#rhett and link vlog
jula483 · 2 months
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nocontextmythical · 6 months
we can communicate.
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lallyloo · 2 years
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tao-lay · 11 months
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i just looooove the cinematography of these shots??? the composition the color, the gigantic baby men?? delicious
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i am a fucking sucker for these shots holy heck what else can i say JSJAKAJSKDNSNS
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merlin-everlasting · 5 months
i love gmm i think it’s incredible and so LIKE ADDICTING TO WATCH.
i do have to ask though, why are so many episodes dedicated to food? do the viewers just not care to necessarily branch out and watch other content produced? like rhett and link the channel where they did vlogs, THOSE WERE SO FUNNY AND SILLY!!
i don’t blame rhett or link at all, i just wonder why so much of their content is food — besides the numbers that usually go along with it. like why do the viewers enjoy watching them so much? most of my favorite videos was the challenge ones where they’d test their limits by jump roping or ice skating, just dumb stuff.
i feel like the food content is so repetitive.
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nerdgirlriot · 2 years
so another Youtube channel I follow has become embroiled in weird fuckery. I have to laugh at it, like Try Guys was my first real YT drama and now there's some shit going on with the Disneyland vloggers I follow. I know this is probably only interesting to no one but it's my tumblr, and I'll talk about whatever i want.
Yes, there are people who vlog about the Disney parks. yes i watch a few channels because I get to see Disneyland when I'm not there. It's a thing.
I follow a channel called Fresh Baked, which is mostly a dude named David and his wife Liz and their experiences at Disneyland. There's another channel called Best Life & Beyond who are also Disneyland vloggers. KT from Best Life apparently asked Liz to lie about KT having COVID. Since, y'know, even though the park doesn't check, you're really not supposed to go to Disneyland if you're sick. Plus apparently KT looked visibly sick in one of their videos, people began asking if it was COVID, and KT continually denied it. I guess she asked Liz to lie and say that she wasn't sick and Liz refused and now they are no longer social media friends.
I had no idea this was going on until I checked my Reddit feed and saw this posted on the Disneyland subreddit. It's just so weird that there's another kerfuffle among the Youtubers I follow. Go figure.
Anyway, I'm glad that Liz said no because she seemed like that kind of person and honestly I always thought Best Life was kinda shady. I watched a few of their videos but their vibes felt all wrong. idk how to explain it. They were just a little too brash to be a comfort watch, and trying too hard to be engaging and forcing it too much? Maybe?
idk I'm now wondering whether I can hit a Youtube trifecta of drama but nothing else has happened yet lol
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asherlockstudy · 21 days
The plot hole of Wonderhole (E1)
The Plot Hole
The Flight
The Simulation
The Desert Island
I finally found the opportunity to start my ANALysis of Wonderhole (Rhett & Link Wonderhole compatible joke). If you have read previous posts I have made about their scripted content or even candid conversations they have had, my main object is to examine whether this new content belongs to the same category of the recurring - and treated as a symbolism of their reality by me - Rhink storyline like almost all their previous scripted videos (including stuff from 2015) and creations (i.e TLCOBC); what I have been calling "One Story" for convenience. One Story Masterlist can be accessed here. By the way, I will also not take into account what new thing Rhett IRL may or may not have said in order to mud the water because he has been doing it a lot lately and I am not sure it is 100% reliable.
I will say that I had to watch the First Class Flight more than once to determine whether this episode is actually part of the One Story or not. After a few rewatches I realised that what was confusing me is that Wonderhole so far has a critical difference from the previous videos. The previous videos usually take place in an undefined time or in the present and they are full of symbolisms of their past and present. Wonderhole deals mostly with the future. Therefore, there are two ways we can view this:
Wonderhole so far is not part of the One Story because it only minimally draws parallels from their lived past.
Wonderhole so far IS part of the One Story because even though it doesn't draw from the past a lot, it actually reflects their certainty or expectation for how their future will unfold depending on certain circumstances, so technically it is still part of their true One Story because it is the future that's coming towards them or the one that seems very likely to come their way.
I suppose it's easier for readers to understand this through the obviously futuristic Time Capsule episode, however here I will argue about how this is also the case with the First Class Flight. This episode is linearly distinguished in two great time segments: the present in which Rhett and Link fake a first class flight vlog and the future of them being deserted in an island three years from now.
The Plot Hole
This is the time I should explain the title of this post. There is a massive plot hole in the episode and it is an intentional one. The way we can tell it is intentional is because our attention is drawed multiple times throughout the video towards it. Here are some examples:
"Without ever having to leave Burbank" - Rhett
"Since this is a simulation-" - Link
"...to fake fly us to fake Singapore wearing a fake mustache" - Rhett
"Well, it tastes like it might be juice but it's a simulation!" - Rhett
Link: "We're moving"... Rhett: "Oh it almost feels like it hehe"
"I gotta say, this is the smoothest takeoff I've ever experienced" - Link
"Since Mythic Air flight 138 operated at a real world altitude level of zero feet above ground we're not anticipating any flight safety issues" - Flight Attendant
Get it? They were in Burbank in a simulation of a flight. They never left. They go out of their way so many times to make it absolutely clear they are not moving and they are faking the whole thing. So, how on earth did the disaster and its consequences prove to be real???
At this point we should also acknowledge that there is not any technical evidence, there is no footage - how could there be one after all - that the plane somehow crashed and Rhett and Link survived the fall and were washed ashore to some desert island. This is the general implication but like we saw it is a very faulty one because it makes no sense. Which means that if we want to be precise about what could have happened in those three years between the vlog shooting and them being castaways, there are two possibilities:
It is a fantastical story in which the lie somehow morphed into a truth, it transcended into reality and caused all these consequences or
the technical issue / fall in the flight was just part of the prepared experience by the Mythical Crew, like everything else. We stop witnessing before the fall but it doesn't mean it didn't stop at some point, Rhett and Link continued the vlog, returned home and they ended up as survivors in a desert island after making the real vlog in a later time.
Now, I don't have an opinion or preference on which is the better theory between the two but I think that as symbolisms they signify pretty much the same thing. In order to understand this, we need to examine what each segment of the video stands for.
The Flight
This is very easy. The whole segment of the First Class Flight symbolises Mythical and, most notably, GMM. Everything that happens in this vlog is a conflation of all the most typical GMM formats and running jokes together.
Counting, we have: 1) the Mythical Crew crafting and the attention down to the smallest detail, 2) not consuming alcohol due to youtube rules, 3) their whole experience is curated by the Mythical (Plane) Crew, 4) precautions taken for dangerous Link, 5) Link interrupting the pilot (Stevie), 6) Mythical kitchen outdoing itself, 7) Rhett and Link tasting stuff, 8) Link typically going for what Rhett wants / has, 9) Link being super picky with the food, 10) Link not ceding to compliment Rhett to save his life, 11) Link oversharing and then Rhett making him feel worse for it, 12) Link's sexual but meaningless jokes (coconut in the pants / mile high club), 13) Link being extra particular about getting the perfect angles and shots, 14) Rhett and Link made to do something intimate together with stupid excuses just for the shippers (changing together, touching butts, sleeping together), 15) Link being grossed out, 16) indirect reference to Link's much discussed herpes, 17) Mythical grooming products, 18) doing something physically strenuous but ridiculous, 20) feeding each other, 21) smelling stuff blindfolded, 22) Rhett winning and / or doing something impressive, 23) Rhett winning the prize (here, picking what TV show to watch), 24) synchronizing in everything.
They squeezed in this "vlog" everything they typically do in Mythical episodes. The plane and the flight stand for Mythical, this space Rhett and Link have carved around them and it is what has made them rich and, to a degree, what keeps them secure. Also, the fact that it stands for Mythical is not subtle at all actually:
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And in case you did not realise, THIS IS MYTHICAL.
The presence of their company has not been so emphatically stressed in other videos and it makes sense both at face value and subtextually because this is of course who is behind the making of this supposed vlog according to the plot, however we will see now why this matters a lot as a metaphor as well.
The Simulation
This is actually part of the Flight segment but I really want to talk about it on its own because it is the most essential part of the video. I believe this is why they made that video and this is also why it is the first episode of Wonderhole.
Like they clarify, this is not a vlog. It is a test video in place of the actual vlog they wanted to do but weren't sure the fans would approve of. So, they decided to test the waters by spending budget to frivolous Mythical simulations in order to minimize the risk and check the fans reactions, before proceeding with the actual vlog. I have explained many times that this is exactly what I believe it is happening with all their scripted content, especially the recent ones (TLCOBC onwards) and this is what is happening with Wonderhole too. This is the first episode because it is the warning, if you will, regarding what Wonderhole truly is. In short, this first episode is the shrunk simulation of Wonderhole itself, if not their situation for quite some time. Don't forget that last year Link had said there was a very specific question they wanted to get an answer to in regards to people's response to their scripted videos and by the end of the year they both concluded that aside from the positive reviews they had not received the exact response they wished for. (This is why Wonderhole is also going to be bolder than last year's videos, you are seeing this already. Because there is more despair to get the specific response.)
This explains why it didn't matter whether Rhett and Link survived the plane crash either through a fantastical transcendance to reality or in a later time but we do not see it; because it means disaster ensued either because they danced too close to the fire with their simulations / scripted content and people realised it had to be real or because they ignored alarming cues from the audience, went through with the "real" content and that's when the disaster took place. Both are possibilities and whichever one is the one that happens, in their minds the result is the same: they end up stranded and forgotten in a desert island by themselves.
Before proceeding with the final segment, there are more significant layers to the simulation. There are three times when Rhett and Link hear a concerning noise from the plane: when they touch butts in the bathroom, when there is an implication for Link's herpes and when they are together in bed. So those sobering noises happen in moments of relatively more intimacy. Rhett and Link then watch a trash reality show with a frankly weird premise, hot singles go to underdeveloped countries to perform surgeries as complete amateurs?! Wow. Perhaps there is meaning to it but I couldn't find it. The interesting thing here is that even this reality show has the element of practicing something dangerous through simulation. The show host tells the players they have the chance to perform a surgery in a practice before being exposed to the real thing. This is exactly when chaos unfolds, the show is paused and the pilot screams in panic. And at that moment we have what I think is the most important, the most telling screenshot so far:
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Rhett and Link then embrace, waiting for the end, while they confess to each other things we all know. As they are looking for something super special to confess, Link says Rhett's balls are hanging out at that moment too. I don't think there is a sifnigicance to this unless the implication was that Rhett had removed his pants while we were unsuspectingly looking at the reality show! But, honestly, I don't think we got the equivalent of the announcement this was an allegory for. They didn't push for anything more there other than the notion that it was time for a most pivotal confession.
Lastly, let's also examine Link's quote early in the episode: "We like closing one eye, because it immerses us in something that's not really happening". This can be interpreted in various ways. Does it mean that we close our eyes in order to see something that is not true or does it mean that if we opened our eyes, then we would see what is really happening? These may seem similar but there is all the difference in the world between them.
It is very interesting however that the theme recurs later with the reality show: the participants perform eye surgeries like cutting cataracts, so there is this repeated theme of wanting to improve what one's eyes see. Alas, they are amateurs which means the surgeries are likely to lead to disaster before they lead to the much desired "eye opening".
The Desert Island
Believe it or not, this is in my opinion the least important segment or, maybe, the one least packed with information. That segment expresses their conviction of how they will survive a potential disaster. They appear removed like recluses but they stick together. Of course, their big longing will be to keep making videos, even if they don't have the means anymore or even if nobody cares to watch. This is about their professional life. Then:
"When left alone Rhett and Link exhibit all sorts of strange behaviours"
Aside of hopelessly trying to work and create, we are presented with what their life is likely going to be privately post-plane crash / disaster. Almost everything we see involves a level of physical intimacy; Rhett massages Link, "their" version of poker (which involves nipple stimulation), trying to make wine (like the notorious wine they made in puberty), skygazing together, checking each other for dermatological issues, sharing their thoughts and the classic joke of changing SOS to SEND TACOS, an indication that they are having enough of a good time to not really try to be rescued and return to their previous lives, with their old job and families. Oh, and having sex with the sex bush. This is the boldest imagery in this episode because we see them... uh...rub themselves on the sex bush (at the very least), not only in each other's presence but also while clasping hands. I don't think I have to tell you this but this is canonically engaging in the same sexual activity because it's like they are masturbating while holding hands. Now, if Rhett considers this a wild leap of logic indicative of "us the Rhink shippers", I don't know what to say.
There is also a very interesting lyric in their song. Watch how it is phrased:
"Sharing peanut butter because we are peanut butter lovers, lovers as in, we're both loving peanut butter. Not that we are making love with one another... We got a bush for that."
What exactly does this mean? We are making love with a bush instead of one another or we are using the bush to make love with one another and not the peanut butter? It sounds more like the former one but the imagery suggests the latter. I don't know. It could also mean that they are really tiptoeing around each other while still keeping their sexual life straight. We are not making love with the peanut butter (gay sex), we have a bush for that (straight sex). But then we see that in the bush they are really pushing the limits between them. It could be all of these things.
Bush aside, what does the peanut butter symbolise on its own? Link denies he is aroused by it but he readily admits he wants to "eat it out" and Rhett follows immediately, the more Link opens up. Again, we see once more Link to be the first one to voice his desire and of course Rhett jumps at it at a moment's notice. This is the case also in Digging the Medium-sized Hole, in the Puzzle, in the Brown Diamond. But then we have this strife caused between them as they cannot decide who should take the "first scoop". Like, who will break the seal of the peanut butter? To be honest, I think this is the drama that anal might have caused between two ex-Christian very traditional dudes. Like, who takes one for the team. Both of them claim the position of sticking their spoon to the peanut butter. Link has the argument that he should be the one to do it because he is the guy into peanut butter while "what Rhett really is is a bean guy" (bean is a slang for clitoris, so he's more into female genitalia, more hetero than Link). Rhett on the other hand doubts Link's versatility in sex (has happened IRL as well) so he doesn't want to cede the position of control to him.
Link: I got a lot of novel grill ideas. Rhett: Like what? Link: Like, the grill that uses the heat generated from rubbing your hands together. Rhett: ...And then you place them on the food?! Link:...... Yep. Rhett: So, the Link Neal Grill is just hands?!
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Link is shamed for being too vanilla.
After a lot of talking it out, their eyes are opened to what they wanted all along. Link admits Rhett might like peanut butter just as much and Rhett admits that Link might be as competent in this as he is (find the peanut butter). They decide to each take a scoop from one side of the top and then enjoy it together. I mean, none of this is a great analogy but the most plausible scenario is that in order to overcome their conservative inhibitions and their sense of pride, they had to both agree to engage in this in absolutely equal terms. In short, to switch. Which I totally believe could be the case in reality as well.
The way the sex bush contrasts with the peanut butter makes it all rather confusing because we can also tell this does not proceed in a chronologically linear way at all, let alone that we have a blend of past and future here. But don't worry too much because the result is the same. By putting the peanut butter on leaves from the sex bush and then consuming it, they have canonically exchanged sex fluids. I could have said this from the beginning of this segment and save me of all this struggle.
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crackers4jenn · 1 year
thinking about her (that circa 2014-2016 gif of rhett and link at some award show, probably the streamys, and someone was vlogging from the table behind them and captured rhett and link sitting shoulder-to-shoulder, leaning into each other, pushed together as close as they possibly could.)
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leelaihardly · 8 months
Rhett and Link manifesting the wife swap vlog
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jula483 · 9 months
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monks, dreams, beards and chin transplants
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nocontextmythical · 1 month
you never know what's going to happen.
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lallyloo · 2 years
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harper44 · 1 month
Wonderhole Ep 1 Initial Thoughts
I had so much fun watching Episode 1! I'll put spoiler-y stuff below the cut, but overall, I truly enjoyed every minute of it. I am so glad they have decided to stop asking permission and started banking on the company and fan base they've built.
Although I haven't been a fan for as long as a lot of people have, I have been around a few years now. This new project feels to me like a love letter to themselves and a love letter to their biggest fans. Casual GMM watchers aren't going to like this or even click on it. But those of us who love them and their comedy are going to love it.
I could easily tell how much time, effort, and care went into every second of the video. Rhett and Link were having fun and being themselves. They're making what THEY want to make. It's almost like you could tell they knew they had the last call on what would be kept and what would be cut.
I've seen discourse before on Rhett and Link leaning into the more explicit jokes, especially to provoke the shippers. I personally have no issue with it. I think they totally have the right to make whatever jokes about their relationship that they want. They have fun with it and they know we eat it up with a spoon.
On the subject of more explicit content, I adore that they didn't make a particular effort to sensor themselves or make it family friendly. Their type of comedy is for adults, skirting on the edge of ridiculous. I know that GMM has slowly relaxed on that front, but it is delightful to see them with that guard totally down.
I loved the mix between vlog/documentary style and fiction/comedy. I know it's very similar to what they were doing for the past year or so, and I'm so glad they saw what was working.
I can't wait to see what the next episode brings! I'm so glad that they decided to release it like an actual TV show because it gives us time to talk about it and it leaves me enough time to write fic about it!
I wonder if the episodes are going to be connected? I can't wait for episode 2 because the sci-fi vibes look really cool. I hope everyone else enjoyed it as much as I did!
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casperghosty · 1 year
todays more was interesting....
rhett saying "we all love link" awwwww and link got happy
the way rhett looks at him is just so
and link patting his leg like thattt
them talking about nudity in some of their "home movies"...and having to clarify that it wasn't sex...
many of their employees having "seen things"...and making faces like wide eyed
and link panicking about their pa revealing info about them...
rhett saying "the house" about what i assume to be the creative house. so married...
At first, I didn't really want to watch this episode, Link can be so awkward around the crew (don't get me wrong love some of them being in More but he can be awkward with new people around) but you intrigued me with this; The we all love Link disclaimer was so adorable and very much boyfriends/married vibes 🥺
when I first saw this ask (before I watched the ep) I really thought it's just about that video where Rhett showered at Link's place. but I was not expecting to hear that they got naked with a friend,but now i understand why they're so comfortable in the shower vlog (well there might be other reasons 😏) and why did they have to clarify its not sex stuff????😭😭 obviously it's not, all the "Never before Seen" videos are from college years...
what do we think aba Kara? She isn't a replacement for Jenna right?😟I hope like to think she is more of a personal assistant for work stuff and Jenna is more of a personal, personal assistant and she is still working for them, she realy seemed to fit in (it's just weird to think they have someone new, when Jen was ther with them filming the podcast about links vacation etc) wonder what Kara knows and has seen, and what's in her contract she can't say.....
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mythicalamity · 9 months
Chapters: 5/5 Fandom: Rhett & Link Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Rhett McLaughlin & Link Neal Additional Tags: Epic Friendship, Christmas Fluff, Cabins, Hiking, Christmas Tree, Christmas Cookies, Hot Chocolate, randl vlogs, Mythical Secret Santa 2021 Summary:
When Link becomes homesick for North Carolina winters, Rhett has an idea for how they can put the spark back into the Christmas spirit, and their friendship!
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deadlinecom · 3 months
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