#reverted back into their younger selves!
balsee · 3 months
that scene of ekko and jinx fighting on the bridge is such a masterful piece of storytelling and animation that it really makes me want an episode focusing on the two of them in season two. at most, i'd love to see some flashbacks of jinx living with silco and ekko trying his best to bring her back until their friendship eventually dissolves into what it is now.
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hella1975 · 2 years
called my sister and she told me she’s read twelve books this year and her new favourite food is pickled gherkins and i told her today me and two of my friends had a group nap in my little double bed and i think your twenties are good actually
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spaceofunknown · 2 months
Something something Rhaenyra wearing bright red after wearing black and maroon all season and Alicent wearing blue after wearing green all season, both reverting back to the colours they wore as their younger selves.
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ghostbite0 · 1 year
How conscious are the hashira about their transformation? Like uhhh
A. they’ve reverted back to their younger selves and lost memory too
B. they’re in children’s bodies, retain their memories, but still act like children
C. they’re basically just adults in children’s bodies
D. your own explanation if I’m wrong!! Just curious about the logistics lol
excellent question! it's somewhere between B & C!
i made a graph to explain it a little better :D
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warning for demon slayer manga spoilers (regarding character backstories)
essentially, they all retain their memories, but naturally because they've all been de-aged their instincts and what not are all over the place. Gyomei is the eldest, so he retains more of his personality, whereas Muichiro is a literal infant, so of course he'll act pretty different!
Mitsuri + Rengoku kinda embrace their situation and try to make the most out of it.
Shinobu is similar, but she's more eager to find a cure and has fun along the way.
Giyuu is a lot like his usual self, but the reason he's closer to the middle is because his personality as a kid starts to resurface the longer he's de-aged!
same applies for Muichiro; he mainly keeps the whole "stoic/intimidating/etc" act but overtime his true personality resurfaces. he's an infant so he kinda can't help his baby instincts, but he's conscious enough to, for the most part, act like his usual self
the one with the most noticeable personality change is Obanai; he's mainly the same, but he's pretty vulnerable because of all the bad memories and what not attached to being his child self again, thus his shyness.
Sanemi feels some side effects as well; because he was de-aged to a point before all of his siblings (excluding Genya) were killed, he can't help but feel protective and will speak softly toward the younger Hashira.
Tengen is in the same boat; he also lost all of his siblings (but one brother), and naturally coddles everyone to "make up" for what happened.
Gyomei is basically the same, just younger. he's much softer and affectionate, though, and is regarded as the "big brother" the whole time they're stuck as kids. he loves taking care of them, but often gets really sad because it reminds him of the kids he looked after prior to becoming a Hashira :(
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ninjagirlstar5 · 5 days
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Basically a part 2 to this post about Real World Void designs since my design for Real World!Iroha won't be used for this project since another person apparently already did her before I was reached out for the other three. But yeah, here's Iroha! I feel like I was able to keep her cute while making her look a little more like her actual adult age.
I always thought it was a crime I mean shame that Void never got new designs for their real world counterparts. I think it really would've sold how everyone's appearance had been reverted back to their teenage selves during the events of the killing game as even Void wouldn't wear the same thing back when they were younger, right?? I don't care if they still wear those clothes as adults or that they could pass as teenagers, people usually change their wardrobe as they get older. Especially Emma. She should not be wearing a school uniform as an adult. Like, c'mon.
Even Syobai and Mikado got to change, and all Syobai did was clean up his appearance while Mikado not only gets a real life counterpart with black hair and glasses (who turns out to be a separate person), but also a glitchy version of himself.
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iamnotawomanimagod · 11 months
I've been thinking about Madeline's fake bangs, and I'm kind of chewing on it still, but I think it has less to do with vanity and more to do with her connection to her past and Verna.
What Mike Flanagan said about the bangs (while still keeping quite mum about their actual meaning) was that it was the actress's idea, that many women her age wear those kind of hairpieces, and that the actress was very specific about when she would take the hairpiece off on camera. It's that last part that really sticks out to me.
What's interesting is that Madeline never had bangs as a girl, teenager, or young/middle aged woman. I don't think it's about keeping some semblance of her image of her younger self. Her hair without the fake bangs is much more reminiscent of how she wore her hair when she was younger.
So while most women might wear a hairpiece like that to connect with their younger selves, I think Madeline is doing it to distance herself from it - and from the person she was when she made the deal. We don't see Adult Madeline after she makes the deal - maybe she ran to a hairdresser that very day. We don't really know when she chose to put them on - we only know that it happened after the deal, after meeting Verna.
Which brings us back to when Madeline takes the bangs off as an older woman - right before she goes to meet Verna again.
So, in short, my current theory is that the bangs were Madeline's way of hiding from the deal - disconnecting from who she was before and after meeting Verna. Helping her claim their success as her own, as a choice that she's actively making, not as the result of a hazy conversation in a bar that never existed. And when she goes to Verna to try to renegotiate the terms of the deal, she visually and emotionally reverts back to that person she was before. She relinquishes that symbol of her own power.
Vanity is not one of Madeline's cardinal sins. But appearing to be constantly in control of herself and her environment is, and significantly changing her hair after meeting Verna (and going back to that style again before meeting her for the last time) would signal that need for control. Or the appearance of it.
And Madeline knows that Verna knows better. Verna knows where Madeline's power and control really comes from. She knows Madeline had very little to do with it. So Madeline removes that little symbol of her own power, her own agency, to talk again with the devil that both gave her those things and made certain they'd never really be hers.
It's a lot to put on that little hairpiece, and maybe I'm totally off-base. But it feels like the connection to Verna and Madeline's fake bangs isn't an accident, and that feels much more fitting to Madeline's story arc than "older women wear hairpieces."
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flanaganfilm · 2 years
Hi Mike! I hope you and Kate and your kids are well ☺️
I have a question about Midnight Mass: what was it that killed “Father Paul” in Book III? I’ve seen a few theories on Reddit but I was wondering if you could shed some light for us. Some think it was the amount of blood he’d been ingesting from the creature/vampire. Some think he was poisoned. We saw Bev put the compound 1080 back into the chemicals cupboard a few scenes before his death. Did she poison him? And if so, why would she do that? What motive did she have? Did she believe god would perform a miracle in resurrecting him? Or was this supposed to be left to our interpretation?I’m not exactly sure what I believe, but I think it’s an interesting point in the story to discuss.
Thank you for the time you take to discuss and answer our questions both here and on tiktok! ☺️
Don't read this if you haven't seen MIDNIGHT MASS!
I've been asked this question a few times. For me, Father Paul died because that was the next step in his transformation. He had been regularly ingesting the blood, and getting younger and younger, but once his body reached its "peak self" the next step would be that it would die, and he'd be "reborn" as a full vampire. This is why he can move around in the daylight freely before this moment, but not after.
You see signs of this earlier, as he coughs blood into the sink and collapses at mass. This is his body finally reaching the tipping point.
This is the same fate that would have befallen everyone on Crockett who was drinking the blood. Given enough time, their bodies would have reverted to their peak selves, and then their hearts would have failed them, only for them to rise anew.
But because Riley rejected the "gift," and told Erin what was going on, Bev and Fr. Paul believe they need to accelerate their agenda before someone can interfere. That's why Bev proposes the poisoning at mass. The rationale is that it is only speeding up what is happening anyway, and since no one will actually die, it's easy for them to rationalize their actions.
The theory that Bev poisoned Fr Paul took me quite by surprise, to be honest. Looking back, I can understand how someone can get to that conclusion, but that isn't how we wrote the show. The idea was that Bev poisoned the dog, and that's the canister you see her returning to the closet (she waited until the attention had died down). That story point exists so that we understood she had access to the poison, and how quickly it kills, to set up the Midnight Mass sequence.
That said, I'm always grateful and amazed by what people will put together on their own. I also believe strongly that once I'm finished with a show and it comes out, it belongs to its audience... so if that's what someone got out of it, I don't like arguing with them!
Hope this is helpful!
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oddlyhale · 1 year
Call me a boomer or whatever, but I actually like doing budgeting.
If they're that strapped for cash, and if I had to make budgeting decisions, I would: - Cut Jaune out of the volume. Since his arc ends with him reverting back to his younger self, there's no need for him to be in Ever After. - Weiss killed Penny on the Golden Bridge. She's in terrible grief for what she did and is in constant anxiety to explain herself to Ruby. - Cut Little out of the volume. From what I understand, creating Little was a huge feat because their model is more complex than the usual models we see. Cut them out and save money and time from creating them. - Move the Red Prince battle at the end of the volume. We can keep the marketplace throughout the volume since it helps set some world-building of Ever After through the NPCs and environment. - Neo is fine in the volume, she didn't pop up much. And since she has no VA to be paid, Neo is very expandable, but it was good that they didn't overuse her this volume. - No suicide arc!! It was stupid!! - Keeping Ruby separated from her team for the majority of the time. Would save quite a bit of time and money to only focus on Ruby rather than having to focus on them all at once. Yang, Blake, and Weiss can have their own episodes. - Ruby starts to see glimpses of Weiss running off into different wooded paths, yelling something about being late. Ruby chases Weiss throughout the volume. Weiss doesn't stick around often and vanishes. - Neo is down on her luck. She doesn't feel the need to go after Ruby because she feels like she's trapped in another universe and she can't get back home. However, a new anger towards Cinder festers. - Instead of creating more Ever After characters, utilize the main characters. Weiss can be the White Rabbit and Blake can be the Cheshire Cat. Yang can either fight to stay normal or become a character. All will be cured by the end of the volume. Neo also starts to act like the Mad Hatter. - It appears that Ever After is taking over the minds of whoever has fallen. Ruby and Yang both feel the effects as they both start to feel different from their old selves, but they're able to stay original. - Eating food (A LOT OF FOOD) and drinking a lot of tea was a notable part of Alice in Wonderland 1951. They could say that eating anything from Ever After causes the character change. - Ruby can't find Cresent Rose but she does find Summer Rose's weapon at a blacksmith's shop (but she doesn't know it belongs to Summer Rose). She carries that around because it feels familiar to her, but also she wants a weapon to defend herself. It'd be fun to watch as Ruby tries to work with a new weapon. - Weiss sees the glass sword of Penny's. She doesn't remember Penny, but the sight of the sword throws her into a frenzy and makes her lose time. Her time dilation goes out of control and it causes bouts of chaos wherever she's at, but the Red Prince isn't bothered by it.
i'll come up with more later in a reblog
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prentissluvr · 2 months
painful idea childhood best friends to lovers with sammy except when you're together, you revert back to your younger selves. which makes you feel high and giddy and smiley when you're together. but it also makes you dumb and naive and trusting and so in love that you lose just about all rationality. play everywhere everything by noah kahan!!!! "would we survive in a horror movie? i doubt it we're too slow moving. we trust everyone we meet. two bodies riddled with scars from our preteens intertwine in a car's dirty backseat, stare at a drive-in screen. we didn't know that the sun was collapsing, til the seas rose and the buildings came crashing ... i wanna love you til we're food for the worms to eat, til our fingers decompose keep my hand in yours." and then one or both of you gets hurt because you're so distracted by the presence of the other. idk maybe you die HAHA or he does or you both do or you just keep doing it. hurting each other over and over again, ignoring the way the world is falling apart around you and not caring because one way or another, you're gonna die together.
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ecargmura · 6 months
Grandpa And Grandma Turn Young Again Episode 1 Review - Grandparents Turn Young
What a crazy premise; imagine your own grandparents turning young again due to eating a golden apple. What happens when an old couple in their 70’s or 80’s turn young again? Well, shenanigans happen and that’s basically what this story seems to be.
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The story is just Shouzou and Ine doing things they couldn’t do before. For example, the first thing they did was fork. I think they were a bit rushing there, but it was funny how that was the first thing that came to Shouzou’s mind. It’s also hilarious to see the other family members’ reaction. Mino, their granddaughter was super mind blown when she first saw this, but now, she seems to enjoy it a lot. Her mother Kaede and father Yoshiaki, who is Shouzou and Ine’s eldest son, were shocked but got used to it.
Reverting back to their youthful selves also garners attention from people from Mino who starts being clingy towards Shouzou and Ine later on to Shouzou having granny fangirls. I guess it’s nice to see that they were attractive people in their youth and that both of them get their fair share of attention. Though, I do feel like the lack of big reaction feels unrealistic but I guess being older means not being as surprised or emotional as you were in your youth.
I think the sweetest thing about Shouzou and Ine is the fact that they’re still in love with each other even after over 50 years of marriage. In their time, marriage for love was rare compared to arranged marriages. Shouzou and Ine had married for love. There are also a lot of happy couples too with Mino’s parents having a chill marriage despite Yoshiaki being busy all the time. There’s also a potential romance between Mino and Shouta as their feelings seem to be mutual but haven’t found the right timing to confess yet.
I really like the voice acting as it’s Shinichiro Miki and Mamiko Noto voicing the leads. I’ve never heard Noto use an elderly voice, so it was nice to hear. Also I do like that these two still keep using elderly speech patterns even when reverting back to their younger selves
This is cute overall. I think my reviews for this show are going to be short because there isn’t much to talk about. I do wonder if this is permanent or if it’s temporary. I guess watching more will answer that question. Anyways, what are your thoughts on the premiere of this show?
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spacedlexi · 1 year
ive been intrigued by modern au of certain twdg characters, like we know some of their back stories (lee being a prof or javi a baseball player) but like actually picturing/designing them is interesting, idk if you've ever thought of it past clem, louis and violet [unfortunately im unskilled so just sharing my ideas!]
i dont think about modern aus all that often since ive always been more of a fan of in-universe explorations. the only time i Really think about modern au stuff is when im playing them in the sims lmao (i keep my traumatized faves safe there)
i dont think their designs would be all that different? the only reason i see clem vs modern clem as variations of the same person is because we knew what she was like as a kid and we saw how beat down by the world she became after 8 years on the road. but without the trauma of that i feel she would be able to retain a lot of that optimism and kindness she had as a child that she became hardened to as she got older (that kindness is still there deep down but shes become hardened by the things shes been through and shes had to become tough to survive). and even with her parents still dying, getting to have lee permanently as a supportive guardian lets her still retain that general attitude for the most part, she just becomes more of a realist. but she never gets as low emotionally as she was in like S3. she also has less responsibility since she doesnt have to care for aj alone either. she actually gets to be a sister. shes much more lighthearted overall while still taking things seriously
but for characters like lee or javi (or any of the adults), we've seen them outside of the apocalypse. and their outlooks didnt change all that dramatically because of it. at least not in ways that would influence their personal styles. just take the layer of zombie grime off them give them a bath and clean clothes theyre good to go
when i think of modern aus i imagine most of the adults to be the same, just more relaxed as they dont have to deal with fighting to survive day after day. its really the younger characters that i feel would have the possibility of being different. in-universe their lives were shaped by the apocalypse. but without the apocalypse who would they be? and how do you still keep those characters feeling like Themselves when you remove such a big part of why they are the way they are?
especially when it comes to the ericson kids who, when i imagine modern aus, were not sent off to boarding school by their families either. thats another huge change to something so so foundational to their characters. how were those situations handled? did those events even happen? in louis' case i personally keep his relationship with his father tense and strict, but i make his mother more supportive of him and his goals, and so while he still has to fight for what he wants there was never a time where he felt he needed to teach his dad a lesson, because at least he has his mom. in violets case things dont change all that much, her dad still sucks her mom still works 3 jobs and her grandma still offs herself in front of her, only difference is they have no financial ability to send violet off, and so she just has to Deal with it. but even these changes dont have all that much effect on their personal styles compared to their canon selves. louis just gets to keep wearing his expensive designer shit, and violet has had the same wardrobe for 5+ years and it shows in its wear and tear
when i think about how characters would dress its heavily reliant on their personalities, outlooks, and circumstances. how do i show these things based on looks alone? but thats why i dont imagine most of them looking all that different. theyve just been reverted. lee is still a fun but reasonable (for the most part) history professor who wants to start a family, and javi is still a happy go lucky uncle dealing with being kicked out of his dream career while trying to be more present for his family. their styles remain largely unchanged
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missazura · 2 years
my experience of being held hostage by an alter of a 400 year old British puritan for a day
generally terrifying bc he is not a nice man to deal with. had to hand over and let him front bc he held me at knife point and strangled me so I'd yield
I was still around but my influence was lower than usual. he has the ability to ignore me now. I remember seeing my reflection and it felt like a body snatcher scene, my eyes were absolutely dead and no warmth in them
he didn't talk much to my family and minded his own business. it's. frightening to hear him talk when he does, my voice sounded too calm and collected than usual. absolutely insane pov ngl
my cats were there and he refuses to greet them. eventually he warmed up to one of the kittens and he names her Kikimora when her actual name is Mimi....
he kept my Switch away so he doesn't trigger my influence bc he knows if Splatoon is there I'm gonna kick his ass out and be back sooner to play it
he was extremely arrogant and confident that he could live my life without me until he realized that he CANNOT draw as well as I do and he can't even DRIVE.
ate dinner with a usual dish I eat bc the body wants it, and somehow it's a lot spicier than I remember?? which lead me to the conclusion that this man cannot handle a medium level spice- it shook him loose that he actually wanted to start sobbing on the spot
browsed youtube and "Fearless Hero" plays and it was a trigger for me to come back and oh he HATED it
at this point he was starting to lose his grip and was too exhausted to keep it up
got back home and I got to talk to him in the end in the mindscape, I tried to be as gentle as possible and he somehow reverted back to his younger selves (up till Kid Belos even) and he told me what upset him so much about me. He didn't want to change, bc change is scary and he didn't want to lose our family or what's left of it
I had to reassure him that we will gain new things when we let go of the past
and that point he lets go and I woke up at the front once more.
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thundergrace · 1 year
When it comes to an "age regression kink", it's actually super important to not use the terminology "age regression" but instead refer to it as "DDLG" (Daddy Dom/Little Girl) or "Little Space".
Age regression, as it's meant to be used, is actually an incredibly useful, and healthy, therapeutic tool to help individuals deal with trauma, specifically trauma where they regularly feel unsafe and uncared for due to their trauma.
Age regression, from a therapeutic perspective, is typically used with individuals who have experienced trauma. Mentally, and behaviorally, they revert back to a younger version of themselves, often a child-like version, as a means of offering a mindset of a time where they felt secure/safe/taken care of. This can be individualistic, where when they revert to this child-like state, they engage in behaviors that they did as their younger selves, such as playing with toys, sucking their thumbs, etc. It can also be used within a relationship in which someone takes on the role of caregiver and provides the individual with safety and security by taking care of the individual that has age regressed as you would a child.
Of course, as with most things, a small group of individuals have taken that therapeutic approach, and have twisted it into something sexual that involves the same general idea, but sexualized.
But yeah, it's definitely helpful to separate the terminology because people are automatically associating "age regression" with perverts/pedophiles and that's not the case at all
I'm sure they are because I don't know where it came from and haven't read fan fiction in months, but I just went on Ao3 and it was EVERYWHERE and I've NEVER seen that tag before.
So, it's a therapy term being misused also used as a kink term? Got it.
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gentrychild · 2 years
Hello, may I please borrow your fic finders to find two Batfam fics?
THe first is a fic where Dick, Tim, Jason, and Cass all got deaged to Damian's age and there was a lot of fuckery with the court of owls(they kidnap Cass), Jason kills Joker before they revert back to their proper ages, and Dick is very unhappy with how Bruce treats Steph and Jason because of them dying - to name a few things I remember from the fic.
The second one isn't quite deaging but younger versions of everyone appear and they're all unable to go certain distances from their older selves (with the exception of Damian - who's older self is there from the future instead). They're all unsure of whether or not they're copies made with magic, actually pulled from the past/future, or something else. I remember there was a moment in the fic where two of the adults were talking and they accidentally dragged their younger self so that they were dangling over one of the chasm things(? I forget what to properly call them) in the batcave.
I will give candy to your delightful fic finders 🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫🍬🍬🍬🍬🍬🍬🍬🍬🍭🍭🍭🍭🍭🍭🍭🍭
Fic finders, ASSEMBLE!
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kayssweetdreams · 2 years
Nightmaren Babies Ch 11
Meanwhile, With Balan and Lance...
The two maestros had made their way over to Cass's time themed stage to find the one person (or should I say costume) who could possibly fix the Age Watch. In a small area near the large clock tower, Balan pressed on a small panel, opening a door to a quaint, but Wondrous clock shop. Many different clocks and timepieces, inspired by Wonderworld, and the people brought there played their steady, tick tock as a very old, Chrono Bunny sat at a work table, currently fixing a water themed Cuckoo clock.
"Excuse us? Pardon our interruption, But I don't think we need an introduction." Lance called into the back. The aging rabbit looked up to see the two maestros at the counter, as a small smile graced his face "Ah! Balan! Lance! Fancy seeing you here! You're actually 3 minutes to teatime. Care for some?" The elderly hare asked. Balan and Lance were about to decline, when the sound of a kettle blowing was heard “Right on time!” he said cheerfully, looking down at the clock in his stomach.
Balan and Lance looked at each other, they never turned down a cup of tea (especially when it's made from Wonderworld herbs and fruits) but they had more pressing matters to attend to. "We would like to sip and savor, but we really need to ask you for a favor." Balan said. The chrono hare looked up from his cup "A favor? Well of course, anything for you two. What do you need?" He asked, his eyes curious as to what the great maestos of Wonderworld needed.
Lance pulled out the broken watch that had reverted NiGHTS and Reala to their younger selves, and sat it at the table, before more cogs and springs shot out of it. "Goodness...What happened to this fine watch?" The Clock bunny asked. "NiGHTS and Reala, during their fight, and this is the reason for their now de-aged plight." Balan said. The old Chrono Hare looked down at the watch, his eyes gazing at the cogs and gears jutting out of it at awkward angles.
"Hmm...I have never worked on anything infused with magic before. This watch alone is practically overflowing with Wonderworld's magic..." He said, before another spring jumped out of the watch, and bounced around the room. "Take cover!" The Chrono Bunny shouted. Balan pulled himself inside of his hat as Lance sank into the shadows before the spring stopped on the edge of a small sky whale Cuckoo clock.
The three of them gazed at where the spring landed before looking back down at the damaged watch. "Yep...that's Wonderworld magic alright. I've never seen a spring with THAT much spring before." The old hare said in shock. "Is it impossible? A bit too much? We can find someone else to fix it and such." Lance said. However, the Chrono Hare gained a smile, a curious, yet a bit frighteningly mad smile
"Are you kidding? It would be an HONOR to try and fix this amazing piece of magic! I always did like a challenge!" He said. The maestros grew hopeful "So you'll do it?" Balan asked "Of course! I'll get started right away!" The chrono hare said...before looking back at his clock on his stomach "...After a spot of tea." He said, walking over to a stove and getting a teapot (that ironically had a working clock on it) off of the stove, and set it on a table, along with many carrot themed pastries.
Balan and Lance smiled. The watch was going to get fixed, and they could return their cousins to their normal age...of course, there was the question of how long it was gonna take for the watch to get fixed...
And how long until Wizeman found out.
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toaarcan · 2 years
Superhero Media and the Defence of the Status Quo
I’ve seen much discussion, mostly on this site, about how superhero media, particularly the films, tend to cast the heroes as rock-solid defenders of the norm, and the villains as the ones pushing for some manner of social change, be it good or bad.
This trope is endemic to the genre, because comics.
Comics are not designed to end. Comics are designed to go on forever. Comics have been intended to release every month in perpetuity. What changes that isn’t narrative, but finance. A run will be cut short if it fails to sell, and that’s how comic runs end. But then the publisher will get someone else in to take on the character and everything starts again.
True, each individual writer might have a plan for their run, with a plot that ends whenever. But they’re not going to be the final word. Once they’re done, and they move on to their next project, someone else will pick up those characters and that setting and tell the next chapter.
A common adage within comics is that “Every issue is someone’s first,” and that can often stifle change within a book. The book needs its familiar elements to be there, it needs those aspects that people know about the character and their world, to help ease the new people in. Or at least, that’s how the industry sees things. So every arc and shift in the landscape of the universe has to be reset at the end, so things can revert to normal.
This is especially true of the Big Two, Marvel and DC, because they’re telling stories with an inter-connected universe, and so not only does the writer on Batman have to consider the audience of their own book, but also the writers of the other eight Bat-books and also Justice League, and they can’t change Batman too much or they’ll break things.
This is also why death doesn’t tend to stick.
Here’s some examples:
1) In DC’s “DCYou” era, they heavily changed both Superman and Batman. Superman lost most of his powers and was reduced back to Golden Age levels. Bruce Wayne got amnesia and was replaced by a moustache-less, mohawk-sporting Jim Gordon in a giant robot bunny mecha. These were both deeply unpopular stories, but... well, Justice League was still running at the time, and... Bruce Wayne and Clark Kent were both still their normal selves throughout. That part of Justice League just happened before/after those points, but it was really confusing at the time, because DC weren’t telling anyone how the pieces were meant to fit together.
2) Around the same time, Marvel had done the Civil War II event, which was also garbage. At the end, Carol Danvers shoots a hole in Tony Stark’s chest for... reasons. Writer Brian Michael Bendis did this (and also killed off Rhodey at the beginning of the event) in order to replace Tony with Riri Williams, a character who... well let’s just say that Brian Michael Bendis is neither black, nor a woman, nor a genius, nor a student, and it shows. However, he also intended for an AI version of Tony to be Riri’s JARVIS or FRIDAY or whatever the new one in the comics is called. The rest of Marvel’s writers, apparently still wanting to use Tony Stark, had the AI operate as Tony Stark for the intervening years. AI Tony became Tony But Blue. People kept asking why Tony was blue, and any given crossover that started with Tony in the suit had people wondering whether the real Tony was back, because they were all written with the real Tony in mind.
3) This year, DC did a big event called Dark Crisis. It had its moments, but it was mostly empty spectacle. The inciting incident for Dark Crisis is the death of the Justice League, forcing their younger allies (Nightwing, Jon Kent as Superman, Yara Flor as Wonder Girl, etc) and also Black Adam (because movie) to step up to the plate and take on the villain that killed the original League. Did it affect the solo books of Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, etcetera? Mostly, no. Clark was absent from the pages of Superman for completely separate reasons, and again, everything was very confusing as the inherent “Yeah that’s never gonna stick” factor that killing the Justice League already had was heavily reduced by the presence of the league’s founding members in their own titles.
This is also why supervillains are dealt with via cardboard prisons and nobody ever makes a good effort at fixing that. Back in the Golden Age of Comics, villains died frequently, and often at the hands of the heroes. The Joker dies in his first appearance in comics. The change was made, not because they wanted to impart good morals, but because they realised that if they used each villain for a one-off and then axed them, they’d run out of bad guys very quickly, and that would force them to keep making new bad guys for no reason, so they opted for jail instead.
The superhero as defender of the status quo happens because the medium requires it. And when they switch to a different medium, in this case movies, things don’t change much.
Often, you’ll see the change result in villains dying, because the writers don’t feel the need to use them for more than one movie. But that’s kind of about it, because the movies nowadays tend to try to be truer to the original text, which is the status-quo ruled comics.
They also keep doing the shared universe thing, so they can’t have Captain America completely upend US law in his movie without making the guy writing the next film’s life a lot harder.
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