#Civil War II
kiyaar · 17 days
fic: eidolon
author: kiyaar fandom: marvel comics (616) pairings: steve/tony, steve/carol, carol/tony, steve/carol/tony rating: E for many porn scenes warnings: CNTW, rape/noncon word count: 22.9k tags: established relationship / intellectual strap sucking / electroplay / a dead celestial is sometimes a home / consent issues cockwarming / rape recovery / secret empire / civil war II / canon-compliant / angst / alcholism / wistful flesh hunger / porn with plot / plot with porn / unfixit / transhumanism summary:
It's not the future, it's a fucking algorithm, he yells to his friends and his allies and and no one is listening to him, again, and the root feeds him the full-body ordeal of alone, alone, alone until he can taste all fourteen subroutines under it. "What if we fucked," Carol says. "As friends." "I don't know, Spaceface," Tony says, examining the particle effects on the plume of smoke from his holo-cigarette. "I might not be able to get it up for you because I'm so hung up on Steve." "What if we fucked," Carol amends, "and we also fucked Steve." "I don't know if I can take that kind of rejection right now," Tony says honestly.
Written for @starvels for the Possessed by Light AI Tony exchange!
(read on ao3...)
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burningfudge · 10 months
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Civil War II (2016) #6
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coolcomicbookcovers · 3 months
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gothpheus · 1 year
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he's such a CHILD
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raccoon-coded · 3 months
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Guardians of the Galaxy (2015)
(Ties into Civil War II and is the catalyst for the Grounded issues.)
The ship just got destroyed and Rocket is devastated. 🥺
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samasmith23 · 8 months
I am so sick & tired of stupid Comicsgaters citing Civil War II as an excuse to be bigoted against Ms. Marvel!
Y'all wanna know what one of the most irritating false narratives that I've heard bigoted Comicsgaters like Richard "Dickie" Meyer constantly spew? The idea that Kamala Khan is somehow a "fascist brownshirt thought cop" simply due to her Civil War II tie-ins wherein she briefly aligned with her idol Carol Danvers' "predictive justice" program of using psychic visions of the future to prevent crimes before they happened, but Ms. Marvel later switched over to Iron Man's side in the conflict after she realized that such a system was essentially profiling and a violation of people's civil liberties and due process that already hurt two of her friends.
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Now personally I've always loved the Ms. Marvel tie-ins to CWII and feel that they were easily the best things to come out of that otherwise highly infamous event comic, feeling that they not only explored relevant social issues like profiling and policing, but also themes of outgrowing hero-worship as Kamala is forced to turn against Captain Marvel whom she idolizes so much in order to do what's right, and the arc also served as a prelude to my personal favorite Ms. Marvel storyline "Mecca" since it allowed the new antagonist Lockdown (aka, "Basic Becky the Junior Fascist") to radicalize Kamala's former friend Josh Richardson into becoming the fascist supervillain Discord.
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Also, if Kamala was truly a "fascist brownshirt" like these idiots CGers claim, then why do these scenes happen?
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Kinda disproves their whole narrative, doesn't it? Still though... ever since that scumbag Richard Meyer showed his ugly face he's constantly used Kamala's CWII tie-ins to demonize Kamala as being this "irredemable sociopathic fascist brownshirt who crippled her friend Bruno for life." Except... NO SHE DIDN'T!!! Bruno tried to break Josh out of Becky's makeshift prison with a high-tech lock-pick that malfunctioned and exploded on him. Meyer also conveniently ignores the fact that Kamala briefly aligning with Carol for the first half of the story before realizing that she was on the wrong side and tried to correct her mistakes directly mirrors Peter Parker's actions with Iron Man and the Pro-Registration side in the original Civil War.
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But I don't see Meyer calling Spidey a "fascist brownshirt." I smell some racist & misogynistic double standards here!
Like, Meyer singlehandedly started that bullcrap argument about Kamala with his AWFUL videos (similar to Lily Orchard and her bullcrap narrative about Rebecca Sugar being a "fascist apologist"), and everytime I see Meyer or other CGers mention it I immediately facepalm and say, "For crying out loud... ARE THEY STILL GOING ON ABOUT THAT?!"
Just remember everyone:
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joezy27 · 2 years
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HAWKEYE - Clint Barton & Kate Bishop
Civil War II (2016) #3 / Hawkeye - Kate Bishop (2021) #1 Variant covers by Phil Noto
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A-Force (2016) Vol. 2
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lokigodofmschf · 6 months
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Civil war II #6
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if I may be so bold....Kamala is the only one who had a good Civil War II storyline that was meaningful and advanced her character
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What if they made a documentary about Bruce Banner after his death in Civil War II? They interview (former) colleagues, superheroes and family members. But they cut it in a way that makes it seem that they all dislike or hate him.
Bruce saw that documentary
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burningfudge · 10 months
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Civil War II (2016) #1
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coolcomicbookcovers · 29 days
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I'm as sceptical of Tom Brevoort's X-Men reboot as everyone else, but can't we wait until the issues or out or we at least know who the creators are before denouncing it as a total dumpsters fire?
I get the concern. Brevoort's record at Marvel is inconsistent at best. He oversaw Hickman's FF and Avengers, Ryan North's FF, Ewing's Ultimates, Gillen and Ribić's Eternals, and events like Secret Wars and Judgement Day. He also oversaw Slott on FF, Aaron on Avengers, and events like Civil War II and Secret Empire.
But as patchy as that record is, I'm just counting my lucky stars that it wasn't Nick Lowe taking over.
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awkwardpariah · 1 year
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Election Night 2024: Donald Trump has managed to get his trial dates pushed back to after the 2024 election, unfortunately the conditions of his arraignments made traditional campaigning rather difficult. Instead his son Don Jr. has taken the lead as the primary campaign surrogate, but on election night it all falls apart. Simply put: overturning Roe and coming after queerfolk and transfolk was more than enough to turn most of the country against the Republicans, while a near full employment economy and the defeat of Russia has endeared Joe Biden as America's happy warrior. On election night, facing a trial he's sure to lose in Fulton County, GA in January Trump suffers a stroke and falls into a coma, effectively leaving Don Jr. as his successor in the MAGA movement.
Summers v. Idaho: A case over Idaho's abortion travel ban makes its way to the Supreme Court in 2024. The plaintiff, a 15 year old Idaho resident who traveled to Oregon to get an abortion. The argument: that the interpretation of the Privileges and Immunities Clause as laid down in the 1823 ruling in Corfield v. Coryell has long since established that the Free Movement between the states shall not be infringed. The ruling: in a 5-4 decision the supreme court overturns 202 years of precedent and declares that the states are free to restrict women from seeking an abortion, or any other service they find objectionable, in any other state. This effectively makes people seeking bodily autonomy prisoners in their home states. Before the court can rule, the newly Democrat controlled House and Senate rams through an extension to the ERA's deadline, in an attempt at legitimizing the Amendment's ratification. The court strikes down that power as well, and the ERA becomes the only amendment in history to be nullified by the Supreme Court. California Senator Katie Porter immediately begins drafting a new Bodily Autonomy Amendment which she introduces every year until it finally clears the Senate in 2028.
Red State Military Buildup: State Defense Forces get a surge in funding after the 2024 election. Partly in response to peaceful and violent demonstrations by activists, these measures see the expansion or reactivation of state-defense forces in the Red States. These forces are loyal primarily to their governors, and some states go so far as to pass measures giving them control of their National Guard Units, although the legality of this is hotly debated. Red States pay for this with higher property taxes and by cutting services. In some states, the officer corps is made up of retired members of the regular Army, former cops, and in some cases mercenary soldiers. Idaho gains infamy when its revealed that they've been hiring ex-Wagner Group soldiers to serve as advisors to train their State Defense Force.
Joe Biden Passes Away: At 83 years old, Joe Biden dies peacefully in his sleep. Kamala Harris is sworn in as the 47th President while many around the world mourn the last great liberal. Joe Biden, the man who rallied NATO to support Ukraine's war against Russia, and functionally the destruction of the Russian Federation itself. His legacy falls to Kamala Harris... and she is entirely unfit for the task. Most see her first national address as perfunctory, and her response to the rise of State Defense Forces, police brutality, and the nuclear non-proliferation operations in the former Russian Federation isn't actually all that different from Joe Biden's, its just that people were already losing patience with that set of policies and Harris is just not a very good speaker.
Trump 2028: Donald Trump Jr. announces his candidacy for President in late 2026. He is flanked not just by flags, but by armed security that absolutely nobody mistakes as anything less than a Trumpian SA. His campaign is a Dark MAGA nightmare, and he is supported almost without question by Republican governors. He frequently speaks directly to Red State Defense Forces and through is rambling, cocaine fueled speeches he uses his platform to call for violence if he's not given the nomination and the Presidency. The campaign also sees the MAGA movement transition into a pseudoreligious movement, with images of Donald Trump Sr. shown as objects of worship, and Don Jr. promising that his election will lead to his father's return as the True Leader of America. He is opposed only by Liz Cheney, who is constantly dodging hecklers, rotten fruit and vegetables, and on more than one occasion actual threats to her life by Magats. The primary is a farce, with Trump winning by Assad margins in a few states and the nomination with a clean sweep of the country. Cheney bows out and does not attend the convention, instead throwing her support to Mitt Romney in his effort to revive the National Union Party with former Arizona Senator Kyrsten Sinema. Romney's campaign is really a lifeboat for Business and national security conservatives pretending to be a home for the American center, and it is by far the most well funded campaign in the country.
Democratic Primary: Kamala Harris is not a bad President, but she's also not a very popular one. She announces her campaign almost with the expectation that doing so will scare off potential challengers, when in fact it does the opposite. By Fall 2027 there are 13 Democratic candidates in the race. The Press sees this as mainly a fight between California Governor Gavin Newsom and President Harris, but former Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg surprises everyone by winning the Iowa Caucuses in a narrow plurality, and quickly swells to the number 1 slot in the polls. Harris goes all in on New Hampshire and South Carolina hoping to knock out most of the other candidates and giving her campaign the momentum to sweep the South and eventually Super Tuesday as Biden did in 2020. While she does win New Hampshire, the press is stunned to see AOC win a strong 2nd place. The same thing happens again in South Carolina, and in California Harris isn't even in the Top 3. On Super Tuesday, The top contenders are AOC, Buttigieg, and Newsom. Newsom simply doesn't have much appeal outside of the West Coast, Buttigieg dominates in the Great Plains, but AOC is able to appeal to a far larger coalition of voters than any single candidate, especially after a series of stunning debate performances. The race ultimately comes down to the wire, with AOC winning the last few delegates she needs in Washington State and Democrats Abroad to just barely secure the nomination, but with only 36.2% of the popular vote. AOC offers Buttigieg the VP slot almost immediately, and while its something of a shotgun wedding, it gives the Democratic nominees a mandate.
Campaign 2028: With the conventions done, the country braces for the most contentious election in living memory. Don Jr. is running almost as if he expects to lose the House and Senate. His MAGA security officers and armed supporters frequently clash with cops and national guard units in major cities and he frames his campaign as a true clash of civilizations. Mitt Romney briefly looks like he might actually win the election by a plurality of the vote, until the first debate in which he steps into a trap laid by AOC. She reveals that Romney's economic and social policies are almost identical to those put forward by Trump. The "gotcha" is powerful, but even more so is the string of memes online and across the press comparing it to Obama's "Please Proceed Governor" in 2012. Its made all the worse by Sinema giving an absolutely petulant response post-debate. The Romney campaign never recovers. Trump and AOC never actually face each other in a debate, this isn't a huge surprise as the GOP pulled out of the Commission on Presidential Debates in 2022 and Trump Sr. spent the 2024 campaign just talking on a stage to a sycophantic FOX moderator. There's also not much point of a debate, as AOC and Trump just repeat their opponents comments verbatim knowing that's all the attack ads they'll ever need. On Election Day, 20 states have outright banned mail-in voting, AOC has been removed from the ballot in Idaho, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Alabama, and West Virginia, and Texas actually deploys its State Guard to shut down the one polling location in Harris County when it begins to look like AOC might win the state by a plurality. Mail-in-ballots from the other 30 states take a week to be counted, but Ohio, Texas, Florida, North Carolina, and Georgia all vote to decertify the results in Democrat heavy counties or direct their states' Electors to cast their votes for Trump. It really doesn't make much of a difference, as AOC has a clear majority in the Electoral college. Ironically, the post-election map doesn't look that different from the one in 2020, save for 8 electoral votes from Utah, Nebraska, and Maine going to Romney.
Post-Election Chaos: With all the votes tallied, this Election has the highest turnout in over a century, but AOC, the victor has only 41.4% of the vote. The media's immediate concern is another attempt by Republicans in Congress to decertify the Election Results as they attempted in 2020 and 2024. But Republicans aren't waiting. Before the Electoral College even convenes Texas becomes the first state who's legislature votes to recognize Trump as the victor and their President. Florida and West Virginia follow not long after and Trump announces plans to hold an Inauguration/Constitutional Convention in Mar-a-Lago with members of the House and Senate Republican leadership and numerous Republican governors in attendance. By the time the EC votes, 16 state legislatures have simply voted to ignore the results and name Trump their President with 13 more states preparing to hold similar votes. By January 1, 2029, 22 states have voted to recognize Donald Trump Jr. as the legitimately elected President and not AOC. The stage is set for another civil war.
Part II
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tomoleary · 1 year
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David Marquez (pencil and ink) and Justin Ponsor (colors) - Civil War II #5 double page splash 22&23 (2016)
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