#rfid decathlon
sb-components · 10 months
RFID Tags: Revolutionizing Identification and Tracking
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In today's fast-paced world, efficiency and accuracy are paramount. Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) tags have emerged as a game-changing technology, offering a streamlined and reliable solution for identification and tracking across a wide range of industries. These tiny tags, embedded with microchips and antennas, can store and transmit data wirelessly, enabling seamless tracking of assets, inventory, and personnel.
The Significance of RFID Tags
RFID tags have revolutionized various sectors due to their unique advantages:
Enhanced Efficiency: RFID tags eliminate the need for manual scanning or barcode reading, significantly reducing time and labor costs.
Improved Accuracy: RFID tags provide error-free identification, eliminating the potential for human error often associated with manual data entry.
Real-time Tracking: RFID tags allow for real-time tracking of assets, enabling businesses to monitor their inventory and optimize their supply chain.
Versatility: RFID tags can be attached to a wide range of objects, from clothing and electronics to livestock and vehicles, making them a versatile solution for various applications.
A World of Applications
RFID tags have permeated various industries, transforming operations and enhancing efficiency. Here are some notable examples:
Supply Chain Management: RFID tags streamline inventory management, enabling real-time tracking of goods throughout the supply chain, from manufacturing to distribution.
Access Control: RFID tags enable secure access control systems, granting authorized personnel access to restricted areas or buildings.
Asset Tracking: RFID tags are widely used to track valuable assets, such as medical equipment, library books, and industrial tools, preventing theft and loss.
Animal Tracking: RFID tags are employed for animal identification and tracking, providing valuable insights into livestock management, wildlife conservation, and research.
Retail: RFID tags enhance retail operations, enabling efficient inventory management, loss prevention, and personalized customer experiences.
SB Components: Your One-Stop Shop for RFID Tags
SB Components is a leading provider of high-quality RFID tags, catering to the diverse needs of businesses and individuals. Our extensive range of RFID tags includes a variety of frequencies, sizes, and functionalities to suit specific applications.
Whether you're looking to track inventory, manage access control, or enhance customer experiences, SB Components has the RFID tags that meet your requirements. Our expert team is always ready to assist you in selecting the right RFID tags for your unique needs.
Embrace the Future with RFID Technology
RFID tags have revolutionized identification and tracking, offering a powerful and versatile solution for businesses and individuals alike. As technology continues to advance, RFID tags are poised to play an even more significant role in streamlining operations, enhancing efficiency, and improving decision-making across industries.
To explore the vast potential of RFID tags, visit SB Components today and discover the innovative solutions that await you.
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reasonsforhope · 5 months
"Clothing tags, travel cards, hotel room key cards, parcel labels … a whole host of components in supply chains of everything from cars to clothes. What do they have in common? RFID tags.  
Every RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) tag contains a microchip and a tiny metal strip of an antenna. A cool 18bn of these are made – and disposed of – each year. And with demands for product traceability increasing, ironically in part because of concerns for the social and environmental health of the supply chain, that’s set to soar. 
And guess where most of these tags end up? Yup, landfill – adding to the burgeoning volumes of e-waste polluting our soils, rivers and skies. It’s a sorry tale, but it’s one in which two young graduates of Imperial College London and Royal College of Art are putting a great big green twist. Under the name of PulpaTronics, Chloe So and Barna Soma Biro reckon they’ve hit on a beguilingly simple sounding solution: make the tags out of paper. No plastic, no chips, no metal strips. Just paper, pure and … simple … ? Well, not quite, as we shall see. 
The apparent simplicity is achieved by some pretty cutting-edge technical innovation, aimed at stripping away both the metal antennae and the chips. If you can get rid of those, as Biro explains, you solve the e-waste problem at a stroke. But getting rid of things isn’t the typical approach to technical solutions, he adds. “I read a paper in Nature that set out how humans have a bias for solving problems through addition – by adding something new, rather than removing complexity, even if that’s the best approach.”   
And adding stuff to a world already stuffed, as it were, can create more problems than it solves. “So that became one of the guiding principles of PulpaTronics”, he says: stripping things down “to the bare minimum, where they are still functional, but have as low an environmental impact as possible”.  
...how did they achieve this magical simplification? The answer lies in lasers: these turn the paper into a conductive material, Biro explains, printing a pattern on the surface that can be ‘read’ by a scanner, rather like a QR code. It sounds like frontier technology, but it works, and PulpaTronics have patents pending to protect it. 
The resulting tag comes in two forms: in one, there is still a microchip, so that it can be read by existing scanners of the sort common within retailers, for example. The more advanced version does away with the chip altogether. This will need a different kind of scanner, currently in development, which PulpaTronics envisages issuing licences for others to manufacture. 
Crucially, the cost of both versions is significantly cheaper than existing RFID kit – making this a highly viable proposition. Then there are the carbon savings: up to 70% for the chipless version – so a no-brainer from a sustainability viewpoint too. All the same, industry interest was slow to start with but when PulpaTronics won a coveted Dezeen magazine award in late 2023, it snowballed, says So. Big brands such as UPS, DHL, Marks & Spencer and Decathlon came calling. “We were just bombarded.” Brands were fascinated by the innovation, she says, but even more by the price point, “because, like any business, they knew that green products can’t come with a premium”."
-via Positive.News, April 29, 2024
Note: I know it's still in the very early stages, but this is such a relief to see in the context of the environmental and human rights catastrophes associated with lithium mining and mining for rare earth metals, and the way that EVs and other green infrastructure are massively increasing the demand for those materials.
I'll take a future with paper-based, more humane alternatives for sure! Fingers crossed this keeps developing and develops well (and quickly).
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techniktagebuch · 5 years
10. November 2019
Umständliche Vermessung von zehn Kilometern Waldweg
Wie bereits berichtet, gehe ich regelmäßig joggen und zeichne gelaufene Strecken und Zeiten mit der App RunKeeper auf. Das geschieht weniger aus sportlichem oder gesundheitlichem Ehrgeiz, als aus Spieltrieb und einem Hang zur Dokumentation.
Heute nehme ich mit einigen Freunden an einem 10-km-Crosslauf im Tegeler Forst teil und möchte diesen Anlass nutzen, um die entsprechende Badge in in Fitocracy einzuheimsen, wohin meine Läufe von RunKeeper aus synchronisiert werden. Da es sich um eine offizielle Veranstaltung mit abgesperrter Strecke handelt, werde ich an keiner Ampel warten müssen und bin zudem einigermaßen motiviert, eine gute Zeit zu laufen (und nicht z.B. mittendrin ein paar Schritte zu gehen, um an meinem Smartphone herumzunesteln, um die Playlist zu wechseln oder dergleichen).
Eine Karte der Laufstrecke wurde vorab veröffentlicht. Prinzipiell würde es also genügen, meine Laufzeit zu stoppen, sodass ich Strecke und Zeit später in Ruhe manuell in der Web-Applikation von RunKeeper eingeben kann. Aber einerseits bin ich nicht sicher, wie genau die Zeitnahme durch die Veranstalter erfolgt und wie exakt die veröffentlichte Streckenkarte ist, und andererseits ist es natürlich authentischer, meinen Lauf tatsächlich selbst zu tracken. Also wird das Smartphone eingepackt.
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Es besteht allerdings die Gefahr, dass der schon etwas altersschwache Akku des Telefons Probleme verursacht. Wenn man das Gerät bei einstelligen Temperaturen herausholt, schaltet es sich mitunter erst einmal aus. Sicherheitshalber packe ich also auch diese billige Digitaluhr mit Stoppfunktion ein, die ich neulich für einen anderen Anlass bei Decathlon gekauft habe.
Noch deutlich vor dem Start klärt sich allerdings die Lage: Die Startnummern (ca. DIN-A5-Format), die von den Veranstalterïnnen ausgeteilt und von den Läuferïnenn mit Sicherheitsnadeln vorn am Shirt befestigt werden, haben einen integrierten RFID-Chip für die Zeitnahme. Man läuft damit an Start und Ziel an einem Lesegerät vorbei, wodurch die Zeit ermittelt werden kann. Dass der Chip in die Startnummer integriert ist, kannte ich noch nicht. Bisher hatte ich nur das System, bei dem der Chip in einem Plastikgehäuse steckte und mit den Schnürsenkeln am Schuh befestigt werden musste.
Ich verzichte also auf die Digitaluhr, starte aber zu Beginn des Laufs die RunKeeper-Aufzeichnung. Ein Weilchen später meldet sich die App vernehmlich mit der Durchsage, dass nun fünf Minuten vergangen seien, sowie mit meiner aktuellen Geschwindigkeit. Das war so jetzt nicht beabsichtigt – normalerweise laufe ich mit einem Headset, wodurch nur ich diese Informationen erhalte. Dass jetzt alle um mich herum alle fünf Minuten wichtigtuerische Ansagen meiner sicher nicht olympischen Laufgeschwindigkeit zu hören bekommen, ist mir ein bisschen peinlich.
Ich könnte nun irgendwie das Smartphone herausfummeln und versuchen, diese Benachrichtigungen abzustellen oder das Headset einzustecken. Andererseits scheint sich niemand der Laufnerds um mich herum daran zu stören. Und vor allem führt mir die Ansage deutlich vor Augen, dass ich gerade für meine Verhältnisse sehr schnell unterwegs bin. Deutlich zu schnell, um zehn Kilometer durchzuhalten. (In der Euphorie des Starts ordentlich Gas zu geben, um dann in der zweiten Hälfte eines Laufs übel einzubrechen, gilt als typischer Anfängerfehler.)
Ich mäßige also mein Tempo und lasse die zwei Freunde, die mir seit dem Start schon ca. 100 m vorausgeeilt sind, die ich aber immer noch im Blick habe, endgültig davon ziehen. Eine Weile später werde ich von einer weiteren Freundin, die ich zunächst hinter mir gelassen hatte, eingeholt und dann auch überholt. Später hole ich sie wieder ein und am Ende laufen wir gemeinsam durchs Ziel. Ich bin sehr zufrieden, denn meine Laufzeit ist deutlich besser als erwartet, was ich sowohl dem Ansporn durch die mitlaufenden Freundïnnen zuschreibe, wie auch der Mischung aus Motivation und Selbstkontrolle durch die RunKeeper-Ansagen.
Nach dem Zieleinlauf pausiere ich erst einmal die RunKeeper-App, denn diese hat bis dahin nur 9,83 km Laufstrecke gemessen. So wird das natürlich nichts mit der 10-km-Badge! Wir geben unsere Startnummern wieder ab, trinken etwas und quatschen und auf dem Weg zum Parkplatz setze ich für RunKeeper den Lauf noch etwas fort. So komme ich auf die vollen 10 km Strecke, versaue mir durch drei Minuten gemütlichen Schlenderns allerdings auch ein wenig die die gute Laufzeit.
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naoparis · 5 years
【PARIS】14/07/2019 【PARIS】【サンジェルマン、サンスルピス、オデオン界隈】2019年7月14日 久しぶりに・・・・静かなサンジェルマン界隈。 more photo..... ▼PHOTO画像を【Google Photo】で見る ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 【PARIS】【Haagen-Dazsハゲンーダッツ】【NEW】MATCHA GREENTEA ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 【PARIS】【CARTON】【Flan】2019年7月14日 ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 【PARIS】【サンジェルマン、サンミッシェル、ノートルダム、サンルイ島界隈】2019年7月13日 【PARIS】【サンジェルマン、サンミッシェル、ノートルダム、サンルイ島界隈】2019年7月13日 【PARIS】【サ���ジェルマン、サンミッシェル、ノートルダム、サンルイ島界隈】2019年7月13日 ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 【今日のキニナル】日本、韓国、中国、ドイツ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ Le gouvernement va mettre en place une ecotaxe sur les billets d’avion 【France】【Ecotaxe】【環境税課税】航空便利用客に環境税課税 @lobs ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 【PARIS】【ノートルダム大聖堂Notre-dame de Paris界隈】2019年7月13日 【PARIS】【ノートルダム大聖堂Notre-dame de Paris界隈】2019年7月13日 【PARIS】【ノートルダム大聖堂Notre-dame de Paris界隈】2019年7月13日 ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 【PARIS】【動画VIDEO】Defile du 14 juillet 2019シャンゼリゼの軍事パレード ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 【PARIS】【アイスクリーム】【BERTHILLONベルティヨン】2019年7月13日 ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 【PARIS】【サンジェルマン、芸術橋界隈】2019年7月12日 【PARIS】【AU CHAI DE L'ABBAYE】2019年7月12日 ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 【PARIS】【MADE IN JAPON】キムチあられ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 【PARIS】【JAPOHAWAI】2019年7月11日 【PARIS】【サンジェルマン界隈】2019年7月11日 ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 【キニナル人物】Megan Rapinoeミーガン・ラピノー ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 【Classictic.com - Tickets for Classical Music】【PARIS】【コンサート情報INFO CONCERT】【シャンゼリゼ劇場 Theatre des Champs-Elysees】 【FRANCE】【コンサート情報INFO CONCERT】ヴェルサイユ宮殿Chateau de Versailles ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 【Classictic】【Info Concertコンサート情報】【Classicticギフトカード】クラシック音楽のプレゼント! 【Cheque-Cadeau Classictic】Le cadeau ideal pour les melomanes de votre entourage !
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frippalifting · 2 years
Did any of your lifted Decathlon items have sewn in rfids?
Near the labels like: Material, washing temperature, etcc. There was an RF similar to those labels.
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jayhorsestar · 3 years
other feat. [a] cctv interior by POS cashiers is not bullet cams, the simply currency tracking no distortion, single angle, calibrated distance, calibrated color, 17 formation (small radome provided IR leds aside, for night capability, when all shut down and closed, or for power loss, until generators up) - so it’s not the RO treasury policies, it’s not the EU currency Bank policies - Cyprus and US dollar mebbe; [b] there are bullet cctv cameras onto side-walls interior, fencing the perimeter, those are indeed bullet type cams, able of calibrating six meters, couple seconds fast moving targets; [c] the whole cctv is at either cashiers reach or at security tangos reach and it’s set for matrix of cams onto same computer the emails are (but it’s not a priority for us to just sit all day long, do nothing and simply stare to CCTV either PAX or the WHS and ramps, or outer perimeter). it’s FYI only, not the case on MILKA choc factory, not the case on PRODLACTA milk n’dairy factory - there the CCTV is compulsory monitored. [d] just like cruises ships, the Jumbo is revealing partitions, areas, zones, more than 16, all both floors, there is also a basement, staircase only, no PAX allowed, perhaps the fiber landline and DECT phones and all other PBX racks and servers. Security could walk there, i said no need, and asked if ever Security fellas reached ontop onto the roof - never. well the BBP is revealing the ALA Sirene for the city, just like Roman Inc, or Prodlacta Inc, so i had been onto rooftop many times, some places even cranes and cradles installed, need perimeter walk once in a while. not Jumbo. [e] industrial elevators, the couple, been left behind by Macromall, before the Jumbo, and able 3 tons each. so those are 3 tons industrial elevators. garbage collector is not Comprest Inc of Prodlacta Inc, but Urban Inc, nowadays re-branded into smth BRA-Leaf, dunno. yet older Urban Inc (orange color, not the social-democrats Comprest Inc color). [f] there is no spiders or RFID stickers policies, no magnetic gates whatsoever, the POS security fella is playing all day long with a panic button ringing the only corridor avail in between all POS cash, to mimic the RFID filtering and have a reason to approach PAX. and luggage. [g] all SKU line is import, no Selgros, no METRO, no Decathlon, no Kaufland, no ALLView, none of the proximity dealers, share same items, so if CCTV records reveal you a third time wearing smth you never paid, you enter blacklisted, just like Las Vegas, no harassment but someday no access either. no travel plans either (for a while). [h] fire extinguishers are coupled, always two, always hanging onto walls, always same type, no CO2 nozzle, powder usually and foam. Urban Inc was a promoter of colored segregated BYNs around here, but Jumbo only sets cardboard aside, ballots only of paper, other materials trash altogheter. they were not practicing what used to preach. m
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travelbugvbu · 4 years
To Your Right Luxurious And Exclusive Bed - Furniture
On website like Zalora, Redmart, Qoo10, Value Basket you may avail nice deals with free residence delivery options. Even better, we offer clients flexibility yet free delivery selections. There are also some on-line exclusive stores devoted to offer wide range of a selected product. boutiques ping these products are now been very straightforward because of a few of one of the best online stores and gadget outlets. Sometimes shopping for unique equipment for mobile phones from retail shops or brand shops costs much, like if you need to purchase iphone four cases and equipment, chances are you'll fist examine some on-line stores after which go to the exclusive shop and compare the prices. Then there's the multistream concern. You possibly can then discover the reply of the following clue right here : CodyCross Kitchen implements, e.g. spatulas, serving spoons. If you wish to make your child glad and busy throughout daytime, then you may favor the play time category at this online store. These are subscriptions that men buy for themselves but in addition make great gift ideas for males that are tough to buy for.
Clothing might be positioned neatly on bullnose shelving or acrylic trays to attain a great glimpse. Great lens! Thanks for sharing. To get to the checkout, prospects merely move via the RFID tunnels and pay at a digital station with the new Decathlon Pay. French sports activities items specialist Decathlon opens a brand new concept, Decathlon DX. You'll want to employ a specialist who will do every of the installation in a very acceptable approach, this may likely hold you within the controversy for your insurance coverage firm. In fact, you will be able to discover varied stocks and in style manufacturers through a particular, dependable retailer. shop.COM’s newest enhancement was including a specific tab for Market America Exclusive Brands to be easily found. Majority of shoe manufacturers at present are producing designs, which are the newest calls for in style. You can too check out the latest arrivals to the Beanie Baby Boo assortment while you're visiting there. You can't only take a look at the retailers in your own city, but in addition throughout the international locations. You can too get Ipad and other new era tablets with numerous presents and handsome discounts. shopping is all the time fun and it turns into more whenever you get good discounts in your buy.
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payment-providers · 4 years
New Post has been published on Payment-Providers.com
New Post has been published on https://payment-providers.com/how-2020-has-seen-years-of-change-take-place-in-brand-retail-in-just-months/
How 2020 has seen years of change take place in brand retail in just months
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The RXBX Brand Index 2020 comes in a year of enormous upheaval for European retail – and that may prove to be one of long-lasting change. The Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic has reshaped, at least for a time and perhaps long-term, the way that shoppers are able to buy – with significant implications for the role of shops within retail. Brexit, too, may come to mean significant change for the way that the UK sells to and buys from other European markets. These factors are accentuating trends that were already driving change in the ecommerce and multichannel industry. The growing use of mobile phones to browse and buy, and the extension of social media into shopping are both magnified by coronavirus, while sustainability and environmental issues continue to be important.
  The Covid-19 effect
Coronavirus has dominated retail this spring, just as it has many other areas of everyday life. While supermarkets, food shops and other essential retailers have stayed open, in many European markets non-essential shops have closed. Now the process of reopening is underway, satisfying pent-up demand both from those who prefer to touch, see and feel items before buying them. Others may want to get products faster than they have been able to when ordering online, since delivery has become slower, and from those who have not been able to find the goods they wanted in stock online. Still more shoppers are likely to cut back their spending amid economic uncertainty.
  The sudden surge in demand has exposed the limits of retailers’ capacity to deliver online orders. Supermarkets in particular had to expand their delivery capacity quickly. This is capacity that’s unlikely to be stepped down at the end of lockdowns, especially since social distancing in shops is likely to make trips to shops longer and perhaps less appealing.
  In the time that shops have been closed brands and retailers alike have seen enormous changes in buying behaviour. Many people have shopped online for the first time and many have bought online more often. Some of those people will now return to buying the way they did before, but it’s likely that, having tried it out, many will now continue to buy online. The pandemic has potentially brought an enormous change in behaviour, taking retail several steps beyond the previous limits. The RetailX Coronavirus Consumer Sentiment Tracker of May 20 showed that 88% of the 1,000 UK adults polled had stopped (26%) or reduced (62%) visits to shops as a result of the pandemic, while fewer than 1% said they did not shop online – down from 4% on March 11, before the coronavirus lockdown came into effect. Similar findings are likely to be true for most markets locked down as a result of Covid-19.
  Brands have already signalled their intention to adapt fast to the new normal of retail. Luxury fashion brand Burberry, for example, said in full-year figures reported in May, that its existing strengths in using digital and online in its retail business had helped it to develop some innovative approaches to retail during the pandemic – ones that it intended to build on in the future. To take one example, a T-mall live-streamed event featuring influencer Yvonne Ching as she browsed Burberry’s Shanghai flagship store was watched by almost 1.4m viewers. Burberry chief executive Marco Gobbetti said: “We have found new ways to strengthen our connection with consumers, drawing on our digital leadership.”
  Footwear brand Clarks, meanwhile, said, as it approached the end of the lockdown period, that it planned to expand its digital and social channels as part of a ‘made to last’ strategy. The new strategy, says chief executive Giorgio Presca, “is helping us move fast to get ahead of the changes in the ways that our consumers live their lives, so that we are there for them every step of the way.” He added: “With two centuries of change and adaptation behind us, Clarks has proved itself to be one of the most resilient brands in the world, with our theme ‘Then, now, always’.” The 195-year-old brand will also cut its workforce by a net 700 jobs over the coming 18 months.
  The rise of mobile shopping
Coronavirus precautions aimed at reducing infection are encouraging a shift to contactless payment – that is driving growth in mobile commerce. On larger transactions, contactless payment is easier via smartphone than by bank card since these have relatively low spending limits on individual transactions. Brands that enable payment via mobile wallets and social checkouts, from PayPal to AmazonPay or Facebook Checkout, enable shoppers to make larger payments using preregistered credentials.
  In store, some retail brands are encouraging the use of already-developed apps that include barcode scanners and can be used to check out and pay for purchases in-store in a fully contactless way. In the UK, visitors to supermarket branches are encouraged to download and use already-existing apps in order to stay contactless.
Beyond grocery, French sports brand Decathlon is expanding its use of MishiPay’s smartphone payment technology, already being trialled in a small number of shops in the German market to 81 stores in that territory. Customers can use it to scan and pay for items using their smartphone, automatically disabling the RFID security tag before they leave the store. Stefan Hertkorn, Decathlon Deutschland’s leader of store digitisation, said the solution had already proved popular – but that it was proving particularly useful now. “The solution has clear customer benefits in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic, enabling shoppers to use their own device for the entire shopping journey instead of needing to touch store hardware and eliminating the need to wait at a checkout,” he said.
  The new move towards contactless could encourage third-party take-up of of the Amazon ‘just walk out’ technology. Amazon made that technology, first demonstrated this year in its own Seattle grocery store, available to other retailers in early March. Dilip Kumar, Amazon’s vice president of physical retail and technology, said at the time that the company had made no market forecasts for this part of the business. Instead, he said on a Reuters briefing call that shoppers’ preferences would decide how big the market becomes. “Do customers like standing in lines?” he asked. “This has pretty broad applicability across store sizes, across industries, because it fundamentally tackles a problem of how do you get convenience in physical locations, especially when people are hard-pressed for time.” The advent of coronavirus may well provide the stimulus that drives adoption of this and similar technologies.
  The pandemic has driven new developments in social shopping too. Facebook has launched a new Shops feature during the lockdown to enable retailers to create a single online presence and sell direct to customers, for free. This is closely linked to shopping features on its sister social platform Instagram. “Our goal is to make shopping seamless and empower anyone from a small business owner to a global brand to use our apps to connect with customers,” said Facebook chief executive Mark Zuckerberg in a video announcing the new product. He added: “Our business model here is ads. So rather than charge businesses for Shops, we know that Shops are valuable for businesses. They’re going to in general bid more for ads and we’ll eventually make money that way.”
  Cross-border and Brexit
Average cross-border sales rose, worldwide, by 11% in the year to mid-April, according to a Global-e study. The May 2020 Global-e report, Covid-19 cross-border ecommerce trading implications, found that within individual European markets, cross-border buying fell while lockdowns were in place but started to rise again as infections fell significantly and tensions relaxed. In Italy, for example, discretionary online cross-border spending rose between the beginning of April and mid-April, with sales up by more than 40% compared to March, and by more than 110% compared to October 2019. It detected similar patterns in Austria and Denmark.
  At the same time, shoppers from key European markets are generally buying more online. A Kantar report commissioned by Detail Online suggested that the proportion of German, French and UK shoppers that make at least 50% of their retail transactions online had increased dramatically in March 2020. And in the UK, IMRG data suggests that online sales were flat following winter storms and flooding in early 2020 but rose sharply overall as workers prepared to shop from home during lockdown, although clothing sales were more hard-hit. In February, IMRG found, UK online sales fell by 0.4% year-on-year (YOY), but by April they rose 23.8% YOY.
  But future uncertainty still lies ahead, not only through the coronavirus trajectory, but also through Brexit. At the time of writing the impact of Brexit on cross-border European trade remains uncertain. The UK left the European Union on January 31 2020, but the terms of the future trading relationship between the two are yet to be settled. If no deal can be agreed between them then the two would theoretically trade on World Trade Organisation terms. In the meantime, the UK has published a schedule of tariffs that are due to apply to goods imported from anywhere in the world from January 2021. Exports would be subject to tariffs charged by other countries. Under that tariff, for example, import taxes on leather clothing accessories would be charged at 4%, and on cotton baby clothing at 12%. These are just two small examples – but ones that demonstrate how complex cross-border trade may soon become for those selling into and out of the UK – Europe’s largest ecommerce market. Until 2021, however, retailers do not pay tariffs to export or buy from the 31 countries of the European Economic Area plus Switzerland. It is possible, though currently looking unlikely, that a deal will be agreed that will simplify future tariffs.
  Environmental action
Over the last year there’s been rising support for action to curb carbon emissions, while selling in more sustainable ways. From Extinction Rebellion protests in London in April 2019 to Greta Thunberg’s attendance of a series of European rallies in February and early March 2020, the issue has been centerstage as perhaps never before over the last year. Brands have reflected the level consumer concern about sustainable issues in a variety of ways. Sustainability is now one of seven key areas on the home page of Swedish fashion to homewares brand H&M, which explores the issue further on its website. All of its product details now show where an item was made and what it was made from. Shoppers can also use its app in-store to scan an item’s price tag and find out where it was made. Sustainability has moved front of mind at retail brands selling across Europe. US adventure clothing brand Patagonia puts its environmental activism centre stage on its website, where it encourages shoppers to get involved in environmental campaigns alongside its online shop. Brands from Ikea to Timberland now emphasise what they are doing in order to ensure they sell in more sustainable ways.
  At the same time a growing body of research suggests shoppers are now increasingly aware of environmental issues and that that affects the way that shoppers want to buy. Research from the Fashion Retail Academy, published this spring, suggests that more than half of British shoppers (51.4%) are now choosing long-lasting clothes over cheaper one, while only 14% consciously opt for cheaper, fast fashion items. More than seven in 10 (71%) now opt to recycle rather than throw away clothing, and 25% of women say they’ll wear second-hand clothes. Lee Lucas, principal of the Fashion Retail Academy, said at the time: “This shift towards quality over quantity, recycling and buying second-hand is not just about saving money, it is a reflection of how customers are increasingly mindful of fashion waste and the supply chain. Vintage clothing is in and sustainable clothing brands such as Patagonia, which offer a lifetime guarantee on their clothes have become more and more popular.”
  Brand sustainability starts with the manufacturing process, is reflected in marketing and extends to the final mile and packaging. More carriers are buying electric delivery vehicles – and highlighting that fact in their own brand communications. Brands themselves are opting to include less plastic packaging and to show how the items they make can be recycled. As with other themes explored here, this trend is likely to be accentuated by the Covid-19 pandemic, which has seen traffic levels fall as more people start to work from home. Change that has come about for short-term reasons may well turn out to be for the long-term.
  This feature first appeared in the RetailX Brand Index 2020, published in association with Tealium. Click here to download it. Click here to explore the RetailX research report series.
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opticien2-0 · 4 years
How leading UK retailers are approaching safe distancing in-store in practice
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By June 15, just under three weeks from now, all retail shops will be able to open – as long as the coronvirus infection rate is under control. The government has now issued guidance on what retailers can do to ensure that customers and staff can shop safely. Many will also look to the practical example of what other retailers, from supermarkets to hardware stores, are doing to manage customer and staff safety in their shops. This is what some of them are doing.
  Aldi: traffic light system alongside social distancing
Aldi said today that it was putting in place a new automated traffic light system at entrances, to control the number of customers going in and out of stores.The technology has been trialled before a nationwide roll out starts this week.
  Traffic lights are used to signal when customers can enter stores. This is based on individual store customer limits, in line with two-metre social distancing rules. NHS and blue light worker have priority and are encouraged to go to the front of the queue. Other customers will be asked to continue to respect this.
  The new traffic light system runs along alongside the current measures already in place at all Aldi stores to ensure social distancing. This includes protective screens at checkouts, distancing markers on shop floors, sanitisation stations for customers as well as signage to offer clear guidance on how to shop safely. Stores are also encouraging one customer per trolley where possible.
  Richard Thornton, communications director at Aldi, said: “The protection and safety of our customers and employees is our top priority and this new system is an accurate and effective way to allow us to control customer numbers in stores. The system’s trial was well received by our customers and we will be gradually rolling this new social distancing measure out nationwide from this week.”
  B&Q: multichannel services alongside social distancing
  B&Q and Screwfix stores are among the essential stores that were permitted to stay open, but the retail group closed all its stores on March 23, when UK lockdown was introduced, until it was sure it could reopen safely.
  The following day, Screwfix and B&Q stores both started to introduce, progressively, contactless click and collect, alongside home delivery. On April 17, 14 B&Q stores were reopened with social distancing measures in place. Those measures include providing staff with gloves, visors and masks, limiting customer numbers in stores, and holding customers in a distanced queue before they enter. Within the stores there are regular santitiser stations, navigation marked on the floor, perspex screens at checkouts and contactless or card payments only. Since then its 289 shops have reopened steadily. All of its 683 Screwfix shops are selling only via contactless click and collect and home delivery.
  Ikea: wardens to supervise social distancing
  Ikea, which said on Friday it would open 19 shops in England and Northern Ireland on June 1, said social distancing measures would include a limit on how many shoppers can be in store at any time, a staggered entry system to enable social distancing, and wardens to ensure that distancing requirements are met. Shoppers are being advised to come with ready-made lists and their own bags and will be admitted with a one-adult, one-child per household limit.
  Screens will be in place at checkouts, service points and returns desks, while hand sanitiser will be easily available and bags, trolleys, bathrooms, touchscreens and other equipment will be regularly cleaned.
  Payment will be by card or contactless while planning services will only be available online. Play areas will be closed, but the Swedish Food market will be open and the bistro will offer contact-free takeaways with extra safety measures in place.
  The retailer is also operating contactless click and collect services.
  Beyond the UK: how Decathlon is using contactless smartphone payments
Sports goods retailer Decathlon is rolling out MishiPay’s smartphone payment solution in 81 stores in Germany. It is already live in Berlin, Munich, Cologne, Schwetzingen and Plochingen. In future
  Customers scan and pay for items using their smartphone, which automatically disables the RFID security tag to allow them to exit the store.
  This will help to minimise contact between customers and store staff, including meaning that customers don’t need to use store hardware.
  Image: Shutterstock
                from InternetRetailing https://ift.tt/3ejexRV via IFTTT
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An (almost) complete gear list
Here is, as far as we're aware, a mostly-complete gear list of everything we're travelling with. Might update if we remember anything else - Martin
Enlightened Equipment Accomplice two-person quilt
REI sleeping pad
NEMO sleeping pad
Mountainsmith Equinox 4 4-person tent
SeaToSummit aero premium pillow
Otwego inflatable pillow
2x Thinkpad X220s
GBA SP with 2 games
3 backup battery packs (around 50k mAh total)
Amazon Kindle
SoundMagic E10 earphones
Skullcandy earphones
misc cables (usb type-c, type-b, etc) and adapters for devices
Universal outlet adapter
UK->US outlet adapter
Small electronics screwdriver set
Baofeng UV-5R
Pentax K-01
18-55mm and 40mm pancake lenses
2x Princeton tec headlamps
2x Princeton tec lanterns
2x Princeton tec flashlights
Tactical flashlight (AAA)
Aliexpress rechargeable tent light
Oneplus Two smartphone
Nexus 5X smartphone
Trangia 27-3 alcohol stove set
Methyl-hydrate fuel
Collapsible GSI Outdoors silicone mug
Non-collapsible plastic mug
LightMyFire titanium spork
Toaks titanium spork
Folding MSR plastic spoon
Big fork
Extra pot gripper
Klean Kanteen 1900ml stainless-steel flask
Klean Kanteen 1182ml stainless-steel flask
2x 3l camelbak hydration packs
Sawyer 4l gravity filter
Assortment of herbs & spices in small screw-cap crafts pots
Packing equipment
Vaude Challenger 45+10 pack
Vaude Asymmetric 52+8 pack
Duluthpack medium shell purse
Outdoor Research 10l compression sack
20l drybag
2x 10l drybags
Sealine ultralight 5l drybag
2x 5l drybags
Bunch of ziplock bags for food
Danner Fort Lewis 10inch
H&M black cotton cargos
Trespass zip-off light cargos
2x cotton tshirts
Sweat-wicking undershirt
Cotton boxer-briefs
Exofficio boxer-briefs
2x pair wool socks
Union jack cotton socks
Field & Stream wool flannel shirt
Green and black shemagh
Marmot long-sleeved top
Baseball cap
Big wooly hat
Saltrock hoody
Decathlon waterproof jacket
Terramar CS short sleeve black tech top
One piece swimsuit
Black shemagh
Marmot grey long-sleeved warm layer
Marmot blue long-sleeved windshirt
Khaki capris (cotton)
Cabela's camo pants (cotton)
Blue plaid mini shorts (cotton)
Wigwam medium weight hiking socks
Smartwool heavy weight hiking socks
Star spangled socks
Regular 100% wool socks
Below-the-knee tall wool hiking socks
2x Exofficio mesh underwear
3x Puma lasercut underwear
Underarmour sports bra
Kill City red plaid jacket
Vinyl rain poncho
3x big carabiners
3x smaller/misc carabiners
100ft black dacron line
2m x 3m blue tarp
Extra small bits of line we've found
Official paperwork (passports, bank statements, etc)
Mahalo black soprano ukulele
Seidel Bluez Session C harmonica
Shakespeare 2-piece fishing rod and spinning reel
Box of fishing lures, etc
First aid kit containing basic dressings/otc painkillers, etc
Rite-in-the-rain hard-cover ruled notebook & HB pencil
Pacsafe RFID-blocking wallet
Lip balm
Toiletries (toothpaste, tooth brush, deodourant, etc)
Sunglasses/spare glasses
Muh bushcraft
Morakniv Bushcraft Black knife
Opinel no.9 locking folding knife
Condor crotalis knife
TOPS knives scandi trekker knife
Leatherman Skeletool
Leatherman Sidekick
2x ferro-rods & strikers
5x disposable Bic lighters
Corona camp saw
1.2lb Wilkos hatchet (hickory handle)
Blade-tech knife sharpener
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GBP Centrum Zirakpur
"Centrum" is an integrated lifestyle architectural marvel which will become a landmark of Tricity i.e. Chandigarh-Panchkula-Mohali. It is a mixed use project offering commercial spaces in Zirakpur, Mohali near Chandigarh. It is the perfect combination of affordable luxury and comfort. Centrum is the tallest building of Zirakpur with 19 stories.
GBP Centrum provides Commercial Space, Office Space, and Commercial Properties in Zirakpur Chandigarh. They can be used as Showrooms, Small Office Home Office, Restaurant, SPA.
For inquiries please contact- (+91) 9878392666, 7340717666, 7973386602.
Project Highlights:
Tallest Building in the region integrating 19 Unique Floors.
Designed by Space Matters, one of the leading design firms in India. 
Unmatched services of Europe’s most Luxurious 4 Star Hotel “Continent Hotels & Resorts.
Underground parking with 2 Basement Levels with a Capacity of 1,000 Cars.
“Tranquillity Zone” with a Spa, Gymnasium, Beach Deck and Executive Club.
Business Centric Facilities such as Conference Rooms, Receptions, House Keeping Services.
Voice – over Internet Telephony.
RFID  and Biometric Access.
2 Side Visibility of the project.
15  minutes drive from Chandigarh International Airport.
Well connected to Tricity (Chandigarh,  Panchkula & Mohali)
Located in industrial, commerce & business centric hub in the company of world renowned brands like Metro, Wal-Mart, Decathlon, KFC, MC Donald's, Hotel Park Plaza, Hotel Aloft, Hotel Best Western.
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mygaurav · 7 years
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#decathlon #aquashoes👟#decathlones #decathlonfr #decathlonsg #rfid #rfidchip #rfidchips #sports#holisol #courier #100m #mens #snorkelling (at France)
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techniktagebuch · 6 years
7. März 2019
Selbstscankassen ohne Selberscannen
Wenn die Zukunft noch ganz neu ist, merkt man das oft daran, dass sie auf improvisierten Zetteln vorgestellt wird. Beim Sportzubehör-Discounter Decathlon in Carcassonne besteht diese Zukunft heute darin, dass ich nicht mehr wie noch vor drei Tagen in der Decathlon-Filiale Metz meine Waren selber scannen muss: Ne scannez plus vos produits!
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Digitales Nomadenleben hin oder her, manchmal braucht man ein analoges Handtuch, und meins hängt leider noch in der Schweiz.
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Man legt die Waren in le BAC, und dann tauchen – nicht sofort, aber innerhalb von zwei, drei Sekunden – alle Posten auf dem Display auf.
Das funktioniert wohl mittels RFID:
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So sieht die Gesamtkonstruktion aus (im Hintergrund an der Wand ein Defibrillator, der nichts mit dem Bezahlverfahren zu tun hat):
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Rechts am Gerät (und auf dem Display im ersten Bild) ist noch die jetzt obsolete Scanpistole zu sehen.
An der Kasse neben mir wird währenddessen ein SUP-Board gescannt. Es passt in seinem Tragerucksack gerade so dans le bac.
(Kathrin Passig)
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naoparis · 5 years
【PARIS】【サンジェルマン、芸術橋、サンミッシェル界隈】2019年6月3日 19時23分 ▼PHOTO画像を【Google Photo】で見る ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ du mercredi 26 juin au mardi 6 aout 2019年6月26日(水)から8月6日 【フランス】【SOLDESソルド】サマーセールLes dates des soldes 2019 【PARIS】【CAFE DE L'ODEON】【APERO】キャフェ・アペロ 【DECATHLON】【MADE IN FRANCE】Ceinture cache billet securite: ideale pour voyager en toute serenite. QUECHUA 【DECATHLON】Pochette ceinture type banane TRAVEL pour voyager en toute securite. QUECHUA 【DECATHLON】Pochette tour de cou GO TRAVEL RFID DESIGN GO 【PORTE-CARTE】【スキミングブロックカードホルダー】PORTE-CARTE DE CREDIT AVEC SYSTEME DE BLOCAGE RFID 【AMAZON FRANCE】Pacsafe PROTEGE CARTES RFIDSLEEVE 25 BLACK 100 スリムで軽量なRFIDスリップはクレジットカードや銀行カードの潜在的な個人情報窃盗から個人情報をガードするスキミングブロックカードホルダー。クレジットカードや、銀行カードなどID情報を埋め込んだRFタグから、電波などを用いて情報を盗む犯罪から個人の大切な情報を守ります。RFIDスリーブに収納した情報は外部から盗まれることがないので安心です。 「RFIDとは?」 Radio Frequency IDentificationの略で個人情報やさまざまな情報が詰め込まれたICタグのこと。 非接触カード(suica,PASUMO,電子マネーのEdy,iDなど)RFIDと同様の技術を用いており、RFIDの一種に含まれます。ICカードは最近、さまざまな社員証やセキュリティロックなどの認証用として使われており、利便性があります。 【楽天市場RAKUTEN】【スキミングブロックカードホルダー】PORTE-CARTE DE CREDIT AVEC SYSTEME DE BLOCAGE RFID 【PARIS】【BIO】最近気に入ってるビビンバ的な韓国風牛丼 【フランス】【BIO】【BIO情報】【レシピ本】 【アマゾンAMAZON JAPON】[エックスディーデザイン]XD DESIGN Bobby ボビー 多機能リュックサック 【AMAZON FRANCE】XD Design Bobby Original Sac a Dos Antivol Portable avec port USB (Unisex), Gris 【楽天市場】【XD Design】世界初!スリ被害を防ぐ多機能リュック「Bobby」 【Preparer son voyage旅行の準備】 ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 7月・・・ 暑くなりそうな気配が。 Amazon's Choice 【AMAZON FRANCE】扇風機・クーラーventilateurs・Climatiseurs・Climatiseurs portables ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 【DECATHLON】【MADE IN FRANCE】VELO DE ROUTE ULTRA CF POTENZA BLEU VAN RYSEL ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 【DECATHLON】SAC DE TRAIL RUNNING MIXTE 10L BLEU KALENJI ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ パーティー、ホームパーティー、職場での朝食・アペロパーティー、誕生日パーティー、二人だけでのキャンドルデイナー・・・何かと利用できるサービス!! 【フランス】【Carrefour Traiteur】ケイタリングサービスが便利 ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 【PARIS】【アイスクリーム】【ハーゲンダッツHaagen-Dazs】2019年6月3日 【PARIS】【街角のクマ】最近、パリの街角によくクマが出没する。 du mercredi 26 juin au mardi 6 aout 2019年6月26日(水)から8月6日 【フランス】【SOLDESソルド】サマーセールLes dates des soldes 2019 【PARIS】【ノートルダム大聖堂Cathedrale Notre-Dame de Paris】2019年6月2日(日) 【PARIS】【サンジェルマン、芸術橋、ノートルダム界隈】2019年6月1日 【PARIS】【BIO】【クスクスCouscous】2019年6月1日 【PARIS】【ノートルダム大聖堂Cathedrale Notre-Dame de Paris】2019年6月1日 【PORTE-CARTE】【スキミングブロックカードホルダー】PORTE-CARTE DE CREDIT AVEC SYSTEME DE BLOCAGE RFID 【PARIS】【METEOパリの気温と天気】2019年6月1日 【PARIS】【サンジェルマン界隈】2019年5月31日 【キニナル人物】Roger Federer ロジャー・フェデラー ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 【Classictic】【Info Concertコンサート情報】【Classicticギフトカード】クラシック音楽のプレゼント! 【Cheque-Cadeau Classictic】Le cadeau ideal pour les melomanes de votre entourage ! 【Classictic Gift Certificate】Give the unforgettable gift of music!
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■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 【PARIS】【エキスポ・サロン・コンサート・スペクタクル・スポーツ情報INFO EXPO/SALON/CONCERT】spectacles, places de concerts, entrees parcs de loisirs, expositions ou evenements sportifs 【FRANCE】【Parcs d'attractionsアミューズメントパーク・水族館ランキング】 TOP 1 【Carrefour Spectacles】PARC ASTERIX SAISON 2019 【EXPO】【JAPAN EXPO 2019】 Du jeudi 04 juillet 2019 au dimanche 07 juillet 2019 【JAPAN EXPO 2019】 JAPAN EXPO - FORFAIT 1 JOUR 【JAPAN EXPO 2019】 JAPAN EXPO - FORFAIT 4 JOURS Du jeudi 06 juin 2019 au dimanche 09 juin 2019 【Carrefour Spectacles】JARDINS, JARDIN AUX TUILERIES Du vendredi 21 juin 2019 au dimanche 23 juin 2019 【Carrefour Spectacles】GP FRANCE FORMULE 1 - PASS 1 JOUR 【Carrefour Spectacles】GP FRANCE FORMULE 1 - PASS 3 JOURS 【Carrefour Spectacles】TOUR D'ILLUMINATIONS DE PARIS / ParisCityVision Du mercredi 20 fevrier 2019 au lundi 17 juin 2019 【EXPO】 LA COLLECTION COURTAULD Du samedi 23 mars 2019 au dimanche 15 septembre 2019 【EXPO】TOUTANKHAMON, LE TRESOR DU PHARAON 【BOOK】Le tresor de Toutankhamon 【PUB】【Disneyland Paris】 【The little duck】ディズニーランド・パリの広告のlittle duckがカワイイ!! コンサート、エキスポ、サロン、美術館、水族館、アミューズメントパーク情報 【Carrefour Spectacles】 【EXPO】VAN GOGH, LA NUIT ETOILEE コンサート、エキスポ、サロン、美術館、水族館、アミューズメントパーク情報 【Carrefour Spectacles】 ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■
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kadobeclothing · 5 years
L’avenir du shopping se fera dans les boutiques physiques
L’avenir du shopping se fera dans les boutiques physiques
Alors que le monde est hyper connecté, que les progrès technologiques battent leur plein et que le e-commence redouble de nouveaux gadgets pour pousser les consommateurs à l’achat, le point de vente physique reste l’outil commercial primordial. Même les labels qui se sont lancés sur le digital comme Sezane par exemple, choisissent à un certain stade de leur croissance de s’ouvrir sur des espaces physiques. Même le géant Amazon envisage d’inaugurer des boutiques en Europe après des expériences aux Etats-Unis.
Sezane – Selected byLa situation pour les marques françaises En France, selon un récent sondage 72% des consommateurs restent fidèles à l’achat en boutique plutôt qu’à l’achat en ligne. Mais toutes les enseignes ne sont pas concernées. En effet, le client devient de plus en plus exigeant et cherche de plus en plus un univers dans lequel il s’imprègne et dégage des émotions, que ce soit à travers l’image de la marque, son design ou ses produits. Cette émotion, à l’heure de l’omniprésence des réseaux sociaux doit donc utiliser toutes les ressources technologiques mises à sa disposition.
Chanel – Selected byChanel – Selected byOn voit ainsi apparaître des boutiques hyper connectées pour des marques qui souhaitent conjuguer avec harmonie le souci de la tradition et l’exigence de la modernité. Ces adresses proposent le digital à tous les stades de l’expérience client comme des conseillers de vente accompagnés de tablettes ou encore d’applications mises à la disposition du client comme le paiement mobile, les bornes digitales, la collecte des données pour une visite personnalisée, la possibilité de livraison en boutique et plus loin encore les cabines d’essayages virtuelles.  Tout le monde s’y est mis, que l’on soit dans le secteur du luxe ou dans le mass-market.  Decathlon qui suréquipe ses vendeurs d’outils digitaux pour les débarrasser des taches à faible valeur ajoutée, Zara ou encore les marques de luxe comme Burberry qui prolongent les outils virtuels pour inciter ses clients à l’achat.
Zara – Selected byUne décision mûrement réfléchie Pour ces marques de luxe, la technologie devient alors un enjeu esthétique. Quelle part visible doit-on proposer en boutique pour ne pas galvauder le design épurée et discret de ces lieux de consommation.  Chaque maison avance ses propres solutions. Chez Burberry, les vêtements sont équipés de puces RFID qui permettent, lorsque le client essaie le produit, d’afficher sur un miroir interactif toutes les informations complémentaires (composition, coloris disponibles, autres produits associés…). Canada Goose a inauguré début décembre un concept store dirigé numériquement et sans inventaire : la technologie permet de transporter digitalement le client dans l’Arctique.
Zara – Selected byLa Maison Chanel qui fait figure de dernier en refusant toujours de céder aux sirènes du e-commerce. Chanel sur internet c’est non. Rue Cambon, la connectivité est présente, le « retail augmenté » est une réalité. Mais tout est une question de mesure et d’élégance. Depuis mai 2019, les grandes clientes de la Maison ont à leur disposition de nouveaux cérémoniaux qui s’appuient sur la connectivité digitale. Avant chacun de ses passages au 19 rue Cambon, la cliente, par le biais d’une application exclusive et confidentielle, peut constituer sa sélection idéale à partir d’images proposées ou en s’aider de ses propres clichés piochés sur Instagram ou sur un magazine. Elle transmet sa liste à sa Fashion Adviser personnelle et peut prévenir de son arrivée. Ici, la technologie n’est pas utilisée pour augmenter le rendement ou le trafic, mais pour renforcer les liens avec la cliente et d’exalter le plaisir du shopping.
Chanel – Selected by Source link
source https://www.kadobeclothing.store/lavenir-du-shopping-se-fera-dans-les-boutiques-physiques/
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ramintex · 5 years
How This Fitness DTC Brand Is Integrating Its Online and Retail Experience
As Outdoor Voices expands its retail footprint, the digitally native brand is modernizing its omnichannel experience for its store associates--and customers. The company has partnered with NewStore, an omnichannel platform that has worked with brands like Untuckit and Decathlon, to bring a series of changes to its retail environment, such as RFID labels, a new... from Adweek Feed http://bit.ly/2X9I3ET
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