#reverse polish notation
i reverse on her polish until she can’t notate
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laejoh · 1 year
A few days ago I posted a BASIC computer listing of the game "Acey Ducey". Here is the final Elisp Emacs translation:
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And here is a sample run:
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gaykarstaagforever · 1 year
"Well actually studies prove that Reverse Polish Notation is faster and less prone to errors."
Look assholes most of us can't do stupid math the regular way. No one asked for this.
Poland in 1924: "I know what will make people stop making fun of us! We'll do all our math backwards for no good reason!"
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abalidoth · 1 year
Problem: Arithmetic notation is ambiguous (ex. 2 + 2 x 4 could be 16 or 10)
Need: Unambiguous notation
Solution: Polish notation (or reverse). From now on all mathematics must be written with the operators at the end to reduce ambiguity. 2 2 + 4 x = 16 and 2 2 4 x + = 8. I see no issues with the solution whatsoever.
None whatsoever :D
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cathodic-clairvoyant · 9 months
i too am an order of operations hater (RPN sweeps)
YES THANK YOU. Join me in making my machine that takes us to the reverse polish notation dimension. I just think we're done with the viral order of operations arguments. I think arguing what 8÷2(2+2) is or whether it's pedmas gemdas or whatever acronym arguments are boring and lame. There's so much more interesting dumb math discourse to be had. Is '=' a binary operator? Is R^3 a cube or a sphere? Which Euler's formula is the True Euler's Formula? I just think if we're arguing about vague notation we can do better.
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periwinklenya · 11 months
i think that calculators should use reverse polish notation again. just for the lolz. just to confuse everybody (including myself)
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femme-objet · 10 months
like write one of those ambiguously written mathematical expression in reverse polish notation and i think people would be extremely confused
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libriaco · 1 year
Notazione (polacca e inversa...)
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It is unworthy of excellent men to lose hours like slaves in the labor of calculation. È indegno di uomini eccellenti perdere delle ore come schiavi nella fatica di eseguire calcoli.
Citato da J. A. Ball, Algorithms for RPN calculators, New York, J. Wiley & sons, 1978
La citazione è attribuita a Gottfried Wilhelm, Baron von Leibniz (1646-1716).
Ciascuno ha un punto di origine, la Reverse Polish Notation è il mio.
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codeshive · 2 months
COMP 3522 Lab 5 Object Oriented Programming in C++ solved
Instructions This week you will continue to explore C++’s flavor of OOP (specifically inheritance and abstraction) by implementing a command line reverse Polish notation calculator. We’ve already talked about binary infix operators in lecture: 2 + 2 -> 4 4 – 2 -> 2 5 / 3 -> 1 (assuming we are using ints) Reverse Polish notation (RPN) is a mathematical notation where operators follow their…
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codingprolab · 2 months
COMP 3522 Lab 5 Object Oriented Programming in C++
1 Instructions This week you will continue to explore C++’s flavor of OOP (specifically inheritance and abstraction) by implementing a command line reverse Polish notation calculator. We’ve already talked about binary infix operators in lecture: 2 + 2 -> 4 4 – 2 -> 2 5 / 3 -> 1 (assuming we are using ints) Reverse Polish notation (RPN) is a mathematical notation where operators follow their…
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bitcofunblog · 4 months
Table of ContentsIntroductionUnderstanding Bitcoin Script: A Comprehensive GuideDemystifying Bitcoin Script: A Step-by-Step TutorialAdvanced Bitcoin Scripting: Unlocking the Power of Bitcoin's Built-In LanguageQ&AConclusionUnlock the Power of Bitcoin's Scripting LanguageIntroductionBitcoin's built-in scripting language, known as Script, is a powerful tool that allows developers to create complex transactions and smart contracts. Script is a stack-based language that uses a reverse Polish notation (RPN) syntax. This means that operands are placed on the stack before the operators that act on them. Script is also a Turing-complete language, which means that it can be used to implement any computation that can be performed by a computer.Understanding Bitcoin Script: A Comprehensive Guide**Understanding Bitcoin's Built-In Scripting Language** Bitcoin's scripting language, known as Script, is an integral part of the cryptocurrency's design. It allows users to define complex conditions that must be met before a transaction can be executed. This feature provides a high level of flexibility and customization, enabling the creation of sophisticated financial instruments and applications. Script is a stack-based language, meaning that it operates on a stack of data. The language consists of a set of opcodes, each of which performs a specific operation on the stack. For example, the OP_ADD opcode adds the top two elements of the stack, while the OP_EQUAL opcode compares the top two elements for equality. One of the most important aspects of Script is its use in creating multi-signature transactions. These transactions require multiple parties to sign before they can be executed, providing an additional layer of security. Script can also be used to create time-locked transactions, which can only be executed after a specified period of time has elapsed. In addition to its use in financial applications, Script has also been used to create a variety of other applications on the Bitcoin blockchain. For example, Script can be used to create decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs), which are self-governing entities that operate on the blockchain. Understanding Bitcoin's scripting language is essential for anyone who wants to develop applications on the blockchain. Script provides a powerful tool for creating complex and secure transactions, as well as a variety of other applications. Here are some additional resources that you may find helpful: * [Bitcoin Script Reference](https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Script) * [Mastering Bitcoin Script](https://github.com/bitcoinbook/bitcoinbook/blob/second_edition/ch06.asciidoc) * [Bitcoin Script Tutorial](https://www.coursera.org/specializations/bitcoin-technology) By studying these resources, you can gain a deeper understanding of Bitcoin's scripting language and its many applications.Demystifying Bitcoin Script: A Step-by-Step Tutorial**Understanding Bitcoin's Built-In Scripting Language** Bitcoin's scripting language, known as Script, is a powerful tool that enables developers to create complex transactions and smart contracts. It is a stack-based language, meaning that operations are performed on a stack of data. Script is used to define the conditions that must be met for a transaction to be valid. These conditions can include verifying signatures, checking timelocks, and performing mathematical operations. By leveraging Script, developers can create transactions that are more secure, efficient, and flexible. One of the key features of Script is its simplicity. It consists of a small set of opcodes, each of which performs a specific operation. This simplicity makes Script easy to learn and use, even for those with limited programming experience. To understand how Script works, let's consider a simple example. Suppose we want to create a transaction that requires two signatures to be valid. We can use the following Script: ``` OP_2DUP OP_VERIFY OP_2SWAP OP_VERIFY OP_ADD OP_10 OP_EQUAL ```
This Script checks that two signatures are present and valid. It first duplicates the top two elements of the stack (the signatures) and verifies them. Then, it swaps the top two elements and verifies them again. Finally, it adds the two signatures and checks if the result is equal to 10. If all these conditions are met, the transaction is considered valid. Script is not only used for simple transactions. It can also be used to create more complex smart contracts. For example, developers can use Script to create contracts that allow multiple parties to collaborate, enforce agreements, and automate tasks. The possibilities of Script are endless. By understanding its fundamentals, developers can unlock the full potential of Bitcoin and create innovative applications that leverage its unique features.Advanced Bitcoin Scripting: Unlocking the Power of Bitcoin's Built-In Language**Understanding Bitcoin's Built-In Scripting Language** Bitcoin's scripting language, known as Script, is an integral part of the cryptocurrency's design. It allows users to define complex conditions and rules that govern the transfer of funds. By understanding Script, developers can unlock the full potential of Bitcoin and create innovative applications. Script is a stack-based language, meaning that it operates on a stack of data. Each instruction in Script pushes or pops data onto the stack, and the result of the script is determined by the final state of the stack. The language is Turing-complete, which means that it can be used to perform any computation that a traditional programming language can. One of the most important features of Script is its ability to create multi-signature transactions. These transactions require multiple parties to sign before they can be executed, providing an additional layer of security. Script can also be used to create time-locked transactions, which can only be executed after a certain amount of time has passed. In addition to these basic features, Script also supports a wide range of advanced operations. These include the ability to perform mathematical operations, compare data, and create custom data structures. This flexibility makes Script a powerful tool for developers who want to create complex and innovative Bitcoin applications. However, it is important to note that Script is a low-level language. This means that it can be difficult to write and debug scripts. Additionally, Script is not standardized, which means that there are different implementations of the language. This can lead to compatibility issues between different Bitcoin clients. Despite these challenges, Script remains a powerful tool for developers who want to unlock the full potential of Bitcoin. By understanding Script, developers can create innovative applications that leverage the unique features of the cryptocurrency. As Bitcoin continues to evolve, Script is likely to play an increasingly important role. The language is already being used to create a variety of new applications, including decentralized exchanges, smart contracts, and payment channels. As these applications mature, Script will become an essential tool for developers who want to build on the Bitcoin blockchain.Q&A**Question 1:** What is Bitcoin's built-in scripting language? **Answer:** Bitcoin Script **Question 2:** What is the purpose of Bitcoin Script? **Answer:** To define conditions that must be met for a Bitcoin transaction to be valid. **Question 3:** What are some common use cases for Bitcoin Script? **Answer:** * Multi-signature transactions * Time-locked transactions * Escrow transactionsConclusion**Conclusion:** Bitcoin's built-in scripting language, Script, provides a powerful tool for customizing transactions and creating complex smart contracts. Its simplicity and flexibility allow developers to implement a wide range of functionalities, from simple value transfers to sophisticated multi-signature schemes. By understanding Script, developers can unlock
the full potential of Bitcoin and create innovative applications that leverage its decentralized and secure nature.
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laejoh · 1 year
A fun way to learn a computer language is to recode old BASIC Computer games.
Here's a ZX81 BASIC version of Acey Ducey:
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Here's Acey Ducey in Emacs Elisp:
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javamyblog · 4 months
Evaluating Reverse Polish Notation
150. Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation You are given an array of strings tokens that represents an arithmetic expression in a Reverse Polish Notation. Evaluate the expression. Return an integer that represents the value of the expression. Note that: The valid operators are '+', '-', '*', and '/'. Each operand may be an integer or another expression. The division between two integers always…
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myprogrammingsolver · 5 months
COMP 3522 Lab 5 Object Oriented Programming in C++
• Instructions This week you will continue to explore C++’s flavor of OOP (specifically inheritance and abstraction) by implementing a command line reverse Polish notation calculator. We’ve already talked about binary infix operators in lecture: • +2->4 4-2->2 5 / 3 -> 1 (assuming we are using ints) Reverse Polish notation (RPN) is a mathematical notation where operators follow their operands.…
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Anytime I see a dumb order of operations argument online i get one step closer to finishing my machine that takes us to the reverse polish notation dimension so i may finally have some relief
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amitsaini012 · 7 months
Top 10 Hardest Programming Languages In 2024
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Learning to code and program can be a challenging yet rewarding process. With hundreds of programming languages in existence, some are considered more difficult than others. The learning curve varies greatly between languages, with some having complex syntax and concepts that take considerable time and effort to master. Even experienced coders can find certain languages tricky. In this blog post, I'll explore 10 of the most notoriously difficult programming languages for beginners and professionals alike. Evaluating complexity, nuanced semantics, steep learning curves, and convoluted frameworks, here are the top 10 hardest programming languages to learn and use effectively.
1. C++ 
Known for its complexity, low-level memory management, and convoluted syntax, C++ is considered one of the most difficult languages. Developers must manage memory allocation and deallocation, pointer arithmetic, and navigate complex syntactic features. While very powerful, C++ takes time to learn properly.
2. Haskell 
Haskell's highly mathematical nature and advanced type system mark it as a challenge for most. The functional programming paradigm requires a different mindset. Concepts like lazy evaluation and type classes make Haskell particularly hard to master.
3. Lisp 
Lisp's use of prefix notation for expressions and heavy reliance on recursion gives it a steep learning curve. The unique syntax and coding style require time to get comfortable with. As a highly dynamic language, runtime errors can also be challenging.
4. Rust 
Rust's strict compile-time checks around memory safety and concurrency make coding error-prone. The borrower checker further complicates matters. Developing Rust programs requires learning new paradigms around ownership and lifetimes.
5. Objective-C 
With a complex object-oriented framework built on top of C, Objective-C is difficult. The language relies heavily on protocols, delegates, categories, and extensions, which have subtle distinctions. Just getting familiar with the API takes time.
6. Scala 
Scala blends object-oriented and functional programming in a strongly typed language. It has advanced type systems featuring type inference and abstract types. The multitude of programming paradigms makes Scala challenging to learn.
7. Perl 
Known for its messy and inconsistent syntax, Perl has over 100,000 individual language constructs, including shortened keywords and symbols. Programming Perl requires dealing with nuances and edge cases in the language.
8. Assembly 
Any low-level assembly language will prove difficult with manual memory management and little abstraction from the hardware. Coding in assembly requires understanding computer architecture fundamentals and machine code instructions. The learning curve is quite steep.
9. Ada 
Originally designed for safety-critical embedded systems, Ada is a complex statically typed language with strong data typing. Some find its verbosity and rigid requirements like exception handling make it particularly challenging to learn.
10. Forth 
A stack-based programming language, Forth employs a highly uncommon programming style using reverse Polish notation. The unique syntax and paradigm mean developers have to "unlearn" other languages to grasp Forth.
Learning any programming language requires time, effort, and practice. But some have earned reputations as being particularly tricky. Languages like C++, Haskell, Lisp, and Scala are always known for their complexity and steep learning curves. Others like Objective-C, Perl, and Forth employ convoluted and unconventional syntax. Low-level languages like assembly and Rust are challenging due to their strict requirements and close ties to hardware. While no language is impossible to learn, it's worth being aware of the obstacles and difficulties certain languages present. Even experienced programmers can find some languages require more effort to achieve proficiency. But with passion and practice, you can master even the most notoriously difficult programming languages.
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