#revamped info
spiderware · 6 months
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ivyprism · 10 months
My Mafia Gasters (Info Dump: Revamp)
Warnings: Mafia, mafia men, violence, hotness(???), etc.
Canasta - Mafiatale Gaster
Personality: Sharp and Button's older brother. He can be very rigid and dedicated. He has a terrific sense of humor and is gentle with his loved ones. Most of the mafia see him as a father figure, and he raised his brothers on his own. He, on the other hand, is more than eager to kill someone to protect his family. He is willing to go into the field and get his hands dirty to ensure their survival. He ensures that they keep the vow of silence and attempts to develop equipment that will aid the mafia in their task. He serves as the mafia's leader and keeps his younger brothers and buddies in line. He is serious and direct, but gentle.
Appearance: He has a scar under his left eye and a large scar on his right. He has a blue eyelight and a faded orange eyelight.
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Hex - Mafiaswap Gaster
Personality: He is Spade and Slick's older brother. He is extremely eccentric, yet he is also incredibly joyful. However, do not dismiss him as an idiot since he is quite intelligent and can read a room fairly well. He has the ability to appear kind and interesting as he draws people into his magic shop. He makes deals and guarantees that all of the lines are met almost perfectly. He adores his younger brothers. He has a tendency to be overly protective. Before coming out of hiding and displaying the side that is the reason he is a mafia leader, he shows himself as a naive and foolish skeleton who is easy to manipulate. However, once he drops his act, he is a haughty, ruthless (to a degree), and manipulative leader.
Appearance: He has large scars on both of his scars. He has bright blue and light orange eyelights.
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Brawl - Mafiafell Gaster
Personality: Roscoe and Commander's older brother. He's the strongest of the mafia. Most civilians regard him as polite and gentle since they are unaware he is a member of the mafia. He's a flirt and enjoys giving his lovers nicknames. He can and will be passive-aggressive and disagreeable to anyone he regards as a threat, as long as they are in a polite environment; otherwise, he's just blunt and won't be scared to say it. Brawl truly loves his brothers. When his brothers are in distress, he usually rushes to their rescue. He only gives people nicknames who he truly likes. When he's enraged, his bite is much worse than his bark which may be extremely dangerous. He knows Hex's actions are mostly a ruse, but he also knows he's pretty brilliant when it comes down to it.
Appearance: He has a large painful scar under his left and a large and straight scar on his right. He has two dark red eyelight. He wears rings. He likes to sneak red into his outfits.
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@yatinga / @kuvvydraws @mochamashi @didderd @und3rwat3r-a5tr0naut @underfell-crystal
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memuntos · 24 days
ocs coming soon to a theatre near you:
think elsa but instead of ice, everything she touches dies, always wearing black leather gloves. girlboss business woman with an insane god complex and has literally killed her way to the top. super cold, very formal, looks at you like you’re below her at all times and you probably are. has ties to the criminal underworld but isn’t affiliated with anyone just hires people when she needs to. girlypop narcissistic sociopath <3
werewolf boy who got turned and ran away from home where his father was a hunter. now living in a whole new city, kind of just living life and vibing. notorious flirt, kind of a dumbass, Major yapper syndrome, working as a barista while trying to save up money to go to university and very loyal dog energy <3
cat burglar oc who turns into a black cat to aid in her burglary. likely starts as a solo thief and teams up with a band of supernatural criminals later down the line. truly just a girl who likes her pretty, shiny things and starts thieving when she realizes she can use her powers to get into places unseen. a little vain, a little cocky, enjoys making people squirm and loves knowing exclusive gossip. girls just wanna have fun <3
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kiisaes · 1 year
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finally redesigned my namesake oc from 8th grade!!!!! (+ class doodles i made months ago that i forgot about until today)
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doomxdriven · 1 month
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NAME: Rudbornn Chelute ALIAS(S): N/A GENDER: Male HEIGHT: 5'7" (170 cm) EYE COLOR: Hazel HAIR COLOR: Light Blond ORIENTATION: Bisexual / Biromantic RESIDENCE: Hueco Mundo, Las Noches OCCUPATION: Guardian of Las Noches, Captain of the Exequias MBTI: – ENNEAGRAM: – ALIGNMENT: Lawful Neutral
Rudbornn is calm, collected, and rational most of the time, and can at times express a high degree of confidence on the surface, to a degree that may mark him as arrogant, especially during combat, but this “confidence” is more of an act than any real amount of ego, a front to cover his wealth of insecurities and deep seated self loathing. Rudbornn also tries to play himself off as cold, quiet, and calculating when dealing with enemies, but anyone who knows him well enough will know that this is an act (at least the cold and quiet bits– he is in fact quite calculating), and that the man is actually far more amiable in normal situations, and maybe even a tad strange.
While he was only truly loyal to Aizen in the past, these days Rudbornn is extremely loyal to his subordinates and allies alike, and on that note, he can be skillful team player when a situation calls for it, and has proven to be a capable leader since taking up the mantle of Las Noches’ Guardian.
There was a time where Rudbornn was also quite merciless as well, though these days he is not above sparing the lives of his foes, and actually prefers not to kill anyone if he can help it– though again, he may try to sound merciless in certain situations, all purely for intimidation and appearances sake.
Rudbornn believes in their own sense of justice as well, is keen on maintaining order, and is a bit idealistic, wanting to build Las Noches (and eventually Hueco Mundo itself) into a place where where all Arrancar can live in relative harmony.
Rudbornn was a Adjuchas-class Hollow before making the transformation into an Arrancar with Aizen’s help. Rudbornn first came to prominence in the Forest of Menos, where he was a tree-like Hollow of great power, though one that also consisted of great suffering– Rudbornn had no eyes, ears, or mouth, and could only blindly and haphazardly devour those that crossed their path. It was a pitiful life to say the least, but for one reason or the other, Aizen would one day approach him in the Forest of Menos, and with the Hogyoku, open his eyes, ears, and mouth, for the first time. This act alone on Aizen’s part was enough to change Rudbornn’s world, and make him more than grateful to the Shinigami, making his decision to join them and become an Arrancar in their army an easy one.
Rudbornn was considered as a candidate for Aizen’s second generation of Espada, though the quick advancements Aizen made with the Hogyoku would soon allow him to create even more powerful Arrancar, erasing these hopes for Rudbornn. Aizen could still see that Rudbornn was not without use, or power, however (still being considerably more powerful than most non-espada Arrancar in Hueco Mundo) so they would bestow upon Rudbornn two gifts; the first enhanced the power of Rudbornn’s ressurecion, and the second, was his appointment as Captain of the Exequias, the new, official, third branch of Hueco Mundo’s Military. Rudbornn was sore about being passed up for a position among the Espada, but he was grateful for his new powers, and his new appointment, and immediately set off to make Aizen proud.
During the main events of Aizen’s struggle against the Soul Society, Rudbornn would work closely with Szayelaporro Granz, the 8th Espada, who had promised to help Rudbornn grow his own powers, and eventually ascend to the ranks of the Espada himself, in exchange for his aid in their research and other matters. Rudbornn did not like many of the things his aid entailed, including having to cut down former allies and friends alike, but at that point, he would have done just about anything to become one of the Espada, and so he pushed on, doing the 8th Espada’s bidding, all for the hope, all for the glimmer of a possibility that he would enter their ranks .
Not all would remain stable within Aizen’s ranks, however. The war against the Soul Society would go badly and in turn, everything Aizen had built would fall apart. Most Arrancar who served Aizen would be slain or left for dead by the Shinigami, and others would be betrayed by their own allies, or Aizen himself– Rudbornn would be among both in a sense, deafeated and left for dead by both the Shinigami and the Espada, Yammy, but also conversely, he stood as someone who had turned on his allies as well, as shown with his actions against the Privaron Espada.
Rudbornn did not die, though. Suffer? Definitely, Rudbornn suffered quite a bit, and thinking over all of his choices up until that point where he was now laying in a pool of his own blood, alone and shattered, he felt he deserved this. Rudbornn had cast away his principles, had cast away his allies, and was now on the verge of casting away his life, all for a stupid number, all for a position that didn’t mean anything anymore. Rudbornn was disgusted with himself, and as he laid there, he actually prayed for death to wash over him and take him from this cursed life he was still tied to… but death would not come.
At the last second, where Rudbornn would have indeed perished from his wounds, he felt his body start to regenerate. Rudbornn had thought his ability of regeneration had been traded for the ability of his God-like Calveras, but it seemed this power had merely been lying dormant inside of him, waiting for the right time to emerge. Or maybe this was a sign from fate, a sign that he was not meant to perish here, and was being given a chance to atone for his myriad of wrongs, and a chance to do something better with his life– yes that had to be it.
Climbing to his feet, his body now mostly regenerated, he picked his cracked helmet up off the ground and wandered off into Las Noches, where he would discover that Aizen, the Espada, and their Shinigami allies, had been defeated, learning as much upon entering the now vacant Control Rooms that were once manned by Gin and Tousen.
Fixing his helmet atop his head once more, Rudbornn looked out into the now silent Las Noches, and already, began planning the next step of his new life. Rudbornn intended to rebuild this place, to make it a home for all Hollows and Arrancar across Hueco Mundo alike, but only time would tell how this endeavor would go…
Master Swordsman: In terms of swordsmanship, while serving Aizen, Rudbornn was no slouch, and could cross blades with some of the best in Hueco Mundo, or at the very least defend himself against them. Due to the nature of his profession, being skilled with the blade was important, and it was a skill Rudbornn had no choice but to wield with great proficiency. Following Aizen’s defeat, however, Rudbornn has continued to hone his swordplay, and only becomes more skilled as time goes on. In the present day, Rudbornn is one of the most skilled swordsmen still walking the dunes of Hueco Mundo.
Perceptive Combatant: Rudbornn is very analytical when it comes to combat, and is able to discern much from studying his opponents movements and attacks.
Sonido Master: Speed and agility are some of Rudbornn’s strong suits, and this is reflected in his Sonido. While serving under Aizen, Rudbornn’s Sonido was advanced enough  to give some Captain-Level opponents pause (namely Ichigo, while using their Bankai), and as the years have gone on, his Sonido has only further improved. While Rudbornn could presently be marked as a master in Sonido, he still has yet to grasp the art's ultimate technique, Gemelos Sonído, and continues working toward it.
Enhanced Strength: While no juggernaut of physical might, Rudbornn possesses a great deal of strength, enough for him to effortlessly break through the ice created by one of the most powerful Ice Zanpakuto, Sode no Shirayuki.
Reiryoku/Reiatsu: Rudbornn was always a cut above most non-Espada ranked Arrancar in terms of Reiryoku, though while serving under Aizen, his Reiryoku was not quite on the level of an Espada’s, either. In the years following Aizen’s defeat, however, Rudbornn’s Reiryoku has grown considerably, and is now comparable to that of some past Espada. Rudbornn’s Reiatsu is also a deep violet color when released.
High Speed Regeneration: An ability which allows Arrancar to heal most injuries very quickly, with the exception of the destruction of the head or vital organs.Rudbornn originally thought he had lost this ability upon being granted extra power by Aizen, but the ability was re-activated following Rudbornn’s nearly fatal attack at the hands of Yammy.
Hierro: Like most Arrancar, Rudbornn possesses this technique, being able to harden his skin to a consistency resembling iron as a defensive measure against attacks.
Árbol (髑髏樹 (アルボラ), Arubora; Spanish for “Tree”, Japanese for “Cranial Tree”;): In its sealed state it looks like a standard katana, albeit longer and thinner, and has a white hilt.
Resurrección: Its release command is “Grow” (生い上れ, oiagare). In his released state, the right side of Rudbornn’s body becomes wrapped in branches reaching down to his waist, where they split off into roots that flare out on either of Rudbornn’s sides. Four lightning bolt shaped branches grow out of the upper part of his right arm, with skulls similar to those worn by his subordinates hanging off of each one. His Zanpakutō also turns into a lightning bolt shaped stick or branch. He can grow six more of these branches (totaling ten) that spread to the other side of his body, while the rest of his upper body is wrapped up too.
Resurrección Special Ability(s):
Calaveras: From the skulls on his branches, Rudbornn can generate an unlimited amount of “Calaveras” (髑髏兵団 (カラベラス), Karaberasu; Spanish for “Skulls”, Japanese for “Weathered Skull Soldiers”), his subordinates. He refers to this ability as “godlike” and mentions that it was given to him by Aizen.
Roots of the Deep: A technique Rudbornn had developed while attempting to create soldiers underground where the cold couldn’t reach them, in response to the time Rukia Kuchiki froze and sealed his branches. Although the nature of his Resurreccion’s special ability hadn’t changed, the speed at which he could create soldiers increased astoundingly as new trees grew where the roots spread, expanding his reach. The extraordinary speed at which Rudbornn can manufacture his soldiers as a result of this technique has significantly increased Rudbornn’s abilities and the threat he poses to potential enemies.
Calaveras Wall: The Calaveras can band together to create a wall with their bodies in order to protect Rudbornn from attacks. The more Calaveras present, the stronger this barrier is.
Reishi Blast: In Rudbornn’s Soul Resurrección appearance, he can fire electric-like blasts of reishi from the tip of his lightning bolt shaped branch-sword. This blast will grow stronger depending on how long Rudbornn charges it before firing, though it’s power is generally a bit stronger than your typical Cero.
Reishi Wave: By gathering up the aforementioned electric like reishi for a few moments, Rudbornn can then unleash said reishi around himself in the form of a devastating wave attack that will harm nearby enemies.
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blackberry-assistant · 6 months
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that one joy doctor oc that I hate. my son
planned to make an actual good drawing for this ""ref"" but got tired lmao
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spac3d0lls · 5 months
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trix-or-treatz · 24 days
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endbeginning · 1 month
how much does a muse on a multi having a whole info page (stats/verses) affect how willing you are to write with them? like if you're unfamiliar w a muse are you more likely to write w them if theres a stats and verses page up or do you overlook muses you don't know and have primary muses you're interested in and dont care either way ab info pages
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megwritesnstuff · 10 months
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(its okay to be a beginner, its okay to be a beginner, its okay to be a beginner....)
Bonus ref/inspo:
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ivyprism · 4 months
Tenebrous and Luminus AU: Skelesona (Revamp Info Dump)
Warning: No warnings, I think.
Hesper - Tenebrous Skelesona
Personality: Hesper is typically icy, enigmatic, and remote. She is tough, strong, and refuses to back down. As you grow closer, she opens out to her friends. Hesper vehemently refuses to sing and avoids people whenever possible. She is a kind individual who goes about her business discreetly. She keeps to herself and shows a gentle person. She spends a significant amount of time writing and reading. When questioned about her past AU, she becomes irritated. She frequently struggles to sing and often refuses to approach it. She avoids interacting with others. She genuinely cares for her loved ones and is willing to die for them.
Appearance: She is a skeleton monster about 5'1" but appears 5'4" in heels. She has smoky grey eyes, but sometimes, they glow a soft grey-ish purple. She has a scar on her right eye. She often is seen wearing a masquerade mask. She has a tail that reaches the floor.
She has light-grey purple ecto hair.
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Halleria - Luminus Skelesona
Personality: She is a bright and kind-hearted individual who cares a little too much. She keeps to herself yet is incredibly gentle and loving. As you approach, she begins to expose more about herself. She likes listening to music and singing along. When necessary, she conceals behind a mask. She spends a substantial amount of time writing and listening to music. She grows quiet and often sad about her AU. She can sometimes be heard singing and grieving. She truly loves her family and is willing to die for them. She cares about others and wants to help them, but she is limited in her abilities.
Appearance: She is a skeleton monster about 5'1" but appears 5'4" in heels. She has light grey eyes, but sometimes, they glow a soft greyish purple. She has a tail that reaches the floor.
She has light-grey purple ecto hair.
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catchflys · 10 months
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catchfly creative and aurae entertainment are two sublabels under monarch media. each sublabel is ran by one of kim youngho's two sons. the eldest, kim kangho, and his wife, kwon jihye, are in charge of catchfly creative while the youngest son, kim sungho, is in charge of aurae.
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KIM KANGHO, co-founder & coo of catchfly creative
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when kangho graduated, he immediately began working under his father at monarch media. in 2007, he was appointed head of strategic planning and creative direction for monarch media's top group, FOXiE. he would remain in the position until 2013 when FOXiE was placed an indefinite hiatus. following their hiatus, he remained head of strategic planning and creative direction for several groups and soloists under monarch media.
in 2015, it was announced that kim kangho and kwon jihye, the lead dancer and visual of FOXiE, would be getting married in the fall. due to kangho's position, their marriage annoucement was met with a heavy dose of rumors and accusations. one particular accusation questioned whether or not their relationship had anything to do with the favoritism jihye was shown during her time as a FOXiE member. however, most of these accusations swiftly disappeared.
in 2016, kangho was appointed head of monarch media's newest sublabel, aurae entertainment. aurae entertainment was introduced as the company's "newest home" for their "most innovative and industry-changing" projects yet. kangho spent two years developing aurae entertainment's first group, ENPOINTE. however, kangho departed his position in 2018 to assist jihye with catchfly creative. while no reason was explicitly given as to why kangho had left his position at aurae, former employees have suggested he was "very impressed" with jihye's group of trainees and wanted to be involved in the creative direction. he transferred control of the company to his younger brother, kim sungho. having teased the debut of ENPOINTE for a year and a half, the girl group had already built up a decent fandom, leaving many fans upset at kangho for abandoning them and delaying their debut by an entire year. fans were even more angered with kangho when it was revealed he'd brought a popular trainee from ENPOINTE over to GIRL THING.
according to blind items and insiders, kangho is only the second-in-command on paper. insiders suggest he controls more of the company's operations than jihye does, despite her being the "official" CEO. alongside accusations about his "real" position and the speculation surrounding his relationship with jihye, blind items and anonymous posts have suggested that kangho is "insanely" controlling and that he has shown "questionable" treatment towards some of the idols he's worked with. however, these accusations have always been swiftly deleted or retracted entirely.
KWON JIHYE, co-founder & ceo of catchfly creative
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from 2007 to 2013, jihye was the lead dancer and visual of monarch media's most successful group, FOXiE. jihye was an extremely popular member and, after the indefinite hiatus in 2013, went on to have a fairly successful solo and acting career. despite the accusations surrounding her marriage to kangho in 2015, she has stood by their marriage and has sworn several times they fell in love "after" the group's hiatus began.
wanting to step away from the spotlight, jihye approached her father-in-law and asked if she could have a subsidiary underneath the company. her wish was granted and she founded catchfly creative in late 2016. some anonymous sources claim that jihye wasn't too thrilled when kangho decided to join her at the company, but she was unable to say no due to him being her beloved husband. other sources suggest she asked him to join her because she was afraid she couldn't do it alone.
while kangho receives most of the criticism when it comes to GIRL THING's mistreatment, there are some fans who accuse jihye of allowing her husband to mistreat her female idols. others accuse her of using "faux feminism" to sell GIRL THING to female fans. just like the accusations that surround kangho, these posts are typically deleted or retracted entirely.
KIM SUNGHO, ceo of aurae entertainment
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kim sungho is the youngest son of kim youngho. just like his older brother kangho, he immediately began working underneath his father upon graduation. however, he was always secondary to his brother as the youngest and was never given many "important" tasks. he always had a passion for marketing and creative direction, much like his brother, and some anonymous sources recall him being eager for his father to take him seriously.
when aurae entertainment was launched as a sublabel underneath their father's company, sungho was given the position of co-creative director. insiders claim he was "thrilled" when kangho decided to abandon the sublabel, leaving him in full control. however, he spent a year and half cleaning up the mess his brother had left behind and replacing the vital trainee kangho had taken with him.
blind items and insiders describe sungho as immature and impulsive, but everyone praises his work ethic, creativity, and innovative marketing strategies. the groups he produces are "for the arts, not the charts", but have all received critical acclaim. like his brother, he is known to be controlling but some sources "close" to him swear it's because "he always has a very clear vision". however, it is notable that his relationship with the idols underneath aurae are significantly better than the relationships kangho allegedly has and many fans consider him a "visionary" despite his faults. others don't trust either of the kim brothers. after the critical success of ENPOINTE, he is gearing up to debut a new girl group in 2024.
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amischiefofmuses · 2 months
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So on the fence on whether I go by headcanon and write my dipper as being trans. It wouldn't massively affect the way I write him because it's not like he'll run around announcing it every five seconds but also,, then is it important to specify??? HMMMMMM.
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anavetsu · 2 months
It’s been a while, but here I am. Here to show you my little thing I was working on and it’s finally out!
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Click HERE to watch the video <- <- <-
Oh and no worries, I will post art regularly again. Are you more hyped for FNaF or Danganronpa?
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ffelii · 10 months
I hate rentry and things similar to it because I always get so fixated when I'm making a new info site and it's never actually enjoyable. I can't let myself sleep, eat, or do anything else until I'm finished. And by the end of it I don't even think I like it.
I think the next time I get the urge to make a rentry I need to just delete all the ones I have and decide to go without em
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doomxdriven · 2 months
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NAME: saizo fujibayashi
ALIAS(S): bandit hero of rukongai, sai
ORIGIN: soul society
RACE: soul
AFFILIATION(S): gotei 13, kido corps
RANKING(S): 4th seat / nibantai (previously), chief officer / shinkubantai (presently)
EYES: green
HAIR: brown
HEIGHT: 6'0" (182cm)
ALIGN: chaotic good
Saizo Fujibayashi, the infamous (and self proclaimed) 'Bandit Hero of Rukongai', has led a storied life full of tragedy and adventure. Coming from humble beginnings in Rukongai's Fujibayashi District, Saizo was abandoned by his mother at the behest of her noble husband, left to the streets that would have swallowed him whole, had he not found refuge with a group of brigands that would become a surrogate family of sorts.
The moment Saizo was old enough, he was robbing, maiming, and causing all manners of trouble across Rukongai's furthest Districts alongside his vagabond brothers and sisters. At one point, Saizo and his fellows would even come to blows with Shinigami, and during one such encounter, he would find himself plucking a then-blank Asuachi from one of their corpses, a blade he would go on to carry for the rest of his life.
Sadly, Saizo's found family of murderers and thieves were not to be long lived, eventually being cut down by a rival gang, every one of them, save Saizo himself. It was during this tragic event that Saizo unlocked something within himself, what those in the Seireitei or Shin'o Academy would call 'Reiatsu', and along with his trusty Asuachi, he felled every soul responsible for the deaths of those he considered his family.
The loss of his former comrades was a harsh reality to grapple with, but Saizo went on, and after a period of convalescence, he was back on his feet and taking another stab at banditry, albeit with a redemptive, and less craven angle to it-- he re-imagined himself as a bandit of virtue, targeting only other criminals, the greedy, or the corrupt.
With a great degree of Reiatsu, and a deadly blade in his hand, there were few who could stand in Saizo's way, and in time, he would develop no small amount of fame, or infamy. It would be these newfound antics of 'heroic' banditry that would garner the attention of a self-exiled, former Shinigami by the name of Danjirō Obana, who went on to take Saizo under their wing.
Obana would tutor Saizo in the various Shinigami arts for years, and attempt to instill in them stronger morals and discipline-- the success of the latter may not have been as grand as Obana had hoped, but in time, Saizo shaped up to be a moderately skilled individual. Thanks to Obana's help, Saizo would even successfully imprint upon his Asuachi, and some time later, he achieved Shikai, feats that would only further invigorate his 'heroic' actions across Rukongai.
Saizo would not stay within the realms of banditry forever, though. The Wandenreich Invasion of the Soul Society, and Obana's death at the hands of a Wandenreich officer, would spur Saizo into joining the Shin'o Academy once the dust had settled. Being well versed or passable in many of the Shinigami arts already, and possessing a Zanpakuto with Shikai, Saizo naturally breezed through the Academy with great haste, and was quickly recruited into the 2nd Division and Onmitsukido upon graduation.
Saizo would stay with the 2nd Divison and Onmitsukido for many years, climbing the ranks in both, especially after attaining Bankai-- at one point there was even talk that Saizo might replace Lieutenant Ōmaeda, but such things were not to be. Saizo would inevitably earn the scorn of Captain Soifon after repeated incidents of drunkenness, tardiness, and 'general insubordination', acts that would see him discharged from her command.
Saizo entertained the idea of entering into service with another Division of the Gotei 13, but it would be the mysterious head of the Kido Corps who emerged shortly after Saizo's discharge, and offered him a place within their organization. Saizo would find more than a position within the Kido Corps, however; he would learn from it's leader a great deal about his parents, and his true place within the Soul Society…..
Playful, kindhearted, confident, and oftentimes silly, Saizo’s a free thinker whose sunny disposition is as bright as they come– he’s a true “glass half full” type of individual, a carefree soul who tries his best to not let life or difficult circumstances keep him down. 
Outgoing in most social situations (especially in those that involve celebrations or party-like gatherings), Saizo loves to make new friends, sometimes even out of his enemies, though he can on occasion be equally teasing toward both. Saizo is also something of a flirt, a bad one sometimes but a flirt nonetheless– he will never pass up an opportunity to let someone know how attractive he finds them, or how much his heart desires their affection, even if he winds up completely bombing or tripping over himself the entire time.
Going hand in hand with his outgoing nature and sometimes silly or comedic antics, Saizo can also be straight up outlandish, especially in regards to the colorful, gaudy way he dresses and his tendency to refer to himself by his full name, official Shinigami ranking, and his self-proclaimed title ‘Bandit Hero of Rukongai’ (on account of his former bandit life and the heroic actions he still undertakes in Rukongai from time to time) with the utmost pride and cheer.
Sadly, Saizo isn’t terribly smart, and he also has a tendency to be impulsive, with it not being unheard of for him to get himself into all manners of unintended (and on occasion detrimental) situations or positions, be it with other people, his finances, his duties, and so forth.
Saizo has a deep love of alcohol and musical instruments, too, with the latter coincidentally going hand in hand with the release states of his Zanpakuto. When it comes to music specifically, Saizo one day hopes to become a famous musician on-top of his official and self-proclaimed ‘Bandit Hero’ professions, though his work with the latter two often ends up putting his musical career on the back-burner.
When Saizo faces down an enemy or just opponents in general in the combat sense, his deep appreciation and joy for fighting will show, and when crossing blades with another, he is always thrilled to test his skills, and the skills of his opponents, though he’s definitely a little too cocky at times, being prone to showboating and goofing off when he thinks he can afford to but in reality can’t, and that, along with his lacking wit and his inherent impulsiveness can occasionally bite him in the ass (drastically).
In spite of his seemingly bubbly personality, and the general silliness he can often display, he, in his own way, takes his duties to heart and is not afraid of taking someone’s life or losing his own if it means protecting his comrades, loved ones, or the innocents of Rukongai. Indeed, despite having turned his life around long ago, Saizo was once a true bandit, and is used to taking the lives of others, and when he absolutely feels he needs to these days, he will.
Saizo’s life as a bandit and his years spent in Rukongai before becoming a Shinigami haunts him more than he lets on, too– between the horrible acts he committed, and the people he was unable to save, he harbors deep mental scars, and plenty of guilt beneath the surface, even if he walks around looking like a ball of sunshine most days and has long since turned a more positive page in his life.
Expert Swordsman:
Saizo received training in Zanjutsu from a Master swordsman and former Shinigami Captain in Rukongai before he set out to become a Shinigami himself, and his skill only increased after he joined the Shin'o Academy, and then the 2nd Division. After coming into ownership of an Ancestral Zanpakuto, Saizo started to dabble in dual-wielding styles of swordplay, too, and he is proficient enough in these styles to be a dangerous opponent, though he is still far more efficient when wielding only one blade.
Saizo tries to wield his Zanpakuto in a ‘fair’ manner but when he finds himself in a sticky situation, he will fall back to many of the underhanded tactics that he learned in his younger, bandit years, and this can in turn make him a swordsman who’s equal parts unpredictable and deadly. 
Expert Axemanship: The main portion of Saizo’s personal Zanpakuto in it’s Shikai release and beyond, functions like a masakari when used for melee attacks, and Saizo is extremely capable when wielding it in such a fashion. Saizo is much better at offense when wielding his released Zanpakuto in melee, but has developed an interesting style of fighting with it all the same, often wielding the main portion of his released Zanpakuto in one hand, and the second portion (which takes the form of a smaller, masakari-like bachi) in his off hand, using both to either defend or strike at foes depending on the situation.
Shunpo Expert:
Between Saizo’s years of training in Rukongai from Obana (who claimed to have been a master in the art during his days in the Gotei 13), and his tenure in the 2nd Division, he’s expertly honed the Shinigami skill of Hohō. Saizo was recognized as one of the fastest members in the 2nd Division’s ranks.
That said, Saizo’s technique in this area has been noted as being ‘sloppy’ by his former Captain on numerous occasions, and truth be told he still has trouble keeping up with the likes of people considered 'Masters' in the art, so he still continues to improve on his Shunpo whenever possible.
Kidō Master:
Saizo's skill with Kido is along the lines of astonishing, and very confusing. To say that Saizo understands every facet of Kido would be very wrong, in fact he knows very little about the actual functionality of the art, and its likely that any random graduate from the Shin'o Academy could tell you more about Kido than he could. At the same time, however, Saizo has demonstrated on multiple occasions the masterful use of high level Kido, oftentimes without uttering their names or incantations. Saizo isn't sure how he's able to perform such magnificent feats with Kido either-- as he's explained it to multiple people, 'it just happens'.
Saizo's confusing aptitude with Kido has led him to be labeled a ‘Profound Fool’ by the Kido Corps Grand Chief, an undoubtedly backhanded compliment but a massive endorsement of his skill at the same time. It's this skill, and Saizo's potential for honing it further, that has seen him become Chief Officer of the Kido Corps Shinkubantai.
Hakuda Expert:
Saizo had learned a bit of Hakuda while training under Obana, but Hakuda was literally beat into Saizo after he joined the 2nd Division and the associated Onmitsukido, and he became quite skilled with it during his years spent there. At his skill level, Saizo can take on average armed opponents and those many times their size completely unarmed himself.
Expert Assassin :
While Saizo can be a very loud person most of the time, he can also be incredibly stealthy when he feels like it, or a mission requires it. Stealth was an important skill to have in the 2nd Division and the associated Onmitsukido, and it’s one Saizo’s learned well. Saizo is adept at hiding his presence, and can sneak up on opponents and launch surprise attacks with great precision if need be, though he almost never fights this way unless he’s been ordered to or he see’s absolutely no other choice (he much prefers to engage opponents in the open).
Immense Spiritual Power:
Having been sired by a father who belonged to one of the Great Noble Houses, Saizo always possessed a degree of Reiryoku that was above average (even if he didn't realize it at first). When Saizo first entered the Shin'o Academy, his Reiryoku was already greater than a Lieutenant’s, and presently, after learning to control it more finely through his time in the 2nd Division and now Kido Corps, his Reiryoku can be likened to that of a Captain’s, or perhaps greater in certain situations. Saizo’s Reiatsu is a deep crimson color, and it continually creates a unique, almost melodic sound when it’s released.
Enhanced Endurance:
Saizo, while not physically imposing, possesses an incredibly high level of endurance, and is able to keep injuries or other types of damage that would stun or outright cripple others from hampering his performance too much.
Martially Gifted:
While Saizo's overall intellect leaves a lot to be desired, he possesses an innate gift or 'instinct' for combat that sets him apart from most others. Saizo may not necessarily be able to anticipate his opponent's moves, or grasp the flow of a battle in a way that would allow him to stay ten steps ahead of an enemy, but he always seems to know the best areas to strike or attacks to unleash for maximum damage, as if a foe's weakest points or traits are revealed to him with each attack he deals out. Actually landing any of his attacks is another story of course, but when Saizo does strike an enemy (and he's giving it his all), it will always hurt, critically, if not fatally.
Zanpakuto Info is here (clicky)
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