#rewatching shadowhunters
omegatual · 4 months
happy pride month
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kasirose · 1 month
Prompt: 'A Window Into an Empty Room'
For the By the Angel Bingo hosted by the @malecdiscordserver
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Aka season 3 episode 6. Or the episode I mostly remember as the one where Alec is real salty about a spatula and then gets drunk and rambles about Magnus XD
So I decided to take the prompt both kind of literally and also not?
This one took quite some time to finish as I've never really drawn an environment before but I hope it turned out ok! 🙃
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alexanderlightweight · 3 months
Every time I watch Malec (the episode) I’m reminded of why I started to write dressed to kill aka mob!wife alec and it’s because I wanted to torture Alec by forcing him into a situation where he had to listen to Simon explain something (specifically mundane) while gritting his teeth and internally monologuing ‘this for more time with Magnus, this is for more time with Magnus.’
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buffyspeak · 10 months
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shadowhunters rewatch 2023
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stormkpr · 9 months
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helenofblackthorns · 7 months
"the atla live action is the worst adaptation ever" none of you people would have survived shtv
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finchanny · 3 months
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Why are you such a downworlder lover?
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twopercentboy · 3 months
Magnus Bane I would do anything for you, they could never make me hate you
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gay-strawberry · 5 months
im sorry but alec breaks up with you and then suddenly your evil dad comes back and gives you your magic back and you dont conect the dots ????? you are DUMB
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mwagneto · 1 month
it never really got to me just how tragic simon's story in s1 is like it's obviously sad he's going thru it but the way he's literally constantly asking for help like there's at least a dozen scenes where he goes up to someone (usually clary) and says pleeease please help me please there's something seriously wrong i need help. but noone ever helps him like omfg this all could've been prevented...
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sharonccrter · 5 days
Do you know what really pisses me off when the fandom says Jace wasn't a good parabatai? The literal fact that he risked being killed by the wolves and the Clave for Alec. He also put himself in a position where he was arrested and sentenced to the City of Bones. He did all this to save Alec while his life was literally falling apart, and in doing so, he only made things worse for himself. And at the end of the day he didn't even care that he was being sentenced to physiological torture because Alec was okay. Like, damn, wtf do you people want.
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irishyuri · 6 months
you guys think im crazy now wait til i see the new madoka magica movie when it comes out. oo baby theres a storm coming
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red-enby · 10 months
izzy lightwood, respectfully, ruin my life please
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alexanderlightweight · 3 months
The amount of anger that fills me when I rewatch shadowhunters is obscene
… the lack of real characterization and just using people for drama
Not even going into Magnus and Alec’s pre relationship petty drama
Izzy you can’t say ‘you stood by me during my trial and now I’m standing by you’ when you still disagree with him and SENT MAGNUS AN INVITATION TO CRASH THE WEDDING (which yay Malec but JUST BECAUSE I LIKE THE OUTCOME DOESNT MAKE IT LESS MANIPULATIVE, self serving and truly a bitch move’.)
I’m going to stand by you - until I don’t agree with you and then I’ll ignore everything you say because I know better - aka Izzy
Izzy: I’m going to throw you a bachelor party
Alec: I don’t want one
Izzy: oh well I want to throw one for you so yay you’re getting one
You don’t do that to people you care about and you especially
… why is clary so stupid? Why is she so entitled??? Clary… your mom is the one who was stupid
Clary: oh no your friend died, boo hoo I need to find my mother! Who cares that his corpse is still warm I going to argue over his body about my mommy
It makes no sense that Magnus doesn’t throw them the fuck out when they start bitching over Ragnor’s body
Jace: oh it’s lydia! She’s the traitor! Who cares about politics or maybe the fact that we use a known circle member around classified info but no, the only person it could be is not clary!
Clary: I need to be careful when asking Lydia… clary immediately: Lydia did you give classified info?
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buffyspeak · 1 year
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shadowhunters rewatch 2023:
2.01 vs 3.10
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zukosdualdao · 3 months
something else (only mildly related yet very interconnected in my head to my most recent post about fandom and canonicity) interesting and, for me, relieving, is how your relationship with fandom can change over time. because, while i never would have called myself an anti (and never would have and never did harass anyone over it, to be clear, that’s always been the line-in-the-sand ,“why do people care that much?” breaking point for me), i certainly did used to subscribe to the idea that there were Bad Ships that people were Problematic (TM) for enjoying. as i said, i never harassed anyone, but i certainly nodded along (and probably reblogged some pretty self-righteous posts) to a lot of moral purity in shipping and fandom talking points. (i was, by the way, a total hypocrite, as people are wont to be. i was nodding along because i wanted to have friends in fandom and was incredibly susceptible to that kind of peer pressure at the time (which i think a lot of people are, and is normal, to a degree—it’s what happens when you’re very involved in fandom in high school of all times), but i also read and then felt guilty about reading a lot of the ‘problematic’ things i was publicly against LMAO. in my head, it was fine to privately enjoy those things, but you shouldn’t go around PROMOTING it, nevermind that people had to write those stories for me to read them in the first place. the cognitive dissonance was very real.)
anyway! needless to say, i think, based on the contents of my blog, my position on *gestures vaguely* all that has changed a lot. ironically enough, there was probably a time a few years ago where i was going “sure, makes sense” (in my own head—i was not involved enough in the atla fandom or surrounding discourse to be vocal about it) when people derided zutara as a problematic ship, and i obviously don’t feel that way anymore. interesting, too, is that i don’t… really feel like there was a specific moment or, like, a flip switched and suddenly i was on ‘the other side’ or anything lol. i just feel like i grew up and realized that the kind of nuance and compassion i have always advocated for irl is just as applicable in online fandom spaces, and that there is no inherent moral value to shipping or not shipping something, or liking or not liking a character. once i realized that, i think fandom honestly got a lot more fun for me, because what i was describing before? not fun. deeply stressful. made me feel guilty for liking things, and it was my own fault! that’s not what fandom should be about.
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