#rightwingers are racist
workersolidarity · 11 months
You dont belong here nigger.
Surprise surprise! Right-wing Americans are Racist!
Pussy wouldn't even show who he was
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nando161mando · 2 months
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I love watching righties lose their shit over stuff like this. I mean, it’s absolutely fucking glorious.
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wikagirl · 6 months
the agony of seeing something cool with nordic theming on it and then always needing to go and see if the n*zis bastardized the meaning of the imagery or if modern day neo n*zis are doing it so I don't accidentally associate myself with these bastards
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undead-potatoes · 1 year
Look, I love taking the piss out of centrists as much as the next guy, but then you actually have to know what a centrist actually is
Centrism is shit like defending the status quo, and claiming that those who defend themselves from oppressors are just as bad as the oppressors who attack them ect. Centrism is NOT choosing not to take a hardline stance before you know enough about a situation to make an informed opinion. Mocking someone for wanting to be informed before making a decision is not the take you think it is, and an opinion isn't automatically gonna be good just bc a person on "your team" expressed said opinion
Tho I guess this DOES explain why there are so many shitty takes from people who have NO clue what they're talking about on the left
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msclaritea · 4 months
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superreader30 · 2 years
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#OssianSweet #Segregation #TheSweetTrialRaceAndSelfDefence #WhiteRioters #Racists #TheGreatCourses #DrOssianSweet #LibertyOnTrialInAmerica #KKKarens #ClarenceDarrow #RightWingers #DetroitMichigan #1926 #KuKluxKarens #LeonBreiner #RayDove #RightWingTerrorists #FrankMurphy #KuKluxKlan #CriticalRaceTheory #DwightHubbard #1920s #DouglasOLinder https://www.instagram.com/p/Ce5zcVGrchGoWKpTJsgB9XTUNTRNhicd7wn-3Q0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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and to fully set the record straight, i do think issues arise when thousands of potentially traumatised men from countries with less womens rights immigrate to countries where women have more rights, i just fundamentally disagree with putting people under general suspicion because of skin colour, ethnicity or nationality, and that the solution is to not let male refugees in. and i do think its an issue that we leave this discussion to racists and rightwingers while people who worry about living next to refugee homes are immediately labelled racist even when there are valid concerns being brought forward.
i think the way to go is to not make immigrants and refugees second or even third class citizens with no rights and isolating them in refugee homes thereby creating parallel societies, but to put the most effort into integrating them into society and the workforce as soon as possible, by offering training programs that include language lessons and housing them in different districts and areas so theyre not concentrated in one place which on top fosters criminal behaviour.
and what really pisses me off is people pretending like western europe would be some sort of feminist haven if it wasnt for immigrants because thats bullshit, or even worse, that white men are less misogynistic just because women here had the chance to fight for equal rights that protect us a bit better and create a culture with slightly more repercussions for blatant misogyny, but its not because white men are just more civilised and supportive of womens rights.
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feraltoms · 1 year
i get so pissed abt people talking shit about the south- not because im some kind of bootlicker or rightwinger but because they never talk about southerners like we're human beings. "the south" to a bunch of these people is this unthinking bigoted monolith without any redeeming qualities or hope of becoming better.
ive said this before and ill say it again: Who Do You Think Racists Are Being Racist To. the people of color living here. who do you think is suffering from the laws making trans healthcare less accessible? the trans people living here!!!!
and to the statement "well move to another state": Shut Up. not everyone has that option and not everyone WANTS to!!! for a lot of people this is Home. their families are here, their life is here, not to mention how expensive it is to move across states. have some fucking empathy. maybe im just in a hater type of mood but im just so so sick of seeing people talk like this
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jewishvitya · 7 months
It's really a divide between rightwingers who support Israel because they see it as America's weapon in the global war against Arab people, and those who "support" Palestine, because they see destroying Israel as a stepping stone in killing all the Jews, right?
And also those who want to use Israel to extract resources from the land (there was a thing about gas next to Gaza and Israel already making deals over it).
And those who want to use Israel to bring about the End Times. Christian Zionism is genuinely horrifying. And there are twice more Christian Zionists than there Jews in the world.
And there are those who see that the younger generation is against the war so they hope that showing support to Palestine will allow them to get a foothold with that generation.
They're trying to use support of Palestine as a tool for recruitment. Manufacture common ground, and then use that to lead you into their way of thinking. It's the alt-right pipeline, in the process of creating another rabbithole for people to fall down.
Don't trust antisemites and Islamophobes and racists.
I keep saying this: some people choose a side by asking "who do I hate more, Jews or Muslims?" - don't trust these people.
If their priority and guiding principle in their general politics isn't human rights, their politics are dangerous.
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victoriadallonfan · 5 months
Warning: Racist Stupidity Incoming
I legitimately thought this was a joke headline until I read further
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But it gets stupider
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Grifters and Racists.
Name a more iconic duo of morons
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lottafandoms · 11 months
Reasons why I have you blocked:
You're homo/transphobic.
Being aspecphobic.
Caught you being racist.
(FNAF)Supporting Scott C. fan. He's a rightwinger and openingly said he's a pro-lifer.
(HP)Supporting JKrolling. Racist and lgbt+phobic.
Being a gross profiction/proshipper. (get help honestly)
Misogynist/Terf/Trumpie/etc cuz apparently this isn't obvious.
We can have opinions on crap like pineapple on pizza, not human rights. Lives matter more than your comfort.
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nando161mando · 2 months
ASIO warns of rise in fascist nazi rightwing extremists who want to spark a race war in Australia
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aemiron-main · 1 year
Every time im forced to see something from rings of power it take 10 years off my life. How do you have a massive amazon budget and yet also absolutely atrocious hairstyling choices & a gil galad fit that look like it’s from party city. all of the promo posters etc all look boring as fuck too.
do not lump me in with racist rightwingers who are mad about the diversity in the show, i love the diversity aspect, it’s somehing i want in more tolkien adaptations (i feel like a lot of ppl forget that sam’s skin was described as being tan/darker) but lets be honest the show is a dumpster fire & the disappointment of the century for me <<///33 theres some visual cgi landscape stuff that looks rlly nice but in generally it just looks and FEELS extremely corporate and hollow and soulless. Where is the whimsy. Where is the charm.WHERE IS IT!!!! Its like game of thrones fucked a marvel movie over here!!! In the worst possible way!!!
Like HOW do you have such great source material, so much funding, basically a GUARANTEED audience because it’s tolkien, and yet still manage to make an absolutely soulless wet cardboard box of a show????? It looks like shit it feels like shit and its so disheartening to know that it could have been AMAZING
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workersolidarity · 11 months
"Imagine unironically proudly displaying the American flag like a lunatic waving a gun in cowboy boots while 500'000 Americans sleep on the streets and 4.5 million civilians have died in the war on terror." LMFAO imagine the Soviet faggot thinking it's a good idea to throw stones in the glass house of people dying from poverty and/or outright being murdered by the government.
First racist, now homophobic. Showing everyone why rightwingers are disgusting and detestable
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Oh, finally. A pro-FSM who is actually honest on why they want them.
And, as anyone with two braicells to rub together predicted, is simply for a powergrab against "the ebil racist nyatzee rightwingers" boogeyman, AKA everyone who doesn't toe the line.
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