jurnaldebucovina · 3 months
Echipele câștigătoare au fost, la SVSU, locul 1 - SVSU Bosanci, iar la SPSU, locul 1 - SPSU Egger România.
Sâmbătă, 15 iunie, pe Stadionul „1 Mai”, din municipiul Suceava, s-a desfășurat etapa județeană a concursurilor Serviciilor Voluntare/Private pentru Situații de Urgență (SVSU/SPSU) din județul Suceava. Competiția a reunit echipe de pompieri de la Serviciile voluntare pentru situații de urgență din localitățile Bosanci, Cacica, Crucea și Salcea, dar și de la Serviciile private pentru situații de…
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alexsavescu · 1 year
Succese ale micilor tenismeni din Fălticeni în turneele naționale din septembrie
Secția de tenis a Asociației Club Sportiv (ACS) Nada Florilor din Fălticeni se mândrește cu performanțele tinerilor săi sportivi în turneele recente desfășurate la nivel național. Instrucțorul Marcel Dascălu a adus în atenția publicului rezultatele obținute de echipa de tenis din Fălticeni. Unul dintre turneele importante la care au participat copiii din Fălticeni este Cupa Tridex, desfășurată…
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kozmosjeravnodusan · 2 months
uquizovi su tako fun za pravit <3<3<3
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arthurmorganson · 1 month
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Teorema rezultatelor financiare
Rezultatele Financiare= istoricul care poate fi analizat. <li class="Dacă istoricul este unul plăcut Dacă istoricul este unul plăcut <=>acolo au existat Oameni de Valoare. <li class="Dacă oamenii au fost bine puși în valoare Dacă oamenii au fost bine puși în valoare <=> a existat un Management Bun. Managementul bun => Viziuni pentru Viitor. 1. + 2. + 3. + 4. => <h2 class="wp-block-heading…
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ciochinaflorin · 3 months
163 I 2024. LUMINA SAU PROSPERITATEA [Psalmul 97.11 I Geneza 26.12 I Geneza 26.1-3] 11 Iunie 2024
163 I 2024. LUMINA SAU PROSPERITATEA I Podcast I Pasaje Biblice : Psalmul 97 : 11 I Geneza 26 : 12 I Geneza 26 : 1 – 3 I Meditaţii din Cuvânt I Cezareea I Reşiţa I 11 Iunie 2024 I Lumina sau Prosperitatea. În Vechiul Testament un sens figurat al cuvântului „lumină” este cel de prosperitate. Prosperitatea era promisă omului neprihănit, adică omului drept din punct de vedere etic și al Legii lui…
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laivinduroriginal · 9 months
139 de dosare admise în Programul Rabla Local Galați
În termen de 30 de zile, dosarele trebuie completate în vederea acordării primei de casare în valoare de 3.000 de lei.  Primăria municipiului Galați informează persoanele fizice, proprietare de autovehicule uzate, că în urma depunerii documentelor care atestă eligibilitatea în cadrul Programului Rabla Local 2023 finanțat din Fondul pentru Mediu și din bugetul local al Primăriei municipiului…
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jurnaldebucovina · 10 months
 Lilioara-Mariana Popescu: ATOMIC HABITS (recenzie)
Cu toții dezvoltăm obiceiuri și convingeri. Unele ne aduc beneficii, altele ne blochează în tipare de gândire și ne limitează în acțiuni. Cum ne putem forma obiceiuri sustenabile, cu rezultate pe termen lung și nu unele pe care să le abandonăm în timp?Dacă ți-ai propus să aduci îmbunătățiri în viața ta, acum e momentul să citești ATOMIC HABITS. Poate vrei să te lași de fumat sau să slăbești,…
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alexsavescu · 1 year
Bacalaureat 2023: Incident la proba obligatorie a profilului în a doua sesiune
A doua sesiune a Bacalaureatului din acest an a continuat joi, 17 august 2023, cu proba obligatorie a profilului. Aceată probă  a fost susținută de 456 candidați din județul Suceava (360 la matematică, respectiv 96 la istorie). Inițial erau  înscriși 584 de candidați (468 la matematică, respectiv 116 la istorie). 127 candidaţi au fost absenți (107 la matematică, respectiv 20 la istorie). Pentru…
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zuperpizzatowerartizt · 5 months
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i did a twitter poll the rezult waz truely zhocking what the h*ck!
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idanceuntilidie · 11 months
𝕬𝖑𝖑 𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕱𝖔𝖔𝖉 𝖎𝖘 𝕻𝖔𝖎𝖘𝖔𝖓
Or is it?
Yandere vampire twins x reader. (The reader is meant to be male, the pronouns I use is "you" mostly.)
I might do something for this occasion:D Should I draw them? I was thinking about this for few days actually. Warnings: mentions of being kept against will, forced closure, yandere themes, gouing eyes out. Requests are open,
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Few months has passed since the brothers have kept you, few months since all of your friends died. 
It was hard to forget, especially when the brothers liked to talk about how easy it was.   
You weren’t let out, you missed the sun, the trees and the grass. You missed outisde.  The brothers forced you to change your sleep schedule, so now you slept durning the day, with at least one of the brothers by your side, and was active at night.  The change often gave you painful headaches.    They made sure you were well taken care of, you had many maids, all of them had to cover their eyes or cover the area where their eyes should be.  Qing and Quillion got crazy jealous rezulting in damaging the maids, saying they are not allowed to look at you. You always wondered how they are able to do their tasks.   You wore matching outfits with the brothers and were served the most delicious dishes.  Ugh.  You hated dinners at the Dime residence.  Carefully prepeared food, displayed beautifully on the dark oak table.  The plates were spotless, not a speck of dust visible.   The brothers are clean freaks you guessed, and from what the maids told you they would get so furious if something was imperfect.   
They were sitting right in front of you, you could feel their gaze burning into your school.  You haven’t touched your food, and they want you to be happy and healthy so you can produce more blood and share.  It’s that simple. You don’t get why they even try, why they sit in front of you eating something that won’t satisfy their hunger.  You frown, face twisting in disgust at the food before you.  It wasn’t bad, hell, you normally wouldn’t be able to afford something like this. Even some maids came to you and begged you to eat it.    Qing stood up harshly, the table shook with how fast he stood up. He walked up to you grabbing your hand and making you also get up and face him.  His face looked bored, but upon making eye contant that bored look turned into a scowl. 
“Why aren’t you eating?”   
You scoffed,  “What if you poisoned something? I do not trust you.”   
Qing wasn’t satisfied with the answer, you heard a chuckle and saw a Quillions head resting on his brother's shoulder.  Smiling widely at you.    “Honey, you need to eat othwerwise you might die, but then again what if we turned you into one of us? We will be living happy for eternity.”  He happily chirped at you.   
Your heart sank, Qing sighed and let go of your hand.  He brought your hand to his lips and kissed it. (That’s how he liked to apologise.)  It made your cheeks burn, you still don’t know if it was from anger or flustered. 
Quillion kissed your forehead.    “Now darling, eat up, we want to eat too”
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puppypop5 · 3 months
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Now that the dezign for Cheat Codes in @switching-beats haz been revealed.....herez hiz dezign!! Plz click for quality...
Rethyx iz a ghozt that rezidez in the Volcano of Tears, hiz true face iz too glitched and obzcured to zee properly, rezulting in... Quite the odd facial jumble. The pink markingz on him zerve az a binding agent, keeping him within the confinez of the volcano until he pazzez on. Too bad he doeznt want to and continuez to bother The Pyroclastic Phoenix and her ziblingz
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thebetterindex · 6 days
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She is a fallen Faith angel (you'll soon know what that is) she used to be a faith angel working for THE MOTHER (a cult like planet that is trying to force indoctrinate other planets , mously important 4 main planets) she was GLATT's personal assistant, and helper, basecly doing what ever Glatt want it (u will know who glatt is soon, i'll make posts about it and will create the names into links) ,and usaly it was revolved arownd forcing ppl form other planets to join THE MOTHER or straight up killing them, she also had 2 horns that helpd her comunicate with Glatt, and also make Glatt be omnipresent arownd Helen.
She soon realized that shes bringing a lot of pain to others (sence she was Glatts personal assistant she was razed by glatt as well and brainwashd) and broke her right horn to stop comunicating with her, rezulting in her becoming a fallen and mutating into some sort of creature because of the radiation that planet had, she was on earth so she had to try to look as human as possible she was abel to create a some what human looking form, not beeing abel to get rid of the horns and the green crack that is arownd her face, (sence she put so much force into braking that horn that her hole face crackd). The first pic u see is Helens human form, her normal form is this one
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(I havent done a design for how she used to look in her past forn i will soon tho!)
(HELEN HAS NO GENDER but she uses the term she/her when human)
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when 2 r0b0tz meet each 0ther.
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f0rg0t i had thiz 0n wip f0r a while z0 uhh i decided 2 finish it, n thiz being the finished rezult 0f that wip l0l
alz0 uhh btw lilian [being the 0c 0n the right] bel0ngz 2 my beztie @noisettesgfandwifenojoke l0l
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test-tube-iii · 5 months
Zo, on a zcale of 1 to 10, how would you rate our product placement?
Note: Any anzwerz under zix will rezult in furthering our planz and lezz chance of termination
-Springy T Spring
(God fckin dammit i forgot to do the z's in the other posts (IM GONNA EDIT THEM AFTER THIS AAGGGHHH SORRY)
well uhm zix i guezz ??
(itd be much lower if i waznt being threathened by a literal zpring)
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we r thinking aboutz making another blog juzt for syztem/plural uzer boxes!!!
bc itz annoying how many of the syztem/plural realated uzerboxes r madez by anti endoz!(and we want 2 rezpect their DNIs but itz hard to find uzerboxes made by ppl who pro-endos/endos uzing em!!)
what do yallz think??!!!
[i will make uzer boxes for any zystem btw!! except if they r [email protected] can fuck off >:(]
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