#rewatch: the gates of avalon
cynthia39100 · 7 months
Arthur is exceptionally pretty in The Lake Gates of Avalon ... 💕
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dont-let-me-eat-pears · 5 months
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2x01 || 1x07
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thesorcerersshadow · 17 days
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stitch-me-not · 2 years
I've just noticed that when Merlin pulls Arthur from the lake in s1ep7 his hold is recreated almost exactly when he's holding Arthur in his arms as he dies in s5ep13 🥲
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themundanemudperson · 10 months
i think i'm funny
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livvyofthelake · 2 years
THIS is the questing beast?? again i thought that was made up for fanfiction. me when i literally do not remember half the episodes of this show.
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tansyuduri · 4 months
Merlin Loregasm Rewatch S1E7
Hi Everyone! Welcome to my rewatch of Merlin focusing on the lore. I am a giant nerd so pretty excited about this. We’re on THE GATES OF AVALON
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Okay so them being atacked in the forest and Arthur not batting an eyelid means that this can happen fairly often and is not that strange. Uther claims he saved Camalot from anarchy and I expect he did in most villages but the roads and wilderness are not always safe. (Good news for fanfiction writers.) This is the first time we see this is the case I believe when it's not a magical attacking issue. HOWEVER Arthur and Merlin still go out alone a great deal.
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Tir Mawr legit just means "Large Land" in Welsh.
The wiki assumes that Tirmawr is a land in Avalon. I dunthink so based on Uther seeming to know what it is, and the fact that the name is Welsh while sidhe spells are in old Irish.
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Funfact Caerleon was the home of King Arthurs Court in the original Welsh version. Caerleon is now a town and comunity in Newport Wales. In the iron age (pre roman) it was home to a warlike tribe and the center of a wealthy trading network. It later became a Roman Port. In the 5th century (relatively around Merlin times) it became part of the new kingdom of Gwent.
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What trouble? Does he mean her visions? It could be because he reminds her not to tell Uther about it. But if she did with previous dreams you would think Uther would have jumped on it one way or another. I think he means somthing else by how Morgana reacts. I bet she was a huge prankster as a child or kept doing non girly things and trying to learn fighting, or pushing limits. and since "Morgana can do no wrong" in Uthers eyes he looked for someone else to blame. (I may be slightly biased here since it fits my headcannons about young Morgana just a headsup.)
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EYYYY First sidhe staff blast and first appearance of eyes turning red during sidhe magic! Sadly we don't see the blast on screen and just hear it.
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Arthur: Well I'm supposed to be on Patrol with the guard and my father this morning.
Ok! So part of Arthur's duties seem to be going on patrol with the guard and Uther. This is probably a fairly normal thing. But I expect its happening right now more due to the fact some nobles were attacked in the woods recently.
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Urged to tell Uther about her vision of Arthur drowning (More on this later) this is how Morgana reacts. Later Gaius tells merlin the Seer's Art is separate from magic but close to it. But I think Morgana just thinks of it as magic because Gaius never tells her anything. I mean she does have other magic, but at this point she doesn't know it.
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Merlin confirms these are indeed tomatoes in an earlier line. Which means Camalot has tomatos, I have my wizard theory but my freind @catsconflictscopicsandchamomile And I talked about another theory she has. About Perhaps the Vikings in the Merlin world formed a bit earlier, and reaching more into America and starting a bit of a trade network. That these American crops were indeed grown in Briton BUT were gone by the time of the Norman conquest because the soil was not right for them.
I further propose that perhaps the volcanic winter of 536 and the subsequent late Antique little Ice Age (which lasted from then to 660) could have killed them. The battle of Camlan was supposed to take place in 537. However in this chronicle Arthur is pretty old then, while Arthur dies young in Merlin perhaps setting the battle back a bit in this timeline, Or even if it is not. It would have taken place at just the beginning of the late antique little ice age.
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Okay first attempt to enchant Arthur its clearly starting to work but his eyes are not at all red yet. It gets broken off by a bandit atack and when he wants to go home she doesn't try again. It's possible Sophia is not the most powerful of sidhe and needs her victim's guard to be down.
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Merlin: (About being put in the stocks) Honestly it wasnt my fault. Arthur wanted to get out of going on a patrol with Uther and the guard. so I covered for him and took the blame.
Gaius: And Arthur was prepared to let you do this?
Merlin: it was his idea!
Gaius: what made him neglact his duties? it must have been somthing terrably important
Merlin: Sophia
Gaius: The girl from the forrest
Merlin: He wanted to take her out for the day. he is besotted!
I find this conversation really interesting partly because it implies Sophia was working to enchant him before the first scene we see in the woods. That Sidhe enchanting the mind and making someone not act like themselves might be a long slow process. Gaius is surprised Arthur let Merlin take the fall because it is very out of character. And it is. We see Arthur take the blame for Merlin at times. And he never asks Merlin to take the fall for him EXECPT In these episodes when enchanted by the sidhe. Hell he doesn't do it when enchanted to fall in love with Lady Vivian, or when really in love with Gwen!
This furthers the idea I mentioned above.
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Second eye reddening! This one had so magic he's just angry!
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First look at what Sidhe think of humans. Also Arthur is neither weak or feeble so it implies Sidhe might have increased strength. Or she's just referring to him being mortal.
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Okay so either Morgana has been jealous of other women Arthur has fallen for. OR Arthur has chalked up previous incidents to Morgana being jealous. I wonder how many times they might have crushed on the same woman growing up, or what else happened. Did she like see Arthur breaking an arm and be like "HEY bro! Don't try to impress the new girl that way!" Arthur all "hahaha you are jealous Morgana! *Falls and breaks arm* or was she actually jealous!?
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Reasons why I think Arthur needed Gaius to dress him in season 5 is a practical joke.
Also Arthur asks merlin to cover for him again despite him being in the stocks. However he tells merlin to make sure he doesnt end up in the stocks. This is another sign of the enchanting being gradual. Weird music plays when he talks about Sofia as well. DID I MENTION GRADUAL? ALSO Merlin mentions potatoes thrown at him MORE AMERCIAN CROPS
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She starts incanting and Arthur asks what are you doing. I think it's interesting. I mean he could chalk it up to her speaking in another language but when she continued without telling him he just stares. Either this is due to the GRADUAL enchantment or Arthur doesn't know enough about magic to clock it's what she is doing
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When the enchantment finishes Her eyes glow red and then so do Arthurs. They don't stay red all the time but we now know he is udner the enchantment. So let's pay attention to WHEN his eyes glow red from now on.
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Gaius: What do you know about seers?
Merlin: Not much, They're supposed to be able to see the future like Prophets
Gaius: it's said to be an innate ability. Those who have it are born that way. Some aren't even aware what they see is the future. It comes to them in their dreams Merlin: what's that got to do with Sophia Gaius: The night before she and Aulfric came to camalot, Morgana had a dream. Sophia was in it
Merlin: Before she arived in camalot?
Gaius: I've been watching Morgana since she was very young. And though I've tried to Persuade myself otherwise, I realized some of the things she said she dreamt came to pass. I kept it secret from uther of course, The gift of prophecy is to close to the work of magic
Merlin: you think Morgana is a seer?"
Gaius: I don't think it I fear it.
Okay so! Apparently a prophet and a seer are two diferant things. Prophets are never mentioned again but I think there are two possibilities both of which kinda mix Since seers are inate and born with the gift. It's possible that Prophets are people who gain the ability later in life. OR perhaps they are magic users who gain the ability to see with tools (Like Merlin does)
I think Gaius mentioning being afraid of it and trying to persuade himself otherwise is intersting. I think IF the theory that gaius actually kinda agreed with Uthers viewpoint about magic because he saw so many bad things happen is true, this might have been his turning point. He saw Morgana who he took care of being a seer and decided not to tell Uther. It also fits a lot with what we know about Gaius even if that theory is not the case. If he cares about someone with magic he will keep their secret. (or perhaps if he knows them as good).
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Sophia: Our love is strong you feel the same way too
Arthur: I'd never let that happen
Sophia: you may not have the choice. There are some here who don't want us to be together. I'd never let them come between us
Arthur: I'd never let them come between us
Sophia: Because we are in love
Arthur: because we are in lvoe
Sophia: You must seek promission for us to marry so we can be together
Arthur: till death do us part
Sophia: till death do us part
Okay I think its intersting arthurs eyes are not glowing here, we know that when he wakes from the spell that he is appalled "WHAT WAS I THINKING" But they are also alone here. If Sophia was keeping his eyes from being red in the later marriage asking scene to not raise suspicion, he does not have to here? So when do eyes glow red. I think its when what is being done is VERY against what the person would normally do and when the spell is being placed. Which means Arthur here is not going fully against his normal behavior. If he loved someone he would be willing to throw away other people's objections in the end. He might try to marry someone inapropriate if he loved them. (Cough GWEN COUGH)
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His eyes however DO glow red again when she leaves. NOT when she is encanting the spell again. Not when she kisses him Only when she says the last "till death do us part" and leaves I think this is because with her saying that then leaving part of his brain goes "WHOA HOLD ON" and then the sidhe magic is like NOPE you are doing what was asked!
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There is more than one sidhe Elder. Later Merlin will kill one of them.
Sidhe being so fast Merlin has to slow time to see them is interesting. I think it is a nod to the fact that in celtic stories of the otherworld a lot of times someone can only stay there three days or three years, If they set foot on the real world again they die or find hundreds of years have passed otherwise because time passes differently in the sidhe world. (Can You tell I did a lot of research on this for a fic?)
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I also love the gold clothing they wear and the fact Sophia has a lot of gold in her outfit. I think this is a reference to the Irish version of the Celtic otherworld which is said to have a lot in the way of precious metals in their architecture (CAN YOU TELL I DID A LOT OF RESEARCH ON THIS FOR A FIC?)
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Those lights in the water do not move as they sidhe do, they are a reflection of what is in Avalon not what is in our world. Avalon is lit with pretty blue crystals I'm calling it!
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Aufric: I promise you the soul of the greatest prince of all, Arthur Pendragon. Even the Sidhe are like you know this Arthur guy? Pretty rad not gonna lie. Either that or they are measuring greatest by fighting skill.. or care for their people or something. WHAT IS THE MEASUREMENT HERE.
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Gaius: Avalon-what you saw at the lake, It's Avalon, it must be
Merlin: Whats-
Gaius: the Land of Eternal Youth. Mortals are only supposed to glimse it in the moment before death.
Merlin: I've seen it and I'm still ehre
Gaius: extradenary what did it look like
Merlin: Does it matter they are going to sacrifice Arthur! This fits best with the Irish version of the Celtic otherword in which it is not actually the place where dead people go but a paradise, with yes Eternal youth
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Gaius: I found writing like this at the top of Alfrics's staff Its Ogham an anciant script "to hold life and death in your hands" From the writing on his staff and what you saw at the lake. I'm afraid I'm not certain. We're dealing with the sidhe
Merlin: that does not sound like a good thing
Gaius: They're masters of enchantment Merlin: you think Arthur's been enchanted? Gaius: Almost Certainly
Ok Ogham is an anciant script. It was used in Irland and parts of the UK beween the 5th and 9th centuries. So we have YET ANOTHER possible Irish conection. Also to hold life and death in your hands sounds a lot like the magic over life and death we see later!
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This happens when Arthur tells the king hes gonna marry Sophia no matter what Uther says. Uther threatens and his and mentions executing them Arthur backtracks and he lets them go.
BUT SERIOUSLY WHOA Either Tirmawr, is REALLY not an important land. Or Uther does something really stupid here, Or he has absolute power on an insane level
See arresting nobles that are not from your land usually leads to war if you are not doing it while at war. If it's your own nobles you better have a good reason or the other nobles are NOT going to be happy. This kind of thing did happen with excuses in places where power was nearly absolute. But almost always with excuses about them being traitors or breaking laws ETC. The entire court can see Uther arresting them just to make a point. HE EVEN THREATENED TO EXECUTE THEM WTF UTHER!
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Arthur: (packing) Get out
Merlin: I thought the king was a bit harsh
Arthur: I don't need sympathy Merlin, Especially not from you
Merlin: But I did think he had a point
Arthur: I ordered you to get out now leave me
Merlin: I know what you think youa re doing, and I know you think you are in lvoe with Sophia Arthur: Who Are you to tell me what I'm thinking!"
Merlin: I'm your freind
Arthur: No merlin you're my servant
Merlin: you don't know what you're doing. Shes cast a spell on you you're enchanted
This conversation is interesting because his eyes are not red, Some of these things are things he might say but NOT in the tone he uses and some of them seem OOC But his eyes are not red, so either the fact that they are close to things he might say in a diferant tone, Or they might be things he might have said to a typical servant at this stage in his development, might be causing this. I'm inclined to thing its the first one. Or perhaps my way of judging when eyes turn red is wrong.
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Sophia: I told you people would try to keep us appart
Arthur: I won't let that happen
Merlin: Don't listen to her shes controling you
Sophia: we can elope together get away from this place these people Merlin: I saw you. I followed him they're planing to sacrifice you
Alfric: you let your servants speak to your guests this way
Merlin: I know what you're going to do because I followed you to the lake and I heard everything
Merlin: (turning to arthur) You have to belive me!
Sophia: Don;'t listen to him Arthur. Let's go, LEts leave tonight
Merlin: Shes going to kill you, Sophia plants to sacrifice you to buy a life of importality. if you go with her You'll die
Arthur: (Confused) "It doesnt make sence we're in love
Merlin: they're magical being look at the writing on the staff *tries to grab alfrics staff)
Alfric: (Tries to pull it away eyes growing red )
Merlin (speaking as Arthur is turned away from us) Look at his eyes look at them, Do you belive me now, I love this bit. It seems to support my theory. Arthur almost breaks out of it because he trusts Merlin and then the red eye comes back because it's against Arthur's nature not to trust Merlin. Also Merlin gets sidhe blasted making our Merlin death count reach two!
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Arthur was underwater for 1 minite 36 seconds If Arthur was unconscious when he hit the water (And I think he should be considered such) he was likely fine, did not get water in his lungs much at all, and started breathing on his own after getting out of the water If he was awake he would likely NOT have fallen unconscious in that amount of time.
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toshsato · 2 years
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Is everything okay? Yes. Thank you.
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oceangenasi · 8 months
fixed on a moment just out of focus
Relationship: Merlin/Arthur Rating: G Wordcount: 391 Tags: POV Arthur Pendragon (Merlin), Episode: s01e07 Gates of Avalon (Merlin), Canon Compliant..., .ish - Freeform, Episode Tag, Head Injury, Pre-Relationship, Light Pining
I used the prompt "Awake" from the @merlinmicrofic challenge to get past my writer's block on my Merlin rewatch series!
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ladyofthelake · 11 months
On my Merlin rewatch and in gates of Avalon when Arthur asked to marry Sophia and Uther absolutely roasted him and told him to just enjoy himself and that he'd have other loves in his life AND FUCKING MERLIN WAS IN THE BACKGROUND WHEN HE SAID IT
yeah I need to lie down
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xviruserrorx · 2 years
Merlin Rewatch 2023
Hosted by:
Rules (for myself): Scenes just from that episode or previous episodes, or if in a case of a acception then it has to at least have one scene from that episode
Season 1
1x01 "The Dragon's Call"
1x02 "Valiant"
1x03 "The Mark Of Nimueh"
1x04 "The Poisoned Chalice"
1x05 "Lancelot"
1x06 "A Remedy To Cure All Ills"
1x07 "The Gates Of Avalon"
1x08 "The Beginning Of The End"
1x09 "Excalibur"
1x10 "The Moment Of Truth"
1x11 "The Labyrinth Of Gedref"
1x12 "To Kill The King"
1x13 "La Morte D'Arthur"
Season 2
Season 3
Season 4
Season 5
5x13 "Diamond Of The Day II"
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cynthia39100 · 7 months
Merlin rewatch -- S1E7: The Gates of Avalon
Merlin and Arthur
I liked their dynamic in this episode very much. It's the most friend-like they showed up until this point, I think. The poisoned chalice thing really brought them closer together. Unfortunately it's also the beginning of all the bullying Arthur would do later...
I loved that first chamber scene very much, when Arthur told Merlin the arrangement of Sophia's lodging. Merlin was so delighted to see Arthur crushing on a pretty girl, and so eager to be a wingman. And Arthur knew Merlin so well he could tell his thoughts from his face ( which wasn't actually hard tbf, Merlin couldn't be more obvious lol). I loved that Arthur wanted to appear chivalrous and selfless, but swiftly let Merlin talk him into putting Sophia closer to him. They were so young and carefree...
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The first time Arthur asked Merlin to lie for him... was actually not that bad. Arthur was a little bit manipulative, with the " you'll be a friend for life if you help me" line, but he did talk to him like a friend and he was asking, not ordering. Merlin was adorable and he just wanted to help his friend. (Also can you resist this face?)
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If only Uther didn't mention the flogging and then put Merlin in the stock... in this show stock was played for laugh so it's kind of fine, but mentioning flogging wasn't great...
I could imagine though that both Merlin and Arthur thought it wouldn't be a big deal. Merlin was in idiot mode in this ep, and Arthur probably thought Merlin would come up with something more clever. (Arthur should know better but I believed he was a bit enchanted here.)
The second time Arthur asked him to cover, while knowing Merlin had been punished for him, wasn't great, but he was more enchanted (supposedly) here so that's fine.
Then they had to put that last scene where Arthur outright blamed Merlin for his absence IN FRONT OF THE KING when he definitely wasn’t enchanted… ruined my Arthur-enchanted-timeline theory. And for what? Sabotaging the character of the Once and Future King just for a little laugh?
I felt like Merlin and Arthur both were a bit OOC in this ep. Arthur who argued with his father that punishment should fit the crime and that a servant’s life was no less than a noble now casually let Merlin take the blame. And Merlin who stopped Arthur from bullying his servant didn’t seem bothered. In fact he was quite willing. (I guessed when he started liking a person his self-sacrificing tendency surpassed other concerns?)
It’s worse that they interacted much more like friends than previous eps. It’s not a lesson for Arthur or even a characterization. It's fine if Arthur was still ignorant about his behaviour even though he understood in theory that a peasant was worth as much as a noble. But no. They just thought putting Merlin in the stock was hilarious. The end result was that Arthur seemed to be emotionally manipulating innocent Merlin who just wanted a friend… It’s not the conclusion I want to have.
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Welcome to Day 4 of Merlin Rewatch 2023, where court intrigue returns and we're introduced to a major location of Arthuriana.
S01E06 — A Remedy to Cure All Ills
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Receiving tainted lilies collected by unsuspecting Gwen, royal ward Morgana falls ill with an unidentified brain disease Gaius can't cure. Mysterious healer Edwin's "remedy to cure all ills" seemingly works (by actually removing the cursed black beetle he hid in the lilies). As Edwin maneuvers grateful King Uther to instate him as new court physician, Gaius gets court archivist Geoffrey to allow him illegal access to the sealed records of Uther's purge of magic, revealing Edwin's parents as executed black sorcerers. After consulting the dragon (who says he must choose whether or not Arthur and Merlin's destined time has come), Gaius, taking a threat by Edwin to expose Merlin's magic, tells Merlin - the "son he never had" - that the time has come to step down. Edwin, now free to use another beetle, condemns Uther to an agonizing death like his parents but takes one monumental risk - a duel of magic with 'mere novice' Merlin.
S01E07 — The Gates of Avalon
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When Arthur becomes besotted with a mysterious girl, he stands to lose more than just his heart.
I hope you all enjoyed the first week of Merlin Rewatch 2023. I know I did!
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thesorcerersshadow · 17 days
i know he’s a under a spell so i’m willing to cut him a lot of slack in this instance but also, the way arthur tells merlin he’d “be a friend for life” if he lied to uther for him and then later, when merlin is trying to help and says he’s his friend and arthur denies it and says hems just his servant… :(
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livvyofthelake · 2 years
rewatching the gates of avalon. this shit is so fucked up post-horrors. 😐😐😐😐
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prophetiaemerlini · 3 years
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