13eyond13 · 1 year
how about L for blorbo sheet if u want to <3
OF COURSE and thank you for asking! I had to use my phone and finger to do it though so sorry for the messiness 😭
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The biggest surprise to me on this meme was how few of the boxes I wanted to check for "what I want L to have." To me he's the best as a fairly stubborn and static and mysterious character that other ones are reacting to and bouncing off of and trying to get to know, rather than anything else?
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lightyaoigami · 1 year
oh and sorry for separate asks, but do u really have pinterest boards or playlists for ur fics? or some fun facts about the behind the scenes lore? i believe i'm not the only one interested!
yes i do!!! i don't have pinterest boards but i have tons and tons of notes for each fic like what they were wearing, what they're eating/drinking (also i have a specific bar, tennis club, and hotel from kompromat lol), room layouts, equipment in the room, stuff like that. if there's any questions you have about background info on any of my fics chances are i have a note on it somewhere!!
here are links to my playlists - i have playlists for most but not all:
adieu adieu: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1BDrUFQdEUphvZSM541TuM?si=91bd689568884731
kompromat: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6bEWX3fwpmFHxZ391RtsMj?si=81bb769dbb4e4c40
hot hands: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3wT33XJFWfYRhmc9g0GNxS?si=2b3b5d7f4e494f52
down bad: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0ky0oJq6FKkD1quZJqEJY1?si=fdb942497e6745ab
amnesia haze: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2wrkn1CC14DQzHgosJlEf8?si=70983f2308114e0f
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somin-yin · 8 months
Tag Game - 10 fandoms 10 characters!
Thank you for tagging me @agonydearest, this was very fun to do ❤️ Let's see who all your favorites are! These are mine:
Ratan Vaish - Romance Club: Best RC character and LI ever imo, he's a very multifaceted character ❤️ stanning Ratan is EXCELLENT TASTE
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Kang Yohan - The Devil Judge: My toxic trait is I might kin him. No, I won't elaborate. He wasn't in the wrong 🤷‍♀️
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Light Yagami - Death Note: I have conflicting feelings, I kinda see where he was coming from, did he do it the right way? Absolutely not. Power corrupted him as it would corrupt any human being. It's kinda sad because he had a brilliant future ahead, anyway a very complex character and my DN favourite after all.
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Goo Seung Hyo - Life: On my knees for him, big D energy, fits into the category of #GuysIwouldFallFor even if he's morally grey 😂
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Cho Sangwoo - Squid Game: Misunderstood, he played the game well all things considered and I will stay on this hill 🤷‍♀️ a very complex character too!
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Avasarala - The Expanse: GIRLBOSS, the truest queen of Earth, on my knees for her ❤️ I ship her with Bobbie 😂
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Berlin - Spanish Money Heist / La Casa de Papel: A psycho but I like his rants, specially the philosophical ones, I also like his sense of humour, he makes me laugh 😂
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Gaius Augustine - Choices Bloodbound: I can't help but feel empathy for him 🤷‍♀️
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Colin Ritman - Black Mirror Bandersnacht: He's awesome and I love his demeanor, big D energy too ❤️ I ship him with Stefan
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Angelo Lagusa - 91 days - He deserved better ;-; I ship him with Nero
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Not me liking all kinds of red flags ;-; or perhaps I just like my men in suit and my women girlboss 😂
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Tagging: @beware-of-the-year-2181 @itissnowing @ihatesnitches @jellyjinx @violentinecrl @fantasyoverreality98 @rf-rida @justanotherrcblog @reznorty3 @b1p0lar-yagami @rei-tatsuki @consuelomagdaleno @unsettlingconclusions @nikki-2406
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itissnowing · 1 year
Tag 10 people you want to know better
Thank you for tagging me @jessynote :DDD
relationship status: single *peace sign*  because my crush doesn´t like me back ^^ 
favourite colour: purple and black :))
song stuck in my head: Don´t you love her madly - The Doors https://youtu.be/5iqfXaGliq8
last song I listened to: Bauklötze - Hiroyuki Sawano (listening to the aot soundtrack while learning is peak)
three favourite foods: Teriyaki, Lasagna, Katsudon
last thing googled: “Rufmord in english”
dream trip: I would love to visit Japan and Ireland :)
anything I want right now: Be finished with my physics exam XD
Tagging: @pebblesgum @spicyyagamis @azcatgoesmeow @cupid-bunny-light-yagami @ratbefriender @bi-snapdragon @reznorty3 @stinkyavocado @somin-yin and everyone who wants to join :))
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9 people you want to get to know better
Thank you to @reznorty3 and @thisisfullofcringe for tagging me! Much appreciated!
1. Three Ships
The most obvious one is, of course, Lawlight! But two other ships that make me insane in a similar manner would be Hannigram and Henry/Richard from TSH.
2. First ever ship
If I remember correctly it was Ender/Petra from Enders Game. I read the book before I was even really active on the internet and wrote fanfic in the notes app of my IPod touch before I even knew the word fanfic.
3. Last Song
I’m listening to music while I write this—Freak by Lana Del Rey.
4. Last Movie
Hannibal (2001).
5. Currently Reading
I tend to read a few things at once. At the moment Crime and Punishment, Stone Butch Blues, and a collection of Sontag’s essays.
6. Currently Watching
Rewatching Death Note with a friend who has never seen in—which is a JOY. I’m also watching Nana, which I know will crush me.
7. Currently Consuming
This is such a loaded question. Media? Food? Thoughts? Today I ate a passion fruit for the first time. It was so delectable. The center of the fruit is this vivid yellow gelatinous substance encasing tart black seeds. They are such small fruits. Very leathery on the outside. I could eat 20 of them.
8. Currently Craving
More passion fruit, among other things. I refer you to Red Doc by Anne Carson.
9. Tagging
@lightyaoigami @quicktimeeventfull @jessquil @gigantomachy1916 @churchofkira @thesimstwo @captainhysunstuff and anyone who would like to join!
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puropoly · 1 year
thank GOD im tagged again im still sick and so bored
thank youu @13eyond13 and @reznorty3 i owe you my life
nickname: it’s always been, irl and online, poly, ever since i made my first online account when i was 11. I think looking back i chose the easier nickname i could think of, but i should’ve been more creative or wild man i was 11. poly? why not maxsteel35566
height: 161cm / 5′3′‘. medium size pumpkin
last thing i googled: “squidward watermelon head”
song stuck in my head: the got dang music from the pokemon violet/scarlet academy i hate it please make it stop
number of followers: tacky question.............
dream job: i’d love something light and social like working at a bar in the beach or something. always wanted to learn how to make cocktails
wearing: long black tank top and the same shorts i’ve been wearing all week lol (they’re not dirty!!!)
a book/movie that summarizes you: im an ignoramus so i don’t really watch movies or read enough books to answer to this question. god, do i really have to say LABB. is that my answer
favourite song: otp song :o)
aesthetic: look at my tag boy
favourite author: listen. i don’t know how to read (bloz i need you to rec me some books URGENT before these tumblr memes keep roasting me)
random fact: i don’t ever get sweaty! even when it gets ultra hot in here (like today) im always able to keep my clothes clean. does that mean im dehydrated? probably, but i smelll FINE
tagging:  @ronnierorivero !
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13eyond13 · 1 year
hiii! for headcanon ask.. maybe 5 for Light, 25 for L and 16 for both? also interested what you think about 5 for B
Thanks so much @reznorty3! I hope you're having a nice day 🧡
Light + His Love Language:
Very interesting thing to think about for Light. I think he usually speaks Acts of Service, but most strongly desires Quality Time with the people he really admires (like his father, for example). I think Light does a lot of his dutiful actions and tries to excel so much partially just to please the people like his family that he cares about. And I think he was fairly starved for just hanging out with people whose company he found genuinely enjoyable and interesting as well.
L + What Brings Him the Most Unmitigated Joy in the World:
Being correct about his hunches! Boy absolutely LOVES being right 100% of the time, and is pretty vain about his smarts. I think one of the most embarrassing things for him would be to be proven undeniably wrong or considered stupid by most people in some way.
B + His Love Language:
I think B most wants to hear Words of Encouragement or maybe receive some Quality Time, but he probably usually speaks Acts of Service or Gifts or something along those lines (like by creating you the creepiest scavenger hunt of all time 😆).
[happy headcanon ask meme]
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lightyaoigami · 1 year
btw definitely interested in your diatribe on why death note is gothic😏
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lightyaoigami · 1 year
13,15,16,18,30 for writer ask!
ahh thanks tanya!! great questions!
13. Is there a trope you wouldn’t write if it was the last trope on earth?
anything to do with pregnancy/babies is a hard no for me. also throwing in a hateful shout-out to buffyspeak my most loathed!!
15. A Hollywood producer tells you that they want to film just one of your fics. Which fic would you want it to be?
the one i'm about to post in the next day or so >:) i will drop the link when it's ready but it's called kompromat. i can ~visualize~ this one so clearly in my mind, i wish i could draw so i could make it into a comic.
16. What is your most underrated fic?
i just posted amnesia haze, which was was surprisingly hard for me to write because it was a little woobie for my usual taste but i'm happy with the way it turned out. lmk if you guys like it.
18. What is a line/scene you’re really proud of? Give us the DVD commentary for that scene.
i love this question. i'm very proud of this bit here from down bad:
"His coordination was flagging, reminding him of a recent trip to the arcade where he had attempted to play Maimai Murasaki on the highest difficulty. It had been discomfiting to admit that his fingers just weren’t limber enough, and the harder he tried, the more cringe-inducing it became. He pressed his left hand to his chest to make sure it was still rising and falling and wondered if anyone had ever suffocated to death on a classmate’s [redacted]."
i spent a lot of time taking handwritten notes on how it would feel for a very persnickety person like light to do something that is objectively undignified, messy, and a little gross--even if it was his idea. and not only that, he's doing it for the first time ever, he's a little hammered, and he has strong feelings towards this person even if he mischaracterized those feelings as hatred. so yeah i wrote a lot of post-it notes on the myriad ways you can fuck up performing a [redacted] on someone despite really wanting to impress them. i also have to credit my genius pal @llawlietofficial for giving me the idea of "playing a video game on insanity mode and you're just not good enough at it to win" which was such a banger. i also think that there are not NEARLY enough fics exploring the idea that sex doesn't always go according to keikaku. while i totally understand the desire for wish fulfillment and fantasy, there is something to be said about writing things to give readers the ick on purpose to represent a more realistic, vulnerable, intimate encounter. it just tugs my heartstrings, ok? :))
30. Tell us an idea for a longfic you want to write in the future.
devastatingly i suffer from only-can-write-oneshots disease. i guess mine would be a more slow-burn college au that i could put down bad in as a chapter. or a slow burn detective workplace thing. i love slow burn. their pinkies can touch but only after 50k words /s
Behind the Scenes of Fic Writing: 30 Questions for Authors
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lightyaoigami · 1 year
hi!!! song is self sabotage by waterparks and my favorite lyric is:
if you like when we talk, i'll dislocate my jaw [insert wowoowooooo from the song here] what the fuck is wrong with me? what the fuck is wrong with me? what the fuck is wrong with me?
i'm FINE why do u ask!!! >:)
send me “hi” and ill shuffle my music and give you my favorite line(s) of the song !!
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lightyaoigami · 1 year
hii again!🌹 for the fic writer ask: Betas or No betas, Present tense or Past tense, Write on computer or Write on phone, Take requests or No requests
-beta or no beta: BETA oh my god. a second pair of eyes is totally invaluable. i don't think i have ever published something without having *at least* two people read it.
-present or past tense: past tense is easier for me, i'm not sure why!
-computer or phone: outline/brainrot on phone, polish and finalize on the computer!
-requests or no requests: i've never actually gotten a request! i'm open to them but i'm really picky about certain things especially nsfw things so i'm hesitant to give a blanket 'yes.'
this or that: fic writers edition
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13eyond13 · 1 year
saw your last post and felt like i also have to remind myself to just... say... things sometimes... your blog comforts me so so much it's like drinking warm tea with a friend laughing chilling loving and i wish you all the best and i hope you're okay❤️❤️❤️
omg thank you so much @reznorty3, that's very sweet and I'm glad because it's basically exactly how I feel when I'm blogging as well 😘 it's my comfort space for real
PS- I see you're a Those fan 👀 don't get me started on that fic I'll never shut up (but actually if you want to talk about it anytime definitely hmu)
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lightyaoigami · 1 year
lollipop mint and fern for the ask meme, couldn't decide😁💝
omg thank u <3
what color am i to you?
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lightyaoigami · 1 year
president in ask game definitely!
aaaaa ty ty<3
what am i to you
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lightyaoigami · 1 year
misa and beyond birthday for the ask meme! 🌹
answered here & here!
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somin-yin · 9 months
How I see myself *✧・゚: *✧・゚
🎀 Thank you for the tag @ihatesnitches, I really enjoyed doing this one 🎀
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Celebrity Place Food
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Thing Animal Hobby
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Style Song Character
『 I'm not familiar with celebrities so I put a Greek mythology muse 』・『 I couldn't choose just one song, and my S.O. dedicated me the 2nd song, so I added it 』
Tagging: @beware-of-the-year-2181 @itissnowing @justanotherrcblog @dotti55 @rf-rida @agonydearest @violentinecrl @jellyjinx @maemaemaeri @reznorty3 @nunah @b1p0lar-yagami @rei-tatsuki @he-hehe-he @onehopefuldreamer @sheepishvagabond-shinigamijack and anyone else who sees this!
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