#rhett link is everything better with peanut butter
hey i would love to see what characters you pair me with. i haven't really been in the fandom or considered who i would work with best for awhile so i'm curious to see if it's changed since i was younger.
okay so my name is leo, im sixteen, im a junior in highschool. i identify as a gender-fluid gay guy (i like men and use he/him pronouns). i have golden-reddish (it's a strange color) hair down to my chest although i want to get it cut/get layers in it soon. i have green eyes. i wear glasses that are thick-rimmed and nerdy. i have naturally long eyelashes. i have a very square jaw and pale skin. i have random dark freckles on my arms here and there. im 5'6. my style is literally all over the place but usually im either in sweatpants and a sweatshirt (either a purple rhett and link one or a beige on with different colored pickles on it) or a graphic tee shirt, jeans, and a denim or leather jacket.
personality wise well i like to think of myself as a pretty creative person. i try to find meaning in the mundane in my life. im not religious although i do enjoy tarot and crystals. i have always had a problem with building myself around other people. ill get addicted to certain friends to fill a void in me that thinks people need to save me/fix me. this doesn't work because it leads me to be very codependent and when people leave me (which they can! it's natural. nothing lasts forever) it totally messes up my self esteem. so im trying to build that self love and develop better relationships with other people.
i like art and writing, fall out boy, the outsiders, good mythical morning. i like learning about LGBTQ history, especially the aids crisis. im currently reading a book on it right now called "and the band played on." my favorite foods is shells with cheese. i like good friends and people that i can connect with on a deeper level. i like when people i talk to have lives that don't revolve around me. i also enjoy surrealist sculpture. i really enjoy felix gonzalez-torres's work. i like all sorts of different types of music. lately ive been very into folk, 80s new wave, and 2000s pop punk/emo.
i dislike terfs and transphobes and homophobes and things like that. i absolutely loathe loud chewers. i have a mental disorder called misophonia and so the sounds of chewing trigger me and trigger my fight or flight. it's absolutely horrible. i hate stupid people. i don't like peanut butter. i hate when people make aids jokes. i hate not feeling included or hated. i care a lot about my image and i hate when it looks bad.
i like to make art and write poetry. i listen to a lot of music, even though i can't make any. for art, i like working with graphite pencil and colored pencil the most, but i work with all different things in class. im in advanced arts classes at school. i auditioned when i was in middle school and now im gonna take ap art next year. for poetry, i usually write in free verse about personal things. i have a livejournal i post on sometimes. i run a poetry/art magazine club at my school where people can share things they've made.
i think that covers pretty much everything! sorry for how insanely long this is. i hope that sums up myself pretty well. i try to be myself. just yourself be if weird is you.
i think i’d match you with dallas! i’m a firm believer that dally has a very soft side so i think he’d love to both our little braids in your hair and to draw on your arms. he would love if you drew him. i could imagine you sitting on dally’s bed in bucks place while he’s leaning out the window smoking a cigarette. then you’d start making little sketches of him. once he notices he’d start flexing his muscles and posing n stuff.
there you have it hope it’s alright!
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memzhay · 3 years
The Rehearsal
The long teased on camera kiss was happening. There had been a lot of discussion on the whens and the hows of it. Should they do it on the camping series with Stevie? Should they do a bunch of fake out kisses while camping and then do it on a regular behind the desk episode right after the camping series dropped? Should they do the kiss first and then do the camping series? Should they do it on Good Mythical More so the hard core fans would be the first ones to see it? There were lots of variables, and it was important to get it right.
In the end, they had decided to do it during Pride month, in a main GMM episode, right around the time that the crew would be running the big 5K for the Los Angeles LGBTQ Center. The concept for the episode was a trivia game where there were no winners or losers, highlighting the contributions of LGBTQ individuals throughout history. Not just in things like music, and fashion, but in fields of science and technology, philosophy, all kinds of things. It was a solidly good concept. They would finish the game, say something about the Center and the upcoming 5K, they kiss, they spin the Wheel of Mythicality.
It was a few days before the shoot, and Link seemed nervous and on edge. He and Rhett had talked about it a bit, and it wasn’t that he didn’t want to do the kiss, or that he was worried about their friendship, or their families, or anything like that. He said he was worried about technical things, but had trouble articulating exactly what. They decided to have a rehearsal one evening at the studio after the crew had gone home. After a lot of discussion earlier in the day they had for sure decided they wanted the kiss to be standing up over by where they used to do LTAT rather than behind the desk. Since the premise of the game was really more of a behind the desk sort of thing, the writers weren’t exactly sure what the motivation would be for them to suddenly be standing up, but said not to worry about it. If it was important, they would figure out a way to make it happen.
They were standing in the spot where they planned to do the kiss. They had put chairs out where the cameras would be. They put the wheel where the wheel would be. Once they were satisfied that the scene was set, Rhett turned to Link.
“Ok. So we have camera 1 here, 2 here for close ups, far away cam if we need it will be up there. All good?” Rhett asked.
“Yeah,” Link said pacing around and adjusting the chairs minutely one way then another. “If this is the main camera, then that means we should be standing here and angled like this.” He adjusted his body so that he was in profile to the camera with his feet at a right angle so that his body faced the camera slightly more.
Rhett angled himself to match across from Link, eying the positions and imagining the camera angles. “That should be fine. Do we want to put tape marks down?”
“Not right now,” Link said awkwardly. It seemed like he couldn’t meet Rhett’s eyes and kept sweeping his gaze across the floor and their feet like something still wasn’t quite right. Rhett put a gentle hand on his shoulder. “Hey now. Everything is cool. It’s just me. Ain’t nothing dramatic happening tonight. Tell me what’s bothering you. Was it the camera positions you were mostly concerned about? Do we need to get a real one out instead of these chairs?”
“No,” Link replied. “It’s not that. I’m just overthinking every detail, and it’s kind of embarrassing.”
“Out with it, Neal! Rhett McLaughlin is here to help.”
“What am I supposed to do with my hands?” Link blurted out. “I mean we hug, and it shouldn’t really be that different, right? But do my hands need to be more on your shoulders than they normally would be, am I supposed to touch your hair? Are you supposed to touch my face? Speaking of your hair, is it going to be up or down? How long a kiss are we talking here? We don’t want it to be like a quick peck, so do we count slowly to 5? I know we already talked about that before, I just…” He was spinning out of control fast.
“Man! You really are in your head about this,” Rhett said with sympathy. “That’s too many things to think about at once, right? It’s like shooting a music video. If you think of all the things that need to happen at once, it’s overwhelming. Let’s take it in steps.”
“Right,” Link said taking a deep breath. “Steps. Find the process. One thing at a time.”
“Good,” Rhett said. “Now come here and hug me.”
“I…You..” Link stammered, his hands making tiny helpless windmills in the air.
“Come on! Like you said, it’s not like we don’t hug. Hug your buddy! Let’s start from there,” Rhett prompted spreading his arms in invitation.
Link chuckled about how silly he was being and stepped into the hug. His hands went automatically to the middle of Rhett’s back. It felt fine. Not alien, or awkward, or different than any time they might hug.
“Come on and hug me like you mean it!” Rhett said, giving Link a squeeze and jostling him back and forth a bit. Link laughed in spite of himself and returned the hug with a bit more gusto.
“Alright! Now we just lean back a bit and we are in a perfectly good kissing stance. Are your feet still angled right?” Rhett asked, turning his face to the side and looking down. Both of them had their feet properly angled. “See! We’re pros. We can do this!”
Link chuckled a bit. “Ok. So the hands just sort of go where they would anyway. I’m fine with that.”
“Alright then, let’s talk hair stuff,” Rhett suggested. “Do you want to touch my hair?”
“I don’t know!” Link pleaded. He didn’t try to pull away from the hug though.
“You touch my hair a lot. Remember when you used to cut it back in the day? You’ve cut it, curled it, straightened it, covered it in peanut butter. It’s still just my hair.” Rhett reached up and pulled the ponytail holder out of his hair and shook it out a bit. Link automatically shook his own head in dramatic, somewhat mocking fashion. Rhett chuckled.
“Ok. Just your hair. Not like it’s made of snakes,” Link said, bringing his hands up and sliding them into the hair at the base of Rhett’s neck. His hair is so long these days! He looked at his fingers flexing them a bit. There was more of it than there ever has been, but it was still just Rhett’s hair.
Seeing that Link was fairly comfortable, Rhett slid a hand into Link’s hair as well. Link closed his eyes and leaned into Rhett’s hand ever so slightly. Link brought his hands back down to where they had been on Rhett’s back and focused on the feeling of Rhett’s fingers curling and uncurling gently in his hair.
“Next agenda item, the length and voracity of the kiss,” Rhett stated. “What do you think would be best?”
Link’s eyes flew open and he considered. “I think it does need to be more than just a quick smooch, I think we referred to the tone before as sort of friendly and respectful, but what if when it happens we are all adrenalized? What if it goes wrong? What if I end up kissing you, I don’t know, too much? Not enough?” Link was starting to sound panicky again.
“Let’s establish right now,” Rhett said quietly, “If you don’t want to do this, if it’s too much, it stops here. No guilt or blame, nobody’s going to give you a hard time. Furthermore, if you want to kiss me more than just quick and ‘respectful like’, I hereby consent.” He smiled warm and comforting down at Link, his fingers still lightly working their way through his hair.
“Good. Ok. I’m fine, really,” Link assured. “I’m not backing out, it’s just, it’s the first time, and I want it to be perfect.”
“And what is perfection?” Rhett prompted, giving Link the set up for something he said all the time.
“An illusion,” Link said with a sigh. He was feeling better. This was going to be ok. The girls were fine with it. The kids were fine with it. However it turned out, him and Rhett would be fine. Another shadow flitted across his eyes.
“Anything else?” Rhett asked.
“I guess there is one more thing,” Link began. This was real embarrassing. “I..I’ve never.. I’ve never kissed anybody with a beard before. Do you think the texture will freak me out?”
“I’ll have you know the texture of my beard is perfectly lovely!” Rhett exclaimed in mock outrage. He considered the problem. “But you better go ahead and put your face on it, just to be sure.”
“What?” Link began to pull back.
“Here. I’m going to lean down, you can kiss my cheek, rub your nose in it, whatever you have to do to be comfy with your dear old friend, my beard,” He said with a calm smile.
Rhett leaned down and Link brushed his cheek on the auburn beard he knew so well. Scratchy wasn’t the word. Not soft either exactly, but definitely not painful or unpleasant. He turned his lips into the side of Rhett’s face and lingered a moment, noticing again that Rhett’s hand was still lightly moving around the back of his head, petting his hair.
“It smells nice,” Link said as though in a dream.
“Mythical.com/store,” Rhett chimed in. They both laughed. Link pulled his face back a bit and smiled an untroubled smile up at his friend. He then tucked his head down and snuggled into Rhett’s chest, feeling his heartbeat. That constant, steady beat that had been with him so much of his life. They stood there a long time like that. There was no rush. This was a good idea. They should have done it years ago.
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loulougoingsolo · 4 years
Analyzing and assuming
I’ve watched the fan fic episode at least four times now, and I still almost die laughing. This time, I was able to focus a little more on the details, like the fact that Rhett has trouble looking Link in the eyes - or looking at him at all - while reading, while Link directs the best lines directly at Rhett. My absolute favourite moment is when he hisses at Rhett for eating his special peanut butter, but also, when he uses that perfect accusatory tone and confronts Rhett for f***ing him while he’s washing the pots.
Rhett was clearly more uncomfortable with his lines. When he’s reading the bit about nipping and sucking Link’s lips, he is focusing on the words, but trying his best to not think about the story - while Link goes on to comment that Rhett shouldn’t be nipping on his lips because of his herpes. He wouldn’t say that if he was trying to dissociate, but that would be his response if he was actually imagining the scene in his mind and accidentally blurring the lines of reality and fiction - that is, after all, one of the reasons why they decline all kinds of mouth connections in real life. But this is a fictional story, set in an alternate universe where men are able to get pregnant - does he even have herpes in that reality? Rhett is quick to point out that that is the least of their problems, when one of them is having a baby, and also mentions that he hasn’t really been following what is going on. He focuses on saying the words, but does his best to keep them away from his mind.
Another interesting little detail is that Link tries to calm Rhett down by saying: “We’re wrestling!” (instead of actually having sex) - which is the word Rhett used in that leftover Valentine’s candy episode when explaining the kids the loud noises coming from mommy and daddy’s bedroom the night before. In the world of GMM euphemisms, wrestling = having sex. Which again, gives an interesting perspective to the time when Rhett suggestively talked about the time when they went through a UFC phase.
Later in the same story, just before Rhett hands out his card in defeat for not being able to finish it, Link suggests that he should make Stevie read it, and continues to say: “You don’t have to do this if you don’t want to.” I think, in whatever meetings they had about this episode beforehand, Rhett probably wasn’t too thrilled about the idea, and Link feels a little guilty for making him go through with this. Because, still, Link isn’t nearly as uncomfortable as Rhett.
In the beginning, when they give the content warning, Link says, without this episode, he’d probably go through life without ever reading their fanfiction, and instead of talking for both of them - like they often do, saying we instead of I - he only speaks for himself. Does that mean that Rhett has read their fanfiction before - which is why he is so unwilling - or, was this episode partially Link’s idea, because he was a little curious?
Now, as every adult should know in 2020 (but many still don’t), labeling someone something when they haven’t put said label on themselves, isn’t very ethical. The only label Rhett and Link have ever used for themselves in terms of sexuality is straight - and unless they themselves find reason to relabel themselves, that is what they are. I personally, mainly because of the way I came to terms with my own labels at a later age, nowadays see sexuality as a spectrum. I’ve also tried to teach myself to, instead of assuming the norm is heterosexuality unless proven otherwise, think that unless proven otherwise, many people have the capability to be at least bi-curious.
Shipping aside, I kinda believe Link is bisexual. He may never have acted upon it in any way, he is in a happy marriage with a woman, and his friendship with Rhett is probably just the platonic friendship they say it is. None of these things really make it any less possible that he is bi. Bisexuality doesn’t mean you have to prove yourself by having sex with more than one gender. In the broadest definition, it just means that you are sexually attracted to more than one gender. The first (and only) person of that gender may come up later in life, and you may easily go through life for years without realizing this part about yourself - and the way modern society works, no-one will tell you, when you are hitting puberty, that there is an option that explains why you fancy girls, boys and/or something else. Most certainly, this was not something you’d learn growing up in a small, religious community, in the 90s.
Link has, either intentionally, or accidentally, been dropping all kinds of hints about some level of bicuriosity in the recent times, and he’s made a point about how he’s an ally of the LGBTQ community. It’s a cliché to say that the strong allies often turn out to be members of the community at some point, but it happens. It has taken me years to come to terms with my own identity, and now that Link has started therapy, I kinda think this is something he might end up thinking about. It doesn’t really need to change anything on the outside, but just coming out to yourself really makes life that much better.
Anyway, this has been my deep analysis of the curious little details of this GMM episode, and apparently a too-deep a dig to human sexuality. So many times people assume everyone is either straight or gay, and I’m just assuming something else for a change. I ship Rhink, and on a fictional level, everything is possible. On a more realistic level, I’ll probably always think of Link as bi from now on - not based on this one silly episode, but on all the little things here and there. And even on the smaller spectrum of heterosexuality, I’d bet a jar of peanut butter on the fact that Link is just a tad less straight than Rhett.
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twistedboxy · 4 years
Shipping Post Game!
I was tagged by @soho-x​
3 Ships:
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Rhink // Rhett McLaughlin and Link Neal - Good Mythical Morning
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What did I last listen to?
The radio
What did I last watch?
GMM: Is Everything Better with Peanut Butter
Tag 9 people you wanna know better
@foxxymoxie​ @ladycynthiana​ @cerealbaths​ @kyxgrey​ @lovelyrhink​ @linkslipssinkships​ @linksugiecookerneal​ @ducky303​
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Is Everything Better with Peanut Butter?
New Post has been published on http://ezyshopz.com/viral/2017/10/18/is-everything-better-with-peanut-butter/
Is Everything Better with Peanut Butter?
Can peanut butter make our food fears into fine feasts? GMM #1202 Don’t miss Ten Feet Tall’s season finale: http://bit.ly/TFT_HorrorMaze SUBSCRIBE to GMM: http://bit.ly/subrl2 | Watch today’s GMMore: http://bit.ly/PackingPeanutSnack
Get our brand new GMM merch: http://mythical.store
Follow Rhett & Link: Website: http://mythical.co Facebook: http://facebook.com/rhettandlink Twitter: http://twitter.com/rhettandlink Tumblr: http://rhettandlink.tumblr.com Instagram: http://instagram.com/rhettandlink
Other Rhett & Link Channels: Main Channel: https://youtube.com/rhettandlink Good Mythical MORE: https://youtube.com/goodmythicalmore This Is Mythical: https://youtube.com/thisismythical
Watch More GMM: Choose a Season: http://bit.ly/2axhxZN Popular Videos: http://bit.ly/2afIJ12 Latest Uploads: http://bit.ly/2aZMw3K Will It?: http://bit.ly/2a64BiV Taste Tests: http://bit.ly/2a4v5hZ
Listen to our podcast, Ear Biscuits: Apply Podcasts: http://applepodcasts.com/earbiscuits Spotify: http://spoti.fi/2oIaAwp Art19: https://art19.com/shows/ear-biscuits
JOIN the RhettandLinKommunity: http://bit.ly/rlkommunity
Mail us stuff to our P.O. Box: http://mythical.co/contact
Submit a Wheel of Mythicality intro video: http://bit.ly/GMMWheelIntro
Credits: Executive Producer: Stevie Wynne Levine Executive Producer: Darren Belitsky Writer/Producer: Lizzie Bassett Writer/Producer: Micah Gordon Writer/Producer: Kevin Kostelnik Writer/Producer: Ellie McElvain Writer/Producer: Matt Carney Writer/Producer: Eliza Bayne Writers Assistant: Nick Lopez Associate Producer: Chase Hilt Food Producer: Tess Middlebrook Technical Director/Graphics/Editor: Morgan Locke Editor: Casey Nimmer Graphics: Matthew Dwyer Art Director: Mike Pasley Production Assistant: Davin Tjen Content Manager: Becca Canote Set Construction/Dresser: Cassie Cobb
Intro Motion Graphics: Digital Twigs http://www.digitaltwigs.com Intro Music: Jeff Zeigler and Sarah Schimeneck http://www.jeffzeigler.com Outro Music: Jeff Zeigler and Sarah Schimeneck http://www.jeffzeigler.com Wheel of Mythicality Music: http://www.royaltyfreemusiclibrary.com/ All Supplemental Music: Opus 1 Music http://opus1.sourceaudio.com/ Microphone: ‘The Mouse’ by Blue Microphones http://www.bluemic.com/mouse/
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Survey #85
“so you can throw me to the wolves; tomorrow i will come back, leader of the whole pack.”
when was the last time you saw the person you like?   february what are you listening to?   markiplier playing "scp containment breach."  going on a nostalgia binge. would you take back your last boyfriend/girlfriend?   nope.  tyler wasn't for me. are there certain things that can’t be joked about with you?   rape and abortion. have you ever had a controlling boyfriend/girlfriend?   no. would you be upset if you caught your boyfriend looking at porn?   i'd be fucking pissed.  not out of jealousy, but because it's lustful and just generally disgusting. your last ex calls wanting to hangout, what do you say?   probably "stop fucking harassing me." do you have a friend named ashley?   no, but that's my older sister's name. are you an aunt or an uncle?   yep. did you use to watch blues clues?   of course. are you a twilight fan?   i never was. when’s the last time you threw up?   couple weeks ago.  one of my pills makes me sick sometimes. do you stutter when you get nervous?   terribly. what is your favorite superhero movie?   "ghost rider," if you count him. do you think that aliens exist?   no. do you own a pair of converses?   i've got a few. do you regret your last relationship?   i sure do. do you plan on having children in the future?   currently, no.  i really don't think i'm capable of raising another human being efficiently. when did you last go to the doctor and what for?   i went to my therapy appointment a few days ago. are you socially awkward?   agonizingly would you rather watch a comedy movie or horror movie?   horror if you could choose to be any mythical character, which would you choose?   dragon what is your favorite animal and why?   meerkats.  they're adorable, unspeakably brave and loyal, and so curious. do you find yourself on youtube a lot?   it's always open. what is something that reminds you of your childhood?   dinosaurs what show do you miss coming on television?   "meerkat manor" :( have you ever tried opening your eyes under water?   yeah.  don't like doing it though. have you ever been admitted to the hospital?   five times. do you have a hint of obsessive compulsive disorder?   a bit.  i used to have baaad repetitive thought cycles when i was younger. do you use any acne medication?   nah.  i don't really get acne anymore. if you’re offered a trip to either hawaii or alaska which would you choose?   alaska what cause (feminism, gay rights, abortion, etc) are you most passionate about?   the pro-life movement how much money have you saved by shop lifting?   what the fuck?!  i don't shoplift to begin with.  wtf. do you hate when couples are like “i love you” after dating for about 2 days?   it's ignorant as fuck to say, yes.  those are dangerous fucking words. have you ever run away?   yes. ever been attacked by a dog?   no.  my little sister has, though.  i'm pretty sure she still has the scar. ever had an out-of-body experience?   no. ever considered acupuncture?   noooo. do you prefer gory horror films or the psychological ones?   PSYCHOLOGICAL do you have a favorite youtuber? or do you not watch much youtube?   rhett&link + markplier are my literal babes. who do you text the most? or do you like to text at all?   sara. do you like ronnie james dio?   \m/, motherfucker. ever given a tattoo before? would you like to?   no.  i have tremors, so that'd be a terrible idea. have you ever had a pet bird?   no. do you have any siblings that you never seen before?   one half-sister, yes. have you ever heard a song that made you cry?   most notably johnny cash's version of "hurt."  the first time i listened to it, i couldn't help but cry.  like i know it's a cover, but his version just personifies pain. do you like the show “that 70s show”?   it's probably like my second-favorite show.  it's fucking hysterical. has your house ever been broken in to?   thank god no.  the bloods tried to break into our old house though while my older sister and her old best friend were home alone.  they were terrified. do you listen to blink-182?   some of their songs are great, sure.  i like a couple. do you listen to nirvana?   sometimes. what thumb do you use to hit the space bar with?   my right. do you like regular or chocolate milk better?   chocolate growing up, did you listen to country music?   not usually by will, but i did regardless.  my older sister usually controlled the radio and such.  if i wanted to listen to music on my own time, it was usually mainstream pop. do you have a gazebo at your house?   no do you like tomatoes?   nooo. what type of waffles do you like? (plain, blueberry etc..)   plain do you like chicken or beef better? or do you not eat meat?   i prefer chicken. did america really put a man on the moon?   yes. have you ever dated outside of your race?   for less than a day. were you born in a hospital, or somewhere else?   in a hospital. who is your favorite male singer?   patrick stump from fall out boy. do you listen to any acoustic bands, or singers?   not specifically. what is your birthstone?   amethyst do you go in at a fast food place or just hit the drive thru?   just go to the drive-thru.  i mean, isn't that the point of a fast food restaurant, to get food quickly and easily? do you like chinese food over pizza?   nope. if someone you know offered you pot, what would you say?   well first, i'd say no, and two, i'd most likely dissociate from that person.  i in no way get involved with drugs. have you ever been to a strip club?   hell no. how was/is the food in the cafeteria at your school?   some were actually pretty decent, others were hellish. what is your favorite song?   "do i wanna know?" by the arctic monkeys what do you think of the name courtney?   i like it. do you have a wild side?   not really, honestly. ever gone boating all day?   i've been on a boat while fishing most of the day, but not like, all day. what is your favorite thing about going to your grandma’s house?   honestly?  nothing.  i don't even get along with my grandma. do you like eggs?   only if they're scrambled and cheesy. who are your heroes?   mark fischbach and my mom. do you know who rodney atkins is?   i live in the south, buddy.  take a guess. are you tall?   no. when is the last time you wore a dress?   my sister's wedding. what is the last alcoholic beverage you’ve had?   a strawberry smirnoff. do you know someone that smiles ALL the time?   no.  that'd be freaky. who is the hottest person alive?   link neal, boys and girls. are you ready for summer?   hell no.  i hate everything about summer. do you like the sun or do you like snow better?   snow!! don’t you love pancakes?   hell ye boi. quick name a country singer:   tim mcgraw.  the only one i sincerely like. who did you last have an alcoholic drink with?   family. ever had fruit pizza?   ew, no.  fruit doesn't belong on pizza. do you know anyone named caleb?   i'm acquainted with one.  he's cool. how many friends do you have on facebook?   around 110, i think a little more? what was on the last sandwich you ate?   peanut butter. what sort of music did you listen to when you were in high school?   the same stuff i listen to now: heavy metal.  i went through a phase where i listened to even heavier, more emo-styled bands, though. what is your favorite thai dish?   never tried any. how many contacts do you have in your phone?   i think like 15, lol. when was the last time you made out with somebody?   around a year and a half. what month of the year was your mother born?   august. how many apps do you have on your phone?   only four.  my phone doesn't have a lot of memory. have you ever dated a smoker? if not, would you?   i haven't, and no, i honestly wouldn't. would you rather travel to japan or scotland?   hmmmm... i THINK japan, but i'm honestly unsure. what is your mother’s first name?   donna. do you share a middle name with any of your siblings?   yes. have there ever been any bushfires/wildfires in your area?   it's possible i guess, but i don't think so. how would you label your sexual orientation?   heterosexual do you consider your goals easily achievable or are they pretty grand?   eh, kinda in-between... my only real goal is to be a photographer, but the photography industry is SUPER competitive. what’s your favorite vegetable?   broccoli is yummy.  especially with cheese. would you rather eat italian or indian food?   italian have you ever missed a flight?   no. can you name five adjectives describing you?   passionate, shy, sleepy, nervous, and loyal. do you prefer long or short hair on the opposite sex?   a bit long. what is your favorite soda?   mountain dew what is your opinion on legalizing drugs?   you are honestly naive if you believe that's a good idea.  no offense. do you like country music?   no. have you ever done something illegal more than once?   yes. if you could marry any celebrity, who would it be?   mark fischbach omg can you swim?   yes. what are your fears?   pregnancy/childbirth, closed spaces, being alone in the end, long-legged spiders, the ocean, whale sharks, maggots/larvae, other things... do you shave your arms even though it supposedly grows back thick?   no. do you ever get too lazy to clean up your pet’s pee and leave it for your parents to do it?   i clean my dog's pee because he's my responsibility.  if cali pees, i tell mom.  bentley, i tell nicole. what insects or bugs do you fear most?   rhino beetles and wasps do you think weed is just as bad as cigarettes?   it's fact that it's worse.  it has more carcinogens. don’t you just love free samples?   obviously. are you someone’s best friend?   no. have you ever used alternative medicine or old-fashioned remedies?   i don't think so. what color and style is your hair?   it's red, but with overgrown roots. do you wear glasses?   yeah. do you want kids?   no.  there's just no way i'd be able to properly take care of a kid. what if you were in a fire and you could only save one object, what would it be?   i'm guessing family and pets are already safe?  then in that case, my laptop. what if you could ask god any one question, what would it be?   "why do people who aren't sure whether or not they believe in you go to hell?" what if you found a suitcase full of $1,000,000, what would you do?   honestly, i'd look for identification.  i just couldn't take that much money with a good conscience. what if you had to choose, would you give up your sight or your hearing?   sight.  i couldn't live in total silence. what if you saw a robbery, would you report it?   obviously??? what if you were given a chance to go to the moon, would you go? why or why not?  no.  i don't want to be in space that long. what if your friend could not have a child, would you carry her child for her?   honestly, no. my 1st job was:   game stop sales clerk favorite dog breed:   hmmm.  i really really like akita inus.  papillons, too. assuming you had the cash to make it happen, what would your ideal living situation be at this point in your life (i.e. with who, where, under what circumstances, etc.)?  how does your ideal compare to your current situation?   i don't have anyone i'd like to live with besides who i do now, but i know i'd really like a wood house in the woods by a waterfall.  it'd be different from where i live now, definitely.  we live right beside a road that leads to a small town. if someone were to travel to your city (assuming they have never been there before), what would you tell them to visit? is your city (or the closest larger city to you) a big tourist area at all?  lmao there's nothing to really visit.  and no. if, as a parent of a teenager, you knew that your teenage daughter was having sex/thinking about having sex, would you put her on birth control pills? do you agree or disagree with those who say that placing teenagers on the pill encourages promiscuous sex? if you’re on the pill, how old were you when you went on it? if you’re not, have you ever considered taking it?   i'd be pretty heavily trying to influence her to not have sex as a teen, but if that's what she really wanted, yes, i'd put her on the pill.  i don't believe it encourages promiscuous sex, no.  i was put on the pill when i was like... maybe 16, but only due to severe period cramps. what is the worst example of poverty you have seen in person? does this make you feel guilty at all (say, for throwing out food that you didn’t finish)?   the saddest thing i saw, actually recently, was a pregnant woman with her husband in the pouring rain with just a small umbrella and a sign.  can't remember what it said, honestly, but it was depressing.  and of course i feel guilty. do you look at sex as a special thing that is shared with someone you love, or do you treat sex more casually? if you are a virgin, are you waiting for the right person to come along, or do you have religious/moral reasons to wait?   it is 100% something special you share with hopefully one person.  and i'm waiting for both reasons. do you unfriend people on facebook who post endless status updates or seem to be begging for attention? what about family members or coworkers – are you comfortable accepting their friend requests?  is there anything on your facebook that could potentially cause trouble for you if someone were to see it?   if you're fishing for attention, hell yes i do.  i don't put up with that.  and i take invites from family, yes.  but i guess my use of profanity could cause some nasty looks from some of my family, particularly my grandma. when you have a significant other, are you honest about everything with that person, or do you think that there are some things better left unsaid? do you want your significant other to be willing to tell you anything and everything as well?   i'm entirely open.  and yes. grossest memory:   that one time my late lizard pooped aaall over my hands and shirt.  i nearly puked. what do you think of "abstinence"?   it's the safest option for everyone. don’t you just hate preachers?   uhhh, nooo...? does a mango smoothie sound good to you now?  omgggg yaaaas what’s something that you find trashy?  very short shorts.  cover your ass, please. crayons or markers?   crayons would you rather receive roses or sunflowers?   roses. do you like to stay in your pajamas all day long?   honestly, i'm always in my pajamas unless i have to go somewhere. mints or chewing gum?   gum. at one point of your life, have you been obsessed with dinosaurs or robots?   dinosaurs, yes.  i was obsessed as a kid.  i still think they're cool. have you ever been in a car accident?   yes. are you afraid of stink bugs?   yeah, they look freaky. are you interested in anime?  somewhat, sure. name your favorite cartoon.   pokemon are you afraid of the dentist?   nah. do you believe in abortion?  no. have you ever tried jolly rancher candy canes?   YUUUUM, yes ;v; do you go hunting?   no. what is your biggest accomplishment in life so far?   recovering. do documentaries bore you?   if they're about animals, no. are you usually happy or sad most of the time?  happy, as of the late. (: are you afraid of spiders?   most, yes. what is your most prized possession?  the plaque i have for graduating in the very top percentage of my class. do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed?  closed. have you ever peed in the woods?   no. ever used a gun?   no. who would you like to see in concert?  METALLICA, PLSSSSSS what’s your second favorite color?   pink do you know any african spiritual songs?   no. what kind of stuff do you like on your hot dogs?   mustard and ketchup. what’s one thing that’s happened to you that has made you a stronger person?   jason breaking up with me. what’s one thing that’s happened to you in your life that made you feel weak?   again, jason leaving. who do you think has had the largest influence on the person you are today?   myself? what is one thing you feel your life is missing?   adventure, definitely.  action. which blink-182 song do you think is the most depressing?   that i know?  "i miss you." what color lights are on your christmas tree?   we use colorful ones every year. are there hurricanes where you live?   yep. have you ever been to a rehab center?   i guess that depends on what you mean by "rehab center."  never a place exclusively to get off drugs, no.  but the mental hospitals i've been to doubled as detox centers.  which was remarkably stupid.  you don't treat mental illness patients the same as patients going through detox??? what’s your favorite flavor of ramen?   i don't like ramen. have you ever been given an ink blot test? if so, what did you see in it?   in a therapy thing, yes actually.  and i mean, lots of things?  i was shown various things. are you friends with someone who is a stoner?   no.  wait, yes actually.  but we don't really talk much anymore. do you like playing shooting games at the arcade?   nah. how long have you lived in the house you live in?   only like two months. where did you lose your virginity, if you have?   n/a what color car(s) do your parents drive?   i think dad's is black, mom's is white. what are your views on getting rid of the penny?   i don't really care. which asian country would you most like to visit?   japan have you ever had a nosebleed?   hasn't everyone at one point or another? do you have bangs?   no. have you ever kissed someone underneath mistletoe?   i don't think so. do you have a weak stomach?   no. which website do you spend the most time on?   youtube.  it's always open/i'm always listening to something, usually let's plays. have you ever kissed someone of a different race?   he kissed me, i didn't kiss him. do you read fanfiction? if so, what fandoms?   no, actually. would you go back to your ex if he/she asked you?   tyler, definitely not.  jason, not right away.  he'd definitely have to prove himself to me again. do you like stars, or hearts better?   hearts mickey mouse, or winnie the pooh?   pooh! where is the best place to get ice cream?   coldstone, brother.
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edmondmoller · 7 years
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New Post has been published on http://menshealthwithus.com/is-everything-better-with-peanut-butter
Is Everything Better with Peanut Butter?
Can peanut butter make our food fears into fine feasts? GMM #1202 Don’t miss Ten Feet Tall’s season finale: http://bit.ly/TFT_HorrorMaze SUBSCRIBE to GMM: http://bit.ly/subrl2 | Watch today’s GMMore: http://bit.ly/PackingPeanutSnack
Get our brand new GMM merch: http://mythical.store
Follow Rhett & Link: Website: http://mythical.co Facebook: http://facebook.com/rhettandlink Twitter: http://twitter.com/rhettandlink Tumblr: http://rhettandlink.tumblr.com Instagram: http://instagram.com/rhettandlink
Other Rhett & Link Channels: Main Channel: https://youtube.com/rhettandlink Good Mythical MORE: https://youtube.com/goodmythicalmore This Is Mythical: https://youtube.com/thisismythical
Watch More GMM: Choose a Season: http://bit.ly/2axhxZN Popular Videos: http://bit.ly/2afIJ12 Latest Uploads: http://bit.ly/2aZMw3K Will It?: http://bit.ly/2a64BiV Taste Tests: http://bit.ly/2a4v5hZ
Listen to our podcast, Ear Biscuits: Apply Podcasts: http://applepodcasts.com/earbiscuits Spotify: http://spoti.fi/2oIaAwp Art19: https://art19.com/shows/ear-biscuits
JOIN the RhettandLinKommunity: http://bit.ly/rlkommunity
Mail us stuff to our P.O. Box: http://mythical.co/contact
Submit a Wheel of Mythicality intro video: http://bit.ly/GMMWheelIntro
Credits: Executive Producer: Stevie Wynne Levine Executive Producer: Darren Belitsky Writer/Producer: Lizzie Bassett Writer/Producer: Micah Gordon Writer/Producer: Kevin Kostelnik Writer/Producer: Ellie McElvain Writer/Producer: Matt Carney Writer/Producer: Eliza Bayne Writers Assistant: Nick Lopez Associate Producer: Chase Hilt Food Producer: Tess Middlebrook Technical Director/Graphics/Editor: Morgan Locke Editor: Casey Nimmer Graphics: Matthew Dwyer Art Director: Mike Pasley Production Assistant: Davin Tjen Content Manager: Becca Canote Set Construction/Dresser: Cassie Cobb
Intro Motion Graphics: Digital Twigs http://www.digitaltwigs.com Intro Music: Jeff Zeigler and Sarah Schimeneck http://www.jeffzeigler.com Outro Music: Jeff Zeigler and Sarah Schimeneck http://www.jeffzeigler.com Wheel of Mythicality Music: http://www.royaltyfreemusiclibrary.com/ All Supplemental Music: Opus 1 Music http://opus1.sourceaudio.com/ Microphone: ‘The Mouse’ by Blue Microphones http://www.bluemic.com/mouse/
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loulougoingsolo · 4 years
What to do while staying safe
Today’s Rhett and Link Vlog was filmed in quarantine conditions, but it didn’t stop the guys from being their goofy selves. In fact, I’d say, their truest nature is starting to show. And I fear they are rapidly turning into their Buddy System 2 versions without each other. Well, Link definately looks better in this universe. In fact, can I have this as a life size poster, please? You know, for research purposes.
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Rhett’s quarantine chic look is a bit different. Equal, but different. I now realize I’ve been taking this whole stay-at-home situation all wrong. I haven’t worn a onesie, or sweats, at all so far. I wish I had that unicorn onesie I’ve always dreamed of. I could wear it when I take out the trash...Seriously though, this is awesome:
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So, the guys have almost the opposite approach to quarantining. Rhett’s focus is on staying comfortable, while Link, apparently, uses this time spent at home to make everything as clean as possible. For Rhett, a fun thing to do is to have a doggy yoga session with Barbara. For Link, it’s cleaning the shower drain with bleach.
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Link’s quarantine time idea of a treasure hunt is finding new things to clean around the house, like the trash can. Rhett, on the other hand, channels his inner Indiana Jones:
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In a time of crisis, you learn a lot about what really are the important things in life. The most precious thing in the McLaughlin family is, of course, Barbara, and Rhett loves nothing quite as much as staring into Barbara’s eyes. Barbara prefers staring into the blop of peanut butter on Rhett’s nose. But what is the most precious thing at the Neal residence? Toilet paper, duh. For Link, finding the end of the toilet paper roll is like finding a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow.
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There’s no better time to teach your offspring some valuable life lessons than when you are stuck in the same house with them 24/7. Rhett wants to pass on his love for beans to the next generation by feeding Shepherd his special beans. Only, Shepherd has apparently had quite a lot of beans during the quarantine, and thinks it’s getting a bit too much.
And Link, who has developed the perfect method of keeping track of the toilet paper consumption by numbering each piece in the roll, has to realize that his sons may have their own systems. While Rhett resorts to disciplinary actions to get Shepherd to eat his beans, Link resorts to good old-fashioned bribery. Anything to keep the system in order.
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So, the guys are keeping themselves busy while staying safe. Technically, if they and their families stayed indoors with not contact with outside world for two weeks, they could probably get together, but I guess that isn’t going to happen - and unless they’ve used delivery service for groceries, they can’t stay completely isolated. I just hope things get easier in time, and everyone gets to see their friends and families soon. Because there are only so many ways you can number a toilet paper roll, or cook beans.
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Stay safe, folks!
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loulougoingsolo · 4 years
Vanilla vs Misfits
Tomorrow’s going to be the finale show of the Ice Cream Taste Test Tournament - or Take It To The Scoop - series of GMM. After the first four episodes, my personal prediction bracket has 2/4 semifinalists correct, which is better than I expected - and I’m very much rooting for Häagen-Dazs Chocolate Peanut Butter to be the ultimate winner. But since I didn’t have a chance to comment on yesterday’s episode, and the Vanilla region, I’m bundling it up together with today’s Miscellanous region. So, once again, let’s talk about ice cream!
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I think plain vanilla ice cream only works in combination with a warm apple pie, or if topped with something that takes it to the next level. There is a reason why vanilla has become synonymous with everything boring, bland and unexciting. Although, according to Buddy System 2 Link, there actually is an even more boring flavour of white ice cream.
By the way, I rewatched BS2 recently, and paid more attention to the ice cream flavous in the Taste Test episode, and they are the opposite of bland. As, of course, are Rhett and Link.
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After following this tournament, I can’t even say what my favourite ice cream is anymore. Yesterday, I was dying to get my hands on some cookies and cream and/or cookie dough (I can’t believe B&J cookie dough didn’t even make it to the bracket!), but I’d be equally happy with some Half Baked from today’s episode. I did correctly guess that Blue Bell Cookies & Cream would move on yesterday (in my ears it sounded nicer than the Oreo /Breyers collab). But the highlight of yesterday’s episode was definately Chuck Testa!
There something very likable about Chuck, and the fact that he carries his senior-doggy Digger in a messenger bag only makes him more lovable. The guys recommended a video where he’s dressed as a Santa, and all of the McLaughlin/Neal kids take turns telling him what they want for Christmas, and it’s just too precious. But I think they should have given Digger just a tiny bite of ice cream, the poor thing was trying to politely ask for a treat and only got some laughs.
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I was a bit traumatized by a taxidermised squirrel as a kid, because it  was a hunting trophy, but I can’t help but love the more artistic creations, like the ones on yesterday’s More. They remind me of the movie Dinner for Schmucks, which has some brilliant taxidermised mice scenes (and it’s funnier that it sounds - or it’s just that I kinda love silly comedies).
Now, is it okay if I adopt Chuck as my granddad? Digger is welcome to my family, too.
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Moving on to the Misfits Miscellanious Region of ice creams - the group of flavours that don’t fit any of the other categories. My prediction for the winner of this region was the Breyers/Reeses collab, just because I assumed the magic of peanut butter would carry through. I don’t know why I underestimated Half Baked, when it’s one of my personal favourites.
I love how Chase the Referee got upset when the B&J coffee ice cream didn’t move on. I like coffee ice cream in general, but something heavily caffeinated is not the best treat to eat while watching a movie just before bedtime. I wonder if there is a de-caf version of the Buzz, buzz, buzz available? Probably not, but I found this little article about coffee ice cream!
That is Matt Carney as Luchador, right? His rhymes were hilarious, but I almost got brainfreeze just by looking at how much ice cream he was fed. “Give me more, por favor!” I think they need to give his mask a good wash after this, for sure.
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Tomorrow’s finale is going to be a tough one. We have today’s regional winner, B&J Half Baked, Blue Bell Cookies & Cream from the Vanilla region, Blue Bell Banana Pudding from the fruity category, and Häagen-Dazs Chocolate Peanut Butter from Monday. Who knows what is going to happen - they all have a fair chance at winning the tournament. All I know is that I have another pint of ice cream for tomorrow, and it’s currently safely in my other freezer, located in my workshop - so in order to get to it at night, I’d need to get dressed, walk across my yard, unlock the workshop door, get the ice cream and get back inside, in the dark. I’m pretty sure this is too complicated a task for me to perform in the wee hours.
In More, Rhett and Link are not joined by Luchador (who is probably still getting over his ice cream binge by the dumpster behind the back door), but instead, they play a game called The Stretchers. I admit I’m easily entertained, but I love the Let’s Play Mores. This game was particularly perfect for GMMore, because the guys really needed to work together to get anything done. And yet, this was almost as silly as a game as the one with goats. And everytime Link dropped his end of the stretchers just to clap his hands, I just couldn’t stop laughing. This episode truly was worth the applause!
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loulougoingsolo · 4 years
Mutated wheats & homeopathic jalapeños?
I've been feeling a little surreal the past few days, watching the corona virus pandemic develop. I have asthma, and it doesn't mix well with stuff like this. But I guess, staying indoors for a year, waiting for a vaccine, is not a very viable option either.
But on a happier note, when the world is in turmoil, at least one thing is constant: GMM. Today, Rhett and Link are trying the snack which tastes most like actual jalapeños.
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I wonder if someone has been commenting on Rhett's voice, because for a reason unknown, he has his most serious news anchor tone on today. Whatever he has going on, I love how Link's ears perk up and he starts to grin when Rhett starts talking - or more accurately, reading his teleprompter with a hilariously unreactive tone.
"Bring out the jalapeño."
It's been a while since I bought fresh jalapeños myself, my go-to heat provider is a bottle of garlic sriracha - but jalapeños aren't that hot, really. But bringing them out seems to help Rhett get over his news anchor voice.
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I don't know if it's the heat of the jalapeños, or if Rhett just is in a Mood today, but his mini rant about the rules of the episode is hilarious. And this is one of those episodes that make me crave some kind of snacks myself. We don't have those odd little cracker rolls (Combo - a combo of what?), but I wouldn't mind a bag of kettle chips right about now. Foldies, or unfolded, as long as they're crunchy.
Link is known for preferring his chips folded, so it's very generous of him to give a foldie to Rhett - even if he almost dinks it to crumbs a second later. 😂
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Okay, someone has definately been giving Rhett "feedback" on things - he now goes on to give a lecture on the correct spelling and pronounciation of jalapeño, the n has a ~ on top. (Fun fact: in Finland, nobody says jalapeño correctly, we even say the j in the beginning wrong.)
I assume this little rant is the reason for the title of the video being misspelled. And all this time, while Rhett is being particularly annoyed by everything, Link is quietly focusing on the chips.
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After the hawt slim jims, the guys try jalapeño peanut butter. Rhett seems to have trouble facing a jar of peanut butter for the first time in a while, swirls and all - and I love that Link is teasing him about it. For reals, though, I'd imagine jalapeño peanut butter could work in a savoury dish, but who in their right mind would pay $13 for a small jar of peanut butter? (One which apparently has homeopathic levels of jalapeños in it.)
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I wonder how many lawsuits Snyder has gone through to add all those notes and warnings on their pretzel pieces? Also, why pretzel pieces, and not actual pretzels? Is this a byproduct of a whole pretzel business?
I had no idea One Day at a Time was a remake, until today! I've only seen the new version - but I assume, the og version also had a Schneider, not a Snyder. But Buffy did have an actual Snyder...(How often is it healthy to rewatch Buffy per year? In fact, I don't think I've watched it in 2020s yet.)
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My mom didn't find canned meats until later in life, so I didn't experience spam trauma as a kid. Also, our local canned meats are not quite as disturbingly homogenous as Spam. And I think they smell more like dog food.
Ok, the the most jalapeño-like snacks of the day are the Kettle chips. I still don't have them, and I still have the craving. Darn it. It's too late now.
In More, the guys are joined by Chase and Davin for a game of eating hot gummies. I feel very accomplished for actually knowing what coche verde means before Chase gave the translation. But Link's translation was much better, and I love how he probably realized what he was saying mid-sentence, and almost blushed.
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I didn't expect to hear another mention of Buffy in today's episodes, but it happened. I can't believe they didn't know Allison Hannigan! Now I really want to know if Link's ever watched Buffy, or is his idea of Sarah Michelle Gellar in all leather something he's learnt by proxy. (Also, I feel someone should write a Link Neal x Buffy fanfic - unless he's already written it himself. He could replace Spike. Or Buffy. They both wore a lot of leather...)
Having been a 90s kid who grew up in the same household with a skateboarder (I even had a skateboard myself for a second, but I have no balance, so I just have huge respect for the sport), I have to agree with Link when he says Tony Hawk is cool as hell. He is a literal living legend, and they should really try to get him on GMM.
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Rhett and Chase really didn't do great in this game, but I loved watching how much happier Link and Davin got after each round of not having to eat the spicy candy. Rhett is never good at losing, but Chase, who had to do most of the eating, didn't look too happy either.
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Now, tell me more about the knitting club with Link and Davin.
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edmondmoller · 7 years
Is Everything Better with Peanut Butter?
Is Everything Better with Peanut Butter?
Can peanut butter make our food fears into fine feasts? GMM #1202 Don’t miss Ten Feet Tall’s season finale: http://bit.ly/TFT_HorrorMaze SUBSCRIBE to GMM: http://bit.ly/subrl2 | Watch today’s GMMore: http://bit.ly/PackingPeanutSnack Get our brand new GMM merch: http://mythical.store Follow Rhett & Link: Website: http://mythical.co…
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edmondmoller · 7 years
New Post has been published on Womans Health with Megan
New Post has been published on https://womanshealthwithmegan.com/is-everything-better-with-peanut-butter
Is Everything Better with Peanut Butter?
Can peanut butter make our food fears into fine feasts? GMM #1202 Don’t miss Ten Feet Tall’s season finale: http://bit.ly/TFT_HorrorMaze SUBSCRIBE to GMM: http://bit.ly/subrl2 | Watch today’s GMMore: http://bit.ly/PackingPeanutSnack
Get our brand new GMM merch: http://mythical.store
Follow Rhett & Link: Website: http://mythical.co Facebook: http://facebook.com/rhettandlink Twitter: http://twitter.com/rhettandlink Tumblr: http://rhettandlink.tumblr.com Instagram: http://instagram.com/rhettandlink
Other Rhett & Link Channels: Main Channel: https://youtube.com/rhettandlink Good Mythical MORE: https://youtube.com/goodmythicalmore This Is Mythical: https://youtube.com/thisismythical
Watch More GMM: Choose a Season: http://bit.ly/2axhxZN Popular Videos: http://bit.ly/2afIJ12 Latest Uploads: http://bit.ly/2aZMw3K Will It?: http://bit.ly/2a64BiV Taste Tests: http://bit.ly/2a4v5hZ
Listen to our podcast, Ear Biscuits: Apply Podcasts: http://applepodcasts.com/earbiscuits Spotify: http://spoti.fi/2oIaAwp Art19: https://art19.com/shows/ear-biscuits
JOIN the RhettandLinKommunity: http://bit.ly/rlkommunity
Mail us stuff to our P.O. Box: http://mythical.co/contact
Submit a Wheel of Mythicality intro video: http://bit.ly/GMMWheelIntro
Credits: Executive Producer: Stevie Wynne Levine Executive Producer: Darren Belitsky Writer/Producer: Lizzie Bassett Writer/Producer: Micah Gordon Writer/Producer: Kevin Kostelnik Writer/Producer: Ellie McElvain Writer/Producer: Matt Carney Writer/Producer: Eliza Bayne Writers Assistant: Nick Lopez Associate Producer: Chase Hilt Food Producer: Tess Middlebrook Technical Director/Graphics/Editor: Morgan Locke Editor: Casey Nimmer Graphics: Matthew Dwyer Art Director: Mike Pasley Production Assistant: Davin Tjen Content Manager: Becca Canote Set Construction/Dresser: Cassie Cobb
Intro Motion Graphics: Digital Twigs http://www.digitaltwigs.com Intro Music: Jeff Zeigler and Sarah Schimeneck http://www.jeffzeigler.com Outro Music: Jeff Zeigler and Sarah Schimeneck http://www.jeffzeigler.com Wheel of Mythicality Music: http://www.royaltyfreemusiclibrary.com/ All Supplemental Music: Opus 1 Music http://opus1.sourceaudio.com/ Microphone: ‘The Mouse’ by Blue Microphones http://www.bluemic.com/mouse/
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