#rgb to hex color table
karthonicart · 20 days
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Commissions on Ko-Fi
Contact: @karthonic (Personal Blog)
Other Links: karthonic @ linktree
Please read below for more information regarding commissions.
I reserve the right to refuse any commissions I do not believe I can fulfill.
Commissions are made for personal use. This means you can use them for social media (icons, banners, etc), or printed for yourself to be on display in your private spaces, or in the case of logo work, for business cards, letterheads, social media sites. You cannot resell copies of the for your own profit, or sell as NFTs.
However, I am willing to discuss commercial licenses if that is what you want. (Prints, but not NFTs.)
Please be advised the additional character price is for adding to the scene; if you want two separate character portraits, they should be considered separate commissions. 
Payment is not expected until a sketch is approved. You will get three free revisions, and any further revisions will be charged a $5 revision fee for each further revision. 
What I Will Do:
Original Characters
Canon Characters
Ship Art
Things I’m Willing to Try:
Anthropomorphic Characters/Furries
(Detailed) Mecha
Object Heads
What I Will Not Do:
Explicit Gore of any kind
Explicit Pornography of any kind
Art based on Real Person Fiction
Please be generous with references! Character sheets, previous artwork, and ideally a set color palette for hair/skin/fur/etc. If you do not have one already, feel free to use some of these sites to generate one: Coolors, Colormind, colourlovers, Paletton, Encycolorpedia, Color-Hex, Rapid Tables, rgb.to, and plenty more. Looking through stock sites for poses and sending the low res images help too!
I will always prefer visual references like the ones above over text based descriptions. However if you can try to send a few along with text based descriptions I will try my best with what I have, but be aware additional revisions may be needed.
All files were designed for web with RGB color profile; be advised that in printing colors may change. If you intend to print it out please let me know so I can set the file out for CMYK.
One Version of the file as a print quality PDF (most at-home or on demand printers can use this file)
One Version of the file as a high quality (300 DPI) PNG (for personal use or for on-demand printing)
Version of the file watermarked as a web quality (72 DPI) PNG (for use on posting/sharing on social media– I will also being using this version when I post on mine)
One Version of the file as a high quality (300 DPI) PNG (for personal use or for on-demand printing)
One Version of the file watermarked as a web quality (72 DPI) PNG (for use on posting/sharing on social media– I will also being using this version when I post on mine)
Expanded EPS file for resizing at will
Files will be the highest quality following the respective social media site’s guidelines
PSD/EPS files for future editing
PDF “Style Guide”
For All Vector Art: Should you need a different size, you can contact me any time for a resize of your commission. I will extend this to my digital painting but I cannot guarantee it can be exported without any issues.
All prices are US Dollars. If you’re not American and need an exchange rate, feel free to use this currency exchange tool here.
Once the sketch is approved, I will ask for your payment info and coordinate from there.
Tips can be made through PayPal, Venmo, or Ko-Fi.
I have the right to post my work on any of my social media; it will be a lower web resolution piece with a watermark and not the original file. Please let me know before I post whether or not you wish to be tagged and what account I should tag when I post. 
Likewise, please credit me when posting art, you can use either my tumblr (@karthonic), Cohost, Instagram, or Ko-Fi (all karthonic)
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cssmonster · 10 months
Shadow Play: Mastering Box Shadow in CSS
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Welcome to the world of shadows in web design! In this blog post, we'll delve into the fascinating realm of box shadows in CSS and how mastering them can elevate your design game. Box shadows add depth, dimension, and a touch of magic to your web elements, making them visually appealing and modern. Whether you're a beginner looking to grasp the basics or an experienced developer seeking advanced techniques, this guide will walk you through the ins and outs of box shadows. Get ready to unlock the full potential of this powerful CSS feature and add a captivating layer to your web projects.
Understanding Box Shadow
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Box shadow is a versatile CSS property that allows you to add visual depth and dimension to elements on your webpage. It creates the illusion of elements lifting off or casting shadows, contributing to a more immersive and engaging user experience. Let's break down the key components of the box shadow property: - Color: The color of the shadow, specified in a variety of ways, such as named colors, hex codes, or RGB values. - Blur: The blur radius determines how blurry or sharp the shadow appears. A higher value results in a softer, more diffused shadow. - Spread: This property controls the size of the shadow. A positive value increases the size, while a negative value decreases it. - Inset: An optional keyword that creates an inner shadow, giving the appearance that the element is pressed into the page. Here's an example of a basic box shadow declaration: CSS.box { box-shadow: 10px 10px 20px #888888; }
Creating Basic Shadows
Now that we've laid the groundwork for understanding box shadows, let's dive into creating some basic shadows to enhance the visual appeal of your web elements. Creating a basic shadow involves specifying the color, blur, and spread properties to achieve the desired effect. Here's a step-by-step guide to creating a basic box shadow: - Choose the Element: Select the HTML element to which you want to apply the box shadow. This could be anything from buttons to cards or images. - Define the Shadow: Use the box-shadow property in your CSS to define the shadow. For example: - CSS.basic-shadow { box-shadow: 5px 5px 10px #333333; } CSS.radial-shadow { box-shadow: radial-gradient(circle, #4CAF50 0%, transparent 100%) 10px 10px 20px; }
Optimizing for Performance
See the Pen CSS Box Shadow Examples by vavik (@vavik96) on CodePen. While box shadows can enhance the visual appeal of your website, it's crucial to consider performance optimization to ensure a smooth and efficient user experience. Implementing box shadows irresponsibly can lead to increased page load times and negatively impact overall performance. Here's a guide on how to optimize box shadows for better performance: - Limit the Use of Shadows: Avoid applying box shadows to a large number of elements on a page. Excessive shadows can contribute to increased rendering times and slower performance. Reserve shadows for key elements that genuinely benefit from the visual enhancement. - Use Conservative Shadow Values: Opt for smaller blur radii and spread values, especially for shadows that don't require a pronounced effect. Smaller values contribute to faster rendering times while still providing a subtle visual lift. - Avoid Animating Shadows: Animating box shadows can be resource-intensive. If possible, limit or avoid shadow animations, particularly on elements that are frequently interacted with or visible on the screen. - Consider CSS Hardware Acceleration: Leverage hardware acceleration for smoother rendering. This can be achieved by applying shadows to elements that have their own GPU layers, such as elements with the CSS property transform: translateZ(0);. Additionally, here's a quick reference table summarizing key optimization tips: Optimization TipDescriptionLimit the Use of ShadowsAvoid excessive application of box shadows to maintain optimal performance.Use Conservative Shadow ValuesOpt for smaller blur radii and spread values for faster rendering.Avoid Animating ShadowsMinimize or avoid animations on box shadows for improved performance.CSS Hardware AccelerationApply shadows to elements with GPU layers for smoother rendering. By following these optimization techniques, you can strike a balance between visual enhancement and website performance. Remember, thoughtful and judicious use of box shadows contributes to a polished design without compromising speed and responsiveness.
Practical Applications
Now that you've honed your skills in mastering box shadows, it's time to explore practical applications where these subtle yet powerful design elements can make a significant impact on your website. Let's delve into real-world examples of how box shadows can enhance various elements and contribute to a visually appealing user interface. - Card Components: Implement box shadows on card components to create a sense of elevation and separation from the background. A subtle shadow can make cards appear as if they are floating, adding a modern touch to your layout. - Buttons: Apply box shadows to buttons to make them visually stand out and convey a sense of interactivity. Experiment with shadow intensity to find the right balance between a subtle lift and a more pronounced 3D effect. - Images and Thumbnails: Enhance the presentation of images and thumbnails by adding shadows. This technique provides a subtle border and makes the images pop on the page, especially when placed on a light background. - Navigation Menus: Use box shadows to distinguish navigation menus from the rest of the content. Shadows can help create a layered effect, making it clear that the navigation is a separate and interactive element. Here's a quick reference table summarizing practical applications of box shadows: ElementPractical ApplicationCard ComponentsCreate elevation and separation with subtle box shadows.ButtonsEnhance interactivity by applying shadows to buttons.Images and ThumbnailsAdd a subtle border and make images stand out with shadows.Navigation MenusDistinguish menus with layered effects using box shadows. As you integrate box shadows into these elements, remember to maintain a consistent design language throughout your website. Striking the right balance between visual enhancement and coherence contributes to a seamless and aesthetically pleasing user experience.
Common Mistakes to Avoid
While mastering box shadows can significantly enhance your web design, it's essential to be aware of common pitfalls that can lead to unintended and undesirable outcomes. Steering clear of these mistakes ensures that your use of box shadows contributes positively to the overall aesthetics and user experience of your website. Let's explore some common mistakes and how to avoid them: - Excessive Use: Avoid the temptation to apply box shadows excessively throughout your site. Overusing shadows can clutter the visual hierarchy and negatively impact performance. Instead, selectively apply shadows to key elements that benefit from the enhancement. - Contrast and Readability: Be mindful of the contrast between the shadow color and the background. If the contrast is too high, it can affect text readability or create a distracting visual effect. Opt for subtle shadows that complement the overall design without overpowering the content. - Uniform Shadow Values: Using the same shadow values for every element may result in a monotonous design. Vary the shadow properties based on the context and size of the element to achieve a more dynamic and visually interesting layout. - Ignoring Performance: Failing to optimize box shadows for performance can lead to slow page load times. Limit the number of elements with box shadows, use conservative shadow values, and avoid unnecessary shadow animations to ensure a smooth user experience. Here's a quick reference table summarizing common mistakes and their solutions: MistakeSolutionExcessive UseApply shadows selectively to key elements for a clutter-free design.Contrast and ReadabilityEnsure a balanced contrast between shadow color and background for optimal readability.Uniform Shadow ValuesVary shadow properties based on element size and context for a dynamic layout.Ignoring PerformanceOptimize shadows for performance by limiting elements, using conservative values, and avoiding unnecessary animations. By steering clear of these common mistakes, you can leverage box shadows effectively, enhancing the visual appeal of your website while maintaining a seamless and performant user experience.  
Explore answers to frequently asked questions about mastering box shadows in CSS. Whether you're troubleshooting common issues or seeking clarification on specific aspects, this FAQ section is designed to provide helpful insights and solutions. Q: Can I apply box shadows to any HTML element? A: Yes, box shadows can be applied to most HTML elements, including divs, buttons, images, and more. However, consider the purpose and visual impact before adding shadows to ensure a cohesive design. Q: How do I create a box shadow with a transparent color? A: To achieve a box shadow with a transparent color, use RGBA or HSLA values for the color property, adjusting the alpha channel to control transparency. For example: box-shadow: 5px 5px 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5); Q: What is the impact of box shadows on website performance? A: Excessive or unoptimized use of box shadows can impact performance by increasing page load times. It's recommended to limit the number of elements with shadows, use conservative shadow values, and avoid unnecessary animations for optimal performance. Q: Can I animate box shadows for dynamic effects? A: While it's possible to animate box shadows, it's important to consider the potential impact on performance. Avoid excessive shadow animations, especially on frequently interacted elements, to maintain a smooth user experience. Q: Are there alternative techniques for creating depth without box shadows? A: Yes, alternative techniques include using borders, gradients, and pseudo-elements to create depth and visual interest. Experiment with different approaches to find the method that best suits your design goals. Feel free to refer to this FAQ section as you navigate the nuances of working with box shadows, addressing common queries and optimizing your approach for a seamless and visually pleasing web design.
Congratulations on completing this journey into the art of mastering box shadows in CSS! Throughout this guide, you've learned the fundamentals of box shadows, explored advanced techniques, and discovered practical applications that can elevate your web design skills. As you continue to integrate box shadows into your projects, keep in mind the importance of balance. Strive for a harmonious design where shadows enhance the user experience without overwhelming the visual landscape. Experiment with different values, apply shadows selectively, and consider the unique context of each element to achieve optimal results. Remember to prioritize performance by avoiding common mistakes, such as excessive use of shadows and neglecting optimization. By following best practices, you can ensure that your web pages load quickly and provide a seamless experience for your visitors. Whether you're creating subtle shadows for a clean and modern look or experimenting with advanced techniques for a bold and dynamic design, box shadows offer a versatile tool to express your creativity in web development. Thank you for exploring the world of box shadows with us. May your future designs be visually captivating, user-friendly, and optimized for top-notch performance. Happy coding! Read the full article
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ixy8 · 1 year
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dritaent · 2 years
Patina green
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#Patina green free
Used for gutters, metal roofing panels, downspouts, cupolas, louvers, edge metal, flashing, step flashing, leader heads, gutter accessories, conductor boxes & skylights. Our collection of treasures is constantly changing but always inspired by great fondness for fine textiles, artisan-made jewelry, laugh-out-loud words and botanicals all around. Patina Green sheet metal is vastly used for it's similarity to aged copper. Our collection of treasures is constantly changing but. At Patina Green, we celebrate the art of living creatively and all that is perfectly imperfect. At Patina Green, we celebrate the art of living creatively and all that is perfectly imperfect. photography and website design by Melinda Ortley. There is a Royal Stencil pattern available for every decorating style! We are continuously updating our stencil collections to offer you everything from timeless patterns to the latest design trends. Patina Green is a gift shop located in the center of historic Concord, MA. Patina Green Home and Market, 116 N Tennessee St, Suite 102, McKinney, TX, 75069 9. Find quality garden & patio products to add to your Shopping List or. Simply choose the best stencil paint color to match your decor to create a coordinated look. Patina Green Get color data for 15,000 Pantone Colors Pick colors and share palettes Convert RGB/CMYK/Hex/Lab color equivalents to. Shop for Cast Aluminum Path, Walkway and Area Light, Patina Green (1) at Harris Teeter. It is not a powdered, casein-based milk paint. Stencils give you endless custom color options. Cone 10 (Dry Material) Description: Previously called Riverstone Matt we had changed its kaolin and therefore changed its name. General Finishes Milk Paint is a premium interior/exterior mineral based paint named for its low-luster sheen. Use them to stencil patterns on walls, wood, concrete, furniture, tile, fabric paper, cork, canvas, and more.ĭecorating with stencils is economical! All you need are some basic Stencil supplies and paint to create a patterned wall or surface at a fraction of the cost of wallpaper. With minimal care, stencils can be used repeatedly for many different projects and on multiple surfaces. We are taking every precaution possible in the care and handling of items.Our stencils are laser cut in our San Diego, California, USA studio from durable 10mil Mylar plastic sheets.
#Patina green free
We are offering free doorstep drop-off (Concord and bordering towns only) or $8 flat rate shipping. New products are added to this site daily! Call us at 97 for FaceTime shopping or special orders. Our showroom is all about artful display…a place where vibrant color, delicate fragrance and crusty paint combine to create a uniquely joyful experience for our visitors.Ĭurrent Promotion: In light of the COVID-19 crisis, Patina Green has created an online pop-up shop. Patina Green Home and Market is a lifestyle market and farm-to-table restaurant, serving real food and offering curated collections in historic downtown. Our collection of treasures is constantly changing but always inspired by great fondness for fine textiles, artisan-made jewelry, laugh-out-loud words and botanicals all around. Patina Green is a gift shop located in the center of historic Concord, MA.Īt Patina Green, we celebrate the art of living creatively and all that is perfectly imperfect.
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pinerpage · 2 years
Overwatch logo
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#Overwatch logo Pc#
#Overwatch logo free#
Note: English language names are approximate equivalents of the hexadecimal color codes. The Hex, RGB and CMYK codes are in the table below. This color combination was created by user Maya. Genji overwatch related desktop wallpapertag resolution backgrounds. The Overwatch League Logo Colors with Hex & RGB Codes has 3 colors which are Quartz (4A4C4E), White (FFFFFF) and Crayola's Bright Yellow (FA9C1D).
#Overwatch logo free#
Useful & free design resources delivered to your inbox every week. Genji from overwatch 4k, hd games, 4k wallpapers, images, backgrounds. Check out other logos starting with 'O' game, grey, logos that start with 'O', orange, overwatch logo, overwatch logo black and white, overwatch logo png, overwatch logo transparent, video game logos. Overwatch sign uprising genji ragnarok ups info everyone vectors ooc sorry circle heroes flail brigitte canon Genji Overwatch - Sticker Point genji : Overwatch Genji Ultimate Sticker Decal (7''圆'', Orange Гэндзи блокирует большинство ультимативных способностей Genji overwatch related desktop wallpapertag resolution backgrounds Genji - Overwatch News Overwatch genji dragon anime illustration 1080 4k 1920 papers macbook ipad Genji Overwatch Wallpaper Chibi Overwatch - Gaming Overwatch Reaper Logo Overwatch: Ultimate Ability Icons Overwatch Logo character This item is unavailable Etsy Kyrie Irving. Genji 4k overwatch wallpapers games artwork artist digital Au69-genji-overwatch-dragon-anime-illustration-art-wallpaper check Insured shipping and tracking check International Delivery available check 30 days return. Genji wikia Genji From Overwatch 4k, HD Games, 4k Wallpapers, Images, Backgrounds
#Overwatch logo Pc#
Mercy overwatch wallpapers games pc xbox 4k ps Here's The Launch Trailer For Overwatch's Last Three Playable overwatch ArtStation - Genji OVERWATCH Fan Art "RYUUJIN NO KEN WO KURAE genji overwatch fan artstation noel hanzo artwork wallpapers арт character fanart backgrounds shimada a4 ryuujin ken ow выбрать доску mercy Genji - Overwatch Gameplay - YouTube Imagen - Genji-concept.jpg | Wiki Overwatch | FANDOM Powered By Wikia es. Genji Mercy Overwatch, HD Games, 4k Wallpapers, Images, Backgrounds, Photos Genji zhe fonwall wallpapertip Blackwatch - Overwatch Wiki īlackwatch overwatch talon transparent characters fablehaven preserve members mccree genji gamepedia map organizations Image - Genji Portrait Default.png | Overwatch Wiki | Fandom Powered By Mercy Overwatch With Genji Sword 4k, HD Games, 4k Wallpapers, Images 15 Pics about Mercy Overwatch With Genji Sword 4k, HD Games, 4k Wallpapers, Images : Imagen - Genji-concept.jpg | Wiki Overwatch | FANDOM powered by Wikia, : Overwatch Genji Ultimate Sticker Decal (7''圆'', Orange and also Genji - Overwatch news. This organization, known as Overwatch, ended the crisis and helped maintain peace for a generation, inspiring an era. In a time of global crisis, an international task force of heroes banded together to restore peace to a war-torn world. Mercy Overwatch With Genji Sword 4k, HD Games, 4k Wallpapers, Images. Overwatch is a multiplayer team-based first-person shooter developed and published by Blizzard Entertainment.
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spoontoma · 4 years
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#Repost via @fnnch ・・・ UPDATE: Today I released artwork on my website to raise money for Campaign Zero, a non-profit seeking to end police violence in America. The artwork I created, Zero Bear, was intended to promote zero hate, zero racism, zero intolerance, zero police violence, and other needed zeros and was inspired by the color black, which is represented by (0, 0, 0) in RGB and HSB color spaces and hex code #000000. It also appeared, however, to be a bear in blackface, which is deeply offensive. This was not my intention, and I am sorry. I am taking a moment to reflect and get guidance, and I will be in touch with an update soon. — The Cause I, like most everyone, was horrified by the murder of George Floyd. And while some early protests devolved into rioting and looting, what has emerged is a beautiful solidarity and the will to change America. This is a country that believes everyone should be treated equally but has always fallen short of that ideal. Both the scope of the problem and opportunities for change are overwhelming, and I initially felt helpless, but a post by @gisellebuchanan challenged me to ask how I could use my unique skills to help. I am an artist, so here is some art. Charities Campaign Zero seeks to end police violence in America. It is well organized, data driven, and comes recommended by sources I trust. Police violence is but one of many problems, but oh what a problem it is. These are literally the people we pay to protect us. Having them make us be and feel safe seems like table-stakes for a harmonious society. If you are compelled, you can donate directly. If you purchase a tee or artwork, I will donate to them. There are many quality charities doing social justice work. Please also consider donating to the EJI, SPLC, Bail Project, Black Lives Matter, and NAACP Legal Defense Fund. #blacklivesmatter #georgefloyd #breonnataylor #ahmaudarbery (at San Francisco, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBG_npIjdru/?igshid=1wcseghlatwcm
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rustedservos · 6 years
TAGGED BY: @autobot-scout-riella and @brainsbehindthebrawn
TAGGING: whoever hasnt done this?
1. WHAT IS YOUR NAME?   Ratchet
2. WHAT IS YOUR REAL NAME?   How many languages can you speak and understand?
3. DO YOU KNOW WHY YOU’RE CALLED THAT? On Earth, ‘Ratchet’ :
1.a device consisting of a bar or wheel with a set of angled teeth in which a pawl, cog, or tooth engages, allowing motion in one direction only.
2.a situation or process that is perceived to be deteriorating or changing steadily in a series of irreversible steps."a one-way ratchet of expanding entitlements"
1.operate by means of a ratchet.
2.cause something to rise (or fall) as a step in what is perceived as a steady and irreversible process."the Bank of Japan ratcheted up interest rates again"
Take you pick.
4. ARE YOU SINGLE OR TAKEN? Im married to my job.
5. WHAT ARE YOUR POWERS AND ABILITIES? I can strip a mech down to his bare components in three ticks. I’ve saved more lives than Cons have taken, as far as Im currently aware. Im no good infront of others, but put my wrench in my hand and a mech bleeding out on my table and Im home.
6. WHAT COLOR ARE YOUR EYES? Olympic Hex:#008ECC RGB: 0 142 204
7. HAVE YOU EVER DYED YOUR HAIR? I do not have...hair. I have shifted shades of paint before, as well changed ‘color regions’. I like my colors, it means medic, why would I try anything different?
8. DO YOU HAVE ANY FAMILY MEMBERS? I have patients. I have the Dinobots.
9. DO YOU HAVE ANY PETS? I have a cybernetic tiger named Khan. I built his frame myself, as well as did the surgery to transfer him He seems pretty damn happy to me.
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10. TELL ME ABOUT SOMETHING YOU DON’T LIKE. Blind faith. Idiots. Accident prone mechs. War. Losing patients.
14. WHAT KIND OF ANIMAL ARE YOU? Autonomous Robotic Organism from the planet Cybertron. Autobot. Cybertronian. Just dont call me a damn Robot.
15. NAME YOUR WORST HABITS. Insomina, lack of recharge. Im off the drinking, trying to keep it that way.
16. DO YOU LOOK UP TO ANYONE? I did. Now I dont.
17. GAY, STRAIGHT, OR BISEXUAL? Im not sure what I am would fit into this category. I am an adult Cybertronian. That in itself should be the ‘sex’ category.
18. DO YOU GO TO SCHOOL? At one point in time, I went to the Academy. I graduated millennia ago.
19. DO YOU EVER WANT TO MARRY AND HAVE KIDS SOMEDAY? I already have enough on my plate.
20. DO YOU HAVE ANY FANS? Dont know. My job description would be odd to have fans.
21. WHAT ARE YOU MOST AFRAID OF? Losing patients
High grade density Mach 88.9 Battle grade armor, forged from the Core of Cybertron himself.
23. DO YOU LOVE SOMEONE? Love is a trap word.
24. WHAT CLASS ARE YOU? Medic, class 44. Vetted and offically in service to the Prime until I extinguish.
25. HOW MANY FRIENDS DO YOU HAVE? More than I ever expected to.
26. WHAT ARE YOUR THOUGHTS ON PIE? This is ridiculous
27. FAVORITE DRINK? Is this a trick question?
31. WHAT’S YOUR DICK SIZE? Patient- Doctor confidentiality.
32. WOULD YOU RATHER SWIM IN THE LAKE OR THE OCEAN? I am not a fan of water. It causes rust, which can turn septic, and if it gets into your lines...Primus help you.
33. WHAT’S YOUR ‘TYPE’? Tall, strong. Willing to work through problems, can hold his own in a fight, deep voice. Able to handle long nights and sarcasm.
34. ANY FETISHES? Biting, consented restraint, voice.
36. CAMPING, OR INDOORS? Indoors. Less particles to deal with.
37. ARE YOU WAITING FOR THIS INTERVIEW TO BE OVER? Yes. I have patients to attend to, damnit.
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mouseannoying · 3 years
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By Andreas Steidlinger
I love working with designers; they constantly challenge me to develop new designs to implement. They have their lovely pixel-based programs and design beautiful things, which I then convert into different formats. This conversion is often relatively easy, but recently I had to create an email with the content within a rounded container, a rounded container with a drop shadow.
Let me tell you, that was a pain! I did a fair bit of research and found excellent ways of generating rounded corners (not least my own from back in the day). AE Writer has an article on drop shadow for HTML email, which sort of confirmed my thoughts on needing to use tables. Alejandro Vargas has an article up on Medium about HTML email rounded corners. I spent a fair few hours over last weekend taking a screengrab of a container into The Gimp and playing with contrast to generate the appropriate data format for a chunk of JS to generate the appropriate nested divs within a table.
Given this table row:
<tr data-row="5"     data-description="6->3-fe->2-fd->2-fc->1-fb->1-fd->ff">
This code:
(()=>{ const setStyles = (element, declarations) => { for (const prop in declarations) { if(declarations.hasOwnProperty(prop)){ const property = prop.split(/(?=[A-Z])/).join('-').toLowerCase() element.style[property] = declarations[prop] } } } document.querySelectorAll('tr').forEach(tr => { if(tr.dataset.description){ const description = tr.dataset.description.split('->') let target = tr const td = document.createElement('td') td.setAttribute('align', 'center') setStyles(td, { paddingLeft: `${description[0]}px`, paddingRight:`${description[0]}px`, }) if(!tr.dataset.main){ setStyles(td, { height:'1px', lineHeight:'1px', fontSize:'1px' }) } target.appendChild(td) target = td description.shift() for(let i = 0; i < description.length; i++){ const parts = description[i].split('-') const div = document.createElement('div') setStyles(div, { display:'block', paddingLeft:'0px', paddingRight:'0px', backgroundColor:`#${parts[0].repeat(3)}`, width: '100% !important', minWidth: 'initial !important', }) if(parts.length !== 1){ setStyles(div, { paddingLeft: `${parts[0]}px`, paddingRight:`${parts[0]}px`, backgroundColor:`#${parts[1].repeat(3)}`, }) }else{ setStyles(div, { backgroundColor:`#${parts[0].repeat(3)}`, }) } if(!tr.dataset.main){ setStyles(div, { height:'1px', lineHeight:'1px', fontSize:'1px' }) } target.appendChild(div) target = div } } }) })()
Would generate this markup:
<tr data-row="5"     data-description="6->3-fe->2-fd->2-fc->1-fb->1-fd->ff"> <td align="center"       style="padding-left: 6px; padding-right: 6px; height: 1px; line-height: 1px; font-size: 1px;"> <div style="display: block; padding-left: 3px; padding-right: 3px; background-color: rgb(254, 254, 254); height: 1px; line-height: 1px; font-size: 1px;"> <div style="display: block; padding-left: 2px; padding-right: 2px; background-color: rgb(253, 253, 253); height: 1px; line-height: 1px; font-size: 1px;"> <div style="display: block; padding-left: 2px; padding-right: 2px; background-color: rgb(252, 252, 252); height: 1px; line-height: 1px; font-size: 1px;"> <div style="display: block; padding-left: 1px; padding-right: 1px; background-color: rgb(251, 251, 251); height: 1px; line-height: 1px; font-size: 1px;"> <div style="display: block; padding-left: 1px; padding-right: 1px; background-color: rgb(253, 253, 253); height: 1px; line-height: 1px; font-size: 1px;"> <div style="display: block; padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); height: 1px; line-height: 1px; font-size: 1px;"> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </td> </tr>
That whole manual process was boring, though, so I decided to automate the process. Especially as, knowing designers, I just knew that the box-shadow or border-radius would need to change in the future.
I knew that libraries for generating images from DOM elements were available, so I tried a couple. html2canvas wasn't quite what I was looking for, but dom-to-image worked a treat!
I decided to take an incremental approach and started by copying the dom to a png image format and placing that png within a canvas element of the same size as the element. This process is the code within the Immediately Invoked Function Expression (IIFE) at the bottom of the file. One thing to take note of is the onload function. I ran into all sorts of issues with the subsequent scripts failing until I clocked that the img wasn't loaded when I tried to manipulate it. Once we've set drawn the image atop the canvas, we add some data attributes using the getDimension function - I wouldn't've bothered with this except WebStorm kept complaining about the amount of repeated code I had.
trim, invoked at the end of the IIFE, strips out the remaining white space around the image, leaving us with an image that has only grey-scale colours surrounding it (except at the corners). It trims the rows and columns which contain only white colour values by referencing the values from getDimension. getDimension was clever and checked the values from iterating over the data from getImageData, if any value was not 255 then we had something what was not pure white. The array from getImageData should be chunked into sub-arrays of four as each lump of four values represent the RGBA value from a single pixel.
Once we have a trimmed image, we can build the values that equate with the data attribute we had in the original implementation. I created a simple class for this as a simple array wouldn't work here as I needed more than just the array of values; I needed to know which was the repeating row, so we had a placeholder for the actual content.
We chunk the data into sub-arrays of four and grab the hex colour value from each chunk. If the preceding HEX value is identical, the preceding classes incidence count is incremented; if not, it's added to the row array. If the row is not identical to the preceding row, then it's added to the rows as a Row object; if it is identical then the preceding Row has it's main value changed to true - this will be our placeholder.
We then build our table using the array of Row objects (rows) using code that is very similar to the one above but that is ever so slightly more nuanced and places a placeholder table within the main row. Nice eh? I'm quite pleased with it.
GitHub Repo
0 notes
righteous-today · 3 years
Indigo: hex #4b0082
Context: This day and age our devices consume us. Your best friend is either a metal slate filled with microchips. Or flesh and blood. It teeters between the two. When you can’t go to one of them, you go to the other. Life flows too fast. Water spewing off of a fall. Life flows too slow. Maple syrup climbing itself out of glass jars. We have so many problems. Everyone has so many problems. Yet, all we ask is for someone to care about our own. This excerpt is a walk through struggling with caring about your own problems and others around you. Mental health has been with man since we took our first steps. It has only become more welcoming as times progressed. *This soliloquy is designed to be spoken in a stage that replicates a messy room.*
My father told me to clean my room today. Such a mundane task that it should not be met with incompletion. But I didn’t complete it. No, I failed it. My sheets are strewn about. Blankets crossing over one another as if they themselves were the veins inside my body. The raging war in my head. Four hundred page books, millions of words, await for me to read. They sit on my coffee table misaligned. Corners never parallel. Almost perpendicular. The thin veil that I like to call my “blinds” is rarely open. Would it be too cynical to say that both of us have never seen the light of day? At least recently? I have sweatshirts, belts, paintings, notebooks, teddy bears laid about.
My dad saw this and told me, “It’s not that hard to clean. Why didn’t you do it?”.
I’ve been asking myself the same question. Why didn’t I? I love a clean room. I love properly tucked sheets. I love open floor space where you can sprawl your limbs to stretch. I love coffee tables that can actually hold coffee. And tea. And hot chocolate. I love a color coordinated closet. I love crayons and pencils and markers in their hierarchy of dye placement. Red is the Queen and each that follows her is a level lower. I love books that have been creased from wear. I love shells in jars and rocks on shelves and things in their designated spot. But what am I supposed to do when I feel like Indigo? When I am a peasant, bottom feeder in my own life. The kingdom whispers, growls, shouts, “My Queen, Oh my Queen, where could you be?”.
What if the queen never wanted to be queen. She never asked for this life but she is compelled to stay by her lower tier. Seduced by a “We need you”. But you have lived your life before me and will live on after me. The Queen is trapped inside her own birthplace. Birth. Prison confinement in your own soul. Pounding to be let out. Fingernails scratching the walls. Dents in the iron from kicking it. There is nothing in a cell. Nothing besides yourself. Maybe that’s why I did it. Or didn’t do it. Inside I feel as if I am living someone else’s life and I have taken my freedoms too generously. I have no posters, poetry, music in my innards. So I place and displace them around me. A walking representation of how I feel has been vomited into my room. And it just keeps coming. I want to do so much but I have no motivation to do any of it. I want to make art. I want to keep my space clean. I want to be a good daughter. A caring friend. But what am I supposed to do when it is too much to be in this castle? When I want to deny my birthright.
And did you know that Indigo is composed of 29.4% red, 0% green and 51% blue on the RGB scale? Did you know that I am composed of 29.4% irritability, 0% motivated, and 51% tired? Did you know that Indigo is composed of 42.3% cyan, 100% magenta, 0% yellow and 49% black, on the CMYK scale? Did you know that I am composed of 42.3% hungry, 100% over it, 0% getting enough sleep, and 49% feeling alone. I say 49% because of the age we’re in. I love being alone. I hate being alone. Being bombarded with everything online. Everything in the news. Everything in the paper. It is so hard to catch a breath before they come in. Your friends' problems. Your parents' problems. And you feel so guilty turning them away so you listen. And listen. And you feel so hurt when they don’t ask you, after all that listening, “but how are you?”. Please don’t give me a pity well-being check in so you can feel good about yourself. If you really mean it go ahead but don’t fake care about me. The list goes on and on about problems. I have so many amazing people in my life yet I feel so alone. I turn to my phone. Then I turn away. I turn to my family. Then I turn away. I turn to my friends. Then I turn away.
And I am overwhelmed. Oh so overwhelmed. That I can’t even do the simple, mundane task, of cleaning my room. A room. A ten by twenty foot area. I have volcanic ash. Hurricane winds. 160 mph. Hundred year floods inside my body. I can’t clean my room. It is so hard to tell this. Especially to someone who has never felt this way. To express my grievances with myself. I am saddened by the fact that I can’t clean my room but then I don’t care. I can’t care. If I started to focus on everything that I haven’t done yet it will only get worse. Evacuations will need to be made. For one. I am dealing with this monster of a brain, the chemical imbalance of depression. And she presses me down. She pressed me. She presses. This is nothing new to man. They are acquaintances and have been since man saw the first nightfall.
So when my dad asked me, “Why didn’t you do it?”.
I said, “I don’t know”.
0 notes
rainbowsandrandoms · 4 years
It has a list by color name, color number, HEX value, and RGB value for every Prismacolor color pencils kit. There are tables for each kit that have the color names and the actual colors to look at.
0 notes
t-baba · 4 years
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🎉 JavaScript turns 25 years old
#489 — May 22, 2020
Unsubscribe  :  Read on the Web
JavaScript Weekly
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A Complete Walkthrough to Using WebGL — A really thorough walkthrough of getting started with WebGL at the low level, complete with integrated, editable examples and coverage of the math behind 3D rendering. If you’ve ever wondered what libraries like Three.js are using behind the scenes, it’s all here.
Maxime Euzière
Microsoft Unveils 'Azure Static Web Apps' — Azure Static Web Apps brings modern static site deployment to Azure and integrates with GitHub and Visual Studio Code too. Want to see more? Here’s a 6 minute screencast demo. Yet another way to deploy those static single page apps :-)
The Most Complete Spreadsheet for JavaScript Apps – SpreadJS — Deliver true Excel-like experiences with this fast JavaScript enterprise spreadsheet solution. Build FinTech, analysis, budgeting, and forecasting apps. Featuring an Excel I/O, 450+ functions, tables, charts, sparklines, and more. View the latest demo.
SpreadJS by GrapeCity sponsor
The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Declarative Programming — Siddharth shows off his single file animation library by way of showing off the benefits of doing things in an (arguably) declarative style. A nifty post, this, which encourages you to interact with the code yourself.
Siddharth Bhat
The Third Age of JavaScript? — Yes, purely an opinion piece but he might have a point. “Every 10 years there is a changing of the guard in JavaScript. I think we have just started a period of accelerated change that could in future be regarded as the Third Age of JavaScript.”
Shawn Wang
Electron 9.0.0 Released — The popular cross platform desktop app framework gets more dependency bumps and is now running on Chromium 83, V8 8.3, and Node.js 12.14. There’s an integrated PDF viewer now, if you need that.
GitHub Inc.
⚡️ Quick bytes:
JavaScript is 25 years old at.. roughly now!
Microsoft has been showing off its work getting React Native on macOS and some other new Windows features.
Vue has made it into the 'adopt' zone of ThoughtWorks' languages and frameworks technology radar (and Vue 3.0.0 beta 14 is out too.)
Ionic are running IoniConf 2020 online next month (June 24).
💻 Jobs
Senior Software Engineer — Save Lives & Make an Impact — We use Node/TS/React & ML to provide crisis support via SMS. Help us scale globally with a focus on privacy and security.
Crisis Text Line
Find a Job Through Vettery — Vettery specializes in tech roles and is completely free for job seekers. Create a profile to get started.
📚 Tutorials and Opinions
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▶  (Re)-Implementing The Easiest JavaScript Game Ever — Have you ever played the ‘running dinosaur’ game in Chrome when your connection goes down? This is a fun 8 minutes spent reimplementing the basic mechanic. It’s scrappy, but that’s kinda the point. If you like his style, he’s done a 2 minute video flying through the development of another arcadey game.
The Architecture of a Serverless, Vue.js-Powered Content Management System — Not only does this outline the AWS infrastructural architecture pretty well, there’s code for you to use for your own setup if you wish.
Dan Bartlett
Understanding Lazy-Loading in Popular Frontend Frameworks — How Angular, React, and Vue handle on-demand loading of components.
tamos piros
▶  One Developer's Five Most Used JavaScript 'Tricks' — If you’re more at the beginner end of the scale, you might appreciate six minutes spent here. Well presented.
Aaron Jack beginner
Stream Chat API & JavaScript SDK for Custom Chat Apps — Build real-time chat in less time. Rapidly ship in-app messaging with our highly reliable chat infrastructure.
Stream sponsor
5 Differences Between Arrow and Regular Functions — A nice detailed look, with examples, of the differences between arrow and regular functions in JavaScript. I’m sure one or two of these will be new to many of you.
dmitri pavlutin
Dropbox's Great CoffeeScript to TypeScript Migration of 2017 — A deep retrospective from the Dropbox team on migrating hundreds of thousands of lines of CoffeeScript to TypeScript, sharing details on why they chose TypeScript and the challenges faced. “Fast forward to 2020, we now have over two million lines of TypeScript at Dropbox.”
David Goldstein
Promise.all vs Promise.allSettled — “I was reading the MDN docs on JavaScript promises and realized that the difference between Promise.all and Promise.allSettled wasn’t immediately obvious.”
JonLuca DeCaro
Growing Pains: From 0 to 13,000 Dependencies — Find out how your project can go from 0 to 13,000 dependencies in just a few steps.
Nikola Đuza
Error Handling in RxJS
Eugene Ghanizadeh Khoub
A (Mostly) Complete Guide to React Rendering Behavior
Mark Erikson
How to Use Object Destructuring in JavaScript — A code-heavy tutorial looking at object destructuring, a feature introduced in ES6 that allows you to extract properties from objects and bind them to variables.
dmitri pavlutin
🔧 Code & Tools
Reveal.js 4.0: An HTML Presentation Framework — A mature library takes another step forward. The homepage itself is, cleverly, a live demo (use the arrow keys). v4 adds several new features. Just want the code? Here’s the GitHub repo.
Hakim El Hattab
ac-colors: A Reactive Color Conversion and Generation Library — A lot of power under the hood here being able to convert between RGB, HSL, HEX, XYZ, LAB, and LCHab, as well as handle random color generation and contrast ratio calculation.
MongoDB Is Easy. Now Make It Powerful. Free Download for 30 Days. — Using MongoDB Atlas? Studio 3T is the professional GUI and IDE that unlocks the power you need.
Studio 3T sponsor
umi-request: A Modern HTTP Request Tool Based on Fetch — An attempt at combining some of the niceties of Axios with the modernity of the Fetch API to get the best of both worlds.
Howler.js: An Audio Library for The Modern Web — Makes things easier cross-platform. Uses the Web Audio API but can fall back to HTML5 Audio.
James Simpson
Vue Class Store: Universal Vue Stores You Write Once and Use Anywhere — We’ll let it speak for itself: “I’ll give you reactivity, computed properties and watches, written in standard JavaScript or TypeScript, with no setup or boilerplate, and you can use me anywhere.”
Dave Stewart
New Integration: PostgreSQL Instrumented for Node.js
AppSignal sponsor
Vue Formulate: The Easy Way to Build Forms with Vue.js — First linked a few months ago, this has come on leaps and bounds since with grouped fields, a way to stop validation, slots for customization, and more.
Braid LLC
NanoPop: A Minimalistic Positioning Engine — In a race to do things in as few bytes as possible, NanoPop aims to be much smaller than even PopperJS for positioning things like tooltips and popovers.
Simon R.
by via JavaScript Weekly https://ift.tt/3bVZAUv
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enterinit · 5 years
Office Insider for Windows Version 2003 release notes
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Office Insider for Windows Version 2003 release notes.
Build 12624.20086 (March 6, 2020)
Outlook  Notable fixes  We fixed an issue that was preventing users from attaching a file to their mail messages when that file was open in another application.We fixed an issue where creating a rule with Outlook Web Access did not persist to the Exchange server and resulted in a conflict.We fixed an issue with Outlook that wouldn’t show the drop-down list in the “From” field when using dark mode. Word  Notable fixes: We fixed an issue that made the User Principal Name (UPN) people case-sensitive, e.g., [email protected] would fail to match [email protected], and prevented users from accessing the SharePoint Sites service.We fixed an issue that prevented the Compare feature from working when the document was protected for editing. PowerPoint  Notable fixes: We fixed an issue that made the User Principal Name (UPN) people case-sensitive, e.g., [email protected] would fail to match [email protected], and prevented users from accessing the SharePoint Sites service.We fixed an issue where the recommended thumbnails flashed when hovering your mouse over the thumbnails. In some cases, this could cause PowerPoint to crash. Excel  Notable fixes: We fixed an issue that made the User Principal Name (UPN) people case-sensitive, e.g., [email protected] would fail to match [email protected], and prevented users from accessing the SharePoint Sites service.
Build 12619.20002 (February 28, 2020)
Outlook New feature: Incident notifications for IT Admins Microsoft 365 tenant global administrators and Office Apps Administrators will be notified about Outlook and O365 Exchange incidents affecting their users with a new right-side panel notification. The pane will be automatically displayed if incidents have been identified, but you can also open it by clicking Help > Admin Notifications.
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Bug fixes: We fixed an issue that caused the "Last Modified" date on a file to be updated when adding an attachment to a mail or saving an attachment from a mail by dragging and dropping it (as opposed to via a menu). PowerPoint New feature: Improved ink to shape diagramming experience Have you ever struggled to keep objects connected in your diagrams? Well, we have some good news for you! We made it easier to both add and manage connectors so that you can focus on your content.
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Bug fixes: We fixed an issue that occurred when multiple presentations are opened in PowerPoint from the same SharePoint library, only the first presentation opened is scanned for Policy compliance. Word Bug fixes: We fixed an issue that caused the focus on the comment edit box to not be visible when tabbing through a comment card.We fixed an issue where inserting a control (such as a Text Content control) in an equation, and then saving and opening the file would result in an un-readable content error.We fixed an issue where saving a previously password-protected file to a cloud storage would not work.We fixed an issue that occurred when multiple documents are opened in Word from the same SharePoint library, only the first document opened is scanned for Policy compliance. Excel Bug fixes: We fixed an issue where text in a slicer isn't scaled properly in Print Preview.We fixed an issue that occurred when multiple workbooks are opened in Excel from the same SharePoint library, only the first workbook opened is scanned for Policy compliance.
Build 12615.20000 ( February 21, 2020 )
Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, OneNote, Access, Project, Publisher, and Visio New feature: Pick the perfect color Based on your feedback, we’ve added a new input field in the Colors dialog for Hex color values! Never again will you spend time converting Hex color values into RGB values. How to access: Open a file in one of the supported applications.For any property where you can define a color, click the appropriate button in the ribbon (such as the Font Color button) and click More Colors.In the Colors dialog box, click the Custom tab.Enter the Hex color value in the Hex box, for example, #0F4C81 or 444. Learn more
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Excel Notable fixes: We fixed an issue that users may have experienced when renaming pivot table measures.We fixed an issue where CSV files were loaded incorrectly when the first word in the file was TABLE.We fixed an issue that prevented documents using Multichoice/Lookup/Managed-metadata properties from being saved to a SharePoint Document Library if these properties exceeded 255 characters. The character limit is now 2,408 characters.We fixed a performance issue that users may have experienced when using a VBA macro to clear the contents of a range.We fixed an issue that caused the UI to flash when users executed a macro that interacted with the ribbon.We fixed an issue where users may have experienced crashes when switching between two workbooks that had different zoom levels. Outlook Notable fixes: We fixed an issue that caused Outlook to unexpectedly generate logging output in some scenarios, even when logging was turned off.We fixed an issue that caused users to be unable to open public folder messages when Outlook was left running overnight.We fixed an issue where the Allow and Deny buttons on the permissions page are disabled during the authentication workflow of adding a Gmail account. PowerPoint Notable fixes: We fixed an issue that prevented documents using Multichoice/Lookup/Managed-metadata properties from being saved to a SharePoint Document Library if these properties exceeded 255 characters. The character limit is now 2,408 characters. Word Notable fixes: We fixed an issue where comment cards don't always get highlighted when a mouse pointer hovers over the comment card.We fixed an issue that prevented documents using Multichoice/Lookup/Managed-metadata properties from being saved to a SharePoint Document Library if these properties exceeded 255 characters. The character limit is now 2,408 characters.
Build 12607.20000 ( February 14, 2020 )
Word New feature: Find Ink Editor in your drawing toolbox We've brought all your tools together in a toolbox, including the intelligent pen, allowing you to make edit your text with ink gestures. Additionally, your highlighter now snaps to text directly. How to access: If your device is touch-enabled, the Draw tab is turned on automatically. Otherwise, turn it on by selecting File > Options > Customize Ribbon > Draw.Choose Draw and select the Ink Editor pen. (If you don't have a digital pen enabled device and have a touch device instead, choose Draw with Touch > Ink Editor pen.)
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Things to try: Use a gesture to delete words, selected words, or insert words into a sentenceAdd a lineJoin two words or split a wordHighlight words
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Bug fixes: We fixed an issue where pictures in document would loose transparency when exported to PDF. Outlook New feature: New experience for captive wifi networks Have you ever joined a wifi network that required a web page to sign in with? Outlook now detects this and helps you get connected. How to access: Join a wifi network that requires a web page interaction to gain full network access (Starbucks, Gogo inflight, etc.) Bug fixes: We fixed an issue that caused users to lose access to the "Free Busy Options" calendar permission dialog.We fixed an issue that caused users to see a "Sorry, we're having trouble opening this item" error when trying to open instances in some recurring meetings that were sent from a different timezone.We fixed an issue that caused users to be unable to reopen a .msg file after dragging and dropping an attachment from that message.We fixed an issue that caused users to see file attachment names change after uploading from Outlook to OneDrive when the attachment's name contains parentheses. PowerPoint Bug fixes: We fixed an issue that could result in a failure to save a file in PowerPoint or Word containing an Excel chart. Read the full article
0 notes
Vidnami Review Discount And Huge Bonus
Vidnami Testimonial - Are you searching for even more knowleadge about Vidnami? Please go through my honest review regarding it prior to selecting to evaluate the weaknesses and also toughness of it. If you purchase Vidnami via my web link, you will certainly obtain unique and also attractive bonus offer plans. I constantly upgrade my bonus offers daily.
Presenting Vidnami
8 Aesthetic Web Content Applications to Create Spectacular Pictures and Video Clips (Component 1)
Do you wish to present aesthetic messages in brand-new methods?
Are you seeking brand-new design devices to assist you create visual content?
Social media site is nothing without images. From easy blog graphics to memes and video clips, visuals aid us communicate with and also engage our target markets.
In this short article I'll reveal you eight design resources and devices that can help you produce aesthetic web content quickly and also easily.
Discover 8 apps to produce spectacular social media sites pictures.
# 1: Locate Images Without Copyright
If you're seeking images to utilize in your pictures, I have 2 resources for you: Unsplash and New Old Stock.
Unsplash is a complimentary photo archive that prides itself available "do-whatever-you-want, hi-res images." According to their licensing details, the photos on the site are not copyrighted, which indicates you have free rein over how you utilize them.
Usage copyright-free pictures as a background for your key message.
Unsplash's subscription service offers you 10 brand-new photos delivered straight to your inbox every 10 days.
It's not constantly easy to find what you're searching for on Unsplash. You can watch pictures by month of submission, but there is no chance to search by topic or any kind of various other category.
New Old Stock supplies "vintage pictures from the public archives" and assures that no known copyright restrictions exist on them.
You can discover images from times past at New Old Supply.
Like Unsplash, you can't search images by theme, topic or any various other groups. However, New Old Supply includes some incredible vintage digital photography. If that's what you're looking for, this is the place.
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# 2: Attract Attention With Animated Video Clip
Video has taken content marketing by storm-- target markets enjoy it. If you've avoided video since it's too taxing or costly, you need to most likely take a look at PowToon.
PowToon is a super-simple Vidnami app that assists you create computer animated videos that will really engage your target market.
Usage PowToon to develop video clips as well as presentations with a large "Wow!" factor.
PowToon features several design templates as well as a well-stocked collection of forms, things and also effects you can make use of in your computer animation.
If you've ever before thought of producing item overviews, presentations or perhaps educational video clips, you can utilize PowToon for those as well as much more. Whatever your message, an eye-catching video clip can possibly enhance it.
# 3: Pick a Color Combination
Adobe Kuler is a solution that allows you create your very own shade palette or select from thousands of existing ones. Why is that important? Colors affect our perception, our emotions and also our actions. We associate shades with different principles as well as respond to them in various means.
Use Kuler to discover just the appropriate color for your message. With Kuler, you can find the right color equilibrium for your aesthetic content. As soon as you find your perfect scheme, order the code for every color (RGB, HEX, LAB, CMYK, HSB). You can kind the code right into nearly any type of design tool to see to it your shade is always exactly ideal.
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Vidnami Review & Review
Supplier: Jonathan Oshevire
Product: Vidnami
Release Date: 2019-Nov-04
Launch Time: 11:00 EST
Front-End Cost: $37/mo
Sales Web Page: https://www.socialleadfreak.com/vidnami-review/
Particular niche: General
What Is Vidnami?
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Vidnami is a new software program tool that leverages the power of AI to make it much easier than ever to create stunning videos with just a couple of clicks of your computer mouse. What accustomed to take hrs, currently takes a number of minutes!
Exactly How Does Vidnami Work?
Step 1: Click The Develop A New Video Switch.
Action 2: Upload Your Text Web Content.
Action 3: Vidnami's SMART Modern technology After that Produces A Stunning Video Clip Using Your Web Content In A Matter Of A Couple Of Seconds By Selecting From An Included Data Source Of COUNTLESS Sensational Images And Video Templates.
Vidnami Comes Crammed With Spectacular Video Templates.
Vidnami Evaluation - Quality & Advantages
Vidnami is Packed With Attributes That Make It The Smartest, Fastest, And Simplest Video Software Program Released.
Cloud-Based Software program
Because Vidnami is firmly hosted in the cloud, there's never anything to install or update. Simply login to Vidnami from any type of tool with an internet connection and also start making videos with a couple of computer mouse clicks.
No Video Clip Development Skill Or Design Experience Required
You do not require to bring anything to the table when you get Vidnami. No prior abilities or experience with video is needed to create specialist high quality video with a couple of clicks of your computer mouse.
Includes Thousands Of Stunning Templates
Vidnami includes countless spectacular themes that are verified to get involvement, get traffic, and drive sales.
' Smart' Modern technology Does All The Heavy Lifting
Allow's face it ... Most of us aren't developers and also it's very easy to obtain STUCK trying to determine which template or video style would be the most effective. This is where Vidnami truly radiates ...
Instead of attempting to choose a template or identify which design of video clip you should make use of, Vidnami utilizes SMART modern technology that leverages Expert system to choose from the thousands of consisted of design templates to locate the one that matches perfectly. Creating videos with Vidnami essentially is as very easy as pushing a button.
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icon0com · 5 years
Tumblr media
Color table Pantone of the Fashion, Home and Interiors colors. Color palette with number, named color swatches, chart conform to pantone RGB, HTML and HEX description. Test page for print on cotton #images #illustration #vector #icon
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papierwerke · 5 years
Tumblr media
Achtung Werbung 🥰 Gestern habe ich den Color Coach von Stampin‘ Up! aktualisiert, mit den neuen In Color Farben. Die Farbtabelle kann auf der SU Seite heruntergeladen werden, wenn man Demonstrator ist. Die einzelnen Farbkombinationen habe ich passend geschnitten, einlaminiert und die Ecken jeweils abgerundet. Auf jeder Rückseite steht jeweils auf Dymoband die HEX - Werte /RGB Code‘s. Die einzelnen Farbkollektionen habe ich mit Hilfe von Papierclips in Zinkoptik, unterteilt. So finde ich schnell z.B. die Pastellfarben etc. Dieses kleine Buch ist mega praktisch 🥰👍 Attention Advertising 🥰 Yesterday I got the Color Coach from Stampin 'Up! updated, with the new in color colors. The color table can be downloaded from the SU site if you are a demonstrator. The individual color combinations I have cut, laminated and rounded corners. On each backside the HEX values ​​/ RGB codes are shown on Dymoband. I have divided the individual color collections with the help of paper clips in zinc optics. So I quickly find, for example the pastel colors etc. This little book is super practical 🥰👍 #papierwerke #stampinup #stampinupdeutschland #stampinupgermany #stampinupdemo #stampinupdemonstrator #colorcoach #papierliebe #paperlove #diy #craftroom #craftroomorganization #craftroomstorage #kreativ #craft #crafter #crafting #stamp #stamper #stamping #wermemorykeepers https://www.instagram.com/p/Bw_ljrYAXoh/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1xar4bk6t7zat
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humansoulsarg · 8 years
`pillow` Video Trail Solve
This post included several images from around Lottie’s living room including a globe/basketball with the United States of American, Argentina and Reino Unido, A picture of Chewbacca on top of books by Philip K Dick and Neil Gaiman, Empty bottles of Pepsi and Crystal Pepsi, Astro Shooter pinball game, A Signed drawing of Pikard and Riker from Star Trek: The Next Generation, A Special Newsweek Hamilton Issue, and some Granulated Chicken Flavor Soup Base Mix. None of these images were found to have anything hidden in them, but there was a link to a YouTube video at the bottom of the post.
The video is here: https://youtu.be/Ire2SOrQu5k
With binary title ‘pillow’ showing a ?PC? beside a bed before zooming in on the pillow with Pretty Pangents on it (We’ve seen this Pangent Pillow and Pattern before) There is spectrogram content in the audio.
The first portion of the audio has Braille in the spectrogram:
1311241441911 2615716211615 1111145962167 change ‘9’ to ‘0’ and group by threes: 131 124 144 101 126 157 162 116 151 111 145 062 167 octal for: YTdAVorNiIe2w https://youtu.be/dAVorNiIe2w This video, with binary title ‘home’ will be investigated later in this post
Continuing with the spectrogram content in the second half of 'pillow’ we find symbols from the manual to Penguin Land for the Sega Master System:
From the Game’s instruction manual, the order the symbols were presented is the order of their code values. Pangent had previously posted selections from the Instruction Manual in this post:  http://pangenttechnologies.tumblr.com/post/155930492047/ After a small bit of trial and error, this mapping of the symbols to hex values was found to work: http://imgur.com/FQAAVHG
The symbols are found to translate as ASCII HEX:
49 6d 67 75 72 58 67 65 58 39 62 47 ImgurXgeX9bG Leading to: http://imgur.com/XgeX9bG
This shows a scene from the Spice Girls Video for '2 Become 1’ with Baby Spice (Emma Bunton) sitting on a bridge with the New York skyline in the background. There are interesting colored patterns along the top and bottom of this picture that are not part of the Spice Girls Video.
By decomposing the image into its RGB components, the top and bottom regions of the image produce a binary grid. However, the direct ASCII translation of these binary values seemed odd:
RED dlddhpfdpbfdd dlddhpddpdppb GREEN pldr`ddhfdddl dldlhdppdl`dl BLUE ddppdrhdppfdl `dfdbdldphdf` It was discovered that each of the byte values in the binary grid could be divided by 2 (all bits shifted one to the right) to yield ASCII values for numbers between 0-9. Then, it was realized that the picture hinted at this step since 2 become(s) 1!!
Then, it was found that the RGB channel’s values needed to be strung together, such that the tops were all taken as one string, and the bottoms all as one string. This string was then found to need a second divide by 2 operation, to produce an octal string of characters.
Top: 262 248 328 132 286 290 224 322 262 288 294 288 326 131 124 164 066 143 145 112 161 131 144 147 144 163 YTt6ceJqYdgds https://youtu.be/t6ceJqYdgds Video with title: 'b e p i s’ This is a video of Lottie showing off the 2 liter bottle of Pepsi with a penguin (pangent) on it and saying 'Pepsi is the fountain of life’. That quote, and the title 'bepis’ are nods to a chat conversation between Pangent and Everysongisworthamillionwords discovered as part of this solve: http://humansoulsarg.tumblr.com/post/153456427658/ Bottom: 262 248 228 288 126 264 288 260 260 232 126 284 230 131 124 114 144 063 132 144 130 130 116 063 142 115 YTLd3ZdXXN3bM https://youtu.be/Ld3ZdXXN3bM hex title 'contact’ This is a video of Lottie saying Thank You for Contacting Pangent Technologies then it repeats with an overlay from a different camera angle. The audio is also overlaid the second time. We now return to the 'home’ video discovered in the 'pillow’ video’s Braille Spectrogram.
This video has binary title 'home’ and contains more spectrogram content in the audio while the video shows us around the living room from which the original post’s pictures were taken. We see Chewbacca, the Globe/ball, The Man in the High Castle book, Hamilton magazine, Astro Shooter Pinball game, and ends with a shot of the infant Emperor Penguin FurReal Friends plushie on a table or counter in front of a Hello Kitty Green Tea can.
The spectrogram content is again Penguin Land Codes. The first can be seen here: http://imgur.com/uorz71J and decodes to:
49 4d 47 55 52 6b 32 6b 55 52 69 50 IMGURk2kURiP http://imgur.com/k2kURiP Showing a calendar for DanceWorks in London, March 1994. Note the 'Closed Auditions’ on Friday the 4th was the initial audition for TOUCH, the group which eventually became the Spice Girls: http://spicegirls.wikia.com/wiki/Touch The schedule of events for the month is another cleverly camouflaged code. From the Spice Girls song 'Spice Up Your Life’ there are lyrics: https://youtu.be/MBpWMlkBI64?t=150
Flamenco, Lambada But hip hop is harder We moonwalk the foxtrot Then polka the salsa
Giving an ordinality for the dances listed on the calendar: 1 Flamenco 2 Lambada 3 Hip-Hop 4 Moonwalk 5 Foxtrot 6 Polka 7 Salsa 0 Open Audition The entire calendar can then be transcribed into an octal code (throwing out the one Closed Audition on the 4th) 131 124 156 065 171 126 160 101 120 141 141 120 157 YTn5yVpAPaaPo https://youtu.be/n5yVpAPaaPo title is 'l o t t i e’ In this video Lottie introduces herself as Charlotte Baird and states that we cannot call her Lottie. We are shown the famous 60 egg breakfast (perhaps short a few eggs) then we are treated to a tour of her living room, meeting Chewbacca (her boyfriend), Argentina, a Virtual Boy, Lemonade Pangents, and other items we’ve seen in some other images or videos.
The second spectrogram Penguin Land code from 'home’ can be viewed here: http://imgur.com/SNv9ROh
and decodes as:
69 6d 67 75 72 35 51 65 71 54 61 70 imgur5QeqTap http://imgur.com/5QeqTap
A picture with multicolored eggs. The image can be decomposed into RGB components for the next step in the decoding.
These are then decoded by counting the number of stripes in each egg and decoding the resulting string as octal
131 124 113 061 157 120 064 143 142 167 110 155 147 YTK1oP4cbwHmg https://youtu.be/K1oP4cbwHmg hex title 'sandy bridge’
The video shows Lancelot telling Galahad over the phone that Project Excalibur is go, and artifact 555, The Cube, will be delivered to Pangent Technologies Sandy Bridge is mentioned in this Pangent Post from March 2, 2016: http://pangenttechnologies.tumblr.com/post/140355074382/
Taurtini explains “Sandy Bridge”: The name “Sandy Bridge” came up in the alternate-language subtitles to the very first videos, which the first players thought were important but were automatically generated. [Leslie and Mayor Sassenheim were also names taken from the alt-language subtitles.] “Sandy Bridge” is a circa-2011 Intel processor. In canon, Lottie bought a ton of them for Project Percival, a failed predecessor to 555, and fried all of them. The purchase orders were signed by Alex as her assistant. For a brief period when Lottie was fired (toward the beginning of the Tumblr in December 2016 Lottie’s time), Alex had access to her encrypted files and searched for “Sandy Bridge” - the one phrase he remembered - to find out about the Percival project, and access information Lottie would have preferred stay buried. He then sent the info to his dad, to start the 555 project and get the Cube returned to Pangent London, as the data storage hub for a sort of revival of Percival.
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