#rewatching clone wars and rebels at the same time and I will LITERALLY CRY OVER THEM THEYRE SO SWEET
smilesrobotlover · 1 year
Crying over Anakin and Ahsoka rn I am NOT ok over those two
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clonebrainrot · 4 months
Aftermath Season 1 episode 1 rewatch
A live reaction
The bad batch aftermath
So we begin
I completely forgot that they had a clone wars intro for this
Ah Kanan sounding like a 40 year old man
And here they come!
Ah POV shot my beloved
God they are so badass
God I am already getting emotional over fucking nothing lol
Tech no you can’t say the C-word
You gotta appreciate all these battles where they are working together it only happens like 3 times in the entire show
God captain grey sucks
lol Tech doesn’t even look up from his data pad when he is introduced by Kanan. He is literally me.
Any orders or shall we do what we do? God what a great line
Oh yay! Order 66!
And everything continued to go down hill from this point onward
smh rebels was contradicted in rebels he said her last words were run not Caleb! I can’t believe they would get this wrong. My day is ruined
Also I am literally just writing all my thoughts out as they happen I’ll have a lot more succinct post later.
Even this early I cannot get over how good the animation looks
You have orders from the chancellor? Wrecker doesn’t give a shit lol
Hunter saw Kanan and he wanted to adopt him immediately
Crosshair is an amazing shot anytime he isn’t shooting a good guy. Then he misses a lot. Although you can argue that he is subconsciously resisting the order if you want
Poor Hunter he is trying his best to
God I am so tempted to writer a the bad batch protests Kanan fic. I think Omega and Kanan would have such a fun dynamic.
God the scenery shots all look gorgeous I wish I knew how to take screenshots of Disney plus or else I would show you
I forgot how often Tech talked. I don’t know why
Remember when people said the dead Jedi here was shaak ti? Cause that made no sense. She literally has a green hand.
Also every line of dialogue between Tech and Wrecker is just hilarious
“Oh they seem the same to me” I love you tech
My exceptional mind! Another great line
Info dump more Tech I will enjoy every piece of dialogue you give me
First appearance of Omega!
Interestingly Omega notices when Hunter looks up at her. Hmm makes one think doesn’t it. Tap this one down as the first of “omega is force sensitive” (I won’t let this theory die”
There she is. She is just the best.
Also Omega has the worst haircut ever.
I love all of Omega’s weird little waves. She’s so socially awkward sometimes I love that about her.
Oh boy. Tarkin here he comes to ruin the day
lol the Kaminoasn really are like “bitch what are you talking about”
Oh my man soup clone is gonna steal the scene
I like to blow things up because I like to blow things up. You always know your ways with words tech
I can’t get over how horrible omega’s haircut looks it is so bad
Soup clone or should I say CX2!
I love that this food fight is a regular occurrence
Regular clone coming in With a metal tray!
I wish they had done more with Echo’s PTSD
I will leave you to process the shock of this revelation
Maybe this empire thing isn’t so bad after all (it was)
I just realized what happened to Lama Su? He just dipped out of the shows lol
And wrecker is shot for the first time. First of many. I think it might be four total. Wrecker takes an absolute beating throughout the show
What we did on Felucia. Well now I need a whole show about that
Tech riding the proto dark troopers is such a video game moment
I completely forgot how little Omega is in this first episode until like well over half way through
Crosshair’s knife shot may be my favorite of the entire show.
Ah the fetus room my favorite one on Kamino
I completely forgot Tarkin has met Omega.
Squad does not make a squadron. I thought squadron was just for aircraft and naval vessels? I know this is a nitpick and doesn’t really matter but it stood out
I love how Hunter always goes to Omega’s eye level. I love that about him.
Oh oh! Oh no! Kid you aren’t a soldier. Damnit I am crying now. She grew up to be a soldier! Ah I hate it I am going to bawl my eyes out for the rest of the episode
Saw you complicated man. I don’t hate you like some, but you always go about it the wrong way you drove so many people away you indirectly killed one of the brightest minds on Star Wars, but your heart was in the right place. It’s just how you fight. That’s what is important
I love how Tech knows who Saw is on sight. He knows literally everything I love that about him
Saw also does it. He gets to eye level when talking to children. I love this detail. Not talking down always talking directly.
Crosshair always the contrarian with “not that you know of”
Wait how did Tech know about the conversation with Tarkin where he talks about the five clones. He wasn’t there. There are a few instances throughout the show where characters know things they really shouldn’t
Someone is coming we need to go. That’s two strikes for force sensitive omega (again not letting this die)
God the wide shots on this show are stunning
Do you think it’s a problem that I can recognize all the trailer shots as they appear? lol
Strike 3 for Omega being force sensitive. Although this one you can excuse as just her knowing about the inhibitor chip. There is one that will be coming up that you can’t read as anything other than force sensitive IMO
Oh did I ever tell you how when I first saw Omega in the trailer I thought she was a boy lol.
I love Omega copying her brothers it’s so cute
I can’t get over how bad her hair is. I hate her original hair style. It’s just so bad lol
God even in this episode so early the music is absolutely banging.
Omega knows crosshair is coming before he actually comes. And then she’ll make this amazing shot. Omega is force sensitive. Nothing says she isn’t in the show. And so I will go to my grave believing it. Canon be damned
Also why is the Coruscant guard on Kamino? What happened to the gray colored Kamino police clones?
That’s a second shot for wrecker. Dude just keeps getting beaten the shit out of. Already planting the seeds for that inhibitor chip activating later
And there is the shot. Followed by shots that go completely off the mark. Makes one think doesn’t it…
Also Nala Se you sneaky sneaky. I hate you for fives and also love you for helping Omega in the end.
So begins Omega’s adventure. And so begins the beginning of the end for theirs
Next stop Cut Lawquane
God I am excited to go through these episodes. It’s like it’s starting all over again even If I have watched this show a collective 4 times lol.
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