#rhett peanut butter
kaluwa-del-conte · 1 month
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tragica · 1 month
@linkslipssinkships lives on….all I can say lol
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gwyoi · 11 months
crazy how I’ve been watching the people I used to watch when I first got into YouTube .
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steve-s-slut · 1 year
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GMM # 1407
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imjackdotcom · 1 year
.....rhett and link ..........
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samanthalynnsstuff · 13 days
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Rhett: "But it wasn't always just Rhett and Link."
Link: "When we were kids, it was Rhett, Link, and Ben, our third best friend."
Rhett: "He loved taking us on random adventures, like hiking out into the woods to chop down a tree."
Link: "But then Ben got sick and passed away."
Rhett: "Since then, we've continued on doing things as a pair."
Link: "In honor of his memory, we're back in North Carolina today, and maybe Ben is by our side."
Daddy Squirrel: "To celebrate the three year anniversary of us moving into this beautiful tree where we have absolutely nothing to worry about, I brought us all nuts."
Mommy Squirrel: "Oh, I hope they're huge."
Daddy Squirrel: "A pair of nuts for you. A pair of nuts for you."
Boy Squirrel: "My nuts smell funny."
Mommy Squirrel: "Well, honey, you need to wash your nuts."
Girl Squirrel: "What about squirrels with only one nut?"
Daddy Squirrel: "Oh, that's fine. But I prefer my nuts a pair at a time." 🐿️🌰
From Wonderhole Episode 3 - "We Made An Axe Out of Peanut Butter And Cut Down a Tree"
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jungle-angel · 1 year
I need 8 with Rhett PLEASE like reader and Rhett take their 7 year old Son truck or treating and Reader is dressed up too or just something like that please
OH MY GOD YES!!!! Honey you have no idea how badly I've been wanting to do a trick-or-treat prompt!! (lol).
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Tatum and Tanner Abbott raced ahead of the both of you with Amy and Hannah not far behind, screaming and excited beyond words at finally being able to go trick-or-treating on Halloween night.
"HEY GHOULS!!!! DON'T RUN ACROSS THE STREET!!!!!" Rhett shouted after them before they could run into a crosswalk.
"It's ok there's no cars coming and it's a red light," you told him.
"I-darlin don't even get me started," Rhett warned. "I saw those two little varmits run head first into a mound of cow shit and I'm not gonna spend Halloween scraping them off the road with a spatula."
You laughed a little bit, unable to help yourself even as Kaya, the newest edition to your family, wriggled a little in your arms. Your four month old giggled like crazy, her lopsided smile the same as her father's.
The kids eagerly climbed the stairs to the Wabang Police Precinct where Joy and a few other officers were handing out candy from the buckets. "TRICK OR TREAT!!!" they called out happily.
"Jeez we've got the whole Abbott crew tonight," Joy chuckled.
"Yeah I know, that's what scares me Joy," Rhett told her.
"And look at you and (y/n)," Joy half laughed. "Indiana Jones and Marian Ravenwood. Now I've seen everything."
You laughed as Rhett rolled his eyes and Kaya made a noise. The ghouls managed to get their pick of the bucket before heading off to the next place. The apartment complex was probably the most fun with residence dropping candy into the bags from upstairs balconies and windows and the kids making a game of it.
"You ever remember doing this as a kid?" you asked him.
"Oh hell yeah," Rhett said with a big grin. "Dad used to take me, Wes, Rip, Kayce and Beth all the time and this was the kinda shit we'd see at the apartment buildings."
You watched the sight before you, smiling at how much fun the kids were having before they came running back with their newly claimed hoard.
"I got a popcorn ball!" Amy exclaimed happily.
"I got three cookies!" Hannah chirped.
"I got a fudge bar!" Tanner yelled.
"I got a rock!" Tatum proclaimed.
Rhett couldn't stop laughing. Tatum's Luke Skywalker costume had been one of the best, but he still found it funny that the kid had been grateful for receiving a rock in his trick-or-treat bag.
Off you went again with the kids ahead of you, amazed at how heavy their bags and buckets had become, full of chocolate bars, peanut butter cups, cookies, gum, jawbreakers, jolly ranchers, almond joys, kit-kats, sour patch kids, twix bars, m+ms and a whole hoard of different candies that you and Rhett were sure to have a good time raiding the next day.
Finally it was home for the ghouls, you, Rhett and the kids all pulling up the driveway to the house and getting ready for the Halloween party that Royal and Cecelia threw every year. The kids had all gathered in the living room, well away from the grown-ups, dumping out their bags and buckets on the carpet and trading them amongst themselves while the grown-ups kept to themselves in the other room.
"Happy Halloween darlin," Rhett said, leaning in to kiss you.
"Happy Halloween Grumpy," you laughed, eagerly returning your husband's kiss.
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Lulubelle (SWWSDJ Oc)
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Name: Lulubelle Shields-Thompson 
Other persona: Jujubelle
Headcannon Voice Actor: Amanda Leighton
Relatives: Annabelle Shields-Thompson (mother); Rhett Shields-Thompson (stepfather); Abott Goneman(father-deceased)
Residence: Texas
Age: 6
Likes: Frozen yogurt; Pink lemonade; Dolls; Dresses; Princesses; Clowns; Her mother's approval; Kittens; Winning; Zaria;Sunny Day Jack; Getting dirty; Pink; Coloring & Drawing; Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches; Shaun
Dislikes: Pageants (secretly); Losing; Spinach; Practicing rehearsals for long hours; Harsh criticism; Not being able to get dirty; Cigarettes; Thunderstorms; Her restrictive diet; Having her stuff taken away
Personality: On the surface she seems like any other regular girl who is growing up with her mother and stepfather, but underneath is truly a sad child who is going through emotional and mental abuse. She craves her mother and stepfather's love, but they only care that she wins pageants and always berate her when she loses. She attaches herself to Zaria, Shaun, and Jack (even though he's invisible to her) because they show the love she lacks from her parental figures. She also believes people love Jujubelle more because she loves pageants and not herself. She sometimes wishes she could be Jujubelle all the time. She really wants to be an artist instead of participating in pageants which her stepfather and mother always dismiss as just childish. She tries to always be cheerful and have a good attitude, but the pressure and abuse leaks out with everytime she shows her true feelings on the subject matter of what she really wants. 
Background: A young girl who lives in the apartment next to Zaria who moved in recently with her mother and stepfather. Her mother has her frequently do pageants and is often training for them. However, despite being trained she secretly wants to be a regular kid and do regular stuff. Her mother then uses Zaria and Shaun as a way to babysit her when she and her husband doesn't have the time to look after her. She eventually also becomes acquainted with Jack who she treats as a imaginary friend since she can't see him but thinks he's real. Also due to the stress of the pageants taking their toll on her she developed a secondary personality named Jujubelle to help cope with the fact she doesn't like competing. 
* Her interactions with Jack help bring back the child entertainer in him and start to care for the girl while softening himself from being a yandere. 
* With the certain choices with how you interact, Lulubelle can let go of Jujubelle and be herself or fully embrace her to replace her birth personality. 
* While they do restrict her diet, they give her highly sugared lemonade so that remain active in the pageants. 
* Her mom is very restrictive about what she can eat in order so she can stay thin for contests. 
* Her mom always threatens to take away her stuff if she doesn't do exactly how she wants to or feels she didn't do good enough. 
* Frozen yogurt is only for when she wins. She is actually happy when she hears Zaria works at a frozen yogurt place. 
* Her mother doesn't allow her to get dirty so she doesn't mess up her good clothes. 
* Her stepfather frequently smokes around her. 
* She is based on Leanne Platter from King Of The Hill. 
* Her parents were never married and Abbot died in a workplace accident soon after Lulubelle was born. 
* Her second personality to cope with the abuse put by her mother is based on Carley from Toddlers & Tiaras. 
* Her stepfather isn't close to her and just wants to exploit her as much as her mother. And often finds her annoying when has to interact with her and doesn't give a hoot he smokes in front of her. He also harshly berates her whenever he feels she's out of line and if she doesn't comply with anything to do training for peasants. 
* Her mother often tells her stuff like she should be grateful she wasn't aborted whenever she thinks she's out of line or objects to practicing. 
* She's really scared of thunderstorms but due to her mother and stepfather's lack of care they often berate her for expressing that fear. 
* She is very close with Moonpie which would motivate her even more to want a cat. 
* In the good routes she eventually moves in with other relatives for her own good. 
* She secretly wants to be an artist. 
Created through picrew.me/ja/image_maker/22596…
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asherlockstudy · 6 months
Did you give your thoughts about the colonoscopies? I would love to know your take on what was said and implied because I have some thoughts..
I almost didn’t do it but okay let’s go.
The Brolonoscopy (they pronounced it as Brolinoscopy?)
I will once more start with the puzzle piece reference. Let’s see the exact quote: “Well, the technical term is colonoscopy when a doctor explores your large intestine with a little camera to check for signs of cancer, polyps, gastrointestinal abnormalities, missing puzzle pieces. It could be anything.” Okay, with all the objectivity I can master, the possibility of this being a throw-away statement and not a reference to their own old video is, very seriously, below 1%. Let’s start from what the joke is on the surface. The superficial joke is the weird objects people insert in their rectum for sexual gratification. But why say puzzle pieces of all things? I don’t think I need to explain why a puzzle piece has a shape that is not meant to offer any pleasure but is sure to cause huge discomfort. Nobody (I hope) would like the idea of sticking a puzzle piece up there = 0% pleasure, 100% cuts and pain. So why go with puzzle pieces and not a million other objects that would have a more reasonable shape? Furthermore, notice that it is the ONLY irrelevant item Rhett mentions. He says cancer, polyp, other health abnormalities… and MISSING PUZZLE PIECES. He jumps to it straight away. It is not part of a series of items that have no business in your butt. He just says this one, in specific, all alone and nothing else. Lastly, of course this quote is from the scripted intro. No incoherence, no thoughtless blabbering. Scripted intentional statement.
The Link butt flashing is nothing truly important, it’s a throwback, Link had also done it in the brosectomy. Rhett looked the other way but there was also a cut there lol
I love how butt flashing Link thought Rhett was being indecent because a little bit of the shoulder was showing 😂
Let’s go to drugged up Rhett. The things he says are: a) using buttplugs regularly, b) eating a lot of hotdogs (although when sane he has said he doesn’t often opt for actual hot dogs), c) a man fond of looking and entering the asshole (although when sane he identified as a vagina fan man). So he spoke of three things and all were associated with anal sex and more so gay anal sex (hot dog). I think at some point Link’s embarrassment almost became genuine. There’s more to be said here but I will come back to this later.
Rhett was somehow so endearing when he was mumbling how Link complains about everything except peanut butter.
Link makes it clear he’s fine with something going up his dookie shoot.
Overall, sedated Link is more of a normally sedated person than Rhett was and there is stuff to be said about it. But first, let’s talk about the normal stuff: when Link is brought to during the colonoscopy, he initially is antsy, has discomfort, asks repeatedly if the doctor found anything bad, tries to move. Those reactions were normal. The only not normal one up to this point was wanting to canoe down a colon… But, again, there’s a lot more to be said.
“I’m glad we saved ourselves for each other and broke the seal together” intentional joke when Rhett was fully awake.
Link also said something like “I spent all my life with a cone up my ass” probably a metaphor of repression.
As a person who has had an endoscopy with anaesthesia (maybe more than a regular dosage), a relative who had one with half the typical dosage of anaesthesia and a thug relative who did it with NO anaesthesia, in case you are young and vibrant and healthy, which I very much hope so, and have not undergone such a procedure yet, let me tell you something: regarding many parts of their incoherent sedation, THAT’S NOT HOW BEING INCOHERENT DURING SEDATION WORKS.
Link commented in the end of the video that he was more out of it than Rhett was and Rhett disagreed due to all the insane stuff he had said, for which he took no responsibility. The thing is, Link was telling the truth and perhaps intentionally. He was more out of it than Rhett. “Out of it” here means being more sedated and therefore more incapable of communicating or talking. And certainly NOT saying sexual and other supposedly crazy stuff with extraordinary detail. There is proof for that in the video, as spoken by the doctor, which was not edited out.
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The doctor said Rhett took less medicine than the typical dosage is and, you know, doctors have the tendency to minimize pain anyway. Which means that for the doctor to be impressed that Rhett handled it so well, he was in fact not all that drugged up. The dosage that was given to him was apparently enough to numb the pain / discomfort but he was pretty conscious for most of the time. Compare it to Link, who was given more medicine and when they tried to wake him as much as Rhett, he had discomfort, was making motions and asking the doctor questions about his health. Link’s state was making a lot more sense. There are several cuts and edits during Rhett’s colonoscopy but in general I feel like he took one up for the team (literally) so that he would say certain things under the cover of incoherence. Like they said, they asked the doctor to use the minimum drug dosage so they could be as alert and conscious as possible - apparently Rhett was able to tolerate a lower dosage that inevitably made him remain more alert for a longer time. Bodies are different. In any case, Rhett took much less drug than his doctor expected him to need, which means he was able to communicate well and maintain an unusual level of consciousness during such a procedure. Besides all the sex jokes he made with full phrases, this is more obvious in the “Jessie” question. Here’s how sedation works: if you are in the state that you don’t remember your mother for example, you definitely also don’t remember the lyrics of an obscure song you listened to once. End of story. What happens with Rhett here is exactly that. He supposedly is incapable of remembering his wife but he has no problem remembering… let’s analyse this.
Doctor: So, Rhett, who’s Jessie? You got a tattoo.
Link: That’s his favourite proctologist.
Rhett: You’re talking about Jesse Pinkman?
Doctor: We got Jessie on your right buttcheek.
Rhett: … he was the right hand man of Walter White in Breaking Bad.
Link: No, they are talking about your wife, dude.
Rhett: Jesse James was a…
(Irrelevant chatter about endoscope going in.)
Rhett: Jussie Smollet was a…
Link: No, let’s not talk about him.
Also look:
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Look at him. He is pretty alert. He looks at Link when he talks to him, he is wide-eyed, he raises his head. He also repeatedly looked to his right (our left) during the Jessie conversation. This was a bit. Perhaps the various Jessies were written on a paper there because he could have a problem remembering them on his own. When the endoscope was inserted, he was like “oh yeah hehe there it is, hello, ask for consent maybe hehe”. It’s funny, it’s inappropriate but IT IS NOT incoherent. It was a sex joke very suitable to the situation. He knew what he was saying at all times. Therefore, no matter how numbed he was, he was not enough to forget his own wife or repeatedly ignore the cues Link and the doctors gave him about her, all while listing a sidekick character from a show, a notorious bandit from the American civil war and a controversial but little known gay actor who staged an assault against himself and has mythomanic tendencies.
Link emphasises on the bit by saying to the doctor: “ I wonder if he’s gonna remember his wife when he wakes up. Because he certainly remembered every other Jessie he’s ever heard about”.
Like, okay? Trust me on this. Anaesthesia doesn’t work like selective amnesia. And few very particular amnesias work like remembering the obscure thing and forgetting the pivotal one.
This. Was. A. Bit.
And even Link’s embarrassment is parts real, parts a bit. Like, emphasising on how Rhett can’t think of anything besides buttholes.
Meanwhile, Link’s eyes are half-lidded and whenever the endoscope moves he tries to move and the nurses stop him. He’s on a bigger dosage and he’s more sensitive to this procedure than Rhett. Honestly, Link is just way more normal, I don’t know if Rhett was that hell of a champ or there was crazy editing going on. But Link is brought at some point more to as well. And then he says this:
“You know, Rhett, I am glad you are here for me. Why don’t we hold hands?” *Editing with a lot of stuff about polyps, business decision etc, at this point Link communicates well too* “I am so grateful that I get to have something shoved deep into my colon, in your presence… because you know that’s what life is all about.” Throughout this monologue, Link also looks somewhere at Rhett’s left and he is a little robotic. Maybe he was reading as well. This, too, was a bit.
And just like with all recent videos, this has similar vibes to another one. Let’s go back to the We Dug A Medium Sized Hole. As Rhett and Link dig with their shovels, Link says;
“You know, there is nothing I’d rather be doing now than digging a hole. Seriously, this is exactly what I want to be doing. And there’s no one else I would rather be digging a hole with.”
That’s all from me, you said you had thoughts as well, if they are additional or different, I would love to read them!
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sebsxphia · 6 months
Seb if we're gonna talk unhinged thoughts/thots, I've got a bit of an unhinged comedy one for you (lol).
Rhett and wifey are getting ready for Easter services so they can get home and relax. Amy and the girls all look so pretty in their new dresses and the littlest boys all look so handsome and so doesn't Rhett but as soon as everyone's ready to go out the door, Rhett walks into the living room and freezes because there are the oldest boys, yours and Rhett's twins, with chocolate and peanut butter all over their faces because they just dove into their Easter candy and Rhett's praying for them to sit still just enough and behave until you guys get home (lol).
Seb, I hope you guys had a very Happy Easter and some spring sunshine to boot. I was gonna also tell you I found a little something while I was book searching that might be right up your alley. It's called "The Country Diary Of An Edwardian Lady" and it's full of all the nature drawings that the author Edith Holden made when she was living in the rural areas of Warwickshire as well as her journal entries. If ever I can find the link for it I can certainly send it your way as long as you're ok with it (lol).
ehehe that really did make me giggle my love 🤭 half the struggle is getting preacher rhett and your lil’ ones out the door in the first place!
thank you so much for this sweet thought my love and for your easter wishes! i hope you had a lovely easter yourself, with sun too i hope! 🥹 we had some sun, mostly rain :( but that book! godddd! i looked it up and it unlocked some vague memory for me? i can’t quite pin point it, but i wouldn’t be surprised if we had some of her illustrations. they’re gorgeous! thank you so much for letting me know about that too! i know warwickshire relatively well too 🥹 mwah! 💗💌
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kaluwa-del-conte · 10 days
Rhett in  existential bread shirt
Peanut butter slut tshirt for link
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tragica · 1 year
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Why did it take me so long to notice @linkslipssinkships
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lenixsocial · 10 months
Will it Cereal? - A Review in two parts:
Aaaaah, Rhett and Link! I love you guys every weekday morning gracing my TV screen. Your silly antics and banter make me smile. Your tshirts are fun and funky. Your paid subscription service is unique and enjoyable. I'm a Mythical Beast, it's fair to say.
Now, anyone that knows these two knows they love Peanut Butter and they love cereal. Especially Link. So therefore, I jumped when they brought out their own cereal. They were hyping it up as a bowl of nostalgia with a less serious concept, and an 80's vibe.
I will give my final overall rating at the end.
I decided to split my taste test between the two cereals. First up is the "Sweet Mac N Mello":
Cost: ⭐️⭐️/⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️: This cereal is EXPENSIVE. The two pack is cost prohibitive and the four pack is over $30! Add to this that many have mistaken a subscription to the cereal for a one time purchase, and it's apparent there's a cost issue here. Yes I get that it's not in stores and that'll inflate cost being direct to consumer, but it's a damn small box to boot (9oz.). Low marks here.
The Experience: ⭐️/⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️: This cereal is made in LA, and then (in my case) took a tour of the US Postal network: Idaho, Iowa, Illinois, Ohio, Arizona, then a week in Whittier, California only about three hours from the manufacturing point and then three days in Las Vegas before another two more days waiting in the North Las Vegas distribution center. The shipping is NOT streamlined and is definitely in need of an upgrade.
The box is weak, glue issues on some, and structural deficiencies on mine. The backs are barely hanging on by a thread.
The bags are glued shut well, preserving freshness which is one kudos I can give.
The Randler on the box is retro and the colors used are vibrant, it's a pleasing design.
Taste: ⭐️⭐️/⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️: It's bland. Apparently Rhett and Link had to find some place that would make elbow macaroni cereal noodles for this cereal. It was a cute idea in thought, and absolutely awful in execution. The noodles are gigantic and you'll find yourself trying to cram five or six at a time into your maw, only for the majority of the ones on your spoon to splashdown bowlside and the milk typhoons up onto you. If you aren't so lucky, the shape of the cereal will hold onto milk and will dump plenty on you because they're hollow.
Initially I thought the taste was that of Kix, but after a bowl I've decided that it's more closely that of Honeycomb. The cereal itself even reminds me of that brand, even down to the mouthfeel. The mallows are tiny by comparison and are of the sort you find in instant packs with hot cocoa mix. Imparting a generic lightly sweet crunch.
The cereal milk is weird. There's a greasy sheen on top of the milk, it has a vanilla milk smell while the milk is still cold, and begins to smell of coffee after sitting for about five minutes. After 20 minutes it reaches room temp and the smell is popcorn. The milk tastes absolutely disgusting, ending up tasting like someone melted a stick of butter in a glass of milk. Very little sweetness and I can't see any kid drinking this.
As a dry snack, it tastes worse and the texture is styrofoam meets wet cardboard. The taste gives off stale cornmeal vibes which is odd for a fresh bag of cereal.
Overall: ⭐️⭐️/⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️: This cereal won't cereal. It barely is edible. I now have to eat one and a third boxes of it. Fun times. The PB and Honey I'm hoping is a lot more flavorful. The experience was bad, the product is not good and it's kinda ironic that Rhett and Link would push the retro angle so hard and not give us what made 80's cereals so great: SUGAR. Once again: SUGAR. SUGAR. SUGAR. It needs it soooooo bad.
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rhettabbotts · 1 year
Shelby my friend, I heard you weren't feeling so great and I wanted t pop in and see if you were ok. I know stuff that comes up with the family sucks, but all the same I wanted to see if you were ok and hope that tomorrow will be better. I was gonna leave a little soft thought/thot I've shared with a few mutuals, with you for the evening if it'll cheer you up (if I was closer I'd leave a basket of homemade chocolate-peanut butter cups or some homemade cinnamon cookies on the front porch for you, lol)
I love the thought of Rhett turning an abandoned barn on the property into your own personal library. You, him Royal and a few friends from the rez renovated the shit out of that building and turned it into a super cozy place full of shelf after shelf with little niches in the stairs and little hiding places for books in your ever growing collection (sometimes those same friends that helped you renovate the place will come to borrow books and you gladly lend them).
Speaking of which, you wouldn't know it, but Rhett's actually a pretty voracious reader. He's read anything and everything but his favorites are always ones like Frankenstein, Dracula, Gulliver's Travels, Swiss Family Robinson and Sherlock Holmes. He's especially fond of books that have a bit of a rap and ones that make the town church hag squirm. He's read Huck Finn and Tom Sawyer during the summer along with books that remind him of Pirates of the Caribbean (yeah I'm lookin at you Treasure Island). He's even got a copy of The Jungle Book as well as Robin Hood and Doctor Doolittle. You've even heard him giggling a little bit when you caught him reading some seriously erotic novels while you were moving the whole entire collection into the barn.
And when you two start welcoming the babies into the family? It's nights spent in the cozy corner of the barn in an old wingback chair that used to belong to Cecelia's grandma, the cats all curled up on their little tower with the little ones all gathered around Rhett as he reads them the tales in The Just So Stories, Grimm's Fairy Tales or other tales while you work on your knitting or crochet while you listen at the same time.
I hope this makes you feel better Shelby, I know things might suck with everything going on, but it will get better.....it might take a while, but it will get better.
my sweet friend thank you so much for your kind words🥺
and this soft thought!!!! i absolutely believe rhett is an avid reader, especially during the winter months when they can’t do much around the ranch. spending time in the library in the evenings sounds so cozy!!! and when your little ones are born they constantly beg to go out and read 🥺
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Penis butter
Rhett and Link once read a fanfiction on their morning show about Link fucking a jar of peanut butter
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thelasttime · 1 year
ngl rhett & link always ranking the peanut butter flavor of anything often annoys me. not all the time but sometimes when my fave is there i get so offended lol
they cannot resist the allure of a peanut butter like it’s so consistent i can’t blame them for it 😭 i think they did rank some of my favorites badly like ice cream flavors and i do get offended
also link consistently being SO inconsistent with ranking things is my favorite
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