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reposted from @memebae1719
.rip. 💫❤️💫
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@sapphire-heart-tippy also has a "jonathan is a living disembodied head" au! it mostly focuses on his oc characters and dio's agents getting into sitcom-style comedy but there's also the plot element of deceased JJBA characters being resurrected as talking heads, sort of like in Futurama lol
All of these severed head AUs are so funny —
There’s no stand involved, these heads just decided that “No thank you, I like living”.
On that note, I think that Kakyoin and Jonathan’s heads would bond over trying to keep Jotaro out of trouble in Morioh, and the Morioh kids staring in HORROR at this 6’+ man wandering around with two heads at either rhip. If Jotaro wasn’t terrifying before, he’s even SCARIER now.
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pookamhura · 2 months
A kindly appeal to the Blizzard Wizard from the Pook.
Look, the Pook is a F2P. I know you’re going out of your way to make the Pook’s bracket be a miserable place to hang around. You want people to use the Trial Account to either dip their toe in the water and decide to either buy the expansion or at the very least a subscription, or you want them to leave. You have done a remarkable job making the F2P WoW experience as uncomfy as possible.
But sometimes you get someone with gnomish neurology with a vet account who just finds all the things you do to make the F2P experience as uncomfortable as possible just make it such an interesting thing to experience.
In PvP the F2P becomes a Baby Twink. We out gear the Noobs who are just using the Trial Account to see if WoW is something they want to buy, heck you took us out of the Levellers bracket in Dragon Flight because a geared Baby Twink will spank a level 29 PvPer who hasn’t even got their shoulders and helmet yet. So you put us in with the XPoff level 29 Daddy Twinks and you completely changed the culture of the bracket.
See this gnome studied anthropology and watching a virtual culture and how it adapts to changes of forces beyond their control is a heck of a lot more fun than doing the same thing for an IRL culture when those forces beyond their control (FBTC) put real human lives in misery, and by golly if I saw an IRL culture go through the kind of FBTC that Blizzard unleased on the F2Ps bracket… …it would be a very sad thing to witness especially from a scholarly perspective. To say Dragonflight had a devastating impact on the F2Ps would be a gross understatement. Yet for me it was just amazingly to watch how the culture of the F2Ps bracket adapted to that change.
It was so fascinating and knowing that the real people on the other side of the internet also playing as an F2P all have bigger problems in their life than their Level 20 Baby Twink. I can watch this carnage unfold with a certain detachment from the misery going on around me. Virtual cultures live fast and die young.
I unsubbed partway through Shadowlands. I just knew I wasn’t going to have enough free time to make the subscription worth it because the expansion got to that point where playing just feels like busy work. Just a lot of hurry up and wait. I’m sure many WoW players drop out when the game just starts to feel like busy work. It’s not that they don’t want to hang around with WoW from time to time. It’s just that they’ve got things to do and, you know, fifteen bucks is fifteen bucks. So I want you to know that I didn’t unsub because “shadowlands was the worst thing ever”. I just got to that point I’ve gotten to in every expansion a little earlier is all. I’ll see ya when the new expansion drops, buddy.
I decided to do something different this last time. This time I’d dip into WoW as a trial/vet account and see what that experience was like. It was such a fascinating experience that it actually engages me with World of Warcraft in a way I haven’t been engaged since Vanilla. So the Pook being a F2P means a lot to me. It means more to me than my old subbed main has in some time.
One of the things that caught my interest during my time with the Baby Twinks was the advantage veteran subscriber accounts have over the purely Trial Account. There’s a definite RHIP happening with the veteran subscriber accounts. It’s really fascinating to see how that plays out in the dynamics of the bracket.
One of the privileges of having the vet account is Blizzard will from time to time gift you with a little free game time to lure you back to being a subscribed player. One of the drawbacks of that is this free game time is unannounced. You’ll be living your best F2P life and suddenly you noticed you’re feeling a little stronger every time you kill someone OH DEAR OLD GODS THE POOK IS LEVELLING UP!!! STOP STABBING AND BAIL!!!
Last time the Blizzard Wizard gifted the Pook with free game time I accidentally didn’t notice and the Pook went Ding. I was heartbroken and I made an impassioned plea to one of the Blizzard Wizard’s Minions (BWMs) and the Pook did the gnome face and the BWM took pity on the Pook and unDinged me and my adventures as an F2P were allowed to continue.
Luckily this time I noticed the Pook was gaining XP before I Dinged. I guess I’ll be levelling Alts until this free game time period ends. They’re usually only a few days.
In the future could the Blizzard Wizard please give the Pook some sort of big in-game warning I’m about to be “gifted” some free play time and an option to say “no thanks I’m good���. I really don’t want to have to do the gnome face to the BWMs again but I will because gnomes are a proud yet adorable people and if I gotta do the gnome face, well I gotta do the gnome face.
Or better yet, let F2P Babby Twinks be XPoff at 20 and still be able to do PvP. I get you don’t want a Daddy Twink/Baby Twink divide in the 19s bracket as part of the Trial Account experience, so F2Ps getting cozy in the 19s would be a problem. The 20s bracket is not the 19s. If someone decides to Baby Twink in a bracket where the Daddy Twinks are legendary demi-gods well they signed up for it.
Let the Pook still queue for BGs as an F2P with my XPoff at 20. I know you want me to try the game out so I’ll resub but I’m good. It’s a very dynamic BG experience when you’ve got the kind of choas errupts from noobs, Daddy Twinks and Baby Twinks all in the same bracket. I’ m just fascinated with studying it.
If the Pook had the ear of the Blizzard Wizard she’d probably ask him to lift a few more curses from her. Don’t get me wrong, the Pook appreciates some of the improvements this expansion has made to her life. Being able to fly even if it is very slowly is going to make the Pook’s life easier. The curse that kept the Pook from hammer spacing reagents in a special bag? Thank you for removing whatever magic curse kept the Pook not being able to easily stock up on stuff like that. Those sheep bombs don’t make themselves and the Pook’s gotta have her sheep bombs. That and flying, chef’s kiss Blizzard Wizard. And there’s more of those chef’s kisses coming if you can lift just a few more curses from the Pook’s life.
But yeah, in the meantime. Jeeze Louise you damned near gave the Pook a heart attack once I realized stabbing people was making me stronger.
Anyway the gummy has kicked in so I’ll have a large ghost pepper burrito and a large chocolate milk because the Pook likes her burrito spicy but, you know, the safe word is chocolate milk.
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rose-of-pollux · 1 year
AU Roulette, Entry 2/3
My chosen fandom for the AU Roulette challenge was Scooby-Doo.
My second prompt was: High Seas AU.
As before, posting this just to tumblr for now; if I ever expand on this, I’ll crosspost it to AO3.
Title: The Point of No Return (1/1) Fandom: Scooby-Doo Rating: K+ Summary: [AU] Captain Frederick Jones and his loyal crew aboard the good ship Mystery are in pursuit of notorious brigand Morgan Moonscar after the pirates run off with important artifacts of a familiar warlock.
Captain Jones look out over the bow of the Mystery, his green-painted ship, as it sailed the warm waters.
“What’s our course?” he asked.
Navigator Dinkley looked up from her charts and compass.
“We followed the trail of the Maelstrom through the Gulf and through the Caribbean Sea,” she reported.  “We’re passing from the Caribbean to the Atlantic.”
“Like, I’m keeping her steady as she goes, Captain!” First Mate Rogers called from the wheel of the ship.
“But we still haven’t seen any sign of the Maelstrom—or our quarry on board of it,” Tactician Blake sighed, as she paced the deck.
“Given the direction and speed of the currents, this is the quickest and the easiest way that the Malestrom could have come,” Navigator Dinkley promised.  “It’s only a matter of time—just wait and see.”
“I hope so,” Blake sighed.  “The Great Mage entrusted us with retrieving the artifacts that were stolen from him.  We can’t let him down—why, I feel like I’d be disappointing my own father!”
“Have faith, Tactician Blake,” Jones assured her.  “We won’t allow that thieving pirate to get away with this!”  He looked up to the crow’s nest of the ship, where a large Great Dane kept watch.  “Ahoy, up there!  What do your canine eyes see?”
“Rhots of water!” Watchdog Scooby barked down.  “Rhand a few clouds rhout there, too!”
“Well, keep a lookout for the Maelstrom!” Jones instructed.  “The Mystery may be smaller, but we’re also faster—we should catch up to Morgan Moonscar and his men in no time at all!”
“Right!” the watchdog barked.
First Mate Rogers sighed, suppressing a nervous gulp as he maintained the ship’s current course.
“What’s wrong?” Jones asked, sensing his distress.
“We’re faster than the Maelstrom, sure—like, I don’t have any doubt that we’re gonna catch up to it,” he said.  “…My worry is what happens when we do catch up!  I mean… are the stories about Morgan Moonscar and his men true?  They’re supposed to be the cruelest band of pirates to ever sail these waters!”
“It’s possible,” Jones admitted.  “I wouldn’t put anything past Morgan Moonscar—especially if he’s brazen enough to steal from the Great Mage.”
“And that’s why we have to stop him!” Tactician Blake exclaimed.  “The Great Mage has many magical items and treasures that were taken—imagine what could happen if Moonscar and his men figure out how to use them!”
“The last thing we need is for them to become even more dangerous than they already are,” Jones sighed.  “We have no other choice—plus, we gave our word to the Great Mage.  Maintain our course, Rogers.”
“A-Aye-aye, Captain,” Rogers promised, his voice a little shaky.
They continued onward, the sun sinking through the sky as time ticked on; soon, it was dusk, and the stars were beginning to brighten in the sky.
It was then that Watchdog Scooby suddenly froze, his night vision mercifully better than that of his human crewmates.  He yelled out an alarm—
“A Rhip!” he barked.
Captain Jones seized his spyglass and ran back to the bow; he could, indeed, discern the shape of another large ship.
“Is it the Maelstrom?” Tactician Blake asked, her eyes wide.
“I can’t make out the name,” Jones sighed, frustrated.  “Hold on—let me see if I can see what the flag is…”  He focused the lens as his crew fell utterly silent, waiting to find out what they were up against.  Jones suddenly exhaled.  “They’re flying the Jolly Roger—that’s got to be the Maelstrom!”
First Mate Rogers shivered, but continued to grip the ship’s wheel.
“A-Awaiting instructions, Captain…!” he managed to say.
Jones turned back to his crew; they were all looking at him for instructions, not just the First Mate.
“What’s our current position?” he asked.
“We’re nearing the Bermuda Triangle,” Navigator Dinkley announced.
“Rhand there’s a storm brewing there!” Watchdog Scooby added, taking note of the thick, dark clouds obscuring that part of the sky.
“We need to catch up to the Maelstrom and find a way to board it to get the treasures back,” Jones realized.  “We have the element of surprise right now; this may be our one and only chance—and the storm may prove to be the cover we need to catch up to them further.  Maintain our course, Rogers.  And Tactician Blake?  Prepare plans to board the Maelstrom!”
“Aye-aye, Captain!” they both echoed.
Captain Jones continued to stand at the bow, watching the Maelstrom draw closer.
He had no idea what he and his crew were getting themselves into.  But he was determined to protect them from Morgan Moonscar—to the end, if necessary.
It was the least he could do for his crew—his friends.
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duaneburnett · 4 months
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Terra Dannes, RHIP, Owner, Hear on the Coast Hearing Services Inc. in Sechelt, Sunshine Coast BC Canada 🇨🇦 READ Full article on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=819992560158373&set=a.451794240311542
#hearing #hearingaids #HearingCare #hearingloss #sechelt #sunshinecoast #keepitscoastal
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pegaslaystation · 5 months
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fuck dude. rhip to a legend
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namenerdery · 1 year
Babies with interesting names born in Missouri in 2021 [O, P, Q & R]
-note that this dataset didn't include gender so your guess as to whether a name belongs to a girl or boy is as good as mine-
Oaklye Samuel Lee Oakum Banks Obsidian Lotus October Harvest Moonchyld Omega Alyse
Onameaous Xavier Orchinson Osiris Magnolia Othello Pea Lennon Ottley Yvonne
Owynn Maru Oxlee James Ozymandias Aleister Ozziah Troubadour Sterling Ozzilynn Anne Chaos
Pai'slei Aiyana Marie Parkhyr' Alexandria Patiennce Skai Patty Jean Jolynn Paytence Forever
Peayzle Jaylynn Pennington K Peosleen Karin Perceus Adonis Ray Percival Yasuo Wayne
Phaith Alise Pheenyx Amaurii-Reign Phynixx Remington Hart Pilot Scott Poetic Ocean West Eleven
Poison-Ivy Marie Posh Gleaux Powerful Akeyleus Prairie Shawnee Ray Princess Miami
Prodigy Kamari Prosperity Layne Psalm Marleyemma Psilas Kal-El Puncher Cole
Purpose Garrett Wayman Pystol James
Qruze Darrell Quartney Emoni Quillin Malcolm Quinleigh Nicole Leann Quinterrace Ormond Terrell
Racelyn Mae Racsan Earlene Marie Racynn Allen Raddler Ramsey Raeylynn Renea-Ann
Raggie Jonmur Ralstyn Rae Ramseigh Eiriann Jayne Rancher Dale Ranezmae Lea
Ransom Willard Rebel Ray'gime Earl Razareia Cynthia Rose Razz Everett Rderrick Drevon
Rebel Legend Reeson Malini Reigner James Reigns Alexander Rembrandt Earl
Remelia Ivy Rendlee Rae-Jean Renegade Seay Rensley Jolene Repson Jaydan
Reuel Kate Reverie Bloom Reward A Rexxar Jackson Reynadia Monique
Reynnli Layne Rhainee Amoree Dior Rhetting Foster Rhettlynn Kay Rhiot Jude Dale
Rhip Tyler Rhoric Christopher Rhyett Ray Rhymedy Nirvana-Dawn Riahlyn Renee
Ricochet Ruby Rachelle Riddian Klause Michael Rider Evan Rieyen Lee Rigdon Ianthus
Righteous Xela Nova Riot Zane Rippley Daniel Ripsey Rose Riversynn Laneal
Riyver Aanae Raine Ro'xxanne Love Roam Alton Ross Rock Solid Rockne David
Rogue Lera Peach Roialti Nyla Rommel Naier Romulus Ryan Rookh Chasity
Roper Sue Roryie Lorenzo Roseariellika Peace Rosmery Edith Rowdy Roy
Roxas Brian Rubeus Lee Rueger Wesley Rusher Wayne Rycker Lee
Ryette Leeann Rygar Talon Rygh James Rylix James Ryme Tilson Ryott Storm-Michelle
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minimac-mspl · 2 years
Case study 2
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Place of Operation: RHIP, Salalah, Oman
Date of Execution: December-2018 to April-2019 Criticality: High
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Background: Prior to Minimac being involved in the project, in August 2018, as a part of the pre-commissioning activity, flushing of 14 compressors and heat exchangers (ACHE, Picture 2) was performed and completed by a service provider. But soon after in the month of October, during the commissioning of the compressor, large debris deposits were found getting generated and collected in the in-line lube oil filter. The debris consisted of silica, metal shaving, and a lot of chunky particles. The commissioning activity was immediately stalled, leading to a threat to the project timeline and subsequent financial loss for the EPC company and the Operating company - PDO.
Problem Statement: Large particle contamination detection in the inline filters of all heat exchangers and compressors during the commissioning stage, even though flushing was completed as a part of the pre-commissioning activity.
Underlying Issue: During the root cause analysis there were two reasons anticipated for this issue:
1. The Heat Exchangers were not stored properly leading to heavy particle ingress and accumulation.
2. Poor Flushing of Heat Exchangers. Most flushing service providers only consider the inlet and outlet pipe diameter of the heat exchanger (ACHE) to calculate the flushing flow rate. Mostly it is inefficient as each heat exchanger consists of multiple tubes that should be flushed with sufficient turbulent flow in each tube. As a thumb rule, for every 1” of the tube, 100 LPM of oil flow is required.
If you would like to have a technical discussion with our expert - click > Minimac Systems Pvt Ltd
What Minimac did:
1. A detailed root cause analysis was run and then it was suggested to flush all the heat exchangers, connecting lines and compressors once again separately, as there were multiple possibilities of particle ingression into the lube oil stream.
2. As a very large flow rate of 4000 LPM was required to flush the heat exchangers properly. Due to project timelines, 14 compressors were to be executed within a short duration, and hence 4-5 Flushing Skids of 4000 LPM (Picture 3) was set up in parallel.
3. Flushing was undertaken in 3 major stages where ACHE tubes, compressor lube oil system, interconnecting pipes were flushed individually. All sophisticated components like inline filters, bearings were by-passed using temporary loops.
4. A mesh screen inspection (as per API 614 Acceptance Criteria given in Table 1) on the return line from the client’s system was performed every 24 hours to monitor the debris on the entire flushing fluid stream. Flushing was continued for each stage until the mesh screen showed an acceptable level of debris as per API 614. (Picture 4)
5. An ISO 4406 test using a laser particle counter was also performed on the final sample of oil to ensure an ISO 15/13 cleanliness level.
Result: All 14 compressors & Heat Exchangers were flushed efficiently and an ISO 15/13 cleanliness level was maintained.
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Also read: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/nas-5-lube-oil-cleanliness-achieved-through-high-agrawal-mlt-1-/
We at Minimac study your maintenance needs and provide the best solution. We believe in Discern, Design & Deliver.
Call +91 7030901266 for Mechanical Maintenance & Oil Check.
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rhips · 7 years
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Tomorrow evening come thru and help us raise funds that will go towards funeral expenses for the homies mom dukes. See you there! . #rhips #icdla #innercitydwellers #hiphop #wecelebratelife #wecelbratedeath #hiphopismedicine (at The Blvd)
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I was curious whether Captain Larry Trainor or Staff Sergeant John Bowers had a higher rank (no particular reason, I was just curious) and look at this bullshit.
John: *is the mechanic who makes the plane so it is able to do what planes do without killing the pilot/crew, detects faults and problems and fixes them, is an expert in the mechanical engineering of airplanes*
Larry: *sits in the cockpit and pulls on sticks and wheels* Vroom vroom bitch
Air Force: Yep let’s give that stubborn dude a commission and pay him twice as much
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natureforus-blog1 · 5 years
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Rhipsalis baccifera #cactos #cactomacarrao #panc ##rhipsalis #rhip #plants #plantasalimenticiasnaoconvencionais #nature #naturephotography #nature_of_our_world #nature_good #green #plantsplantsplants https://www.instagram.com/p/Bv9NvCHlHJR/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=mgcadghzdfgh
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snorlaxatives · 2 years
i noticed this a few days ago and never said anything and my silence has been weighing on me so i must inform the people, scooby-doo (2002) is on hbomax and the subtitles for scooby do not include his iconic r accent. when he says “raggy, you're rhipped” it reads “shaggy, you’re whipped” it’s sick
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eternalmx · 3 years
tidal wave. | im changkyun.
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genre : fluff;; smut(wrap it up guys) ;; angst (if you listen hard enough)
wc | 2k+
a/n : oh look it's me again. hmmm;; this one is really special I think. I hope you enjoy it. As always;; I apologise for any typos. I love you and I'm proud of you wherever you are and whatever you're going through. Be kind to yourself.♡
{11:14pm} "Babe! Can you come here quickly!" Changkyun yelled from the bathroom. She laughed as she began walking to the bathroom.
"Wha-" she stopped mid sentence as she opened the door. The bathroom was dim. Candles were scattered around creating a glow throughout the room.
"Surprise!" he exclaimed happily. His brown orbs piercing her as she made eye contact with him.
"Whats all this for?" she asked, walking over to him. Her arms wrapping around his neck as his hands gently ran up and down along her sides.
"It's for you. I know you've had a tough week and I wanted to do something special for you" he said, kissing her head as she hummed at the contact.
"You didn't have to" she said, looking up at him. Her hand touching his cheek before tucking a strand of hair behind his ear.
"I know....but I wanted to. I've been at the dorm all week and I missed you. It made me sad I couldn't be home when you got off of work" he said, his head leaning into her hands.
"Thank you" was all she said as she tip toed to kiss him softly.
"Are you going to take a bath?" he asked, motioning towards the tub he had filled up with rose petals and warm water.
"Will you get in with me?" she asked, avoiding eye contact. Changkyun's fingers touching under her chin as he lifted her face to look at his.
"Really?" he asked, his eyes searching here for any hint of hesitation.
"Mmhhh" she said, kissing him again. This time more passionately. Her hands gently pushing through his hair as his arms tightly wrapped around her waist. A small moan escaped her lips when he bit down on her lip.
His hands slowly lifting up his white shirt that was two sizes too big for her. He tossed it to the side, peppering her neck and chest with soft kisses. His lips cold and soft agaisnt her skin. Her hands touched his bare chest as he picked her up and set her down on the countertop. Her hand trailed down his chest and his toned abs. Landing at the waistband of his sweats. Changkyun's hand grabbed her hand halting it to a stop.
"Are you sure about this?" he asked, his hand shaking a little as he looked down at her. He was just as nervous as she was. Sure, he's had sex before but it wasn never this. It was always only sex or a quick fuck. He's never loved anyone the way he's loved the girl in front of him.
"I'm sure" she said. Her hand slipped under his sweats. Grazing her hand over his clothed erection. His eyes fluttered and a small groan escaped his lips as he set his hands on the counter on both sides of her thighs. His head leaned agaisnt hers as she applied more pressure agaisnt him. Her lips attaching to his as her hand massaged him through his underwear. Moans falling from his lips causing her to ache. Her legs squeezed agaisnt the sides of his legs as he opened his eyes. He pulled away from kissing her, as they both caught their breath. His hand pulling hers out of his sweats.
"Did I do something wrong?" she asked, worry spreading across her face as he laughed lowly.
"You did everything right. I just don't want to rush this and if you kept going I was going to cum before I even had the chance to touch you" he said, his hand squeezing her thighs. She scooted closer to the edge of the counter. Pressing herself against him. They both moaned lowly, her lips attaching to his neck as his hand made it's way to her clothed clit. He began rubbing small slow circles agaisnt her as she gasped agaisnt his neck.
"Mmm" he hummed, as her hips softly osuhed agaisnt his hand. "Baby, we said we were gonna take a bath" he said pulling away from her completely. He smiled at her. As she pushed herself off the counter.
"Okay" she said, eyes closed, taking a deep breath. He stared at her for a moment before shaking his head.
"We can stop if you want" he said.
"No, I want to do this" walking toward the bath, touching the water to make sure it was still warm. It was still nice and hot to her liking. He leaned agaisnt the counter. Crossing his arms as he smiled at her.
"What?" she asked, standing up to look at him.
"Undress for me" he said, his voice was low. Her face growing red as his words came out. Her hands running along the hem of his sweats that she was also wearing. She pushed them down and kicked them to the side. His eyes never leaving her body as he pushed his sweats down in return. Both of them in their underwear as her hands snacked around her back to unclasp her bra. She let it fall as she watched him intently.
"Fuck" Changkyun said under his breath. He stepped closer to her, kissing down her chest again. He kneeled down in front of her. Lips hovering over her lace underwear. Her hands holding his shoulders as her body softly shook in his hands. Her breathing getting heavier as he kisses her softly over her underwear.
"Please kyun" she moaned softly, looking down at him eagerly and biting her lip. That was all he needed to hear. His fingers laced around the side of her underwear as he pulled them down never breaking eye contact with her. His lips trailing down her her clit. His tongue licking her folds as he moaned against her. Sending you vibrations through her body. Her head falling back as he softly sucked at her clit. His hands holding her hips firmly.
"You taste so good" he groaned, his lips kissing back up her body as he stood up kissing her lips. The mix of his lips and the salty taste of her wetness on her tongue earning a whimper from her. Her hands pushed down his boxers as her hand started pumping his cock. He moaned into the kiss as her thumb ran over the pre cum on his tip. He stepped out his boxers.
"You have no idea how long I've waited for this" she said, into the kiss. He moaned back in agreement as he pulled away from the kiss. His breath catching as she pumped his cock faster.
"Baby, you have to stop or else I'm not going to last much longer" he moaned pushing her softly off of him He leaned his head back as he caught his breath and smiled down at her. "I want to feel you around my cock before I cum" he said, kissing her and climbing into the tub. His hand gently grabbed hers, assisting her in getting in the tub. He sat down, reaching for her hips as he pulled her down.
"Is it warm enough?" Changkyun asked, his hands grabbing a handful of water and softly wetting her arms. The smell of roses filled her lungs as she straddled him . Her hair becoming damp as he kept softly pouring water on her.
"Yes" she said breathlessly. She did the same as he was doing, running her hands under the water as she brought it up to his face. Softly rubbing out the left over makeup from his long day. He smiled and closed his eyes as her hands skimmed over his face.
His hands on her hips as she leaned in closer and St down a little more. His tip brushing agaisnt her folds as a small moan escaped her lips. His thumb reaching down in the water as he found her clit rubbing it faster that before. She moaned leaning her head back. His lips attaching to her neck. Sucking and kisses the sweetest of spots. Decorating her neck in purple marks biting down softly after making new ones. Her hips jerked agaisnt his hand when he pulled away. He guided his tip to her entrance holding her hips in place as she steadied herself on his shoulders.
"Are you ready?" he asked her.
"Please" she moaned. Their foreheads pressing together as he pushed up into her and she sang down simultaneously with one another.
"F-uck" he groaned, as he held her still. Bottoming out and giving her a moment to adjust. A loud moan escaping her lips as she adjusted to his size.
"Okay" she said, taking a deep breath. Giving him the ole to move inside of her. His hands lifting her hips softly before pulling her back down agaisnt his length. Her hands landing on his chest as the slight pain from his size turned into pleasure. She took it upon herself to speed up the pace as she kissed him. The kiss swallowing both their moans as she rode him. The water cutting off the lewd sounds that would fill the room if it wasn't there.
"You take me so well" Changkyun whispered in her ear as he pulled her flush against his body, causing the knot to grow in her stomach. Her hips changing it up and moving in circles against him and he let his head fall back. His hand grabbing at her breast as he massaged them roughly, then falling to her thighs and squeezing as he felt her wall clench around him. His fingers finding their way back to her clit.
"I'm close, she said in between moans, hips rolling agaisnt his as they both chased the euphoric feeling.
"Look at me when you cum baby" he said, fingers under her chin lifting her head to look at him. He thrusted up into her hitting her sweet spot as she cried out in pleasure. He kept at this motion holding her hips as he repeatedly hit her sweet spot. Her walls clenched around his cock as her body twitched, releasing agaisnt his cock. He rhips still rolling softly as she helped him recall his high when his body stiffened and she felt him twitch inside of her. His hips stilling as he spilled his seed inside of her. He gently lifted her off his cock as he watched his cum drip down her thigh.
"God, you're so full of me" he groaned as he, adjusted his position so she was comfortably laying back agaisnt his chest. His hand osuhed water towards her sensitive area cleaning her thigh off. She smiled up at him and he leaned down to kiss her. The kiss different then the last.
"I love you kyun" she said, breaking the kiss.
"I love you" he said, kissing her neck and shoulder softly.
"Is not the appropriate time to say welcome home?" she asked, giggling a little as she tested her head on his shoulder.
"That was a welcome? I should leave more often" he said, rasing an eyebrow at her. She playfully hit his arm that was wrapped around her waist.
"Shut up" she said, laughing.
"Should we get out yet? I mean the waters still warm" he said, lips still kissing along her wet skin softly.
"Hmmm, can we stay a little bit longer?" she asked, eyes closing as she listened to his breathing. Enjoying the feeling of his chest rising and falling.
"Mmhhh, but we should shower after to make sure you're cleaned off" he said, agaisnt her skin. She let out a small sigh as his lips grazed over the sensitive spots on her neck.
"Kyun... Are you trying to seduce me again?" she said softly. Eyes still closed.
"Why? Is it working?" he asked, moaning softly agaisnt her lips as his hand rested on her thigh under the water.
"No" she said softly.
"Are you sure?" he asked, hands traveling over her body as his hand rested on the inside of her thigh.
172 notes · View notes
ask70sunit · 3 years
Captain Yates, when you all were dealing with that Dalek house, when you took the food from Benton that Jo had brought him, that wasn't very nice of you.
Yates: Hey,  RHIP. I was perfectly within my rights as his superior officer. *Grins playfully.* I was only teasing him, I promise. I did share it with him. 
12 notes · View notes
patriotsrising1 · 4 years
All of the volunteer groups, and not just militia's, that I have seen form over the last four decade, usually fail completely or they never live up to their potential. Usually, this is because of what I classify as “The Three Great Mistakes” volunteer groups make when they form, especially militias. If a militia does not avoid these mistakes, then the best scenario is an underachieving group that has limited value. I am going to break down these mistakes and who the solution to the problems to the best of my ability. The purpose of this is to give a new militia the best chance of forming a powerful political and war-fighting capability.
The first mistake militias make is emulating the US military. It is perfectly natural that we should do this because how else to form up a group of war-fighters other than to copy the war-fighters that make up our military? But the militia is not the US military. I am going to repeat that, the militia is not the US military and the US military has as a part of its culture something that is pure poison to a militia, or any other volunteer group really, but I am going to limit these posting to just militias.
What is that poison? The poison is the idea that "Rank Has Its Privileges".
Once again, the militia is not the military. In the military, rank does has its privileges, but have you ever thought why an army of a country that believes that all men are equal would allow certain members to have extra privileges?  It happened because when the Colonials were forming the Continental Army, they did what a lot of today’s militias are doing, they copy the military of the home country. For the Colonials, their home country was Britain. In the British Army, at least back then, rank had it privileges because only those with privileges could have rank. The British Army sold officer commissions and only the rich aristocrats could afford them, and they were already privileged when they join and they kept that privilege after they joined. The American Army copied them and so rank still has its privileges.
The U.S. Military can enforce the privileges because they have legal authority over its members. As a militia leader you only have conditional authority over the people that follow you. Think of it this way, there is a recruit going through basic training, let’s say he is in the Marine Corps at Parris Island and a drill instructor orders him to dig a hole and he says, and “Screw you. Dig your own hole, I’m going home.” I think we can agree that this recruit is going to have a really bad day. He can be punished because the Drill Instructor has the legal authority to do so, it comes from the Constitution through the President, the Joint Chiefs of Staff all the way down to the Drill Instructor. 
Now, let’s say you are in charge of training militia recruits and I am a recruit and you tell me to dig a hole and I say, “Screw you. Dig your own hole, I’m going home.”
What happens next?
The answer is that I go home and you dig the hole. You have no legal recourse to stop me from leaving. Your authority is conditional, you only have it on the condition that I am willing to obey you. This changes the nature of the authority from the top down authority of the US Military to a bottom up authority. You must recognize the difference between these two concepts and how they are implemented. 
I have seen people get positions of rank or leadership roles time and again, and the position goes to their head and it poisons the group because they are more concerned about being important than in doing important work. In a volunteer group, when someone starts to think they are more important than the rest of the people, you are going to end up with a lot of people pissed off and people will break into factions, and some will just leave because the militia is now just a place where you have soap opera level drama.
The solution is to change RHIP to RHIR. RHIR is Rank Has Its Responsibilities.
The only proper way to keep the poison out is to understand that leadership in a militia is just another job that needs to be done. As volunteers, with no legal authority, all a militia can be is a group of people coming together for a common cause and no one is more important than anyone else. Yes, you do need officers and sergeants, because you need people who are looking at a bigger picture than someone who is on the front line that has a limited view of what is going on, but you are nothing special if you hold rank and you are NOT more important than anyone else. Besides not being more important than anyone else, a leader has to work harder than other people. A corporal will work harder than a private. A sergeant will work harder than a corporal and lieutenant will work harder than a sergeant, and so forth. Rank Has Its Responsibilities is the only concept that will work. If you introduce special privileges for certain people, you group will implode.
Because authority comes from the bottom up and every leadership positions will be settled by a vote, every person who joins a militia should ask this question when they elect their leaders of any rank. That question is, “Does this person work harder than everyone else?” If the answer is no, then don’t elect them to that position.
Think of it like this. Let us say that I am your commander and you are my second in command and I tell you we need a hole dug here, but you tell me that all the militia members are busy getting important training. There are two responses I could give.
First, I could say, “I don’t care what they are doing, get someone over here to dig this hole.”
I could say, “I guess we need to find ourselves a couple of shovels to get this hole dug.”
Which type of response is the most likely to inspire people to follow me? Which type of leader would you most like to follow?
First, for a volunteer group, that has no legal authority to demand obedience, every leader will have to convince their people to do what they ask. This will require leaders to explain what they want and why the want it what happens if they win and what happens if they fail. This is not a weakness. In fact, it is a great strength. Of course, the people you send to do a mission must be competent, but assuming they are, knowing the who, what, when, where, and why of their mission combined with the freedom to find solutions that work at that time and place gives you flexibility that will allow you to exploit opportunities when they come along.
The second point to be made about not understanding what the true nature of a militia is that I need to mention is that the militia is by default, an ultra-light infantry. I've heard the militia called "light infantry" or "Light Foot", but Militia’s do not possess rockets, grenades, grenade launchers, machine guns, light mortars, etc., etc. that every light infantry unit in the world has, and therefore is an Ultra-light infantry. The US military primarily relies on firepower, mainly because no one can match it that arena, so that makes sense, but an ultra-light infantry will have to use different doctrines, strategies, and tactics than even a US military light infantry battalion, although there is always overlap. This lack of firepower necessitates the use of more stealth tactics and demands a high level of expertise from you members.
Third, we also have to recognize that the US military is a strategically offensive institution. It is designed to attack anywhere in the world, and has the equipment and logistics to take the fight to the enemy. The militia is a strategically defensive institution when it comes to war-fighting. War has to come into its sphere of influence. It stays in place to guard and to react to aggression. Don’t confuse being strategically defensive with being tactically defensive, as it may very well be the case that a militia unit may initiate a tactical fight if local circumstances dictate it. Now, this strategic defensiveness only applies to violence, we should be strategically offensive in every other area, such as politics.
The fourth point to note about the nature of the militia is in the realm of Politics, which are forbidden for the US military to be involved in, should be a natural and important part of the militia’s doctrine to fight the evil of the socialists. We should work to take control of the government and the courts, using legal means and only legal means, to stop the infection of socialism in the halls of power and in court rooms. If a large number of militia people can be gathered together and organized on a state level, let us say 5000 people (not all of them have to be under arms), that would make a very potent ground team to put behind a campaign for a militia approved candidate. It could go a long way into compensating for a socialist candidate that has the backing of globalist billionaires.
You cannot build a house or a stadium or militia without a blueprint. You cannot plan a road trip without a map. You cannot sail the ocean without charts. You have to know where you are going before you leave home. You have to have the maps and charts to get you there. That is the point of this blog. It is a blueprint for a militia. Too many times I have seen a militia, or other volunteer group, try to form from the ground up with no overall plan or any idea of how to do it. You need to know who you are, who you want to become and have a plan for making that change. You need to know the who, the what, the when, the where, and  the how before you start. Of course, we already know why we are forming militias. Our culture has been infected with Socialists and globalists. They are violent, freedom hating, authoritarians. Socialism is a cult, and the high priests of that cult, Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, and Castro have taught us at least one important lesson about their cult. It demands human sacrifice and the enslavement of people to their cause. These are being used by the globalists who wish to make themselves into a new aristocracy where they are the nobles and we are the serfs. But I don’t want to be a serf, and I suspect you do not wish to become one either. We the People, are banding together to defend ourselves, our republic, and our freedoms.
So, let’s define the characteristics of a successful militia.
A militia should be permanent. An effective militia will be a permanent social fixture and by being permanent, it can be more effective because it can act as a political influencer, operate during natural disasters, collect and manage resources (lands for training, shooting ranges, supply caches for war and natural disaster, etc.) and it can preserve war-fighting knowledge and skills.
An effective militia will have Four Missions.
External Threats. Should the US be invaded, the militia will act as resistance group in areas that have been overrun, and it will act as scouts and as a source of intelligence for the US military.
Internal Threats. This is our current crisis, our republic is under siege from within from the radical leftists of the Democratic Party. The militia stands as citizen safeguard against the infringement on our Natural Liberties.
Natural Disaster. Militias have the benefit of being of already being in place when natural disaster strikes and can deploy immediately.
Political Influencer. A well organized group, with lots of support, can effectively influence elections, keeping good politicians in power and preventing or removing bad actors.
The militia command must be decentralized and organized on a county or regional level. A centralized command system is vulnerable to take down. Cut off the head and the snake dies. The militia will operate like hornet’s nest. If you strike the nest, you will get stung and stung badly. This is exactly what happened when the Minute Men met the Red Coats in the battle of Lexington and Concord.
4.      A militia must operate, like the Constitution, with Christian Ideals. This does not mean that a militia promotes one Christian doctrine or church over another, nor does it mean that non-Christians are not welcomed. It simply means that the militia recognizes that Christian Charity (disaster relief, social efforts) is a necessary component for a strong social group. There is also the Christian recognition of the value of human life (as opposed to socialism where individuals are expendable cogs in a machine that only serves the masters of the party), and the inherent rights and dignities of the individual. (We also need to build up the Kingdom of God, for God will only bless the USA and our efforts if it serves his Kingdom.)
If we take all of the above points into account and also recognize that a militia is an Ultra-Light Infantry Unit, it stands to reason then an effective militia would operate much like the Roger’s Rangers did in the French and Indian War. Roger’s Rangers were savvy in wood-lore, fast, aggressive, and stealthy whether they were on the attack or serving as scouts for the main body. During an invasion, the militia would operate much like the British Auxiliary Forces were designed to do during the Second World War. They were “stay behind” groups whose job was to sabotage and disrupt the rear of a German invasion force. In the preservation of our liberties against an internal threat from an oppressive government, the militia would operate as our Founding Father’s intended it to operate, as a citizen army opposing tyranny. With the ability to respond immediately to natural disasters, the militia can intervene much more quickly than a government agency. A good analogy would the militia is like someone who knows first-aid and begins to help an injured person until an ambulance can arrive. In addition, a militia should be so powerful politically and socially, it can affect the outcomes of elections. For far too long, money, especially foreign money has been influencing our elections. Having an organized and socially powerful group can counteract the negative effects on elections by supporting candidates who would do well, but perhaps do not have the backing of socialist billionaires. One of the necessities of an ultra-light infantry, is they have to act as a guerilla army, at least at first, and for a guerilla army to be able to survive, it has to have the support of the people, which means that militia must operate within and gain the support of the locals. One of the best ways to do that is to be a force for good in the community, which also happens to be one of the criteria for being a Christian.
5.      A militia must have a strong and capable support system.
I’ve separated this point out because militias have poor logistical capabilities, and by poor I mean they don’t have one at all. However, having logistical support is an absolute necessity, but we should recognize that people who join the militia really want to fight and not count beans and bullets. This means the militia needs to recruit non-combatants who are willing to fill the support roles a war-fighting unit desperately needs.
Let us look at an example of what I mean.
Let’s say we want to field a company of militia, 100 men for 30 days. That’s not a lot of men, nor is it a long time to be in the field. Assuming each man eats 3 meals a day, this company will consume 300 meals a day, or 9000 meals for the entire 30 day deployment.
As I write this, a box of 12 MREs cost $132 on Amazon, or $11 per meal. That is enough for 4 men for one day. You would need 750 boxes of MREs to feed our militia company for its 30 day deployment at the cost of $99,000. Even if you could find MREs at 1/10 the cost, it would still cost almost $10,000 to feed the company. Obviously, that is not practical by any stretch of the imagination.
Reality dictates that cost of each meal would have to $.10 or less ($900 for 30 days, which is more reasonable). The only way to achieve that is if the militia grows, harvests, and processes its own food. Thus, Victory Gardens will have to be planted, tended, harvested, and then food brought in to be processed into homemade MREs by dehydrating the food or by freeze-drying it and then distributed to cache centers (Churches, for example). This will require an extensive network of gardeners and food processors but they do not have to be combatants. Almost certainly, this support network will be made up of wives and other women who want to participate but don’t want to be combatants. Once processed into food. This type of network would require people to work together as a group.
Do not discount how beneficial having people cooperate in our group. This type of activity would be fairly easy to organize in say 1920, but in 2020 we are a lot more isolated and we do not socialize as much. Building stronger communities will only benefit the US, and the more the militia is instrumental in building up communities, the more communities will support the militias. (Politicians and bureaucrats hate the thought of people being self-reliant, because it makes them redundant). The food thus collected can defray the cost of the food over time so it can be used during war or during natural disasters. As it ages and needs to be replaced, it can be given back to the militia members and whatever is left over can be given to less fortunate people in the community, thus building up goodwill toward the militia and at the same time building up the Kingdom of God though charity. It’s a win-win. This example only deals with one single thing a militia needs, but it does illustrate how a militia needs a strong support system to function effectively. 
Now that we know what the militia must do, we need to define the attributes, that is the personality of the group as a whole.
When we look at the differences in the amount of money a militia has at the current time versus any government sponsored agency, it is obvious that we are behind the eight ball. This fact needs to be recognized and it needs to be addressed. When you don’t have a super budget funded by grindingly heavy taxes, you have to compensate somehow. Some of the ways that you do this is by maximizing your intangible assets, developing your strategies to maximize your strengths and minimize your weaknesses while neutralizing your enemy’s strengths and taking advantage of his weaknesses, and by creatively compensating for material deficiencies. In the Vietnam War, the communists always had a really huge material and technological disadvantage compared to the massive amount of US war material available, and yet Vietnam is now a communist country.
The four attributes a militia absolutely needs are as follows.
It must have Great Leadership
It must be Well Regulated
It must be Creative
It must have a Warrior Culture
If the militia is going to have a prayer in succeeding in preserving our freedoms, it is going to have to have great leadership. (GREAT LEADERS WIN AND BAD LEADERS LOSE AND THERE IS NOTHING THAT CAN CHANGE THAT, SO MAKE SURE YOU HAVE GREAT LEADERS.)
In the years of me trying to figure out how to get a militia (again any volunteer group, as well) to actually work, I looked at lot of “David vs. Goliath” scenarios, and one of them was the Vietnam War. When the war is studied, you find there were lots of reasons as to why the communists won, but the most glaringly obvious American deficiency was its leadership. Lyndon Johnson, Robert McNamara, and General Westmoreland should have been prosecuted for criminal stupidity. General Giap, the North Vietnamese counterpart to Westmoreland, adopted three different strategies during the war to adjust to changing circumstances. Westmoreland, hampered by Johnson and McNamara, only employed one and they would not change their strategy even though their own people were telling them it wasn’t working. Luckily for us, our government bureaucrats haven’t gotten any brighter.
We can see the effect of good leadership versus bad leadership in the American Civil War as well. According to the U.S. Grant, and I assume he would know, the early victories of the Confederacy against a larger and more well-equipped US army was the quality of leadership. The army officers who left service to go home to serve the Confederacy were dispersed throughout the various units raised in the various states while the regular US army was kept separated from the units raised by the various Northern States and incompetent and untrained, but rich and politically well-connected, morons were given rank and put in charge of fighting field units. These political appointments of unqualified officers lost battles and got Yankee soldiers killed by the bushel. By the time Grant took over, a lot of the bad commanders had been replaced and Grant himself understood war better than anyone else at the time except maybe his protégé General Sherman.
Now a great leader is not a perfect leader because perfect leaders do not exist. Every leader has lost a battle at some point, even Grant and Giap, but a great leader wins the war. In fact, Giap lost most, if not all, of the major battles fought during the Vietnam War, and he still won the war.
But what is great leadership?
 Great leadership is being competent in war-fighting, it is flexible in thinking to account for rapid changes in battle, it is humble so the leader can continue to learn, it takes total responsibility for everything that happens, it is inspirational to the people who follow, it sets the example for all to follow, it welcomes input from the lowest of ranks, but it demands excellence and discipline in all things. It is not perfect.
So where do we get great leaders from?
Many militias will not have any combat veterans in them, but they still need great leadership. The answer is great leadership has to be taught to every single militiaman, because the necessary leadership will have to be fostered within the militia unit itself and militia will have to fight within a decentralized command structure that requires personal initiative.
How do you foster leadership in a militia?
Every group that has ever existed developed a culture particular to itself; it is as if each group has its own personality. In the Vietnam War, the communists were able to foster dedication and resolve in their frontline troops, whereas the US military suffered from poor morale as a whole. When you form the militia, you are going to have create your own culture, and in this case, you are going to have to create a culture where good leadership is constantly being developed.
How do know which traits to develop and how do you develop them?
You are going to have to read a book. In fact, you are going to have to read a lot of books. Sorry, I know John Wayne movies a great, but they really won’t teach you about great leadership. But there are some great books by great leaders that can show you the way. The concepts in those books, as I have said, have to be embraced by the entire militia.
So the first book you need to buy is a copy of Jocko Willink’s book “Extreme Ownership: How U.S. Navy SEALs Lead and Win”
This book, written by a Silver Star awarded Navy Seal will set you on the right path to being a better leader. This book should be mandatory reading for the entire militia. Get rid of the movie garbage about how leaders act and get the good information from a decorated war veteran. Now, Jocko has a podcast where he discusses his ideas and has conversations with other great leaders. His podcast should be mandatory listening.
In this sense “well regulated” means well organized.
Again, going back to the communists in Vietnam, one of the things they did really, really well was organization. It was an impressive effort that was unfortunately supporting the evil of communism. They had to be organized to the nth degree because they had to maximize the use of their barely adequate war materials. This is the same predicament the militia will find itself in and cannot be sloppy and inefficient like the bureaucracy of the US government because it doesn’t have virtually unlimited funds like the US government.
The organization has to go beyond just the combat element and it will be super important in the areas of support. In the example I used to show how much MREs would cost, the solution I gave of organized Victory Gardens would require a great deal of organization. This means the militia will have to create a bureaucracy to handle the manufacture, collection, storage, and distribution of war material and to organize training schedules, instruction in necessary skills, and keep records of funds, men, and supplies. The best way to do this is to recruit non-combatants to fill in these ranks.
Essential items like Night Vision Goggles are crazy expensive. A militia must use its resources wisely in order to have the necessary war supplies
Because the militia is relatively poor, it has to be able to come up with solutions to problems that are either free or cheap. Earlier I talked about how much it would cost to feed a company of one hundred militiamen MREs for a thirty day deployment, and I gave an example of how that cost could be reduced by organizing Victory Gardens to produce food. The Marine Raiders of WWII and the Green Berets in firebases in Vietnam often had to create their own weapons out material they had available, mostly these involved explosives. The Viet Cong were very adept at making booby traps out of natural materials and taking GI trash and turning it into useful items. They used Coke bottles as canteens, tin cans as cups, they found IV needles left by US combat medics and sterilized them and re-used them. Unexploded US bombs were cannibalized for explosives and turned into homemade claymore mines and land minds. The famous Ho Chi Minh sandals were made from rubber from inner tubes and old tires.
I saw some military surplus sandbags for sale in a catalog, and the cost was about a dollar a bag (Who knows how much the government paid for them, but it was probably too much). If you wanted some sandbags either to protect a particular location or, more likely, use them during a flood to try and stop water from overflowing, it may well cost your militia several hundred to many thousands of dollars to have enough to be effective, depending on the job you need them for. However, my wife and I feed the neighborhood cats. We buy a large bag of cat food about once a week. I don’t like just throwing things into landfills if they can be reused for something else, so I use the empty bags for trash can liners. Some people use pet food bags and repurpose them into hand bags. I’ve always thought they would make great sandbags since they are large enough and are made of a tough material. These are the types of things that could be collected and stored in a central location and then used whenever there is a need and it would cost the militia nothing. I am just using the idea of repurposing pet food bags to make the point that with its limited budget, the militia is going to have to maximize the use every available resource so it has money for war fighting essentials. It has no choice in this matter.
In order for the militia to win, its members must be competent war-fighters.
If you go to war, you want to go to war with people who won’t get you killed by incompetence, ignorance, lack of discipline or a lack of ability. Nobody will want to go to war with you if you are incompetent, ignorant, and have a lack of discipline and/or ability.
What type of person dedicates themselves to self-discipline, pushes themselves physically, and diligently studies all aspects of war while learning the necessary skills to be a competent war-fighter?
The answer is a warrior.
A warrior and a soldier are not necessarily the same thing. Many soldiers are warriors, but many warriors are not soldiers and not all soldiers are warriors.
What’s the difference?
The warrior follows the philosophy of stoicism, which means they don’t whine and fuss when things are tough and they face victory and defeat with the same calm resolve. They pursue logic over emotion. They pursue excellence, not just in war fighting, but in all things. Warriors can be trusted because they believe honor is sacred. Warriors constantly seek out challenges to test themselves and they seek ever greater endurance and strength and they seek perfection in their skills as a war fighter.
How do we create a warrior culture?
You read a book, specifically you read Living the Martial Way: A Manual for the Way a Modern Warrior Should Think, by Forrest E. Morgan.
This book was written primarily for students of the martial arts as a manual on how to develop the warrior spirit, but all you need to do is substitute “militiaman” for “martial artist” to use this book.
The Marines are a good example of soldiers who are competent war-fighters, and one of the reasons they are so good is because they consider the Marine Corps to be a warrior tradition. They have a way of looking at the world that is different than say a civilian because they take great pains to teach their recruits a warrior ethos, by that they see themselves as warriors. What is it that makes up a warrior’s ethos? How do you instill it in your people? That’s exactly the questions this book answers.
I have been in many different volunteer groups besides being in a militia. Every one of those groups either failed, or never came anywhere near their potential, mainly because of RHIP and egos. If you want to win the battle for our freedoms, there is only one model for a volunteer organization that will actually work because it can be can be used by a group that has only conditional authority. Luckily, it one of the best ways to be organized.
What is the Organizational Model?
When I said that the militia is not the US Military, that statement is 95% true. Of course there is some overlap, and the only model that will work was in fact first employed in the military. It was America’s first special forces type unit and it was the 2nd Raider Battalion in World War II. This is a legendary group, but at the time it was so different that the Marine Corps hated it and it only came into being because President Roosevelt wanted it to happen. The Marine Corp disbanded them at the first opportunity. The unit was founded by Evans Carlson, a man who studied warfare in China under Mao Tse Tong, and he incorporated a lot of ideas in the structuring of his unit from the communists.
I can hear the squeals of outrage now about using communist methods to train a militia dedicated to preserving our freedoms which are inherently anti-communist. Calm down, I am not advocating for communism and neither did Evans Carlson, he adapted the modes of operation to American ideals and used them very successfully to fight the Japanese. The Communists won a lot of insurrections and wars (i.e. Vietnam) and it would be stupid not to learn how they did it. Obviously, communism is one of the greatest evils of all time, but it can be successful in the getting power, as history well proves, even if it must ultimately collapse from the sheer stupidity of its ideology. The value of using their methods, but adapting them our American (Christian) Ideals is that we know our system works in the long term. To reject something that works just because it was used by communists is like losing a battle because you refuse to pick an AK-47 and fight because it was made by communists.
What were the Characteristics of the 2nd Raider Battalion adopted that made it both different and so highly effective?
Intense focus on physical fitness
Tactics based on speed and stealth (Light Infantry tactics)
Increase in firepower of squad
No tasks was ever assigned to individuals, it was assigned to the entire platoon so that everyone in that platoon literally did everything together.
When dealing with civilians, the Raiders were to be fair in their dealings with them and to leave their villages better than when they found them.
The idea that each Raider was important and vital to the mission.
Everyone was encouraged to present ideas that improved their training. 
Every enlisted man was told the battle plans and why they were necessary. (This allowed them to act independently since they knew the commander’s intent)
Everyone was encouraged to contribute ideas to the battle plan
Developing an aggressive (warrior) spirit 
Decentralizing command (pushing decision making down to lower ranks)
Development of individual initiative and the ability to improvise
Training in rugged conditions to be able to operate in rugged conditions
No special privileges, food, or comfort for officers (Officers were social equals to the enlisted)
After battles, the unit was brought together to discuss what happened. People openly discussed mistakes that they had made (humility) and ideas were offered to help limit the same mistakes in the future.
Weekly “Gung Ho” sessions where training critiques and “Ethical Indoctrination” took place. These were always conducted by Carlson himself so every Marine knew what he meant and could talk to him directly.
The term “Ethical Indoctrination” sounds very foreign and very suspicious to our ears. What it actually means, is that Carlson talked about the war, why it was being fought and what it meant to the future of the world and especially America. They talked about the responsibilities (ethics) of a good American citizen both as a soldier and as a civilian. If there were problems, the enlisted were allowed to air their grievances directly to Carlson. Enlisted personnel could openly disagree with an officer if they believed the officer was wrong. Above all, they talked about “Gung Ho”, that means to “Work together in Harmony” in Chinese. The idea is that each Marine (or in our case militia member) was taught that they were absolutely vital to the success of the unit and that they had (have) a responsibility to their fellow raiders (militia members) to pursue excellence so the unit would be excellent, and an excellent unit was the best guarantee that they would both win the battle and survive it.
Does Ethical Indoctrination actually work?
Hoo boy, does it. Marine psychological casualties were extremely high on Guadalcanal, but the Raiders on Guadalcanal, who endured the same hardships as other marines, and some might say the endured more, had exactly one psychological casualty. Many attribute this almost miraculous feat to Carlson’s Ethical Indoctrination.
How did the communists use these principles to obtain power in so many places when communism is so evil?
Simple, they pretended to be the good guys so people will help them. Mao Tse Tung taught his people to read. In the Vietnam War, the communists would help villages out with projects, like cleaning out muck from canals, to get the villagers on their side. But like all things communist, it was a smoke screen and later “free will” offerings were replaced with “mandatory taxes” from those same villages. The reason they pretended to be the good guys was because they needed the support of the local population and they had to play nice until they had the power to demand what they needed.
A guerilla unit does need the support of the people, this is an absolute truth, but unlike the communists, we are actual good guys. If we do something nice for our neighbors it is true we are building up the goodwill of the population so they will support us, but we are also doing it because charity for our fellow man is a Christian mandate. For communists, acts of charity were a means to an end, but for us Christian Charity is the end because it builds up the Kingdom of God.
Following Evans Carlson’s model for the 2nd Marine Raiders, you militia unit will be made up of men who work together to solve problems. Officers and enlisted ranks are partners in the unit. This will make everyone feel they are valuable part of the group, it will harness the collective creativity of the group, and that creativity will allow the group to be flexible to respond to whatever situation they find themselves in at the moment. Don’t dismiss this as unnecessary, it is a powerful weapon.
 One of the weaknesses of newly formed militias is that concentrate on the tactical and pay no attention to strategy, but tactics are supposed to support the operations plan, and the operational plan is supposed to support the grand strategy. Since our current crisis involves a socialist insurrection, I am going to concentrate primarily on strategies for that mission. (Remember, an effective militia has four missions.
1. External Threats
2. Internal Threats
3. Disaster Relief
4. Political Influence.
These missions will overlap, so don’t get too hung up about keeping them separate because each mission supports our ultimate goal.)
 One of the most common questions I see asked is “where do I get training” and most of the advice given seems to be on the tactical level, i.e. buy this rifle, you will need a canteen and two pairs of socks, etc. People want to know how to breach a door and clear a building, but they don’t think about asking the question as to why a building should be breached and cleared instead of being bypassed.
 We in the Western World are children of the Greeks. We love to separate and classify things into separate categories. It has served us well in the realm of science and technology. In the East, their philosophies see things as part of a whole. In the US, our military is politically neutral and is kept separate from politics and we consider war and politics to be separate things, in the East they are considered the same thing, means to power. We can see this strategic thinking being played out by China’s rise to prominence in the last few decades. China wants power, it wants power without bloodshed if possible, but it has shown it is willing to shed oceans of blood to get if that is the most expedient means to power. It seeks power by building up its military, by economics, by cultural (social) propaganda, by buying and peddling influence is various countries in Asia, Africa, and South America. It uses industrial espionage to steel manufacturing secrets and intellectual properties. Their army is not the national army, it the army of the Chinese Communist Party. The CCP wants to control the world, and they are making a solid effort in that direction. This type of aggression, by that I mean one that uses every means possible, is typically called 4th Generation Warfare. We saw the successful communist effort at this type of warfare when the communists took over South Vietnam (although technically this was 3rd Generation warfare, 4th Generation Warfare is very much an evolution of 3rd Gen. Warfare.) 
 4th Generation Warfare is extremely useful to smaller and weaker groups, such as the North Vietnamese in the Indochina War with France and the Vietnam War with America. 4th Generation Warfare allows militarily weaker forces avenues of opportunity in which to be on the offensive. It should be obvious that a militia must use 4th Generation Warfare to succeed.
 The purpose of having a strategy is to have a plan that obtains some philosophical goal. For us, our philosophy is that human beings have Natural Rights that are not dependent on any government but are, in fact, endowed by nature and Nature’s Creator and they include Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. We feel the best articulation and protection of those rights are encapsulated in the Constitution of the United States of America.
 Our ultimate strategic goal is the continuation and/or the restoration of our Natural Rights as they were articulated by our Founding Fathers by securing our Republic and the Constitution which enumerates our rights and protects those rights. We do this by limiting government overreach, repelling foreign invasions, and suppressing socialist insurrections.
 How do we achieve our ultimate strategic goal that will continue our philosophy?
 We have sub-goals that support and lead to the attainment of the ultimate goal.
 The most important of the sub-goals is the attainment of political and social power. This may surprise, and perhaps dismay, people who want to learn war-fighting skills, but you can quickly discern that having political power is a great and necessary asset, especially when dealing with internal threats to our Rights. Social power is the ability to shape public opinion, and that is no small thing either. Having political power goes a long way in obtaining our philosophical goals without resorting to armed conflict, which is always a win. The North Vietnamese Communists did not win the Vietnam War by military means; it won the war with politics, propaganda, and by mobilizing its sympathizers in the US to turn public opinion against the war. A militia would gain political power in two main ways. First, they would act as volunteers, whether formally or informally, to campaign for people running for public office. In political circles, this is known as the “ground game”. The Tea Party in 1990s was successful in getting some people elected, notably Paul Ryan, who unfortunately turned out to be a snake. However, the point is that grass roots movements can make a politician’s career and they can end a politician’s career. A militia should seek enough power to “make or break” such politicians. The second way a militia can gain political influence is through money and lobbying. To truly be effective in this manner, the militia would need a large reserve of cash, which is only possible if it becomes a permanent institution that can collect revenue to engage in political lobbying. Fortunately, our ideals already line up with already existing institutions like the Tea Party and the Gun Owners of America. Expediency would seem to demand that we partner with them since they are the experts in these fields of endeavor. Social Power is obtained through interactions with society in that such interactions help build positive relationships with the local population. This is absolutely essential for a militia, since it must operate as a guerilla force and local population support is an absolute necessity for such a force to survive. But having Social Power also means being able to influence society to make it stronger, which is a necessity because our society has been under attack since the 1960s and a lot of our national ills come from having a weak society. As I write these words I cannot help but think of how the Socialists through, their feminist and welfare advocating elements, and using their mass media have done such tremendous damage to the traditional family. The results are obvious to see in urban areas where fatherless children end up in gangs and in prisons at a rate far higher than children from solid nuclear families. The destruction of the nuclear family makes it much easier for the Socialists to manipulate the lost children and their welfare dependent unwed mothers, giving them an unprecedented amount of political and social power. They have been successful in destroying once great institutions such as the Boy Scouts. If the militia could be formed on a permanent basis, replacing the Boy Scouts with a militia controlled group for the development of young people (ethical indoctrination) would be a worthwhile endeavor. Anything, really, that helps defeat the liberal indoctrination children receive in public schools would be a good thing. Depending on the source, it is considered an absolute that a government cannot survive is somewhere between 25 – 33% of its population is actively against it. Therefore, we should be working to get at least 1/3 of the population either actively or passively supporting the militia. Obviously, more would be better. 
 The idea of replacing the Boy Scouts with a militia controlled group is just one example of influencing society to create a culture that strong, vibrant, and which demands its Natural Rights be respected. Economically, the militia would promote the businesses of patriotic Americans while boycotting and, if legally possible, degrading the businesses of those who support socialism. Social media is a great avenue for promoting ideas in a social context. Disaster relief is an excellent way to ingratiate your militia into society as are acts of goodwill and charity. In fact, anything and everything that strengthens and promotes our militia and our ideals while weakening our enemies is on the table. Indeed, a militia should always be active, it should be engaged in at least one of its four missions AT ALL TIMES, chipping and hammering away at our enemies.
 Since I mention it in the previous paragraph, it is perhaps time to address a strategic idea that must be engaged in from the very beginning.
 Acting as criminals will alienate you from the very society your militia needs to survive. Normal people do not like criminals. Breaking the law gives the enemy propaganda to use against you. Whatever benefits you might think a homemade explosive or a gun illegally converted to be fully automatic will give you; those benefits aren’t worth spending ten to fifteen years in a federal prison. In fact, getting locked into a cage is the worst thing that can happen to you, to your family, and to your group. Keep your noses clean. Keep them squeaky clean, and concentrate on learning war-fighting skills and building up your group so it can influence society. Remember, military action is only one of our theaters of operation. Use your time out of prison to attack our enemies legally!
An astute reader may, accurately, point out that the second strategy I mentioned of not acting as criminals is more of a doctrine than a strategy and they would be right, but it is such an important doctrine that I elevated it to a strategy. Of course, it is a peace time strategy.
 I would also like to discuss the uniqueness of the American Militia. There are two technical classifications for forces that engage in unconventional war against powerful foes. One is the partisan, a patriot who fights to restore a legitimate government, often against an invader, and the other is a guerrilla who is trying to overthrow the government to implement a new government under their control. The American Militia is a combination of both of these types of forces.
 One of the titles the fear-mongering liberals like the SPLC use to describe militias is “anti-government groups.” The stupidity, or more accurately the deliberate evil, of this statement is obvious. How can any person or group that supports the Constitution of the United States, the founding document of the nation that establishes the very government of the nation be anti-government? If we succeed what happens? We get a government of the people, by the people, and for the people made up of three different branches, which is what we supposed to have now.
 And yet, we may very well find ourselves in conflict with that government, or at least elements within it. The conflict arises, not because we are anti-government, but because we are anti-corruption. We are in conflict because we want the politicians and the bureaucrats to follow the Constitution, the very document they used to acquire power. Being anti-corruption and pro-constitution therefore can definitely make us the enemies of corrupt politicians and bureaucrats within the government who want to twist the government into something else to serve their own self-interest. Because they are trying to overthrow our Constitutional Government, that make us partisans, and yet if the corruption and communist infiltration of our Government becomes bad enough and they obtain power, we will have to fight to replace the government wholesale, which would make us guerrillas.
 This conflict of definitions occurs because we are unique. Americans fight for ideals. When the Minute Men went to war with the British crown, they were not fighting because they were hungry, poor, exploited peasants, they fought for the ideal that they were just as good as any other Englishman and they should have representation along with the taxation that was being imposed upon them, and when it was denied them, they fought and during that conflict decided that they would insure those rights by becoming independent. The Hessian mercenaries the Brits hired to help suppress our revolution, who came from a very poor country, were completely at a loss to understand why a well housed, well fed, and prosperous people would rise up in rebellion. Such a revolt was unheard of in the world, but that passion for the idea that men have rights is what is still driving us today.
  This dual nature of the American Militia is one of the reasons we should not get hung up on the idea of separating our strategies and doctrines into neat little categories, and we should realize that these will overlap and flow and ebb into each other.
 Partisans usually come about in an ad hoc manner, they form as a grass roots movement and engage in conflict with little or no real organization, at least in the beginning. Guerrillas, at least communist guerrillas organize first, and then engage in conflict.
 I am an advocate for organizing first. Why? Because by being organized, we can accomplish more. Right now, because militias are acting like ad hoc partisans, we are missing a golden opportunity to influence our society. Because of the George Floyd riots, millions of people have just bought their first gun. If we were organized and established, the militia could offer them free instruction in safety, marksmanship, and the proper use of a firearm in self-defense. That would go a long way to helping establish the militia as normal and rational part of society, it might even have been a time of recruitment for the militia, but the opportunity has been lost.
 This leads me to the Third Strategic sub-goal supporting our Grand Strategy.
 One of the reasons Ethical Indoctrination is important, along with the concept of adhering to the idea that honor is sacred (warrior culture) is that these things make you a good person, and good people make for good groups. Here is advice I often given to people who complain about our society and I encourage them to fix it.
 That is the first thing you should be do is be a good man.
 The second thing every man should do is be a dangerous man.
 This advice is the same advice I would give to a militia group. Being competent war-fighters directly serves three of the four missions of a militia. Being competent war-fighters helps to deal with External Threats, Internal Threats, and even number four, Political Influence.
 You might think the war-fighting aspect should only affect missions 1 and 2, but remember we are engaged in 4th Generation Warfare and all things are interconnected. You could even make the case that being competent war-fighters applies to the disaster relief and social charity because we can provide security in time of duress. We need to be competent war-fighters politically because having the political power mentioned in the first sub-strategy is really about controlling individual politicians. As we can see with the continued reign of Nancy Pelosi, having direct political influence over politicians insulated in leftist hive-mind cult centers like California is problematic. But having a well-regulated and capable militia that stands against their hive-mind cult, curtails the activities and plans of the entire organization because they are afraid to implement their plans. Our strategic plan as war-fighters should be to become so dangerous, it intimidates the socialists without us ever having to come to blows.
 Obviously, being competent war-fighters means we can act effectively in case of an invasion by a foreign power or to counter violent leftist action to overthrow our government and install an oppressive socialist abomination.
 I am not referring to teams that should be searching for extraterrestrial intelligence. SETI stand for Self-Educated Training and Instruction Teams.
 One of the questions that keeps coming up from people wanting to be in a militia is “Where do I get combat training.” The truth is, that there are lots of instructors, usually former military instructors who will train you, and many have specialized ranges to train you on, or they will travel to where you are at to instruct you. But these types of instructors are seriously expensive. Assuming your group doesn't have a load of cash lying around (or a former Green Beret as a member), a militia needs to be able to economically train its members. But many, if not most, of the militias being formed do not have large budgets, and there seems to be a dearth of former Green Berets willing to donate their time to help out, they need to come up with another plan.
 But one of the benefits of being well regulated (organized) is that many hands can make for light work. As I write this I am looking at my bookshelf where I have scores of three ring binders full of case studies, military manuals, and treatises on guerrilla warfare and revolutionary activity, along with books covering the same subject. One of these is the United States Marine Corps manual of MOUT, Military Operations in Urban Terrain. This is a fairly thick and comprehensive manual of fighting in cities. A militia that could take that manual and absorb its information and practice its recommended techniques would be a formidable force in urban environments.
 But without trained or experienced instructors, just how would a militia absorb and practice this information and develop the skills the book illustrates?
 The answer is the formation of SETI Teams.
  What exactly is a Self-Educated Training and Instruction Team?
 The title really explains it all. It is people who take instruction from whatever the sources they can find, and working as a team, become self-educated experts in the information the source provides and then teaches others. However, for complicated subjects, multiple teams work together.
 How are these teams organized?
 One of the qualities of great leadership I have not listed, but which is Jocko Willink's book, is the ability to break complicated problems down into component parts and then prioritize what needs to be done complicated problems by systematically dealing with the smaller components. For this example, let us say that a militia commander wants his group to become efficient and effective fighters in urban terrain, but there is no one to help them learn, but they do have a copy of the USMC MOUT manual to work from. (Now it is obvious that the people given the task of learning what this manual has to teach already have some competencies, such as safe gun handling, but this same techniques could be used at the very basic level as well).
 The commander appoints a leader to organize the teams, it may well be the commander himself, but that is not important. The leader then recruits the SETI Teams, for a complicated subject as urban warfare, four teams of three men each are selected. The leader will responsible for learning and then explaining to other militiamen what the doctrines guiding the urban warfare techniques are and why they are in place. The first people he will explain these doctrines to are the SETI teams. Once they know and understand the doctrines governing urban combat, the teams divide the techniques of the first section or chapter to be learned into small groups and these groups of techniques are assigned to each of the SETI Teams. Each team then studies the manual to understand what they are supposed to do and then begins practicing the techniques shown. The practice until they become proficient in the techniques, so proficient that they can then teach other militiamen. The first group the teams will teach will be the other SETI Teams they are working with. Team 1 teaches the other teams the first group of skills they have mastered and once that is done, Team 2 steps up to continue the instruction, and then Teams 3 and 4 in order. Once they are done, you now have 12 instructors (13 if you count the leader) who can teach the rest of the militia the skills in the first chapter of the MOUT manual. Obviously, after the first section or chapter has been mastered, these team, or maybe other teams, continues on until the whole manual is completed and the militia is trained in urban combat.
 Such training can and should be supplemented by formal training if possible. The schools that train people in tactics are expensive, but using this method would allow the militia to send a few people to these expensive training classes be conducted by experienced experts with the intent of bringing back knowledge that would then be incorporated into the group's training. The more knowledge a person has going into a training session, the higher the level of instruction becomes because the instructors don't have to cover the basics, your people will already know them, so your people will be able to get more advanced training and allow them to more easily modify training based on their own real-life experiences. It is easy to think that a group trained by SETI Teams could send someone to a school where they would get more advance instruction than others because they already have a knowledge base, and they bring back the advanced instruction that is absorbed into the SETI Teams, and then another person or small group is sent back for even more advanced training.
 I introduced the concept of SETI teams to answer the problem of getting people trained. It may be argues that this is not a strategy, but I wanted to explain them so that people would understand why being organized is so beneficial.
In my last post, I talked about the SETI Teams. I can accurately predict, based on experience, two particular objections to that idea.
 The first is a legitimate objection, in that the example I used of learning urban combat skills is not something a group would do in as it is being formed, it something an organized group would do and it doesn't help get a group organized.
 This is correct, I only included it as an example. I absolutely believe that a militia must have a master plan before they start, but one of the limitations of working from the top down is the nuts and bolts part comes at the end. I am writing this manifesto as fast as I can because I feel time is of the essence but that means sometimes my editing is not up to standard, and I apologize for the spelling errors and grammar mistakes, but I really am doing this as fast as I can.
 If the USMC MOUT manual is too advanced, the same exact method can be applied to the Soldier's Manual of Common Tasks and that is located here at this link
 https://www.milsci.ucsb.edu/sites/default/files/sitefiles/resources/STP 21-1-SMCT, Warrior Skills, Level 1.pdf
 You won't need to print off the entire book, just the parts that would apply to an ultra-light militia.
 The second objection is not legitimate. In fact it is downright stupid. I've had people tell me in the past they didn't put any stock into “book learnin'”. I will tell you what I told them, the Marines don't write books just for the amusement of it all. They publish books to help spread knowledge. One of the sad facts of life is that a militia commander will have to throw people out of the militia, for a variety of reasons, but stupidity should definitely be one of those reasons. As they say, “You can't fix stupid.”
 As I was writing this, I realized someone might make a false claim against what I said, and that would be that I think the SETI Team concept would be as good as a military training school staffed by experienced combat veterans.
That is not the case.
 I work on the concept of The Learning Curve. When I was a young law enforcement officer, I noticed that the reality of a multi-victim car crash on a busy interstate was a lot more harrowing and overwhelming than working from the diagrams in my text book at the academy. However, I thank God I had those textbooks because they gave me a framework to work from, and any mistakes I made were minor and easily correctable. There is nothing in this world that would have really prepared me to be the one person in charge of a chaotic life and death situation like that, and there was definitely a reality based learning curve involved, but that learning curve was shortened by an academic learning curve. My entire philosophy is that we should work to minimize reality based learning curves as much as possible.
  These sub-strategies I am describing must, obviously be built on other sub-sub-strategies. A strategy is a plan that identifies goals, but as that plan develops, obstacles will appear and they will be a need for plans to overcome those obstacles, and those are sub-strategies that will often need sub-sub-strategies and so forth.. Strategies tend to be general ideas with doctrines that address specific needs. Doctrines are the guidelines that allow for strategies to be implemented. Tactics are the nuts and bolts actions that allow for doctrines to be implemented. Again, don't get too hung up on classifications like this, but be aware of them.
 A sub-strategy to the sub-strategy of the militia being competent war-fighters is a strategy dealing with how the militia will become competent war-fighters.
 With its lack of firepower, a militia cannot directly confront another group that has military grade firepower. It will use “guerrilla” or perhaps, considering the dual nature of the American Militia it would be more accurate to say that they must engage in Unconventional Warfare (UW) strategies when it comes to military action.
 The basis of the this strategy can be generally described as “Since we are weaker in firepower, we will never directly confront our enemy unless we have both overwhelming local firepower and the element of surprise and we will eschew traditional military objectives like holding ground for more psychological/sociological objectives.
 As I have mentioned, one of the psychological/sociological objectives a militia should be looking for is to become so wide spread and numerous, it intimidates those who would try to systemically try and remove our freedoms. Now, like all strategies, it may not work, these evil people are both arrogant and power-hungry, so nothing may stop them from trying, but by trying to achieve this strategy there would still be a lot of militiamen to respond to the threat.
 Supporting strategies are its doctrines. Doctrines are the guidelines and concepts we use to obtain the strategic goals. Simply put, doctrines tell you how you do something that will hopefully achieve some objective. Doctrines are fluid, they have to change to conform to the reality of the locality you are in. Someone operating from the Rocky Mountains will be operating under a different doctrines than someone operating on Manhattan Island, although there will always be overlap.
  It has been my experience that a volunteer group can only be stable to up to about 30 people because of internal pressure from personality conflicts. I do concede that most of these groups tried to implement the top-down authoritarian model of the US Military, and that a group operating under the 2nd Marine Raider Battalion's model my well be able to create a much larger group that is still stable. Larger groups, even in the military function best with a charismatic leader. For example, Evans Carlson who formed the Raiders was very charismatic. Whether or not a larger group can be formed, there is still the need for militias to be decentralized. A doctrine that takes into account both the idea of decentralization and the need to keep the groups small would be useful.
 My first doctrine to support the war-fighting capability would be to define the role of the headquarters group. A successful militia would have both State Headquarters and regional headquarters. How many of these, will depend on population density. When the militia is first starting, every individual belongs to the headquarters group. The headquarter groups sets the training standards organizes the support elements. As the individuals are trained, they will be moved into combat units. For the sake of this post, let’s say the basic combat unit is 30 men and lets call them that a platoon. Each of the platoons would have its own identity and be semi-autonomous. They are semi-autonomous because they need to be able to operate independently, and yet still come together to operate and cooperate on larger missions. Once in a platoon, the militia commander would no longer assign a trained man a task, he would assign it to the entire platoon. By working with platoon-sized elements, the commander would have options when the inevitable personal conflicts would arise. To be ability for the platoons to work together would mean that each platoon would have to be trained to the same standard and that is why you need a headquarters group as a central focus.
 Along with the combat units, there would be support personnel. They would come under the direct control of the Headquarters Unit to allow the combat units to focus on their training. The Headquarters Unit is responsible for training individuals before assigning them to a platoon, or more accurately, letting them chose which platoon they want to belong to after their training is complete. One of the realities of a volunteer organization is that you must allow the men to choose who they fight with, this is not a weakness and you will create more internal pressure inside your units and cause more problems than you would otherwise if you try to force square pegs into round holes. The Headquarters Unit is the element that will do the bulk of the militia's administrative work.
 Rank structure would work in two different ways. In the command group, your rank is determined by the job you are doing. If you have a job that is assigned a major's rank, then you would be a major. If you decided to switch jobs with someone that was doing a Lieutenant's job, you would then be the Lieutenant and the person you switched with would be a major. Obviously, the reason you would structure your rank system like this is to de-emphasize the importance of personal rank (and the ego that goes with it) and focus on doing the job.
 Within the combat elements, rank would be determined by how many people you are leading. Your leadership position will be determined by vote. For example, a leader of a 30 man unit would be a 2nd Lieutenant.
 Now, like all doctrines, this one is fluid and should not be taken as an absolute. It may very well be that you end up with a large number of people happily working together and you operate in bigger units. My selection of 30 people in a militia group is based on my personal experience. Your experience may be different.
 That quote is attributed to Harry Truman, and it is a well-known truism among the most successful of leaders. If you want an excellent militia, you will have to have excellent leaders. There is no give in this matter, you will only win with excellence.
Extreme Ownership: How Navy Seals Fight and Win by Jocko Willink and Leif Babin. This is the first book you need to buy. It is the best leadership textbook on the market.
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Steven Covey. A classic in personal development as a leader. We need effective people.
Turn the Ship Around : A True Story of Turning Followers into Leaders  by L. David Marquet. This is a story of how Marquet was sent in as a last minute replacement for the worst submarine in the fleet, and how it ended up achieving the highest evaluation scores the Navy had ever seen since it started operating Nuclear Subs.
These three books are the foundation on which to build a militia. Should a militia emerge based on the leadership foundation provided by these three books, it would be a force to be reckoned with. You will find these books blend together to make a comprehensive philosophy of leadership.
  American Commando: Evans Carlson, His WWII Marine Raiders and America's First Special Forces Mission by John Wukovits. This was the book that cracked the code for me when I was searching for how to organize a militia. This is a general history book of the Marine Raiders that will show how to organize your militia.
Gung Ho: The Marine Corps Most Progressive Tradition by H. John Poole. This book is detailed critique of Carlson’s actions on Guadalcanal written by a man who was both and officer and an enlisted man who is an expert on small unit tactics. 
GUNG HO, RAIDER! THE PHILOSOPHY AND METHODS OF BRIG GEN EVANS F. CARLSON, MARINE CORPS RAIDER by Kathleen M. Gomrick, Major, USAF. This is not a book, but it is an excellent report summarizing the effectiveness of Carlson’s method. It is available online at  https://apps.dtic.mil/dtic/tr/fulltext/u2/a396537.pdf
  Mao Tse Tung on Guerrilla Warfare by Mao Tse Tung. This little book is published by USMC and is an excellent place to start to learn about how guerrilla forces fight in Asia. It is free online. https://www.marines.mil/Portals/1/Publications/FMFRP%2012-18%20%20Mao%20Tse-tung%20on%20Guerrilla%20Warfare.pdf
Guerrilla Warfare: A Method by Ernesto Che Guevera. This very short book is available online from Marxists.com. I hate dealing with Marxists, but thoroughly enjoy turning their own weapons against them https://www.marxists.org/history/erol/china/che.pdf
 These books were all written by H. John Poole. Poole was an officer who resigned his commission and re-enlisted in the Marine Corps as an enlisted man and retired a Gunnery Sergeant. His is an expert in small unit tactics. His book The Last Hundred Yards is a classic among Marine Corps NCOs, so much that it cost $75 on Amazon. Poole’s writing tends to be repetitive as he tries to drive home his points. His main focus is to get the Army/Marines to invest more training in the basic infantry rifleman instead of high tech gadgets. He firmly and eloquently argues that American Infantry should be stealth based, as their Asiatic opponents since WW2 have been and less dependent on overwhelming firepower. His critics contend that the casualty rates for America’s enemies are always much higher than our military’s casualty rates. However, Poole does not say to give up the firepower, but that firepower combined with stealth would make our infantry even more deadly while reducing American casualties and even civilian casualties. I do not know if Poole is right or not, but I do know that a militia must use these tactics and Poole does a great job in laying out how doctrines that don’t rely on massive firepower can and should be used.
Phantom Soldier: The Enemy’s Answer to US Firepower Discusses the use of stealth techniques and how they are employed to minimize the effectiveness of US firepower.
  The Tiger’s Way: A US Private’s Best Chance for Survival. This continues the theme of using stealth instead of firepower and discusses the merits of “Recon Pull” versus “Recon Push”.
Developing the Militia War-Fighter Culture:
Living the Martial Way: A Manual for the Way a Modern Warrior Thinks by Forest Moran USAF (ret.) This book will help you develop the culture of excellence in your militia. Don't dismiss it because a warrior culture is necessary for a militia to be an effective war-fighting force. 
 These eleven books combined form the nexus of constructing your militia. These books are what I call “Officer Grade Books”, but they should be read by everyone. I call them officer grade books because they deal with the bigger picture that is Strategies, Doctrines, Attributes, and the Structure of a militia. They do not deal with tactics, which are what I call “Non-Commissioned Grade Books”. The military makes all of their tactical manuals available online, and simple search will reveal dozens if not hundreds of military manuals for you to use. It has been my experience the Marine Corps Manuals are more to the point and have easier to understand instruction. However, I am going to give you one bonus book on tactics written by Chris Larsen, the head of One Shepherd Leadership Training Institute. One Shepherd is a civilian school that teaches small unit tactics and their book is probably the best around.
  Light Infantry Tactics: For Small Teams by Chris Larsen. Buy this book.
 One Shepherd's website: 1Shepherd.com
One of the reasons I wanted to start with the big picture is because knowing what you are trying to build is essential to building it correctly. However, implementing the larger picture will take time and people will be impatient to get started on their training. They will want to feel like they are moving forward. So let’s talk about things we can do immediately to get the militia started.
Get the people together in the same room who are willing to work to get the militia started. Hand out 3x5 index cards have them write their name and contact information on the card. Also have them list any special skills or qualifications they may have, even if these do no relate directly to military activity. For example, a high school football coach with a degree is exercise physiology would be a valuable Physical Training Officer. A NRA certified firearms instructor would make a great range officer.
Establish the temporary or permanent leader of the group. If the leader is temporary, then plan to hold a leadership election within the next three to six months to formalize the structure. 
Appoint the following officers. Executive Officer (2nd in Command). Physical Training Officer, Medical Officer, Range Training Officer, Tactical Training Officer, Land Navigation Officer, Defensive Measures Officer.
Hand out notebooks and pens to the selected officers and trainers so goals can be written down and checked off as they are met.
Have a detailed plan of what needs to be done and make definite decisions.
Work out of STP 21-1-SMCT SOLDIER’S MANUL OF COMMON TASKS WARRIOR SKILLS LEVEL 1 (This can be downloaded for free off the internet.)
Now, if your militia is geared toward fast movement (and it is), then obviously its members must be in such physical shape as to allow them to move quickly and with great endurance any time it is necessary. This will require the militia to be in good physical condition.
Have the new PT Officer immediately announce a time every day that the militia will gather for PT. This will most likely be in the evening during the week, and in the mornings on the weekends at militia gatherings. At this point, it may be necessary to let people train on their own, even if it’s a group activity due to a difference in abilities, although a mandatory 30 minute stretching session should be required from all. The actual structure of the PT program will depend on who is involved and the resources available. However, hiking is one of the best ways to exercise for an unconventional fighter. Emphasize the need to move slowly at first as to not cause an injury. Getting medical exams so people can exercise safely should be stressed.
Once your militia is moving, the PT Officer must research the best methods available to improve the physical conditioning of the militia. They will read books, research online, and basically come up with a plan that can deal with the variety of physical abilities and set the final level of fitness required. Set a two week time limit for the PT officer to have a rudimentary plan. 
The PT officer should harness the willingness and expertise of other militia members. As the militia grows, someone may want to take the lead in running an exercise group outside of the main effort. This should be encouraged because people may have conflicting schedules, different levels of fitness, and the more opportunities people have to train, the more likely they are to do so. Therefore, the PT officer should work these opportunities into their plan. 
The PT Officer should also come up with a list of locally available resources. For example, in the moderate-sized city I live in, there is a city park that has a one mile walking/running track and spaced along that track are pieces of outdoor exercise stations, like chin-up bars and all metal elliptical trainers.
Most militia gatherings will be on the weekends. Every such weekend, the PT Officer, or his/her assistant, should conduct physical training.  But in addition to mandatory weekly PT training, the PT Officer should set a date for testing people’s conditioning. Records should be kept of people’s progress, which will help with motivating new member. Due to the nature of the militia, that would probably be every six to eight weeks. The reason being people will be coming into the militia at various times so there will have to be some ongoing repetition to get them integrated into the plan.
The militia being an ultra-light infantry must use speed and stealth to fight effectively.
Speed and endurance are achieved through physical training.
Appoint a PT Officer to organize a PT program.
The PT Officer sets the standard for militia fitness. They may follow the US Army’s test, or make one that suits the need of the militia.
Make sure PT programs are realistic. A 45 year-old factory worker is not an 18 year-old football player just out of high school.
Immediately set a daily time for people to gather for PT even if this does not suit everyone. At the beginning, the PT program may only have stretching and hiking as its core activities, but that’s ok, just GET STARTED!
If you start physical exercise and train for combat you will have injuries, and if it is hot you will probably have heat induced injuries. Obviously, someone with a medical background would be best for this role or at least someone with first aid training.
Assuming you are starting from scratch, the medical officer will need to be assisted as learning everything by themselves is going to be difficult. Get volunteers to help the MO. The SMCT lists 17 different first aid procedures a soldier should know. The MO should assign one or two of these to each assistant as well as themselves to learn, master, and then teach. First, they teach the other trainers, and then when they have that experience, they will teach the rest of the militia. The first aid training need not be done all at once, but may be spaced out over time. This will require records to be kept as to who has completed what tasks. A Medical Officer would also be in charge of health and welfare of the militia.
The goal of the Medical Officer is to not only train the fighters in first aid, but to establish a medical service made up of people who won’t be frontline fighters, but who would are willing to help the militia. These support personnel can man medical tents at events and follow trainees on hikes in case there is an injury during those times. The MO will also be in charge of creating a medical supply dump so there will be enough medical supplies to treat the wounded. The MO will also be in charge of keeping the training records and monitoring the testing sessions. The MO, if they are not already a medical professional, should look into getting a certification from the Red Cross to teach first-aid. Having certified instruction would be very useful in case the militia is called upon to help with a natural disaster and could help with legal matters should some lawyers become involved. Also, the MO would try and increase the medical knowledge of the medical service by bringing in experts (assuming they are not already experts) who can expand on the basics.
Militia members need to be trained to a high standard of first aid.
The CMO is in charge of the first aid training
The CMO will organize and be in charge of the medical service
The CMO will establish medical supply dumps
The CMO will constantly seek to improve the medical training of the militia.
Obviously, the militia will need to be trained in firearms. The Range Training Officer will be in charge of safety and marksmanship training along with weapon maintenance and basic malfunction drills. The RTO will locate or set up a range for shooting. 
The Range Training Officer (RTO) will set up a rifle and pistol safety class for the first official training day. Only those who complete the safety course will be allowed to proceed with actual shooting. The safety course will have to be an ongoing class as new people will arrive and need to be instructed. 
Once the safety course is completed, the RTO will conduct a competency course following the eight steps listed in Subject Area 8 of the SCMT for the M16A2 rifle, adapting the information to the AR-15 rifle where appropriate. Only after each potential shooter demonstrated they can correctly load, unload, and field strip their rifle and pistol will they be allowed to zero their rifle with live ammunition. This will be necessary for every type of weapon the shooter wishes to use. For example, if they want to use both an AR-15 style weapon, they must show competency with that type, but if they also want to use an SKS, then they would need to be checked off on that gun, as well.
The RTO will conduct a basic marksmanship lecture for shooters.
The RTO will supervise the shooters as they zero in their rifles and will give marksmanship advice to those who need help.
Remember, if you don’t have ready access to a range, dry firing is a great way to get the basics down.
Putting holes in paper at known ranges is a necessary start to marksmanship, but as essential as it is, it is not enough. The RTO is going to want to increase the ability of militia shooters to move and shoot, shoot moving targets, shoot around barricades and so forth. There are numerous training sites around the country with professionals who will help you train. 
Safety lecture first
Dry firing drills are useful
Basic loading and unloading should be taught
Basic malfunction clearing drills should be taught
Your ultimate goal is to be able to engage dynamic targets while moving and working with fellow patriots on a fire team.
This is about individual skills, when they are trained in this, they are sent to the Tactical Training Officer for basic instruction on team training.
This person will be in charge of training the newly qualified shooter to work in a combat team. The will be working out of Subject Are 4: Survive (Combat Techniques).Unless you are already trained in these tactics, this is another case where several people will have to form a training group under the TTO guidance and they will need to work together to learn to perform the techniques, and once understood, they can teach the rest..
What they learn at this level is a necessary stepping stone to more complicated tactics. These tactics, although basic and simple should be drilled until they are second nature.
Assign a team of people to learn these tactics and then teach them just like the first aid team.
Even before the students have qualified with their rifles, they can begin to learn tactics. Practice can be done with empty rifles (Triple-checked, of course). If you are in a public place, no rifles are necessary in the beginning. 
There are numerous military manuals dealing with fighting tactics available for free on the internet. Copy them and follow the pattern of having small groups practice and master and then teach these tactics. There are also numerous schools and traveling instructors who have special ops backgrounds that can hired to teach you people.
Train a small cadre, or have a small cadre train themselves so they can teach others.
There are numerous tactical books that can be downloaded for free.
Don’t neglect fighting in urban terrain, it has several advantages to the weaker forces.
You don’t need firearms to practice the basic techniques. You can also use analogs, like airsoft guns to practice these techniques.
You can practice in any open area, even inside a city if you don’t have guns with you.
Airsoft fields will be useful for simulating fights and practicing your techniques.
Using a map and compass is essential for fighting outside of a city. If you do not have someone familiar with orienteering, then I would recommend that you watch some YouTube videos on the matter as being shown how to do it is generally easier than learning from a manual, although that can be done. The LNO will be working from Subject Area 5: Navigate in the SMCT. However, I think civilian orienteering is easier to learn than military orienteering. The book I used as a teenage to learn how to land navigate is “How to be an Expert with the Map and Compass” by Bjorn Kjellstrom. There may be other books out there that are as good, but this is a classic and easy to understand
This skill may well take longer than to develop than the others, which means it should be started as soon as possible. However, the LNO and his crew should be offering basic classes in no less than 4 weeks.  I recommend buying a United States Geological Survey map of your training area instead of military maps, and using an orienteering compass rather than a lensatic compass, although a military lensatic compass is very rugged. Orienteering compasses very in quality, but a mid-priced one should do well. Suunto compasses are considered to be top of the line, but are pricey. 
The classes presented in logical order.
First Class: Map reading
Second Class: How to use a magnetic compass
Third Class: How to use a map and compass together (triangulating your position)
Fourth Class: Outdoor exercises (i.e. determining pace count over flat and rugged terrain, celestial navigation)
Fifth Class on onward: Actual land navigation challenges.
The goal of teaching map and compass is get people to navigate from point A to point B with the minimum amount of effort spent and without getting lost. After instructions and some basic the training challenges should be conducted both night and day. Also, there are alternative methods to land navigation, although these are inferior in some respects because they are not as accurate, nor as quick, or require specialized skills and equipment like marine navigation’s use of the sextant.
The LNO will research and give recommendation for compasses and obtain maps from the USGS.
Follow the progression of classes, but remember, a “class” may take several nights or sessions to complete. 
YouTube has a lot of instructional videos for land navigation. Take advantage of them.
Civilian orienteering has advantages over the military system, and some militaries use more orienteering based methods.
Practice in different environments and carrying different loads to determine pace count and to familiarize people with those environments.
Subject Area 17: Defensive Measures has a collection of basic skills that don’t really fit a theme. Follow the pattern of appointing a leader and some helpers in learning the various skills listed and defined in the SCMT manual
 You don’t have any military experience? You aren’t a “natural” leader? You don’t like being the center of attention and you just can’t see yourself being the leader of men?
 I think you just need to grow a pair.
 Is that offensive?
 Don’t answer that, because I don’t actually care. Look, I get it, most of us are not Gen. Patton, but we can still be leaders. A leader is nothing more than a person who takes responsibility for the welfare of the group. That’s it. That’s the secret to it all. You see something that needs to be done and you do it, congratulations you are natural born leader.
 Ok, maybe you don’t have the charisma of a rock star, but so what? It is better to build up your leadership cred being a man, or woman, of conviction and integrity instead of relying on how much people like you. Besides, you don’t have to plan on becoming the Supreme Allied Commander, just the person who gets the d*mn thing going. Other people will come along suited for and willing to take on the responsibility at the higher end of the game.
 In this little manifesto I’ve laid out how a group can come together and build a militia that is actually worth something. It does not rely on a single person having an overabundance of charisma, instead it relies on a commitment of the people to the group. 
 Hey, maybe you have a better plan than mine. Great, do that one instead. But if you don’t have a plan, I’ve written one out for you. If you are reading this, you must have at least skimmed it, so you have no excuse but your insecurities. This is not a time for us to be insecure, it is a time to be bold.
 How do you start?  Simple, call for a meeting and set the time and place. If no one shows up, do it again. If that doesn’t work, do it again. Buy a bunch of cheap notebooks and follow the program I set out in this manifesto. This is not rocket science people.
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