#rhysie is a dick tamlim is a sweetheart
Just remembered that in Acomaf tamlin never asked feyre to wear dresses and like...forbade from wearing pants ever again...she just assumes it...and then later we are told to hate him because of it since wearing dresses represent traditional women who are good for nothing and can't be girl boss because their long skirts come in the way of all the warrior fighting. But it was actually Rhysie who forced her to wear clothes she was uncomfortable in because he wanted to irritate Tamlin because he was jealous Feyre fell in love with him without having the influence of the stupid mate bond while he had to literally twist her bone to get her to spend time with him.
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I know that some people are taking calling out SJM's portrayal of Tamlin as excusing his abuse, but I don't believe that's any of our intentions. Rather than that, I feel as if we are just pointing out how sometimes the narrative twists some of his rather harmless actions and makes them out to be the worst of all. For example, when Feyre kept mentioning how she felt degraded by him for not being assigned a title that didn't even exist (and that she had no credentials for) - this was pushed so hard that almost every post when acomaf came out talked about it instead of how Tamlin physically hurt her. I remember so many Feysand stans claiming that they mostly disliked him for that reason, which in handsight makes sense because if they criticized him for being too controlling at times, they'd be forced to call out Rhysand's whole character.
Hi anon!!
I absolutely agree.
Tamlin's actions and abuse is always explained never justified unlike rhysie's.
They can't call Tamlin out on his actual abusive qualities without acknowledging rhysie's actions as abuse because they are one and the same thing. Hence they pull at the most trivial things just to villainize Tamlin while also saying rhysie is the best god damn feminist in this world.
It's actually so confusing
Rhysie is a feminist because he let feyre train (by putting her in danger again and again) and gave her the title of high lady (which doesn't even make sense because feyre is not considered rhysies equal in anyway, acosf was just further proof).
Tamlin is a misogynist because feyre assumed he wanted her to wear dresses and that wearing pants wud make a statement (for the last time bitch what statement?!?!?!) because wearing dresses is a sign of weak females who don't have any freedom or autonomy, explained to feyre why she won't be called a high lady when she said she didn't want to be called that, thought a ruthless, powerful, tyrant who sent heads in his front yard as a joke, kidnapped his fiancee, who funnily enough he SA for three months and did everything in his power to get her back.
In my opinion Tamlin's only mistakes which are all retcons btw (excluding some things because they totally go against things actually written in the previous books) were:
Continuing to keep company with Ianthee
Not letting feyre train and making decisions for her powers and body for his peace of mind (which sound familiar?? To a certain purple eyed bat's actions in a certain 700 page book??)
Locking feyre in the manor (also sound familiar to what a supposedly noble high lord and lady did to her own sister??)
Slut shaming her at the High Lords metting (which sound familiar to a certain infamous "intervention")
Tamlin not 'saving her from her darkness that was consuming her' doesn't count because Tamlin himself was mentally unstable and suffering from PTSD. if you have a broken leg you can't support another person with a broken leg srry.
Calamnai scene from book 1?? No one except sjm is to blame for that nonsense.. but if you put it irl, tamlin is drunk out of his mind with no sense of reality and feyre, knowing this, completely sober, willing goes near him and doesn't stop him when he tries to kiss her even when he made it perfectly clear that he doesn't want anything to happen between them?? But Put all that in the acotar world it's no one's fault accept sjm.
His magical outburst, I have explained this before and @/worldsnotsaid also wrote a gr8 explanation about it but that ... Wasn't exactly abuse... He doesn't do it with the intention of hurting feyre and gain control or power over her. His power isn't even directed at her. He almost hurts her and he is responsible for it but that can't be labelled abuse. I get how this can be a little questionable for some ppl but no I don't think tamlin physically abused feyre. Try to reverse the scenario, tamlin locks feyre into the manor, it brings up her trauma and she looses control of her magic and hurts all the ppl in that manor. Is it still abuse?? Tamlin abused her 100% and he also abused his sentries but the study scene isn't that.
I feel pity for the ppl who try to point out abusive qualities in Tamlin in book 1 thinking their fav author is so smart and put subtle signs only ture fans can understand. And not accept the fact that SJM got bored with tamlin and suddenly realised she gets hard for rhysie
In comparison to all that rhysie has:
Twisted her bone
Made a bargain for his gain under duress
Licked her without permission
Kissed her without permission
Mind r*pped her
Read her personal thoughts and said it out loud for ppl to hear (which I don't get how it is any different from Tamlins actions in the HL meeting)
Gaslighted her while she was with Tamlin
Actually made her wear clothes she hated
Put her life in jeopardy repeatedly for his gain
Touched her inappropriately in front of ppl again with the pretense of it being a "mask"
Held crucial information about her body from her
Stripped her from the right to consider abortion by not telling the risks of pregnancy
Asked everyone in her family to not tell her either
Put a sheild around her to isolate her even from her family members
Removed the shield around enemies to have them scent her baby rich scent
Paraded her around like a trophy
Climaxed to the picture of his unborn child (not really relevant to what he did to feyre but still disgusting)
You tell me which is worst?
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Girl don’t let anyone shit on you for shipping Feylin people STILL ship Feyre with Rhysand despite Rhysand literally withholding information about her body from her and causing her to die. Let's not sugarcoat it. Nesta paused time when Feyre was on her last breath. Feyre, for all intents and purposes, DIED. And people still refuse to believe that what Rhysand did was abusive. So if people can ship Feysand after that abusive mess, you are free to ship Feylin.
Hi anon!!
It's ridiculous how Nesta actually stopped time and gave up her power to save the three of them...when Rhysie was the one they were in danger in the first place and totally unprepared...ppl still have the nerve to say Nesta was the abusive one. It's fcking hilarious.
I still can't wrap my head around the fact that ppl call it the "bare minimum"
But feyre is no better off with Rhysie than she was with tamlin. She just doesn't know it. Rhysie is smart like that he hasn't let her realise it yet. And she never will. With Tamlin Feyre didn't have a choice or freedom (the retconned relationship). With Rhysie she has an illusion of freedom and choice and that's good enough for her because sjm doesn't let her realise it. Feysand is abusive. You still wanna ship it it's perfectly fine. No one is gonna judge you that's the reason it's fantasy. But if you refuse to acknowledge that feysand is toxic and say it's couple goals then yeah imma judge to fck outta you.
(Also I had this in my drafts for like ever I'm so srry for replying so late... But better late than never right.)
Thx for the ask <3
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