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Lyin Laura Ingraham continues the Fox Fake News tradition of lies and deceit for profit.  Ingraham, the producers of her nightly shit-show, executive management, Fox Fake News board of directors, and the low-life Murdoch clan are the worst of the worst in 21st century media.  
Fox Fake News business philosophy is:  We don’t give a rats ass about how much our lies and deception damage The People of United States and its democratic processes as long as We make money $$$$
Everyone who works at or for Fox News is participating in the destruction of our democratic republic.  Their 24/7 seditious lies for $ in the guise of free speech is morally reprehensible and deserves to be classified as a domestic threat to the United States of America.  
- PennsyltuckyHeathen
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free-speech-network · 5 years
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Only in a nation of idiots could mainstream media get away with propagating white nationalist nonsense and call it news #dividedstatesofembarassment #dividedstatesofhypocrisy #fucknazis #fuckwhitenationalists #fuckfoxnews #fakenews #rightwingnonsense #rightwingpropaganda https://www.instagram.com/p/BzWpZ71n3yd/?igshid=fg8qx0xg6cuf
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paraphraze615 · 8 years
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#LondonAttack #Muslim #Islam #Islamaphobia #RadicalIslam #Terrorism #Terrorist #RightWingPropaganda #Propaganda #YouTriedIt #Stupid #Dumbass #Idiots #WillyWonkaMeme
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zorancuckovic · 6 years
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#Obama #Trump #RightWingers #RightWing #RightWingPropaganda https://www.instagram.com/p/BrG64PCFunJ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=pzoztcmwxbio
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January 28, 2017 (Day 9 - Chaos at Immigration in US Airports)
Dear Diary, today in the sh*t-blizzard known as the Trump “Presidency”...
Trump’s “overly broad” immigration ban has been sharply criticized by Nobel Prize winners, evangelical Christians (”an affront to human dignity”), Democrats, at least two Republicans (1), religious groups, business leaders, academics, the United Nations, the Germans, French, and British, random annoyed Muslims (2), and the American public at large, the latter of whom responded with a number of enraged protests once it became known that perfectly legal citizens were being detained at airports across the country. According to a New York Times article, “Thousands of protesters rushed to airports to demand the release of people who were being held on arrival.” Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of Canada offered welcome to those fleeing “persecution, terror & war,” adding “Diversity is our strength.” I’m downloading my immigration paperwork now, Justin (may I call you Justin?). Please save me a spot.
Trump clarified that Christian refugees would be given priority entry status when refugee acceptance resumed. (Wow, that could in no way be interpreted as religious discrimination, which would, of course, be illegal.) I assume that his new-found concern for Christians (in whom he showed no particular interest prior to needing their votes) is a way to keep evangelicals on side. In an interview with Christian Broadcasting Network’s David Brody, the P-word falsely claimed that the US made it impossible for Christian refugees to enter the country. (3)
The ACLU and other advocacy groups filed a lawsuit on behalf of two detainees caught up in Trump’s Muslim ban. One of the men was Hameed Kalid Darweesh, a US Government contractor and interpreter responsible for helping keep US soldiers alive in Iraq. The other detainee had arrived on a legal and valid “Follow to Join” visa, to be reunited with his wife and 7-year-old son. “Immigration officials at John F. Kennedy Airport said there was no other reason than President Trump’s executive order to detain the men.”
In response to the ACLU’s suit, Judge Ann Donnelly of Federal District Court in Brooklyn granted a temporary injunction to block the deportation of those stranded by the P-word’s Muslim ban. She very tactfully offered her opinion that “the government hasn’t had a full chance to think about this.” Ya think? Minister of Propaganda Kellyanne Conjob attempted to inject partisan motives into the judge’s decision as she sneered at the ruling the following day.
(1) Senator Ben Sasse of Nebraska, and Representative Charlie Dent of Pennsylvania opposed Trump’s orders. Dent said, “This is ridiculous. The order was rushed through without any nuances toward immigration policy, and this can be life or death for some people.”
(2) “I thought in America, there were institutions and democracy,” said Fuad Sharef, 51, an Iraqi Kurd bound for New York. Yes, Fuad, so did we.
(3) Not true. “The United States admitted a record number of 38,901 Muslim refugees in 2016, according to a study conducted by Pew [Research]. But nearly the same number of Christians [who comprise about 1% of the Syrian population], 37,521 were also admitted.“ Trump says US will prioritize Christian refugees, CNN, January 28, 2017
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comrade-zapata · 8 years
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Very true revolutionary words from King. #Cuba #FidelCastro #VivaCuba #LGBTQ #QueerRights #rightwingpropaganda (at New York, New York)
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pennsyltuckyheathen · 8 months
PragerU continues the efforts on the right to decimate public education and misuse taxpayer funds for private schools for profit.  Using right wing propaganda to indoctrinate school children with glaring omissions in history and anti Climate Change lies.  Culture Wars are their only agenda.  
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pennsyltuckyheathen · 4 months
MAGAMike Johnson - upstanding Christian that he is - forms an alliance with the Great Deceiver aka TraitorTrump to use the authority of the United States House of Representatives to exact revenge against anyone and everyone who holds the career criminal accountable for his crimes against the United States and its citizens.    
The Republican party - now the Trump/MAGA party - is totally corrupted by Trump, his cult and enablers.  They’ve actively joined the conspiracy by Trump and fascist right-wing billionaires in the United States and foreign countries to drag the United States into a crisis we can’t even imagine.  They’ve all sold themselves to the highest bidders and all of us along with them.  
Didn’t take long for MAGA Mike Johnson to sell his soul did it?  Not only spreading lies and deceit for Trump but also abusing his authority as Speaker of the House to weaponize the legislative branch and take destructive actions on behalf of Trump.  What a fake Christian he’s turned out to be.  
The lies, deceit and chaos will only intensify as Election 2024 gets closer and DiaperDon and his Republican party - now Trump/MAGA party - co-conspirators get more desperate.  Of course the Professional Liars on FoxFakeNews will repeat the lies and deceit 24/7.  
These are extremely dangerous and dark times with forces at play behind the scenes about which we know very little.  
Vote Blue Election 2024
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The Republicans and Christo-Fascists have pushed so many lies and demonized LGBTQ+  in their fact free culture wars that this is the result.  The potential for violence is going to increase during Pride 2023 with the corrupt Republicans and the perverted Christians denying any responsibility.   
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Backlash to Trump mug shot is growing, particularly among black men
The opinion piece in this right wing-nut fact-free rag claims Trump's mug shot is gaining him more support among black men.
Two black men who apparently support (truly support or being paid to support?) the white supremacist, racist Trump are embracing his mug shot as representative of the black man's experience with the justice system in the United States.
First of all, Trump and his goon squad (not Democrats) immediately used his mug shot to grift millions of dollars from his misinformed base as he continues his victimization marathon blaming everyone else for his persecution.
Secondly, anyone who thinks Trump's experience with the legal system - advanced by spending millions of dollars for teams of lawyers and investigators - is in any way similar to that of black men should reconsider the source of the information used to come to that conclusion.
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Musk has much in common with the right-wing elitists.  Inherited wealth and an inflated sense of importance.  He’s reinstated Twitter accounts for rightwing extremists, conspiracy mongers, and others on the “right” who spew lies and divisive propaganda. 
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paraphraze615 · 7 years
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Fox News done hired Tomi Lahren. What a surprise... #TomiLahren #FoxNews #FoxNewsBeLike #ConservativeMedia #RightWingMedia #RightWingPropaganda
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paraphraze615 · 7 years
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I had to let the REAL snowflakes have it. #SorryNotSorry YouTube channel: Paraphraze615. #Conservative #Conservatives #ConservativesBeLike #ConservativeLogic #Snowflakes #ConservativeSnowflakes #EasilyOffended #Offensive #Offended #RightWingPropaganda #LiberalSnowflakes #ProudLiberal #YouTube #YouTuber #YouTubeVlogger #Vlog #Vlogger #LetsBeHonest #LetsBeReal
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paraphraze615 · 7 years
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Then when he dropped the U.S. dollar, the mainstream media painted him as a monster. Smh. #MuammarGaddafi #Gaddafi #Libya #MainstreamMedia #MainstreamMediaBeLike #MediaBias #Propaganda #RightWingPropaganda #USDollarCollapse #DoYourResearch #WakeUp #WakeUpAmerica #OpenYourMind #OpenYourEyes #StayWoke #PayAttention
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paraphraze615 · 7 years
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Propaganda For Dummies. #Propaganda #Propaganda101 #UsVsThem #GoodVsEvil #GovernmentPropaganda #RightWingPropaganda #LeftWingPropaganda #Lies #AlternativeFacts #MassHypnosis #Brainwashing #Brainwashed #Sheeple #Sheep #WakeUp #WakeUpAmerica #OpenYourMind #OpenYourEyes #StayWoke #PayAttention
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paraphraze615 · 7 years
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But y'all steady eating up everything they tell you. #RupertMurdoch #FoxNews #FoxNewsBeLike #FakeNews #MainstreamMedia #MainstreamMediaBeLike #RightWingPropaganda #Syria #SyrianChemicalAttack #ChemicalAttack #Propaganda #GovernmentPropaganda #Sheeple #Sheep #ConservativesBeLike #ConservativeLogic #MassHypnosis #AmericaBeLike
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