thetakenpokemon · 6 years
Act 2 - Dream of Sand
[PoV: Rinako]
I blink my eyes as I find bright sunlight shining down upon my form, a massive difference compared to the dimly lit room I was in earlier.
I remember closing my eyes not even a few seconds ago, but...now I’m standing in what looks like an endless landscape of sand.
Yep, looks like I’m back in the desert again... Guess I’m in the dream once more.
One major difference I’ve noticed though compared to my last dream was that I’d be walking at this point, my body moving without my consent. But unlike those past nightmares, this time I’m the one in control of my body.
I feel myself smile, but it didn’t last long as I realized that there’s a reason why I’m here in the first place.
I start looking around, scanning my surroundings. As I’ve anticipated, the rolling dunes stretch as far as I can see. So far there’s nothing at all that stands out to my visio-
I stop and squint my eyes, straining to see...something in the distance. It’s a dark speck, just barely visible over the dunes.
Is it the structure I saw in my past nightmares? The one that housed that monster that would kill me every single time?
Maybe... But the entire desert would be a wasteland at the point I’ve reached it. So for all I know, it could be that structure...or it could not.
Well, I need to go somewhere...
Taking in a deep breath to steel my nerves, I walk towards that speck.
...and walk...
...and walk...
...and walk...
The distance is extraordinary to say the least, but thankfully this is all technically a dream. If this were reality, the heat from the sun and the sheer distance I’m forced to walk would definitely leave me severely exhausted. Yet here I am, traversing the rolling dunes without feeling a hint of fatigue.
As for the length of this ‘journey’, I don’t know how much time it took. It could’ve happened in an instant, or over a period of several hours. Yet regardless, that speck in the distance grew into something I can clearly see.
A mountain.
Its massive size towers over the desert, its surface a distinct gray that stands out majorly from the surrounding tan dunes of sand. As I grow closer, I see a small structure at the base of it.
Its design reminds me of ancient temples I saw in the history books I read when I was younger, yet this design in particular seems even more familiar.
Its overall structure appears to be completely intact - untouched by the grasp of time, and also made of the same stone as the mountain: granite.
Eventually the sand beneath my feet is replaced with granite tiles as I begin entering the temple, yet the stone doesn’t feel even remotely hot to me. Giant smooth pillars tower over me as I walk past them, their surface covered in hieroglyphics. Occasionally I walk past a giant statue of what seems to be a Lucario of unique species, their heads held high.
At this point everything clicks in my mind. The aesthetics, the material that everything is composed of. The origin of this temple is Venharan.
I remember reading plenty of books on Venhara in my youth. Of the towering granite mountain the kingdom was founded on, the black-coated Lucario race that lives there. Of course plenty of other races also live within Venhara too, but that’s besides the point.
Confusion starts to well within me. Why am I in a Venharan temple? That wasn’t in my nightmares at all. And why can’t I see the city of Venhara? It’s built right on and into Mt. Sekhemkhet. I don’t believe I’ve approached the mountain from the opposite side since the city stretches very far out, I should be able to see at least a few buildings from even the opposite side of the mountain.
So is this Mt. Sekhemkhet? Or is this mountain something else entirely...?
Something isn’t right...
I finally get a break from the intense sunlight as I enter the temple proper, the roof of the building being my shield from the flaming orb in the sky.
Numerous stone statues line the walls, each of them a Venharan Lucario. Some of them have gold jewelry on their stone frames while others have sapphire eyes. Yet all of that mattered little to me, for what really got my attention is what’s in the center of the temple.
It’s a large monolith made of bone-colored stone, contrasting greatly compared to the surrounding granite. At the base of this monolith is a tablet made of a similar material.
When I approach the structure I kneel down to look at the tablet, looking at its incredibly smooth surface.
What’s the purpose of this thing? It’s definitely of some importance, so why is it here?
As I reach over to touch the tablet, a sudden voice rings in my ears.
I stand up immediately, my blades quickly unsheathing from my forearms. I turn on my heels to look behind me for the source of the potential threat, but the moment I could see the one who spoke to me I feel myself stop.
Standing before me is a female Venharan Lucario.
Her attire consists of countless jeweled bracelets and anklets, their gold surfaces covered in sapphires. Around her neck is a pendant with a massive sapphire, her head possessing a circlet with a head of a gold Seviper coming out of the front, and her hair is tied back into one long braid that’s decorated with gold beads.
The only thing covering her ‘important’ parts of her body are strisp of white cloth wrapped around her chest as well as another around her pelvis, the color sticking out massively from her black coat.
She smiles at me, her amber eyes glittering. “I have been waiting for you.” She speaks, yet...her words seem to reverberate through my head as if a voice was inside it.
And here I thought my confusion couldn’t get any higher. “Waiting for me?” I repeat. Although I wanted to go further on that... Another, more pressing question couldn’t be overlooked. I shake my head before looking at her suspiciously through narrowed eyes. “Who are you?”
She opens her arms, her smile never wavering. “I am Tiye, fourth Queen of Venhara.”
Now I definitely paused when I first saw her, but hearing those words in particular? That made my blood go cold.
Tiye? Fourth Queen of Venhara?
My knowledge on Venhara is somewhat limited, but I do know things such as the generations of queens.
As of currently we’re on the eleventh Queen of Venhara: Neferhotep.
Tiye? She’s...
She’s been dead for over 600 years...
What’s going on??
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thetakenpokemon · 6 years
Act 2 - Meeting the Seer
[PoV: Rinako]
Having a stomach full of garlic cheese bread makes the world a happier place, or at least for me at the moment. After I ate my fill to the food Rodrigo got for me at the inn, the two of us made our way out.
The Chesnaught is currently in the lead, since he’s the only one who knows where this seer is after all.
I really do hope that this meeting will work out for me, since I’m...awfully sick of these nightmares. I’m seriously missing out on sleep because of it, not to mention the fact that it infuriates me since I have no idea on why I’m having them to begin with.
Endless deserts... The sun and stars dying... Landscapes changing into wastelands... A mysterious monster that kills me...
I don’t even know where it’s coming from. I can’t think of anything that would cause dreams like this and it’s driving me crazy.
If this visit doesn’t do anything, I don’t know what options I’ll have left. There’s always Vedika, but at the same time I’d rather continue on with these nightmares than gain new ones from whatever spell she’ll cast on m-
I stop myself - literally, specifically because Rodrigo halted himself in front of me. It’s a good thing I caught myself too, otherwise I would’ve probably impaled myself on his back spikes.
“Here we are!” The Chesnaught says joyfully, gesturing to the place all the while oblivious that his sudden stop might’ve caused serious injury.
Letting out a quiet huff at him I then turn my gaze to the building ahead of him, only to find myself squinting since it doesn't look very...special? It pretty much just looks like a small hut. The only thing indicating that a seer is here is a small wooden sign that says ‘Seer of Knocksville’ in blue painted letters.
“Doesn’t...look very impressive.” I say skeptically.
Rodrigo shrugs his shoulders. “Perhaps, but we’re not here to judge the appearance. We’re here to get these nightmares taken care of, eh?” He gestures for me to follow. “Let’s go inside.”
He immediately goes and opens the door, yet due to its size he’s forced to squat down somewhat to enter without hitting his head on the frame. I still eye the place dubiously, but after letting out a soft sigh I follow him in.
Once inside, the first thing I take note is the dim lighting and the peculiar scent that surrounds the interior. Probably the reason for this is because of the various candles, each of them releasing some sort of soothing smell that remind me of wild flowers. All sorts of trinkets line the walls and hang from the ceiling, their uses completely beyond me.
Across the room is a doorway, yet in place of a door is instead a curtain of multi-colored fabric. The second I close the entrance door behind me the curtains part, and in steps who I can only assume is this seer.
“Ahh, visitors.” He says in a cheerful yet quiet tone. “I presume that you are here for my services, no?”
He’s a Gothitelle of average height and build I would expect on his species, yet what really stands out about him are the flowing purple robes with blue bows on them. His black hair is tied into a short ponytail, and around his eyes is a blue eyeliner that matches the bows on his robes.
Rodrigo grins. “Indeed! And this only means that you are Travis, the seer that runs this place?”
I blink.
Travis? What kind of seer is named Travis of all things?
He nods his head. “Indeed, I am he.” The Gothitelle clasps his hands together. “What is it that I may aid you in? Do you wish for your future to be read? Perhaps a charm to ail a sickness?”
I...do know that some Gothitelle possess the power to see into the future by drawing power from the stars, but I’m not sure if this guy is one of them. He...seems to give off an air of superstition, like he doesn’t seem like he’s the real deal.
Although still VERY skeptical, I decide to speak up since I want to get straight to the point in terms of why I’m here. “I’ve been...experiencing some unusual nightmares lately.” I say, drawing his attention.
He looks at me. “Nightmares?” He repeats. “I assume that you wish for me to rid of them, no?” He gestures to several hoops hanging from the ceiling. “I have many a dream catch-”
“ Although I do wish for my nightmares to go away, there’s something more to them.” I interrupt him. “I keep getting the same one every night, yet it isn’t related to anything that I can think of.”
He didn’t show any sort of discontent when I interrupted him, if anything he actually looks surprised now. “Repeat...nightmares?” His thin brows furrow. “Indeed, that is a concern. Such dreams may be a vision.”
Now that...I don’t find to be difficult to believe. Same dream over and over? Yeah, it has to be something.
“So you can assist her?” Rodrigo asks.
Travis nods his head. “Indeed. Come.” He turns and beckons for us to follow as he parts the curtain, entering the room he was in.
The two of us follow the Gothitelle into the room - or at least the best Rodrigo could due to his size, and once we’re all in we immediately discover that it’s actually quite spacious.
The room looks like it’s a place where Travis both sleeps and ‘works’, seeing the bed in the corner as well as a large table and couch. On said table is a crystal ball - to my chagrin - and the couch seems to be designed for people to lay on.
He gestures me towards the couch. “One of greatest ways to discern a dream’s meaning is to tap into it, to completely let it unfold so that all of it is laid out to bare.” He sits down on a chair adjacent to the couch. “Although I am unable to see the dream for myself, I can assist you in discerning its meaning.”
I frown at the prospect of experiencing the dream again, yet there’s another part he said that I’m very skeptical of. “You say...let it unfold?” I look at him unsurely. “What is it you mean by those words?”
“I am opening your mind completely to the dream.” He responds in a patient tone. “You will experience it far differently than your past nightmares, for you will see it for all it is. This will allow you to discern its meaning.” He rests the palms of his purple hands on his lap.
“And this is the first step?” Rodrigo speaks up. “This won’t rid her of said nightmares?”
Travis shakes his head. “It will not. That will be another service I will assist you with afterwords.”
The Chesnaught nods his head at this before reaching for his belt - where he keeps his money-sack. “Very well. And how much will your service charge?”
The Gothitelle waves his hand. “That matters little as of now. I will tell you after we are finished.” He looks at me again. “As for you, rest yourself on the furniture before me. We must prepare.”
Well... Better this than nothing.
With another sigh I lay down on the couch as he requests, doing my best to get comfortable.
Travis smiles softly at me. “Good. Now...I must ask you to close your eyes, then I shall place a spell on you to bring you unto a deep sleep. Worry not, for this will last shortly. Once you have seen all that is to be seen, you shall awaken.” He cups his hands together, a soft purple glow emanating from them. “Are you ready?”
I close my eyes, mentally preparing myself for the nightmare that will come. “I’m...ready.” I say in an almost reluctant tone.
“Good...” He mutters. Through my closed eyelids I see a purple glow, and the glow starts to intensify...
...and then...
...I feel myself lose consciousness.
...and then everything changed.
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thetakenpokemon · 6 years
Act 2 - Dream of Realization
[PoV: Rinako]
Tiye continues to smile at me, her face tilting upwards as she gazes into my eyes. “It is clear to me that you are surprised of this knowledge.” She says in a knowing tone. “I've expected it.”
I mean...it’s kinda obvious, since she’s a Queen who’s been dead for over 600 years. Of course I’m gonna be surprised!
But regardless... Even though I do have countless questions, none of them are really important compared to a big few. More specifically is the fact that I’m dreaming of her and I have absolutely no idea on why.
“Indeed I’m...definitely quite surprised.” I start, looking at her unsurely. “But that begs the question, why are you here?” I remember another thing she said. “And you said you were waiting for me. Why is that?”
She lowers her chin, her amber eyes seemingly glowing despite the dimness of this temple. “To warn you.” She answers, her not once wavering.
I feel a cold sweat trickle down my brow, in which I start to wipe it with the back of my palm - only to realize that my blades are still out. Wincing internally I sheath my weapons and wipe off said sweat, my uncertain expression growing even more uncertain. “To...warn me?” I repeat slowly. “To warn me of what?”
The Lucario approaches me and places a hand on my shoulder. “Walk with me, Rinako.” She says.
Although I technically did have I choice, a large part of me felt like I really didn’t. Without objecting I let her guide me with her side, the two of us walking out of the temple.
The moment we stepped out, I feel my body beginning to tense.
The countless rolling dunes of sand? Gone.
The familiar foreboding wasteland takes its place. Rock and metal stretch as far as I can see, numerous spires jutting into the air like unnatural landmarks. Above me the sky is completely black, no sign of sun nor stars.
“My home is in danger.” Tiye continues. “My people do not know it, but something dark is threatening our land.” Her smile slowly shifts away, turning into a grimace. “If nothing is done, they will all perish.”
I bite my lip, the fact that I’m looking at this landscape is putting me severally on edge. “By your home, I can only assume that you mean Venhara.” I say quietly, my gaze frozen on the horrible wasteland. “You say that it’s something dark, yet...do you know what it is?”
“I know not of what entity is bearing down upon my land.” She says with a shake of her head. “But their presence alone is sending tremors throughout the veils. Subtle tremors, but ones I felt nonetheless.”
I eventually look at her, one big question forming on my mind. “Why tell this to me?” I ask her. “I don’t have any sort of association with Venhara. If this is happening, shouldn’t you tell the current Queen?” Of course that’s assuming she hasn’t already, but that’s just an assumption.
She looks back at me. “It’s because they are not the ones who need this knowledge.” She places a hand on my chest. “It is you who must know this.”
I wince the moment she touched me there. Even though the atmosphere is rather dire, the touch is still a little too intimate for my taste. After I brush her hand off me I turn to her fully, my eyes narrowing as I fully process what she said. “Me?” I repeat. “I ask again. Why me?”
Tiye takes a step back, crossing her arms. “You are the one that can stop this.” She says simply.
I feel my jaw drop. “Stop this?!” I pretty much squawk. “How?!”
The Queen shrugs, much to my irritation. “I do not know, but the forces all point to you, dear Rinako. I implore you to stop whatever will bring this cruel fate to my land, to save my people.”
She slowly falls to her knees, her head bowing to me. “Please.” She finishes, her tone growing incredibly soft. “Please save my people.”
I’m...at a loss for words, needless to say.
Dream or not, one of the Queens of Venhara is kneeling down at me, and it doesn’t take an idiot to know that she’s...begging.
I...don’t know what the hell is happening, or why I’m the one to contact out of everyone. I’m just a mercenary working with a group of companions, making a living through hunting down people. I’m definitely no hero, or at least by standards this large.
But...what can I say to her? Tell her no?
I grit my teeth and rub the side of my head, feeling frustration sink in the longer she’s kneeling there.
You know what? Damn it all.
“I will try.” I finally say, sighing deeply.
Tiye looks up at me, her smile returning. “Thank you, Rinako.”
I shake my head slightly. “I won’t guarantee anything.” I tell her. “But I will do my best to figure out what’s happening, and...try to stop it with the best of my ability.” Something of this large scale? I doubt I’ll do anything to it, but...I’ll try something.
I cross my arms, feeling a confident smile form on my lips. “You have my word.”
Whatever confidence I’m feeling right now immediately deflates the second I...hear something in the distance.
A familiar, bone-chilling sound...
Oh no...
Tiye grabs my wrist. “Hurry, Rinako. Time is at the essence.” Her eyes start shining like brilliant lights, and my vision starts to blur...
“It is time for you to awaken, oh savior mine.”
My eyes shoot open and my body jolts up, my breaths heavy and ragged.
“She has awakened.” Travis states, the Gothitelle looking at me calmly.
Yeah, no shit...
Rodrigo is already next to me. “Rinako! Are you alright?” He asks me, his voice urgent. “What did you see?”
I’m still processing everything... The walk to the temple, the conversation with Tiye, the wasteland, that sound again...
All of it may have been a dream, but now I know that it’s more than that. It’s a vision, a vision meant for me. I don’t know why I was the one to receive it out of all of the other more-qualified people, but I’ll accept it.
And with this newfound enlightenment, I feel a powerful resolve fill my body.
“I need to go to Venhara.” I say aloud, my eyes narrowing with determination.
A silence befalls the room.
“Uh... Speak again?” Rodrigo eventually says.
Ah... Looks like I have a lot of explaining to do...
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thetakenpokemon · 6 years
Interlude II - Finding a Solution for Unsolved Dreams
[PoV: Rinako]
After making sure that my attire is at least somewhat properly in place, I proceed to make my way out of the room I’m staying in.
My mind is in a sleep-deprived haze, my movements sluggish and eyelids heavy. I walk down the tiny hall of the inn almost mindlessly, paying no need to...anything really.
The past several nights have been filled with nothing but the same exact nightmare, time after time...
I tread through a vast desert, the desert becomes replaced with a barren wasteland, the sun and stars burn out, and then...I reach that triangular structure that contains that...thing.
That monster.
And I always die in the end...
To get the same dream over and over has to mean something, especially when it doesn’t involve anything I’m familiar with. Something is happening or going to happen, and that dream is the sign.
Or...at least I think it is...
But regardless, what...am I supposed to make of it?
I let out a low groan and rub my forehead, knowing that there’s no chance I’m going to get anywhere in my current state. I need eat something and try to waken myself, since I can properly figure things out when my mind is clearer.
Taking the staircase down I reach the first floor of the inn, which also doubles as a pub. The activity of the place is relatively tame, meaning I’ve either arrived before or after lunch hour.
I silently curse at myself for forgetting to check the clock in my room, since as of currently I have no idea what time it is right now.
Sitting at one of the tables is Rodrigo, his hulking frame being easy for me to spot despite my sluggish state. He spies me at the staircase and waves me over, in which I eventually comply after registering his motions.
“Hello there Rinako! I was wondering when you’d wake up.” He chuckles, gesturing to the seat opposite him.
With a quiet grumble I take the seat and let my head fall onto the table, the smooth cool wood feeling nice on the skin of my forehead.
“Didn’t sleep well?” He asks me, his voice betraying his concern.
I simply look up at him, letting him see the dark bags under my eyes.
“Well...that answers my question...” He says slowly before crossing his arms, his single eye narrowing slightly. “Nightmares?”
I nod my head slowly before resting my head back onto the table. “Yes...” I mumble quietly. “And I’ve been getting the same one over and over again...”
I hear the sound of movement following with a new voice. “Can I get you anything?”
Rodrigo quickly speaks up in place of me, in which I’m rather thankful for. “She’d like some ice water please.” He says to what I assume is one of the waiters here. “And a platter of cheese bread too.”
As I hear the sounds of the waiter walking off Rodrigo starts talking to me again. “I didn’t quite catch what you said Rinako, with your voice being quiet and your head planted on the table. Could you repeat it?”
I let out a sigh and lift my head up, propping my chin onto a hand to hold myself up. “I’ve been having the same nightmare for the past four days.” I tell him, making him pause.
“The same...nightmare?” He repeats slowly.
I nod my head, my tired face contorting with irritation. “And what’s worse is that I have no idea what it means. It’s just the same thing over and over again, except nothing is familiar about it.” My chin slips out from under my hand and my head hits the table again, in which I let out a low groan of exhaustion and pain.
Rodrigo starts to speak, but I talk over him. “It’s not based off of anything in my memory. It’s not something caused from some sort of fear or trauma..."
I feel the weight shift on the table, probably Rodrigo resting his arms on it. “What exactly is happening in these nightmares?”
I lift my head up and cross my arms onto the table, in which I then perch my head onto them to give me a small bit of elevation. “I’m just...walking through a seemingly endless desert, the kind with giant sand dunes...”
Rodrigo nods his head, gesturing for me to continue.
I let out a sigh, my tired frown turning into one of apprehension. “Then...the desert suddenly turns into a sort of wasteland, made of smooth rock. There’s...a bunch of spire-like things jutting out of it.”
The Chesnaught’s face becomes unsure.
“And...” I continue. “Eventually I reach this gigantic triangular...building, or something. It’s like a big entrance that leads down into the earth, and I can’t see anything inside it.” The image is way too clear in my mind when I recall it. “Then...suddenly the sky turns dark, as if the sun and stars burned out of existence.”
At this point Rodrigo is definitely unsure, and he opens his mouth to speak...but closes it when I continue to talk.
“That’s not the end of it.” I say darkly. “After that? I see something in that doorway. A bunch of red, glowing eyes that belong to a monster.” My hands clench into fists. “That...monster, it’s big. Judging from the height on where I saw its eyes, it towers over pretty much anything and anyone that I know of.. But...that’s not the worst of it. It lets out a distorted scream, and then it creates this flash of light from what I think is hands and I...” I stop, suddenly finding myself feel unsure on what to say.
My silence only lasted for a few moments, however. “I...would say that I died, but...it seemed worse than that. Like I just...stopped existing.” I let out another sigh and close my eyes. “And then I would get the dream again the next day, and the day after that, and the day after that...”
Rodrigo leans back in his chair, despite it being designed to fit larger Pokemon it still creaked underneath his bulk. His expression is contemplative, showing me that he didn’t know what to make of it either. “Just to be clear...” He says slowly, his expression still thoughtful. “Nothing in that dream seems familiar to you?”
I shake my head slowly. “Nothing...” I respond tiredly.
He nods his head slowly. “Hmm...” He hums to himself. “In this case? I think you need to see someone.”
I look up at him slightly. “Like a doctor?”
Rodrigo lets out a snort. “In this area? Unlikely.” He glances to the entrance of the inn, looking outside. “This village is lucky enough to have clocks here, so I don’t think we’d find a doctor. Or at least someone possessing skills in modern medicine.” He shakes his head slightly. “What we need is a seer.”
Hearing this makes me perk up, the tight grasp of exhaustion immediately releasing its hold on my mind. “A seer?” I repeat, feeling dread well in my chest. “Like Vedika?”
The Chesnaught lets out a sharp laugh. “Oh DEFINITELY not! Vedika is a wielder of black magic! She’s no seer!”
Hearing this makes me relax, since the last thing I want is Vedika tampering with me. “Then...where will we find a seer? I doubt this place has one.”
“Ohh don’t be so quick in that assumption.” He grins at me, his single eye twinkling. “There’s actually a seer that lives in this quaint little village, and they don’t charge much for their services from what I’ve heard.”
I fully sit up on my chair for the first time since I’ve sat down. “So...we should head there right now then, to get this over with.” As much as I’m feeling slightly skeptical, I’m willing to do anything if it means I can rid myself of these nightmares. That and discern its meaning.
“Not so fast, Rinkao.” Rodrigo chuckles. “There’s still something else to be taken care of.”
I blink. “And...what would that be?”
At this moment the waiter returns, with a full cup of water as well as a steaming platter of cheese bread.
“Here you go.” They say with a smile, setting the hot plate down on the table. “Enjoy your meal!”
With that they walk away, leaving the food in front of me.
The moment the smell hits my nose I feel my mouth salivating, just now realizing that I haven’t eaten anything yet.
I must’ve looked like a starving Lycanroc, since Rodrigo laughs. “Eat! THEN we’ll see this seer.”
I didn’t need to be told twice.
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thetakenpokemon · 6 years
Act 3 - One Against Nine
[PoV: Rook]
‘I will take them all on.’
Those were the words I shouted before ultimately charging them all. 
They have superior numbers, the superior manpower. I knew this, but I still refuse to back down.
I WILL grow stronger, failure is not an option.
With adrenaline pumping through my veins I feel my mind enter a bloodthirsty haze, my movements growing swifter and stronger.
My blue blades hum with plasma, their edges causing the air around them to shimmer and boil. I care less if my opponent’s flesh burns off their body if I strike them with these superheated weapons of mine, my only desire is to win at any cost.
The battle begins with the Zangoose, the axe-wielding Bisharp and the Medicham/Bisharp hybrid entering the fray. The purple-haired barbarian swings her mighty weapon at my front while the two flank both my sides, I respond by bringing my plasma-infused claws to deflect the blade before grabbing its handle.
Using my enhanced strength I manage to tear the weapon out of her grip and throw it at the Zangoose, forcing him to cease approaching me and dive back in order to avoid it. I then turn to the Medicham hybrid and dodge one of her incoming strikes before lashing out with a clawed hand, which she nimbly dodges. She then follows up with a swift kick to my stomach that sends me stumbling back, which then is joined by the other Bisharp hybrid slamming into me with her shoulder that sends me right on my back.
The fight has barely started and already it’s not looking good...
The Delphox unleashes a spray of fire from his hand while the Gothitelle/Jynx hybrid fires a laser of bubbling black energy, without missing a beat I roll to the side to avoid both of the attacks before kicking up with my legs, using the momentum to launch myself off the ground and land back on my feet.
Turning my gaze to the two nearby Bisharp hybrids I draw my power from within my body and unleash it from my maw in the form of an intense laser, however the Chesnaught leaps between the attack and them and brings up his arms. The attack strikes true, yet the Chesnaught’s armor manages to withhold the intense beam, when I cease the attack the only thing I get is a black scorch mark on his armor.
Three forms leap over him and dash towards me, revealing to be the three Pokemon garbed in dark blues. The Gothitelle opens up her umbrella and the spring-loaded blades shoot out on its side, with a stone-like expression she swings the light weapon at me all the while twirling it, making the parasol become something akin to a buzzsaw. I bring up my blades to block the attack and sparks begin flying as the blades repeatedly strike it, forcing me to backpedal.
From the side the other Medicham hybrid dashes at me, the blades of her Fuuma Shuriken separated and spinning with her fingers inside the ring. With a smirk she starts slashing at me from various angles, in which I have to respond by blocking her attacks as well.
With my attention focused on the first two, the Mienshao then enters the fray. With her bladed fans she leaps over the Gothitelle, still mid-leap she spins her body with her arms outstretched as she flies over me. With my arms completely focused on dealing with her other two companions I couldn’t block her attack, yet thankfully the blades met with my shoulder-plates...causing sparks to bounce off as it leaves a deep scratch into the red metal.
I let out a roar of anger and unleash another beam from my mouth, intending to force the Gothitelle and Medicham to back off. In response they do just that, however the Gothitelle brings up her umbrella and uses the fabric to absorb the attack like that of a shield. To my great surprise my attack only leaves a scorch mark on it, any other umbrella would’ve been burned completely through.
What...is it made of?!
Another beam of black energy streaks towards me, in which I snap out of my stupor and sidestep it. I turn my angry gaze to the Gothijynx, who’s looking at me with a sadistic smile.
Yet this ends up being a grave mistake on my part, for during that brief second the Chesnaught slams into me with the force of a freight train. I feel my body launched through the air like a ragdoll and slam into one of the numerous trees, the bark shattering from the impact as I land on the ground roughly.
I...most definitely felt that.
As I quickly get back up a loud battlecry makes my gaze flick towards the source, in which I see the purple-haired Bisharp charging me with her retrieved axe. Her pink eyes burn with open fury, her expression showing her eagerness to spill my blood.
She strikes down again with her axe, in which I bring both of my blades up to block. This attack contains far more force compared to the last one, nearly catching me off guard as I tense my arms to keep the blade from getting close to me. The two of us press our weapons together, the metal of the axe slowly turning red as my superheated blades continue to stay in contact with it.
“I will make you suffer.” She hisses through gritted teeth, saliva dripping from the corners of her mouth. “You hurt my Vency, so you will pay.”
My eyes narrow slightly as the fire of my own anger intensifies. I don’t respond to her with words, instead I let out a draconic-like growl from my throat.
Pressing my legs into the ground to give myself leverage I shove my arms up, my strength overpowering her and sending her stumbling back. With her temporarily open I slash forward with my claws, intending to slice open her stomach.
However instead my claws merely slide across her armor without puncturing through, but it didn’t mean that there was no consequences for her. My blades leave thin, red-hot streaks on her armor that immediately start burning her. She lets out a howl of pain, the smell of cooked flesh filling my nostrils.
She grabs her armor and undoes the clasps before tearing it off her body, fully exposing herself. Her stomach shows two red lines across her skin, the thin yet long burns already forming blisters. Even with her armor off her she doesn’t back off, instead her anger increases tenfold.
“I WILL TEAR YOU APART!” She shrieks before swinging wildly with her axe, forcing me on the defensive.
Without her armor around her body all I need is to deliver one blow to kill her, yet with how she keeps swinging at me with reckless abandon I can’t seem to find a proper opening.
To the sides I see the Zangoose running around, as if trying to flank me from behind. However with how hard-pressed I am because of the Bisharp, I can’t do anything about it.
I block another swing from her axe, my teeth gritting so hard that my jaw starts to ache. I need to act, before the other warriors come to take advantage of my occupied self.
As I deflect another attack I open my mouth, utilizing the reserves inside my form I fire a third beam of energy. Thankfully this actually gets her to back away as she dodges, slightly singeing her hair.
I heard a shout behind me as I feel something land on my back, this soon follows with a pair of claws penetrating the thin gap between my shoulder plates and neck and dig into the flesh of my shoulders.
Even though my skin is very thick and tough, the blades manage to sink deep enough to draw blood. I roar loudly and reach behind me and grab the Zangoose by the hair, and with a hard pull I tear him off my back and slam him into the ground.
With his hair still in hand I lift him back up, the Zangoose’s face contorted in pure agony as I raise him up to my face. I turn my gaze from him to the other members, who cease their charging and look at the scene before them with intense apprehensiveness.
It occurs to me that I essentially have the Zangoose at my complete mercy now, thus giving me an advantage.
The Chesnaught starts talking to me, but I ignore his words as I let my gaze focus on the struggling Zangoose. His struggles however cease immediately when I point the glowing blades of my other hand at him, making the pupils of his eyes turn to pinpricks as sheer terror overtakes his face.
I grin.
I have no intention of playing out the ‘hostage scenario’, my goal is to win a battle through strength and power. To use him as a bartering chip goes against this, since I would be winning through treachery instead of power.
No... I need to kill him in order to cement my superiority.
Before I could plunge my blade into his neck, I feel something strike the back of my head...hard.
Even though my head is encased in the ‘natural’ helmet, the force was enough to disorient me.
The Zangoose reacts as quickly as he could, using this to his advantage. He wraps his hands around my arm and tears his hair out of my grip, he grunts in pain as several of the orange strands are torn from his scalp as he yanks himself free. He leaps off my form and rolls away, his head starting to bleed.
Who...struck me?!
I whip my form around, my eyes still trying to focus. Standing with his hoe in hand is the Magmar, the tool shakes in his hands as he looks at me with fear.
Sheer fury overtakes me as my vision turns red, the desire to gut this fucker becoming overwhelming. With a howl I leap at him, my blades aimed straight for his chest.
However the purple-haired Bisharp slams into me, sending us both to the ground..
The two of us roll across the earth, wrestling for control. She presses her body against mine and delivers a powerful punch with her free hand, landing right on my unarmored snout. I feel the bone crack as it hits square on, causing a sharp pain to spike on my face.
We stop our rolling with her ending on top of me, and with an angry snarl she stares down at me with fury that rivals even mine. She doesn’t speak, instead she throws another punch at my now broken snout.
I bring up one of my claws and grab her fist, my burning blades on my arm just inches away from touching her. She takes her axe in her other hand and swings down at me, in which I quickly catch it by the handle.
The two of us struggle in a power play, her fist and axe pushing down as I tense my arms and push up. Both of us have strained expressions, our teeth bared as we glare at each other with great intensity.
“I...will...win...” I hiss at her. “I will...grow...stronger...”
Ever so slowly I start to push her hands up, steadily overpowering her. My snarl slowly shifts into a grin.
But said grin quickly vanishes when I see the Chesnaught suddenly get in my vision, and with one of his massive fists he strikes me right on the forehead...
...and then all I saw was darkness.
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thetakenpokemon · 7 years
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(With that plot post the Praxic Blades are united once more and their references are fully unlocked!
Ladies and gentlemen, I’d like you to meat the second half of the Praxic Blades! Rodrigo, Rinako, and Vedika~
The Praxic Blades page has been updated to accommodate the new references! You can find it right here!)
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thetakenpokemon · 7 years
Act 2 - Blades United
[PoV: Valence]
“Anytime now.” I hear Richmond say.
“Oooh, I can’t wait~” Artemisia coos, although I’m thankful that for once she’s not fawning over me...her voice still makes me shiver in fear due to the potential of her suddenly turning her sights back at my form.
Today is the day when Rodrigo, Rinako, and Vedika arrive. It’s been several days since our...disaster of an encounter with that hybrid. We’ve all managed to heal up just fine since our injuries were thankfully relatively minor, but at the same time I still can’t stop thinking about what we could’ve done better.
That and I’m trying to ignore the fact that we technically had a near-death experience.
I look around the bus stop, sucking on a peppermint stick absent-mindedly. The various Pokemon here are most likely looking to go to some faraway town or whatever, that or meet some sort of family member or friend like we are.
The sounds of a vehicle make my ears flick, upon turning my focus to it I feel excitement well in my stomach as I see a large bus pulling in. With a loud hiss the giant vehicle slows to a stop, the larger than normal automatic doors sliding open in order to allow those within to exit.
The three of us watch with various levels of excitement as Pokemon of all shapes and sizes file out, waiting for recognizable faces.
And then they came.
Stepping out of the bus is the three other members of the Praxic Blades; Rodrigo, Rinako, and Vedika.
You can easily pick out Rodrigo due to him being a large Chesnaught, the normal greens replaced with faded gray. Besides a belt being one of his only articles of clothing, his face contains two vicious scars over his left eye...in which is covered by a black eyepatch.
Rinako however is a prime example of a hybrid between a Medicham and Bisharp. The Bisharp genes have given her a more slender (and rather shapely if I might add) look, as well as the noticeable ‘armored’ plates around her forearms and lower legs. Her red hair is tied in a long ponytail, the length stretching past her waist.
And Vedika...
I feel myself cringe greatly the moment my eyes full upon her.
Vedika however is something else entirely. She’s a Gothitelle with Jynx genes, possessing jet-black hair whose locks eventually shift into a distinctive blond color. Her clothing is also something else, the only words I can find is that she’s wearing a ‘warlock mesh suit thing’ along with a black cape. Don’t ask me why I described it that way, since looking up the name of what kind of clothing she’s wearing is the least of my priorities.
“Artemisia! Valence! Richmond!” Rodrigo laughs joyously. The large Chesnaught eagerly closes the distance and wraps his arms around the three of us, pulling us all into a tight hug. “I am very glad to see that all of you are perfectly fine!”
Now due to my shorter height, Rodrigo’s arms happen to be wrapped around my head instead of my back like that of my companions. The only sound I could make was a muffled cry of exasperation, in which apparently gone unheard.
“Goodness, Rodrigo!” Artemisia laughs. “We are more than fine, it takes more than a fight to keep us down after all~”
“Rodrigo, I think you should release them.” I hear Rinako suggest in an amused tone. “I don’t think Valence could last much longer.”
I feel the pressure on me release, followed by a great sense of relief. I quickly start gasping for sweet oxygen, never having appreciated it as much as I did then than I did now.
“Oh no! Is Vency alright?” I hear Artemisia shout, making me choke on the very air that I’m greedily gulping.
“N-NO! ALL GOOD!” I sputter, frantically waving my hands to fend off the arms of an Artemisia that’s attempting to pull me into her imprisoning embrace. “BREATHING FINE! VALENCE IS GOOD!”
“I see that Valence is just as pathetic as always.” Vedika comments with disdain.
After managing to fend the smothering menace off, I shoot a glare at the Gothitelle. “And I see that you’re still a brooding witch.” I shoot back, rather boldly at that.
Her eyes narrow ever so slightly as an almost maniacal smile forms on her lips, in which I quickly realize that I fucked up. “Witch?” She hisses through clenched teeth. “To call me a witch is to assume that I warp others with ghastly magic.” The air around her hands shimmer with a blackish aura. “If that’s what you believe me to be, perhaps I should solidify this statement of yours by-”
“Vedika, another time.” Richmond sighs, lifting his glasses in order to rub his eyes.
Thanks Richmond, glad that you’re stepping in to my aid now of all times. Not that I don’t appreciate it, but at the same time you leave me to Artemisia almost one hundred percent of the time.
A sudden growling noise makes us all pause, the distinct noise catching us all off guard. However when we turn our eyes to the source, our gaze befalls upon a rather flustered Rinako.
“I never realized you housed a beast inside your stomach.” Rodrigo comments humorously.
"In my defense,” Rinako quickly speaks up, her face taking on a noticeable shade of pink. “The last time we’ve eaten was five hours ago.”
“Five hours ago?” Artemisia gasps, placing a hand on her chest. “Well that simply cannot do! Come! I know a place that serves an excellent pizza!”
Out of all of us (besides Rinako), Vedika is the one that perks up the most. “Pizza?” She repeats, her normally scornful eyes now containing a certain eagerness that looks both adorable...and very unnerving.
“Yes!” Artemisia laughs, grabbing the Gothitelle’s hand and proceeding to drag her away. “They even make a mean Hawaiian, your favorite!”
Now, first of all...to grab Vedika’s hand like that and drag her is considered suicide since she can very well kill you in numerous horrible ways (and enjoy doing it too). But Artemisia? Not only is she unscathed, but the witch-warlock seems to not mind it in the least.
“Well? I can’t argue with pizza.” Rodrigo chuckles, following after them.
“Pizza...sounds very nice.” Rinako nods numbly, her lips curving upwards at the prospect of filling her currently ravenous stomach.
Richmond merely rolls his eyes and places his glasses back on his snout, following after the rest of them.
Me? Although I do follow after them eventually, the thought of Vedika loving pineapple on pizza is very...very believable.
Now I like sweet stuff, but NOT on pizza. That stuff is just evil, putting together two things that shouldn’t even mix. And Vedika loving that? It shows that she truly is a witch.
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thetakenpokemon · 7 years
Anzu@Rinako: "Oh me oh my, look at YOU now~!" The bubbly merchant Medicham approached the fellow meditator with a sparkle in her eyes, wearing her trademark grin as she takes in Rinako's appearance. "You look like quite the cut above most fighters I know~! Very athletic, with blades fit for swift swordplay!" Anzu taps her own bottom lip cutely with an index finger in an inquisitive fashion. "... That said, do ya only fight with your own assets and skills? If you also use weapons, well...~"
[PoV: Rinako]
I watch the entrance of the pizza place with amusement, specifically Artemisia and Rodrigo. From the looks of it the Chesnaught is forcing the Bisharp to stay put, most likely due to her fawning over some unlucky individual. As I continue to watch the conversation between them, a sudden voice startles me.
Quickly whipping my head around my gaze falls upon a newcomer, specifically another Medicham. Her rather cheery demeanor and unexpected compliments causes a smile to replace my surprised expression. “Well-” I start only to stop when she continues with a question, in which I simply cross my arms and patiently wait for her to finish.
At this point I chuckle quietly. “I try not to boast about my skills, but I do have full confidence in my capabilities as a fighter.”
I eye her appearance, only briefly before I look back at her face. “If I’m understanding your question correctly, my skills aren’t simply limited to what I possess on me.” I raise one of my blades, angling it slightly so that she can get a good look on it. “Although I’ve trained in hand-to-hand combat as well as fighting with my blades, I’ve also mastered the art of stick fighting.”
I lower my arm and let the blade retract inside it, the only trace remaining being the slit. “The specific weapons would be Bo Staffs and Quarterstaffs, however I don’t normally keep one on my person. Such a skill is primarily useful since you can utilize anything around you and turn it into a weapon, whether it be metal pipes or tree branches.” A laugh again. “But most cases I tend to not use it, since my own natural abilities tend to work well enough. There’s only a few rare cases where I needed to pick up something to use as a weapon.”
Course the Medicham’s tone didn’t go unnoticed by me, since it’s quite obvious that she wants to sell me something. To which I give her the same amused smile I gave towards Artemisia and Rodrigo. “Also I’d like to mention that I am very aware of what you’re wanting to do, which is to sell me your wares.” I rub my chin with my fingers. “If anything I wouldn’t be surprised if you had such simple weapons, but I wouldn’t mind checking what you have since you’ve gotten me a bit curious.” I let out a snort. “I can’t guarantee that I’d buy anything however, just as an early warning.”
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thetakenpokemon · 7 years
Act 2 - Bus Ride to Woodwick
[PoV: ???] [Location: Road to Woodwick]
“Kee kee kee...”
Upon hearing that unnerving laugh I feel myself tense up. “Vedika...” I say with a warning tone. “Stop, you’re scaring the passengers.”
I turn my gaze to focus on her, in which the Gothitelle/Jynx hybrid is apparently ignoring me.
“Yes...” She mutters under her breath with an unnerving smile on her face. In her hands I see darkened psychic energy dancing around her fingertips as a globe of said energy hovers between both palms, pulsing with a sinister light.
I quickly survey the bus to see that all of the various passengers with us are watching her with expressions of various levels of fear, some of them even going as far as to scoot away to put themselves as far from her as possible.
“Vedika!” I growl louder, giving her a disapproving glare. “Stop!”
Her gaze snap to mine, her blue eyes narrowing dangerously. “You dare interrupt me and my experiment?” She hisses, a shadow passing over her expression. “I aught to rip out your very thoughts and twist them into nightmares!”
“Vedika.” The sudden baritone voice of Rodrigo speaks up. “Enough, you can conduct your ‘experiments’ at a later date. Now is not the place nor the time.”
Despite being somewhat put-off by Vedika’s rather graphic threat I look over at Rodrigo and give him a thankful smile, in which said Chesnaught has a look that’s daring Vedika to speak out against him.
Vedika huffs angrily before letting the energy dissipate into nothingness, she crosses her arms over her chest and mutters a few words under her breath.
“What was that?” Rodrigo says loudly, turning his head as he brings a large hand to his ears. “I’m afraid you must speak up, an aging fellow like me can’t hear quite as well as I used to.”
The Gothitelle hybrid turns her head away. “It is nothing of your concern.” She growls, her face showing nothing but discontent.
Rodrigo merely nods. “Heh, that’s what I thought.”
I couldn’t help but look at him strangely. “’Aging fellow’?” I repeat. “You’re not that old, Rodrigo.”
He looks at me and grins. “Perhaps, but I’m definitely older than the rest of you lot.” The Chesnaught taps his chest with one of his knuckles. “I’m certainly your senior at this point, a war-torn veteran who possesses bountiful amounts of knowledge.”
I don’t speak at this, instead giving him a deadpan stare.
“Okay, perhaps I’m not quite there yet.” Rodrigo chuckles, scritching his chin with a clawed hand. “But give me time, I’ll eventually reach that point where I’m gonna be screaming at hatchlings to get off my lawn.”
I couldn’t help but snort. “If that happens, I won’t be the one that changes your diapers.”
He laughs louder, slapping his knee. “HA! Got me there, Rinako! Always got that razor-sharp wit!”
“I wouldn’t necessarily say ‘razor sharp’.” I say with a roll of my eyes. “Your flattery will get you nowhere with me.”
He clenches a fist and pushes my shoulder, the unexpected move nearly knocking me off my seat due to his strength. “Come now, lighten up.”
I sputter in response. “Me?!” I point at Vedika, said Gothitelle is currently brooding in her corner with a book that she pulled out of nowhere. “I would say that she deserves to be told that far more than I!”
The Gothitelle gives me a venomous glare before looking back at her book, muttering hateful words about ‘light’.
Rodrigo snorts. “Hmph, you do realize that Vedika is a lost cause?”
“I know where you both sleep.” She growls to us.
“Nevertheless!” The Chesnaught continues, quickly redirecting the conversation back to the two of us. “You need to be far more open to these kind of things, Rinako.” He cracks a sideways grin. “Because for a Bisharp, you are quite awfully dull.”
I cross my arms under my chest. “You do realize that I can’t crack jokes every second?” I huff. “If you wanted a wisecracker, then you should’ve had Valence with you instead of me.” I stop. “And what happened to you commenting about my ‘razor-sharp’ wit?”
“Your wit and your personality are two different things, my dear.” He says, wagging a finger. “Not to mention you’re the only one I can call ‘Ninja Girl’.” His smile widens. “That and calling Valence ‘Ninja Girl’ will bring a whole new set of complaints from him.”
Just imagining that makes me smile. “Heh, that’s true.” The more I think about it the harder it is to contain my laughter. “He will then start complaining about how both Artemisia babies him and how that you mistake him for the opposite sex.”
Rodrigo scratches his chin again, his expression becoming sly. “Hmm, perhaps I should give it a try and see how bright the fireworks will be.”
“I have been practicing my flesh-manipulation curse.” We hear Vedika speak up. “I have yet to test it, but I can probably transform him into a woman.”
We both cringe at this. “That won’t be needed, Vedika.” Rodrigo says hastily.
She sneers in response before burying herself back into her book.
“I still question your decision in letting her into the Praxic Blades.” I mutter quietly to him, giving Vedika a side-eyed glance.
"She provides assistance in many areas we lack.” He shrugs. “Even though Richmond is a great help, her expertise in the darker arts does give us with a great advantage.”
“I still think she needs to go to prison.” I say dryly.
“I have been experimenting with a way to trap one into an eternal nightmare.” Vedika hisses at me. “If you keep up these comments, I will test it upon you during your slumber.”
I feel a chill go down my spine at this. The biggest issue with Vedika is that you’re not sure if she’s lying or not, since even though there’s numerous things that she’s not capable of...at the same time there’s also numerous other things that she IS capable of.
So in other words, it’s best to not call her bluff in case her threat actually holds water.
I learned this the hard way once.
“Fine fine, I’ll stop.” I back off, raising my hands in defense.
She sniffs at me. “It appears that you have an intellect after all.” She remarks snidely before looking at her book once more, which...somehow has a different cover than I remembered a few moments ago.
What in the name of...
“We will be arriving in Woodwick in around twenty minutes!” We hear the driver of the bus shout.
“Heh, that soon eh?” Rodrigo chuckles. “Looks like we’ll be able to see our companions very soon.”
I nod my head, keeping Vedika within my field of vision.
I’m glad that we’re going to leave this vehicle within that short amount of time, since my desire to be in the same room as Vedika has once again hit a rock-bottom zero.
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thetakenpokemon · 6 years
Interlude II - Omen
[PoV: Rinako]
The intense light of the sun beats down hard on my frame as I traverse the rolling dunes of the vast desert. My gaze is fixated on the blurry horizon, the sand seemingly never ending.
I continue to walk in that very direction, never averting from my course. I don’t know why I’ve chosen this direction nor how long I’ve even been walking, yet I continue.
My gaze narrows, for the sensation under my feet has changed. No longer does it feel like the shifting sands, but instead something solid.
The sand...is gone, replaced by a flat landscape of rock and metal. Gigantic spires raise into the air, their architecture looking geometric with their cube-like formations. Exposed metal pokes out from several of them, white lines of light coursing through cracks that expose their inside.
This place, it isn’t natural.
The sudden change of scenery didn’t halt me, my body continuing to walk so that I can head to wherever I’m going. My gaze doesn’t wander, my eyes don’t look at the architecture for even a brief moment; I only move forward.
Soon joining the numerous spires of metal and rock are deep crevices and ravines, seemingly bottomless due to the intense blackness. Along with these formations are giant rivers of white liquid, its appearance similar to that of milk.
Eventually...after much walking, I arrive to the destination that I’ve been traversing so far to reach it.
A gigantic triangular structure of stone juts straight into the air in front of me, also possessing a large triangular entrance. Gazing inside its dark depths I barely see a vast staircase, leading down to the depths below.
I hold my gaze on the structure for a long time, as if contemplating on what to do. Am I going to go inside? Perhaps, since I’ve worked so hard to reach this place.
Suddenly...an intense feeling of dread overtakes my form.
Soon following this feeling the sky unexpectedly darkens, the intense light fading away in an instant. Has night suddenly arrived? Did the day cycle come to an unexpected end?
I shift my gaze upwards, and I soon realize that my assumption was so...so incorrect.
The sun, it’s gone.
Yet there are no stars either, not a single shred of any light.
Only darkness.
The feeling of dread never left my chest, in fact...it began to grow tenfold. It feels like a vice on my heart, squeezing it with great intensity.
I turn my gaze back to the structure, and within the darkness of its giant entrance...are many...many glowing red lights.
No, not lights...
The eyes are roughly thirty feet above me, showing that it belongs only to an entity of massive bulk. They shine malevolently, staring at my form with an unyielding gaze.
A white glow joins the shine of the red eyes, its light far more intense. My gaze narrows as I focus on it, to see if it’ll allow me to figure out what this entity is.
The glow...it seems to be radiating from...black hands...
...black...mechanical hands...
Something radiates from the machine, a sensation of power that I can’t possible comprehend.
The white light flashes, overtaking my vision. All sensation in my body fades in an instant, my conscious in reality forcefully expunged from my form. 
Just before my thoughts end, just before I completely vanish from existence...
The entity releases a chilling...loud sound.
My eyes snap open in an instant, with a loud gasp I sit up from my bed. On instinct I grab my covers and hold them tightly, so tight that my gray knuckles turn pale.
I try to get my breathing under control, for my breathes are heavy and uneven.
I’m safe, I’m not in danger. I’m in the inn that me and the others are staying in, away from those glowing eyes.
I close my eyes, my body still shaking.
I...keep having that dream. This is the third time now, each time ending the same way. Each time ending with that...terrifying sound.
And what’s worse? I can’t change a single thing. Every time I’m just walking towards my doom, as if actually WANTING to die to whatever the hell that thing is.
I grit my teeth, my breathing growing quieter.
There’s...no possible way that it doesn’t mean anything. It HAS to mean something.
It has to be a sign.
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thetakenpokemon · 7 years
Act 2 - Initiating the Hunt for the Rook
[PoV: Valence]
Everyone spent a good half hour getting to know the ‘Floral Triad’ better, talking with them and all that business. I however spent most of MY time avoiding Artemisia, since...well...she wants to ask me if I’m afraid of her.
This is a question I do NOT want to answer, since I don’t know how she would react if I were to say yes. And I know that lying isn’t an option either, since she’ll see straight through me.
Either way, I’m most likely fucked.
“Alright, it’s time we head out.” Rodrigo says for all of us to hear. “The hybrid managed to gain a several days lead. We need to start making our way into the forest if we hope to catch him.”
“I doubt that he got very far, if I’m understanding his motives.” The Gothitelle dubbed ‘Aster’ comments. “However I agree, we’ve dabbled enough here.”
My eyes glance around, taking note of everyone.
Richmond has closed his book and is tucking it under the nook in his armpit; Vedika has that brooding look that she’s known for; Rinako seems to be standing idly; the Mienshao called ‘Carnation’ seems to be glaring at the Medicham-hybrid named ‘Dahlia’, who is smirking at her.
And...Artemisia? She’s...looking straight at me.
I stand next to Rodrigo, making sure to use him as a shield to block her view of me.
“Anyone need to grab anything?” The Chesnaught asks us, if he noticed me move closer to him...he didn’t show any sign of it. “No? Alright! If there’s no complaints, then let’s move!”
With that the group proceeds to make their way to the forest where the battle happened, determination obvious in the eyes of many. Even though I try to match this look, my expression keeps breaking to that of nervousness...because I can feel Artemisia’s eyes on me.
Arceus, please don’t let me have this conversation with her.
“Valence?” I hear her call me name. “May I speak with you?”
I swallow a lump in my throat. “N-Not now.” I manage to say.
“Valence.” Artemisia says my name again, her tone becoming stern. “I wish to speak with you, one on one.”
At this point I’m shaking, and I can feel many eyes upon me now. Feeling like my back is pressed against the wall I look up to the only person I think would help me, which is Rodrigo. “Please don’t let her talk to me.” I plead to him, my voice shaky. “I don’t want to be anywhere near her right now.”
The Chesnaught looks down at me, his one eye containing obvious confusion. But seeing the look on my face he lets out a sigh. “Artemisia.” He says to her, looking back. “If Valence doesn’t wish to talk, then leave him be.”
Relief fills my entire being like a sweet embrace, I could only smile gratefully at the Chesnaught who merely gives me a nod of understanding.
“Fine.” I hear Artemisia huff, however I doubt that will be the end of it.
...Well...at least it’ll be delayed for now...
At this point we’ve fully exited the town and are entering the forest.
“Alright everyone, keep an eye out for any tracks or signs. We need to find the direction where this hybrid went, and from your descriptions he doesn’t seem like someone who doesn’t leave footprints...so let’s get searching!”
With that, our hunt has officially begun.
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