#richard jerimovich
scullysconstant · 4 months
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# very precious to me
THE BEAR | Forever (3.10)
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diningwiththeasquiths · 4 months
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The Bear + text posts (Richie edition)
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tigerbaulm · 7 days
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cthaehart · 6 months
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june2734 · 9 months
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peapeapeapa · 4 months
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kdogreads · 10 months
my oral fixation goes wild when i see richie smoking but also i just need him to put them in me and make me come until i can’t even form a single coherent thought pls god when
Giiiirrlllll (respectfully) MEEE TOOOOO 🤤🤤 we love those fingers those lips oh my 😳🥵
Smutty smut below the cut 🤤🤪 (minors DNI pls)
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He knows he should quit. He knows it’s bad for him and for everyone who has to breathe in the smoke he expels. But he also knows it feels so fucking good to take a smoke break after a busy night at The Bear.
“Fuuuck me. I’ve been waiting for you, baby,” Richie’s eyes fall shut and his head leans back against the rough brick wall behind him.
“Richie?” You poked your head out to see who he was talking to, “Are you talking your cigarette?”
He laughs and nods his head as he lifts the smoke to his lips, taking a long drag, pushing the air out of his lungs, and licking his lips to wrap it all up. You couldn’t help but stare in awe at his long, slender fingers.
The two of you stood out back of the restaurant for a few minutes, Richie staring at the stars and you staring at Richie. The way he lifted the smoking cigarette to his lips, fingers wrapped so delicately around it. You couldn’t help but reach out to touch them.
“Where you at, baby?” He teased, switching the cigarette to his other hand so you could intertwine your fingers in his.
“You look good, Richie, that’s all,” You smiled as he lifted your hand to his lips and pecked a kiss onto your palm, then your wrist and up your arm.
“Baby,” You whined as he placed your arm over his shoulder and backed you against the wall.
“Shh, don’t want them to hear you,” His words dance over your neck and sent a shiver down your spine.
He took one more long drag before dropping the butt to the ground. He tips his head back to exhale the tangy smoke over your head and the way his deliciously inviting neck made you shiver in the warm summer breeze.
In one swift motion he hooks his thigh under yours, effectively rucking your skirt up at your waist and opening you up for him. Richie groans as the wet spot on your panties greets his eager fingers.
“Oh fuck,” You whine louder than you mean to as he slides a long finger into your aching cunt and peppers kisses on your neck. You can’t help but gasp as he adds another thick finger inside you, stretching your walls deliciously at a leisurely pace.
Your eyelids feel heavy as he pulls rolling pleasure out of you, teasing that spongey spot deep inside your core with every dragging stroke. You’re pulled out of your head when Richie suddenly leans away from you.
“Keep it down, sweetheart,” He clamps his hand over your open mouth, two fingers teasing your tongue, “Oh you want me to shut you up, huh?”
You nod desperately as he fucks his fingers into you at a punishing pace. Richie grits his teeth and practically growls as he feels your body tensing around him.
“That’s it, baby girl,” He coos at you, bringing you closer and closer to your peak, “Cum on Daddy’s fingers, baby, just like that.”
You cry out into his hand as the pressure erupts in your core, walls clenching rhythmically around his still-pumping fingers. You lick and suck on the fingers in your mouth, the slight tang of his cigarette still lingering. Richie’s fingers slide out of your mouth, but you’re too cock drunk (or finger drunk?) to notice.
Your heads tries to fall back against the brick, lips parted and panting like a dog, but the top of your skull is met by a solid, gentle hand protecting you.
“Richie,” the whisper dances from your lips as his fingers slide out of your aching core and carefully smooth your skirt back down.
“Ah, ah, almost done,” He slides the fingers covered in your slick into your mouth, “Clean up f’me, sweetheart.”
You giggle and do as you’re told, sucking your tang off his long, slender fingers. A smile breaks out onto Richie’s face as he shifts to hold your face in both of his hands.
“You really are a fucking dream, baby,” He kisses you softly, the lust in his eyes slowly slipping away back into his typical adoration for you, “My fucking dream.”
Just then, the back door swings open forcefully and out steps Carmy, long overdue for his own smoke break. He spotted the two of you and nodded in greeting, an eyebrow lifting in question for moment before shaking his head as if to say never mind, nasties, and pulled out his phone to ignore the two of you.
You laughed as your attention shifted back to Richie’s lovestruck face right in front of yours.
“Gotta get back in, hm?” Richie asked softly and kissed your lips, “I love you, pretty girl.”
His eyes were so close to yours you could see the spots of darker and lighter blue, and the faint bags under the glimmering white.
You kissed him again and squeezed his waist slightly, “I love you, too, baby.”
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sihtryggr · 9 months
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Emmy Award Winners 🥺
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emmynominees · 9 months
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ebon moss-bachrach as richard "richie" jerimovich in season one of the bear
primetime emmy award winner for outstanding supporting actor in a comedy series
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bullet-prooflove · 1 month
86: Richie Jerimovich x Reader
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Tagging: @kmc1989 @lostinwonderland314 @fallout-girl219 @wabi-sabi1090 @morgthemagpie
Companion piece to:
One Night Stand (NSFW) - It was never meant to be more than a one night stand.
Old School - Richie and you prefer to do things old school.
Safe With You - Richie still has nightmares about how he found Michael.
Joy - The stabbing leads Richie to confront some of the doubts he has about himself.
All The Good Ones Are (NSFW) - Richie has never thought of himself as one of the good ones.
Happy Anniversary - Richie fucks up your first wedding anniversary.
Gift (NSFW) - Richie has always thought of you as a gift.
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It’s set to be a busy weekend at The Bear, something Richie’s pleased to see as he studies the schedule in front of him. His finger runs down the list as he mentally catalogues the patrons, mentally arranging birthdays, surprises and all the other fun shit their patrons love. He’s halfway down Saturday’s guest list when a familiar name jumps out at him. His brow creases into a frown, his jaw clenching as he turns towards Sugar and says “We’re 86ing this jabroni.”
Sugar tilts her head as she studies the name before her gaze flickers up to meet Richie’s.
“That’s a two grand table.”
“And he’s a million dollar asshole.” Richie informs her as he hands back the book. “He’s out.”
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me?” Sugar responds, putting a hand on her hip. “It’s not like we’re rolling in money here, we can’t afford to 86 that amount of cash.”
“You said we each got a veto.” Richie reminds her, crossing his arms over his chest. “Francie Fak is yours and Peter Garbucci is mine.”
“You know what Francie Fak did to me.” She reminds him, her tone turning sharp, the way it always does when Francie’s name comes up. “What did this guy do to you?”
“Not to me.” Richie says, his palm rubbing over the back of his neck. “To Joy, he’s her ex-husband.”
“Oh.” Sugar says with understanding because the two of you have talked about your previous marriage, how soul destroying it was.
She can’t imagine what it was like being an afterthought to your husband, to be the thing that he forgets about until a dinner or a gala comes up and suddenly he needs to wheel you out for an appearance.
“You know the terrible shit he did to her.” Richie says quietly, his voice rough because he fucking hates that son of a bitch, that he made you feel anything less than the brilliant beautiful woman that you are. “The only way he eats here is over my dead body.”
“Agreed.” Sugar says as she scratches his name from the leatherbound appointment book and picks up the phone to cancel the booking.
When Richie comes home that evening he doesn’t tell you about Peter. He doesn’t want your ex-husband to infringe on the life the two of you have built together. You’re happy these days, a strong, confident woman with an infectious laugh and a smile that could light up the whole room.
He’s a little feral when he fucks you that night, his mouth ghosting over every inch of you as he chases your ecstasy with a persistence that borders on pathological. He spends hours building you up, making you climax against his mouth before he finally takes his pleasure.
“You’ve ruined me.” You tell him in the aftermath and he smiles against your lips because you really are the world to him and he’ll spend his entire life making sure you know it.
Love Richie? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
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glynrick · 9 months
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Binged The Bear recently and loved it then did some sketches of the cast.
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diningwiththeasquiths · 7 months
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The Bear + text posts (Carmy edition) for @lunaintheskyforever, happy birthday bb! ❤️
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hobies-princealbert · 10 months
Ladies and gentlemen, my top white men of 2023.
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There's is nth I love more than a 30+ unconventional and scarily borderline attractive white man.
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kyloknightren · 4 months
can’t tell if this is just behind the scenes or richie really was trying to poach people when he went to the ever dinner
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babybirbb · 4 months
the way that i've been just constantly rereading the same like ten (10) carmrichie fanfics on AO3 because there are just not enough carmrichie fanfics out there to keep me sufficiently entertained
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