#riding instructor certification
rochestertrailriders · 5 months
Beginner Horseback Riding Lessons: A Starter Guide
This podcast episode provides an insightful guide for beginners on starting horseback riding lessons. It discusses how to choose the right lesson program, what to expect during lessons, the essential attire and safety gear needed, and the physical expectations and rewards of riding. Special attention is given to the inclusivity of the sport, with a nod to programs like EquiCenter that cater to…
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mac-and-thefox · 10 months
Real life talk for a second, if you'll indulge me.
As a lot of you know by now, in the real world I am a riding instructor and horse trainer. Tomorrow and Sunday I will be attending the second of three assessment clinics as a part of receiving my Instructor/Trainer certification from my industry's national governing body in my country (its the USDF Instructor/Trainer certification for anyone that's truly curious). I am the youngest candidate in this session. If I pass this, I will be one of...maybe 10 people in my state that have this credential. If I'm being honest, I'm scared shitless.
This is a really intense program and the assessors that conduct it can be brutal. I will be demonstrating my teaching style by conducting a lesson with a demo rider/volunteer and having to defend my specific style and reasons for my methodology. It's conducted in front of an audience of auditors as well as the two assessors and is pretty much all day long for two days. I left the first clinic (riding skills) in tears and with some incredibly huge feelings of imposter syndrome and therefore have been an anxious wreck about this coming up all week.
I guess what I'm saying is...if anyone has any positive vibes to spare or fun distracting thoughts to share for this weekend, they would be deeply appreciated.
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Pony pic as an offering to the masses
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theprissythumbelina · 3 months
I'm feeling particularly down today because my barn had a confirmed case of a horribly contagious disease from an incoming horse. The whole barn and all the horses are now in quarantine for an unspecified amount of time until the vet confirms its over. So show season, which I had plans for? Gone. Trail rides? Nope. Even my instructor certification is in limbo, because my barn was supplying the horses for it.
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tourist-destinations · 7 months
10 Popular Adventure Things to do in Dubai
Not everyone associates Dubai with adventure. For most of us, Dubai is a glamorous city known for its record-breaking constructions and luxurious architecture. But Dubai's tourism is not limited to sightseeing. The city offers an array of adventurous activities, from simple adventures to extreme ones. As an adventure enthusiast, you can enjoy different kinds of land, water, and air adventures in Dubai. Here are the top 10 popular adventure things to do in Dubai.
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Did you know that Dubai is one of the best skydiving places in the world? SkyDive Dubai is most famous for offering memorable skydiving experiences to those interested. The place has tandem skydiving for beginners, where you go skydiving with a professional diver. You can choose to dive over the Dubai desert or Palm Jumeirah. Your skydiving experience begins when you gear up for your ride by donning the safety equipment. You will be briefed about safety instructions before you head to the airplane. You will jump with your instructor when the airplane reaches around 4000 feet. You fly freely for a few minutes, and your instructor pulls the parachute to ensure a safe landing on Earth. Your skydiving experience will be captured on camera. You can watch it whenever you want.
Hot Air Balloon Riding
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If you want to enjoy the view from the top without the adrenaline rush caused by skydiving, going on a hot air balloon ride will be a better option. A hot air balloon ride is a desert activity that will give you a bird’s eye view of the desert area. The ride starts early in the morning. You need to reach the desert before sunrise. Watch as the experts get the balloon fired up for the flight. You will also have to listen to and remember the safety instructions. Then, it is time to hop into the basket. Once you are inside the basket, the hot air balloon starts ascending in the air. As your hot air balloon starts its ascent, you will get to watch the transformation of the desert from dark to night. The sunrise in the desert is something you must see. If you are lucky, you will also get to see some flora and fauna of the desert.
Skiing in Dubai may seem like an impossible feat. But impossible is not a word in the Dubai dictionary. You can have a fabulous skiing experience at Ski Dubai, the largest indoor ski resort in the world. What’s more surprising is that Ski Dubai is located inside a shopping mall (The Mall of Emirates). The large ski mountain is the highlight of the place. The mountain is 400 meters long and 80 meters wide. It will give you ample space to practice your skiing skills. If you want to learn how to ski, you can enroll at the ski school here. You can also try other adventure activities like snowboarding, ziplining, zorbing, etc. Ski Dubai also has a large snow world. Here, you can enjoy fun snow games, rides, and activities.
Deep Diving
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Scuba diving is an extreme water adventure you can enjoy in Dubai. But to have a unique underwater experience, you must visit Deep Dive Dubai. With a depth of 60 meters, Deep Dive Dubai is the deepest swimming pool in the world. During your dive here, you will come across an abandoned sunken city. You can swim inside apartments, sit inside an abandoned car or a bike, play a half-finished game of chess, try your hand at a pool game, or just swim through the different structures inside the pool. If you are new to scuba diving, you can opt for the Discovery Dive, which is meant for beginners. Experts and certificate holders can explore the pool in its entirety. The water temperature is kept constant at 30 degrees C to make it comfortable for the divers. Plus, there are several cameras inside the pool for everyone’s safety.
Another aerial adventure that you can do in Dubai is ziplining. XLine Dubai offers a ziplining experience like no other, right over Dubai Marina. The zipline at Dubai Marina is the world’s longest urban zipline. It is a km long and goes at 80 km/hour. Your ziplining adventure begins at the top of Ajman Towers. First, you are strapped to a safety harness. Wearing a helmet is also mandatory, after which you begin your thrilling flight. As the zipline catches speed, take time to look down to enjoy the view of the Dubai Marina. Flying over the tall buildings, luxurious yachts, the Venetian-style canal, and the hustle and bustle of the area is something you will always remember.
Desert Adventures
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The desert safari is a popular tourist activity in Dubai, mainly because you can indulge in fun, adventurous activities. The desert safari usually begins with a dune-bashing ride, like a rollercoaster ride. A professional driver takes you on a joy ride all over the dunes in a 4x4 vehicle. There are more desert adventures waiting for you at the desert camp. One of the most exciting is camel riding, where you can roam around the desert Arab style. Sandboarding is also something you will enjoy. Here, you try to find balance on the ski board as you ski on the desert slopes. Then, there is quad biking, where you can drive an ATV on the dunes.
Kite Surfing
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Dubai is popular for water sports. Almost all the beaches in Dubai offer a host of water sports activities. But nothing can beat kite surfing. The warm climate of Dubai throughout the year makes it ideal for kite surfing, especially during the winter season. Kite surfing is standing on a board while attached to a kite via a harness. As the kite launches into the waters, you are carried to the shore with the help of the wind. Enjoy the wind sweeping through your hair while checking out the panoramic view of the Dubai skyline. This water sport is available on Kite Beach and Nessnass Beach.
Air Walk
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Those who know about Dubai will also know about Burj Khalifa, the world’s tallest building. It is a norm for people visiting Dubai to visit the observation deck on the Burj Khalifa. But if you want your visit to Burj Khalifa to be unique and exciting, you must go for the Edge Sky Walk experience. The Edge Walk happens on the 55th floor of the building, 220 meters above the ground. As the name suggests, you walk on the edge of an open balcony, testing your bravery and enjoying the view of the city. As you will be secured with multiple harnesses, you can walk around the edge handsfree. Thrill enthusiasts can also swing from the edge with the world underneath your feet.
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Flyboarding is a water sport that has captured the attention of the world right from the time it was introduced a few years ago. This water sport happens on a flyboard attached to a hydro-powered tube that propels the ride up in the air. If you are trying it for the first time, it may take some time to get your balance on the board. But it is not impossible. Flyboarding is available at Jumeirah Beach. You can learn the basics from an instructor before hopping on board. It may require a few tries to get the hang of it. But you can enjoy soaring up in the sky multiple times when you do.
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Dubai weather can be brutal, especially during the day. To enjoy cool weather while having fun, you must head to Dubai Ice Rink for an ice-skating session. The Dubai Ice Rink is as large as 28 football grounds. Both kids and adults can have fun skating here. Dubai Ice Rink also offers classes for those who want to learn ice skating. You not only get to learn some cool ice-skating skills but also showcase them in front of the public during the ice dancing show at the end of the course. Even if you do not want to join the course, Dubai Ice Rink lets you spend a relaxing yet thrilling afternoon or evening with your family. Dubai's adventures will make your holiday in the city exciting and dramatic. Take pictures and videos of your adventures to flaunt on your social media handles.
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impervicus · 1 year
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 if you’re hearing HOLD THE LINE by TOTO playing, you have to know BENJAMIN COOPER (HE/HIM; CISMALE) is near by! the FIFTY year old HIGH SCHOOL TEACHER/COACH has been in denver for, like, 27 YEARS. they’re known to be quite BOISTEROUS but being UPBEAT seems to balance that out. or maybe it’s the fact that they resemble EWAN MCGREGGOR. personally, i’d love to know more about them seeing as how they’ve got those ENCOURAGING POSTERS THAT HAVE BEEN IN THE ROOM FOR YEARS, THE CREAKING OF A SWING AT THE PARK, YOUR MORNING COFFEE ON A SUNDAY MORNING vibes. and maybe i’ll get my chance if i hang out around the WASHINGTON PARK long enough!
full name: benjamin harold cooper birthdate, zodiac sign: february 2nd / aquarius sexuality: unlabeled occupation: high school teacher / coach
benjamin had always been someone who loved to travel. his parents were very adventurous and they weren’t super well off but they had enough to be able to travel. sometimes it was just a simple trip a few states over, or even visiting a different country for the week. he liked both and he’d always thought he would end up doing something that would allow him to travel. maybe a flight attendant, or a plane driver! but he learned very quickly that wasn’t in the cards for him after a very questionable test ride while he was considering getting a license. 
but as he was in that training, it suddenly hit him that he wasn’t even sure if he wanted to be traveling like that anymore. as he listened to the instructor speak so passionately about the project, he realized that he wanted something completely different. he wanted to do what the instructor was doing but on a bigger level. he had done tutoring for a while and he loved doing that, but it never really occurred to him that he could just be doing that all the time. and get paid for it, even more than the ay he had while helping out his classmates. 
he quickly applied to college and got into a pretty good one for teaching. and in four short years, he was graduating at the top of his class with his degree. he could have gone back for his masters or even more, but he was fine with his bachelors. he was ready to get out into the workforce and start changing lives with his teaching. maybe that was a bit too hopeful, but he always try to think of himself as a pretty optimistic guy. 
but one last hoorah he wanted to do was travel and he knew the perfect place he was going to be traveling to - new zealand. it had always been someplace he wanted to go, something always drew him to it - he wasn’t quite sure what though. but he went and on one of his first days there, he was in the middle of some sort of... crime. he couldn’t quite place his finger on it but that’s when the apparent ringleader had caught his eye. it was kora kelly, the woman who was going to change the trajectory of his life for better or for worse. she had asked him to do something and he had done it without question, which may or may not implicate him if had ever been prosecuted at that time. but he did it anyways and he’d do it again, if it was kora who was asking. 
from there sparked a very chaotic relationship, though the two of them probably would have called it passionate. what was supposed to be a week or two long trip was beginning to turn into weeks long, and then months long stay. and he had some money saved up for it and he could always try to find a job in new zealand instead. but then again, things with kora weren’t always the greatest either. there were plenty of times where benjamin had thought about leaving and one time he almost did, right before kora was set to get birth to their daughter. 
of course, when that time came around, he had missed her birth and kora had thought he was out of the picture entirely. so he hadn’t been put on her birth certificate but he stayed with her in the hospital after she’d given birth. and he proceeded to stick around for the next 10-12 months, taking care of maia with kora and sometimes without her too. and that seemed fine until what kora was doing seemed dangerous. and he wanted out, he should have thought of their daughter in that moment but he knew that any fight to keep her with him, especially over state lines, would have been a battle he wasn’t ready to fight. and to him, kora wasn’t a bad mother but they just weren’t good together. 
he left their home one day with a note and changed his number, and nearly every other thing that she could track him back with.to this day, he wasn’t sure if kora had ever tried to reach out to him or find out. or if their daughter knew he even existed but that was okay, benjamin had moved on and he figured the other two had as well. he found himself in denver and started his new life there, quickly meeting a woman he fell in love with and getting a job teaching at the local high school. it wasn’t long before he was getting serious with the woman and they were engaged within two years and married shortly after that. they had three kids, one who was a young adult, one whose a teenager and their youngest child. his children were his life, he would do anything for his children in a heartbeat. exactly like he did with maia, but now he felt like he had a good start to a family. he was never meant to fit into kora’s life, not that he thought anyways. 
on top of having a great family, benjamin also had a great professional life. the second he started teaching, he instantly fell in love with it. and he quickly became the favorite with his approach to teaching and learning. not only was he an engaging teacher, but he was often there for a lot of the students. no matter what it was, his door was always open if a student needed help or just didn’t want to eat lunch in the cafeteria. he was sure he had at least 5 people consistently eating lunch in his room every semester. and he liked that, being that source for them. he also utilized that in his coaching as well, being the coach for both the boys basketball team and the girls soccer team. differing times that those occurred made it quite easy to do both.
though, as perfect as his family had started out, he and his wife ended up getting divorced. he wasn’t really sure if there was a specific reason he could pin down, just that they had naturally grown apart and staying together for the children would never work.but the difference with this breakup was that he stayed there for the kids, they were able to split 50/50 custody and still even manage to do family dinners. they ended their relationship pretty amicably, and while it was hard sometimes things weren’t too bad. 
but the only problem is that lately, he’s been seeing a familiar face through the streets of denver. the mystery person almost looked nearly identical to kora when they were younger but that would have been impossible. benjamin was just going to have to chalk it up to having a long week, even if it had been on more than one occasion. 
students that he has taught that stay in contact!! hes very close with a lot of his students and a fair amount still keep in contact with each other. i can also see him possibly being a father figure to them, being there for them always and he would still keep that up for them, even if they were no longer in high school 
since he’s newly divorced, he’ll need to start seeing some new people!!! i’m thinking this relationship will be VERYYYY casual and i’d love for that to be a mlm dynamic only bc he’s so used to being with women for a large chunk of his life but he wants to be able to experience but keeps it casual since he cant jump back into another relationship
first friend he made moving to town!! someone who maybe showed him the ins and outs of the town and they have stayed close with since 
i will also always welcome any hook up or one night stand plots too because theyre so good always 
two wcs will be made for his ex wife and his eldest child though so hehe expect thatas well  
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glass-expanse · 2 years
Are you going to Tennessee in September? 👀
I am hoping to attend a CHA clinic there! I have to get someone interested in their riding instructor certificate to go with me because I'm not old enough to check into most hotels. My best friend around here might be interested,but she has to think and pray about it more, which I fully support. The farm I used to work at also has a CHA clinic, but that's in March/April, and I would like to progress my career and education as an instructor sooner than that.
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isabellapfoser · 4 days
My Guide to Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh, India (2024)
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The popularity yoga has gained has skyrocketed in the last decade with almost over a million of people coming to Rishikesh from all around the globe. After witnessing this number and the success people have gained post their yoga training, the inspiration has been injected in many more. However, success is only possible when you know what you are getting into and the only requirement here is that you find a worthy yoga school and training course of 200, 300, or even 500 hours. 
With this new found inspiration has come an overcrowding of yoga schools looking to scam the users and thus making it difficult for aspiring yogis to practice the craft with a school that is actually worthy. As you continue navigating through this post, I wish to highlight the important questions that might have crossed your mind. Without looking any further here is an ultimate guide to yoga teacher training in Rishikesh, India. 
Why Opt Rishikesh For Yoga Teacher Training?
Are you planning a career in the thriving industry of Yoga? Are you interested in enrolling in a yoga teacher training program in Rishikesh? To clear up any confusion, here is a list of some of the most compelling reasons for yoga enthusiasts to visit Rishikesh for the Yoga TTC course.
Rishikesh is known as the World's Yoga Capital because of its peaceful and natural setting, as well as supernatural intervention. Many historical yogis come to this serene location to learn yoga and meditate. The spiritual and scenic land of Rishikesh provides the best yoga teacher training experience possible.  
Yoga in Rishikesh is always a pleasant experience because of the abundance of competent and certified Yoga instructors. Rishikesh is well-known for producing many of the best and most professionally skilled Yoga Gurus, who help illuminate many students' paths. The unique manner of teaching and the wealth of knowledge will always help to point you in the proper route.
Yoga TTC in Rishikesh is always more affordable than TTC courses in other locations. The fundamental reason for the low-cost yoga TTC is that Rishikesh's yogis do not see it as a business. Yoga teachers in Rishikesh thought it their responsibility to provide the greatest available information to everyone, regardless of economic status or caste. Yoga teaching programs, as well as spanking yoga training, hygienic meals, and neat and clean accommodations, will be accessible at reasonable prices.
Above all, to pursue a successful yoga teaching career, one needs to obtain certification from a licensed yoga institution. Rishikesh has a variety of reputable Yoga Teacher Training institutes that are Yoga Alliance USA-certified.
How To Travel To Rishikesh For Your YTT Course?
If you are travelling to Rishikesh from another country, you must first purchase an international plane ticket to New Delhi. Following that, you can select from the three options provided below based on your preferences and availability.
By Air: This is the fastest and most recommended alternative. You can search for a few flights from Delhi throughout the day. Airfare for the chosen route can range from 2000 INR to 10,000 INR, depending on availability and booking date.
By Road: Taking the bus from Delhi to Rishikesh is a cheaper option than flying. Although it is highly suggested that you should take air-conditioned buses for the most comfortable and safest ride. Bus tickets range in price from 400 to 700 INR, depending on the level of luxury and the duration, which is typically 6 to 8 hours. Pre-booking of the bus from Delhi to Rishikesh is permitted one month before the day of travel.  
By Train: You can travel from Delhi to Rishikesh on Indian Railways' AC coaches. Train reservations in India begin two months before departure. So, try to book as early as possible because you will not be able to purchase Indian Railways tickets at the last minute.
How To Select A Yoga Teacher Training To Avoid Scams
It's easy to see why so many people travel to Rishikesh for economical and authentic Indian yoga teacher training, but with so many possibilities, including ashrams, yoga retreats, and yoga schools, it can be difficult to decide which yoga teacher training in Rishikesh to do. Whether you wish to improve your yoga practice or change careers and become a yoga teacher, yoga teacher training is a rigorous and life-changing event.
It is also a significant financial and time commitment, so do your research and select a YTTC that is appropriate for you and the style of yoga you intend to teach, and always ensure that your YTT is with a recognized yoga school that is Yoga Alliance certified. There are many yoga schools in Rishikesh that provide yoga teacher training, and it has become a huge industry in recent years, but not all yoga schools are equal, and not all gurus are genuine.
Certain places are like yoga teacher training centres, with large class sizes; however, certain schools, such as Nirvana Yoga School India, provide smaller groups with more personalised care. Also, just because a school is ranked first on Google does not necessarily imply that it provides the finest yoga teaching; they may simply be adept at SEO or have paid for advertising. In India, accommodations can be basic. So it's a good idea to start by looking at images and reviews of the place you'll be staying, as well as the location. 
Which Course To Select For YTT?
Rishikesh yoga training programs come in a number of formats, but all should include twice-daily yoga and meditation lessons, as well as instruction in yoga philosophy and history, anatomy and physiology, and teaching methods.
The 200-hour yoga teacher training program in Rishikesh is by far the most popular, and it will provide you with the necessary certification to begin teaching yoga. Most 200-hour YTTs last 15-30 days, and I advocate spending as much time as possible for the optimal experience because it is a rigorous procedure. 
If you don't have much time and want to do short yoga courses, you can do a 100-hour yoga teacher training in Rishikesh and then return to complete the rest of your training. If you're looking for a short-term yoga retreat, there are a few options.
For those who desire to go deeper, Rishikesh also offers a 300- or 500-hour yoga teacher training program. The 300-hour course is a more advanced course that follows the completion of the 200-hour course. If you choose a 500-hour YTT, you will complete the 200-hour and 300-hour yoga programs in succession over the course of around 60 days. If you are unable to travel to India, many Rishikesh yoga institutions now offer online yoga teacher training courses. 
The Best Time To Plan A Yoga Trip To Rishikesh 
In general, the best time to visit India is between November and March during the cold, dry winter season, when days are sunny and dry and temperatures are cool (by Indian standards). April and May can be uncomfortably hot, however, the monsoon rains provide relief from the heat from June/July to September/October, depending on location. However, India is a vast and diverse country, so the optimum time to do yoga teacher training in India truly depends on your destination.  
If you attend a YTT in Rishikesh in December or January, you will most certainly find it cold, particularly during early morning meditation or yoga classes. Rishikesh is located in the Himalayan foothills, so it may be quite cold in the winter. However, if the institution is as well insulated and the shalas (yoga studios) are as accommodating as those at Nirvana, this will not be a problem. However, the best time to visit Rishikesh is in September/October or March. 
While India, particularly Rishikesh, is one of the best destinations in the world to receive true yoga training and immerse yourself in the spirituality of this fascinating country, there are some hurdles to visiting India. However, if you thoroughly investigate the school before booking, prepare yourself for the obstacles and culture shock of visiting India, and arrive with an open mind and heart, yoga teacher training in Rishikesh can be a genuinely transformative experience.
I hope that this guide to yoga training in Rishikesh helps you make the right decision, and help you find your ideal YTTC. If you're still hesitant, I recommend Nirvana Yoga School because you won't have to worry after you've enrolled. The accommodation, course, travel, schedule, teachers, and fellow peers all exceeded expectations. 
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travel-with-bihari · 6 days
What is the Best Time for Scuba Diving in Andaman and Nicobar Islands?
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Let’s Discuss
The Andaman and Nicobar Islands, with their pristine waters and vibrant marine life, are a paradise for scuba diving enthusiasts. The islands offer a range of scuba diving in Andaman sites that cater to both beginners and experienced divers. 
The underwater world here is teeming with diverse coral reefs, exotic fish species, and even shipwrecks, making it a must-visit destination for anyone passionate about diving.
When is the Best Time for Scuba Diving in Andaman and Nicobar Islands?
The best time for scuba diving in Andaman and Nicobar Islands is during the dry season, from November to April. This period offers clear skies, calm seas, and excellent visibility underwater, which are crucial for a great diving experience. The monsoon season, from May to October, brings heavy rains and rough seas, which can reduce visibility and make diving conditions less favourable.
How Much is the Scuba Diving in Andaman Price?
The scuba diving in Andaman price varies depending on the location, the diving package, and the level of experience. On average, a single dive can cost anywhere between INR 3,500 to INR 6,500. Prices typically include equipment rental, a professional guide, and a short training session for beginners. For those looking to take multiple dives or complete a certification course, there are package deals available that offer better value.
Universal Adventure offers an exceptional scuba diving experience in Andaman with videography of marine life, secure diving practices, and PADI-certified instructors. Enjoy a 20-minute boat ride to the dive site and 25 minutes underwater, with complimentary 2 to 5-minute Go-Pro videos. Shore scuba diving is available for ₹ 3499 per person for 60 minutes, while boat scuba diving lasts 2 hours at ₹ 4249 per person. Universal Adventure ensures a safe and unforgettable dive in the Andaman Sea.
What’s so Unique about Scuba Diving in Neil Island?
Scuba diving in Neil Island is one of the top destinations for scuba diving in Andaman. Known for its laid-back vibe and less crowded beaches, Neil Island offers some of the best diving spots in the region. The waters around Neil Island are home to stunning coral reefs and abundant marine life, making every dive an unforgettable experience. Popular dive sites around Neil Island include Margherita's Mischief, K Rock, and Junction, each offering unique underwater landscapes and marine biodiversity.
Andaman diving packages are designed to suit various preferences and budgets. So, when will you secure your spots on this picturesque island?
Scuba diving in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands is an experience of a lifetime, offering an opportunity to explore some of the world's most beautiful underwater environments. To make the most of your diving adventure, plan your trip between November and April, choose a package that suits your level of expertise and budget, and don't miss out on the incredible dive sites around Neil Island. Whether you are a novice or an experienced diver, the Andaman and Nicobar Islands promise an exhilarating and memorable diving experience.
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naturalsport · 13 days
Equestrian Careers: Exploring Opportunities in the Industry
The equestrian industry offers a wide range of career opportunities for those passionate about horses. Here’s a guide to various equestrian careers and how to pursue them. 1. Riding Instructor Role: Teaching riders of all levels how to ride, improve their skills, and understand horse behavior. Qualifications: Certification from recognized organizations (e.g., British Horse Society, Certified…
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softzenia-tech · 25 days
How To Become a Pilot? A Guide to Becoming a Pilot
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Many people dream of being pilots, as they are fascinated by flying high into the air and enjoying adventure. However, to move on the path to achieving your dream, you need rigorous training and a deeper understanding of aviation principles. Pilot training in USA is a complex process devised to provide aspiring pilots with the skills, knowledge, and experience to fly an aircraft in a safe manner.
Ground School: First Step
Flight schools in USA is the commencement of the journey of the aspiring pilots, and the pilots are just being introduced to the basic theories of aviation. The ground school includes a wide number of chapters such as aircraft systems, thermodynamics, patterns, navigations, and regulations of federal administration, etc. These basic theories further prepare the students for theoretical and practical examinations. The Ground School conducts FAA's Private Knowledge Test, a detailed examination to examine the student's grasp of the content. 
Private Pilot License
The first great achievement in best flight training schools in USA is a private pilot license. This stage comprises theoretical instruction and practical flight training. Students are required to log at least 40 flight hours, while many of them require even more to become proficient. These hours require dual instruction along with a certified flight instructor and flight time. During this stage, the key skills include flight maneuvers, cross-country navigation, landings, and some emergency procedures. The students should pass the check ride test along with the practical exam organized by the FAA examiner.
Instrument rating
The pilots can fly easily when the weather is clear, using PPL. But when the weather is not favorable, then IR is essential. IR training is given to candidates solely to fly with reference to instruments that are so significant for navigation through conditions such as fog, clouds, and when visibility is low. This training comprises extra flight hours under instrument conditions when using flight stimulators and in the aircraft. In order to acquire this rating, the pilots should pass a written test and a check ride.
Commercial pilot license
For candidates aspiring to become professional pilots, the next stage is to obtain a commercial pilot license. These advanced trainings help in building skills required in the PPL or IR phase, such as accuracy and precision. Students should record a good number of flight hours that include specific needs, such as flying long cross-country flights and flying at night. The CPL lets the pilots get rewarded for their services, thus opening the gateway to various professions in the aviation industry.
Multi-engine rating
For most aviation jobs, you need expertise in flying multi-engine aircraft. The multi-engine training trains pilots on how to manage aircraft complexities with more than one engine, emphasizing the focus-out process and procedural management. This rating comprises both theoretical and practical training, culminating in another check ride.
Airline transport pilot certification
The highest point of pilot certification is ATP (airline transport certification), which is needed to act as a captain for an airline. For this certification, the candidate should be intensively experienced, have undergone 1500 flight hours, and possess a thorough understanding of the aviation concept. The ATP certification process comprises a rigorous practice test and a written exam.
Recurrent training and continuous training
A pilot’s education from best pilot training in USA is actually never completed, even after obtaining the highest certification. The aviation industry is persistently using newer technologies and devising best practices and regulations. Pilots should undergo training again and again to maintain certifications and stay afloat with the current advancements. This comprises stimulator checking, checking for proficiency, and still continuing with courses.
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vroomleasing · 1 month
Getting Your Motorcycle Class 2B Licence in Singapore- Course, COE and Motorcycle Rentals
Obtaining a motorcycle Class 2B licence in Singapore isn't just about learning to ride; it's a journey that requires dedication and careful planning. If you're considering taking up motorcycling as a more affordable means of transport or simply for the thrill of the open road, there are several key steps and considerations you'll need to navigate. Let's delve into what you need to know to kickstart your motorcycle journey in Singapore.
Getting Your Motorcycle Class 2B Licence in Singapore
1. Learning to Ride
When it comes to acquiring a motorcycle licence in Singapore, your primary avenue is through one of the designated driving schools:
Bukit Batok Driving Centre (Bukit Gombak)
ComfortDelGro Driving Centre (Ubi)
Singapore Safety Driving Centre (Woodlands)
Unlike car licences where private instructors are an option, motorcycle training is centralized through these schools. The curriculum for a Class 2B licence covers theory and practical components, ranging from basic riding theory to navigating obstacle courses and road riding.
2. Class 2B Syllabus
The Class 2B licence permits riding bikes up to 200cc. The training process typically includes:
Theory Lessons: Basic Theory Test (BTT) and Riding Theory Test (RTT).
Practical Lessons: Circuit-based training (e.g., slalom, figure 8) followed by road riding.
Expect a structured progression through the syllabus, with the need for repetition if certain skills aren't mastered initially. Passing the Basic Theory Test is a prerequisite for obtaining a Provisional Driving Licence (PDL), which is essential for road riding.
3. Class Progression
After a year with a Class 2B licence, you can upgrade to Class 2A (up to 400cc) and subsequently to Class 2 (unlimited cc). The progression becomes easier and quicker as you gain experience.
4. Cost Considerations
The cost of obtaining a Class 2B licence ranges from $900 to $1,000 on average, factoring in theory lessons, practical sessions, and test fees. Each driving school has a similar cost structure, with the total amount depending on how quickly you progress through the lessons.
Motorcycle COE Price
1. Understanding COE
Motorcycle Certificate of Entitlement (COE) prices significantly impact overall motorcycle costs. As of recent years, COE prices for motorcycles have soared, surpassing $10,000, making new bike purchases considerably pricier.
2. Cost Comparison
Despite high COE prices, motorcycles remain a more economical transport option compared to cars, where COEs for category A (cars) can exceed $100,000.
Popular Motorcycles in Singapore
For new riders, popular bike models in Singapore span Yamaha, Honda, Suzuki, and more. Second-hand options provide affordability, with prices varying based on COE tenure and bike condition.
Where to Buy Motorcycles
Whether opting for new or used bikes, several reputable dealers and platforms exist in Singapore, offering a range of models to suit different preferences and budgets.
Second-Hand Motorcycle Tips
Buying a second-hand bike requires diligence:
Check COE Duration: Ensure sufficient COE tenure remains.
Inspect Bike Condition: Test acceleration, brakes, and other critical components.
Negotiate: Prices are often negotiable; don't hesitate to bargain.
Arrange Insurance: Secure insurance before riding off with your new bike.
Motorcycle Rental
For those hesitant about committing to bike ownership, rental services provide an opportunity to gain riding experience without the long-term commitment. Prices vary based on rental duration and bike model.
You can search for "near me bike rental shop" to find out the best motorcycle for rent in Singapore.
Obtaining a motorcycle licence in Singapore involves a comprehensive process, from structured training to navigating COE prices and purchasing the right bike. Whether you're a seasoned rider or embarking on your motorcycle journey for the first time, understanding these key aspects will set you on the right path towards earning your Class 2B licence and hitting the road confidently.
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bee-in-motion · 2 months
Considering Factors When Searching for “Bike Riding Lessons Near Me”
Learning to ride a bike has become very essential in this ever-dynamic and fast world. If you want to learn to ride a bike effectively then opt for enrolling in bike riding lessons which will be a valuable investment and experience for life. You can find a plethora of options available on the internet today for bike riding lessons, but the nearest one to your locality will be the perfect solution. This comprehensive article will help you out with which factors should be considered when searching for bike riding lessons near me.
Major Considering Factors To Look Out For:
There are many things to be aware of when searching for “bike riding lessons near me”. This will help you to choose the best and the most convenient option for you and your family.
Expertise and Certification of the Service Provider:
The service provider or the instructor works as the backbone of any bike riding lesson. Consider choosing a service or instructor who will be certified and experienced in teaching or giving training to riders of all levels. A certified or experienced instructor will ensure that you receive quality guidance, safety protocols, and effective teaching methods. If they have any additional certification such as first aid or CPR, then it will be like a cherry on the top, indicating a commitment to safety and security.
Lesson Plans and Curriculum Activities:
A well-structured lesson program will cover fundamental skills, safety guidance, bike maintenance basics, and also progressive challenges as you advance. You can also evaluate various lesson plans and curriculum with each other offered by different providers. Focus on the fact that the lesson plan caters to your skills and learning pace or not. It will be more advantageous if “bike riding lessons near me” offer flexible scheduling options and the ability to customize the curriculum activities to our goals.
Safe and Secure Equipment:
When opting to hire a service for learning bike riding, the top priority should be safety and security. Focus on checking the fact that safety measures such as the use of helmets, knee and elbow pads, and reflecting gears are implemented correctly or not. Also, the bikes that are provided are properly maintained and suitable for your height and convenience. The knowledgeable and skilled instructor will prioritize safety without compromising on the learning experience.
Accessibility and Location:
The location matters the most in hiring the services for bike riding lessons. It will significantly impact your convenience and overall learning experience. Search for “bike riding lessons near me” which will be easily accessible from your home or workplace to minimize travel time.
Track Record of Client Reviews:
Before selecting a particular bike riding lesson provider, take some time to research its reviews and track records from past students. Look for feedback about teaching effectiveness, safety practices, and overall satisfaction and experience. Positive reviews will be a plus point for opting for that particular provider.
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inneryogatraining1 · 2 months
World Best 200 Hour Vinyasa Yin Yoga Teacher Training in Bali
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Embark on a transformative trip with our 200 Hour Vinyasa Yin Yoga Teacher Training in Bali. 
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Our 200 Hour Vinyasa Yin Yoga Teacher Training in Bali spans over [number] weeks, providing an immersive ride to delve into the depths of yoga.
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dankusner · 2 months
COURTS: Stormy Daniels’ horse war
Before going public on Trump, she took on a Texas equestrian
ROCKWALL — Stormy Daniels decided to go public with her accusations.
“I’m taking a stand for those who don’t have a voice,” she announced in a long Facebook post. “My only regret is that I waited so long.”
It was December 2016 — more than a year before Daniels would break her silence about an alleged sexual encounter with Donald Trump.
Her target was not a national political figure, but a Dallas-area horse trainer, Ellen Doughty, who Daniels claimed had mistreated her animals.
Doughty forcefully denied the allegations, which Daniels also published on a popular equestrian website.
It was the opening salvo in a feud that has grown into a multimillion-dollar court battle and ensnared some of the top officials in the rarefied world of competitive English riding.
Along the way, there have been four dead horses — one of which did not stay buried — and a trail of recriminations that can seem as endless as the plains of North Texas.
At the center is Daniels, a lifelong horse lover better known to millions of Americans as history’s most politically consequential adult-film actress.
When Trump stands trial this month in New York on charges of falsifying business records to hide a hush money payment made in the fall of 2016 — the first-ever criminal prosecution of a former American president — Daniels may be called as a key witness.
Trump, who denies having sex with Daniels, has pleaded not guilty, saying the payment was made to prevent “false and extortionist accusations.”
But the woman who was paid $130,000 to bury her account of a couple of minutes of sex in a Lake Tahoe hotel room has simultaneously been involved in another legal drama unfolding far from cable news studios and big-city courthouses.
The dispute, largely ignored in the avalanche of media attention devoted to Daniels over the past six years, offers a new vantage on one of the most polarizing figures of the Trump era.
It highlights the extent to which the same dynamics that surround her on the national stage have followed her off it: questions about her motivations and credibility, the adulation of supporters who say she’s standing up for the truth, and a large amount of money at stake.
Doughty, 39, is suing Daniels for defamation, seeking up to $2 million in damages for what she says was an orchestrated campaign to destroy her reputation.
The longtime equestrian instructor and top-rated competitive rider alleges that Daniels broadcast a set of falsehoods that drove her business to the brink of ruin.
‘I wouldn’t trust her’
“I wouldn’t trust her farther than I can spit,” Doughty said in an interview with The Washington Post . “She’ll say whatever — she’ll say something to you, and something else to you, in the same day — if she thinks it’s going to help her, whether it be money, whether it be fame or power.”
Daniels, 45, declined to comment for this article through her attorney, Clark Brewster of Tulsa. Brewster also declined to answer a list of detailed questions from The Post .
In court documents, he has argued that Daniels, also known as Stephanie Clifford, was exercising protected rights to free speech on “a matter of public concern” when she criticized Doughty’s treatment of horses.
The defamation lawsuit is “retaliation” for actions Daniels took out of her “desire to bring to light [Doughty’s] dangerous training and endangerment of horses and their riders,” Brewster asserts.
Daniels is not Doughty’s only detractor.
After she went public with her criticisms, nine additional horsewomen eventually submitted formal complaints to the United States Eventing Association, the governing body for the equestrian triathlons — consisting of dressage, cross-country and show jumping — that are perhaps the most demanding form of English riding.
A panel of association officials revoked Doughty’s certification as an instructor.
Doughty’s certification was reinstated, however, after she challenged the veracity of the allegations against her.
An Eventing Association official privately expressed misgivings about Daniels’s truthfulness, according to emails that have come to light through the lawsuit.
And a government animal-control inspector who investigated Doughty’s facility at the height of the conflict in response to repeated phone calls from tipsters — at least one of whom used a false name — determined that the facility was “clean” and “beautiful” and that the “accusations are unfounded.”
Since Daniels spoke out about Trump in 2018, Americans have been divided in their views of her.
Many of the former president’s critics have elevated her as a woman unwilling to be silenced by a uniquely powerful man.
To Trump’s supporters, she is a mendacious opportunist who accepted a lot of money in exchange for a promise not to spread a story that she has now recited in TV interviews, a best-selling book and, just last month, a feature-length documentary.
Daniels herself has often lamented the consequences of speaking out against Trump, saying she and her family have been threatened and ridiculed.
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She also owes the former president nearly $440,000 in attorney’s fees — not including interest — for unsuccessful defamation lawsuits, according to Harmeet Dhillon, Trump’s attorney in those cases.
The suits were filed by Daniels’s former lawyer, Michael Avenatti, who is now in prison for embezzling money from her and other clients.
“It cost me everything,” she said last month on ABC’s The View of her stand against Trump, adding that she wants nothing more than to enjoy peace and quiet with her family and her horses — animals that she says have offered her a refuge since her troubled childhood in Baton Rouge.
“I don’t even like politics,” she said. “I just want to be at home. I don’t want to wear makeup, or put on pants that aren’t riding pants. I want to ride my horse. I want to play with my daughter.”
But peace can be a rare commodity in America’s subculture of moneyed horse enthusiasts, a world of strong animals and stronger personalities where “barn politics” can be at least as vicious as anything inside the Beltway.
And if her fight with Doughty shows anything, it is that Daniels’s involvement in equestrian circles has been far from quiet.
‘The life I wanted’
According to Daniels, there has scarcely been a time when horses weren’t an important part of her life.
In her 2018 memoir, Full Disclosure — which opens with a photo of a young Daniels riding — she writes about her first horse, a black mare named Perfect Jade, bought with $500 she says was given to her by her stepdad when he was drunk.
Daniels remained a committed horsewoman around her jobs as a stripper, then as an actor in and director of pornographic films.
In 2014, she and her then-husband moved to Forney.
Daniels rejoiced that “being in Texas meant I could pursue a horse career,” she writes in Full Disclosure , adding, “I had worked so hard to have the life I wanted.”
Their new home was on the eastern fringe of the Dallas suburbs, where new subdivisions give way to prairie and pastureland.
Daniels took lessons at a barn about 20 minutes’ drive from her house.
Her instructor was an up-and-coming event rider named Ellen Doughty.
Like Daniels, Doughty came from the kind of modest background that is uncommon in the world of competitive riding.
She was the daughter of a police officer, grew up outside Detroit and worked hard to make her way in a sport dominated by kids with deep-pocketed parents.
Unlike Daniels, she had devoted herself full time to the equestrian world, and had risen to its heights, gaining buzz as a possible Olympic prospect.
When Doughty started her own barn — Rockwall Hills Equestrian Center, on 100 acres at the end of All Angels Hill Lane in Rockwall— Daniels followed her, at one point boarding seven horses there.
Although Daniels sometimes paid for alfalfa in cash dusted with glitter, Doughty said, she was in many ways like any other client.
Both she and her young daughter took lessons from Doughty and traveled with her to weekend events.
Their relationship extended beyond the stables.
Doughty said she sometimes hosted Daniels’s daughter at her home for overnight visits while her mother was away shooting films or on exotic-dancing tours.
The child was a flower girl at Doughty’s 2014 wedding in Kentucky — and Daniels performed a strip show at the groom’s bachelor party.
Occasionally, Daniels boasted of her acquaintance with Trump, best known at the time as a reality television star.
She would later assert that they had sex after meeting at a celebrity golf tournament in 2006, nearly a decade before Daniels moved to Texas.
But among horsefolk, she never mentioned such an intimate encounter, and spoke positively about Trump, Doughty said.
“She kept saying, like, ‘I know Donald personally and he’s a gentleman,’” recalled Doughty, who said she doesn’t follow politics closely but voted for Trump in 2016 and 2020.
In June 2015, flash floods ravaged Texas after weeks of heavy rain.
Bailey, a horse belonging to Daniels, was swept away from a low-lying pasture and drowned. Although Doughty’s insurance paid for the horse, Daniels did not initially blame her trainer.
“It was my job to keep him safe and I failed him,” she wrote on Facebook the day the horse died. “I know most of you reading this have horses. If there is ANY chance of your barn flooding with the recent rains, don’t risk it … Please don’t make the same mistake. I’ll never forgive myself.”
Daniels and her horses stayed at Doughty’s barn for another year.
But in the summer of 2016, she said she would be moving them — and then complained about the treatment of her animals after Doughty requested she pay over $2,000 in outstanding expenses.
“I, therefore, must do what I feel is right for the safety of the animals that I love and I am responsible for,” Daniels wrote in a Sept. 5 email to Doughty, refusing to pay most of her last invoice and claiming that her horses had been neglected and underfed. “I’d hope you’d understand that but pretty sure that won’t be the case …”
Daniels was soon busy negotiating over a much larger sum of money.
In October 2016, she agreed to accept $130,000 — funneled through Michael Cohen, then Trump’s attorney and fixer — to keep quiet about the alleged tryst in Tahoe, according to the Manhattan district attorney’s office.
Doughty, meanwhile, let the matter of the unpaid barn bill drop.
And there her dispute with Daniels might have ended had fate not intervened and added to the equine body count.
‘I want her head on a stick’
A few months after Daniels moved her family’s horses to a new location, two of them — Danger Mouse and Ziggy Star Rocker — died after a collision with each other while galloping in a field.
It was an unheard-of freak accident, even by the standards of animals notorious for finding strange ways to hurt themselves.
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Doughty posted a comment on Instagram about Mouse that she insists was a sincere condolence, but Daniels and her then-husband, Glendon Crain, interpreted it as a snide attack.
(The exchange was deleted and The Post was unable to view it.)
“Mouse told me to tell you to F--- OFF, he never liked you anyways,” Crain wrote in a text message to Doughty that was shared with The Post , which has dashed out most profanity in this article.
“Everyone else is celebrating what a LEGEND he was, but your narrow tiny little hollow mind will never understand it...”
“Mouse was under my care for several years and I really loved that horse, I am so sad to hear about what happened,” Doughty texted back. “I don’t think creating stories or personal attacks on me is a very adult way of handling things.”
Crain, who according to court records is now representing himself in the defamation lawsuit, did not respond to messages.
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Just before 6 a.m. on Dec. 21, 2016, Daniels published a lengthy post in the online discussion forum of the Chronicle of the Horse — the 87-year-old publication that is the primary source for news and gossip in America’s equestrian community — that detailed her “horrible experiences” with Doughty.
Among her complaints was that Bailey had been placed in the pasture where he drowned against her wishes and that Doughty had inappropriately delayed treating colic in her daughter’s pony, Lil Yella Fella, resulting in an emergency surgery.
The post — which has grown into a thread of more than 1,600 comments — also assailed Doughty’s conduct as a barn manager and trainer, claiming she let her dogs run loose at equestrian shows and used “low-quality hay that most of my horses refused to eat.”
“Sharing your personal experiences publicly is NOT slander if it is TRUE,” Daniels wrote.
The conflict soon spilled beyond the internet.
In early 2017, Daniels and seven other riders filed formal complaints against Doughty with the United States Eventing Association, claiming among other things that she pushed students to jump obstacles beyond their abilities and taught overly aggressive riding techniques. Robbie Peterson, then co-owner of MeadowCreek Park Horse Trials in Texas, wrote in a letter that Doughty “is often unsafe with her decisions for both horses and riders in her program.”
But Doughty also had supporters. More than half a dozen people wrote testimonials in her defense, including current or former students and employees who said Doughty was a “wonderful” trainer and “excellent role model” who “gives it her all to make sure every horse and rider is safe and well educated.”
Doughty denied most of the allegations, although she acknowledged she could do a better job of keeping her dogs on leashes at events.
In July 2017, the Eventing Association decided there was insufficient evidence to take away her instructor certification.
Daniels didn’t give up, however, and six weeks later reached out to Erin Walker, a rider who had been among Doughty’s most vocal supporters but had recently left her barn, according to court records.
After communicating with Daniels, she recanted a letter she’d written to equestrian authorities defending Doughty.
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In a caustic dialogue that Doughty’s lawyer, Christine Renne, would later characterize as “ Mean Girl s on steroids” — the word “bitch” appears 26 times, often preceded by obscene adjectives, in the 126 pages of messages between Daniels and Walker produced as evidence in the lawsuit — the pair disparaged Doughty and discussed how to spread word of her alleged misdeeds.
“I want her head on a stick,” Daniels wrote to Walker in September 2017.
“I will wreck her s--- one way or another,” Walker wrote to Daniels in another exchange.
Walker declined to comment for this article through her attorney.
In court pleadings, she has argued that Doughty’s lawsuit was retaliation for her complaint to the Eventing Association.
In January 2018, the association opened a new case against Doughty based on complaints from Walker and another former student, Kelsy Silvey, who according to Walker’s messages was also communicating with Daniels.
Among Silvey’s accusations was that the carcass of one of Doughty’s horses, Beaux, had been left to rot above ground on her property.
Doughty again denied the allegations, saying the bones of Beaux had been exposed on a remote part of her property by erosion months after his burial.
Nevertheless, in February an association panel removed her certification.
Although the move did not prevent Doughty from giving lessons, it meant she could no longer advertise herself as one of the association’s approved instructors.
By this time, Rockwall Hills Equestrian Center was steadily losing customers and having trouble attracting new ones.
Faced with what she would later say in a sworn declaration were losses of about $5,000 a month, Doughty filed a defamation lawsuit against Daniels, Crain, Walker and Silvey in July 2018.
Daniels initially reacted with bravado, sending a photo of the lawsuit to Walker.
“Are we going to destroy this bitch finally?” she wrote. “Our evidence is undeniable.”
‘Horse people are crazy’
But some outside observers had begun to view the evidence with less confidence.
In a January 2018 email, Sue Hershey — manager of the Eventing Association’s instructor certification program — confronted Daniels with the apparent contradiction between her June 2015 Facebook post about Bailey, who drowned in the flash flood, and her later claims that Doughty was responsible for the horse’s death.
“Read what you yourself wrote,” Hershey argued. “How can you ask others to blame [Doughty] for this decision — when, in fact, you are here blaming yourself for it in your own written words?”
“I DO blame myself for my horses being down there because I should have been much firmer with Ellen about NOT wanting them down there AT ALL,” Daniels wrote back, adding that she was away in Los Angeles during the floods. “I gave in because she said the grass was better and SWORE that they would be brought up” if it rained. (Doughty denied this, saying the horses were being kept in the pasture on instructions from Daniels.)
Daniels also fumed in messages to Walker that Hershey was “basically calling me a liar,” later calling the association official “a moron.”
Hershey also emailed Walker, saying her recent discovery of Daniels’s earlier Facebook post “was shocking to me because I had trusted that she had been telling me the truth.”
Doughty asked for a new hearing from the Eventing Association, pointing out that the accusations had not been made under oath and that the association had never contacted witnesses whose statements she had submitted in her defense.
The association agreed to rehear the case, but Walker said she no longer wanted to proceed with her complaint against Doughty, telling an official in an email that she wanted to “move on with my life and go on about my business and forget I ever met her.”
After more than a year of inaction, Doughty was reinstated as a certified instructor in the summer of 2019. In 2020, the Eventing Association was named as an additional defendant in her lawsuit, over its alleged mishandling of her case.
Hershey died in 2021. Officials at the Eventing Association did not respond to requests for comment. Neither did the association’s attorney. The group, which is based in Virginia, has argued in pleadings that it is not subject to the jurisdiction of Texas courts.
Silvey could not be reached for comment. She has never responded to the defamation complaint, and no lawyer has appeared on her behalf in court.
As facts emerged in the lawsuit, it became clear that some expert arbiters of horse health had found little to criticize in how Doughty ran her barn. David Celella, one of the state’s top equine veterinarians, said in a sworn declaration that he had been visiting Doughty’s facility for years and that her horses “are healthy and well cared-for.”
Joyce Ross, an animal care and control officer with the city of Rockwall, made an unannounced visit to the farm after a flurry of complaints in the summer of 2017 and found nothing wrong. “The whole place was beautiful,” she wrote in her inspection report.
Since then, animal control officers have visited Doughty’s barn seven times in response to periodic complaints, according to reports obtained by The Post through a public-records request. None of those inspections led to citations, the reports show.
The Post called the two people whose names and numbers were listed in the 2017 animal-control complaints. (Others were anonymous.) Both live outside Texas. One did not respond and the other, Kerry Couch of Illinois, said that she did not know Doughty, that she had never contacted the city of Rockwall and that someone else must have fraudulently used her name. (Couch, now retired, was once a high-level rider and trainer.)
After speaking with The Post , she said, she called the city to remove her name from the case file.
Couch said that while the details of the Daniels-Doughty feud sounded extreme, drama among bipeds was an unfortunate fact of the riding life, particularly at more-advanced levels of training and competition. Some less-experienced riders don’t react well, she said, to the commanding personalities that often ascend to the top ranks of a dangerous sport that demands unerring control over 1,200-pound animals.
“You have to have a competitive drive. You have to have an ego. You have to have an element of fearlessness to do that and survive,” Couch said, adding that these qualities must also be wedded to extreme self-discipline and technical prowess. “The competitiveness between riders in the same barn, that can blow up sometimes.”
A similar sentiment was voiced less decorously by Trent Hyde, who on a recent evening at Doughty’s barn leaned across the rail of a metal gate as he watched his teen daughter’s jumping lesson.
“Horse people are crazy,” said Hyde, 59, a lifelong resident of North Texas who has boarded horses with Doughty for seven years. He said the turmoil that followed Daniels’s departure was unfortunate, but scoffed at the accusations that Doughty mistreated either horses or humans.
“She’s hard on these girls,” Hyde said, nodding at Doughty, who was calling out instructions to his daughter and two other mounted riders in the arena. “But they’re strong, independent women when they’re done.”
Doughty’s lawsuit continues to inch along after almost six years. Delayed by trips to the Texas Court of Appeals over pretrial disputes, it is nowhere near being resolved. But the fallout from what Daniels began saying about her in 2016 has never really stopped.
Just last month, commenters on Daniels’s Chronicle of the Horse thread began adding screenshots of an advertisement for a kids’ summer camp at Rockwall Hills Equestrian Center, asking that people “get the word out that this is NOT a safe option for children.”
Doughty said that quieting such accusations is more important to her, at this stage, than any damages a judge might or might not award.
“I just want to move on with my life,” she said. “It would be nice to be financially compensated for all the loss we’ve had. But honestly, at this point, it’s really about clearing my name.”
Daniels, meanwhile, is preparing speak out once again, to what may be the most important audience she has ever faced: the judge and jury who will decide the outcome of Trump’s hush money trial. Prosecutors have not yet said whether they plan to summon her to the witness stand.
But she says she is ready.
“I’m hoping with all of my heart that they call me,” she said during her recent appearance on The View. “I relish the day that I get to face him and speak my truth.”
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isocertificationinuae · 3 months
How ISO 21001 Certification helps UAE institution EOMS?
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ISO 21001 Certification in UAE In a contemporary swiftly altering instructional environment, it can be challenging for establishments to supply right schooling whilst making sure their administration structures work well. The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) created ISO 21001:2018, a one-of-a-kind policy to assist instructional corporations run better. They did this due to the fact they knew the significance of Education Organisation Management Systems (EOMS). Implementing the ISO 21001 Certification in UAE is a big probability for academic establishments to improve. It offers them a structured way to enhance operational efficiency, elevate pupil results, and inspire non-stop improvement.
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Implementation of ISO 21001 Certification in UAE
While ISO 21001 Certification has a lot of advantages for academic firms in UAE, placing it into motion may also be tough at times. Some of these issues are inadequate resources, cultural differences, and human beings who desire to remain the same. However, these troubles can be solved with exact planning, involvement of stakeholders, and dedication from leaders, placing the stage for long-term success.
UAE's dedication to brilliant training and eagerness to undertake the excellent overseas practices make it an amazing location to put ISO 21001 into practice. When academic establishments in UAE work with skilled consultants and make the most of the sources they have to get admission to, they can effectively undertake ISO 21001 and experience its benefits.
Why Choose factocert for ISO 21001 Certification in UAE?
Are you seeking ISO 21001 Certification in UAE? Factocert is a significant ISO 21001 Certification Bodies in UAE, providing ISO 21001 Consultants in UAE and with offices in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah, Ajman, Al Ain Umm al-Qaiwain, Fujairah, and other important cities.We provide a variety of ISO Standards at discounted prices, including ISO 27001, ISO 21001, ISO 45001, ISO 13485, Halal, ISO 17025, ISO 14001, ISO 22000, and others. For further information, please visit www.factocert.com or contact us at [email protected].
Adopting ISO 21001 Certification in UAE offers instructional establishments a threat to enhance their EOMS administration systems, elevate the first-class of education, and grow to be leaders in the world of education. By following ISO 21001 standards, establishments can create a quality, efficiency, and consistent enhancement culture. Eventually, This will enhance students' studying and assist in enhancing the country's schools.
Educational establishments in UAE can get the most out of ISO 21001 Certification through managing high-quality in a deliberate way, involving stakeholders, and usually striving for excellence. This will assist them develop and be profitable in the 21st-century training ecosystem.For More data go to : ISO 21001 Certification in UAE
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How ISO 21001 Certification helps Saudi Arabia institution EOMS?
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ISO 21001 Certification in Saudi Arabia In a contemporary swiftly altering instructional environment, it can be challenging for establishments to supply right schooling whilst making sure their administration structures work well. The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) created ISO 21001:2018, a one-of-a-kind policy to assist instructional corporations run better. They did this due to the fact they knew the significance of Education Organisation Management Systems (EOMS). Implementing the ISO 21001 Certification in Saudi Arabia is a big probability for academic establishments to improve. It offers them a structured way to enhance operational efficiency, elevate pupil results, and inspire non-stop improvement.
Understanding ISO 21001 Certification:
ISO 21001 units out the policies for an administration gadget designed to work with instructional groups. It consists of many things, like instructional policy, curriculum making, trying out students, educating teachers, and walking the school. By following ISO 21001 guidelines, colleges can streamline their processes, make higher use of their resources, and finally enhance the getting to know ride for their students.
Advantages of ISO 21001 Certification in Saudi Arabia for Schools :
Better nice management: ISO 21001 stresses a process-based method, making sure colleges systematically find, track, and enhance their most vital processes. Schools can make certain that all instructional things to do are regular and magnificent by using the usage of trendy approaches for developing curricula, checking out students, and educating methods.
Higher Satisfaction Among Stakeholders: In Saudi Arabia's complicated instructional system, it is very essential to meet the desires of students, parents, teachers, and governmental bodies. Getting ISO 21001 certification indicates that a faculty is devoted to imparting superb training and assembling the desires of all parties. This greater stage of pleasure can lead to extra college students enrolling, a higher image, and greater relationships with stakeholders.
Better operational efficiency: For instructional establishments to do well, they ought to deal with their sources (people and things) well. ISO 21001 offers tips for making the nice use of resources, reducing waste, and usually making operations run greater smoothly. Institutions can streamline their operations and focal point extra on educating with the aid of putting preferred approaches for administrative chores like admissions, economic management, and constructing maintenance.
Culture of Continuous Improvement: ISO 21001 encourages colleges to have a subculture of non-stop improvement. By putting up methods to tune and consider performance, establishments can locate locations to enhance and take proactive steps to restoration issues earlier than they happen. The enterprise stays on song with its strategic dreams and constantly tries to attain excellence thanks to everyday inside audits and administration reviews.
Global Recognition and Competitiveness: Getting ISO 21001 certification now not solely makes it less difficult for faculties to run their companies higher however additionally offers them a part in the international training market. As the world turns into greater connectedness, students, parents, and corporations appear for credentials that exhibit they meet global pleasant and excellence standards. ISO 21001 Certification demonstrates that a faculty is devoted to presenting world-class training and can convey it to college students and instructors worldwide.
Implementation of ISO 21001 Certification in Saudi Arabia
While ISO 21001 Certification has a lot of advantages for academic firms in Saudi Arabia, placing it into motion may also be tough at times. Some of these issues are inadequate resources, cultural differences, and human beings who desire to remain the same. However, these troubles can be solved with exact planning, involvement of stakeholders, and dedication from leaders, placing the stage for long-term success.
Saudi Arabia's dedication to brilliant training and eagerness to undertake the excellent overseas practices make it an amazing location to put ISO 21001 into practice. When academic establishments in Saudi Arabia work with skilled consultants and make the most of the sources they have to get admission to, they can effectively undertake ISO 21001 and experience its benefits.
Why choose Factocert for ISO 21001 Certification in Saudi Arabia?
Factocert is a well-known ISO 21001 Certification Bodies in Saudi Arabia.Providing ISO 21001 Consultants in Saudi Arabia and major cities in Riyadh, Jeddah, Dammam, Al Khobar, Dhahran, Buraidah, Al-Ahsa, Qatif, and Jubail, among other places. Visit www.factocert.com or send an email to [email protected] to find out more
Adopting ISO 21001 Certification in Saudi Arabia offers instructional establishments a threat to enhance their EOMS administration systems, elevate the first-class of education, and grow to be leaders in the world of education. By following ISO 21001 standards, establishments can create a quality, efficiency, and consistent enhancement culture. Eventually, This will enhance students' studying and assist in enhancing the country's schools.
Educational establishments in Saudi Arabia can get the most out of ISO 21001 Certification through managing high-quality in a deliberate way, involving stakeholders, and usually striving for excellence. This will assist them develop and be profitable in the 21st-century training ecosystem.For More data go to : ISO 21001 Certification in Saudi Arabia
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CE Mark Certification in Saudi Arabia 
ISO 22301 Certification in Saudi Arabia 
ISO 37001 Certification in Saudi Arabia 
ISO 27701 Certification in Saudi Arabia 
ISO 26000 Certification in Saudi Arabia 
ISO 20000-1 Certification in Saudi Arabia
ISO 50001  Certification in Saudi Arabia
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