ninjachill339 · 2 years
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saturn7887 · 1 year
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Alicia Rickter
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nintendometro · 25 days
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"I rate the game a 9.5" - Rickter Scale
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yaoiboypussy · 2 months
sorry if this has been asked before or it’s something you’re tired of discussing (then by all means, please ignore my ask) but what is the difference between xe/xem and they/them? Also, is there a known linguistic origin of these (and other neo-) pronouns or have they very recently emerged from scratch within the lgbt+ community?
I quite recently came to terms with my transmasc identity and I feel like I’ve fallen behind on understanding everything, especially when it comes to neopronouns so I’m just confused /:
Xe/Xem/Xyr is an alternative gender neutral pronouns coined in the 70s - it was coined by Don Rickter. There’s no functional difference between xe/xem/xyr and they/them/theirs - both are gender neutral pronouns - but I just simply prefer xe/xem.
Some neopronouns come from the queer community - others don’t. Ae/aer pronouns came from a 1920s sci-fi book to refer to an alien species. And Thon/thons dates back to the 1850s.
This wiki page has a section about gender neutral pronouns in English and their origins if you want to read it
Each neopronoun has different origin. Nounself pronouns are new though , stuff like bug/bug/bugself and pup/pup/pupself - they are just different ways to express people’s genders.
If you have questions about how to use someone’s neopronouns grammatically you can just send them an ask, most neopronoun user I know are happy to answer questions about how to use their pronouns.
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thatonegayicon · 11 months
A History of Neopronouns
I am making this post after dealing with the idiocy on Reddit. Ive seen people claim neopronouns to be a joke or fake, but Im here to prove them wrong.
The first use of neopronouns is a/aself, which was used by an English writer in the 14th century, and a documentation of this was made by William H Marshall in 1789. (7 centuries)
Next, is thon/thonself pronouns, which is a contraction of the words that one. This was brough into circulation in 1858. (2 centuries)
Following is xe/xem/xyr which were brought into circulation in 1973, thanks to Don Rickter. (50 years)
Ey/em pronouns was used by Christine Elverson in 1975 which is a contraction of they/them. (50 years)
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shadelostwolf · 8 months
OC-tober day 1
Prompt: Going about an average day
I used the OC-tober list made by @icannotreadcursive
Link here
OC: Sylv
The sound of an alarm sounded through the room, bouncing off the metal walls. There was a sound of someone cursing. Sylv entered the room, the feathers on his wings fluffing from his annoyance to yank the alarm off the side table. “I swear you go off like this just to spite me.” He jammed warm russet fingers against the off button, making the alarm petter off into a dying whine. “Need to get a new one.” He tossed it onto the small cot next to the side table before going back out into the living space. His fingers curled around the handle of a coffee mug sitting on the kitchenette counter before heading for the front of the ship.
Sylv sank into the flight seat. The cushions were worn along the edges. He adjusted his wings around the back of the seat before letting out a long sigh. His free hand scratched at gray, shaggy hair before cupping his mug. With both hands on the mug, he took a sip of his coffee as crimson eyes watched the stars among a sea of infinite black. After a minute of watching, he tapped his fingers against the ceramic sides.
Every day started like this now. Slow, uneventful. He liked it.
Wake up before the alarm and try to turn it off. Only to have it scream at him thirty minutes after the set time. Then coffee, and then stare at the cosmos until it sank in that he was able to do this now.
Sylv reached out to flip a switch on the panel in front of him. The sound of a low hum filled the ship. The ship was old, and it would take twenty minutes just for the system to wake and then ten more for the water to warm for a shower. He reached over the arm of his flight seat to pull a clipboard out and look over what he had to do that day.
Sylv knew he had a job to pick up and transport a person to somewhere in the Rickter system. He sat his coffee on a small coffee ring stained ledge. Once his hand was free, he dug out a tablet to pull up the time zones for the planet he was picking the person up from. Once he was done, he tucked everything back into the pocket on the side of his flight chair and went back to watching the black sea of stars. He took his coffee back in his hands to slowly sip.
After his last sip, he stood up to get a refill before heading for the shower stall in his room. His day was going to be a long flight across the galaxies. To think this was normal for him now, an average day. Look at him going about an average day.
The thought made him chuckle as he pulled his clothes off.
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jingles-miserably · 1 year
my number one goal is be female jeff blim. i need to be the silliest ever
I have a similar goal but witb joey rickter. I want his silliness and I want his gender
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ninjachill339 · 2 years
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snowy-moth · 1 year
Tag 9 5 people you wanna get to know better
I was pleasantly surprised to see that I got tagged by @bitter0ath 🥰
Three ships: Mostly ships with my own characters... Dairyu x Rickter (mine and a friend's character), WoL x Aymeric (FFXIV), Penelope Eckhart x Kallisto Regulus (Villains are Destined to Die)
First ever ship: Zack x Aerith (FFVII)
Last song: Hot Tea by Half-Alive https://youtu.be/upyBY3ot9Kk
Last Album: Vessels by Starset
Last Movie: Silent Hill
Last YouTube Video: Just a bunch of music videos...
Currently Reading: A metric ton of manhwa, the one I most recommend is Solo Leveling (completed), followed by Villains are Destined to Die (ongoing).
Currently Watching: Kitchen Nightmares
Currently Consuming: Pierogies
Currently Craving: Just so much salmon sushi 🍣
Currently Playing: FFXIV and Elden Ring
Obligatory Tags (no pressure to do this!): @anomaliaff @shensation @pyrasterran @iamqueenlion @cutiecalaveras
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war2spin · 2 months
⸻ now I am become Death, destroyer of worlds.
PRIVATE, PLOT-ORIENTED, SLOW ﹠ SPORADIC ACTIVITY SECONDARY 𝐌𝐔𝐋𝐓𝐈-𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑 SIDEBLOG, containing STRICTLY meta based canon characters ( from various media sources ) ﹠ original characters. please read ALL information pertaining to my characters as I have, can ﹠ will change the source material and some have basic requirements in order to interact with some of them. silver, he/him trans, thirty2, eastern standard.
⸻ main account: 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐒𝐏𝐔𝐍, follows from there. intertwined with peacespun. ♡ PROMPTS. AESTHETICS. CHARACTER COUNT (#)
archangel michael, saint. archangel. if you do not write with dean winchester, you do not get access to archangel michael. main ship with adrastos.
feyd-rautha harkonnen. frank herbert's dune. if you do not write with paul atreides + my dune verse for dean, you do not get access to feyd. main ship with danar caen.
harvey dent, two-face. detective comics. if you do not write with leon marshall, you do not get access to harvey.
roman sionis, black mask. crime lord in my gotham. detective comics. if you do not write with leon marshall, you do not get access to roman.
lee dutton. yellowstone.
alia atreides. saint alia of the knife. if you do not write with paul atreides + my dune verse for dean, you do not get access to alia.
octavia blake. the 100. if you do not write with my grounder dean + cato kom sangedakru, you do not get access to octavia.
william "billy" butcher. the boys / gen v. it will be rare if I write him.
beverly marshall. the boys / gen v. leon marshall's daughter.
sheidheda, cato kom sangedakru. the 100 prequel. main ship with lyra kom trikru.
raphael emmanuel colt. original werewolf. main ship with cal adler.
christopher delacroix. former military, survivor, camp leader.
kannid last name. frank herbert's dune: fremen original. if you do not write with paul atreides + my dune verse for dean, you do not get access to kannid. main ship with alao.
nathaniel rickter hoffman, saw universe. jigsaw killer. mark hoffman's brother. main ship with luke easton bishop.
caleb dunlap. the boys / gen v. supe, power mimicry. cate dunlaps younger brother. if you do not write with leon marshall you do not get access to caleb.
PRIVATE. I will only be writing these with peacespun.
franklin castle. the punisher. mary winchester. supernatural. margaret shaw / queen maeve. the boys / gen v. annie january / starlight. the boys / gen v. casey marshall. the boys / gen v. a better version of homie.
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giffstore · 1 year
Bencana Gempa Bumi
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Gempa bumi adalah getaran atau getar-getar yang terjadi di permukaan bumi akibat pelepasan energi dari dalam secara tiba-tiba yang menciptakan gelombang seismik. Gempa Bumi biasa disebabkan oleh pergerakan kerak bumi (lempeng Bumi). Frekuensi suatu wilayah, mengacu pada jenis dan ukuran gempa Bumi yang dialami selama periode waktu. Gempa Bumi diukur dengan menggunakan alat Seismometer.
Momen Magnitudo adalah skala yang paling umum di mana gempa Bumi terjadi untuk seluruh dunia. 
Skala Rickter adalah skala yang dilaporkan oleh observatorium seismologi nasional yang diukur pada skala besarnya lokal 5 magnitude. Kedua skala yang sama selama rentang angka mereka valid. Gempa 3 magnitude atau lebih sebagian besar hampir tidak terlihat dan jika besarnya 7 lebih berpotensi menyebabkan kerusakan serius di daerah yang luas, tergantung pada kedalaman gempa. Gempa Bumi terbesar bersejarah besarnya telah lebih dari 9, meskipun tidak ada batasan besarnya. Gempa Bumi besar terakhir besarnya 9,0 atau lebih besar adalah 9.0 magnitudo di Jepang pada tahun 2011 (per Maret 2011), dan itu adalah gempa Jepang terbesar sejak pencatatan dimulai. Intensitas getaran diukur pada modifikasi Skala Mercalli.
Jenis gempa bumi dapat dibedakan berdasarkan:
Berdasarkan penyebab
Gempa bumi tektonik
Gempa Bumi ini disebabkan oleh adanya aktivitas tektonik, yaitu pergeseran lempeng-lempeng tektonik secara mendadak yang mempunyai kekuatan dari yang sangat kecil hingga yang sangat besar. Gempa bumi ini banyak menimbulkan kerusakan atau bencana alam di Bumi, getaran gempa Bumi yang kuat mampu menjalar keseluruh bagian Bumi. Gempa bumi tektonik disebabkan oleh pelepasan tenaga yang terjadi karena pergeseran lempengan plat tektonik seperti layaknya gelang karet ditarik dan dilepaskan dengan tiba-tiba.
Gempa bumi tumbukan
Gempa Bumi ini diakibatkan oleh tumbukan meteor atau asteroid yang jatuh ke Bumi, jenis gempa Bumi ini jarang terjadi
Gempa bumi runtuhan
Gempa Bumi ini biasanya terjadi pada daerah kapur ataupun pada daerah pertambangan, gempabumi ini jarang terjadi dan bersifat lokal.
Gempa bumi buatan
Gempa bumi buatan adalah gempa bumi yang disebabkan oleh aktivitas dari manusia, seperti peledakan dinamit, nuklir atau palu yang dipukulkan ke permukaan bumi.
Gempa bumi vulkanik (gunung api)
Gempa Bumi ini terjadi akibat adanya aktivitas magma, yang biasa terjadi sebelum gunung api meletus. Apabila keaktifannya semakin tinggi maka akan menyebabkan timbulnya ledakan yang juga akan menimbulkan terjadinya gempa bumi. Gempa bumi tersebut hanya terasa di sekitar gunung api tersebut.
Berdasarkan kedalaman
Gempa bumi dalam
Gempa bumi dalam adalah gempa bumi yang hiposentrumnya berada lebih dari 300 km di bawah permukaan bumi (di dalam kerak bumi). Gempa bumi dalam pada umumnya tidak terlalu berbahaya.
Gempa bumi menengah
Gempa bumi menengah adalah gempa bumi yang hiposentrumnya berada antara 60 km sampai 300 km di bawah permukaan bumi.gempa bumi menengah pada umumnya menimbulkan kerusakan ringan dan getarannya lebih terasa.
Gempa bumi dangkal
Gempa bumi dangkal adalah gempa bumi yang hiposentrumnya berada kurang dari 60 km dari permukaan bumi. Gempa bumi ini biasanya menimbulkan kerusakan yang besar.
Berdasarkan gelombang/getaran gempa
Gelombang Primer
Gelombang primer (gelombang lungituudinal) adalah gelombang atau getaran yang merambat di tubuh bumi dengan kecepatan antara 7–14 km/detik. Getaran ini berasal dari hiposentrum.
Gelombang Sekunder
Gelombang sekunder (gelombang transversal) adalah gelombang atau getaran yang merambat, seperti gelombang primer dengan kecepatan yang sudah berkurang,yakni 4–7 km/detik. Gelombang sekunder tidak dapat merambat melalui lapisan cair.
Penyebab terjadinya gempa bumi
Kebanyakan gempa Bumi disebabkan dari pelepasan energi yang dihasilkan oleh tekanan yang disebabkan oleh lempengan yang bergerak. Semakin lama tekanan itu kian membesar dan akhirnya mencapai pada keadaan di mana tekanan tersebut tidak dapat ditahan lagi oleh pinggiran lempengan. Pada saat itulah gempa Bumi akan terjadi.
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pancasaktiwidjaya · 1 year
Gempa Bumi
Gempa bumi adalah getaran atau getar-getar yang terjadi di permukaan bumi akibat pelepasan energi dari dalam secara tiba-tiba yang menciptakan gelombang seismik. Gempa Bumi biasa disebabkan oleh pergerakan kerak bumi (lempeng Bumi). Frekuensi suatu wilayah, mengacu pada jenis dan ukuran gempa Bumi yang dialami selama periode waktu. Gempa Bumi diukur dengan menggunakan alat Seismometer.
Momen Magnitudo adalah skala yang paling umum di mana gempa Bumi terjadi untuk seluruh dunia. 
Skala Rickter adalah skala yang dilaporkan oleh observatorium seismologi nasional yang diukur pada skala besarnya lokal 5 magnitude. Kedua skala yang sama selama rentang angka mereka valid. Gempa 3 magnitude atau lebih sebagian besar hampir tidak terlihat dan jika besarnya 7 lebih berpotensi menyebabkan kerusakan serius di daerah yang luas, tergantung pada kedalaman gempa. Gempa Bumi terbesar bersejarah besarnya telah lebih dari 9, meskipun tidak ada batasan besarnya. Gempa Bumi besar terakhir besarnya 9,0 atau lebih besar adalah 9.0 magnitudo di Jepang pada tahun 2011 (per Maret 2011), dan itu adalah gempa Jepang terbesar sejak pencatatan dimulai. Intensitas getaran diukur pada modifikasi Skala Mercalli.
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kritikapatil · 1 year
Jet Skis Market Analysis, Size, Growth, Competitive Strategies, and Worldwide Demand
Latest Report Available at Advance Market Analytics, “Jet Skis Market” provides pin-point analysis for changing competitive dynamics and a forward looking perspective on different factors driving or restraining industry growth. The global Jet Skis market focuses on encompassing major statistical evidence for the Jet Skis industry as it offers our readers a value addition on guiding them in encountering the obstacles surrounding the market. A comprehensive addition of several factors such as global distribution, manufacturers, market size, and market factors that affect the global contributions are reported in the study. In addition the Jet Skis study also shifts its attention with an in-depth competitive landscape, defined growth opportunities, market share coupled with product type and applications, key companies responsible for the production, and utilized strategies are also marked. Some key players in the global Jet Skis market are
Kawasaki Motors Corp., U.S.A. (United States)
Yamaha Motor Corporation, USA (United States)
Sea-Doo (United Kingdom)
Benelli (Australia)
Narke (Hungary)
Rickter RRP (Canada)
Vanquish Yachts (Netherlands)
X Scream Inc. (United States) Jet Ski means any motorized craft or vessel marketed under the name of Jet Ski, wave runner, wave jammer or water scooter and includes any other similar craft or vessel howsoever called. The global jet-skis market is expected to witness high growth in the forecasted period due to the rising popularity of the game and an increase in the number of female participation in water sports. What's Trending in Market: Rising Number of Water Sporting Facilities all across the Globe
Enhancement in Distribution Channels to Increase the Sales
Challenges: Jet Skis Can Cause a High Degree of Disturbance to Birds
Market Growth Drivers: The Increasing Popularity of World Beach Games
Increasing the Number of Water Sporting Facilities Worldwide
The Global Jet Skis Market segments and Market Data Break Downby Type (Electric, Inflatable, Others), Application (Beach-Hopping, Races, Freestyle Competitions), Number of Seats (Solo Seater, Two Seater, Three Seater, Six Seater), Distribution Channel (Online, Offline) Presented By
AMA Research & Media LLP
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idiot-sapphic · 2 years
My þussy slaps so hard it registers on the rickter scale
the local infastructure is devestated
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ecandjamesvpjournal · 2 years
Bill Nye the Science Guy TV Series: PBS Airing vs Disney Re-distribution
So, I was watching the re-release of Bill Nye the Science Guy, and aside from noticing the change of title like Bill Nye the Science Guy to Disney Presents Bill Nye the Science Guy. These are minor, but then I noticed in one episode Earthquake, and I suspected that they changed something within the series.
The intro to Earthquake begins with Bill working on a experiment involving a bowling ball and a ladder. Then, he felt the place shake and he exclaimed that it was an earthquake before it cuts to the bowling ball falling towards the camera before it cracks the screen with the title card. After the title sequence, the made-up product for the episode was the “Quake Shake”.
The Disney re-edit begins with Bill pouring chemicals into a different beaker with chemicals. He gets the mixture right, exclaiming that as long as a earthquake doesn’t happen within a few moments, it should be fine. Que the earthquake, and the beaker being dropped with a cartoony explosion. The smoke clears with Bill being covered in comical third-degree burns (soot and ash, but no horrifying scars), he goes “woah” and then faints. One titles sequence later, the fake product in question is the Rickter Boots instead of the Quake Shake.
Now, I can’t be the only one to notice these changes. Has there been changes to your show that you noticed (Ex: Warehouse 13 episode with Arie’s nemesis has re-replicated Timothy Leery’s Glasses. When he puts them on in the airing, it plays Jimmi Hendrix’s Purple Haze (and it happens whenever someone else puts them on). In the re-release on DVD, it plays generic music that matches the series.) Did you like the changes or not?
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bombereyewear · 5 years
How we do Sundays 😎 #Repost @markgomez137 ・・・ Check out this video spot I filmed with @crepprotect! These guys flew out from Europe to come shoot this spot I organized with the help of my good friend @reedgunnell. It was challenging but we got some great shots, had a lot of fun creating it, and I’m stoked with the edit! ・・・ @crepprotect We team up with 5 x JetSki World Champion @markgomez137 to show you exactly how the Yeezy "Wave Runners" are supposed to be worn.⠀ #crepprotect #Rickter @mystiklubes @Hydroturf @jet.renu @dasaracing @riznwild @tcfreeride @jetpilotcompany @jetpilotusa @azeodistillery @bombereyewear @torrentpumps @skattrak @kommander_industries #esuarmor #factoryzero #hotproducts #coldfusion #kmgracing #performancefiberglass @proridermag @proridermagazine @standupextremist #shoes #kanyewest #waverunner #extremesports #audirs7 #rs7 #superflip #pool #stunts https://www.instagram.com/p/B1mAjOfnzCd/?igshid=enyxmha95hqm
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