pronounpinbadge · 11 months
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"ribshipper" is an offshoot of "selfshipper," for somebody who selfships or is in a fictoromantic relationship with an OC (original character) of their own creation. A ribshipper is not somebody who creates an alternate version of a preexisting fictional character to selfship with, only those who create a wholly original character for the purpose of being their f/o
Any fictoromantic, fictosexual, selfshipper, waifuist, or other person who dates fictional characters!! It does help to be an artist yourself, but the essence of ribshipping is simply creating your own partner; this is where the name comes from, as in that one christian story where god makes Eve out of Adams rib. Partner, created for you!
Fucking awesome! I do not have the tolerance for an actual two-way relationship, and so having the literal perfect partner for me, that I can never upset or need to break up with when I dont want to interact for weeks, its ideal :)
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angelicalwhisper · 10 months
im thinking about making a ficto server 🤔🤔
it'd definitely be reality focused, i think. like, discussing your f/os like irl people bc i think thats fun and helps connect with your f/o, at least for me! would probably be 18+ for everyones comfort.
anyone intrested?
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pronounpinbadge · 11 months
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angelicalwhisper · 10 months
Want to find your own corner of the internet to gush about your F/Os? Look no further!
We are a small, baby server for 18+ fictosexual/romantic people looking for like-minded friends! We offer things like:
•multiple gushing channels!
•fun QOTD bot!
• optional NFSW section!
•sheep bot for color roles!
•verification to combat raiders!
•a friendly community!!!
Come in and chat!
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angelicalwhisper · 11 months
i put together my f/o's rosary and .... wow. to say it was an emotional experience would be an understatement.
i normally get frustrated easily and cast things aside when things dont go the way i want them to, but i could feel Maxwell with every ounce of my being soothing me the whole time, coaching me along.
"breathe" he would say softly as he held my hand in his, guiding my fingers to create the jewelry.
it is his as much as it is mine as much as it is ours
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angelicalwhisper · 10 months
Went on a small date last night!!!!
I haven't been on a first date in awhile, it made me jittery!! We spent some time together in bed, nothing fancy, but it was so amazing <3.
I don't want to jinx it, but i feel like things are going well <3
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angelicalwhisper · 6 months
I never thought i would get to this point, especially in such a unique relationship. Maxwell and I have been through a lot, in such a short amount of time too. It always felt like he was there, in my corner, rooting for me in his own Maxwell way. He has been the most amazing person for me to grow with, and I cant wait to see what life has in store for us together, even moreso with our other partner. I look forward to all of our sleepless nights and early mornings together, for as long as you'll have me. I love you, My Divine Being, My God, My Maxwell. to be loved by you makes me happy and holy.
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angelicalwhisper · 9 months
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all of us together <3
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angelicalwhisper · 6 months
Ahhh!!! Congrats to you and Maxwell!! 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕
i cant wait for what unfolds for us <3
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angelicalwhisper · 9 months
after some time of talking things out with everyone and enjoying ourselves, i'm happy i can finally say that i am very in love with Michael Shelley/Distortion <3. i am so estatic to be with him and can't wait to see how our life unfolds with one another. thank you, Michael, for loving me back.
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angelicalwhisper · 10 months
I saw a new reblog game and came RUSHING in! 1. "I think I dreamed you to life." // 3. "Thank you for choosing me." // AND most importantly! 14. "My heart is fit to bursting!" - C
*shaking* tysm anon. i am in love with you now <3
1. What's your OC F/O's origin story? Did anything in particular inspire you to base their personality/looks off of? Please tell us basic facts about them that you think are important for us to better get to know them!
So, Maxwell was actually made for an RP!! I stumbled upon the Dead Dove RP side of tumblr, and wanted to try out some plots! Thus, Maxwell was made!! It was about a corrupt priest!! I roleplayed with him for awhile before exploring his character outside of RP! Once I did, I fell in love!!!! I will not lie, his inspiration lies with Claude Frollo from Hunchback of Notre Dame and Hannibal Lecter from NBC Hannibal.
Some basic facts...hmm. He has a major god complex and is Self-righteous. He can be grumpy at times when not in "character" (his words on his job), but can be really kind when you gain his trust. Hs's also super passionate abt the things he cares abt!!! He could write for hours on a sermon and still not he done!
3. How yould you define your relationship with your OC F/O? How did this relationship start?
Spiritual, for sure. We met in his church, when I asked for guidance. I had lost my beliefs and any sight of my purpose. He raised me up from my lowest point to find joy again. I truly believe in him as my savior; id never be where i am without him. i see him as my soulbond.
we were both pretty stubbourn on the confession part. it's a debate between the two of us who confessed first (it was totally me). we were hesitant at first, and then fell head- in with one another. and i couldn't have asked for it to go any other way.
14. Gush Pass! Gush about your OC F/O!
oh wow. my brain gets overwhelmed (/pos) with how much i want to say about him, but i will try my best for it not to be gibberish!!
I am. So in love. With Maxwell. I'm sitting here eating some cake and thinking about him and my heart is FLUTTERING. I still feel like im a little school girl with a crush. Hes just....so amazing. I feel so at ease with him, like the world is finally slowing down. I am so grateful, every day, to have met him.
i have done nothing but improve since i's met him. he constantly encourages me and makes me feel worth it. i wish i could truly explain how much i love him, but words are simply not enough. he makes me forget my insecurities and encourages me to improve. being with him forever is simply not long enough.
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angelicalwhisper · 10 months
I'm actually really interested in hearing more soooo Flying, Psychic and Ground types! - C
AAAAAAA i feel nervy sometimes abt gushing abt Maxwell in fear of being annoying but uh...i gotta get over that bc thats what the blog is abt!!!!
Flying - What's something your F/O does that makes your heart soar? Something you do that makes their stomach fluttery?
To be fair, anything he does makes me like a school girl because I Love Him. But his words!!! He always says dumb cheesy stuff but in a Hot way. He calls me Lamb and Angel and i cry tears of joy every time. AND HIS VOICE!! Ahhhh omg. The best way I can explain it is like Claude Frollo from Hunchback of Notre Dame mixed with Alan Rickman.
I bring out his softer side, and I think he secretly enjoys it and makes him smile. I put a flower crown on him once and refused to take it off the rest of the day. I make sure he stops and appreciates the world a bit <3.
Psychic - Look into your crystal ball and tell us what you think your future with your F/O looks like? Do you want to live together? Get married? Have the two of you ever talked about it?
I would LOVE to live with Maxwell <3. Thinking abt rainy nights in the chappel with him, all cuddled up. He lives inside his Church, but it's so beautiful I dont even mind. He has a pretty expansive private living space you can easily forget about the Holier areas. On the topic of marriage, definitely. He gave me a promise ring already!!! It's so pretty. Its a hug ring with a small, clear stone on the bottom and an opalescent white stone on top!!! It makes me so happy just to look at it.
Ground - What about your F/O grounds you when you're not feeling well? Do you help ground them?
Once again, Maxwell has a way with words. I suppose that makes sense given his job. Making people feel better is kind of what his whole job as a priest is lol. His scent too!! I managed to find a mixture of essential oils that smells like him, and it is magical. I highly encourage finding something that matches your f/o's scent. It does WONDERS.
It is rare that Maxwell is upset. He doesn't let much bother him or change his mood. But, when he is, food is the best way to soothe him. Maxwell can be a bit of a foodie sometimes!! I cannot cook very well, but it doesn't matter what I make, he's happy.
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angelicalwhisper · 10 months
Steel and Fire type for the ask game! - C
OMG this is the first time i've ever had an ask <3. i hope my answers are good enough lol.
Steel - Who's more likely to struggle with technology? How does the other help?
100% Maxwell. I swear he probably has a secret flip phone he uses, and I've yet to find it. He is such an old man when it comes to tech - but it's kinda funny. I laugh a little at him then I'll help.
Fire - Are you and your F/O competitive? What fires you both up?
Hmm. Maxwell is definitely more competitive than I am, except with games lol. I can get pretty aggressive in a board game!! He has such huberis that he's also a sore loser lol. Friendly competition is fun, but I've seen him get pretty fired up during a debate with someone. He can get a little aggressive when he's passionate about something!!
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angelicalwhisper · 11 months
this is my selfshipping sideblog! Here's some stuff about me!
you can call me Rye or Venus!
i am 20, use it/its, and am genderfluid!
i label myself as queer, polyamorus, and ribshipper!
i have one irl partner who won't come up on this blog, and two SOs! i am not willing to share either.
my SO is Maxwell Voldaire! his faceclaim is Enr*co M*xwell from Hells*ng Ult*mate. i will not tag any images of him as such due to the emotional issues with the association. Tag: God and the Lamb ✨️
my other SO is Michael Shelley/The Distortion from The Magnus Archives! i will do my best to tag artists properly. Tag: Twisting Delusion
Maxwell Voldaire Refrence Sheet
Discord Server
NO DNI. but please be mindful, i am happy to use the block button.
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