gin-draws · 1 year
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✨it’s them✨ (my dnd oc’s)
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scarlettlion2art · 2 years
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Reykja Advik + Mina Echelon <33
aka The DnD character with a backstory so sad I had to write a canonical happy ending lmao
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* Commissions Open  *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
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pheadhones · 3 months
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somehow i was able to fit the sm9 in, while also rerouting the data corrupter Reykja cat approved
in -> gorilla glasses -> sm9 -> asd -> 3-ch bypass in [ch-1: data corrupter -> ds4] -> [ch-2: parallel mix - oc2 -> mt2 || asd] -> [ch-3: ce-7 -> digiverb -> digidelay] 3-ch bypass out -> śūnyatā -> dl4 -> ts50b -> out to amp
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trashmouth-critter · 2 years
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All the magic in the whole wide world…. Is not enough, it’s not enough!
Reykja - elder scrolls V: Skyrim
I’ve just started playing Skyrim again, I haven’t played it for years and I thought I’d do a lil drawing of my character, I hope u guys like her🤍 she’s a no thoughts - head empty Lesbian
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peachsssketchbook · 1 year
Art fight 2023
I was on team Werewolf this year for art fight and had a really great time! I loved drawing all of these characters and I'm already looking forward to next year!
characters in order are:
Vanya (my character) & Tassa (HannAHHbal)
Gabriella (TheSpoderJedi)
Reykja Advik (ScarlettLion2 @scarlettlion2)
Rose (xxyriiax)
Pixie Puff & Mocha Swirl (Hapiskii)
(left to right) Diego (PurpleDragonz) Saylor (Bennypilled @bennypilled) Lucie (mortiseye) Maisie byrd (clxmonade @babygirlifier) & Cortney (my character)
Xena (PALOMX @justpalomx)
Cheri & Lamia (Yellowwclouds)
Vivienne (Axolotllot @axolotllotl)
Special (Popeetoester @popeetoester)
Scarlett Johannes (Neat @idealess-at-this)
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thorraborinn · 1 year
it me! i ask here for your leisure, no rush. could you conjugate reykja for me? like that's to-smoke, what about smoke (reykr?), we smoke, i smoke, you smoke, he/she smokes? hahaha thank you!
Hey, sorry, I saw that you sent this the other day but I was away from home and a computer for a couple days.
I smoke: ek reyki (MIce. ég reyki) you smoke: þú reykir s/he smokes: hún/hann reykir we smoke: vér reykjum (MIce. við reykjum) you(pl.) smoke: (þ)ér reykið they smoke: þau reykja
I smoked: ek reykta (MIce. ég reykti) you smoked: þú reyktir s/he smoked: hún/hann reykti we smoked: vér reyktum you(pl.) smoked: (þ)ér) reyktuð they smoked: þau reyktu
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mk-average · 8 months
Fuck you: un-Reykja’s your vik
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Islanda, nuova eruzione vulcanica a Sud-Ovest di Rejkyavik. Evacuata Grindavík
Una nuova eruzione vulcanica si è verificata questa mattina dopo le 7:00 (le 8:00 in Italia) a Sud-Ovest della capitale islandese Rejkyavik. L’eruzione ha ripreso sulla penisola di Reykjaness, molto più a Sud rispetto a quella del 18 dicembre, scrive il quotidiano islandese Morgunbladid. Il Dipartimento di pubblica sicurezza della polizia nazionale ha dichiarato lo stato di emergenza. Al momento…
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hackernewsrobot · 9 months
Volcanic eruption started just north of the town of Grindavik, Iceland
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nordnews · 1 year
The eruption site at Litla-Hrút on the Reykjaness peninsula is currently closed to visitors and will remain so until at least morning. The decision to close was re-examined at the...
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youcantfaxglitter · 6 years
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gin-draws · 1 year
Do you mind questions about your dnd ocs?
They're so pretty and fascinating.
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omg I would absolutely love questions about my ocs!!!! —here's a rundown of the girlies:
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Reykja- Arcane Trickster- Criminal/Spy - High Elf
(she/her) angsty drunk lesbian rogue with mommy issues, having a really bad day every day
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Ba’Sura Isabella Goldenfoot Wild Magic Barbarian- Swords Bard- Urchin/Noble - Halfling/Hexblood
(she/her) halfling heiress turned hagling powerhouse- loves her allies as hard as she hits her enemies
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Rezin aka ‘Whispers’ Twilight Cleric - Criminal/Spy - Dark Elf
(she/they) Reykja's No Good Very Bad Day 2: stuck in someone else's body 400 years after she "died" and still looking for their mentor
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Borealis aka ‘Rea’ Circle of Stars Cleric - Feylost - Tiefling
(she/her) runaway daughter of the hourglass coven who helps lost spirits in the Feywild
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Altagracia Madrugada aka 'Poppy' Arcane “Archer” - Undead Warlock- Farmer - Damphir
(she/her) farm girl who had her life ruined by her former girlfriend's gang and is now out for revenge
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pheadhones · 5 months
okay so reorganized my pedalboard again
brought my dead-key microkorg back to life, set it up to run into my board along with my guitar on an A/B switch
in total there’s 4 independent drive settings, 2 noisy sub-synths, 2 delays, 2 reverbs, the dl4 for looping and of course the ts50b at the end acting as a clean preamp to make my cheap amp sound much less cheap. there’s quite a few neat sounds I can make with this setup and I’ve been having a lot of fun with it
special guest appearance by Reykja who is kind enough to step around all the knobs 😻
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icannotgetoverbirds · 2 years
how a friend of mine taught me to create names for characters
Start with a word that's meaningful to the character. For this example, we'll use the word "smoke".
Open up Google translate and pick a language - Latin is a good, basic starting point, but anything with connections or an ease of what I like to call English-ifying (for the sake of this method, things like pinyin - the English text version of languages with non-english characters - although this can also be done for other languages, I assume) works best.
I'll start with Latin - the word I get is fumo. Now, I don't really like the vibes of that, so I'm going to take a stab at a few other translations to see what I can find.
(I do want to add - it's best to either understand the language's phonetics or have a pronunciation available if you want to be able to pronounce the character's name.)
Icelandic - Reykja (Ray-kee-ah)
Korean - Seumoki (Soo-moke-ee)*
Hindi - Dhuaan (Doo-ahn)
Swahili - Moshi (Mah-shee)
And with that, I have four different name bases to work with, all with different vibes. For instance, Moshi would probably be a good name for a pet - the -i ending reads as diminutive in English, making it perfect for a gray-furred cat. I might use that if I ever get a pet that it would fit - it's a sweet name.
Reykja reads as a fairly feminine name, and could work as a standalone - just be aware that it might read strangely to people who speak Icelandic. Dhuaan feels more gender-neutral - actually, it feels very neutral altogether.
That being said, you don't have to stop here. You can throw the names together in much the same way that someone used to create Lenjamin, and create entirely new names. In this endeavor, it usually helps to have gathered quite a few translations to work with.
Here, I take a bit of a leap in combining the -ki in Seumoki (which is a little on the nose alone) with the fu- in fumo, creating Kifu - considering that the alternative is Fuki, which. Is a little too close to Fucky for my comfort.
Here's the important part - and this step is often vital even when not combining the words - you have to translate it backwards.
*Those who know Korean might notice that Seumoki is a translation for "smokey", not "smoke". As someone who doesn't speak Korean, I noted that translating back the word I originally got for smoke, yeongi, gave me "performance". I'm not sure what's up with that, so I adjusted the form of the word to get a better translation - for all I know, the translation of yeongi as "smoke" is a bug.
Sometimes you'll find out that the word that gets translated back is. Less than desirable. Sometimes, however, you find a pleasant surprise.
Kifu, in the "Detect Language" setting of Google Translate, reads as the Swahili word for death.
So now I have a name for a badass character, probably someone that can easily be read as a ninja, whose name has roots in smoke and death.
One last note - do look up the name outside of Google Translate to check and see if it's already in use somewhere or if it has any problematicisms attached - Kifu seems to be a software related to the game Go, as well as a French collection of home decor. I think it's a funny little anecdote to add to the name; plus, maybe it can be used for further characterization. Maybe Kifu really likes interior design. Maybe their favorite game is Go.
And with that you have a name for a character and a little bit of bonus characterization to go along with it!
Don't forget to translate backwards, and don't forget to look it up, though. Also, if you're able to consult a dictionary in the language you're pulling from - or even a person who speaks the language - that's even better!
All of the names here are free to use, btw!
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Iced Tjörnin, Swan and City by misterbay
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im so glad you love what my blog has turned into bc real cat hours is like 24/7 at this point lmao
also feel free to dm me cat posts at any time 
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