lunch. A moment of peace, where Terios wasn't trying to tempt his timid Sterling into mischievousness. That meant his guard could be lowered, for a bit.
Perhaps that was where the inquiry had come from. A quiet introspection.
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"I prefer when I don't, quite frankly. A dreamless void is more comforting than anything else my mind can show me." A glance to the side, red irises focusing on his companion. "How about you?"
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hcrwish · 25 days
"I'll always be right here for you, whenever you need me."
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" thank you. " the words quietly spoken as she braces herself for tomorrow's procedure. she still felt the fear and anxiety crawling across her skin at the thought of another procedure with needles, pain, cold rooms and bright lights. another attempt. another try. she clung to the hope that this one would help- it wasn't a cure. her grandfather insisted she knew that right away, but it was a step in the right direction. allegedly.
but at least shadow would be there.
she begged both him and grandfather that shadow be there when she went to sleep and woke up. she needed him. it wasn't that she didn't trust her grandfather or the scientists and doctors, but...shadow had always been a comforting presence in everything.
she needed him there for this. "grandfather said this procedure could take a few hours....just...stay with me till i fall asleep at least? "
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whrrlwind · 26 days
@resolutewarrior said: " why can’t you just leave me alone ? " grumpy grump
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   "  'cuz i got this lil magnet put in my brain that leads to every shadow ever.  "  he's joking,  of course,  but given the other's bad mood,  prooobably not helping that much out.  him not heeding the warning and in fact,  not leaving shadow alone,  definitely won't help.  "  kiddin'.  'cuz you look like yer in a mood n need some help gettin' out of it.  "
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aureumdraconeus · 26 days
“Why do you fight?” [ for blaze! ]
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"Why do I fight?"
A question that seemed to provoke the feline to pause for a moment as she turned to the Ultimate Lifeform, her eyes closed for a second as she knew exactly what to say...
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"I fight for the sake of my people, to ensure the safety of those around me and to provide a brighter future for them. As their princess and Guardian of the Sol Emeralds, it is my duty to uphold myself to those standards and to fight for them till my last breath."
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